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navigate (进入目录)

Navigate to the cloned folder and install the dependencies

parody(滑稽地模仿, 拙劣地模仿)
After Crowder uploaded it on his Twitter account on February 18, 2018, the
photograph quickly became a means for others to change the signs about different
situations, often mocking and parodying Crowder.

progressive disclosure(渐进式展现,如表单隐藏字段)
By disclosing information progressively, we reveal only the essentials and help
users manage the complexity only when they need to.

pay in lump sum(一次性付款)

”Live inline validation” is where the validity of the user’s inputs are checked
live as the user progresses through the form, as opposed to checking the inputs in
a lump sum when the user submits the form.

I felt like the project was being controlled by a bunch of old fogies who didn't
understand how to think about the needs of most users and only think about their
own habits.

baseless speculations(毫无根据的猜测)
Prettier is heavily used in Facebook, the company that created JSX. If you could
stop writing baseless speculations like that, that'd be great. Thanks.

holler at me brother(call/tell me brother)

Bryce Mitchell: “Donald Trump, I’m up here in DC. If you need help whoopin some
politician, holler at me brother. I’d do it for free.”

above-the-hold (页面打开之后无需滚动就可见区域)
The idea of critical path rendering takes a look at CSS performance from a
different angle. Instead of optimizing for size, it optimizes for render order and
emphasizes above-the-fold CSS.

of little consequence(后果不严重)

running nose(流鼻涕)
To avoid spreading and picking up germs, wash your hands well and use tissues
instead of a hankies, when you have running nose.

get square with(算清旧账)

I would get square with my rival on the first opportunity.(我一有机会就要与对手算清旧

on the account of(基于,根据)

All bank charges outside China will be on the account of the Sellers. (所有中国之外

fly into passion(勃然大怒)

Each time we mentioned Bill's name she would fly into a passion .

on behalf of(代表)

by the bye(顺便说起,附带地)
By the bye, Charles, are you really serious in meditating a dance at Netherfield?
put upon(欺骗,利用)

screw up eyes(咪起眼睛)
He screwed up his eyes, trying to see what it was.

break forth(喷发,突发)
They broke forth into singing.(他们突然唱起歌来。)

upon my soul(说实话,平心而论)

rest assured(放心)

make game of(嘲弄)

superior air(傲气)
Austin looked around with a superior air.(奥斯汀态度傲慢地环顾着四周)

crow over(吹嘘)
We mustn't crow. We may be next.(可别幸灾乐祸 下个可能轮到我们了呢)

in one's charge 由 xx 负责
I put the children in your charge.(我把孩子委托你照顾)

way out of bounds 玩过头了,太过火了

"You should not be bringing in those type of viewpoints to your job. To just wish
that kind of violence on anybody is just way out of bounds.” — Allison Powers,
chairwoman, Union County GOP

gibberish (令人费解的话, 莫名其妙的话, 胡扯)

Many cookies just look like gibberish. And they’re supposed to. Because the
information inside the cookie isn’t meant for the user.

splat operator(*号操作符)
A parameter with the splat operator allows us to work with an undefined number of

muddle up(混淆,捅娄子,to make something confusing)

The introduction of new tariffs is likely to further muddle up the already
complicated relationship between the two countries

weed out (除去)

The big problem is memrise stopped supporting the duplicate elimination which means
a lot of time wasted weeding out duplicates.

I checked the audio for “el huevo” but didn’t find any problems. Sometimes Memrise
has a hiccup and doesn’t play audio when it should. That’s probably what happened
here but let us know if the problem persists.

If we're going to add more options, this feels like a good case. It's not just bike
shedding about some minor detail.

This reduces the brittleness of your view and makes your code easier to understand.
The understatement of the year comes from Brodie Van Wagenen, general manager of
the hapless Mets. “We view ourselves as the underdogs.”

go bonkers(to lose one's sanity, 变得神智不清)

“Easily?” I asked, making sure I heard them correctly. Yes, they insisted, with her
nodding as he said Democrats had gone bonkers and voters would respond by giving
Trump four more years.

downright (彻底的, 完全的, 坦白的, 直率的)

The original Vulgate can be read without much difficulty after mastering Familia
Romana, while the Epitome can be easily read together with the middle to latter
chapters of FR. Some of it is downright basic when compared with Roma Aeterna.

throw hat in the ring (throw/toss one's hat in/into the ring, to become a
participant in a contest, especially to declare one's candidacy for political
office: His friends are urging him to throw his hat in the ring.)
Throwing my hat in the ring too, agreeing with @hanyu-natsu, @evankennedy, @gitlab-
winnie, and thank you @aboyton for reporting this in the first place.

in flux(连续的改变;不稳定的状态)
Luca has already prototyped some things to play around with them and see how it
feels. But everything is still very much in flux.

false positives(A false positive error, or in short false positive, commonly called
a "false alarm", is a result that indicates a given condition has been fulfilled,
when it actually has not been fulfilled.)
Fix false positives for maps and double-slash comments in indentation.

resonate 共鸣;共振
Alongside dry-rb, Piotr has a database toolkit named ROM. Once again, this is an
approach that is different to what I usually use, ActiveRecord. However, the
approach resonates with me. I’m excited to explore this more in 2019.

tentative 试探性的; 试验的; 尝试性的

We’re on the cusp of a new major Ruby on Rails version. DHH recently released a
blog post highlighting the tentative timeline of Rails 6.

