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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 12, December - 2013

Sixth Sense Technology : A Brief Literary Survey

Manab Kumar Saha1, Sirshendu Hore2

Asst. Prof, Department of CSE
Hooghly, India

information regarding some object very effectively,

Abstract easily and quickly.

Gestures are used widely in sixth sense technology

This paper is a brief survey in the field of Sixth
because they are the most vital and significant type
Sense Technology. Sixth Sense is an interface of
of human communication. Gestures offer several
wearable gestures which upgrade the physical
advantages over traditional human-computer
world around us with digital information and let us
interaction system as it offers touch less system
use the natural gestures to interact with that
therefore it is particularly helpful for physically
information. The advent of technology over the last
challenged person, elder users as well as in health
decade has established a new dimension in the field
care system while maintaining the sterility.
of Human computer Interaction (HCI). The aim of
this paper is to review various gestures, Gestures can be of different type such as
components used, methodology adopted in sixth
sense technology and its application.  Facial expression
 Hand
 Eye

1. Introduction  Symbolic Responses

We are sensitive on the five basic senses i.e.  Speech
feeling, seeing, tasting, smelling and hearing.  Sound
Apart from those basic senses there is also one type
of sense known as ‘Sixth Sense’. “Sixth Sense  Gait
Technology”, it is the newest vernacular that has Figure 1 illustrates different types of Gesture: -
demonstrates its presence in the technical field.
This newly introduced technology has developed,
which has its relationship to the influence of these
six senses. Our everyday computing machines will
soon be able to sense the different feelings expand
in the surroundings and it is nothing but a gift of the
“Sixth Sense Technology” Sixth Sense is a
wearable “gesture based” device that broaden the
real world with information which are of digital
type and let’s people use a different types of
gestures to interact with that information and there Figure 1. Different types of gesture
by design a environment sometime known as
virtual environment. Information is generally Gestures in sixth sense can be used to
written on paper or computer screen but sixth sense
technology frees the data from that limitation and 1) Generate an event or command for practical
seamlessly integrates information & reality. With interaction.
sixth sense technology the gap between the digital 2) Control object directly.
world & human world is being bridged. The
human-computer interaction becomes very flexible Virtual environment (VE) gives a three-
due to this technology. This technology helps us to dimensional (3D) environment in which a person is
virtualizes real world things & know much more able to interact directly with virtual objects
naturally and powerfully with the environment.

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 12, December - 2013

Machine learning & Intelligence: Combines a wide of the thumb and index finger of each hand without
variety of advanced technologies to give machines the use of special colour object or gloves. In 3D
the ability to learn, adapt, make decisions, and gaming Nasser H. Dardas et al. [15] developed a
display behaviours not explicitly programmed into finger based gesture recognition system to control
their original capabilities. Some machine 3D game.
intelligence capabilities, such as neural networks,
expert systems, and self-organizing maps, are plug-
in components – they learn and manage processes
3. Evolution
at a very high level. Other capabilities, such as
fuzzy logic, Bayes Theorem, and genetic
algorithms are building blocks – they often provide The WUW stands for (Wear UR World) a
advanced reasoning and analysis capabilities that wearable gesture used in Sixth Sense which is a
are used by other machine reasoning components. user friendly interface that provides links with the
Machine Intelligence capabilities add powerful physical world around us with digital information
analytical, self-tuning, self-healing, and adaptive and it uses hand gestures to interact with them. The
behaviour to client applications. They also initial approach Radio Frequency Identification
comprise the core technologies for many of (RFID) which is an electronic tagging technology
Scianta’s advanced data mining and knowledge that allows for detection and tracing of the tags, and
discovery services. consequently Sixth Sense focuses on the fixed
objects applying on RFID to an enterprise setting,
such as a university department or corporate office.
In short Sixth Sense represents a form of mobile
2. Literature Review computing which is applied to non-computing
A lot of research is being done in the fields of
Human computer Interaction (HCI) and its
application in virtual environment. Researchers
have tried detecting the virtual object to control
system environment using video devices for HCI.

