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CHAPTER 5 - ESTIMATION OF PEAK FLOWS FOR SMALL TO MEDIUM SIZED RURAL CATCHMENTS D.H. Pilgrim 5.1 THE PROBLEM “Te eximaton of peak ows on smal 1 medium sized rural catchments probably the most common desi problem in ood estmaton Isnt posible vo deine Precily what is mean by "small and"“mecium szed™ Ener appr sis 8K’ ahd 20 1 1000? reepectvelyesn te taken ss general guides Estates ‘ions on dese eatchment re equed forthe desi ‘feuverts sno medium aed byes, causeysand ‘ster drainage works, splays of fam and ote small hms nnd vol conservation mors In amos allen 20 ‘nered data are avaiable tthe design ste. Generally, Tite time can be spent ont design, peetodng use and Ialgsi for data inthe reo. "Although te cow of addi sroctres i elatively snl and lod extimation basta involved very simple {nd abivary methods, the problem under consideration Sonetutes the mot iporant aspect of design ood ‘Kinstion in coonomie terms for the whol maton Prgim and Cordery (1978), Flavell (1985) an Piz (1586) show tha nary one hal of he atonal average {heal expenditure on works ied by design food fstimtes tom projects of he pe considered in this {Rapes te lest two relerences the average ancunt fenton theve- projets por year wns estimated as ‘Shproxmately $280 million asat 1985 Therefore theres ‘eed forte bes powible methods tobe used for Sood ‘edmionfor thes relive sal pejecte. Tees also ‘owed fr esgnos fo posers an waderstading of he Iressa experi a thei we Some ofthe methods is basi af procedures usd SSevod most imporant pet of ood estimation a ‘real economic verme. This aple pardeaary tod Ravonal Method. Raral design i discussed ere and ‘fan danage design is covered in Chater 14 ‘Allo the methods in his chapter ae of probabilistic atu. Sometimes they are enisagod as Gseribing the roosts in ingvigeal floods Ths i no the ase ‘olla whore flood a agven potty irequred, a6 Giecaued in Section 122. Froquaaly the ood of Seteted probes estimated rm desig afl of the same, probability derves fom Chapter 2. Por Udettanding ofthe method diecsed and sclestion af Spproprme design values, ii imporaat that the ‘robebiitcsatre cf the methods be ecogased "The primary eli forthe selection ofthe methods tna ae recommended Is tat they shoul be based on ‘Shuered fod data nthe rgln ofterest, a discussed {BSecton 16, Akerosely meted could have been “Shown toroproie the tase or probabilistic charac tests ofthe observed data In cater eons of ARR, toplication of the ererion was. aot really possible ‘ease o he paul of beerved fod data. on smal Ine sized catchments Use of sblrary metod ‘aed args judgement was neces. For most of ‘usta ihissaow not the cae, nd sient data ae ‘allie for the Gevation of methods that atleast, stony refest ean these pons, the continued ‘Seofarbivary devia metdsané information cannot be [Billed Atmore deta are colette improvements J dei mathods sul oscur 5.2 REGIONAL METHODS in the past. the on procedure and sto design data hve eoqmonly boop sed for very irge sas er the Whole of usta, The most bviow example Is the Rational Method as presente, fr example, the 1977 Sen ofARK There ee ha there eno one nivel method ect ‘Sep aat that I spplenble othe whole of Ausra Diferent Mood producing. charac and. design aloes occur in diferent feponr, at iustated Tor ‘ample, by Prin (1982) and Five (1983), Even the pysial prosessesiovlvesin the prodvction aod fine beea shown to. vary fom repon fo Tego, st foviwed by Baron eal (1980) and Prin (1983), nd ‘ration within relatively smal, seperti miar ‘Rooms have been reported ‘To addres these problems, diferent sgn procedures and dts are recommended im Section 3.4 fo diferent ‘erions In mort cases the moths have been developed ‘Rom ober dat nthe particu rgion Genoraly he ‘eplonal boundaries conform with State Soundaies, 2 resco characteris change at State boundries, utara rest of the way in which observed data fe collected and analysed. Hopefully, wore logial and ‘alti boundaries wl be tle to be aed for ftre ‘Sood, Insome repos, tema analy of observed ‘ita bas not been cad oot to drive 9 data used ‘dad roo bsed on judgement and experince fave Seo commended Inger les conisnce can be plced in Ut ess ‘The regional methods have been developed to account {ortho catchent characteris wvellects at ean be ‘Menied nthe cbverve dts They should take account ‘of troad-eale diferences i catchment characteris ‘hrough the repon sch a general gelopel, sil and bysopraphictenirs, and viriatonsinthetyect not froestes, ar iscssed in Section 6. However, te sign values ceive rom large epon sch asa State ‘must be reparded as penerlsed vue. eis key that ‘hey sooth ot the eff of random errs nthe ood ‘Requncy dtibtions of he nial eatshments ed ‘te devin, bat ey may not adequately allow for ftullscle varatone and te eflecs of iferenes eevee diferent catchment. Iemay be rssonable for Aigner to adope, if dete, re detailed variation of Sales of design parameter i local ea best 08 nalkgcle varie im churactensice Kmny even be Dsl to reerve the values of the coafients i 3 enna metho fem chev ston ey clement Suro that or which eden ereqed, Rederaton ‘sfeoetcensscnesed nore Seti in Seton 8 2 S19 6-1. Caution is equ however ashe avaiable ‘idence inicres tat eves age variations inthe haaciesicsoflen havea small or neglect on the values of food characters (suc a8 ses, e CCorery and Pim (1983) forthe maior feos of ‘nurs indesign, even hough thee may be aprectable ‘tects a lower fows Altemative procedures are available fo some regions. Caper 12 cecvsnes factors to be conisred the sce ofa method, which may depend on the pe of ‘Spain. Where more than one method pven fr ‘egioninSecion’ 