well-rounded 面面俱到的;多才多艺的
There’s a lot to learn from other programming languages and approaches. As I learn
about these different techniques, I feel that I’m becoming a more well-rounded

boil down to 简化为,归结为

It boils down to how Promises work in general (any implementation, swap Promise for
Nancy and it should work the same way) 这归因于 Promise 的底层运作原理

nitty-gritty 事实真相,本质,背后底层
So we can focus on what our Person class does, instead of having to look at the
nitty-gritty details of how exactly we encrypt things.

up for grabs(available and ready to be won or taken)

There are hundreds of prizes up for grabs.

spec-compliant 遵从规范的
All Vue.js templates are valid HTML that can be parsed by spec-compliant browsers
and HTML parsers.

get the go-ahead(To receive permission to proceed with some action or task)
So, we got the go ahead for the new option after much deliberation and a post from
Evan You, only to be successfully hijacked by a change to the whole request. Back
to square one. Wow.

square one(The very first stage of something; the initial starting point)
I guess I'm back to square one yet again! 我觉得我又回到原点了!

taper off 逐渐变细,逐渐停止

This is especially useful when a curve needs to taper off more quickly on one side.

chicken nugget 鸡块(肯德基,麦当劳, etc.)

tournament 锦标赛,联赛

cheerleading 啦啦队

skew 歪斜,斜交

allowance 零花钱

by all accounts 人人都说,据大家说

bear a hand 出力

be even with sb 和某人扯皮

get cross 发脾气

be cornered 被逼到绝境

haul up 拖上来(如船)

come out on top 出类拔萃,在竞争中成为最优秀的人

give a lift 让搭便车

take in hand 接管

tumble out 蜂拥而出

bring to reason 使懂事

turn to account 利用

hoot 汽车鸣笛

pore over 凝视

plod along 缓缓地沉重地走

prop up 维持,支撑,支持(如支撑自我形象)

fling the door open 打开房门

pay heed to 注意,留意

swing off 跳下(凳子,马)

plung (an act of jumping or diving into water, push or thrust quickly)
our little daughters whooped as they plunged into the sea

breath-snatching 心旷神怡的,大口呼吸的(如果海景)

make push for 加劲,推动

All agree that with Gaza in flames, the United States needs to make a renewed push
for peace.(这些人都同意,随著加沙陷入战火,美国有必要重新推动巴以和平。)

through thick and thin 不畏艰难

peg 衣服挂钩,夹子(两片木头中间有铁丝)

gain on 逼近,超过

snap finger 满不在乎,藐视,用连字符表示响指

out of countenance 惊慌的,失措不安的

He is not embarrassed by the sans gene of the hobo, nor put out of countenance by
the etiquette of the prince.(无业游民的粗野无礼既不会使他感到难堪,王公贵人的繁文缛节也不会叫

take a deal of 大量,花大力气

t will take a great deal of convincing for me to change my mind. (要想我改变主意,得

well-stout 厚重的
But there were doors in the hall as well—stout oaken comfortable-looking doors.
(But there were doors in the hall as well—stout oaken comfortable-looking doors.

down-at-heel 不整洁的,邋遢的,衣衫褴褛的
His boots were patched down at heel.(他的靴子七拼八补,后跟已坐了下去。)

clothespin 衣服夹(两个厚木片中间有铁丝撑开,一端是尖的)

fare 成功,遭遇(to succeed or be treated in the stated way)

How did you fare in your exams?(你考的怎么样)

stove dial 诸如微波炉之类电器的档位指示仪表盘

trudge off 跋涉,吃力地走

Without so much as a backward glance at his cabin, Hagrid was trudging off up the
grounds with Madame Maxime, the Beaux-batons students following in their wake,
jogging to keep up with their enormous strides.(海格甚至没有回头望一眼他的小屋,就迈着沉

back and forth 时不时地

They use it back and forth.

full turn 圆周(等于 circumference)

make the acquaintance 结识,熟识

put to rights 改变现状,改正

They were angry and demanded the situation be put to rights.

taekwondo 跆拳道

synmetry 对称

compliant 顺服的,遵从的
Since Object Spread defines new properties and Object.assign just sets them, Babel
has changed the default behavior to be more spec compliant.

affectionately 被亲切地(比如起昵称)
Someone with a Ph.D. then comes along and says, "No, my young friend, this fish is
actually Salmo salar, affectionately known as a salmon."

indiscriminantly 不加区别的
Babel 6's transformations for ES6 modules ran indiscriminantly on whatever files it
was told to process, never taking into account if the file actually had ES6
imports/exports in them.

histogram 柱状图,直方图
A visual representation of data like this is called a histogram.

bog down 陷入泥潭,陷入困境

The if/else statement is powerful, but we can get bogged down in ifs and elsifs if
we have a lot of conditions to check.

