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SAMSUNG ENGINEERING SSD Tool Box Meeting — HSE Professional guidance Date of delivery: This Toolbox talk comes with the ‘topic poster’ and a ‘Leaders Guidance sheet (for the person delivering the TBM). It is the HSE persons’ responsibility to prepare the TBM Leader so they can talk from their own experience on the topic to create better team ‘buy-in Worker HSE Responsibilities We need to EMPOWER workers as they are the ones at the pointy end and know best how work is done safely in real time and thus should be part of the solution. Question: Do you think Workers know their HSE responsibilities? This TBM is a meant as a refresher to remind all workers on the responsibilities for HSE on the project. Most of them know the general safety rules, but not all know their actual legal responsibilities under the country legislation. Explain in your own words that each worker needs to adhere to the legislation: HSE Professional to research your specific county safety legislation and brief the TBM leaders on the following ‘ips:/ww ilo. org/dyn legosh/en/T?p=LEGPOL:1 100:5350196763658:::;P1100 THEME ID:100491 - Inwhat legislation are worker responsibilities mentioned -i.e: © Saudi — + Labour Law (Royal Decree No, M51) (Par Vill, Chapter One, Arle 124) + follow H&S instructions and guidelines + use and maintain the prescribed protective gear + take precaution when performing work to prevent injuries + inform employer of dangerous places - Thailand - OSH Act 2011 Chapter 1 & Section 21 + The Employee is obligated to cooperate with the Employer. + Employee shall inform the HSE Officer of any defect or damage + Employee is obliged to maintain a safe work environment Fill in the questions below based on your specific country requirements: Getting Workers Involved in Safety: Invite workers to share their thoughts on how they will be able to comply with these responsibilities. (On the TMB Guidance Sheet - write down the points brought up). Protect them (Ethical Leadership) After the discussion on Worker responsibilities under the county legislation, mention that as they are working under your guidance and for your contracting company, you will always help them wherever possible in case of an incident and that they should not be afraid to ask for help. (Our HSE Project Values: Empowering People | Enabling People | Ethical Leadership

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