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Hair foilicle Unit

F A. present in thick skln

I 13. consist of hair follicle
T C" consist oihair shaft
T D" consist of serreral sebaceous giand
't'I h,. ccnsist of erector irili muscle

'['y'gres cf meurogiia imc]ude

A, ast;:ocytes
T I*" micraglia
t C. Scliwann ceils
T [-]" ependvlrnl *eiis
T E. oligc,dendrr;c3,te

&tist*trog_v s:f {-fuim skift e$nsists s}t

A. stlatum basale layer
I E. prickir: ceil liilrer
l il. stratr"ull grannl*srim
F L). stratl:in Iucrcium
I E" sti'rltlrm cfirileul$

Ira tBre Eristcatr*gy of the respir*f*r'y tra*r:
'i z\. at tlic erd r,fl 7'h r-nontir, iype il alv*oli *pitheiiai cr:lls ilevclops
T li" i;uhnou;rry loi:ules contains respirat*r1r'i:r'onchi*leE allrl *.li th* tern:inai
slihciivisic'ns beyond it
"f [.. 'Ilr* f'etus ma1, cli* durii:rg 5 ru*nths lrf tr;r*gna.*c,v
Tl il. TFrere arc n{, mi}cous giainris in l;rcnchrales
"i- li. A i:lirxary i*huie nrad* up lri aggregati*r *f'sm;iller .recond:rry ir:bules

E* {tie }ivsl'
F A Ku;:ffel e"-li: tririe tnr* anaiir:uli

F IJ. F" pt:rtiti triarl e,onsislts of hranches cf hepatje artery & bik di"ici & tribr-rtaries oi"
ihe hopatrc vein
"i C. T'l:e parenr?iymal cells *f the are nof in ctirr:ct ci;iltact u,iili triood ceiis
T I]. Tl-:e p*rerchvrlrai celis af the livei are rich in giycagen
T E. Ilaem*poiesis occilrs i* the'fetus

In the genital system
A. The vaginal epithelium is characterizedby its most superficial ce1ls being pale
and empty, because they are dead
B. The ductus deferences is lined by three layers of differently oriented smooth
Trl The prostate is rich in acid phosphatase and acquires concretions in old age
F l-'r An atretic follicle is the result of the regression of a Graffian follicie before
ovulation occurs
T E. The uterine tube is lined by ciliated colurnnar epithelium

The testis:
F A. the interstitial cells of Le,rrclig are activated by estrogen
B. tiiere is srnooth rnuscle in the rn'ail of the seminit'erous tul,.ules
I C. The sertoli ce lls are attached to the basement nrernbrane of the tui'xiles
lt I]. sertoli secretes iestcstelone
i ll. has scminit-*rous tubules which contains spermatogenic ceils atcl interstitial

'B'he supraremal gXand

I A" has rnedulla and corter coverecl by fibrous eai:sule
ts. ot'the zona glomerulosa arc arranged in solid ccrcls
ce l1s
C. the medulla" is inneryated by preganglionic sylnpathetic fibi:es
l). r:elki c,f lnedulla produce sex hormones
r F;. cells of zona reticuiaris prorluce adrenalin

&*garding the histological f'eatures of gastrointestinal traet are

x A. stomach have Faneth cells at the bottom of tlie giarrd
F 13. goblet cells are the pred*r:ninant ceil type in the mricosa of tJuodenum
T C. appendix contairis the greatest amcnnt of'argentalirn cells
i D, "fhere is nc srihm*cosa in gall bladder
F,. h{eissner' ptrexus are preseni in the submucosa otr'the ri,hi:le fi}T

Juxta-gl*merular appanatus
I A. is foilnd in the vascular pole of the renal corpuscle
'I B. composed ol'2 group of'densely packed cells
I {-,-. st"nooth muscie ceils oi'afflerent arteri*les transforrn as "maclila rlensa"
I D. juxta glorneruia.r celis are tall columnar ceils derive flom distal convohlted
T E. r.:spcnsihle lbr rcnin sec!etiun