4, hemastseful method recommended Sigven ft 5.3 TYPES OF METHODS 5.3.1 General “Thyce general situations may be encotere ‘© Considerable data are valale forthe le, This ‘ocarsrarely with mal to medium sized catchments, IF time salable forall, be Dod Tequeey ‘method given ia Chapter 10 ea be sed possibly the unk bydrogeah (Chapier 8) or rao” rot (Cnapier 9) mats 8 Considerable data are avilable forthe region, and ‘Splines vallbl for analysis A regional metho Soul be derived, but again these condos arerare frac, and realy cones research pect ‘© No dats are avilable for the ste, and ee time is ‘valableto produce a design. Thisis the normal esign “Sustion, and a poblised regional metbod Irie ‘Asnoted above, the design aes nthe eos, ‘hve bean dered from oberved data the veion posible ‘The emsinder ofthe chapter liscuses only he as of these auatins. The principles involved in he various ‘ype of design methods wre scused fis, with pretest ‘hyphae onthe Rational Method ashe most commonly ‘Sausppeosch, This will provide desanere wh arsitance Inunderstandigthe method, andl apcaton tod Interpretation of result 1.3.2 Rational Method (a) The Formula ‘As used in design, the formula ofthe Rational Method Or = 0218 Cy. I. A on swbere Oy = peak flow rate (ms) of average Fesuence inteval (ARE) of yeas ‘of coefcen (simeesonles) Tor ARtof yews es of cnchment (A) verge sna tensity (m/B) for Gesgndoraton ofc hours and ARI ol Y years The value f 0.278 (or 1/36) i merely 2 conversion factor to balaoe the units sed Hara ip hectares taread oth th conversa ator 0.00278 e360). Go 7S fae (0) Interpretation ofthe Rational Method "The method can be imerpreed in vwo quite diferent ways, Resopion of thir ference importa a Understanding the method he par ha fen bees ‘epardod at determinate representation ofthe ood Ferlingfom ah individual storm. Hever, he value of the rol coelicent varies widely tom storm stom ‘cagiencatchnen andthe metbadis por Seteminisic ‘ode The Ratuoal Methods not ued Sterna manner o represent flo om ial stom his ‘Scumen al anrally saad not be se ors pry "Tae Raional Method is presented herein aa proba tilt or state method fru in eximatng deta floods Iss used to eumate speak Now of slated ART from an averagersinfl testy ofthe same ARL derived From Chapter. Thro coficie presents thers ‘of peak flow and a rfl eae of selected oration ‘Setamined forthe same ARI rom Heguansy anal: of fod peaks and ranfali Thie ie why Q, and Ci ‘uation 31) are subseripted by ¥ to represent the ART. “This probabilic interpretation of he Raonal Metiod tnd be rnofcoeticen enact she way in whch te Iiethod ened indesign practice. Even when Ils Dot ‘esopnse, estimation of design fad fom rial Frequency data sucha thse in Chapter 2avolves se of the Raton! Method at» probable model (c) Values ofthe Runoff Cocticlont "From equation 3.1), the valu ofthe rp coetent ‘sgen by r= On0278.4. I») (32) Values of fy forall of Ausealia canbe fund fom. (Chapter 2. Forseverlepons with adequate strom Anta oe frequeney aalyees have been cried ot for ‘any smallo medi sted catches From Oy ales Chained by these analyse, toes of Cy have been ‘Setemined nd he ertng Sesian data and method for these repons are inloced inthe recommended process In Sexton: Thecatchment and rafal characteris tnd sondiions fect the relation between Oy a fy te automatealy incorporated in Cy, bo not neces inva physcally realist fasion Derived values of Cy ave penerlly bee found ovary ins reasonably rns {rconsitent manner oer the range of ART values on ‘Sven catchment, and for diferent cchmens over parclarrepion Therefore, they provide a stale basis for design, Fora design procedure, values of Cy mas be derived fo oserved Dod data ad thera aan Chapter. ‘This ule the primary requirement fr recommendation procedures notdin Seeuon 5.1, andicincontastote father arivary values of C based on experience oF Judgement that have tea bea secomsbended nthe past Iris ateworty that vues sf Cy derived from cbsersed Acoddat fen show much ss dependence on Vanatins fratchment charac suc at slope aad sll or ‘egetnton typ and colon than asd in arbirsty or handbook ales of Fer the probabilistic Ration! Method, values of Cy spend on the anf quency data set as shown BY ‘heterm/,yinoqtion (32) aferet inal data ‘sed, ereduration fis derived in w dierent fasion, diteret valves of Cy ae requed. The values recom ‘tended rela assung ue of the rail aan Chapter, {Ee doterminaton ofthe values of bythe proeedue peeled foreach maha Ta some regions of Ausuala, suficent seamfow dat sxe ot avalale for devvaion of Cy vals, or De ‘euledanalls has ot been eared cat Far these ‘alone, it hat heed necesay Uo recommend athe ‘bisay valves bared on judgement ith some checking nine observed dat where posible (a) Time of Concentration (te) Tn the deteminstc interpretation of dhe Rational Method, the ete! rainfall raion is which is ‘Sonrideed toe the travel ine from the mow emote ointon thecntehment tothe att orihe in taken om {he mare of rafal anal the catchment i ima ‘neous contig. fw tthe uel For the prbebilic method, these physi measures are not fealy relevant However, equation (5.2) shows that te ‘ale of Cy depends othe duration of anal pd some tsa duration related a ctchment characterises must, be spooled a pat of the overall procedure. A ypcal ‘sponse ie of foe rasa appropriate, andthe "ne ‘eoocentanon” is 2 convenient meseue. in ths Sonate accrscy regarng ave Uns meh es Smporant than the consisteney and repeducabiity of dered Cy wales Ako, values of Cy cannot be Sompareé tiniest consistent estimates of are we 0 ‘herr deraton [a several of the Rational Method procedures recom mended in Section $4, formulae ae