By using the web cameras as the input device,

various natural gestures can be detected, tracked
and analyzed. To help achieve those gestures we
used various image features and gesture Templates.
Cootes et al [7] used Active Shape Models (ASM)
to track deformable objects. M. Isard et al
introduced random sampling filters [8] to address Figure 2. Initial Approaches
the need of represent multiple hypotheses while
tracking. G. Kitagawa [9] applied Condensation The initial approach was with the projector
algorithm in factored sampling to solve the attached to the helmet but there are various
problem of visual tracking in clutter. Hojoon Park drawbacks of this process, e.g. the person had to
[10] used index finger for cursor movement and stay still so that the images could be projected on a
angle between index finger and thumb for clicking suitable surface. And further it was difficult to
events. Chu-Feng Lien [11] used only the finger- manage the mobile computing device kept in the
tips to control the mouse cursor and his clicking user’s pocket. This approach definitely needed few
method was based on image density, and required changes. Thus the approach changed when a
the user to hold the mouse cursor on the desired smaller projector has been introduced and created
spot for a short period of time. A.Erdem et al [12], the pendant prototype to be shabby around the
used finger tip tracking to control the motion of the neck. The prototype Sixth Sense is composed of a
mouse. A click of the mouse button was camera, a mirror and pocket projector. The
implemented by defining a screen such that a click hardware components are grouped in a pendant-like
occurred when a user’s hand passed over the mobile wearable device. Both the camera and the
region. Robertson et al [13], used another method projector are connected to the mobile computing
to click. They used the motion of the thumb (from a device in the user’s pocket.
‘thumbs-up’ position to a fist) to mark a clicking
event thumb. Movement of the hand while making
a special hand sign moved the mouse pointer.
Shahzad Malik [14] developed a real-time system
which will trace the 3D position and 2D orientation

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 12, December - 2013

Mirror: Mirror used to reflect the projection

emergence from the projector and thus helps in
projecting onto the desired locations on walls or
surfaces. The user can change the gradient of the
mirror manually to change the location of the
projection. For example in application where the
user wants the projection to go on the surface of the
wall instead of the ground in front, he can change
Figure 3. Final approach the tilt of the mirror to change the projection. Thus,
the mirror in the Sixth Sense helps to overcome the
The prototype was built from a powered - battery limitation of the limited projection space of the
3M projector and a ordinary web cam, with an
attached mirror — all connected to an internet-
enabled mobile phone. The cost of the setup which Microphone: The microphone is an elective
is less than $350, allows the user to project component of the Sixth Sense. When using a paper
information from the phone onto any surface — as a computing interface, microphone is required.
user hand, the body of another person or even wall. When the user wants to use a sheet of paper as an
interactive surface, he or she clips the
microphone to the paper. The microphone attached
4. Components this way captures the sound signals of user’s
touching the paper. After that the data is passed
Camera: Camera behaves as a digital eye of to computing device for processing. Later,
the system. It basically used to captures the scene combined with the tracking information about
that the user is looking at. The stream of video user’s finger, the system is able to identify precise
captured by the camera is passed to mobile touch events on the paper. Here, through the
computing device which does the appropriate microphone sound signal has been capture along

compute vision computation. The major functions with the time information whereas the camera
of the camera are: performs tracking.
 Captures user’s gestures and movement Mobile Computing Device: The Sixth
(used in reorganization of user gestures) Sense system uses a mobile computing device in
 Captures the scene in front and objects the user’s pocket as the processing device. This device
user is interacting with (used in object can be a mobile handset or a small device where
reorganization and tracking) connection can be wireless or wired.
 When the user performs a ‘framing’
5. Applications
gesture, it took a photo of the scene from
the front.
The Numerous applications on sixth sense
Projector: The key output device of the Sixth technology already have taken place. Some of the
Sense system is projector. The projector visually applications are given bellow: -
augments physical objects, wall and surfaces the
user is interacting with by projecting graphical user Radio Frequency Identification: The radio
interfaces and digital information. Projector frequency identification is the platform which is
provides by the mobile computing device with the based on the enterprise intelligence which
content to be projected. The projector unit used in combines Radio Frequency Identification events
prototype runs on a rechargeable battery. The with information from other enterprise systems and
important functions of the projector have been sensors to automatically make inferences about
listed below: objects, people, workspaces and their interactions.
This is basically an electronic class technology that
1. Augments related information from the allows tracking of tags & detection & consequently
internet and the physical objects the user the objects that they are affixed to. It is used for
interacting with by projecting just-in-time. tagging & remote detection with the low cost
2. Projects graphical user interface of the having widespread adoption of RFID.
selected application onto walls or surfaces Washing Machine: A remarkable front loader
in front. that incorporates the unparalleled sixth Sense

