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An Expansive Soil Index for Predicting Shrink-Swell Potential

P. J. Thomas,* J. C. Baker, and L. W. Zelazny

ABSTRACT defined as follows: low (LEP <3%, COLE <0.03); mod-
Soil properties indicative of shrink-swell potential were studied erate (LEP 3-6%, COLE 0.03-0.06); high (6-9%,
for 12 soils encompassing several parent materials in Virginia. Soils COLE 0.06-0.09); and very high (LEP >9%, COLE
are rated from moderate to very high shrink-swell potential. The >0.09) (Soil Survey Staff, 1997a). Occasionally shrink-
mineralogy classes, soil series, and (parent materials) examined in- swell classes are estimated from accessory soil character-
clude: smectitic—Iredell (hornblende gneiss), lackland and Waxpool istics such as field-determined plasticity and stickiness
(diabase); vermiculitic—Kelly (thermal shale); kaolinitic—Cecil and texture. Thus, accurate quantitative measures of
(granite gneiss) and Davidson (diabase); and mixed—Carbo and Fred- linear extensibility are not always available.
erick (limestone), Craven and Peawick (Coastal Plain sediments),
and Mayodan and Creedmoor (Triassic sandstones). Soil properties
Presently, no one method of soil analysis estimates
measured were swell index, coefficient of linear extensibility (COLE), shrink-swell potential accurately for all soils. Soil scien-
particle-size distribution, cation-exchange capacity (CEC), liquid tists recognize that shrink-swell behavior can best be
limit, plasticity index (PI), and clay mineralogy. Soils with estimated predicted by examining a combination of physical,
high or very high shrink-swell potential were clayey, with clay contents chemical, and mineralogical soil properties. A protocol
exceeding 60%. These expansive soils also exhibited high CEC (>15 that integrates these properties and then establishes a
cmolc kg"1 soil), high liquid limits (>70), and appreciable swelling 2:1 shrink-swell model that can be extrapolated across the
mineral content (>15% montmorillonite + 1/2 vermiculite on whole- same or similar parent materials is needed.
soil basis). An expansive soil rating system, termed the Expansive Most studies examining expansive soils have been
Soil Index (ESI), was developed using the soil properties most corre- conducted on Vertisols and high base, montmorillonitic
lated with shrink-swell potential. The sum of swelling 2:1 minerals,
swell index, liquid limit, and CEC gave ESI ratings for each soil series.
(smectitic) soils. In these studies several parameters
The higher the ESI, the greater the shrink-swell potential. Where have been identified as correlated with swelling. Poten-
less-detailed information is required, such as for initial feasibility tial volume change of expansive soils in the western
studies, an ESI consisting of liquid limit and CEC is recommended. USA had been linked to clay content and PI (Holtz and
Finally, the soils were grouped into risk categories based on parent Gibbs, 1956). The variation in swelling of Hapludalfs in
material to allow for classification of similar soils into the ESI rating Ohio was related to clay content in a study where all
system. Soils with restricted drainage formed from mafic rocks, car- other parameters were held constant (McCormack and
bonate parent material, and metamorphic shales are at high risk for Wilding, 1975). Swell potentials of montmorillonitic
expansive soil behavior. soils in southern Ontario were correlated with clay con-
tent and specific surface area (SSA), and SSA explained
more of the variability in shrink-swell potential than
E XPANSIVE SOILS may occur throughout Virginia, but
they especially pose a problem where rapid urban-
ization and development are occurring. As development
did clay content (Ross, 1978). In Usterts and Torrerts
of arid regions, swell potential, as measured by the
COLE, was related to the fine clay content and ex-
extends into these areas, identification and quantifica- changeable Na percentage (Anderson et al., 1973).
tion of the soil properties that define shrink-swell poten- Schafer and Singer (1976) determined that the percent-
tial are essential to evaluate properly the stability of a age of expandable clays explained most of the variability
soil as a foundation material. in swelling potential in soils of Yolo County, California.
Shrink-swell classes for each horizon and for the soil Shrink-swell potential in kaolinitic and mixed mineral-
profile are based on the change in length of an uncon- ogy soils and acid montmorillonitic soils are often more
fined clod as moisture content is decreased from a moist difficult to predict. Franzmeier and Ross (1968) ob-
to a dry state. If this change is expressed as a percentage, served that soils having equal amounts of kaolinite and
the value used is linear extensibility percentage (LEP). montmorillonite behaved like montmorillonitic soils,
If it is expressed as a fraction, the value used is COLE whereas soils with appreciable amounts of montmoril-
(Soil Survey Staff, 1996). The shrink-swell classes are lonite had wide ranges in swelling potentials. They pos-
tulated the variability was related to the amount of clay
P.J. Thomas, J.C. Baker, and L.W. Zelazny, Dep. of Crop and Soil
Environmental Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and St. Univ.,
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0404. Received 18 June 1998. *Corresponding Abbreviations: CEC, cation-exchange capacity; COLE, coefficient of
author ( linear extensibility; ESI, Expansive Soil Index; LEP, linear extensibil-
ity percentage; PI, plasticity index; PVC, potential volume change;
Published in Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64:268-274 (202000). SSA, specific surface area.