A Cor*ea
T A. is iire oliter ccrai of e5,elrall
F E. is opaque and avascuiar
I] Ll. er:nre;il ei,,itlieiiuir is sirnple sqtiaffior-ls
il !J. ir;is 4 i:r--.:rrs
'i' E" is ulaini;"'c';::tpused r:f cr:liagen hitndlei;
Pars distalis of hypophysis
T A. iies between the parenclrymal eeiis are sinusoictal capillaries
F B. has chrornophabe celis nre at the surface of'tlie cold
T C. i:ontain epitheiial cells tl-rat are arranged in anastomosin-u cot',"ls or piates
F IJ. ccntain chrontopkil cells that are ptraced near the center of the ccrrJs i:tr'plates
F b,. secretes gruwfh h(lrnlone by basaplril cells

T{istology nf cerebral corter

F A. iarge iiyr:amid-al *ell la-ir*r contains inverted jrvi"amiclal cells
r E" the polvln*rplr*ms !ay*r u:otilaitls giant pyramidai ceils
T C" smnli pvr*rnr*lal r:ells are fbnnd ir exterilel grarrular layer
T !f . has Betz cells and their: axons t'onn the *o11i;s-tpinal tract or p;'rar:r-ii'-1iil il.ti. t

T E" cr:ntai*s lV'l::rtirotti ceiis and thcir ax,:ns l')aSS itl-1 t* n:oiccutrat'tr;r,vel
'$-'h e imtraglultlr*narY hrqlnch tl s
'l A" ha-s a cr-.*:#leie irculai'la.y'*r of .qfi'rtoth mr-tscl*:l

T E. has ser$mllcl)11.r glanttrs in ttre slll-,muccsa

F {1. has :: coi"ltiruicus ;:irrg +f hyilliti* carttlag-e
nr n. it; iilred b,v sinrple ciliatecl c*luniti:"r cells
T Ii. is lineei tr,v pse*dr; stratified solurtnar" ciliated epitire tririnr',vith gcbi,,. r ;.:, "
F A" rs pro<luc*rl i:3,* *lv*olirr i;'rple I ecil
T []. lowi:r:s ti-l*
surJ-'acc ie :rsior"l
']' L'. pt.*duces at tire crril iif'the 6th mq:nttrr ot-the iyrtrauterine lif'e
"i- S. is tipid rich fluiei
f ir, contains vnrious lipirls, pi:ospliolrpi,Js. anil strrt;-iclant proteins

'I[re histc]llrgy *f ttrle ierge inc*ssir]* diff'ers tr"*rm that *[the srnai] intestiet* i;i
i A. cr:ir*pir.rl.* itbsetr-:* c["'111i ir,":m lhe trr$cos3
T B, fire }arge ni;ntbe':r"oi'gcblet ceils in the *:pitirelium
T 1.. carnplet* abseirce of glairds in tir* sLlbnlucrrsa
i: D. preseni:e cj'circular rrrilcosal Jblilr
li E. ilresen.ce of .Feyer's patches

E{i*roseo lir section ofthe pamcreaE revcals

T A. lo!:ules b*nnrJ [ctgethe r by ioose c*nlective tissue
F E. acinar ceils secreting insuiin
F C" C,elta eeli secretes glucagon
T' D. acini ale compound tubutrc-*i:irtar in netur€
F l-r. ce*iloac',irar: cells eonstitut* tlie intru-acir:ar portion of strisle{i durot

trn iire histologic*tr appearance of kidneY, the
ren;:l corpuscle:
r A. is f'orind in the rerlal medutrla
Il. has Bow'man's capsule lined by simple squainous epitheliurn
I C. has j',lxta glomerutrar apparatus fbund at r-rrinery
F D. is contir*ot with loop of Henle at its urinarl'pole
F h. i:as juxtaglotnetular ceils which secrete rennin

Xn eptdiclYrnus:
T A" fh. epithelium is surrr:uncled by a tliin iayer of circular snrooth
F B. t1:icirnrss of epitheiium is not uniti:rm
I a li;irigis pse*i*stratif,red eolumnar epithe li,ru with stereocilia
l). aggrJgates o1'spermatr':zoa can be {btrnd in the

