Power Generation From Suspension by Piezo Eiectric Transducer 1

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Energy is utilized by each and every organism in the universe for its survival. As in
this fast-moving world, the population is increasing day by day and the conventional energy
sources are lessening. The extensive usage of energy has resulted in an energy crisis over the
few years. Therefore, to overcome this problem we need to implement the techniques of
optimal utilization of conventional sources for conservation of energy. In this paper it is
mainly considered on generating the electricity in the suspension system of the automobile
and store the energy in the battery or alternator as conventional method by simply driving the
vehicle. Current sports bikes are normally without kickers and this power generation method
can be used to charge the battery within short span of time. In this paper few of the power
generation methods in the vehicle suspension system is discussed.

Every automotive suspension system has two goals: passenger comfort and vehicle
control. The function of the shock absorber is to dampen the vibrations of coil and leaf
springs used in the suspension system. These vibrations are generated when vehicle passes
over a road bump. The kinetic energy generated from the suspension system is converted into
electrical power by using various mechanisms. This paper is mainly concentrated on few
powers generated mechanism in vehicle suspension system. The followings are the topics
considered to be reviewed in power generation methods.
The concept is to capture the normally lost energy surrounding a system and converting it
into electrical energy that can be used to extend the lifetime of that system’s power supply or
possibly provide an endless supply of energy to an electronic device which has led to power
harvesting. One of the most interesting methods of obtaining the energy surrounding a system
is to use piezoelectric materials. There exists variety of energy harvesting techniques but
mechanical energy harvesting happens to be the most prominent.

Energy is utilized by each and every organism in the universe for its survival. As in this fast
moving world, the population is increasing day by day and the conventional energy sources
are lessening. The extensive usage of energy has resulted in an energy crisis over the few
years. Therefore to overcome this problem we need to implement the techniques of optimal
utilization of conventional sources for conservation of energy. In this paper it is mainly
considered on generating the electricity in the suspension system of the automobile and store
the energy in the battery or alternator as conventional method by simply driving the vehicle.
Current sports bikes are normally without kickers and this power generation method can be
used to charge the battery within short span of time. In this paper few of the power generation
methods in the vehicle suspension system is discussed. Every automotive suspension system
has two goals: passenger comfort and vehicle control. The function of the shock absorber is
to dampen the vibrations of coil and leaf springs used in the suspension system. These
vibrations are generated when vehicle passes over a road bump. The kinetic energy generated
from the suspension system is converted into electrical power by using various mechanism.
This paper is mainly concentrated on few powers generated mechanism in vehicle suspension
system. Regenerative suspension basically new concept of non-conventional energy
generation. It is electro- mechanical energy generating machine. This machine converts
reciprocating motion in to electric energy with help piezoelectric transducer.
The main principle of a piezoelectric transducer is that a force, when applied on the quartz
crystal, produces electric charges on the crystal surface. ... As the charge produced is very
small, a charge amplifier is needed so as to produce an output voltage big enough to be
measured. A quartz crystal is a piezoelectric material that can generate a voltage proportional
to the stress applied upon it. For the application, a natural quartz crystal has to be cut in the
shape of a thin plate of rectangular or oval shape of uniform thickness.

“Electricity Generation Due to Vibration of Moving Vehicles

Using Piezoelectric Effect” by Mukti Nath Gupta, Suman and
S.K. Yadav.

Mukthi Nath experimentally investigated on piezoelectric materials, solid materials

(crystal and ceramics), biological matter (DNA, bone and proteins) and non-conducting
materials to generate power. Mechanism of piezoelectricity is reconfiguration of the di-pole
by reorientation in its polarization. Polarization can be depending on the following factors
The orientation of piezo with in the crystal, Crystal symmetry and The applied mechanical
stress. The result from this experiment is the generation of 12500V from the 1cm3 quartz by
applying2 KN mechanical load. The major problem of in this experiment is strong electric
field can break the dipoles and depolarization of the piezoelectric material. This method is
used in buzzer and solar system and also it is used in the tele communication system.

Many materials exhibit piezoelectricity. Crystals which acquire a charge when compressed or
twisted are said to be piezoelectric. This provides a convenient transducer effect between
electrical and mechanical oscillations. The generation of an electric charge in certain
nonconducting materials, such as quartz crystals and ceramics, when they are subjected to
mechanical stress (such as pressure or vibration), or the generation of vibrations in such
materials when they are subjected to an electric field. Piezoelectric materials exposed to a
fairly constant electric field tend to vibrate at a precise frequency with very little variation.
The nature of the piezoelectric effect is closely related to the occurrence of electric dipole
moments in solids. Of decisive importance for the piezoelectric effect is the change of
polarization P when applying a mechanical stress. This might either be caused by a re-
configuration of the dipole-inducing surrounding or by re-orientation of molecular dipole
moments under the influence of the external stress
“Eco-Friendly Electricity Generator Using Scintillating Piezo”
By Pratibha Arun , Divyesh Mehta