Table 1. Classification and estimated shrink-swell potential of selected soil series.

Physiographic Shrink-swell
province Parent material Soil series Classification! potential
Valley and Ridge Limestone Frederick Mixed, semiactive, Typic Paleudult High
Carbo Mixed, active, Typic Hapludalf Very high
Piedmont Granite gneiss Cecil Kaolinitic, Typic Kanhapludult Moderate
Hornblende gneiss Iredell Smectitic, Typic Hapludalf Very high
Triassic Basins Diabase (diorite) Jackland Smectitic, Aquic Hapludalf Very high
Waxpool Smectitic, Aerie Epiaqualf Very high
Davidson Kaolinitic, Rhodic Kandiudult Moderate
Thermal shale Kelly Vermiculitic, Aquic Hapludalf High
Sandstone/shale Creedntoor Mixed, semiactive, Aquic Hapludult High
Mayodan Mixed, semiactive, Typic Hapludult High
Coastal Plain Marine sediments Craven Mixed, subactive, Aquic Hapludult Moderate
Fluvial sediments Peawick Mixed, active, Aquic Hapludult High
t All soils are in the fine family particle-size class (350-600 g kg"1 clay), except for Carbo, which is very fine (>60 g kg ' clay). Frederick, Carbo, Jackland,
Waxpool, and Kelly are in the mesic soil temperature class; other soil series are in the thermic soil temperature class.

