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Module 5

Term and Year Term 1 2020

Qualification : BSB50215 Diploma of Business

Unit Code: BSBMKG501

Unit Title: Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities

Task 1: Case study & short questions

Task 2: Short questions

Student Name: Yamkanta Parajuli

Student ID No: V20200027

Assessor’s Name: Michal Tomcik

Assessment submission (new) requirements

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It is expected that unless a simple extension, special consideration or disability services adjustment has been granted,
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If an extension is either not sought, not granted or is granted but work is submitted after the extended due date, the late
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Assessment/evidence gathering conditions

Each assessment component is recorded as either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS). A student can only
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assessed as NYS is eligible for re-assessment. Should the student fail to submit the assessment, a result outcome of Did
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Principles of Assessment

Based on Clauses 1.8 – 1.12 from the Australian Standards Quality Assurance’s (ASQA) Standards for Registered Training
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Flexibility – assessment is flexible to the individual learner by; (1) reflecting the learner’s needs, (2) assessing competencies
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held by the learner no matter how or where they have been acquired and, (3) the unit of competency and
associated assessment requirements, and the individual.

Validity – (1) requires that assessment against the unit/s of competency and the associated assessment requirements
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Reliability – evidence presented for assessment is consistently interpreted and assessment results are comparable
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Rules of Evidence

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Authenticity – the assessor is assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s own work. This would
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Currency – the assessor is assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current competency. This requires the
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Resources required for this Assessment

 All documents must be created using Microsoft Office suites i.e., MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint
 Upon completion, submit the assessment via the student learning management system to your trainer along with the
completed assessment coversheet.
 Refer the notes on eLearning to answer the tasks
 Any additional material will be provided by Trainer
Instructions for Students

Please read the following instructions carefully

 This assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor.

 Students are allowed to take this assessment home.
 Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved. You will be
provided with feedback on your work within 2 weeks of the assessment due date.
 Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps in knowledge.
You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit
of competency.
 If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
 Please refer to the College re-assessment and re-enrolment policy for more information.
Procedures and Specifications of the Assessment

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Task 1

The candidate will demonstrate skills and knowledge required to investigate marketing opportunities.

You will analyse a real organisation or simulated business to identify two marketing opportunities, research potential new
markets, assess opportunities with respect to contribution to the business, and explore innovative approaches. You will
then prepare a brief presentation for marketing peers to support and explain the two marketing opportunities you have

You may base your analysis and report on BBQfun simulated business and requires you to identify and evaluate marketing
opportunities for your chosen organization or utilizing the BBQfun case study. Identify two marketing opportunities for the
organisation on your chosen organisation’s market and business needs in terms of:

 comparative market information

 competitors’ performance
 customer requirements
 legal and ethical requirements
 market share
 market trends and developments
 new and emerging markets
 profitability
 sales figures

Task 2
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:

 Identify and document changes needed to current operations to take advantage of viable marketing opportunities
 Estimate resource requirements for changed operations
 Determine and communicate viability of making changes to current operations to key stakeholders
 Document newly identified marketing opportunities and required changes

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Task 1

 Identify two marketing opportunities for the BBQ fun’s market and business needs in terms of:

Characteristics Overview What does it mean for BBQ fun?

BBQ fun will witness an increase in demand if the

population increases by 5% every year. The people
o High population growth of 5% per residing in Queensland is also increasing because
year as per the given information the number of homes
o New homes and renovated homes is growing from the base of 50000 per year.
 Queensland overview
growing from a base of 50,000 per According to the information provided to us the
year employment rate of the people is also falling down
o Low unemployment of 4.7%. and right now it is at 4.7%. If the employment rate
goes down, people will not have the purchasing
a. comparative market information

power to buy products from the market.