F l," iining epith*lium is cuboid'al er:itheiiurn

[t e g*rCin g lri sttrkr gy tlf pit tlita *'y gtrand

"c'r,r*rniplr*be pacireel nuelei in c,'to$lasm ere k-no'vn as
A. .*iiu o*ntoining 6r,se1;'
ir-,icl*ar X'ieaPs
t' B. largrr part *f gland in r['or,t cleft or trrlmen is neur*hypopliysis
T {r. s,r,,ati iart of glanei [:ehind the clet1 is Pa's interrnedia
E ,i_). extensi*n surroun,ling tlre stalk of ihe
gland is Fars distalis
E E" trras anterior and postoriot 16be s contain chromophobes and chrorc*phils
are correct
'$'tnefoil*lwimg stateineruts atrout parafotlieular cells af the tirvroiri
T A. they are uallu'd "C" (ctearr\ cells
L 13. th*y lie betu,een tlie fcltricular cetris and the basement
'r C. they secrete the horrnone r'alcitonirt
r tr). 1.hey are smail dark stail:ring c*lis
T' E. tirey- de';elcp frorn Ult'imoirracirial hodies
Th e suhvm anclill xliar saltvar"v gBalld ;

F .A. is m*cous 1rr*cl*mirraiir-rg giand

T 11" ts a rni;qe d seroniu*otls giand, predorni*atirrg serous
F {,1. is a prirelY sersus gland
T L). trlas ser*Lls deinilunes
T F,. li:ls suiateci ducis

T"he saeeara! tmb* is conrgr*sed of the:

F i,. . :il-rat iiic,J srluam*n s kerat i nizecl epi th cii ui n

T IJ. i:.eur*-eilith*lial la,ver

l (-t. tr:e;itle layer
T' i i. j:1lf -i;llal i"ri'i'i
i:i. ps e'.trir:stral.itl s{"i. epithel iai I ai;er

"1 tl

Flistetlogr. ttf eeretlratr cortex
F A" large plnaniidal cell layer cantains inveried p'gramidai cells
F B. th* polvmorphous layer coi:tains giant pyrarnidai cells
T C. small pyrar:ridal cells are founil in exterrial granular larTer
T tr1. has Betz celis and thek axons t-orn: the corticospinal tract *r;lyramidal tract
l- H. the polyrn*rphr:us layer contains N4ai.tinotti celis ancl their axons pass up to
moleculal laver'

{.rr}4 ?
f,m the resprlr*tma"v trsct :
T a" "{'heie arfl no !11llcons glanils iir br*nchicles
F Ei" 'liype I pnerur*cytcs ser:rete surfact*irt
ti {.'-'. alv*o}al ducie arc iini::ri with r:ili;rt*it euiii:*}iur-n
!j i-3. ajveoiar Cucts are iliis<j rvith sir"r"rJile cuboi<lai ciliat*d *piiheliurlr
1' F.. prirnai'y icibule is th* i:lea r:l"lur:gltissile serv*d lry an i,rrdiiiery brorrr:hi*iel

T^ $ar: im {eralve*Iar: septarr.t

i"r 4.. c.r**si:!1s ti'septal type I *'ils r,,hicli s?*::cif sur"firr:iairt
I H. has p:r:res;
-a {D. has; miier*tr:ilage
l1;is L;,yijli;f i45
i'r h. has rccrlo&th rnuscle
flm the c$mod*:muem
I A. ti:e vijii ar:e ieaf'-shapeC
i.' Il" thsre is nc sullmilsosal gia;rri;
1' {-'. tirere is n:,/errtr*:ric fierve plexu."; heili's#:r th* eir:cillar anrl lnngitudiilr,l mu"qele
F l"). nhe longitgriiuai innsr:lcs a1'r arra"ngi)rj in tlii'e* ki*git.r-iiiin;ri ban,:jri" tire ta*nr:i coli
l'' H, EInbL;t cells ;rre tile pretlominai"rt cell type in tht nrucos,a