species for ‘stmting The speci formals be aed withthe particular procedure. In other cases where a complete froedore based on observed data ot ava, the Erensby Wiliam fom bas been adopted as 35 trary bt essonablespeoach. Ths f= se. ese where = time of concentration (min) = smalasteam lengthy measured to the ‘chen divide (em) 4 = catceat area Gm) 5, = squalareaslopeofthemain steam ro Jeetdtothecatchment vide (mm) “Thi ete slope ofa ine raw on 4 rofe ofa sueam such tht the line fuses though the out tnd has the ‘Sle aren under fae the seam rofie,Ieelutated in Faure 87 resi i hectares cathe thank’, he dimensional oeficientshoeld be 91. Tse coeficents ae rounded ‘and lp diferent to those athe 1977 ARK. The ‘reallaverge slope othe steam was esedn he rig Branaby Willams formula andby French eta (1974) 00 Now South Wales catchments, However ogo! aes Slope i secommended forse ete, ast shold ive 8 ‘eter indication of flow esponse ies, especially where {hove are large vanons of lope witha «catchment Aino fs the data of French et. (974) ae well the ‘verl average slopes sed ia tha study. Cars aeded {hat the spected nity of mm are used for slope, 28 (erence are ed in Seton 862, genera, the vales of caleuated by the relevant formals gie the total rainfall uration fr rural etch ‘ments. The apis tothe speiid Formulae for derive ‘pina methods an tothe Bransby Wills formal ‘ter cass. Adioal me of wel fr overland ow ‘hold ot be ade 6a (6) Range of Validity of Rational Method ‘With the determine interpretation, he method wes recommended for sppieaion to only sal eather below some abiray limi suh 828k Tas ele The inadequate mamer in which the mod conser, Doel actors such asthe fects of temporary soase ‘bathe catchment and erporal sod spatial variations of ‘afl intensity” These physical considerations have ltd relevance to the probable interpretation, where Ie elects are incorporated in the recorded ood, and hence inthe lod fequecy satistcs and the derived aloes of Cy. Procure deed fom observed data ‘Should be valid for atcment areas and ARI up oad Scotha beyond the maximum ares abd record lengths ‘ed in derivation, Tas tape i dscussed farther in Section 128 4.2.2 Roioa Pod Faqsney Mato Feiner abe cer eneaer aiea she Ger omac aed hae ‘saat ofc cet tal ipeeiestidemearearmegeciece initia cinekc tsa eaee Sn ei dawn ews SSiSie coo neream a of the required frequency at any location in the region ‘Tye sain appronehes are_wied in these relations, slthooghal re chsely elated anc combinations are also ‘ed in some design prosaures > Anverage dimensionless equencycurveis derived fee th region, ith Rood maptades expressed as tie of some efeence iachrge, often the mean ‘ShnualNoed. The ference discharge then elated iy reeessoe fo catchment and rafal or eon ‘insbles The bestknown example ie the Index Flood Mathod (Dalymple, 1950, 1960) ji, Muldple regression metod. Floods of various ARTs are estimated by frequency analyse on each cath- tment with sulable fecorde For each ARI, flood ‘Bechara shen elated io cachnent and aa or ‘eajonal vanables by tulle revesion Usually Teenie valor are sed fate resin, 90 tht the design lion involve mulpeton of variables ‘aise varios powers The mato dese by the US. Geological Survey (1967), bat sot ited tothe varble ed i that publication ii A mile rearesion relation it derived for sme thse or reference ARL as in (i), and averse Frequeney actrs for the repion pled tstmater fom thie relton fo determine foods of ‘ther ARI Ech approach as been appli in Australi. All use sqrssont which are lined nh oncdonal Tomo ‘ladon that lacks sound pyc basis: They ae ely {ove poor results when extrapolated not onl beyondthe Tange of vals used i drvation, Bt als beyond the Tangs of combinations of veloer wed ‘The mule repesios de (i) can give inonssent values over the aris ARIS so hat an tegulafequeney crv esos “Tie problem des aa cer ith the thet te methods ithe ae derived tam the same ot of observed btn, reson food frequeey methods ad the probabilistic Rational Method should give very salar estimates, as they secktoreproduce hese dat Tn act the Ratioal Mathes conceptual ype of reponl flood frequency Proved hanfalimenay a toe of he ndependert Predictor triable A rif intensity Is oe of te njor determinants of the ond charactenaes of 4 {atchmet tne probablsicimerpretation ofthe Rational Method is an ecien form of reponal foo frequency "Maly. thas ales restric feetional form than oe ‘eersson. methods, and is ler isle to ror fhtrpolation beyond the Limits f te combinations of ‘haere data 5.3.4 Design Hydrograph Methods “These meods gnealy involve unit hydgraph oe pal outing priacpe, an wih esionainfl an oss ite for the region are prvasuatd or ystematined 50 that thay an be appli in pace with imum of lie sed eff. Corder and Pig (1970) reviewed ‘Amereanprosedares of is type to hat die. The only ‘stan pocadure sable as derived by Condery fd We (1978 forentem Now Sout Wale Seston re, 5.3.5 arbitrary Methods Peak icharges formal fo modu sod each fe smetinesetinated wing methods hat ee nos ( coserved deta rom the eon of intron hough ‘Suto eter pions or ounce may have be sd inhi deelopent, and hi design claons may bave ‘Sime assumed theoretical ba, hese procedures mus be ‘Sted ae arbitrary. As hey not fll he pray feauement ef beng bated on observed data fr he ‘ean, tay ae ot reommended for ase where bute ‘Gaerbased methods we avalable. I repons where procedures have not ben derived fem local dat, it may Ee ecorary to ae trary method “Three types of methods are discussed bi: Rational Method with handbooktype ‘sign values. ‘Bren tho the desin data may rest experince, ths ype of application ofthe method Is abla {Comparison