IJERTV2IS120921 2891

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 12, December - 2013

technology has been placed in a Whirlpool AWOE about the topic by video streaming system directly
8758 White Washing Machine, gives more on the newspaper. A Newspaper can provide live
optimization of resources and also increased saving video news or dynamic information can be
in terms of energy, water and time. provided on a regular piece of paper. Thus a piece
of paper converted into a video display.
Virtual Call: You can use the Sixth Sense to
project a keypad onto your hand, and then use that
virtual keypad to make a call.

Figure 7. Newspaper in multimedia mode

Figure 4. Virtual keypad

Virtual Map: We can see the map virtually on

a physical surface & can find our destination. One
can use his/her index fingers and thumbs to
navigate the map, for example, to zoom in and out
and do other controls.
Figure 8. Take picture without camera

3D Gaming in virtual environment: Using


different hand gesture as arrow key one can

control popular 3D game as show in figure 9.

Figure 5. Virtual map

Virtual Watch: With Sixth Sense all user can

draw a circle on their wrist with their index finger
to get a virtual watch that gives us the correct time.
The computer track the red marker piece of tape or
cap, recognizes the gesture, and instructs the Figure 9. Playing “Fly over the city” game
projector to flash the image of a watch onto his/her
wrist. Touch based interface-“Sparsh”: Sparsh is
an interaction method that lets users conceptually
transfer media from one digital device to their
body, and pass it to the other digital device by
simple touch gestures.

Misc App: Other than these applications there

are some applications like drawing a picture using
hand movement on a physical object, checking the
flight details only having the flight information or
Figure 6. Virtual wrist watch the boarding pass, we can zoom a picture, get
production information while buying a product we
Virtual Newspaper in Multimedia Mode: can also a get any book information and Amazon
Using this technology we can see more information rating of that book, a more powerful application

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 12, December - 2013

regarding sixth sense is while interacting with

someone we can get his/her personal details.
Figure 10 - 11 shows some Misc application.

Draw a picture Zooming Book detail

Figure 10. Misc application Figure 12. Hand gesture training process

Figure 13. K-means cluster with two cluster

Acquisition: It is a real time approach where frames

are captured using webcam or from a video input
Flight updates People Info Product details
Figure 11. Misc application
1) Segmentation: In this technique each of the
6. Software used & Methodology adapted frames is processed separately.
Before analysis: The image is smoothed, skin

To develop an application based on sixth sense

technology one can use pixels are labeled, noise is removed and small gaps
are filled. Image edges are found, and then a region
1) Language: Java, C #, C++, OpenCV, JavaCV. detection algorithm is used to segment the target
gesture from other background information. Finally
2) Image processing Software: MatLab, features are extracted using popular methodology
Mathematica, Cylab [Skin detections, Sift, SURF, FAST algorithms].
2) Pattern Recognition: Once the user’s gestures
3) Powerful Electronic Gazette: WUW v0.1 beta, has been segmented and related features are
Hand Gloves extracted, it is compared with stored gesture
templates or clustering model using different
matching algorithm such as Hausdorff matching,
Euclidean distance, hidden Markova model, Bag of
Words, Hamming Distance, correlation based
Initialization: It is basically a static approach. approach etc. Figure 14 illustrate the typical
Different gestures are captured, enhanced, features process of testing used for hand gesture
are extracted and finally a gesture template or recognition.
cluster model is created using different algorithm
of artificial intelligence such as MLP with Feed
Forward Network, Visual Memory, and K-Means
Clustering etc. Figure 12 illustrate typical hand
gesture training process [15] while figure 13
illustrates the use of k-means cluster algorithm.

Figure 14. Hand gesture recognition process.

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 12, December - 2013

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ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 12, December - 2013

[14] Shahzad Malik, ‘Real-time Hand Tracking and

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