,4.x^geErtiffim celts
'l- A" ri*irnally irr*s*ri in thi: inllcrli{ii *f illln:cniar,v irau:t
"i- ii. r"l:i{lre i1L*-}i*r*us iii tile ir;:p*;"idix
F U. cohlnlnff ci:lls with {Jlrten nLl,;leus
T D. pitLiuce i{cnnon* fbl slli, rili;itir:;i of sir]oclil nluscii
il fl,. i'oirnil in tire iatestine oni-v dliring foetal peri*rl
"[']le fu]lolrimg statements xre c*rreet except:
i A. ,.lrgeiitarfln c,;11s are most coiril)lon in the stot:rach
l" IJ. F**cth ;cils *re usuall_v absent flom thc lar:ge intestine
rr C. iiJrii;i c*llg ,:f ii"'f $aricreds sr-cr#l.* g:luca.gsns
F' i..l viiJi sfe arlse{}t ir*m the appenciix
"f 1-:. :':r gobict r*lis in the liniiig ei:ithelirrit *i appr:rrdi:<


The suprarenal gland:
t A. oonsists of cortex and rneduila
F Ii. has chromaifin ceils in the cortex
F C. has zona glornerulosa which occupy half the volume of the gland
t D. nredulia is innervated by pregangiiorric syrnpathetic fibres
rF E. zona glr;merulosa fomls the innermost layer of the cofiex
'l'trre test{s:
I A. l,heinterstitial cells of Leydig are activated by- estrogen
L- B there is smocitir muscle in the wall of tlie serniniferous hibuies
r C. sertoli secretes testosterone
D. has semitifercus tubuies lvhich contains sperrnatr:genic cells and serturli cell
E. has semirriferous tnbuies which coi:taiils spennatogenic cells ;ulci intersiitral

"I'h* uterus:
A. js lin*d by sirnple coiunrnar epitlielirim grolrys af'ciiiated celis
T il. has fllucous glands in the laminaptopria
I] {1" has smoottr rmlscie coat arranged inuer iorrgitueiinally, ar-ld onter circu}arly
I]. has serosa laycr
F E. is lineci by siniple cuboidal epitheliu-m
Tfu.evagina and oesophagus are sirnilar in thst 'noth Xlave :
F' A.. a rnnseularis inucosa
F 13" 91;urds in ihe larnina propria
F C. scatlercd skeletal muscie f ibres in the iruscutraris exiema
T i]. a stratif'!ed squarrous non keratinizecl epitheliu*n
ii Fi. s.jrosa

&{.*g*rding the laisttli*:g-tr of the smh}iregua} salivar.v gland:

,' A. it is il prlre s*rous giand
F- ts. it l:as centroarinar ceil
T' {-1. it iras thin capsule
a ver.v
T l]. tl:e duct slrstean is praciicaliy ai:senr
lr' ti. it is a irolccrinc t_rrpe cf glancl

?'he epit$lel!um"r *f tfee posterior third of the tsngue:

Ta A. ;s elerra'teil b-v subnrirccszri lymph {bllir:Ies
I li. iie uel*pc f;:orn the ern-bryci:ir eudcderm
F {-1. cr--.ntainu ;ra gia*cls
F -l-)" l'er:e i',.,*s fuisle frbres irom the chortJa t;,'mpani i:i*ne
li. ir 1ra.'' papiliar tn botil surtaees *t tlic toauile

The parathyroid gl*nds:

T A. cell are arraftged in eords
F B. contain chief cells and oxyntic cell
F C. cxyphii cells increases in number before teen age
T D. secrete a honnone that can callse an elevation of calcium ievel of btror:d
T E. chief cells are smatter and are arranged in plates & cords & have distinct cell