and the soil fabric. Acid montmorillonitic and mixed for initial placement into expansive soil classes was obtained
mineralogy Alfisols and Ultisols in Alabama showed from the USDA-NRCS database (Table 1) (Soil Survey Staff,
weak correlations between COLE and potential volume 1997b). All soils are classified (Soil Survey Staff, 1994) as fine,
change (PVC) (Karathanasis and Hajek, 1985). Higher with mineralogy classes encompassing kaolinitic, vermiculitic,
Al saturations may contribute to resistance of the clay smectitic, and mixed families (Table 1).
Map units in this study were delineated in accordance with
minerals to dehydration. Acid conditions were found to procedures of the National Cooperative Soil Survey (Soil Sur-
favor interlayer formation with Al and Fe in montmoril- vey Staff, 1993). Three delineations in each of the 12 map
lonite (Carstea et al., 1970) and to inhibit swelling (Rich, units were selected from soil survey maps. One pedon within
1968). Iron coatings have also been found to reduce each delineation was excavated to 1.8 m for a total of three
swell potential (Davidson and Page, 1956). In a study of pedons per map unit. The most representative pit face was
Alabama soils ranging from kaolinitic Davidson (Kandi- described and sampled. Data from the mid-argillic horizon
udult) to montmorillonitic Houston soils (Hapludert), are presented here since this is the depth at which foundations
CEC was highly correlated with SSA, -1500 kPa mois- are typically installed (0.5-0.9 m).
ture content, and PI (Gill and Reaves, 1957).
As can be surmised from the discussion above, several Laboratory Analysis
physical, chemical, and mineralogical soil properties in-
Samples were air dried, ground, and sieved to remove
fluence shrink-swell behavior, with no one property coarse fragments >2 mm. Laboratory analyses include parti-
accurately predicting shrink-swell potential for all soils. cle-size distribution, CEC, Atterberg limits, PVC, and clay
Often most expansive soils are clayey with high CECs, mineralogy. Particle-size distribution was accomplished by the
high SSAs, and high liquid limits. Smectite typically pipette method (Gee and Bauder, 1986) and CEC by the sum
comprises most of the soil clay fraction. of cations method (NH4OAc, pH 7 and BaCl2-TEA, pH 8.2)
Our study was undertaken with the hypothesis that (Thomas, 1982). Atterberg limits (liquid limit, PI) were mea-
no one soil property or expansive soil test can precisely sured by ASTM method D4318 (American Society for Testing
predict shrink-swell potential for all soils. However, a and Materials, 1993). Coefficient of linear extensibility was
set of soil properties that estimates shrink-swell behav- determined by the method of the National Survey Center (Soil
Survey Staff, 1996). Potential volume change was determined
ior can usually be determined for clayey soils with ka-
by the method of Lambe (1960). Shrink-swell potential was
olinitic, mixed, or smectitic mineralogy formed from a determined on each sample on the basis of PVC data. Shrink-
variety of parent materials. The objectives of our study swell potential classes are low (<81 kPa), moderate (81-153
were (i) to quantify properties and shrink-swell indices kPa), high (153-225 kPa), and very high (>225 kPa) (Soil
of 12 expansive soils in four major physiographic prov- Survey Staff, 1993). Mineralogical composition was deter-
inces in Virginia, (ii) to correlate shrink-swell potential mined by x-ray diffraction and thermal methods. Free Fe ox-
with soil properties and shrink-swell indices, (iii) to ides were removed with dithionate-citrate-bicarbonate (Mehra
develop an expansive soil rating system using soil prop- and Jackson, 1960). Sand was removed by sieving, and the clay
erties correlated with shrink-swell potential to evaluate fraction was separated from silts by centrifugation (Jackson et
each soil's propensity to be expansive, and (iv) to de- al., 1950). Oriented mounts of the clay fraction were prepared
by the method of Rich (1969) and saturated with KC1 and
velop shrink-swell risk categories for soils within differ- MgCl2-glycerol (Whittig and Allardice, 1986). Clay minerals
ent parent materials. were identified with a Scintag XDS 2000 x-ray diffractometer
(Scintag, Santa Clara, CA) with Cu-Ka radiation. Thermal
MATERIALS AND METHODS analysis of the clay fraction was accomplished with a Dupont
990 Differential Scanning Calorimeter (Dupont, Wilmington,
Study Design
DE). Quantitative estimates of kaolinite and gibbsite were
Twelve map units in four physiographic provinces in Vir- obtained by measuring endothermic peak areas. Quantitative
ginia comprised the study. These clayey soils have estimated estimates, to the nearest 5%, of other clay fractions were
moderate to very high shrink-swell potential with varying determined by proportioning integrated peak areas of x-ray
amounts of expanding 2:l's, interlayered 2:l's, mica, and ka- diffractograms, using kaolinite as an internal standard. Swell-
olinite. Estimated shrink-swell potential for each of the soils ing 2:1 minerals were estimated by summing the smectite con-

Limit Limit ( % H2O)

800 100
700 677 676 90
615 79 80
600 584 80
,;•„>" S',1!.
Jig 71
500 70 ;:-"••"?;•• = pri-v]
61 62
400 60 56
55 «:;:<:« :"ilr:"./i

300 50 : y
:J' : Kft 11; 51 S--

200 40 Sif ilfRj 'iC^ y&'^t'. lift i.vs -„-:>!

III =*s IP;
pit "xft; ^prf,>i JiCS Sip: I»ft y^t ?«;r: sea SBS yea
100 • illi II 30 s? Iftt ai i|| sit « ;1B IS?;
0 !'t°p~.%-f 70 M i'li IW M; ?*:; M w :W' ••.*'^: .••

Cecil Mayodan Creedmoor Frederick Iredell Waxpool Cecil Mayodan Creedmoor Frederick Iredell Waxpoot
Davidson Craven Peawick Kelly Jackland Carbo Davidson Craven Peawick Kelly Jackland Carbo

