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Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No.

3, 409-417, October 2004 / Copyright © 2004 Japan Concrete Institute 409

Development of a Light Weight Reactive Powder Concrete

Abouzar Sadrekarimi1

Received 24 February 2004, accepted 23 June 2004

Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) is an ultra-high-strength, high ductility and low porosity cementitious material. RPC
properties are improved by pressing fresh RPC samples, which can increase its specific weight as high as 3000 kg/m3.
However, high specific weight may be a shortcoming, where weight saving is important. Following to this review, a set
of tests on RPC samples with high silica fume contents were carried out in a laboratory. The results show that although
high silica fume content increases the compressive strength, however it decreases the density. It is concluded that by
means of silica fume it is possible to produce high strength RPC with a specific weight as low as 1900 kg/m3. This
Light Weight Reactive Powder Concrete (LWRPC) could be used in areas where substantial weight savings can be real-
ized and where some of the remarkable characteristics of the material can be fully utilized.

1. Introduction 2. High performance concretes (HPC)

Concrete is generally considered a proper construction Engineers are constantly looking for new materials to
material for many civil and military applications. It can provide answers to complex problems. As construction
be strong and produced to be durable, can be placed in and material costs escalate, demand has increased for
many shapes and is economical. Since it is much stronger materials. One of the first breakthroughs was
stronger in compression than it is in tension, concrete is the development of High Performance Concrete (HPC)
primarily used for its compressive strength (O'Neil et al. characterized by a compressive strength of 100-120
2001). Therefore, intensive research efforts have been MPa and high level durability which lead to interesting
devoted to the improvement of the compressive strength realizations in civil engineering (Feylessoufi et al. 1996).
of concretes. During the 1930s, Freyssinet (1936) dem- The concrete that was known as high-strength concrete
onstrated the advantages of applying pressure to fresh in the late 1970s is now referred to as high-performance
concrete during setting, in order to improve its strength. concrete because it has been found to be much more
During the 1960s, strength values of 650MPa were ob- than simply stronger (Aitcin 1997). O'Neil et al. (2001)
tained on compressed samples, heat-cured under ele- discussed some significant differences between conven-
vated pressures (Roy and Gouda 1983). tional and high-performance concrete as below:
Furthermore the mass of a concrete member can be 1. size and composition of constituents
increased or decreased by altering its component mate- 2. water to cementitious material ratio (w/cm)
rials and geometry. For applications where mass is im- 3. the use of steel fibres (sometimes micro-fibres) to
portant, a large section of normal-density concrete or a improve ductility and toughness
smaller section of high-density concrete can be used. 4. the amount of mixing energy employed
For applications where mass or size is detrimental yet 5. curing procedures.
strength is necessary, concrete structures are often de- Other improvements have been obtained by adding
signed to provide thin sections of higher-strength con- polymer components to macro-defect-free (MDF) con-
crete. In other applications, the combination of high cretes or by controlling the proportions and the me-
strength and high mass or high strength and low mass chanical behaviour of components in the case of densi-
are important and often critical criteria. The strength and fied with small particles (DSP) concretes.
mass of a concrete section is important in applications
where concrete is being considered as a material for use 3. Reactive powder concrete (RPC)
in protective structures (O'Neil et al. 2001). In this
research an ultra high strength concrete named Reactive Reactive Powder Concrete is an ultra high-strength and
Powder Concrete (RPC) has been modified to be light- high ductility composite material with advanced me-
weight so producing an economical material with high chanical properties. Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) is
strength to weight ratio. a fiber-reinforced, superplasticized, silica fume-cement
mixture with very low water-cement ratio (w/c) charac-
terized by the presence of very fine quartz sand
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tehran, (0.15-0.40 mm) instead of ordinary aggregate. In fact, it
Iran. is not a concrete because there is no coarse aggregate in
E-mail: a_sadrekarimi@hotmail.com
410 A. Sadrekarimi / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 3, 409-417, 2004