Short-circuit evaluation 短路求值(如果两个表达式用操作符如 && || 连接,则计算第一个可用的值


As luck would have it 没有比这更幸运的了

Speaking of pushing to arrays, Ruby has some nice shortcuts for common method
names. As luck would have it, one is for .push!

reckoning day of reckoning 审判日,结帐日;审判

Schneiderman issued a congratulatory tweet, praising “the brave women and men who
spoke up about the sexual harassment they had endured at the hands of powerful
men.” Without these women, he noted, “there would not be the critical national
reckoning under way.” Now Schneiderman is facing a reckoning of his own.

haul 拖
James hauled 33 boxes from the living room to the bedroom.

snap 轻而易举,小事一桩
Converting between strings and symbols is a snap.

window pane 窗扇(不包括窗框的内部矩形)

shade in 涂色,如画画涂色

gauge 计量,度量

paper clips 曲型文件别针

tip 指向一边倾斜或向上翻转、失去平衡或完全翻转过来
What would the array look like if we tipped it on its side?(如果我们横着摆这个列表,它

get the hang of 掌握要领,掌握精髓

Great work! You're really getting the hang of this.

redact (to remove words or information from a text before it is printed or made
available to the public)
Officers' names are routinely redacted from any publicly released reports.

tick quote 反引号

The use of a tick quote in the middle of a single quote has the obvious benefit of
preventing the quote from being ended prematurely.

stumble upon 偶然发现

stumble upon a rare book.

pass a word 交流,谈起

shove off 开船,离开

stumbling-block 绊脚石
The second stumbling block has been bad luck.(第二个障碍物可归结为接踵而来的霉运。)

in tandem 一前一后地,协调地
It helps to think about unit tests in tandem with the ‘do one thing well’ mantra.

full-fledged 羽毛生齐的,成熟的
Vue might have started as a small project driven by developer needs of its creator,
Evan You, but it has matured considerably over the years—becoming a full-fledged
framework with a grownup ecosystem and developer tooling.

a notch 一点儿(A notch is a small cut or nick in something./You can refer to a

level on a scale of measurement or achievement as a notch.)
Turn the radio up a notch.

nooks and crannies (something remote,深度,广度)

Sinon has a bunch of cool features that allow you to really get into the nooks and
crannies of your source code and see what is really going on under the hood.

mental model 认知模型

I hope this article helped you by providing a good mental model in which to view
large scale testing suites.

at ones wits end (at the end of one's wits) 无法可想;不知所措;志穷计尽

rule of thumb (一般准则;a broadly accurate guide or principle, based on practice

rather than theory.)
A useful rule of thumb is that about ten hours will be needed to analyse each hour
of recorded data

bringing-up 教养
Nothing makes it easier to resist temptation than a proper bringing-up, a sound set
of values – and witnesses.(正确的引导,一整套价值观和观察,能使你容易的抵制诱惑。)
toss head 扬起头
Buckbeak pawed the ground(脚爪抓地), tossing his sharp head.

start from square one 从头开始;重头开始

This strategy is costly, as every audit preparation will have to start from square

put one's oar in 干涉

to the core (to an extreme degree, 的的确确的)

I was shocked to the core.(我的的确确的被惊到了)

render a reason 提出一个理由

The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit than seven men that can render a reason.

pay heed to 注意,关注

The recent new moon will be sending you a powerful message for your career - pay
heed to all issues regarding your profession.(近期的新月将为职场带来给力的信息——请关注

for curiosity's sake 出于好奇

But just for curiosity's sake, how can you survive without tips(小费)?

rove over 漂泊
She followed you to rove all over the world, why do not you marry her?(她跟随了你在

put the tea to draw 把茶泡上(Anne of the green gable)

draw tea (draw:浸泡)

keep wits 保持清醒,保持理智,保持警觉

They will have to keep their wits about them through conditions of near-constant

borrow trouble 自找麻烦

lead by the nose 牵着鼻子走

Some people are able to lead other people by the nose.(有的人能够牵着别人的鼻子走)

high strung 神经兴奋的,易激动的,十分敏感的

Parents who are high strung may raise children that are high strung as well.(父母的

make eyes 使眼色,抛媚眼

You've been making eyes at me all night.(你一晚上都在对我眉目传情。)

hit on 搭讪,勾搭
You already hit on me an hour ago.(你一个小时前就来搭讪过了。)

own up 坦白,承认
This is your fault. Own up to it.

hitch up 套上(衣服,栓犁)
Can you hitch up the plough or whatever it is I'm dragging?
in the nick of time 及时,最佳时期
As far as I'm concerned, it's just in the nick of time.

call upon 号召;要求;拜访

You could be called upon to make a short speech.

bald facts/statement/truth (简单的事实,正常人都懂的道理)(a statement etc that is

correct but gives no additional information to help you understand or accept what
is said)
The bald truth was that Lori didn’t love her husband anymore.

bounce along 进展顺利(for someone] to move along happily. )

He was so happy that he just bounced along.

resign to fate 认命,听天由命

To my disgust(让我厌恶的是), he seemed resigned to his fate.

blot out 抹杀,抹去,遮蔽,涂掉,完全清除(思想、记忆等)

The cloud blotted out the sun but not for long.

get a word in edgeways 插嘴

as plain as plain 相当简单

First, this is one, and that is two, as plain as plain can be(首先,这是一,那是二,很

do justice 公平对待...
I have sworn to do justice; and justice I shall do.(我发过誓要公正,我必须做到公正。)

do right by(To act, speak, or behave in a way that is just or beneficial to or

meets the approval of someone else.)
The best employers ensure they do right by their employees first and foremost.

say prayer 祷告

food for thought 引人深思

Oh, yeah! No, I loved it! It really gave me food for thought!(太棒了!还没有,我爱极了!

rub in 无尽无休地说某件事,反复讲,揭短,哪壶不开提哪壶,To make someone feel worse about

an already bad, unpleasant, or undesirable situation or outcome
A: "You know that this means you won't get to qualify for the state championships,
right?" B: "Sheesh, no need to rub it in, Dave."