Fig. 1. Relationship between clay content and estimated shrink-swell Fig. 3. Relationship between liquid limit and estimated shrink-swell
class. Means as indicated by the same letter are not significantly class. Means as indicated by the same letter are not significantly
different at the 0.05 level of probability. different at the 0.05 level of probability.

tent and one-half of the vermiculite content, since expansion contents ranging from 363 to 693 g kg"1 (Fig. 1) and 182
is limited to two water layers for vermiculite. to 790 g kg"1 for individual profiles (Table 2). Estimated
high and very high shrink-swell soils had similar clay
Statistical Analysis contents, except Creedmoor, which had a much lower
clay content (Fig. 1). Moderate shrink-swell soils, Cecil
Significantly different means of Bt horizon soil properties
were separated by least significant difference at the 0.05 level. and Davidson, also had high clay contents similar to the
The Pearson product moment correlation coefficient between more expansive soils. Thus, no apparent relationship
variables was used to examine the relationships between between clay content and susceptibility to shrink-swell
soil properties. behavior was observed.
A partial trend in shrink-swell behavior can be ob-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION served with CEC. High and very high shrink-swell soils
Soil Properties generally had higher CECs than the moderate soils (Fig.
2). However, the Frederick map unit had significantly
Average values for soil properties for each map unit lower CEC and behaved or belonged in the same class
are presented in Fig. 1 through 7, and all data for each as the moderate shrink-swell soils if only CEC is used
profile are given in Table 2. The largest (most extreme) to estimate shrink-swell potential. Likewise, Mayodan
variance within individual map units was observed in and Craven, which occur in the moderate to high shrink-
clay content and liquid limit (Table 2). The low clay swell class, had significantly higher CEC, comparable
contents and liquid limits corresponded with low values with Creedmoor, Peawick, Kelly, and Iredell in the high
for other measured soil properties. Most of the following and very high classes.
discussion refers to average values for soil properties Liquid limit is the highest in the very high shrink-swell
for each of the map units (Fig. 1-7). Shrink-swell classes class, intermediate in the high class, and lowest in the
indicated in the figures (moderate, high, very high) are moderate class (Fig. 3). Liquid limit demonstrated good
the USDA-NRCS shrink-swell potential classes (Soil correlation with expected shrink-swell class, yet differ-
Survey Staff, 1997b). entiating the moderate from the high shrink-swell class
The Bt horizons of all 12 soils were clayey with clay
and the high from the very high class was difficult.
CEC (cmolc kg-1 soil) Plasticity Index (% H2O)
26.3 26.4 40

17.3 : 17.2


Cecil Mayodan Creedmoor Frederick Iredell Waxpool Cecil Mayodan Creedmoor Frederick Iredell Waxpool
Davidson Craven Peawick Kelly Jackland Carbo Davidson Craven Peawick Kelly Jackland Carbo
Fig. 2. Relationship between cation-exchange capacity (CEC) and Fig. 4. Relationship between plasticity index and estimated shrink-
estimated shrink-swell class. Means as indicated by the same letter swell class. Means as indicated by the same letter are not signifi-
are not significantly different at the 0.05 level of probability. cantly different at the 0.05 level of probability.

Coefficient of Linear Extensibility Swelling 2:1 Clay Minerals (g kg-' soil)

i i 513
0.16 500
0.14 432

0.12 :
400 373 i 380
: 348
0.10 300
217 e
200 e' e
175 182 175 r^-1
0.05 d «t d d
0.03 100 . 87
103 c e c c C
b b b b
a a a a
Cecil Mayodan Creedmoor Frederick Iredell Waxpool Cecil Mayodan Creedmoor Frederick Iredell Waxpool
Davidson Craven Peawick Kelly Jackiand Carbo Davidson Craven iwick Kelly Jackiand Carbo
Fig. 5. Relationship between COLE and estimated shrink-swell class. Fig. 7. Relationship between swelling 2:1 mineral content and esti-
Means as indicated by the same letter are not significantly different mated shrink-swell class. Means as indicated by the same letter
at the 0.05 level of probability. are not significantly different at the 0.05 level of probability.