Parthiba Arun V and Divyesh Mehta experimentally tested piezoelectric (Quartz)

dielectric hysteresis, stability, depolarization, Coupling factor, electrical depolarization,
mechanical polarization, pyro electric effects and thermal polarization. In this testing method
the mechanical Q factor and dielectric loss factors are reversible to each other. In electrical
depolarization a material temperature and static fields are concerned along with the 200
and500 V/mm and also voltage production can be achieved under Curie point (0 0C) as well
as coupling factor is used to measure the effectiveness. Experimental result of the quartz as
dielectric constant is 4.5, coupling factor is 0.09, charge constant is 2.0, voltage constant is 50
and the quality factor is established transverse of the vibration under full scale voltage range
of ±200 V. This analytical exploration proved that, to have proficiency of over 35%, more
than three times greater than solar system, and also 8.4 W of generated power from PZT
mounted in shoe. The properties of the piezo is such as Modulus of piezoelectric 63 GPa,
Strain coefficient -179X10-12 m/volt and Density is 7700 kg/m3. In 25 Hz frequency at 100
k has been included to reduce the effect of the damping factors.

In this paper they discuss study about energy harvesting. Energy harvesting has been a topic
of discussion and research since three decades. With the ever increasing and demanding
energy needs, unearthing and exploiting more and more energy sources has become a need of
the day. Energy harvesting is the process by which energy is derived from external sources
and utilized to drive the machines directly, or the energy is captured and stored for future use.
With the advent of technology, utilization of energy sources has increased by leaps and
bounds. Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting is a new and innovative step in the direction of
energy harvesting. Not many researches have been carried out till now in this field, hence it is
a challenging job to extract energy from piezocyrstals. In this research paper, description of
the basic working of a piezoelectric crystal is mentioned. Then later in the paper, the idea of
combining energy from a number of piezoelectric crystals to obtain higher voltages is
proposed. Certain ways of implanting the crystals at different places have also been sited in
the paper.
“A Review on Various Method of Power Generation in
Automobile Suspension System” by C. Nithiyesh Kumar

In this research paper C. Nithiyesh Kumar done study about Method of Power
Generation in Automobile Suspension System. In current scenario, power is the primary need
for the survival of human life. Researches shows that large amount of power is generated
from non-renewable energy resources compared to that of renewable energy resources.
The extensive usage of energy has resulted in an energy crisis over the few years. Therefore
to overcome this problem we need to implement the techniques of optimal utilization of
conventional sources for conservation of energy.In this paper it is mainly considered on
generating the electricity in the suspension system of the automobile and store the energy in
the battery or alternator as conventional method by simply driving the vehicle. Current sports
bikes are normally without kickers and this power generation method can be used to charge
the battery within short span of time. In this paper few of the power generation methods in
the vehicle suspension system is discussed.
Every automotive suspension system has two goals: passenger comfort and vehicle control.
The function of the shock absorber is to dampen the vibrations of coil and leaf springs used in
the suspension system. These vibrations are generated when vehicle passes over a road bump.
The kinetic energy generated from the suspension system is converted into electrical power
by using various mechanism. This paper is mainly concentrate on few power generated
mechanism in vehicle suspension system. The followings are the topics considered to be
reviewed in power generation methods.
1. Piezoelectric Method

2. Rack and Pinion Method

3. Fuel Piston Method

4. Roller Mechanism
“Power Generation from Suspension due to Piezo Electric
Transducer” by Vishal Kumavat, Sushant Bharamgonda, Sanket
Gawai, Prof.R.R. Yenare

In this research paper Vishal Kumavat, Sushant Bharamgonda, Sanket Gawai,

Prof.R.R. Yenare are studied about Power Generation from Suspension due to Piezo Electric
Energy is utilized by each and every organism in the universe for its survival. As in this fast
moving world, the population is increasing day by day and the conventional energy sources
are lessening. The extensive usage of energy has resulted in an energy crisis over the few
years. Therefore to overcome this problem we need to implement the techniques of optimal
utilization of conventional sources for conservation of energy. In this paper it is mainly
considered on generating the electricity in the suspension system of the automobile and store
the energy in the battery or alternator as conventional method by simply driving the vehicle.
Current sports bikes are normally without kickers and this power generation method can be
used to charge the battery within short span of time. In this paper few of the power generation
methods in the vehicle suspension system is discussed.These vibrations are generated when
vehicle passes over a road bump. The kinetic energy generated from the suspension system is
converted into electrical power by using various mechanisms. This paper is mainly
concentrate on few power generated mechanism in vehicle suspension system. The
followings are the topics considered to be reviewed in power generation methods.