In consideration of geographic factors, BBQ fun’s
o Our immediate geographic target is immediate target is Brisbane which has a
the area of Brisbane with a population of 2,000,000. They want to expand their
population of 2,000,000 market in Brisbane so as to increase their sales
Geographic o A 30 km geographic area is the revenue. As per the market research conducted by
average store market footprint BBQ fun the customer traffic for a store is within
the geographical limit of 30km. BBQ fun aims to
o The total targeted population is target a population of 450,000 in the given fiscal
estimated at 450,000. year.

o Male and female BBQ fun target audiences are the young and
middle age professionals or students aged
o Ages 20–50
between 20-50 years. BBQ fun wants to open an
o High percentage of young outlet in the central business district and aims to
professionals who work in the target the professionals working in that area.
Demographic central business district According to their market research, they aim to
o High percentage have completed target the households which have an average
undergraduate/postgraduate study income of $70,000. Students who are either
pursuing their undergraduate or post-graduate
o An average household income of
courses are also the target audience for BBQ fun.
over $70,000.

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The main competitor of BBQ fun is The Yard. The
Yard has not expanded itself geographically but
has a good customer base in Brisbane. The prices
o Has a limited selection but of the products available at The Yard are
significant depth. comparatively on the higher side compared to its
competitors ‘performance

rivals but customers are ready to pay that price

o All Australian made and no
significant marketing or promotion. because of the quality it offers to them. They are
known to provide good quality products in the
o The price point is high, but the
market. They are even considering entering e-
quality of products is quite good.
The Yard commerce market which can be a threat to the rest
o Not in south east Queensland and of the firms as The Yard has a good distribution
considering e-commerce options. network which will help them to expand in the e-
o Considered potential treat for commerce market and attract more consumers
entering market through e- .The advantage that BBQ fun has over The Yard is

commerce because of large that the latter is not located in south east
distribution network Queensland as Queensland is the target market for
BBQ fun right now. The Yard does not advertise or
promote itself because of which most people in
Australia do not know about it.

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Characteristics Overview What does it mean for BBQ fun?

It offers lifestyle products also. The other

competitor of BBQ fun is BBQ’s R US which offers
o Broad range of outdoor lifestyle a wide range of lifestyle and outdoor products like
products including trinkets and trinkets, furnishings and etc. It has stores in
furnishings. Brisbane, Melbourne and Adelaide. It has just one
o Lots of cheap imports and store in Brisbane which is an advantage to BBQ
concentrating on established fun as the target market for BBQ fun is Brisbane.
markets. BBQ’s R US concentrates mostly on established
BBQ’s R Us
markets and is known for offering imported goods
o Strong in the replacements
at cheap prices. It is good at the replacement
competitors ‘performance (cont.)

section of the market. Like The Yard, BBQ’s R US
o Has one store in Brisbane as
also wants to explore the e-commerce routes to
mostly in Melbourne and Adelaide.
expand its customer base and market share. If it
o Considering e-commerce options. establishes its e-commerce website then it will be
able to cater to more number of customers which
will increase its sale revenue.

o Large operations of only a few Outdoors, another rival of BBQ fun has a large
stores per city.
market for outdoor and lifestyle products with
o Mass markets outdoor lifestyles at quality varying from medium to low. They have only

good value prices as there are no a limited number of stores in a city but each store
imported goods. has a huge customer base. They expertise mostly
o Extensive advertising and its in the replacement section rather than new
goods are pitched at low to furnishing products in the market. They only deal in
medium quality. local goods and take the benefit of marketing by
o Strong in the replacement advertising their products extensively. Like the
segment rather than new and other competitors, Outdoors is also looking out for
refurbished dwellings. an e-commerce expansion to increase sales of the
company. It is a competitor for BBQ fun because
o Gaining strength in Brisbane
market. Considering e-commerce the major market for Outdoors is Brisbane which
options. also the target market for BBQ fun.

Factors What does it mean for BBQ fun?



A customer wants a firm to have a large product portfolio to offer so that they can
choose from large variety of products and be spoiled by choices.
Selection – a wide
choice of options.  IF the product is good and the price is cheap then people will be attracted.

Otherwise they will move to another market which is suitable for them.

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Accessibility – the
customer needs easy
The store should be located in such an area so that the customers do not problem in locating
access to the store
the store and can access it with convenience.
with minimal

Customer service – the When a customer enters a store to buy a product, it expects the staff at the store to help them
customer needs expert in selecting a product by telling them about the uses of the products.
customer service to
help sort through

Factors What does it mean for BBQ fun?