food estimates of is type with Frequency analyses observed ood ineaser New South Wales showed large and. variable eros (Pilgrim snd MeDermot, 1982), |i. U.S. Sol Conservation Service method. This method hat been widely used on sal catchments nthe United Sats. Tho base procedure is desorbed bythe US. Sot Conservauon Service (1572) andthe US, Boreas of Reeaation (1973), tnd” Ke development. snd references lo Yarious ‘odiieadons and seesamens are given by Wood nd Blackburn (1984) Other modifications ee noted iy Condry and Pig (1970), A sais of paper on ‘he method was resented atan International Symp ‘om on Rall Runa Modeling (Singh, 1982), ‘The method incoreras a sens theoretical ean, and regues evaluation of rina earve member (Cho Someties termed a hydrologic toicover complex aumbec. The vale of CN fo be adopted ‘pends onthe sil exe type the pe of and se, ‘he coping practic ln agicalaral land, the yo Tops condison othe catchment and he antecedent Ioistre content The aout of uno and eslng Food pesk are sense tothe value of CN. The procedore was based on data rom lage suber of Fprinidd poe and ng inftrometer experiens, sthich tong to pve mosh lige variations in oases $e uo with changes i the catchment variables td above than oer on naira extchents ender Mood producing conten se, for example, Laure ‘om and Pg, 1963), Testing ofthe meds shown thatitissubectto ‘on la errs and subtaal ias (eg, Wood ad lctbur, 1984; Linsey, 1986). Aitken (1971) Fepored comparison of de method. with some ‘eoorded Aurralia flows. Volumes of raf rather preditons of ini {Gna overestimation aden ory enue oe "als of GV. Hoesen (1986) derived CN values for Various ARis fram the rane in Chapler 2 and ood iequeney curve for 32 onchment a souihes Now Sout Wales The approach was sma ode ‘Serva of problsic run concent forthe ‘Reval Matha. These CW valves wo reproduce the aero frequency cures varied only sgl {nd in regular farlon wih ARI ut were enstre ‘orhemethedat esimatiag ine of coneencation, and Gifered markedly frm the values et wuld be fStimned fom eichoeat characterises. Alo0@h {Petmber ot acto: onadeed andthe simple of tpplieton make the method avacive, he valet vience indicates that inthe absence of oclly ‘esd CN vale, fecanot be recommended a2 Sstnneor denen metho andstould only be wsedit soother mehod derived fom local data sala Empirical formutee. Many formlae ofthis type have been used in he pam wen no lca data mee avalible. Many relate Food peak to catchment az oly, and all are subject to ven large eter. ‘Thesefomilat should pot be sed for design uns no other approach posible Beuer methes ae general valle 5.3.6 Envelope Curves of Recorded Floods "An envelope curve drawa on a reicnl plot of maximo recorded Nood at ach gnging station aga {chmen eu can be stuf ai in flood enination Tes orefones isnot limited to sal nd medium sized Catchment Logarithmic values are normally plod and Sscharpe i usualy toms m/s poe Ke “The gph prods sf summary ofoodexpericace in arepon Ploting and labeling ofthe masini food {ocenchextshmen makes the sster ote data vous ‘Trends in flood characterises in a Telos can be tained such swith attuds, elvan, seam slope or ‘stance rom the cvean rot nde sure, lay be posible to raw diferent envelope curves dierent ‘tbrogions. The efits of dierent ecord lenge ad of ‘india major Mood record ately some of the ‘tons canbe investigated. Proceeds, higher Noods ze recorded and the envelope fue tebds to higher dscharses Average recurrence lnterval ad the lfc of eathment characteris ‘hnnot be determined siete ‘Overal, though application of envelope cores can vide aul mthodot checking ond etimates nd ‘Shtanng petiniaay einai 5.8.7 Synthetic Unit Hydrographs and Funott Routing Where regional relations fr parameters are aalabl, the procedures desorbed in Chapters @ and 9 are ‘ppleable to small ar well a are catchments. They Involve mote tie and effort is aplcaon, at he may ‘ten bested However a cacusedin Section 12.4, Simpler methodsbasedonslarze amount of observed ‘nay bemore accurate han more comple a fend {aly sounder methods where the repional elatonshpe ‘Srebased on much ess tn. Sesion 126 provides mote ‘pectic puueline onthe reltve sceuasee of the ferent methods 5.3.8 Local Experience Is some cases, local experience and knowledge ofthe performance of existing stuctures may provide s sti Factory basis for designe smallcatchment. This sy be Parcalarly sof inoaldes where strearlow cords [Se sparse of non-existent, such aia much of the ad one, While eel experince maybe salacory were ‘he designer has a ong and Intimate owas of loca) ena it smo relly appiable to othr despre itout tht knowledge, andes na diferent cxeasry 16 the formal methods dosed in previous seston. 5.3.9 Catch Drains and Small Catchments ‘with Artificial Channels ‘The methods in the preceding sections may not be sola for very sual al athens wih rial or {med chansele Catch dais above soa eutings and ther excaviions_ ae he mode commoa enuopes (Cachnont area of less than lew becares re ua Ta many cass, he sing ad for of te chanael are skermined by fairs the tate Now ate, such se ‘means sed fo constrcion,the ace spe No ‘eee scour, aad experience of past pearance. Ils ‘eeommended that where posible, channels of these Satchments shouldbe designed in esordance with te ‘ocedures of the local oad auhoriy. These ate ely ‘present local experience In cates whee Toca or ‘Rona rocodser ae oot vasble and it ese Be t doe flow rate for sing the chanel i. ‘Reonseded thatthe urban drainage deg procedures ‘Sf Sccton 1 be used. assuming seo imperious sea 5.4 RECOMMENDED DESIGN METHODS FOR DIFFERENT REGIONS. Several suitable methods are recommended for some