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Module Handbook

Module Name: Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Module Code: BBA 3743 Credit Hour: 3

Module Leader Name: Shailesh Chand

Session: 2020

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A. Aim of the Module Handbook

The handbook is a guide for students in the department of Business and Management at
Lincoln International College, Nepal. The information in the handbook can also be found in
Google Class virtual learning environment of the college.
Please note that the electronic version of the handbook will be kept up to date and you will be
notified of any significant changes. If you have taken a hard copy of any information, please
remember to refer back to the electronic version to ensure that you are working with the most
up to date information.

B. Table of Content


1.0 Module Leader Information 3

2.0 Module Specification Information 3
3.0 Assessment Brief 4
4.0 Submission details 6
5.0 Weekly Teaching Learning Schedule 12
6.0 Key Resources to Support Learning 13
7.0 Additional Information 13

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1.0 Module Leader Information

1.1 Module leader details:

● Name: Shailesh Chand

● Phone number: 9808925240
● Email address:

2.0 Module Specification Information

2.1 What is the module about?

LSCM gives students insight about the logistical activities and the overall concept of supply
chain management. They will be given theoretical as well as practical aspects of global SCM
and use of various logistical tools to operate efficiently.
● Creating awareness on Supply Chain Management (SCM)
● To know about Cross – Functional Approaches to SCM
● To know about the integration of supplies, production, and distribution
in the globally competitive economy.

2.2 Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students will:
● Understand and explain different views of Logistics and Logistics Management.
● Understand and explain the role of the Logistics function in the wider context.
● Explain the major aims and objectives of Logistics Management and apply appropriate.
● Measures to judge the degree to which these aims are achieved in specific situations.
● Apply different strategies in Logistics Management.

2.3 Teaching Arrangements

The module delivered is through weekly theory and practice lectures and tutorials. The
teaching plan is organised thematically as follows (outlined in full on section 5.0).

2.4 Overall, to succeed in - and get the most from - this module it is an expectation that
all students will:
● Attend all of each week’s lectures and tutorials able; engage with discussion when
required and to take notes. For the lectures, slides provided on Google Class will be
only the minimum of what is to be covered.
o Failure to attend taught sessions will negatively impact on your ability to
complete and may prohibit submitting assessment.
● Undertake the required reading for each aspect of the module each week
● Read and prepare answers to the questions associated with the case and topics to be
covered in class.
● Prepare as required for each week’s class activities.

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3.0 Assessment Brief

3.1 Assessment Summary

No. Method of Assessment Total

1. Assignment I 10%

Assignment II 10%

Quiz and Attendance 10%

Pre – Board/Mid – Term 20%

2. Final Examination 50%


3.2 Detailed Internal Assessment Requirements

Presenting the in-depth analysis for the international courier companies

Assignment 1: (names will be given by me) and corelating it to what students have
studied. Thinking out of the box is very much appreciated.
Weightage: (10 marks)
Standards: Will be provided at the time of assigning the task
Deadline: Will be provided at the time of assigning the task

Identifying any industry in Nepal and determining the logistical

Assignment 2: challenges. Also venturing any logistical opportunities and how to
capitalize on it.
Weightage: (10 marks)
Standards: Will be provided at the time of assigning the task
Deadline: Will be provided at the time of assigning the task

4.0 Submission details

Please note that the submission deadlines are absolute and are based on Google Class server
time, therefore you are strongly advised to submit your work well ahead of the deadline dates
to avoid situations where penalties could be incurred. If penalties are imposed, it will result
in late work submissions being capped or not accepted for marking. Students with
extenuating circumstances must email and inform the program manager at the earliest

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possible date and time.

You will receive informal feedback verbally through all teaching sessions - ensure you listen
carefully. Each assessment you submit will be returned to you with written feedback, and
consists of comments made by tutors on students’ assessed work which enables students to
understand how they have met the defined assessment criteria and identifying areas for further
improvement. Feedback on, and an outcome for, assessment shall be provided individually or
in groups in an appropriate format and within four working weeks (excluding student vacation
periods) following the deadline for submission of the assessment concerned. Outcomes which
have not been confirmed by an examining board shall be considered as provisional.