Competitive pricing –
the customer needs all Customers always look for good quality products which are offered at reasonable prices.
products/services to Hence, they need to price their products according to the average prices prevailing in the
customer requirements (cont.)

be competitively market as the competitors are always in the lookout to attract the customers.

Flexible payment – the A flexible payment option is also a part of customer requirement as the customers should be
customer needs easily given a credit period if they want to buy the products in instalment basis.
managed payment
plan. There are different kinds of payment methods such as online payments, debit or credit,
cashier checks, cash. If the customer found the flexible payment, then they will be satisfied
and more attracted towards it.

Quality guarantees –
the customer requires The customers also want a guarantee for the goods they buy. They lookout for at least three
three year product years of guarantee within the time period products can be replaced by the firm.
guarantees (as offered
by most competitors).

In the case of BBQfun’s marketing performance, we can see from the table below suggesting its findings of survey of
500 customers as follows:

Survey questions New builds Renovators Replacements What does it mean for BBQ fun
BBQ fun needs to concentrate on the replacement
sector as its market share in this sector is
Have visited BBQ fun comparatively low. If there is good and quality
70% 70% 50%
in previous month product, there will be great potential of product on
market value.

BBQ fun has a good market share and it should

retain this customer base in future.
Have bought a BBQ It is clearly shown that people love BBQ fun
fun product in 70% 65% 50% product. If they will bring more new product as well
previous month as quality product, business can growth efficiently.
Because nowadays people prefer good quality

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The customer service provided is good.
If there is good customer service and good
customer behaviour, then company can growth
Customer service is
90% 95% 60% rapidly. It is clearly shown on survey.

BBQ fun needs to be more prices sensitive.

Reasonable and satisfaction price is crucial on
Price is most The price has a profound impact on the marketing
10% 20% 95%
important strategy, and depending on the price elasticity of
the product, it will often affect the demand and
sales as well.

The BBQ fun believes in Australian made products

and sells them.
Australian made is People love home-made brand. It is seen that most
80% 65% 55% of the customer buy Australian product rather than
foreign product.

The ecommerce trade of BBQ fun is operating very

well. It allows BBQ fun company to build their
brand and gain the creditability that helps to attract
Will buy online 100% 100% 100% more customers. It also gives our customers an
easy way to find out more about what we have to

The ecommerce customers are loyal to BBQ fun

and are ready to pay for online delivery also.
Will pay for online Easy access for their product is online delivery.
100% 100% 100% Product on their home without any travel. So there
delivery if chosen
is 100% satisfaction on online delivery.

BBQ fun needs to create more customer loyalty

and value.
Loyal customer is very important to business
success. There are many advantages of loyalty
Loyalty customer 30% 20% 10% customer. Loyal customer already trusts into our
products and services, so they are likely to spend
money on this brand. It will helps to business to

Types of What it is about: How does it impact BBQ fun



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It is an act of the parliament of Australia. The
It a legal act which is providing the rules
Act is the legislative vehicle for competition
Competition and Consumer Act
law in Australia, and seeks to promote and regulation throughout all over the
competition, fair trading as well as providing Australia. It means they don’t only look
protection for consumers. after their local people. There will be
equal rights between national and

international people, no discrimination.

They must be ethical to others, no rude
behavior and equal opportunities among

The ecommerce laws regarding trade. BBQ fun needs to adhere to these laws.
Australian e-commerce model

The model sets standards for consumer The model of Australian ecommerce states to take
protection in e- commerce. It provides measures to fulfill the expectations of potential
industry groups and individual business with customers. To achieve more success the company
a voluntary code of conduct for dealing with has built online infrastructure.
consumers online, which is underpinned in
several areas by legislative requirements.

BBQ fun needs to adhere to these rules.

