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FINANCING HEALTH CARE AND REIMBURSEMENT family needs and health insurance plans

IN PT available
o Deductible – the amount that a
Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act subscriber incurs before a health
- March 23, 2010 insurer will pay for all or part of the
- Providers not only must abide by the limitations remaining cost of the covered services
or seek reimbursement directly from the o Copayments – flat dollar amounts a
patient/client but also are encouraged to subscriber has to pay for specific health
assume a role as an advocate for the services at the time of service
patient/client to ensure appropriate access and o Co-Insurance – usually expressed as
coverage for health care services percentage; a cost-sharing obligation
under a health insurance policy
HEALTH INSURANCE 3. Government – major source of financing health
 Health Insurance – the variety of policies that care
can be purchased to cover certain health- o Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
related services and goods Services (CMS) – administers the
 Risk – the probability of a financial loss Medicare program and works with each
 To become insured (covered by the policy), a state to administer Medicaid, CHIP, and
subscriber (individual who purchases the policy) health insurance portability standards
purchases a health insurance plan from an  Largest purchaser of health
insurer (health insurance company). insurance in the United States
 Covered Services – services that are reimbursed
by the insurance policy Medicare
o In-patient hospital services, outpatient  Medicare – federally funded health insurance
surgery, physician visits, office visits, program that was enacted in 1965 to cover the
skilled nursing care, medical tests and x- elderly population, persons with end-stage
ray examinations, prescription drugs, renal disease, and those who are disabled and
physical therapy, and maternity care entitled to social security benefits
 Durable Medical Equipment (DME) – often  Entitlement – Americans 65 years of age and
limited or not provided under the health older who have contributed to Medicare
insurance plan through taxes or meet other disability eligibility
o Medical equipment (such as wheelchair, requirements have the right to the benefits of
hospital bed, or ventilator) that a Part A of this program
practitioner may prescribe for a  Beneficiary – an individual entitled to Medicare
patient’s use over an extended period  Medicare Part A – Hospital Insurance – provides
mandatory coverage for in-patient hospital
FINANCING HEALTH CARE care, skilled nursing facility (SNF) services,
certain home health services, and hospice care
 Access – the ability to receive health care
o Financed by payroll taxes from workers
services when needed
 Premium – cost of the insurance and their employers and general federal
Sources of Financing Health Care:  Medicare Part B – Supplementary Medical
1. The individual purchases a health insurance Insurance (SMI) – a voluntary program;
policy directly from a health insurance individuals entitled for Medicare Part A have
company. the option to purchase this
2. Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance/Group o Helps pay for physician services,
Insurance – most common method of financing outpatient hospital services, select
health care; employees purchase health home health services, medical
insurance through their employers equipment and supplies, and other
o Open Enrollment – an employee has the health services, such as physical therapy
opportunity to switch to a new health  Medicare Advantage – optional health plan that
insurance plan based on individual and replaced Medicare + Choice
o Gain greater choice and can choose and organizations, or health care providers in
from an array of private health plan which payments are established in advance
options, including managed care  Diagnostic-Related Groups (DRGs) – the
arrangements patient’s diagnosis determines the amount the
 Medicare Part D – enacted as part of the hospital will be paid; payment is a fixed amount
Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and based on the average cost of treating that
Modernization Act of 2003 (or Medicare particular diagnosis
Modernization Act/MMA) and went into effect  Resource-based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS) –
on January 1, 2006 replaced the fee-for-service system; fees were
o Subsidizes the cost of prescription drugs determined based on three components: the
and provides more choices in health total work completed, costs to practice
care coverage for Medicare medicine, and an allowance for malpractice
beneficiaries insurance expense


 Medicaid – health insurance program for the
indigent population and is funded jointly by Managed Care Organization
state and federal governments 2 Components of Managed Care:
1. Predetermined Payment Schedule – established
The Children’s Health Insurance Program by the insurance company based on utilization
- Obama signed the Children’s Health Insurance data
Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA) on 2. Provider Network (Panel) – consists of providers
February 4, 2009 who contract with the insurance company and
- From 7 million children to 11 million children agree to accept the payment schedule for their
- Previously known as the State Children’s Health services
Insurance Program (SCHIP); was originally
created by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997  Managed Care Organization (MCOs) –
- A state and federal partnership that targets institutions or groups that employ the managed
uninsured children and pregnant women in care principles
families with incomes too high to be eligible for
most state Medicaid programs but too low to 3 Major Types: (“triple option”)
afford private health insurance coverage 1. HMOs (Health Maintenance
Organization) – proliferated with
 Reimbursement – the process by which health provided loans and grants to form
care providers receive payment for their health these entities
care services a. Staff Model – providers are
employed by the HMO that
Retrospective Methodology also operates the facilities
- Health care providers are paid after health care where the services are
services were rendered provided
- Commonly referred to as fee-for-service (FFS) – b. Independent Practice
otherwise known as indemnity or traditional Association (IPA) –
health insurance individual
 Claims – forms describing the medical physicians/physician groups
condition, services provided, and bill for form a legal entity that
services contracts with the HMO to
 Usual, Customary, and Reasonable (UCR) – provide services without
claim Is paid in full without dispute operating the facilities
where the services are
Prospective Methodology provided
 Prospective Payment System (PPS) – various
methods of paying hospitals, health systems
2. Preferred Provider Organization
(PPOs) – an “open managed care
 A health insurer/employer
negotiates discounted or lower
fees with networks of health
care providers in return for
guaranteeing a certain volume
of patients
3. Point-of-Service Plans (POS) – offers
both in-network and out-of-
network benefits
 Primary Care Provider (PCP) – a generalist
physician who provides primary care services
 Gatekeeper – primary coordinator who
determines whether the patient needs to see a
specialist or requires other nonroutine services
 Pharmaceutical Formularies – list of drugs with
indications for their use
 Case Management – provides monitoring and
coordination of treatments rendered to patients
to control costs and utilization

Consumer-Driven Health Care Plans

- New health plan arrangements that are
receiving increasing attention from invested
stakeholders in health care

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