2-4 Cong Trai Cot Co - Student

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Step 2.

Tie the three pieces togther using round


Step 3. Tie three pieces of rope where the 1st and 2nd
poles meet, and three more where the 2nd and 3rd poles
meet. These pieces of rope should be long enogh to
reach the ground once the flagpole is raised. They
Thực Tập Cổng Trại Cột Cờ are used to anchor the ropes to the ground.

(Practice Constructing a Step 4. Raise the flag pole and anchor it. Use the
tautline knot to adjust the tension in each rope.
Campgate and Flag Pole)
Apply knowledge of knot-tying and lashing to help
construct a simple camp gate or flag pole.
Fact Finding lashing

Pioneering structures
Pioneering is the craft of constructing structures
using rope, poles (usually wooden), and knots. It is a
good method to give TNTT members an opportunity
to apply their knowledge of knot-tying and lashing.
It can also be used to develop teamwork and problem
solving skills. In TNTT, the two most common
pioneering projects are flagpole and camp gate
construction. This lesson will allow Nghia Si to help
TNTT leaders construct a flagpole and/or campgate.
The teams will later learn to design and construct a
pioneering structure for themselves.

Constructing a simple flagpole

Flag poles can vary in their complexity, depending on
the materials available and how many flags they need
to hold. The simplest flag pole is one pole with one
flag at the top. Normally, one long pole can be
purchased. However, TNTT values the use of natural
materials, so when camping flagpoles (like all other
pioneering structures) should be constructed from
tree limbs or branches. Constructing a simple
flagpole requires knowledge of round lashing and the
tautline knot.

Step 1. Select 3 pieces of wood.

The wood should be strong enough to withstand
strong winds, but small enough that they can be
easily tied tightly with round lashing. Wood with
about 2-4” in diameter would work.
Constructing a Camping Gate
A campgate is often the most visible structure at a
campsite. It is the first item that people see when
they enter a camp, so it gives participants and visitor
their first impressions about the camp. It should be
carefully construct to look visually appealing.

Like flagpoles, camp gates also vary in their

complexity. When choosing a design, the materials
available and time allowed should be considered.
Below is an example of a simple design. It is a good
choice if you have never built one before because it is
fairly quick and easy to construct. Use square
lashing for pieces that make right angles, and
diagonal lashing for pieces that make angles between
45-90 degrees.

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