Association - Direct Marketing Code

The ADMA Code of Practice provides

a principle-based, agile compliance Australian direct marketing Association has been
Australian Direct Marketing

framework that places consumers' established by the country to supply critical

interests at its core and gives marketing code of practice. According to the
of Practice

practice the direct marketing Provides fair

marketers the support and guidance
marketing room and opportunities for everyone.
they need to make responsible
decisions about data, technology,
creativity, and content and customer

BBQ fun’s comparative market information is largely determined by independent competition where they
focuses on locally produced products and they have a collective market share of 48%. In 2009, the national
outdoor lifestyle market reached $300 million. Outdoor lifestyle sales were estimated to grow by at least 6%
market share

for the next few years. This growth can be attributed to several different factors:

Factors What does it mean for BBQ fun

It means that customers have the ability to afford to make


purchases at a higher level, i.e. spend more, due to dual

The greater disposable household income from
two income families income within a family. BBQ fun can expect that its
customers are able to accept a higher price tag products if

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they deem it to be of higher quality and better features.

Since our market share is high and customers are

The greater availability of affordable and interested in imported products .So, we can use this
interesting quality imports with the high value of opportunity to increase our sales.
the Australian dollar

Advertisements will help in increasing sales. Hence, BBQ

fun can utilize this opportunity to increase its sales.
The marketing by popular TV lifestyle

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Factors What does it mean for BBQ fun

By having an array of quality-oriented products, BBQ fun is

Item quality – the preference for high quality able to meet the needs of its customers while at the same
items is increasing as customers are learning to time, they would also stock lower-priced products to attract
appreciate the quality differences. customers who are looking for value-buy purchases.

The customers always look for the new product. Because

Market trends and developments

Unique – our patrons appreciate the of the competition of same product on market share,
opportunity to include outdoor lifestyles in their people look for uniqueness in the products and want
home that stand out from the mass-produced exclusive products to be offered to them.
and low-quality items.

People want a larger product portfolio so that they have a

Selection – people are demanding a larger variety of products to choose from.
selection of choices; they are no longer
accepting a limited offer in outdoor lifestyles.

Factors What does it mean for BBQ fun

BBQ fun should also advertise their products to the

A growing market in a high growth area with a customers to make them aware of their product portfolio.
significant percentage of the target market still
not aware of BBQ fun value proposition.

BBQ fun should expand their operations to south east

Queensland to take advantage of the growing market.
new and emerging markets

Increasing sales opportunities outside of our

store locations – south east Queensland.

They should also consider entering the e-commerce routes

to reach out a large number of customers.
Growing opportunity for online sales.

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Factors What does it mean for BBQ fun

As the economy of Australia is increasing, the personal

disposable income will also increase.
This will lead to a rise in demand.
Economy - the real estate market in south east
Queensland continues to rise in price, and with Based on economic forecasts, BBQ fun assumes that
it the disposable income of the population. interest rates will remain steady and will have little to no
affect on disposal income.

The government is also aiming at helping the firms to grow


Political - the present Government focus and and develop in future.

emphasis in future legislative direction will be
about growth and productivity

2014 2015 2016 How does it impact BBQ fun

Increase in sales volume helps the company to expand its

It helps in increase in sales presence, increase brand
Total sales

awareness and established customer base.

$11,000,000 $12,000,000 $15,000,000
Total sales are increasing every year. It means the
company or business on profit. A good sales growth can
always be used for the benefits of the employees and
company in terms of providing salary raise, acquiring new
assets, an expansion of the company or the product line.
sales figures (forecast)

The gross profit will help the firm to meet its expenditure.
It helps in less time consuming, and ease of budgeting.
It is clearly seen that every year the gross profit is
Gross profit

increasing. It means the quality product and the quality

$5,110,000 $6,500,000 $7,500,000 service of business is excellent.

Task 2

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Complete the following activities individually.

1. Return on investment is the ratio of money of an investment relative to the amount of money invested. Provide a
brief discussion on:

Average rate of return is the measurement of profitability of the investments on the basis of the
information taken from the financial statements rather than the cash flows. It is calculated by
a. Average rate of aggregating all expected cash flows and dividing by the number of years that the investment is
return expected to last. The formula of calculating the average rate of return is :
Average rate of return = Average income / Average investment over the life of the project.