You should use assignment submission form as the cover page for each assignment. The
cover page can be collected from LIC Photocopy Room. You must provide the details
required by the form. The cover page should be followed by executive summary,
acknowledgement page, and table of content, introduction, body, conclusion and references
section. If you are submitting your coursework to the program coordinator’s office, please
ensure that the work is secure and placed in an envelope or non-plastic bag, unless you have
been advised to submit it in another style.

All assignments should be submitted in both hardcopy and softcopy format. Unless instructed
differently by the module leader. The softcopy of the assignment must be saved as task
number, module name and student name or group name. (e.g. T1 HRM Dipankar or T1
HRM Group A). Google Class is also used to submit assignment tasks and communicate
feedback, provisional marks.
Performance feedback on each task will be provided on the next class.
4.1 Group Contribution Form (To be collected from photocopy room)

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Logistical Supply Chain Management

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4.2 Assignment Cover Page (To be collected from LIC Photocopy Room)

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4.3 Marking & Feedback Standard Grid

Criteria A (80-100) B (74-70) C (64-60) D (54-50)

1.Evidence of Excellent attempt to Relevant theories Some theoretical Theoretical insights are
analysis and incorporate a range of are used to discuss explanations have very limited and need
critical relevant theoretical the issues raised by been described but to be developed.
evaluation insights as a means the question. may not have been
for analysing the fully applied or
issues raised by the evaluated.
2. Clear evidence of Evidence of wider Some effective use Limited use has been
Understandin wide reading and a reading, beyond of course materials, made of the course
g of the willingness to draw course materials, some evidence of material and/or there is
literature on and effectively use and an ability to reading although a lack of understanding
a range of academic draw on this to not always used in places. Very limited
sources construct a construct a effectively and/or wider reading and/or
balanced, persuasive generally wider reading inappropriate sources
essay. convincing essay. needed. drawn upon.
3. Linking The analytical content The essay draws on Some attempt has The essay includes
theory and is clearly informed by some relevant been made to relevant examples but
practice evidence and well- examples /practices incorporate these are insufficiently
constructed and these are examples/evidence linked to theoretical
arguments. Excellent explained by and to use theories insights. Conversely,
links are made reference to to explain them. the essay includes
between theory and relevant theories. This aspect of the references to relevant
relevant examples essay needed theories but no attempt
/practice. further has been made to apply
development. to practice.
4. Structure The essay has a clear, The essay follows There is an Structure is muddled
informative a clear structure introduction and and /or introduction
introduction and with an concluding and conclusions have
conclusion. Ideas are introduction, main remarks but there been omitted.
marshalled arguments and may be some
coherently, with concluding structural
arguments logically remarks. weaknesses in the
progressed essay.
throughout the essay.
5. Writing The writing style is Writing style is Writing style is Writing style is unclear
and fluent and persuasive. clear with few generally clear in places and this
presentation No major grammatical/spelli although there may detracts from the essay
grammatical/spelling ng errors. Limited be grammatical content. Presentation
errors. Work is well- errors in /spelling errors that may be poor.
presented in the presentation. detract from the
required format. meaning in places.

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Broadly adequate
6. Good Referencing is The referencing is Referencing does Referencing does not
academic complete, accurate accurate and not always follow follow Harvard style
practice and follows the complete for the Harvard style and/or there are major
Harvard protocol most part and and/or there are inaccuracies/omissions.
follows the some
Harvard protocol. inaccuracies/omissi

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4.4 Group/ Individual Marking Criteria

Group/Individual Name:

Task Name:

Submission Date:

Report Criteria Marks

Evidence of analysis and critical evaluation (20 marks)

Understanding of the literature (10 marks)

Linking theory and practice (10 marks)

Structure (10 marks)

Writing and Presentation (10 marks)

Good academic practice/ referencing and citations (10


Presentation Criteria Marks

Presentation Skills (10 marks)

Slides Content (20 marks)

Total Marks Obtained (out of 100)

Total Marks Converted to 10 marks


Module Leader’s Name and Signature (below):


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5.0 Weekly Teaching Learning Schedule

Week Lecture Topic Tutorial Reference


Introduction to Business Logistics and Supply Implication of  Ronald H. Ballou& Samir

