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Class VI.

Ch. 23 / 24
I Multiple Choice Questions.

1) It is __________________due to which the Indian culture is one of its kind in the


a) Equality
b) Diversity
c) Discrimination
d) Empowerment

2) In ancient India, ______________ were the lower caste people and were treated as

a) Kshatriyas
b) Dalits
c) Brahmans
d) Vaishyas

3) In 1947, _______________________ was made the Chairman of the Drafting


a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy

b) Swami Hridayanand
c) Swami Vivekanand
d) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

II. Fill in the blanks

1) ______________________ is a crime and has been abolished by the Constitution

2) Our Constitution declares India to be a _________________ nation with equal respect

being given to each religion.

3) When people are denied the right to lead a dignified life, the condition is called

4) We all possess _______________________________and therefore, should be judged

5) The ________________________ forms the introduction of the Constitution that

talks about providing justice, equality, liberty and fraternity for all Indians.

III. Match the following

1) Menial Tasks A) Equality 1-

2) Northern B) Disharmony 2-
3) Preamble C) Scheduled 3-
4) Prejudice D) Physical 4-

IV. Correct the following statements by rewriting the answer.

1) Jawaharlal Nehru was made the Chairman of the Drafting Committee after India achieved



2) All the people are indifferent in the eyes of the law.


V. Answer in short.
Q1. What do the different roles we play in our lives lead to?



Q2. Who fought for the equal rights of the African Americans?



Q3. Was Gandhiji a victim of racial discrimination in South Africa? If Yes, explain how?




VI. Answer in detail.

Q1. In what ways does the Indian Constitution protect diversity.






Q2. Throw light on the struggles of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.






Stick pictures of some famous leaders who fought against discrimination throughout the

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