Payback period is the amount of time it takes to cover the cost of an investment. It is the length of
time an investment reaches a break- even point. Payback period is useful in financial and capital
b. Payback period budgeting. Investors and money managers can use the payback period to make quick judgments
about their investments. The formula of payback period is calculated as
Payback period = Initial investment / Net cash flow per period
Net present value is the difference between the present value of cash inflows and the present value
of cash outflows over a period of time. Net present values provides a method for evaluating and
comparing capital projects or financial products with cash flows spread over time, as in loans,
c. Net present value investments, payouts from insurance contracts plus many other applications. The formula of net
present value is calculated as below:
Net present value = Cash flows / ( 1+r)^i where cash flows= cash flows in the time period, r=
discount rate, i= time period

Profitability index is the ratio between the present value of future cash flows and the initial
investment. Profitability index is helpful in ranking various projects because it lets investors quantify
d. Profitability index the value created per each investment unit. The formula of profitability index is
Profitability index = PV of future cash flows / Initial investment= 1+ NPV / Initial investment

2. Provide a brief discussions on what are the considerations for an investment appraisal of new opportunities:

Financial resources are the assets of the organization, and are used to carry out the business
activities like paying salaries and buying supplies. If there are enough financial resources for an
a. Financial resources investment appraisal of new opportunities , the project will going on and we can able to determine
whether the capital resources make the investment feasible.

b. The purchase of The purchase of equipment or machines helps for an investment appraisal of new opportunities. It
equipment or helps to assess the business reality. New equipment make more successful in the marketplace. Will
machines help to stay ahead of our competitors. It helps to invest in digital technologies.

The considerations for an investment appraisal of new opportunities are described below:
c. Buildings The advantage of renting is lower costing of the primary acquisition for its flexibility.
Leasing Process
The advantage of leasing process is low cost of acquisition capacity of transformation.

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d. Other assets for the The other assets for the develop of new products are online marketing, Delivery services of products
develop of new to customers, Digital technologies. Purchase of new machinery, Market research and using
products techniques such as survey and focus groups can help to develop of new products.

3. Discuss the various key investment considerations when deciding on new opportunities:

The scale of the investment while deciding on new opportunities is increasing production and
a. Scale of the lowering costs. Cost can be both fixed and variable. For new product opportunities , functional
investment services is more important which includes accounting, human resources, marketing, treasury, legal,
and information technology.

It is the total return earned on an investment during the time that it has been held. It is useful for
b. Length of time making like comparisons between returns on investments purchased at different period in time. The
before investment length of time before investment yield returns is calculated as follows:
yield returns Length of time before investment yield returns= Income + ( end of period value – Initial value) / Initial

c. Length of time to BBQ fun company is going to invest $1M on their new products which is expected to save the
pay back the company $250, 000 each year. The length of time to pay back the investment is four year. Dividing
investment 1M by 250, 000.

The BBQ fun is going to introduce new products on the market place. Due to the great value of new
d. Expected profits product on the market, the company is expected of at least 10% profits from the investments. That’s
from the the main goal of the BBQ fun company to get 10% profit from their product and expected to increase
investments the profit % year by year.

Alternative investment can be better used elsewhere because alternatives tend to behave
differently than typical stock and bond investments, adding them to a portfolio may provide broader
e. Alternative diversification, enhance returns and increase income levels.
investment be Alternatives can grow the risk and return profile of a portfolio and grow total return through access to
better used a broader set of investments and strategies.
elsewhere Alternatives may offer higher yields than traditional investments—especially during periods of low
interest rates.

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4. New products and services have a direct effect on revenue generation which is the key reason for a business being
able to stay competitive and enabling it to reach its goal of continually making a profit. It is therefore imperative that
written plans keep the business and new product on track. Discuss the reasons for identifying and documenting
changes needed to current operations to take advantage of viable marketing opportunities.

The company needs to launch new products according to the needs of the market. To take
advantage of viable marketing opportunities, it is necessary to understand the growth, effect on
volume of sales, profitability and market share. The company must search for new tactics to make it
a. Identify what is to be successful in the expansion of new markets. Using various marketing tactics would help the
achieved company to expand its market share by bringing new products and diversity. With the available
products the company is trying to enter the present market to compete with other Competitor in
Brisbane and Sydney. The company must introduce new products in the market.
The specific goal of BBQ fun is to improve the performance of the employees, to capture
more market share and to enhance the services provided by the organization. The
mission of this company is to provide our customers with great value outdoor lifestyle
products and second-to-none customer service. Reduce direct and indirect costs of
operations. BBQ fun company is tries to overcome the competition by doubling the market
share in Brisbane. Physical resources such as buildings, raw materials, machines and
factory will be managed properly. For human resources there will be highly qualified
trained employee on each section of reception, management and production.