fore and aft 首尾,前置和后置

They've also added two cameras, both fore and aft.(他们同样为其增加了两个摄像头,前置和

pore over 注释,凝视

rig out 穿上,(To clothe or be dressed, especially in a fancy or fashionable

I've got to get home and rig out before our big date tonight.

call to account 责问,要求说明

I was the lead salesperson, so I knew that I would be called to account when my
team lost that big client.

bite the dust 倒地而死

get cross about 对 xx 生气

It’s that thing where people can get quite cross about.

get on ones nerve 让某人发火

It's just getting on my nerves.(我有点烦躁了。)

get into fluster 陷入慌乱

preserve 腌制
preserve eggs in salt(腌蛋)

tack on 附加
I'll tack on an extra 10 minutes.

bosom friend 知己,心腹之交

tree/cloud ear 木耳

scores of 许多,大量
Scores of students scored perfect scores in the math exam.

creakily 拟声词,断断续续地,叽叽喳喳地
Filch seemed to be in an extremely good mood; he hummed creakily under his breath
as they climbed the marble staircase.(费尔奇心情似乎特别好。他们走上大理石楼梯时,他断断续

broad daylight 光天化日

You're gettin' sloppy(粗心大意), you know. This one(文中指犯的错误) was in broad

might and main 尽全力(with all of one's strength)

If you're not happy in your current job, then you should be working might and main
to find a new one.

draw a veil over(隐晦,避而不谈)

I think it best if we draw a veil over what happened last night.

one jot 一点儿

But even if this was to happen it would not alter one jot the grip exercised by
undemocratic forces –beholden to capitalism –over the media.(但是即使这将会发生,其也

settle down to 专心致志于

Then she pushed her Spectrespecs farther up her nose and settled down to read The

low brow(Lowbrow, relating to, or suitable for a person with little taste or
intellectual interest)
Harry is just as keen on low-brow Latin as he is on the high-brow stuff he’s just
non sequitur (出人意料,没逻辑)
That is one hell of a non sequitur.(那可真是出人意料。)

Wow, you’re hardcore. How many tutees have stayed with you, Harry?

dumb-down(simplified so as to be intellectually undemanding and accessible to a

wide audience.)
The dumbed-down nature of modern politics.

to the gills 饱和了,撑了(used in expressions to mean completely full)

By the time the fourth course was served, I was stuffed to the gills.

conflate 合并,异文合并,糅合,混淆
Unfortunately, the industry has conflated the idea of Testing with TDD, and thus
there is no standard term for code that is written by the developer alongside the
production code.

hammer and tongs 全力以赴地

If you say that someone was going at something hammer and tongs, you mean that they
were doing it with great enthusiasm or energy.

bob up and down 上下晃动

His head bobbed up and down.

make a sensation 引起世人注意,惊动世人,哗众取宠,轰动

They don't have much to write about so they look for every little thing and try to
make a big sensation out of it.

second to none 最好的

by the score 大量地

Between chime and chime of the clock I can write essays by the score.

jut out 突出
The San Qing Pavilion, which jut out from the steep cliff wall, were built in the
Yuan Dynasty as part of a summer resort for the royal family.(三清亭,突出于陡崖壁上,

into the bargain(in addition to what has already been mentioned or was expected)
I am now tired and extremely hungry—with a headache into the bargain.

crop up 发生,出现,浮现
Test, test, test. If you don’t, an issue is bound to crop up in production sooner
or later.

ease-of-mind 轻松的心态
the programmers have ease-of-mind because they can quickly find the causes of bugs;

Hands-on-expertise 实际动手得来的经验,实战经验(Hands-on experience or work involves

actually doing a particular thing, rather than just talking about it or getting
someone else to do it)
Hands-on-expertise with automated E2E testing of SPAs.

grind to a halt 陷于停顿,嘎吱停住,卡住,拥堵

If that happens, the economy would really grind to a halt.
poe-poe police 俚语

much of a muchness 半斤八两

as much as one can do 尽力

out of one's wits 发疯,不知所措

state of mind 心态,状态

You're in no state of mind to talk.

dip down 下降
He said the economy will dip down into negative GDP growth soon, necessitating a
second stimulus program.

have a fit 大吃一惊,大发脾气

push the matter on 推动(进展)

tip over 打翻
"Oops!" Alice said as she tipped over the jury box with her skirt.

tuck into 用被子盖好

double up 弯曲,蜷缩
Flint was doubled up, hanging onto his new broomstick for support.(笑得直不起腰,用扫

hand round 拿出
" Don't panic! " said Owl, handing round notes he'd written.

game 打猎的猎物

no accounting for 各有各的喜好,没有一成不变的

Economists typically see such decisions as irreducible: there is no accounting for
individuals' values and preferences.

chance to 偶然(发生,看见,遇见...)
Until the other day when I chanced to be reading an Internet message board, I never
realized something very silly about it.

hold one's tongue 住口,保持沉默

go to law 对簿公堂,打官司

due regards to/for 适当考虑,顾及

I am operating with due regards to the right of duties of all states.

well-conducted 有序进行的,有效开展的,品行端正的

go to the dogs 一败涂地,堕落

For I know 'tis the end of all works to be drunken and go to the dogs.(因为我知道喝

town talk/talk of the town 街谈巷议,热门话题

It opened to great reviews and Vivien became the talk of the town.
praiseworthy (deserving approval and admiration)
The government's praiseworthy efforts.