Chain logistics in K. Srivastava, ―Business
Introduction Logistics/Supply Chain
real world Management‖, Fifth
Business logistics definition Edition, Pearson.
The Supply Chain  Martin Christopher,
The Activity Mix ―Logistics and Supply
1 Importance of Logistics/Supply Chain Chain Management-
(related to cost, customer, distribution line, Strategies for Reducing
strategy, customer value, in service Cost and Improving
Services, Pearson
industry, military and environment) Education.
 Business logistics/ SC in the firm
 Objectives of Business
Logistics/ SC
a. Introduction to Business Logistics and Showing the  Ronald H. Ballou& Samir
Supply Chain strategic K. Srivastava, ―Business
b. Logistics and competitive strategy Logistics/Supply Chain
importance of Management‖, Fifth
Logistics/SC Planning Edition, Pearson.
Competitive advantage (the three C‘s)  Martin Christopher,
including advantage of productivity and ―Logistics and Supply
value Chain Management-
2  Gaining competitive advantage through Strategies for Reducing
logistics Cost and Improving
Services, Pearson
 The supply chain and competitive Education.
 The changing logistics environment
(customer, time, globalization,
Levels of Planning
Logistics and competitive strategy Showing the  Ronald H. Ballou& Samir
Logistics/SC Planning strategic K. Srivastava, ―Business
Logistics/Supply Chain
Major Planning Areas importance of Management‖, Fifth
 Conceptualizing the Logistics/SC logistics Edition, Pearson.
planning problem  Martin Christopher,
3 ―Logistics and Supply
When to plan
 guidelines for strategy formulation Chain Management-
Strategies for Reducing
 Selection of proper Channel Strategy Cost and Improving
Measuring Strategy performance (Cash Services, Pearson
flow, savings, ROI) Education.
4 Logistic/SC Product and Service Identifying  Ronald H. Ballou& Samir

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Classification of Product the best way K. Srivastava, ―Business

The product life cycle Logistics/Supply Chain
of logistically Management‖, Fifth
The 80-20 curve managing Edition, Pearson.
 Product Characteristics (weight-bulk
products and  Martin Christopher,
ratio, value-weight ratio, substitutability, ―Logistics and Supply
risk characteristics) services
Chain Management-
Customer Service Elements Strategies for Reducing
 Importance of Service Elements Cost and Improving
Services, Pearson
a. Logistic/SC Product and Service Identifying  Ronald H. Ballou& Samir
Order Cycle Time and applying K. Srivastava, ―Business
 Modeling the Sales-Service Relationship Logistics/Supply Chain
the best Management‖, Fifth
(Two- Points Method, Before-After Edition, Pearson.
practices for
Experiments, Game Playing, Buyer  Martin Christopher,
Surveys) logistics
―Logistics and Supply
Measuring Service Chain Management-
5  Service Contingencies (System Strategies for Reducing
Breakdown, Product Recall) Cost and Improving
Services, Pearson
b. Benchmarking the supply chain Education.
What to benchmark?
 Benchmarking the logistics process
 Mapping supply chain process,
Supplier and Distributor
a. Benchmarking the supply chain. Use of  Ronald H. Ballou& Samir
Setting benchmarking priorities, information K. Srivastava, ―Business
 Identifying logistics Logistics/Supply Chain
system in Management‖, Fifth
performance indicators. Edition, Pearson.
b. Order Processing and Information Systems  Martin Christopher,
 Defining Order Processing (preparation, ―Logistics and Supply
6 transmittal, entry, filling, status reporting) Chain Management-
Example of Customer and Industrial Strategies for Reducing
Order Processing Cost and Improving
Services, Pearson
The logistics information system Education.
(function and shipment consolidation)
 Information system example of vendor-
managed inventory
7 Transport Fundamentals Different  Ronald H. Ballou& Samir
 Importance of an Effective aspects of K. Srivastava, ―Business
Logistics/Supply Chain
Transportation System (Greater transportation Management‖, Fifth
Competition, Economies of Scale, Reduced Edition, Pearson.
Prices)  Martin Christopher,
 Single Service Choices (Rail, Truck, ―Logistics and Supply
Air, Water, Pipeline) Chain Management-
Strategies for Reducing
Cost and Improving

