Tarea 3 de Ingles

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Children (niñ@s) Children from 0 to 4 years can travel free.

Dollar (dólar) I haven't earned a dollar in three or four weeks.

Views (putos de vista)

It also requests the State party to publish these Views.
Jobs are all the same and money is important.
Jobs (trabajos)

Suitcases (maletas) Suitcases go to the room.

This image belongs to the following

Tables (mesas) categories: Tables games.
Journeys (viajes) They can also be consulted on the
International Journeys page.

Warning: Batteries are not included in the product package.

Batteries (baterias)

Bottles (botellas) Bottles that sell for tens of thousands of dollars.

Bananas (plátanos) He gave me seven bananas in a babygap shopping bag.

reports (informes)
In 2006, the Unit issued seven reports and one note.

Tips (consejos)
Read our tips and hints for finding the perfect diamond.
Well, Patty Hewes has the money
Money (dinero) to buy this information.

music (musica) Sarah played the music for the class.

news (noticias)
The breaking news.
Scenery (paisaje) Scenery doesn't matter, I just want to take pictures.

Now, the happiness of your parents is

happiness (felicidad) at stake here.

luggage (equipaje) Yes, it seems she left and took all her luggage.
There was too much furniture in the room.
Furniture (mueble)

electrcity (electricidad) Tommy hooked up my electricity.

progress (Progreso) Hernandez saw the progress of Oriana in only two months.
The teacher gave the students some advice.
advice (consejo)

The businesses in the mall throw away a lot

of trash every day.
trash (basura)

information (información) He used the computer to find more information.

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