go on an errand (to take a short trip to do a specific thing)

I've got to run an errand. I'll be back in a minute.

merciful goodness

satin-smooth 丝绸般光滑
Each cup size has unique shape and padding to feel custom-made just for you. All-
over smooth satin.(每个罩杯尺寸形状独一无二,如同只为你订身量做,如缎子般光滑。)

hard feelings 反感,怨气

heavy eyed 昏昏欲睡的,昏昏沉沉的

Do you often feel that your mind is sluggish and heavy-eyed on these hot summer
days? (在炎炎夏日中,您是否也会常觉得老是昏沉沉,或是精神不济呢?)

stand a trial 经得起审判

locks 头发(诗歌用语)

tucker out 精疲力尽

Boy, I'm kind of tuckered out.(天 我可真是精疲力竭。)

get into scrape 惹上麻烦,陷入困境

I was always getting into scrapes with them.

high seas 公海

besetting 困扰的,不断侵袭的
linked poverty and unemployment to the social unrest besetting the city.(把使城市陷

use big words 说大话

stand the test 经得起考验

the night before last 前天晚上

pin-tucked 车褶,有褶子的(衣服上一条一条叠起来)

not for the world 绝对不行

Her eyes said: "You see why Mamma brought me, " and his answered: "I would not for
the world have had you stay away."(她的眼睛在说:“你明白妈妈为什么带我来。” 他的眼睛则回

live this down 摆脱,忘却

I'm never gonna live this down, am I?(这个梗我这辈子都摆脱不掉了是吗?)

give sb the slip 避开,躲避

" He'd given his mother the slip and I wanted to know why."(接着说道," 他把他妈妈甩掉

hop on(to jump or get onto something that is moving.)

Sometimes you have to hop onto the cable car after it has started to move.

eyes pop out of head 眼睛都快掉出来了(鼓起来了)

Mastro Cherry grew dumb, his eyes popped out of his head, his mouth opened wide,
and his tongue hung down on his chin.(这一回樱桃师傅当真愣住了,眼睛吓得鼓了出来,嘴巴张得

take heed to 注意,关心

Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if
he repent, forgive him.(若是你们的弟兄得罪你,就劝戒他。 他若懊悔,就饶恕他。)

tumble over 翻跟斗

The owl was so small, in fact, that it kept tumbling over in the air, buffeted this
way and that in the train's slipstream.(这只猫头鹰实在太小了,因此它在空中不断地翻跟斗。在

in high humour 兴高采烈,高高兴兴

The visit passed off altogether in high good humour.(这次访问高高兴兴地过去了。)

on ordinary occasion 在普通场合

dogged pursuit 执着追求

At the same time, she was ascending at News Corp., where her charm and dogged
pursuit of stories won her a place close to Mr. Murdoch.(与此同时,布鲁克斯在新闻集团内

to my knowledge 据我所知

in one's presence 当着某人的面

It takes time—time spent in one another's presence asking questions, listening
intently, then asking again.(那需要花时间和对方相处、提问、倾听,然后再提问。)

stir the fire 拨火,生火

telltale (allowing a secret to become known)

She found lipstick on his shirts - the telltale sign that he was having an affair.

look before you leap 三思而后行

in no wise (by no means,一点也不会)

make head or tail of (to attempt to understand (a problem, etc 理解,弄清楚(多用于否

he couldn't make head or tail of the case

in next to no time 几乎马上,不一会儿

When times get hard remind yourself of how short lived they will be, and how in
next to no time they will become just distant memories.

take a fancy to 喜欢,爱上

I think Jennifer has taken a fancy to my friend Tommy.

put (one's) hand to the plough (To set to work; to begin or get busy working.)
We've spent a long time planning our business model and strategy for success; now
it's time to put our hand to the plough and get things moving.
box ears 抽耳光
When Reason preaches, if you won't hear her she'll box your Ears.

talk sense into 讲道理,说教

Yeah, talking sense into people isn't really my thing.

a peck of 量词,古语, A large number or amount of something.

a peck of dirt

wrap (one's) head around: To comprehend something that one considers challenging,
confusing, or a foreign concept.
Kate is willing to pay full price for an expensive handbag, but I just can't wrap
my head around that.

twilight zone(n. 城市贫穷地区;界限分明的两者之间的模糊状态)

Kavanaugh, to investigators, rejects anonymous 1998 assault claim: 'It's
ridiculous. Total Twilight Zone.'

fire 解雇

take up residence 住下

beat time 打拍子,节拍

cry over spilt milk 作无益的后悔

air 样子,神态,姿态

behind the age 落后于时代

She was quite behind the age.

goof(s) 穿帮(电影,电视剧)

salivate 流口水,分泌唾液
“American firms may not profit from a trade war with China, but both Airbus and
Brazilian farmers have to be salivating at the prospect,”

technocrat 技术专家
And because of debt concerns, Chinese technocrats are losing the ability to create
growth by investing.

beat the pants off 大获全胜

Americans will soon be buying their low-cost items from other producers, which are
already, if I may use the phrase, beating the pants off China.

You can even choose to take a more hands-on approach and use Compass’ sprite
helpers for more fine-grained control over how your sprite CSS is generated.

