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G.R. No. L-41964             January 31, 1935 P500.

From this judgment the defendant

ISLANDS, plaintiff-appellee, There is no evidence that the appellant took
vs. a direct part in the commission of the crime.
JOSE DE LA CRUZ, ET AL., defendants. But the court finds that his liability as an
JOSE DE LA CRUZ, appellant. accomplice is based upon the following two
Pedro Abad Santos for appellant.
Office of the Solicitor-General Hilado for The prosecution has attempted to prove that
appellee. on the afternoon of the 25th, the day
previous to the occurrence, the appellant,
AVANCEÑA, C.J.: armed with a revolver and accompanied by
his sister Generosa, was looking for the
On the morning of November 25, 1933, in deceased. It is said the appellant then
the municipality of San Luis, Province of intended to kill Cesareo to vindicate his
Pampanga, while Generosa de la Cruz was sister's honor. The prosecution also tried to
walking along the road, she was attacked by prove that a few moments before the
Cesareo Reyes, who was courting her. He aggression, of which the deceased was the
threw her on the ground and passed his victim at the hands of Generosa in the
hands over her body. When Cesareo's house of her father, Paulino, the appellant,
father, Guillermo Reyes, was informed of also armed with a revolver, was in the lower
the act imputed to his son, he went on the part of said house, and when he heard that
following morning to the home of Paulino de they went to procure a branch of madre-
la Cruz, the father of Generosa, to explain cacao with which to thrash Cesareo, he said
the incident to him. Guillermo Reyes and that if they did not kill him upstairs, he would
Paulino de la Cruz are relatives. During their kill him downstairs.
conversation they agreed to send for
Cesareo to be thrashed, in order that These facts alone are not sufficient to prove
Guillermo might show that he would not the liability of the appellant for the death of
permit his son to commit such an outrage. Cesareo, not even as an accomplice. The
Cesareo was called, but in the meantime a most that can be inferred from these facts is
bench was made ready in the house upon that he intended to kill Cesareo. But even
which Cesareo was to lie face downward then, he did nothing in connection with his
and be thrashed. When Cesareo arrived and sister's act of attacking the deceased. It
was already lying down on the bench and appears from the evidence that the
about to be thrashed, Generosa de la Cruz appellant was entirely ignorant of what was
entered the house and approached happening upstairs, inasmuch as when he
Cesareo. After uttering a few words to him, saw the branch of the madre-cacao, he
Generosa stabbed Cesareo on the right side inquired what it was for. There is no liability
of his chest with a penknife. When Cesareo by reason of complicity if there is no relation
felt that he was wounded, he arose and between the criminal act and the
jumped out of the window, expiring on the accomplice.
pavement. Generosa de la Cruz was
accused of the death of Cesareo, pleaded Wherefore, following the recommendation of
guilty and was convicted. the Solicitor-General, the judgment
appealed from is reversed and the appellant
This case was filed against Jose de la Cruz, acquitted, with the costs de oficio. So
the brother of Generosa and he is charged ordered.
with the crime of murder for the death of
Cesareo Reyes. He was found guilty by the Street, Hull, Vickers, and Diaz, JJ., concur.
court, as an accomplice, and sentenced to
the penalty of from six years and one day
of prision mayor to twelve years and one
day of reclusion temporal, and to indemnify
the heirs of the deceased in the amount of

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