Plasticity index, used widely by the geotechnical com- and Carbo were borderline to the very high class
munity to assess shrink-swell potential, showed little (>225 kPa).
correlation with expected shrink-swell class (Fig. 4). Swelling 2:l's (smectite, 1/2 vermiculite) had the high-
However, two distinct groups, which overlap the prede- est correlation with shrink-swell class, as expected (Fig.
fined classes, were indicated. Kelly, Iredell, Jackiand, 7). Smectitic Waxpool, Jackiand, and Iredell had high
Waxpool, and Carbo had much higher Pis than the smectite contents, as does the mixed mineralogy Carbo.
remainder of the soils. The kaolinitic Cecil and Davidson soils had the lowest
Coefficient of linear extensibility and swell index are smectite contents, whereas soils with mixed mineralogy,
direct measurements of shrink-swell potential (Fig. 5 in both the moderate and high classes, had intermediate
and 6). No discernable relationship was observed be- smectite contents. The Creedmoor soil averaged 363 g
tween estimated shrink-swell class and COLE for the kg"1 clay but had similar smectite content, on a whole-
12 soils (Fig. 5). However, as with plasticity index, two soil basis, to the high clay Frederick. Both had similar
distinct groups separating soils into moderate or high swell indices of =120-150 kPa, further supporting the
(Cecil, Davidson, Craven, Creedmoor, Peawick, Freder- use of whole-soil smectite content rather than clay con-
ick) and high or very high (Kelly, Iredell, Jackiand, tent when estimating shrink-swell behavior.
Waxpool, Carbo) were observed. The other direct indi-
cator of shrink-swell potential, swell index, showed a Correlation of Shrink-Swell Properties
high correlation with estimated shrink-swell class (Fig. All shrink-swell indices measured were positively
6). All four moderate class soils had moderate swell correlated with each other. Swelling 2:l's, CEC, and
indices (81-153 kPa). Cecil and Mayodan, although hav- liquid limit (indirect measures of shrink-swell potential)
ing measured swell indices of moderate, bordered the were significantly and positively correlated with swell
low class (<81 kPa). All four very high soils had average index, a direct measurement of shrink-swell potential
swell indices that placed the soils in the high shrink- (Table 3). Values for COLE and PI were not signifi-
swell class (153-225 kPa), although Jackiand, Waxpool, cantly correlated with shrink-swell properties, although
other studies have indicated as such (Anderson et al.,
Swell Index (kPa) 1973; Franzmeier and Ross, 1968; McCormack and
250 Wilding, 1975; Schafer and Singer, 1976). The lack of
; 211 210
correlation of COLE and PI in this study may be due
to Al interlayering or high Fe oxide coating of the clays
i : 187
inhibiting swelling.
151 I 148 147 \
Expansive Soil Index
101 100 i The absolute values of the four soil indices most corre-
85 82
lated with predicted shrink-swell potential in this study
d d d <l A d
50 c c c C c
were swelling 2:l's, CEC, swell index, and liquid limit.
b b b b b b b Thus, these soil indices were summed into an Expansive
a a a a a a a Soil Index (ESI) given by the following equation:
Cecil Mayodan Creedmoor Frederick Iredell Waxpoof
Davidson Craven Peawick Kelly Jackiand Carbo ESI-1 = swelling 2:l's + swell index + liquid
Fig. 6. Relationship between swell index and estimated shrink-swell limit + CEC
class. Means as indicated by the same letter are not significantly
different at the 0.05 level of probability. The ESI-1 ratings >500 indicate high and very high