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Services, Pearson
Transport Fundamentals Different  Ronald H. Ballou& Samir
 Agencies and Small Shipment Services aspects of K. Srivastava, ―Business
Logistics/Supply Chain
(Agents, Small-Shipment Services) transportation Management‖, Fifth
 Transport Cost Characteristics (Variable Edition, Pearson.
and Fixed Costs, Common or Joint Costs,  Martin Christopher,
8-9 ―Logistics and Supply
Cost Characteristics by Mode)
 Line-Haul Rates (by: product, shipment Chain Management-
size, route, miscellaneous rates) Strategies for Reducing
Cost and Improving
 Documentation (Bill of landing, freight bill, Services, Pearson
freight claims) Education.
10 Midterm examination
Transport Decisions Identifying  Ronald H. Ballou& Samir
Transport Service Selection appropriate K. Srivastava, ―Business
Logistics/Supply Chain
o Basic cost trade-offs transport Management‖, Fifth
o competitive considerations Edition, Pearson.
o appraisal of selection methods  Martin Christopher,
11 ―Logistics and Supply
Chain Management-
Strategies for Reducing
Cost and Improving
Services, Pearson
Transport Decisions Identifying  Ronald H. Ballou& Samir
Vehicle Routing and Scheduling appropriate K. Srivastava, ―Business
Logistics/Supply Chain
o Principles for Good Routing and transport Management‖, Fifth
Scheduling Edition, Pearson.
o Methods for Routing and Scheduling  Martin Christopher,
12 ―Logistics and Supply
o Route Sequencing
o Implementation of Vehicle Routing and Chain Management-
Scheduling Methods Strategies for Reducing
Cost and Improving
Freight Consolidation Services, Pearson
Forecasting Supply Chain Requirements  Ronald H. Ballou& Samir
Nature of Forecasting K. Srivastava, ―Business
Logistics/Supply Chain
o Spatial vs Temporal demand Management‖, Fifth
o Lumpy vs Regular demand Edition, Pearson.
o derived vs independent demand  Martin Christopher,
 Forecasting Methods (Qualitative ―Logistics and Supply
Methods, Historical Projection Methods) Chain Management-
Strategies for Reducing
Cost and Improving
Services, Pearson
14 a. Forecasting Supply Chain Requirements Management  Ronald H. Ballou& Samir
Special Prediction Problems for of inventory. K. Srivastava, ―Business

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Logisticians (Start-up, lumpy demand, Logistics/Supply Chain

regional forecasting, forecast error) Management‖, Fifth
Collaborative Forecasting Edition, Pearson.
 Martin Christopher,
b. Inventory Policy, Purchasing and Supply ―Logistics and Supply
Scheduling Decisions Chain Management-
Types of Inventories, Inventory Control Strategies for Reducing
(Push, Basic Pull, and Advanced Pull Cost and Improving
Inventory Control) Services, Pearson
Pipeline Inventories Education.
 Supply Driven Inventory Control
 Supply Scheduling (Just-in-Time Supply
& Distribution)
Purchasing (Order Quantities and Timing,
Terms of Sale and Channel Management)
15 Storage and Handling System and Decisions Motivation  Ronald H. Ballou& Samir
 Reasons for Storage System for storage K. Srivastava, ―Business
Logistics/Supply Chain
(Transportation- Production Cost systems Management‖, Fifth
Reduction, Coordination of Supply and Edition, Pearson.
Demand, Production Needs, marketing  Martin Christopher,
consideration) ―Logistics and Supply
 Storage Alternatives (Space Ownership, Chain Management-
Rented Space, Leased Space, Storage in Strategies for Reducing
Transit) Cost and Improving
Services, Pearson
16 Storage and Handling System and Decisions  Ronald H. Ballou& Samir
Storage System Costs and Rates (Public K. Srivastava, ―Business
Logistics/Supply Chain
Warehousing, Leased Warehousing, .Manual Management‖, Fifth
Handling, Private Warehousing, Pallet and Edition, Pearson.
Forklift Truck Handling, Private Warehousing,  Martin Christopher,
―Logistics and Supply
Automated Handling) Chain Management-
Strategies for Reducing
Cost and Improving
Services, Pearson

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6.0 Key Resources to Support Learning

6.1 Core Recommended Text Book

Ronald H. Ballou& Samir K. Srivastava, ―Business Logistics/Supply Chain
Management‖, Fifth Edition, Pearson.
Martin Christopher, ―Logistics and Supply Chain Management- Strategies for
Reducing Cost and Improving Services, Pearson Education.