epson. They are lated oder of kal peneral Shefnes, Le. the fir method lied for each epon is ‘he method thn i recommend a est for general we Howeser inn wine and spncei iat hydogrps ‘may give po resutsfthe une and daca are valle for ther appiaton even though thet methods ae ised lus for each repo. In many veins, the simler method sted fst may give equally as goed oc more accurate ‘mls a he more complex etd om ungnoged catch ‘eas as thelr design values af based on mech more ‘herve data, 5.4.1 Eastern Now South Wales | Rational Method. “The proabiitic Raional Method recommended forse neatem New South Wale is revision by (GEE, Mivelsact apd D.H. Pym ofthe procedure developed by Plefim and MeDermot (1982) aad ‘MeDermot and Pier (1982) Tels based o8 data ftom 308 gauged eaten (Mitel ety 1987) andi appicable to eatcment up 10250 kn! ‘nayea, The evision uses upd Mood data in some ‘egons where oly sparse sp short period data wore Previously salable ands Based onthe antl Sats fe Chapter 2 Sup inthe method ae: Determine the erica rainfall oration at the time f concentration our rom he forms f= 0760 64) wwtere d= euehmen ate (en. {i For ths duration ae the selected desen AR, ‘he design rail iene Stemined by he toehods in Chaper 2. No edoton of this point Intensity should be made forthe sie of the cachment fi Read the ronoff coast Cy for an ARL of 10, ‘eas rom the map Figure 3.1 Volume 2, Ir Aerie reat othe neon Figure 8.1 Joining ‘Ashford Tamword,Batnt, Yes, Tumst and WORKED EXAMPLES: wcttieipeanstectcmee‘owiepaner Delo te een od whan At f20 ihe 00k" atnarinn recomended Yeats fora 30 Rv rural catchment at Nowra ‘sina of 230 kn) he map rae ean om the south cost of New South Wales lp as Co tit freer han O10, ot LCi ration of dvign ante intro ned te map va st Fer O36h eo rasop hme anal an ODE nest ie So RT - onsen the proceurelor decrinng valor fig ss folows |i. From he detign procedures a Chapter’ for (the value read fom Figure 51 i rater ‘duration of 71 and a ARL O50 yea, han or etal to 0.40 it shoal te sed bat ‘he design sf intense ould wot be sisted for area ar decribed T= 41.9 mmih elo. As noted above, no redaction should be © iitisestan0.40, the vale fom Figure 5.1 made of th point estimate Tor see of should te mulled by (100/499 where eaten bead iia km fe wategeedoae gore aso i, From Figue’.1ia Volume 2, Cy = 095 (0.40 show ba wn Iu. Nowa isin Zone C in Fgute $2. Foran ifthe ajstd vale ies than 0.10 vale ‘lovaton below 300m, Table i pee 20.10 should be wed ee Is. For ARIs othr than 10 years, an appropiate ae frequency fst FF fond frm Table 3 or = the relevant zo in Figure 5.2, For lotions within 23 Lm ozone boundary, FF shouldbe etemined Zor each sone and the die vlor ‘ound by liner interpolation frm he wo aes ‘based on acta! foaton within the 3 hm bode 10 x095 os ‘The cachet ina rpio of igh ranotT couienty which wit the pobaintc Rational Method can be rete than nity forthe reasons discussed Plizim Step The rao soeffiint Cy forte ated peeanaree ‘ART sound by espn flood magatude: Cy Cio x FFy (53) (ap = 0278 x 105 x$1.9 30 Design flood magitode I the clelted from 361 mile equation (1), say Ome ‘TABLE 51 - Frequency Factors FF; for Rational Method in Eattern Now South Wal 2 Determine the design flood for the above atchmen for an All of 30 years 1 Design lal neni from Chapter 2 fra dtreton of 277 and an ARK of 50 1 = 502 mm/h |. Rano coetciet Cin for ARI 50 yer rom Tale 8.1 Toran elevation Blow song aes x08 _— Noe that altough Cis male han Cio, ‘his decrease more than compensated 9 {he inrese in anal inten. i, Design ood magne: (Quy = 0278 x 1.03 150.230 = 431 mils say 430 le 3. Determine run coefficens Cp for an ARL Of 10 years for rural eatehments of various Slzes at Forbes nthe western part of eastern New South Wales 1 10-year ano oefiint from Figure in Volue 2 Cp = 0:12 |i Detemination of the design Cy values ‘appropiate o caches of dif see [luted in Table 5.2, The tei and ajsinents are dtd in Section (a shove Ii. Calesition of discharges ‘The remainder ofthe proved for eae Iaig the eng ood magatudes moa be ‘eat wth thoen the preva examples 1b Gordery and Webb (1974) Design Hysrograph Method ‘This i « precalelted procedure incorporating the symthetir uit hydograph method of post () ‘trot “tector? Chgvatoe Chg Vaue sae ABLES 3 Frequency eciorsforMemogfMaDermomt snd Pig (963) for Wester New South Wal below, inland conning loner and other design alos. form mates itsatable for design on sl 1 medlum sized catchments A worked example of ato the prosedare sven o Secon 88.3 © Sythe Unit Hydrograph Method. ‘Where tine is avalale for the calculations lvoe this approach issuable, Parameter aloes should te estimate from thereon eatins of ‘Bron eta (1980) and Corer otal (1981) eno Section 862. Alumately, the form of these relmions could be usd wih coeficensredrined From dats on one or more ance sathmens 4 Runoft Routing. “This approach i also sulable where time is svallabeforthemor complex caloltons,lhough packaged programs reduce ts licaty in Seton 516.2, rela elation ae pten forthe parameters fhe RORB and WENM modes and partly for {he PLAL The RSWM/RAFTS model ean slo be lid. 5.4.2 Western New South Wal ‘The method of MeDermot and Pig (1983) is plicable to undulating and bly ogtns i western NSW. andeatchmen ses vpto250 hm’ Its baveen ‘simaes of banal low for 68 sites ad is repional fd fegueney etd of he thd pe deed fo Section 33 ‘Steps in the method are Estimate the elicharge Qs 5 (m/s) with an average recarence interval of 25 ears 0.4 (45,9 66) ares (hm) ‘5, = eau re stream slope (n/m) ~ see Staton 33.200) i, Obtain the valu of equeny factor FF appropriate ‘oie design ARI fom Table 5.3. The valus for an ‘ARI