The new BBQ fun goals include;

1. To improve the quality by changing local suppliers to national ones.

b. SMART goals
2. To realize more profits by extending BBQ fun market niche.
3. To increase the sale of BBQ fun products by using better branding Methods.
4. Introduce more stores in the Brisbane and bring new products on the market to attract
existing and new customers.
5. Changes on modes of payment both online and offline.
6. Be a national brand retailor within 10 years.

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BBQ fun Company is about to realize all its 2008 goals that involve making sure that in the next ten
years it will become a national retailer brand, catering to the needs of home markers with a range of
unique, high quality outdoor-lifestyle products made accessible to all through its easy manage plan.
Its new objective that is to be realized by the year 2018 is to see BBQ fun Company with a
significant retail presence in outdoor-lifestyle in every Australian capital city, starting with 15 stores
c. Timeframes in the greater Brisbane area and growing to 50 Australia wide. In the coming 10 years, it is
estimated that the outdoors sales market are likely to grow by 20%. The companies will main focus
on the cost reduction. Moreover, development of new modes of payment both online and offline will
be identified as the marketing opportunity for improving the bargain market. Scarcity marketing will
be developed for controlling the product effectively.

On business, there are different types of resources required. Physical resources such as
d. Types of resources equipment, buildings, distribution network and electronic resources are important on business.
required Human resources are also another important part of resources required for business. It refers to
employees, clients, customer service and networking. Budget is very crucial for business.

For the risk analysis of resource requirements, at first we need to identify threats. We have to look
e. Risk analysis of after what are the threats of BBQ fun? And how to deal with these threats? Secondly We have to
resource identify the risk of BBQ fun and know how to overcome, avoid, and manage with these risks.
requirements Another important part is gap analysis of BBQ fun. We need to identify the gap analysis of BBQ fun.

Stakeholder Communication strategy are described below;

Stakeholder Ways of Communication
CEO Through meeting, group discussion, email
f. Stakeholder Staff Email. Meeting
communication Client Phone call
strategy Marketing Manager Phone calls, Email
Supervisor Phone call, Meeting

Reviewing and revising your marketing plan and mix regularly will help you identify and make
g. Revised marketing necessary strategy changes. Such a review sets the stage for longer-term market planning, such as
plan expansion, revision, or diversification.

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5. Ensure organizational changes to service an increased or different customer base including provision for continued
quality of service to existing customers. Discuss the possible issues that may cause customer service to suffer:

If there is operational disruption while doing the service then the customer may not like the services
a. Operational which are provided. The customer has to spend more time on getting services which means loss of
disruption time. For example, if there is delay delivery problem to the customers, then they will be upset to their
services and they don’t like the suppliers.

Due to customer inconvenience the company may lose their regular customers. Customers will not
b. Customer be happy and satisfied because of customer inconvenience. The company may lose their loyal
inconvenience customers which mean the more likely effect on products and services.

The effect of lack of staff training can cause significant damage to business finances and reputation.
If the staff are not well trained, then there will be chance of more errors occurs on customer
services. If there is lack of staff training to support services, then workers become less productive
c. Staff training to because they don’t know how to do their works properly. Low productivity and profitability may occur
support services due to untrained staff. Another problem such as poor quality of work may occur. In some cases, poor
lacking quality work from lack of training can have an immediate negative impact on customers. Lack of staff
training result at greater risk of workplace accidents. They can put the company at risk of lawsuits
and fines.
Due to incomplete infrastructure, there will be delay on customer service which means the customer
d. Incomplete must have to wait and spend time longer to get the services. The services can’t be 100% satisfied
infrastructure to for the customers. Because of lack of infrastructure to support new product/ services, the services
support new which is given to the customers may not be reliable and in proper way. It will be hard for people to
product/ services learn about the products.