fltegardimg ]nistology c]f tke breast
T A. it is apccrine gland
T [i. amount of glandular tissue ic1 the i:rreast fluisiuates with menstrual *ycie
F C. ttiost oflthe ducts are trine* by columnar epithelium
T D. diseases *f the hreast affect the dercts and glands
F' ]r. myoepittrrelial cells are absent
The terxmireal hrcaaefuiole can kre recoguizecE by
F A. pseudostratified coluntrar ciliated epithelilirn
F E. the fresence of gr:blet eells in the epitireliLrrn
T C. the absrnce of cartiiage
T $. the presenoe cf srno*th mtlscles
F E. has gaseous exchange in ftinction
F{istclcgy *f stoimaetrt
T A. has rnueosal trayor ccntaining epithelium which has gastric gland
f ts. i:erietal celis are pyramidal in shape secrefe pepsinogeri
F C" has muscularis externa ccntaining inner circular and outer trongitudinal iayers
T D. body glands are sirnpie, straight ancl tesi ti"rbe-like
F E. giands contain paneth ceXls
Sihe foElowimg state*remt/s islare eoe'l"ect
T' A. P*yer's patches are present in the mlxeosa of ileum
Ii' B. oxyntic eelis secrete pepsinogen
T C. alpha eeils of the 1lallcreas secrete glucagons
F F. eentrcaciuar aetrls are charaeteristic of hepatic
T E" appendix has abundant lymphoid ncduies and tbliicles
Xm tiver
F A. Kupffer cetrls line the canaliculi
F B. porlai triad consists of hranches of the hepatic afiery, bile duct and tributaries of
the hepatie vein
T C. the axis of a portatr trobiile is ttre partai triad
T I]" the parenchyrnai cetrls cf the triver are rich in glycogen
T E. classical hepatic trotrutr*s are arranged as a potr.vgonatr prisrn


The testis can be recognizeci histologically by
T A. tlrick, dense fihro-elastic capsule known as tun.ica atrbuginia
T B. the presence of Leydig ceils which sect'ete testostercrne
T Cl. rire presence olSertoli cells in the seminifbrcus epithelium
F S" there is srnooth muscle in the "wali of th.e seminiferotrs tubules
T g. has serninif'erous tubules which contains spermatogenic cells an,J seltcii cel1
Tllae uterus
T ,{. is liried by simpie colur'nar epit}reliulrr" groups <if ciliate<l cetrls
1' B, has mucous gianCs in tiie lamina propria
F C. tr1,:s smooth rnuscle c,Jal. .rrrallged inner longih-rdirmlly and outei ciri:rilaily
'rI *. has serosa layer
I E,. has endoi:retriai Iayer which under"r;oes eyclicnl changes

l{.r g:na'r:limg tlre lelpr*rerla] giamd

A. it has medulia and cc,rtex eoverecl by iihrcus capsuic
fl i:l eeltrs of me,Jrilia produc;: sex hormones
F C. is hoth er.oci'ine and enciccrir:e glanil
I D. c*l'tical regir:n ]:as 3 ciit-i'erefii area *f-ceilular;rmangelnent
T E. medullary area contain eutE-'trElmi{ neuroiles

&egardixeg the histobg.v of prostate gland

T A. is the largest aocessory glanrJ in the me.le rei:roductive system
T B. their ducts open into the uretilra
I C. is snrroun<led by fibroi'nusctilar capsule
t D. is a tubutro*saccular gland
T il, eomp,lseri *f'glanilular tissue in f,ibrornuscrilar strorita

Thr t',:*tr*lv*mg st*temtents a.bcqEt Sristealog3, sf the pmrat&a_vroi* ar* e*rrr:q:t

T A. ;hie f e eils prr:dLlr;* perathr:r"in{iil*
T 1i. s*[i'i:tr] a l:r:lnir:ne ti].]i fian c: ure an r;li:vil'riun *i ral*.;rr:n X,*rr,:1 ,..:f ill**i3
F C. rr:ntajn chief'c*lle arid cxytrtic cell
T tl^ hcrrrnone is s*crcled riirectiy irrto llLe hiood slreaffi
T ll" is *overcd'*y fi-L:r*eiarfic eeinner'tive trssrit cal:suk:

'i'!:r: *pitfue$ia;mr o{'tEa* g.r*lr,terlelr t}tird CIf the tomgen*

T ll. is cieoiilteri hy suhrne.rcosai i'.1rmph f*liiclrs
T i:-!. r1*v*lc;ps ir*m the embr.le;nif ril-riiodet"ix
t' {1. ccni"ai*s tir: ;.:l;r,itrs
F 1-.! :",;ce i",''":g tlisitil fibrr,s frr:rr: tlr* {:i:q-'rda ii'nrt,.r-li ntri i'
I 7 . l-i:; i;rii:,iiae t* bcth s:-l'r"iai;*:r i.ri til* t:i!rtgi.!t