of 50 years isobisined by extrapolation td sa iow accurey The design posh schage ie caleulated Fy xQss 6 ‘od msgnitode for ARI of ¥ years twin. 3 Victoria ‘& Rational Method. The method of Adans (1987) is based on the babii interpretation of the Rational Method nds applicable to Victor extent of unlined ‘ze Tens bea deed using anal nent data from Chapter 2 aod ocd charge date roms 323 oped catchments having 10 of more es of Irvtantaneous dscharge records Flood dlcherge ta were suplled byte Raval Water Commission of Victoria, ‘Stops inthe method az: 1. Select the ARI of years for which the design Sscharg Oy sree |i Mase the catchment ares. tn preferably fon map witha scale of $00 060 i. Obtain the valu fhe ro coca Co for an ARI 10 yeas tte te for which ti Adscarge is equred. Ths ead from May) fro) Figure 3.3 in Volume 2, depending on 1s, Determine the design alfa duration asthe dine concentration hous ors duration pve by the same formula (equation (4) aroun ‘menda for easter New South Wales = 076.40 where = eishnen are (km) For ths daration and the slated design ARI, ‘he rafal intensity fis determined bythe ‘methods in Chapter 2. No redaction of ths pot Imensty should be made forthe size of the tntchmet, ‘4 Determine te sppropriate frequency factor FF, from Table 5. The runoff colicin thet ‘uated by equation (33) se Cy = Cig x FFy “The desan discharge i exalted by equation on WORKED EXAMPLE: Determine the design discharge with ARI of 50 years fora 84" eatchoent pear Traralgon Sout, E10 year ARI runoff confit From Figue 53 (bt Volume 2, Cy |i Critical duran of design enna: on He 076 xa = S098 i, Ranta inten From Chapter 2, Tapisp 204 mm/h 1. Frouency Factor From Table 54, FF) = 1.20 Rutt coeticene Gop = 120 x07 = 020 vi Design discharge (Oso = 0.278 0.20 x20. x84 SF ie 1 Runott Routing ‘Wher the effort susie this approach i so suilabe for small media sized eatehnent Two, ‘esional elatonsips for RORB ar given in Seton 32 for Vieosa. The WBNM relation for New South Wales Secon 96.2 may alo be wad but ‘wthlowe probable rely, andthe modes och {SE RSWAURAPTS cond sto be apled ‘& Symthotic Unit Hydrograph Method. “The parameter elation of Barnet (1980) sand Covdey eal (1981) piven in Sesto 8.6.2 Should be applicable to Vitra ax they wee based fn dua fom New Souh Wales, Teamania and ‘Qucensend, and theeere pan Vitra 5.4.4 Australian Capital Territory 1 Regional Flood Frequency Method. ‘Knee ea. (1987) descbe s food estimation smth developed by the Departnent ef Terris, fd compare the adopted method withthe tate: pehod of Fitzgerald (1975) I is relonl ood frequency metho of eype (i) in Seton 3.3, ands Icedon he ecards of catchments andajacent 1b the Ausvalin Capi Tenor” ‘The design Teg, which ae appieable to on-ahn etc ‘ments wi tain Change slopes upto 4¥6 are Qin = 045 AE :" = 14 aomyrese = 139 aenjrs Oy = 197 ater Ore = 348 Aaaeyriee Oe = S10 ase Gig = 738 A008 /Fe whee By = Gicharge (ns) whan ARLE years “4S Sxtchment are). = TF Gracin of catchment forested) “able. ies valuesolbecorelation offic nd standard eros of estimate ofthe logarhe felons for equations (5.8), together wi he ange i discharges equivalent fo the standard errors of 6a) 1b, Methods or eastern Now South Wales. ‘Any ofthe methods in Seton 5.4.1 apply to the Act, 5.4.5 Queensland No general method based on observed lod data, and which meets the primary etecon of Secon 11, It ‘vale or Quran Inte etinatonpocedres ‘ed forthe desig of bridges and calves bythe Ma Roads Departnen, Queensland, account is taken of "corded strearfow nthe eon, and eld and historical ‘tat the sie, Also. methods such runt hydrosap, ‘iofroting ad fod teqsncy anal (Chapte 10) ‘steusedinaddton tothe Rauona Metioe While design fated out in this manner woul severly conform with the enterion adopted iets decumen tis would not be the case with designers outside the Main Roade Depa ‘meot sng the Departments form ofthe Rational Met ‘itost he aldo tbe supplementary data snd procedures Similar considerations may apply to procedures sed by ster autores Tessa Recavancn anal Faaraney oer Vian a TABLE 3.3 Coreation sna Err Mastures for Desan Equations for AC Several mths are avila exznation of design oad en sal oma sed ganged raralctehments ‘B'Quveasland. Thee ae dexrbed bey below, In ‘dion fo rune ting and syatetic unit hydrographs. ‘Without the we of atonal datas dscussed forthe Mais Roads Department method, the procedures are thialy ofan sofenry nator and arial wo be of lower aecurey than methods developed fom observed food data i oer States ‘Design data for the probabil form of th Rational Mati ae being developed from obsered Soeds or be Dorcas and Dating Downs eons and may become {lable afer publication of this document. Some ‘sed roll ctl forthe north coat region re Sito reported by Digi (1982). Several regional food ‘Requeny studies hae also toes eparted (ep Boothton land Colings, 1982: Cameron e ly 1978). However, ‘hose have mainly snalod dat ot re catchments, ld ave pot led to general design methods for the ‘ston under consierton in hs cape | Main Roads Department Rational Method. {Time of concentration frst estimated using the ‘modled Faced formula, asumingan estimated TABLES.S-velocteatorCaizuatonot|forAros Bin? ‘TABLE 5.7 - Estimation ofthe Rut Costiclent C- Queensland WLR. Bridge-tranch Me iced and enonmente 80 er) a re) ° o 2 peak level ofthe design ood ltr hac ‘Relations show thisto bein ror by more than (85.0 the rivets reclealtod The modied Fen fc i sk cna 5" tie of coneeatraton (h) length of mainsteeum (Om) fom the ‘let othe etehneat cide Chexy's coofiient atthe ste Bn yar radios O'75Rs where slope ete stream js fy aiform w cesk whee sop varies apprecily