the cement mixture. The absence of coarse aggregate changed by applying heat treatment during the curing of
was considered by the inventors to be a key-aspect for concrete (Richard and Cheyrezy 1994).
the microstructure and the performance of the RPC in (5) Material ductility
order to reduce the heterogeneity between the cement RPC matrix can reach very high compressive strength
matrix and the aggregate. However, due to the use of by application of heat treatment and pressure, but its
very fine sand instead of ordinary aggregate, the cement material ductility isn’t better than that of a conventional
factor of the RPC is as high as 900-1000 kg/m3 (Richard matrix. The material ductility can be improved through
and Cheyrezy 1994, Cheyrezy et al. 1995). the addition of short steel fibres (Richard and Cheyrezy
The original concept of RPC was first developed, in 1994).
early 1990s, by researchers at Bouygues laboratory in
France. RPC is composed of more compact and ar- 3.2 Composition
ranged hydrates. The hydration process in RPC is Conventional concrete is a heterogeneous material with
brought to a more extensive and definite level. It con- components from fine cement to coarse aggregates each
sists of a special concrete where its microstructure is exhibiting different strengths and modulii of elasticity.
optimised by precise gradation of all particles in the mix Under a system of forces, all these components deform
to yield maximum density. It uses extensively the poz- at different rates. The differential movement of these
zolanic properties of highly refined silica fume and op- components produces strains between the component
timisation of the Portland cement chemistry to produce materials which initiate the process of tensile fracture
the highest strength hydrates (Dowd 2000). By intro- when the strains exceed the tensile strain capacity of
ducing fine steel fibres, RPC can achieve remarkable concrete. RPC is composed of particles of similar
flexural strength up to 50 MPa. The material exhibits modulii and size which helps increasing the homogene-
high ductility with typical values for energy absorption ity of the composite material thereby reducing the dif-
approaching those reserved for metals (O'Neil and ferential tensile strain in the concrete and consequently
Dowd 1995). Cheyrezy et al. (1995) have stated that increasing the ultimate load-carrying capacity of the
RPC properties are improved by two means: fresh sam- material. High density is the second principle employed
ples may be pressed and heat treatment is applied to to increase strength and decrease permeability. In
samples once moulded. In the case of pressed samples, choosing the volumes of component materials, parti-
pressure is applied before and during the setting period. cle-packing techniques can be used to maximize the
amount of solids per unit volume of concrete. As with
3.1 Properties conventional concrete, the material having the largest
(1) Mechanical properties particle size in RPC is the aggregate, which is the sand.
RPC has compressive strength between 200 ~ 800 MPa, The material having the next largest particle size is the
modulus of rupture between 25 ~ 150 MPa, fracture cement, which is on the order of 10 to 100 µm. The
energies (proportional to the area underneath the be- smallest particles are silica fume, which are on the order
haviour curves of equivalent bending stress and deflec- of 0.1 µm in diameter. The volumes of all these particles
tion) of about 30,000 J/m2 and volume weights of 2500 are selected to achieve the greatest particle packing and
~ 3000 kg/m3 (Richard and Cheyrezy 1994). RPCs in- hence the greatest density of the paste. The higher the
variably have Young's modulus values exceeding 50 density the greater the strength of the paste and lower
GPa, which can go as high as 75 GPa. In the latter case the permeability because there are fewer and smaller
we observe that the global modulus for the paste and voids (O'Neil et al. 2001).
aggregate is slightly higher than that for the silica ag- In RPCs calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) result
gregate. Thus the effect of mechanical heterogeneity has from two reactions: cement hydration reaction and the
been totally removed, and even reversed (Richard and so-called pozzolanic reaction between silicate ions,
Cheyrezy 1995). produced by the dissolution of silica fume in water and
(2) Homogeneity the calcium ions coming mainly from calcium hydrox-
The homogeneity of the concrete material can be im- ide, present in the medium (Philippot et al. 1996).
proved by eliminating all coarse aggregates and making Strength of RPC is further improved by increasing the
as much of the dry component materials the same parti- volume of pozzolanic components that can react to form
cle size as possible. All the dry components for use in hydration products. In RPC, materials with high silica
RPC are less than 600 µm (Richard and Cheyrezy content are necessary for optimum performance. Ce-
1994). ments high in silica content produce higher strengths.
(3) Compactness Large volumes of low-carbon silica fume (Neeley and
The compactness can be enhanced by optimisation of Walley 1995) also enhance the production of strength.
the granular mixture and the application of pressure These materials provide chemically active silica which
before and during the concrete setting period (Richard helps to produce larger volumes of calcium silicate hy-
and Cheyrezy 1994). drate (C-S-H). High amounts of C-S-H increase the
(4) Microstructure strength of the binder and improve the bond between
The microstructure of the cement hydrate can be cement and aggregate. To optimise performance, w/cm
A. Sadrekarimi / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 3, 409-417, 2004 411