The use of background-size shrinks the 2x image down to the dimensions of the 1x
sprite, giving it a higher pixel density.

commit sucide

drop off / pick up

让。。下车 / 开车接
Git becomes more fun once you learn to leverage its hidden features.
The caller of the restaurant function can leverage the .then API to keep the chain

Automation tools are not just exclusive to Ember.

This should also give you a perspective why I am not using Yeoman.

from a developers perspective(从开发者的角度来看)

It’s worth noting that the CSS is not scoped to the module it’s imported to (it’s
still global), but from a developers perspective the relationship is clearer.

An unfortunate consequence of the ever-growing number of women joining the labor
force and working side by side with men is the increasing number of sexual
harassment cases.

so then it's fair to say that for some people, Ember's approach is overkill

For my last project, I ended up just completely redefining Backbone.sync, which is
very powerful, but I needed to write a lot of boilerplate to make it work

over the long haul Ember will be able to heuristically decide how bulky to update

I'm doing a very kind of hand-wavy explanation here
p.s. a hand-wavy explanation means a brief explanation missing important details or
logical steps

Unfortunately this was my tendency when using Backbone. I hate reinventing the
wheel. Especially if it's kind of lopsided.

That said, Backbone is fantastic for mid-to-low complexity applications that want
to maintain structured code.

Final thoughts
Final thoughts (Backbone)

grit your teeth

However, if you grit your teeth a little bit and buy in, you'll be exposed to a
well thought out set of libraries that work well together.

However, just having these modules that are designed to work together is a boon for
serious application developers.

FUD n. 落毛;落后守旧的人(等于 fuddy-duddy)

Despite the hundreds of retweets, you should be aware that it’s mostly FUD.
rebuttal n. 反驳;辩驳;反证
I’d offer two rebuttals to this:

make heads or tails of 弄清楚

Agreed. When I was trying to pick up Ember, it was nearly impossible to make heads
or tails of it all. AngularJS was significantly easier to wrap my mind around.

Ember is not yet 2 years old. How did you achieve this? By being disingenous.


head across
Due to budget constraints and criticism from the European Union that the program
itself was encouraging migrants to head across the Mediterranean

kick it off 它揭开序幕 ; 揭开序幕

@channel: - let’s kick it

put aside
As frontend web developers, we are living in a world of evergrowing complexity.
What once was a relatively easy thing to do (putting aside browsers
inconsistencies) has grown into a very complex, dynamic, everchanging reality.

put up to the pace

We can't put up to the pace, and honestly do we really want to? Wouldn't we be
better off by planning ahead what can be planned and setting up a flexible
structure in order to be more efficient and less under pressure when the rough
times come?

channel: Can someone please followup on this ? From the dev perspective.

var pending = true;
$.ajax() //balabala
success: pending = false;

stay clear boys, this is my dad!

That said
That said, performance gains of more specific selectors can be minimal, especially
when compared to reducing HTTP requests and optimizing images.

stirring 激动人心的
When building or updating websites, there is often a stirring excitement to
(finally) build it “the right way.” Even with those aspirations, unmaintainable,
fragile code happens.

one offs 个别事件

It reduces the “one offs” that creep into the design that can disturb the
consistency of the experience.

rub 摩擦,问题的症结
But before instituting specific policies, we must find out the reasons why China's
forex reserve has been increasing so rapidly in order to get where the rub is.

hit the scene

When this method for development first hit the scene

little to no
The goal became keeping the HTML pure, using little to no classes or ids, and
traversing the DOM tree in the CSS selectors to apply styles.

steer away 偏离
The funny thing is, now that we have all these fancy new selectors, we are steering
away from using them. Is the lesson there “Be careful what you wish for?”

a la 按某种方式
Depending on the complexity of the site, it might be beneficial to break out a
module’s theme, a la SMACSS.

Pitfalls to Avoid

to be blunt 要直说(生硬的说)的话,坦白说,坦率地说
Well, to be blunt: Not at the event.

mind-numbing adj. 令人心烦意乱的;令人厌恶的;无法想象的

"your everyday, run of the mill moderates praising mind-numbing savagery"

come to light 真相大白,暴漏

We expect to continue improving compatibility with the pre-Glimmer engine for some
time, as new issues come to light.

that said 即便如此

That said, you'll get better performance and a quicker upgrade path to 2.0 if you
work on eliminating uses of these features soon.

poise 准备,摆好姿势
The Pentagon is poised to begin, as soon as this week

digress 离题
you can also see that I have good taste in music, but I digress

overarching 首要的,支配地位的
To understand how that screen is rendered, it’s time to introduce another
overarching Ember design principle

at this point 当前,此时

Hmmm—in fact, we do not need to define the controller at this point!

in sync
(in other words, when the user types text into it) the newName property on the
controller will be kept in sync.

The bigger the system, the more leverage we gain from the ‘single source of truth’

error-prone 易于出错的
They make typical computed properties more succinct and less error-prone (to

from xxx’s perception 站在 xxx 的角度

Then you will be looking at the challenge from a user’s perception

opinionated 固执己见的;武断的
These guidelines are opinionated, but they have been repeatedly tried, tested,
stressed, refined, broken, reworked, and revisited over a number of years on
projects of all sizes.

consistency is key 坚持是关键

consistency is key.

discrete 离散的,不连续的
Even if not using a preprocessor, it is a good idea to split discrete chunks of
code into their own files, which are concatenated during a build step.

freak out
Guys, I'm freaking out, we have 5 stories in the current iteration that didn't even
pass review yet!

get to grips with

You also sign up to a period of ineffectiveness whilst you’re getting to grips with

Legally, under these licences, that is their entitlement;

Legally, under these licences, that is their entitlement; ethically, they are in
the wrong.

putting lipstick on a pig

Good branding is not, to quote a presidential candidate, a matter of putting
lipstick on a pig.

around the corner

With ES6 just around the corner, the attraction of using JS subsets has become less

I’m waiting for an opportunity to embrace Traceur or 6to5 on a forthcoming project
before I can properly evaluate them.