ong the sueam Fauld ste nil assumed Fiod level at the ste rape Manning roughness coefficient een tense ual are slope (%) as defined in Fipwe 87 in Secon 862, For catchments snller than 5 km Sime of Concentration Fond fem te sgarted ees tisin Table rather th rm equation (58) 6% Le che Rs 4 s. Rainfall testy for doraton and the design [ARI of 0 years i determined rom Chapter 2 “The runof coofcent Cais determined by ad ‘Son ote our percentage vals trom Table 37 “The design cserge fran ARI of 0 years i then clelste by he Ras! Mad equation eh. 2 Depsriment of Primary Industries Rational Method. ‘The Soil Conservation Handbook of the Depart: ment of Primary Tndusties (undated) describes @ ‘sono the Rational Method tha sed or design ‘nara catchments smaller toan35 A ie ot ‘ved from observed data, the prostdure dos ot ‘tenth rena orrssommensaon tis document [Nevertheless the flloming ives abi outline of the ats {Time of concentration is estimated fom he sm tow nes overland lm: in contour banks ‘din chanel, Graphs and ales of suggested eee te wren inthe So Conseraton | Rain intensity for the calculated kine of oncenrton and selected design frequency ‘ead fom diagrams prepared for each of several Aistnete However, the data in Chapter? of hit ocument shouldbe used ‘i, Rano coeiients ae estimated fom a able . Runot Routing. ‘Where the effort is justi, the repioal relation for RORD given In Seton 9.6.2 forts region i applicable. Othe modes suchas GENDRAIN ad RSWAURAPTS could alo be wed © Department of Agrieulture Method. “This procedure was developed by Moore (1979, 1980) om record floods om sx sal apicutura catchment The meted is applcable to eathments ‘tp 1 200 hain ara in wher sheep farming ares, land for ARs upto 20 years Te basally an inde ‘ed meted of te Birt ofthe hee types eon ‘eed regency methods deseribed in Secon 8-33, butwathanajesment fore andaitype Seen 1 TheratioQ/0:sisreadftom Fie. Osss the average ood in he Exreme Value type 1 Saeabaton 4 Theralveof, forthe aren (ha) ised rom, Figure 33 ii, The cote iste rm the map a Fig 5.6. ies The design discharge is aleulated as Qo~ (O's) x ua xC en) NORTHERN AND WESTERN REGION {itl infomation based on observed daa is arabe inthe ard andsem ad wones land Asal, Several Sor eo Le Forth logarithmic reition, = Oat and SBE = O.164(+45.7%,-31.4%) Frequency Facto: (Cy/C3} ARIGean) 2” S10 100 146 221 629) (S30) 2 50 360.520 ‘The Index Flood Method isbasd upon data fom {ements wih ean rane of cnet 4 = 405 $9600 ko 1 10-498 km 5,5 088-3.77 mite B= 230-400 mam “The design equation is Qs = 673 x10 42% pls) For the logarithmic elation, r= Ot and SEE = 0.150(+41.4%,-29.3%) Frequency Faciors (Qr/0) ~ loo interpolation: (3) ARI Gea) 2510 20" 0 ‘read tr) T) 055 100 138 240 3.90 10052 Loo 170 297 490 100 030 100 181 320 630 1000 Gad 100 194 270 990 1000) Gas 100 208 428 990 “There are very few data avilable inthe Gascoyne pion and firm recommendations canot be made However, the mapttodes of floods in this region are couidvaly less han in the Pisa “The comments on rot outing fr thie eeion sven Section 5470) should be noted “The gauged catchments used is denrng. te following method have mistre of soi ype! ‘seerally comping shaw sn loam and bare ck "Both the Rational Method nd Index Flood Mthod ate based upon data fom 17 catchments with the Tolowing range of catchmeatcharstetice A= 2968-44500 ko > 119-410 km $= 098-430 mike B= 450-850 mm Rational Method ‘The design equations ae f= 03640 2 Gy = om LoD ree For the logarithmic relation, at and SEE = 0.144(+39.2%,~28.25) Frequeney Fao (Cy/C)~ ogg interpolation ARIGes) 23 10 20" 50, inseam engin (hm) 1” oss 092 100 109 120 0072 OB Loo 114 131 Wo O61 080 100 122 Las 250087 078 100 125 163 Index Flood Method ‘The desienequton is = 9384" (538) For the logarithmic reltion, r= 007 and SEE = 0,185(4+39.5%,~28.3%) Frequency Fatiors (Qy/Q,) ~ logoginerpolatin: ARI Gear) 2 $10 20 80 ‘res tom) T) 190 137 163 190 225 10 too 147 187 231 95 100100 138 215 285 38 1000 100 149 247 350 S20 40000 100 181 284 437 6s ‘Based a sting or data rom ve extents wth ‘hefolowing rangectctchment characteris and ‘mature of sll pes eompesing Inter, sand and th i recommended tht the Rational Method fer Kimberley eathments with average anal rafal 450-830 mo in (1s sed in hs ube 4 = 677-1730 foe 1 = Y61 2113 km 51852103 itm ‘B= 1050-1420’ mm ARID INTERIOR There ae vill no data valle a hs eon and fim recommendations cannot be made. However, sig ‘on data om one cashnent (wih 13 years of record) it the Eater Goldie wir th flowing cachnent cart tere, nates that the Raton! Method for Whetbel. atskments with loamy oe ert reproduces Cie “4 = 59.0 bm! Las be 5,7 571 mikm B= 255 mm ‘The froquency factor fortis catchment ae: ‘ARI Qe) 2,8 1020 $0 034 030 100 128 162 1a atone omen pve. rina ouing fr this region in Section S47() shoul be noted. WORKED EXAMPLES: Weer hustraia~ South West Region Determine 2, 5,10, 20 and SO year ARI desea ‘ods wig the Rational Method apd Tadex Flood Matied for te crossing of Kerstin Brook on Janae Road CCrtehment characters: Vegetation Jamra Forest Salone Taterte Catchment ara, 4 = 98 Mainsteam length, = 60 km Seam slope 8, = Samim Garg C, = ‘Average sel anf, P = 1200 rm (see Figure 58, Volume 2) Rational Method f= 231 x95 = 188 From Chaper 2 obi fy for duration of 7.198 AR Gem) 2's. 1020 $0 ‘hy (wmin) 633.768 8.64 991 1180 Gyo = 212 2 107 x 10" (60 x 38.8) ARQerm) 25 102050, 0% clearing 0.77 089 1.00 112125 Op = 0278 x 0.231 x0.77 16.33 x95 257 ms Similar calculations forthe other ARIS give the folowing rests ARI Geos) 2S 1020.50 Growiey” 297 41s 527 677 9.00 Index Flood Method (O: = 822 x 107 x95 x 120022? x (6.0.38) x totes Sie mle