in RPC must be held to a minimum. Excess water in the 3.3 Benefits

mixture is detrimental to the strength of concrete. The O'Neil and Dowd (1995) summarized some of the most
quantity of water required to hydrate all of a given profitable benefits of RPC as below:
amount of Portland cement is about that present at a w/c • RPC is a better alternative to high performance
of 0.4 (O'Neil et al. 2001). Water that is not chemically concrete and has the potential to structurally com-
or physically combined in the hydration or pozzolanic pete with steel.
reaction products, weakens the paste and thus the com- • Its superior strength combined with higher shear
pressive and tensile strength of the concrete. The vol- capacity results in significant dead load reduction
ume of water used in RPC is kept low to insure that and less limited shapes of structural members.
there is no excess. The w/c ratio used in RPC ranges • With its ductile tension failure mechanism, RPC
from 0.15 to approximately 0.25 (US Army Engineer can be used to resist all but direct primary tensile
Waterways Experiment Station 1998). This range of w/c stresses. This eliminates the need for supplemental
ratio not only produces the highest range of strengths, shear and other auxiliary reinforcing steel.
but also ensures that all the water in the mixture will be • RPC provides improved seismic performance by
combined in producing calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) reducing inertia loads with lighter members, allow-
and will form voids. This volume is less than that ing larger elastic deflections by reducing cross sec-
needed to hydrate all the cement so as to insure that all tions, providing higher energy absorption and im-
water is consumed in the hydration/pozzolanic reaction proved confinement.
process. However, this small quantity of water usually • Its low and non-interconnected porosity diminishes
does not provide sufficient workability to the mixture. mass transfer making penetration of liquid/gas or
High-range-water-reducing admixtures (HRWRA) are radioactive elements nearly non-existent. Caesium
used to make the otherwise very stiff concrete flowable diffusion is non-existent and Tritium diffusion is 45
(O'Neil et al. 2001). Bonneau et al. (2000) discussed times lower than conventional containment materi-
that the dispersing effect of a superplasticizer (SP) used als.
at its optimal value decreases the w/c ratio while im-
proving the rheology of the paste. In order to increase 3.4 Utilization
concrete ductility and flexural strength, metallic fibres RPC is a natural extension of existing high performance
can be added (Cheyrezy et al. 1995). A review of re- concrete and has the potential to structurally compete
cently published literature (Richard and Cheyrezy 1994 , with steel. RPC is significantly more expensive than
1995; Richard et al. 1995; Bonneau et al. 1996; Dugat et normal strength concrete or even high performance
al. 1996; Feylessoufi et al. 1996; Roux et al. 1996; concrete, but less expensive than steel on a volumetric
Collepardi et al. 1997; Aitcin et al. 1998; US Army En- basis, since steel has a compressive strength similar to
gineer Waterways Experiment Station 1998; Cheyrezy RPC. Based on the properties and cost of RPC, RPC
1999; Matte and Moranville 1999) reveals that RPCs are will have potential in the construction industry in a
essentially made of ordinary Portland cements specially number of markets where it may compete with steel. At
type V Portland cement or similar with a high silica and present RPCs are still under study in several countries
low tri-calcium aluminate (C3A) content, undensified (Richard and Cheyrezy 1994). For instance, the test of a
silica fume, fine sand, crushed (or ground) aggregate, 10m RPC pretensioned beam without conventional re-
water, surperplasticiser, and steel fibres (optional). The inforcing has been successful to show the potentialities
composition of RPC differs somewhat from that of of RPC in civil engineering (Richard et al. 1995). The
normal strength concrete: the amount of cement is development of these materials could lead to drastic
markedly increased, the amount of mixing water is sig- modifications in design and structural analysis of future
nificantly less, the amount of superplasticiser is signifi- construction projects. Potential applications of RPC
cantly higher and the maximum size of the coarse ag- include prestressed structures without passive rein-
gregate is usually smaller (Richard and Cheyrezy 1994). forcement (Richard 1996; Adeline and Behloul 1996),
The combination of these principles leads to produce pressure precast pipes (Dowd and O'Neil 1996), imper-
a concrete with an ultimate compressive strength up to meable containers for hazardous fluids or nuclear
approximately 175 MPa when mixed and cured at am- wastes (Torrenti et al. 1996).
bient temperatures. Strength greater than 200 MPa can
be achieved when the concrete is cured at 90ºC for a (1) Sherbrooke pedestrian bridge
few days. The processes of applying sufficient pressure An example of application of a structure made with
during initial hardening to expel any excess water and RPC is the pedestrian bridge in the city of Sherbrooke in
air from the fresh mixture, and providing a curing envi- Quebec, Canada (Dowd 2000). To demonstrate the
ronment of up to 400ºC can produce concrete with unique characteristics of RPC and minimize weight, a
compressive strengths greater than 800 MPa (O'Neil et design concept was chosen which differs significantly
al. 2001). from those used for traditional concrete structures. The
superstructure of the bridge is a three-dimensional
prestressed space truss spanning 60 meters. The walk-
412 A. Sadrekarimi / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 3, 409-417, 2004