I don’t uncritically endorse any single one of these projects, but they are good
starting points for initial investigation.

jQuery: from version 2.0 onwards, it is now possible to build your own jQuery
component-based library; this leaves open the possibility of creating a slimmed-
down AJAX-centred version.

Running an open/free software project can be extremely time-consuming,

and although many start out with the best of intentions, most quickly become burnt-
out and disillusioned.

and although many start out with the best of intentions, most quickly become burnt-
out and disillusioned.

recap (扼要重述,概言之)
To recap: write JavaScript, not somebody else’s interpretation of what JavaScript
should be; use non-proprietary software, but give back what you take;

be very, very suspicious of the “next big thing” receiving publicity on Twitter;

aim for
aim for simplicity, avoiding unnecessary complexity;

Really like the Manifesto. In my organization, we withheld using a framework for
all the reasons stated above. Great Read.

This is a profound truth about performance.

N.B. (拉)注意(Nota Bene);

N.B. Nesting in Sass should be avoided wherever possible.

As well as indentation, we can provide a lot of information through liberal and
judicious use of whitespace between rulesets.

square brackets 中括号 []

I was grouping them by enclosing them in square brackets,

at a glance
This allows developers to spot separate parts of the DOM at a glance,

stand a chance
Remembering your own classes, rules, objects, and helpers is manageable to an
extent, but anyone inheriting CSS barely stands a chance.

Oftentimes we want to comment on specific declarations (i.e. lines) in a ruleset.

Yeah it was somehow from the inertia of releasing package list app.

Here we can see that .person {} is the Block; it is the sole root of a discrete

Your Block context starts at the most logical, self-contained, discrete location.

urban myth
I must say that I agree with Ric Szopa that Romanian being more similar to Latin is
an urban myth. It is starting to be a very popular urban myth, though.

I couldn't spot which script is making this error yet.

let alone 更不用说

let alone blabla...

national college entrance test

China’s dreaded national college entrance test

But Xiao’s parents were open-minded and supported his dream of going abroad for

vanguard 先锋,前卫
Xiao didn’t know it at the time, but he was part of a new Chinese undergraduate

groundbreaking 开创性的
Truly groundbreaking.

but why bother? 为何要自找麻烦呢?

Recall our description of a process or thread as a self-contained set of
instructions that the operating system can schedule to run on a CPU core.

Well said.
A: I like this. Much prefer pragmatism over dogma ;) Might not please the purists
but it make real life easier.
B: Well said.

@maxz: The issue still happens when you shrink the window to tablet size.

By commenting out the leading element, we can still leave it to be read, but avoid
qualifying and increasing the specificity of the selector.

Quasi-Qualified Selectors
eg: /*ul*/.nav {}

I won’t comment on the former claim here, but the latter has plagued me for years.

By using slightly more ambiguous names, we can increase our ability to reuse these
components in different circumstances.

The debate surrounding semantics has raged for years, but it is important that we
adopt a more pragmatic, sensible approach to naming things in order to work more
efficiently and effectively.

Nicely abstracted, very portable, doesn’t risk becoming out of date.

strike a balance
It is important to strike a balance between names that do not literally describe
the style that the class brings,

at first glance
The following selector might appear to be highly performant at first glance.

far reaching
The problem with this selector is that the key selector (*) is very, very far

and are only ever getting faster, and it is only on notable edge cases that
inefficient selectors would be likely to pose a problem.

Focussing on these points will keep your selectors a lot more sane and easy to work
with on changing and long-running projects.

shoot to kill 往死里打

Shoot to kill; CSS selector intent

downward spiral (螺旋式下跌

西方人则往往将变化看做是持续的单向趋势,从“向前行进”(Forward March)或者“螺旋式下
跌”(Downward Spiral)这类的说法中就可见一斑。)
I’ve started on a downward spiral.

money talks
“Like anywhere else, money talks,

upside down 倒立的

How do I type an upside down question mark on a Mac keyboard?

far-fetched 牵强附会的
Sometimes the analogy is a little far-fetched, but I find it works for almost all
senses of the words.

nigh 近于
We have a very detailed class which would be nigh on impossible to reuse or

in lieu of (instead of)

use "temp" in lieu of "tmp"

in the first place

A good UI Developer wouldn’t let this happen, and a good UI Designer wouldn’t do it
in the first place.

tablature 五线谱,奏法记谱法
In tablature, the six horizontal lines represent the six strings of the guitar,
with the first string on the top and sixth on the bottom.

over-exploited 过渡渲染的

in the same fashion 以相同的方式

We could also create a block mixin in the same fashion but it would not be that
helpful as a block is nothing but a single class name.

set in stone 一成不变

These suggestions aren't set in stone, they aim to provide a baseline you can use
in order to write more consistent codebases.

hold back 隐瞒
They don't hold back their need for enjoyment.