Frequency Factors ARIGeo) 2 $10 2050 70% clearing 1.00 1.38 171 208 262 Op = 3.76 x 1.38 5.19 ws Siar ealeslatons forthe other ARIS sive the Falowing ress: ARIueen) 2 S10 2050 Growin)” 376 S19 643 782 9385 Westrn Australia Noth West Pia) Determine 2,5, 10, 20 nd 50 year ARI desion ‘ods using te Rational Method and Index Flood Math fr the croning of Metawandy Crest 00 Nanutare Witenoom Rod CCrchment characteristic Sal spe CCachanent area, A Loam sis 5039 kn Matnsveam lens, = 46.3 km Steam slope, 3, = ST lho ‘Average annual raisfal,P = 300 rm (sce Figure 58, Volume 2) Rational Method fe = 056 x $0299 = 595 4 From Chapter 2 obi y for duration of 5.95 ARI Geax) 2S" 10 2050 {oo (mmib) 1301130 1430 1760 22.70 (Cy = 307 x10" x463% ~ 0143 = 0378 x 0.143 x1.00 x70 x5028 Mis Sina ealeulations forthe other ARIS give the Telowing results ARIGean) 2 $10 2050 Qrimi 146 330632. 1270 2360 Index Flood Method 10, = 63x10" x8029°7 «30058 = 262 mie Frequency lates fr area = 5029 do? are AMGes) 23 1020.50 vias 049 100 190 335 740 Hence Qs ~ 326.2 x 0.49 ~ 160 me Sint celelations fo other ARIsive the following reel ARQ) 210 Grows)” — 60 326 620 0 1160 2410 6. unott Routing ‘Where dhe frist, treo elation for ORB given in Sesion 9.62 for Western Ausalls ‘eapplsabe together ith theses given Table 653 may also be pailetouseciherypes una rowing modes orthe regione where here i ite dato the dats uso por unity, asin the Wheabele, Pbare and Kimble reonr RORB sndsimiar models shold [peo boter flood erste than he Rar sex hood Meth. 5.4.8 Northern Torstory Oni limited mount of design information based on obsered dat i svalable, so tat the recommended procedares must be subject o rater uncertainty than for ‘pions with more data Any avai informaton shoals te comer topeher wit the folowing sugested roselare in slecting design valu Lacl knowledge {ied advice from local wer suo sof parler importance in regions sachs the Norther Terr. Runoff coefficients have been derived fora few catchments (B, Stewart personal communication, ‘hd thse tpether with el expesene songet the {Glowing values of rane eoeiieator desig or the ‘whole ofthe Norbern Tesary "ARLoE? years Cr= 0507 ARIofS year, 6; = 0608 ARIof10 years Cig = 0709 ‘Thehigher values would apply to scepercatehmens. Lower values mipht be appropiate for ery Mat chment in Cental Ausra sil to those ‘Soeeued for the Northern and Westen Regoas of South Asselin "The Bransby Wiliams equation (3.3) suggested ss the mod ppeopiste metho or esting ie of Gorn Memar678) ona od Pater sc be weld in ane pt ofthe [Northen Terry, bt more applicable to large ‘chmens wath rea exentng 1000 ‘Where he effort susie, te regional relation ship foe the Nonhar Tentry i Seton 98.2 re ‘ppleabe 4 Regional Envelope Care frAligto Rivers Region “These sppronimae dan vale fori rexon. Inston tothe Rational Method in) above, the aoe methods suggested in Section 5.48 for the [Nortare and Wester Regions of South Austal ‘hold aso be appliabl othe soubor half ofthe [Norther Terr. These nclude the reonal ood frequen method of Macquten(1978,1979) andthe anil! frequency ‘method of MeDermet™ and Pigim (1983). 5.4.9 Tasmania Western Tasmania 5 Rugionl Food Frequency Method. ‘Design information has been developed fom observed dats by the Hygro Elec Commission (Pate, 1988). The procedure is 1 repiona food frequen method of pei} in Secon 8 3.3. Steps Inthe procedure ae: i Bsimate a coefficient C; fom Figure 5:9, ‘doping an interpolated alu athe cenoid of the catchment Caleuate the Dood peak Qs (m/s) with an ‘Enualexcedance probability (AED) afin? fom the formule O= cae” (538) where d = sitchen are (em) 4. Assess the catchment for homogeneity with ‘agonal charstenties For example isan KSlated step rocky cathment sn hermise fats swampy eouty the ema should be Increased spopnatly This mast be dae By Jademene jn, sermine the sppropiate standard deviation S toga of oad own from Fipoe 8 9. ‘+ Based the samen atthe anual maxim foods aelog Nonnaly datbued calculate he flood Qy with an AEP fn om the fru log Or = Nog Oa + Ky.S 636) where Ky isthe equeny factor fran AEP of IY trom Table 102 and fra skew of 770 Few data were availabe inthe south west so that, accuracy tly tobe lower inti eon, Te no Homogeneous saponin the fa nor west fs more Ie die to the lrg storage eects of numerous ‘swamps, the variably of raafll and the short Tea recordin the reo, "Where he efor iste, he repionalelationsip for RORD in Sect 9.62 for werem Tasmania applicable ester Tasmania "No design information based on observed data is svalableorearter Tasmania ail such provedures are ‘veloped, Turners (1961) procedure for te Rational Methods supgened a the best vallble approach. [Relea lly to be of lower accuracy than hose i ‘etlons with provdore based oa ebserved data 5.5 REFERENCES ‘Adars, CA. (1987) Design Noo estimation for ungauged ‘Salcsishmente in Veta Read Como Astor, Victra Draft Teenie! Boles ‘Alken, AP. (1971) Yield estimation using 4 United State Soll Conservation Service approach. Fal Report, Vol2, Report oa Analysis Components, Ast. Water Resourees Counc, Research Proc 64/1, Hydrology of Small Rural Catchments. Analysis Component (c) Showy Mountains Engg Corporation Ap eros, B.C. Pilgrim, DH. and Cordery. 1. (1980) Hiydrclgalrelatonsbipe between small and large ftchment. Dept of Nail Development and Enerey, ‘Rust Water Resources Counc Tesh PaperNo. 4,127. Boughon, W.C. and Collings, AS, (1982) Regional ‘etn iad equencycharacericsn Quensand. Gi Bnge Tran lst Brg At, Vol CE24 pp 127-134, Cameron, LG, Ward, 1K. and Ins, UL. (1975) Development of reloml fod estimation procedares, Hygra Symposia 1975, st. 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