way deck, which also serves as the top chord of the truss, 50 percent and its weight by 75 percent compared to
is only 25 mm thick. The web members are a composite conventional prestressed concrete (Adeline et al. 1996).
design using RPC confined in thin-wall stainless steel The elimination of passive reinforcing steel in RPC
tubing. No conventional reinforcing steel is used for the structures allows for nearly limitless freedom in struc-
entire superstructure. The footbridge's effective thick- tural member shape and form.
ness is 150 mm. A comparative study showed that the
same structure made of HPC would have required a (3) Containment of nuclear waste
thickness of 375 mm. RPC technology allows the foot- RPC has also been used for isolation and containment of
bridge builders to optimize material usage, realize eco- nuclear wastes on several projects in Europe. Clients
nomic benefits and build a structure that is environmen- include federal agencies and public utilities. This appli-
tally friendly (Dauriac 1997). cation of RPC has been used for blocking and stabiliza-
tion of contaminated waste and is studied to be used as a
(2) X-shaped prestressed beams container for radioactive high-level waste storage (Tor-
The current structural precast shapes used for renti et al. 1996).
prestressed beams in bridges and buildings have been Historically, concrete and cement-based composite
proportioned for concrete with much lower strength materials have been incorporated into structures as
properties. These proportions would not take maximum compression-only systems. RPC transcends this tradi-
advantages of the capabilities of RPC. There is now an tional limitation and brings a new approach to
opportunity to introduce new shapes into prestressed prestressed concrete design because it can be used to
beam design. An RPC prestressed beam, with an hour- resist all but direct primary tensile stresses. This elimi-
glass cross section (referred to as X-shaped) and without nates the need for shear and other auxiliary reinforcing
any kind of secondary steel bar reinforcement, was con- steel in precast members, which results in cost reduction
figured and tested to carry equal moment capacity when for the items themselves, but more important for the
compared to its steel wide-flange counterpart and to labour they usually generate. High-strength liners for
have the same depth and very close weight (Fig. 1). By tunnels and mining shafts as well as architectural and
using RPC, the depth of the member can be reduced by technical floor panels are also being developed (Dauriac
Reactive Powder Concrete Steel
4. Light weight RPC (LWRPC)
320 mm
Reactive powder concrete can have high densities be-
cause of its high quality and high density aggregates and
its low water content; moreover the physical compres-
370 mm