Table 2. Physical, chemical, and mineralogical data of control sections (Bt horizons) and (ESIs) for each profile in the map units.
Liquid Plasticity Swell Swelling
Map unit Profile Clay CECf limit index COLE$ index 2:l's ESI-1§ ESI-2§ ESI-3§
'soil kPa g kg~' soil
Valley and Ridge
Frederick 759 11.5 67 9 0.05 162 220 461 241 79
790 13.5 68 16 0.04 102 280 464 184 82
375 5.4 40 7 0.02 107 150 302 152 45
Carbo 713 25.0 85 39 0.08 214 525 849 324 110
704 23.0 73 16 0.05 254 565 915 350 96
662 28.5 81 29 0.03 136 450 696 246 110
Cecil 569 7.0 60 17 0.03 76 60 203 143 67
677 9.1 61 18 0.03 94 75 239 164 70
506 9.0 57 19 0.03 84 125 275 150 66
Iredell 681 17.0 70 37 0.09 265 465 817 352 87
712 20.0 73 42 0.11 159 280 532 223 85
665 15.0 70 35 0.07 138 300 523 223 85
Triassic Basin (diabase, metamorphic shale)
Jackland 1 688 28.0 65 37 0.14 171 380 644 264 93
2 679 26.7 90 48 0.16 240 420 777 357 117
3 662 24.3 82 44 0.17 223 340 669 329 106
Waxpool 1 680 29.0 76 40 0.18 254 475 834 359 105
2 641 27.6 72 39 0.12 228 455 783 328 100
3 525 22.6 61 17 0.12 148 365 597 232 84
Davidson 1 662 9.0 53 17 0.04 155 95 312 217 62
2 690 11.0 57 19 0.05 159 125 352 227 68
3 679 8.0 56 16 0.04 140 90 294 204 64
Kelly 1 709 37.9 71 38 0.11 108 405 622 217 109
2 589 33.4 45 33 0.10 65 325 468 143 78
3 677 12.8 71 39 0.14 128 390 602 212 84
Triassic Basin (sandstones/shales)
Creedmoor 1 368 19.5 61 17 0.05 76 185 342 157 81
2 182 5.1 56 9 0.01 178 115 354 239 61
3 539 26.9 67 31 0.09 189 225 508 283 94
Mayodan 1 282 13.0 61 24 0.02 82 170 326 156 74
2 383 14.4 51 13 0.05 95 180 340 160 65
3 541 24.6 57 17 0.08 68 175 325 150 82
Coastal Plain
Craven 1 356 9.5 47 10 0.02 102 125 284 159 57
2 486 13.4 59 17 0.04 125 250 447 197 72
3 418 13.9 53 17 0.03 76 170 313 143 67
Peawick 1 348 18.3 36 7 0.10 141 165 360 195 54
2 648 25.8 58 20 0.04 178 200 462 262 84
3 572 21.6 58 21 0.08 121 230 431 201 80
t Cation-exchange capacity.
I Coefficient of linear extensibility.
§ ESI-1 = swelling 2:l's + swell index + liquid limit + cation-exchange capacity (CEC); ESI-2 = swell index + liquid limit + CEC; ESI-3 = liquid
limit + CEC.

shrink-swell potential (Table 4) and would require spe- tential. Special design features are suggested to reduce
cial design of foundations, such as adding reinforcing shrink-swell risk, although the design of such features
bars to footings or installing moisture barriers, to de- may not be as extensive as required for foundations
crease potential expansive soil damage. An ESI-1 <500 constructed on higher shrink-swell potential soils.
describes soils with moderate to high shrink-swell po- Identifying and quantifying swelling 2:1 minerals is
difficult, time-consuming, and expensive to routinely
Table 3. Correlation coefficients for soil properties. measure. Only a few laboratories are equipped to make
Swelling Plasticity Liquid Swell these types of quantifications. Table 3 showed that high
Clay CEC 2:l's index limit index values of swell index, liquid limit, and CEC corre-
CECt 0.36 sponded with high amounts of swelling 2:1 clay minerals.
Swelling 2:l's 0.49 0.70* Thus, an alternative ESI, termed ESI-2, was proposed
Plasticity index 0.52 0.63 0.53
Liquid limit 0.61 0.45 0.72* 0.79* that used only the absolute values of swell index, liquid
Swell index 0.41 0.32 0.89* 0.49 0.60 limit, and CEC. The ESI-1 and ESI-2 were highly corre-
COLE* 0.41 0.65 0.61 0.76* 0.71 0.51
lated (R2 = 0.92) and gave similar shrink-swell risk
* Significant at the 0.05 level of probability. separations of the soils (Table 4). However, separations
t Cation-exchange capacity.
t Coefficient of linear extensibility. were not as distinct as when swelling 2:l's are in the