7.0 Additional Information

7.1 Referencing you work

It is essential that you fully reference all ideas, theories, quotes and statistics you have cited in
your submitted assignment, particularly the essay. Failure to do so will result in a deduction of
marks, possible failure and/or accusations of plagiarism (the act of presenting the ideas or
discoveries of another as one's own). The method students MUST use is the Harvard system,
both for in-text citations and in the construction of your reference list that must be appended to
all which draws on the ideas of others. Full guidance on proper referencing can be found on
Google Class or with LICLibrary.

As explained at level one, there are several reasons for proper referencing of your work (where
needed). These are worth reiterating as the expectation at level two and beyond is one of good or
excellent academic practice. Basically, a reference is a description of the document from which
you have obtained your information. When writing essays/reports you are expected to read
around your subject and referencing is a way of demonstrating that you have completed that
reading. Each time you use someone else’s ideas or words it is essential that you acknowledge
this in your work. You should provide references to substantiate your arguments and to enable
your reader to follow up your source material. You should reference whenever you use any
source of information for particular facts, theories, findings or ideas in an author's work; a direct
quotation; paraphrasing an author's words.Student assignment with plagiarism percentage
above 20% in Turn-it-in report will not be accepted and marked by the Module Leader.

7.2 Definitions of Academic Practice

What Description
A Excellent Academic Exemplary referencing using Harvard citations and references
Practice are complete, accurate and consistent in style
B Good Academic Good standard of referencing using Harvard: citations and
Practice references are well handled in the main, there are no omissions
but there may be some minor errors and inconsistencies.
C Negligent Academic A misunderstanding of referencing conventions of Harvard.

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Practice References are not complete, accurate & consistent but errors
and omissions are minor.
It is reasonable to assume that the breach arose out of ignorance
and/or carelessness.
D Academic A lack of competence in the use of referencing conventions.
Malpractice References are not complete, accurate & consistent but it is not
the intention to deceive. However it is not reasonable to assume
that the breach arose out of ignorance and/or carelessness.
E Academic Cheating – a failure to attribute sources of information used,
Misconduct including the use of false references and intentional
misrepresentation of sources. Plagiarism or collusion is
suspected and will be investigated further.

7.1 Referencing you work

It is essential that you fully reference all ideas, theories, quotes and statistics you have cited in
your submitted assignment, particularly the essay. Failure to do so will result in a deduction of
marks, possible failure and/or accusations of plagiarism (the act of presenting the ideas or
discoveries of another as one's own). The method students MUST use is the APA system, both
for in-text citations and in the construction of your reference list that must be appended to all
which draws on the ideas of others. Full guidance on proper referencing can be found on
Google Class or with LICLibrary.

As explained at level one, there are several reasons for proper referencing of your work (where
needed). These are worth reiterating as the expectation at level two and beyond is one of good or
excellent academic practice. Basically, a reference is a description of the document from which
you have obtained your information. When writing essays/reports you are expected to read
around your subject and referencing is a way of demonstrating that you have completed that
reading. Each time you use someone else’s ideas or words it is essential that you acknowledge
this in your work. You should provide references to substantiate your arguments and to enable
your reader to follow up your source material. You should reference whenever you use any
source of information for particular facts, theories, findings or ideas in an author's work; a direct
quotation; paraphrasing an author's words.Student assignment with plagiarism percentage
above 20% in Turn-it-in report will not be accepted and marked by the Module Leader.

7.2 Definitions of Academic Practice

What Description
A Excellent Academic Exemplary referencing using APA citations and references are
Practice complete, accurate and consistent in style
B Good Academic Good standard of referencing using APA: citations and
Practice references are well handled in the main, there are no omissions
but there may be some minor errors and inconsistencies.
C Negligent Academic A misunderstanding of referencing conventions of APA.
Practice References are not complete, accurate & consistent but errors

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and omissions are minor.

It is reasonable to assume that the breach arose out of ignorance
and/or carelessness.
D Academic A lack of competence in the use of referencing conventions.
Malpractice References are not complete, accurate & consistent but it is not
the intention to deceive. However it is not reasonable to assume
that the breach arose out of ignorance and/or carelessness.
E Academic Cheating – a failure to attribute sources of information used,
Misconduct including the use of false references and intentional
misrepresentation of sources. Plagiarism or collusion is
suspected and will be investigated further.

7.2 Samples and tips on creating a Reference List – for reference only
(*excerpts taken from citing and referencing APA style guide – The University of Waikato)

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7.3Exampls of References by Type

(*excerpts taken from citing and referencing APA style guide – The University of Waikato)

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