40 sion applied during early hardening may raise its density

further. Richard and Cheyrezy (1995) have stated that
the application of pressure can have three effects: reduc-
tion of entrapped air, excess water removal and chemi-
cal shrinkage compensation.
Weight: 140 kg/m2 Weight: 112 kg/m2
As seen in Table 1, among other solid ingredients in
RPC silica fume has the lowest particle density. It is
worth notable that the values in Table 1 are the particles
Prestressed Concrete Reinforced Concrete intrinsic densities, and because of the presence of voids
in the produced concrete, the materials contribute with a
lesser specific weight. The ultra-fine silica fume parti-
cles have a surface area of approximately 20000 m2/kg
compared to 300 ~ 400 m2/kg for normal Portland ce-
ment, so that silica fume is 50 ~ 60 times finer than that
of Portland cement. Richard and Cheyrezy (1995) have
discussed that silica fume in RPC has three main func-
• Filling the voids between the next larger class par-

Table 1 Particle density of ingredients.

Weight: 467 kg/m2 Weight: 530 kg/m2 Ingredient Particle density

Cement 3.11 ~ 3.15
Quartz aggregate 2.6 ~ 2.8
Fig. 1 Comparison of beam cross sections of equal Silica fume 2.1 ~ 2.2
moment capacity.
A. Sadrekarimi / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 3, 409-417, 2004 413

• Enhancement of rheological characteristics by the 50mmx50mmx50mm cubes. Portland cement type I (Blaine
lubrication effect resulting from the perfect spheric- fineness 340 m2/kg), and white-coloured undensified
ity of the basic particles; silica fume with a bulk density of 0.12, were used as
• Production of secondary hydrates by pozzolanic cementitious binder. An aqueous solution of modified
reaction with the lime resulting from primary hy- polycarboxylate was used as superplasticizer which
dration. complied with the ASTM C494 specifications. In
The main quality of a silica fume is the absence of LWRPC, fibers are not used because their presence in-
aggregates. This leads to the use of non-compacted sil- creases the density, so reducing the benefits arising from
ica fumes. Slurry cannot be used, as the quantity of wa- its low density. However the behavior of LWRPC with-
ter contained in the slurry exceeds the total quantity of out fibers is purely linear and elastic, with its material
water required for the mixture. Nagataki (1994) has ductility being no better than that of a conventional
stated that silica fume generally contains more than 90% concrete; so fibers must be added to enhance LWRPC
SiO2 and De Larrard (1989) has purposed that the most ductility. Fine ground quartz sand (0.125-0.500 mm)
injurious impurities of silica fume are carbon and alkalis. with a density of 2.75 was used for manufacturing the
In general, the colour of silica fume is grey, but it can RPC mixture. The amount of the superplasticizer (3%)
range from whitish to blackish depending on the content was selected after preliminary tests in order to find the
of carbon. The different colours of silica fume have an best performance in terms of water reduction at a given
effect on RPC in terms of w/c ratio and strength and the workability level. In other words, no significant further
best results, in terms of w/c ratio and compressive reduction in the mixing water was recorded when an
strength in the absence of superplasticiser, have been amount of superplasticizer higher than 3% was used.
provided by C3A-free Portland cement with low specific The amount of water coming from the aqueous solution
surface area (340 m2/kg), white silica fume with no un- of the superplasticizer is included in the water/binder
burnt carbon at all and mean particle size of about 0.7 ratio. The mixing of the ingredients was done with an
µm (Coppola et al. 1996). Typically the fume/cement electric mixer equipped with an ohm-meter, which was
ratio used for RPC is 0.25. This ratio corresponds to an indication of the mixes workability. So constant
optimum filling performance (Seki et al. 1985) and it is workability was achieved in all mixes by adding water
close to the dosage required for complete consumption to the mix and obtaining the same resistance value
of the lime resulting from total hydration of the cement. shown by the ohm-meter. As seen in Table 2 mixes with
However, cement hydration is incomplete in a reactive high silica fume content needed more water to gain the
powder concrete, and the available quantity of silica same workability.
fume is more than required by the pozzolanic reaction Thermal curing is a classical method of improving the
(Richard and Cheyrezy 1995). mechanical properties of cement based materials. The
Considering the above aspects several mix design most important effects are better crystallization of the
were prepared with varying silica fume contents in order hydrates and activation of the pozzolanic reaction of the
to investigate the effects of silica fume content on silica fillers. How this leads to improvement of the me-
strength and density of RPC. These designs are noted in chanical properties is still unclear, but the effect is un-
Table 2; in this table B represents the binder materials doubtedly beneficial in most cases. Djuric et al. (1994)
which are cement and silica fume, W/B is the wa- and Taylor (1990) have stated that in hydrothermal con-
ter/binder ratio, SF/C is the silica fume/cement ratio and ditions, the reaction of lime with silica leads to the for-
finally SP/B describes the super plasticizer/binder ratio. mation of tobermorite at temperatures below 200˚C and
Specimens R1, R2 and R3 were made by applying 40 to truscottite, gyrolite, xonotlite, and hillebrandite at
MPa pressure in a 24 hours period to compact them; the higher temperatures, depending on the CaO/SiO2 ratio.
rest were not compacted. Elaborated specimens were all Xonotlite (C6S6H) is a crystalline product. It forms