Table 4. Expansive soil indices (ESI). Table 5. Shrink-swell potential risk of soils as related to parent
Soil series ESI-lt ESI-2J ESI-3§ Shrink-swell risk
Shrink-swell risk Parent material Soil series
Cecil 239 152 68 Moderate
Davidson 319 216 65 Very high Mafic rocks Jackland
Mayodan 330 155 74 Moderately high poorly drained to Waxpool
Craven 348 166 65 moderately well drained Iredell
Creedmoor 401 226 79 Carbonate rocks
Frederick 409 192 68 High shallow to rock Carbo
Peawick 418 219 73 Triassic rocks
Kelly 564 191 90 thermally altered shales Kelly
Iredell 624 276 88 High Carbonate rocks
lackland 697 317 105 Very high deep to rock Frederick
Waxpool 738 306 96
Carbo 820 307 105 Moderately high Triassic rocks Mayodan
shales and sandstones Creedmoor
t Swelling 2:l's + swell index + liquid limit + cation-exchange capacity Coastal Plain sediments Craven
(CEC). clayey fluvial/marine Peawick
$ Swell index + liquid limit + CEC.
§ Liquid limit + CEC. Moderate Mafic rocks
well drained Davidson
equation. An ESI-2 of =250 did appear to separate soils Felsic rocks
well drained Cecil
of high risk from soils of very high risk. Demarcation
of moderate risk soils from high risk was not as distinct.
Thus, conservative estimates of shrink-swell potential Soils with restricted drainage formed from mafic rocks,
are recommended. Although swell index is an easy pa- soils formed from metamorphic shales, and shallow soils
rameter to measure, there is little swell index (PVC) formed from carbonate parent material are at very high
risk for expansive soil behavior (Table 5). Moderately
data in soil survey databases. However, extensive data
high to high risk was assumed in soils formed from
on liquid limits and CEC are contained in many soil metamorphic shales, soils derived from Triassic sand-
characterization databases. Thus, a third expansive soil stones and shales, deep soils formed from carbonate
index, ESI-3, can be formulated using only liquid limit rocks, and Coastal Plain clayey fluvial and marine sedi-
and CEC as shrink-swell predictors. Fewer categories ments. Moderate risk can be correlated with soils
of estimated shrink-swell risk would be entailed when formed from well-drained felsic and mafic parent ma-
using this index. terials.
We now have developed three ESIs, each requiring
a different level of data input and applying a different
level of shrink-swell predictability. What ESI rating CONCLUSIONS
should be employed for various intensities of site assess- Expansive soils cause billions of dollars of damage to
ment? We suggest the following guidelines: homes and property in the USA each year. Damage
ESI-3 — Liquid Limit and Cation-Exchange Capac- can be avoided or mitigated if the propensity of a soil
ity. Employed when general information is needed, such to shrink and swell is known before construction. Pre-
as performing feasibility studies for a proposed subdivi- dicting shrink-swell potential accurately requires both
sion or highway, ESI-3 would be sufficient to screen the knowledge of which soil properties influence shrink-
suitable areas from unsuitable areas. Liquid limit and ing and swelling and the magnitude of these parameters.
CEC are indirect indicators of shrink-swell potential. Recognizing the need for quantitative soil information,
ESI-2 — Swell Index, Liquid Limit, and Cation- we developed an expansive soil rating system to assess
Exchange Capacity. Used when site-specific informa- shrink-swell potential of 12 clayey soils formed from
tion is needed, application of ESI-2 would include suit- major parent materials that occur throughout Virginia.
ability of a site for home foundations or on-site waste- Expansive Soil Indices are obtained by summing the
water disposal. Swell index is a direct measure of absolute values of swelling 2:1 minerals, swell index,
swelling pressure. liquid limit, and CEC. Three levels of precision are
ESI-1 — Swelling 2:l's, Swell Index, Liquid Limit, available, with highest precision obtained with all four
and Cation-Exchange Capacity. The ESI-1 rating would properties. Intermediate precision is available by using
be used when data is needed in litigation court cases or swell index, liquid limit, and CEC. Lower precision, but
when additional information is required for foundations rapid assessment, can be achieved by using only liquid
or other structures designed to reduce potential damage limit and CEC. The ESI system has the flexibility of
from shrink-swell soils. allowing for the classification of other soils formed from
similar parent materials, enabling in rapid, quantitative
Parent Material Correlation assessment of shrink-swell potential of a soil.
with Shrink-Swell Indices
Many other soils are formed from the same or similar
parent materials as the soils described in this study.
Thus, it is possible to extrapolate these data and ESI
ratings for similar soils on the basis of parent material.

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