If the new products or services information incomplete/ not sent to the customer, then customer will
e. New product/ be confused about the product. They will not have exact idea about the new services provided by
services the organization which means problems on the reception while customer is coming to buy the
information products. They will not get the services what they want. The main problem on customer service may
incomplete/ not sent happen like customer will be unhappy; customer will be dis-satisfied with the products/ services.
The main problem occurs when equipment/facility not working properly is delay on the services.
Customers have to spend more time to get the service. The services cannot be 100% accurate due
f. Equipment/ facility to lack of proper equipment/ facility. More workers must be needed to provide the services. For
not working example, if the computer isn’t working properly while doing the services then can’t give online
properly services to customers which means they have to do paperwork services which is more time
Marketing resources related to brand, website, business brochure and professional profile. If there is
g. Inaccurate inaccurate marketing resource then the customers will get confused about the brand and quality of
marketing products. Then there will be dis-interact between the customer and the customer service provider.
resources The customer can’t get the exact quality or brand product what they actually want. It means dis-
satisfaction of customer due to inaccurate marketing resources.

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6. Building on your answers to Assessment Week 1, your task now is to briefly draft out the newly identified marketing
opportunities and required additional information to the company’s marketing plan.

This report will look at market research on BBQ Fun’s business with perspectives from opportunity
a. Summary and threat analysis, qualitative and quantitative research. It will also illustrate BBQ Fun’s business
objectives and marketing strategies, with a critical evaluation in terms of financial feasibility.
The strengths analysis of BBQ fun is excellent customer service employees who are highly skilled
and knowledgeable about outdoor lifestyles. Assortment of products that exceed competitor
offerings in range, quality and accessibility.
The weakness analysis of BBQ fun is a limited marketing budget to develop brand awareness. No
online profile.
Market analysis

The opportunities analysis of BBQ fun is a growing market in a high growth area with a significant
percentage of the target market still not aware of BBQ fun value proposition.
The threats analysis of BBQ fun is low cost competition. Competition from national chains moving
into the Brisbane market, potentially through online sales.
The PEST analysis of BBQ fun is that the present government focuses and emphasis in future
legislative direction will be about growth and productivity, which BBQ fun sees as a positive for their

business model. The real estate market in south east Queensland continues to rise in price, and with
it the disposal income of the population. BBQ fun assumes that interest rate will remain steady and
will have little to no effect on disposable income. The Technological factor of BBQ fun is that they
are going to introduce their products online. They are doing online delivery and all the customer
service is provided through online.
The market share of the company has also been increasing on a greater front thus complying with
the needs and services of the people in the short as well as in the longer run. In Brisbane, the
company has recorded a higher market growth rate in the long run scenario of the organization. The
New market
Market segmentation

Australian suppliers, as well as the manufacturers, have been adding greater market and economic
value as far as the outdoor lifestyle products are considered.
So the BBQ Fun company is targeting for Brisbane customers.
For new business idea, we are going to open more stores on Brisbane as there is only one store at
the moment. And also we are going to changing on modes of payment. Payment can be done on
both online and offline. On Brisbane, there is potential market on outdoors lifestyles so we are
targeting for customers of Brisbane. I will look after the new market value products and if the
customers are attracted towards on new products and branding methods then we will launch new

products on the marketplace.

d. New market The new market goal is introducing the new product on market. And do the online business. Let’s
objectives see the customer love the online shopping or not?

e. Marketing strategies
Because of the competition on the marketplace about products, BBQ fun is going to introduce new
products on the market to attract their existing and new customers.
The new product of BBQ fun is
New market BBQ gas bottles and refills
Pizza stone oven product
Charcoal roaster and many more organic raw materials.

New To introduce a new product on the market, it is challenging for the BBQ Fun company .So for new
business business idea, Every weekend we can give special discount offer to the customers. If they are the
idea membership of BBQ fun company, they can get up to 20% discount.

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Price must be fixed and reliable. So for the new market price I am going to look after the
New market competitor’s price and make strategic plan for pricing. Price will be reliable which is comfortable to
buy the products for the customers.

New When I will price my new product or services I will look after manufacturing cost, market place,
business competition, brand and quality of product. I will put the price reasonable and check if the customers
idea are satisfied with price or not?