Table 2 Mix designs.

B W/B SF/C SP/B Sand Content Max Curing Tempera-
No. Compaction
(kg/m3) (%) (%) (%) (kg/m3) ture(˚C)
R1 1400 11.8 35 3.0 1000 240 YES
R2 1400 13.0 60 3.0 1000 240 YES
R3 1400 14.0 80 3.0 1000 240 YES
R4 1400 12.0 30 3.0 1000 240 NO
R5 1400 12.8 35 3.0 1000 240 NO
R6 1400 13.0 50 3.0 1000 240 NO
R7 1400 13.5 60 3.0 1000 240 NO
R8 1400 15.9 80 3.0 1000 240 NO
R9 1400 12.0 30 3.0 1000 90 NO
R10 1400 13.6 52 3.0 1000 90 NO
R11 1400 16.2 75 3.0 1000 90 NO
R12 1400 16.2 100 3.0 1000 90 NO
414 A. Sadrekarimi / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 3, 409-417, 2004

readily under normal autoclaving conditions from mix- Table 3 The densities and compressive strengths of
tures in which the SiO2 is supplied partly as quartz. Also samples.
average C-S-H chain length increases with increasing No. Density Compressive Strength(MPa)
heat treatment temperature (Yang 2000). In the current R1 2.45 280
study all of the samples are kept in the moulds for at R2 2.35 353
least 24 hours; it was found that early demoulding R3 2.28 370
would lower the compressive strength. After demould- R4 2.27 193
ing they were kept in water for a week following by 18 R5 2.24 230
days in 90˚C water; during this period the pozzolanic R6 2.19 238
reactions are substantially accelerated and the micro- R7 2.05 277
structure of the formed hydrates are modified, however R8 1.93 280
R9 2.28 142
these hydrates remain amorphous (Richard and
R10 2.26 202
Cheyrezy 1995). High temperature heat-curing which R11 2.22 211
leads to the formation of crystalline hydrates (xonotlite) R12 2.16 217
accompanied by major dehydration of the hardened
paste (Richard and Cheyrezy 1995), is applied to
specimens number R1 to R8 in order to investigate the water/binder ratio is estimated to be reduced by 4%.
effects of high temperature heat-curing in mi- Figures 2 and 3 show the variation of density and
cro-structural enhancement. These specimens were compressive strength by increasing the silica fume con-
cured in a dry 240˚C oven for 24 hours; after cooling in tent. Dividing the dry weight of the cubic samples to
a 24 hours period, they were weighed and tested at an their exact volume, the densities are obtained.
age of 28 days. In order to prevent high water vapour From Fig. 2 it can been observed that in all cases in-
pressure generation inside the samples, a temperature creasing the silica fume content decreases the density. In
gradient of 10˚C/h was selected to lower the dehydra- other words the space occupied by cement is partly re-
tion rate and allow sufficient diffusion. The remaining placed by a relatively lighter powder which is silica
samples (R9-R12) were kept in a dry 90˚C oven for 24 fume. However, by pressing the samples the density is
hours, then weighed and tested at the age of 28 days. increased. High-temperature heat curing (240˚C) lowers
Table 3 shows the results. It is worth notable that by the density more than 90˚C curing and the density de-
pressing specimens R1, R2 & R3 some of the mix water crease rate for samples cured at 240˚C is substantially
was expelled out, by measuring this expelled water, the higher than the samples cured at 90˚C. This can be due