Sure thing! 的确!

blindly 盲目地
Don't blindly over-nest

and so forth 等等
Think of the notes as the letters, the measures as the words, the phrases as the
sentences and so forth.

fall into place 依序排列

The C major scale is very important to practice, since once you have the C scale
down, the other major scales will start to fall into place.

count on 指望
I count on you to organize the daily scrum then.

/* Do not confuse this with background-size: auto auto */

in one go
Reversing is often more descriptive than hard-coding the URLs. More importantly, it
allows you to change URLs in one go, without having to remember to change URLs all
over the place.

all of a sudden 突然,冷不丁

no brainer 不需对其动脑筋的事物
Seriously, if you’re writing OOCSS, CSS preprocessors and this method in particular
are a no brainer.

small-talk 寒暄,聊天
They always small-talked after supper.

pedantic adj. 迂腐的;学究式的;卖弄学问的;假装学者的

The workforce knows that pedantic adherence to fixed rules rapidly falls by the way
side in the light of tight schedules and limited resources.

all-too-human 太人性的
The existence, or even the possibility, of natural justice justifies our human,
all-too-human partisanship.

I want to make my work pixel-perfect.

bust the cache 清除缓存

bear any more

What's that fxxx message means? Can't bear any more.

I might be wrong in my assumptions,
It also means that you might always want to use an iframe to check the login status
and auto-logoff users.

make sb mad
He makes me mad.

a quite and fond couple

homer sometimes nods 智者千虑,必有一失

turn ones back on 不理睬

at my expense 由我出钱

come into his care 受到某人照顾

behind the sense

you don't say that/so 是 “不会吧?” “你不是认真的吧?” 这种意思

mount horse 上马

cutting edge
Always run the cutting edge latest kernel.

so to summarize: 所以,总结起来:


This have never happened before, I think we can treat it as one-off anomaly.

Why airfare is still sky-high as fuel prices drop?

this very minute(此刻)

if this is the case 如果只是这样的话

take your pick(随便挑)

you are toast(你有麻烦了)

You are toast if you can't finish the work before the deadline.(如果你不能在最后期限之
前做完这项工作你就死定了。 )

on the horns of(进退两难)

That's why I was on the horns of a dilemma.(这就是为什么我进退两难了。)

meh 表示漠不关心的,打酱油的
In the show Bart and Lisa use “Meh” to express indifference when their father Homer
suggests a day trip .
在《辛普森一家》中当父亲 homer 建议去出去玩一天时,Bart 和 Lisa 用“meh”来表达自己的漠不关心。

home turf 家乡
The Sunday contest was viewed by many as a referendum on Chancellor Angela Merkel's
immigration policy, and her party suffered a significant defeat on Merkel's home

The last time President Barack Obama took questions from reporters abroad, he
dismissed Donald Trump as an "unqualified" peddler of "wacky ideas,"

bridge the gap

I was not yet ready for the real Latin authors (not even for Caesar) but was not
aware of reading material which might bridge the gap.

although this is an important by-product

side with(站在。。一边,支持。。。)
I’d side with Django here as I believe this decision avoids (accidental) bad
design and unexpected situations.

shine (发光,耀眼,突出)
and RoR’s conventions really shine here by making the development of controllers
short and sweet.

trick up one's sleeve 小把戏

and sent home without even so much as a parcel of turkey scraps for sandwiches
later, then I have one remaining trick up my sleeve.

Why are manhole covers round?

Try to get a word in edgewise(插嘴)

Anyone who has ever been in a group of Spaniards knows that there’s no such thing
as waiting for someone else to finish speaking before speaking themselves. If there
are four Spaniards in a group, there are four people talking. And, as they talk,
the volume increases as they each try to make themselves heard above the others.
Actually, this doesn’t really piss Spaniards off, that nobody is listening. It’s
just the way it is. It will piss you off a lot more than them.

spout rubbish 满嘴废话

It would do him good to learn something rather than spout rubbish.

The Global Times, a provocative but state-sanctioned tabloid, said that "unless
Washington plans to wage a large-scale war in the South China Sea, any other
approaches to prevent Chinese access to the islands will be foolish."

hard liquor 白酒
(二锅头)It's the most widely drunk hard liquor in the world but it's rarely found on
cocktail menus.

carry a byline 署名
"Lotte stands to lose Chinese customers and the Chinese market. That would be a
very large slice out of their business pie," said the commentary, which did not
carry a byline.

passive-aggressiveness 放浪形骸,以退为进,被动防御。。。
and in response, has said: “I'm not going to start wearing ties, I'm also not going
to buy into the fake politeness, the lying, the office politics, and backstabbing,
the passive aggressiveness, and the buzzwords. Because THAT is what 'acting
professionally' results in.”

go to the dogs 毁灭,堕落,一蹶不振

if France stays as is for another 5 years, European Union will go to the dogs

discrepancy, reconcile, 不能中和的矛盾说辞

Others reported hearing two blasts, a discrepancy that could not immediately be

impotent 阳痿的,有气无力的,虚弱的
Outgoing California Democratic Party Chairman John Burton performed the only action
left to an impotent, leftist, cadre head in a lawful society. He shouted.

listening-impaired 听觉障碍的
Specifically, he invited the listening-impaired translators onto the stage Saturday
at the California’s Democratic Party convention in Sacramento to “thank them,”

The attack was the deadliest in Britain since four suicide bombers killed 52 London
commuters on subway trains and a bus in 2005.

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