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The main aim of promotion of this new product is to increase awareness, create interest, and
generate sales and to promote quality brand loyalty. To increase demand and to differentiate a
New market

product I will make some product ads on website.

New For Promotion, I will put the ads of my product on social media. I will build a community through
business newspaper and magazines promoting goods and services that can lead to brand loyalty.
BBQ fun has stores in Brisbane, Melbourne and Adelaide. It has just one store in Brisbane
New market which is an advantage to BBQ fun has the target market for BBQ fun is Brisbane. So, we are
going to locate our stores on Brisbane.

The store head office is Brisbane. But for new business idea, the store location will be out of
The Budget of BBQ fun is normal. The accountant manager of the BBQ fun company will look
after the financial budget. And then the whole budget presentation will be submitted to the
f. Budget project manager of BBQ fun and if they have to make some changes on budget they will
conduct a meeting and solved the certain problem.
While analyzing and identifying potential future events or products on the market, it may
negatively impact individuals, assets and the environment.
g. Risk assessment So simply, I determine the possible mishaps, consequences and the tolerances for such events
which help the BBQ fun company to achieve its main goal on the market place.

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Assessment Submission Checklist to be completed by the Trainer/Assessor

Unit name: BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities

Assessment: Task 1

Did the student complete and provide evidence for the following (please  ): Yes No

1. Provide and present a market development proposal?

2. Provide an analysis for a given case study?

3. Submit within agreed timeframe?

During the demonstration or observation of skills/ meeting the performance

criteria, did the candidate do the following (please  ):
Yes No Assessor’s Notes (if any)

1.1. Analyse information on market and business needs to identify

marketing opportunities

1.2. Research potential new markets and assess opportunities to enter,

shape or influence the market in terms of likely contribution to the

1.3. Explore entrepreneurial, innovative approaches and creative ideas for

their potential business application, and develop into potential
marketing opportunities

2.1. Identify and analyse opportunities in terms of their likely fit with
organisational goals and capabilities

2.2. Evaluate each opportunity to determine its impact on current business

and customer base

2.3. Use an assessment of external factors, costs, benefits, risks and

opportunities to determine the financial viability of each marketing

2.4. Determine probable return on investment and potential competitors

2.5 Describe and rank marketing opportunities on their viability, and likely
contribution to the business

3.4. Determine and communicate viability of making changes to current

operations to key stakeholders

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Feedback and result outcome for Task 1 (please  )


Not Yet Satisfactory

Re-assessment required

Unit name: BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities

Assessment: Task 2

Did the student complete and provide evidence for the following (please  ): Yes No

1. Answered all questions sufficiently?

2. Provide a brief draft for the newly identified marketing opportunities and required additional information
to for a given case study?

3. Submit within agreed timeframe?

Has the learner proven they can (please  ): Yes No

2.3. Use an assessment of external factors, costs, benefits, risks and opportunities to determine the financial
viability of each marketing opportunity

2.4. Determine probable return on investment and potential competitors

3.1. Identify and document changes needed to current operations to take advantage of viable marketing

3.2. Ensure organisational changes to service an increased or different customer base include provision for
continued quality of service to existing customers

3.3. Estimate resource requirements for changed operations

3.5. Document newly identified marketing opportunities and required changes

Feedback and result outcome for Task 2 (please  )


Not Yet Satisfactory

Re-assessment required

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Assessment Summary Result (please  )

Task 1 Observation & demonstration S NYS DNS

Task 2 Short questions S NYS DNS

Final Assessment Result for this unit C NYC

Feedback is given to the student on each Assessment task YES NO

Feedback is given to the student on final outcome of the unit YES NO

The result of my performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me (please place signature below)

Student Signature
Yamkanta Date 5/05/2020

Trainer/ Assessor’s declaration: I hereby certify that the above student has been assessed by myself and all assessments are carried out as required
by the Principles of Assessments (Clause 1.8 of the Standards for RTO 2015).

Trainer/ Assessor’s Initials Michal Tomcik Date 5/05/2020

Appeal Process (only for mitigating circumstances)

I would like to appeal the outcome of this assessment as per the appeals procedure in the Student Handbook

Student Signature
Yamkanta Date

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