"l .f,
*tegardi*g the histal*63'' ot tfuyr*id glnnd -
1' A. in irvperactir,e stage, the f*llicl* is iined by clrllunnar cells rvith scantv cciloid
I i3. parafollicular or "C" cells are preseni between tire basement memhl'ane and
F il" "L-" ceiis secrete tlryroxin horrron*
T il. has highly vascu"larizeC connectirre tis'sui: strcrrm
T t1. it st$fes c*liriiel materieL consists ctrliei'h, *f thvroElohulin
'f A. lirrs nuelei rc;iis frn,.j- cr-:lle-.i; in outer nreci*ar lav*t'

1' B. macriln [itea. has *nl'y ctlnes

[' t-.. a.',*us r:f Lh* galrgii*nic *ells form thi, *pti* niirvr
T' fi. nur:ri;el i:frods arr illr-rl'il than cr-rrrcs in r:*tina
ii Ir;. is tir* E:iif*r'c*uf *f'evE:b,ril
E{istol+gy of eerehrum
ir A" tiie poiymorphous layer contains giant cells
F ts. intemal granutrar layer: is naffiow in visusl-sensory lr,yer
T C. small pyrarnidal ceils are four:d in exiernal gramrtrar layer
T D" llas Betz celis and their axons frirrxr the cortlcospinal tract or pyramidaltract
F E. has inner band of Baiilarger which ean tre seen with naked eye as white trine *f

[n the histCIlr:gy of tfire cerefuellurn

F A. the mclecular layer has basket celis and Golgi cells
T H. axons of Furkinje cells pass into tlie white *ratter to ttrre dentate arrd other mreiei
T C. axons of granutrar cells run into the molecular layer
F D. clirnbiilg fitrres corne f?'om spinal cord
T' Xl. the molecu.lar laver has basieet cells and steliate ce1ls

F A. is co"rered by serosa
T B. is lined with respiratory rnucosa
F.' C. comtains eartilagenous plates
T D. is lined by pseudr:stratified ciliated coiumnar cpitiielium
T E. has mixed type of submuccsal glands
trtegardiug the histology of respinatory system:
T A. The apices of c,ifactory neurofis ccntain cilia
l' B. Trachea is lined by pseudostratifierl colun:n*.r ciliated epithelium
T C. Wall cf br:onchioles has no cartilage
T S. Terrninal bronehioles are tri.ned b,v sirertrrle cclurnnar epitheiium
F E. Vocal t"nlds are cc,,rered with respiratory imrcosa

Regarcling esophagus:
T A. Its wali contains smooth muscle
F B" The proper escphageal glands are located in the lamina propria
r C. It is lined u,ith transitiunal epithelium
T D. lt contains cardiac glands
F E. Its inner iayer of the muscuiaris externa is longitudinal

Pancreas consists of
F' A. nun:erous mucaus acini
-t- B. centroacinar celis
T C. islets of Langerhans
T D. intercalated ducts
T' E" interlobuiar ducts

A c*lr;m e*stairas:
'x A. aggregateri l,vmphatic fb iiicies
T B. gcbiet cells in tiie epithelium
F' {-. intestir;al vilii
T Il. Auerbacl-r's plexns
T Ii. ivleissnel's plexus

i'he hepateicytes of the liver

I A. are related to the simrsoids
l. B. are ar:'anged in radiating laminae around a central vein
T Ll. are arranged as structural unit called hepatic kibule
F i). aclacent to the central vein receive rich blood supply
t f,. fcrm ir-rnctionatr unit callecl hepatic acinus
Tke c*Itrs of px'riximal eomvoXuted tubuEes
"f A. *:ave brLlslr hcrder.
I [}. have tight jnnctiilns.
T' C. i:ave iriicae or foids on their laterai surfirces
F I). are squamous in shapre.
l' F,. have extensive interciigitai.ion of basal prccesss:s of arijacent cetls

l$nlivary glands:
T ;\. are cf sererus or"mixeel type.
F' B. colltain striateci. ducts as theil slnailest caliber
T L-" ccntain myoeprthellr,l cells i* tiie seeretorv porticns.
F ll. ale holncrinr:
'f E. ar* ccmpctincl


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