Fig. 2 Variation of density with silica fume content. Fig. 3 Variation of compressive strength with silica fume
A. Sadrekarimi / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 3, 409-417, 2004 415

vide sought properties with less material, providing its

more ecological nature.

LWRPC 5. Conclusions
It can be concluded that by increasing the silica fume
RPC200 content although the density decreases, the compressive
strength is raised. This can be explained by the low den-

sity of silica fume among other ingredients of the mix

and the role of being a dense filler which increases the
strength. Also both high-temperature heat curing and
Normal Concrete
pressing the samples will increase the compressive
strength of concrete. However they have contrary ef-
fects on the density; whereas high-temperature heat
Steel curing decreases the density but compression increases
So by using high silica fume contents and applying
high-temperature heat curing without compression, it is
0 500 1000 1500 2000
possible to produce light weight reactive powder con-
cretes (LWRPC) with a density as low as 1.9, without
Ultimate Strength/Density
losing strength. LWRPC should be used in areas where
Fig. 4 Ultimate Strength to Density ratio for some materi- substantial weight savings can be realized and where
als some of the remarkable characteristics of the material
to more dehydration of samples and the formation of can be fully utilized. However in order to utilize this
xonotlite (C6S6H) which is lighter than its seminal ele- product for structural purposes further investigations
ments (C-S-H). Also by increasing the silica fume con- and improvements are necessary to be carried out.
tent, xonotlite formation also increases; resulting in
higher density difference between the samples cured at References
240˚C and 90˚C. Abo-El-Enein, S. A., Hanafi, S., Salem, T. M. and Hekal,
From Fig. 3 it can be observed that in all cases in- E. E. (1992). “Thermal and physico chemical studies
creasing the silica fume content increases the compres- on ettringite: IV - modes of interaction with water and
sive strength. Also by applying high temperature heat associated energetics.” Il Cemento, 1, 31-42.
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These ratios are computed for some materials in Fig. 4 Performance Concrete, Paris, France 29-31 May
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For elements carrying bending (beams and slabs) or Adeline, R., Behloul, M. and Bernier, G. (1996).
tension (truss elements), dissymmetry in RPC and “Reactive powder concrete pretensioned beams.” FIP
LWRPC behaviour in tensile and compressive strength Symposium on Post-Tensioned Concrete Structures,
can be compensated by the utilization of prestressing Concrete Society Publication CS112/113, 592-606.
techniques. In structures of this type, the main tensile Aitcin, P. C. (1997). “The art and science of
forces are taken up by the prestressing, whereas secon- high-performance concrete.” in: P.K. Mehta, Ed.
dary tensile stresses and all compressive loads are taken Proceedings of Mario Collepardi Symposium on
up directly by the concrete itself (Richard et al. 1995). Advances in Concrete Science and Technology, 8
Structures configured in this way can be about three October 1997, Rome, 107-126.
times lighter than equivalent structures fabricated with Aitcin, P. C., Lachemi, M., Adeline, R. and Richard, P.
conventional concrete. (1998). “The sherbrooke reactive powder concrete
The combined effects of the elimination of rein- footbridge.” Structural Engineering International, 8
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