The concept of increasing the fuel efficiency of a petrol engine in this project, is to pre-heat
the intake air which is flowing through the carburetor. The humidity in the atmospheric air
affects the petrol vaporization in the carburetor. Therefore, by pre-heating the inlet air to the
carburetor for a considerable amount, the vaporization can be ease and in turn complete
combustion is achieved. Moreover by reducing the water vapour to the engine, the steam
formation in the engine can be reduced pitting of the engine cylinder, piston and exhaust
“A review of power harvesting using piezoelectric materials” by
Steven R Anton and Henry A Sodano

In this Research authors experienced significant growth over the past few years due to
the ever-increasing desire to produce portable and wireless electronics with extended
lifespans. Current portable and wireless devices must be designed to include electrochemical
batteries as the power source. The use of batteries can be troublesome due to their limited
lifespan, thus necessitating their periodic replacement. In the case of wireless sensors that are
to be placed in remote locations, the sensor must be easily accessible or of a disposable
nature to allow the device to function over extended periods of time. Energy scavenging
devices are designed to capture the ambient energy surrounding the electronics and convert it
into usable electrical energy. The concept of power harvesting works towards developing
self-powered devices that do not require replaceable power supplies. A number of sources of
harvestable ambient energy exist, including waste heat, vibration, electromagnetic waves,
wind, flowing water, and solar energy. While each of these sources of energy can be
effectively used to power remote sensors, the structural and biological communities have
placed an emphasis on scavenging vibrational energy with piezoelectric materials. This
article will review recent literature in the field of power harvesting and present the current
state of power harvesting in its drive to create completely self-powered devices.
Over the past few decades the use of wireless sensors and wearable electronics has grown
steadily. These electronics have all relied on the use of electrochemical batteries for
providing electrical energy to the device.
The increase in power used by the electronics has led to a reduction in battery life and has
limited the functionality of the devices. In an effort to extend the life and reduce the volume
of the electronics, researchers have begun investigating methods of obtaining electrical
energy from the ambient energy surrounding the device.
“Footstep Power Generation Using Piezo Electric Transducers” by Kiran
Boby, Aleena Paul K, Anumol.C.V, Josnie Ann Thomas, Nimisha K.K Dept
of EEE, MACE, Kothamangalam

Proposal for the utilization of waste energy of foot power with human locomotion is
very much relevant and important for highly populated countries like India where the railway
station, temples etc., are overcrowded all round the clock .When the flooring is engineered
with piezoelectric technology, the electrical energy produced by the pressure is captured by
floor sensors and converted to an electrical charge by piezo transducers, then stored and used
as a power source. And this power source has many applications as in agriculture, home
application and street lighting and as energy source for sensors in remote locations.

Electricity has become a lifeline for human population. Its demand is increasing day by day.
Modern technology needs a huge amount of electrical power for its various operations.
Electricity production is the single largest source of pollution in the whole world. At one
hand, rising concern about the gap between demand and supply of electricity for masses has
highlighted the exploration of alternate sources of energy and its sustainable use. On the other
hand, human population all over the world and hence energy demand is increasing day by day
linearly. Accordingly, it is an objective of the present invention to provide a method of
electrical power generation from this ever increasing human population that does not
negatively impact the environment.
For this the Piezo transducer material under test is placed on a Piezo force sensor.
Voltmeters are connected across both of them for measuring voltages and an ammeter is
connected to measure the current.

Power is the primary need for the survival of human life. Researches shows that large amount
of power is generated from non-renewable energy resources compared to that of renewable
energy resources. The extensive usages of available resources in recent years created a
demand for the future generation. To overcome this problem we need to utilize renewable
energy sources for power generation and conservation. Therefore the focus now is shifting
more and more towards the renewable source of energy, which are essential and non-

Main objectives of our project are specified below:

 To produce electric energy from waste energy.

 Power generation from suspension system on roads.
 Converting the kinetic energy into electrical energy

In our country due to increased paying capacity, advanced lifestyle and rapidly growing
industrialization, the need & demand of transportation is increasing day- by- day. The
number of vehicles rolling on the road is increasing daily. Hence chances of accidents are
increasing while crossing the road especially by the children and old persons. So it became
necessary to install the speed breakers (in true sense speed reducers) at the school building or
Hospital building- side road or highway. If these speed breakers Yes! In true sense it is speed
and ultimately breaker the opposing impact energy supplied by the hard speed breaker will
apply massive thrust impact on the suspension system of the vehicle. This impact force can
be use for power generation using regenerative method and use to charge battery and release
load of alternator or dynamo from engine.
Here on working this group task we over-come our following needs:- We became able to
have market survey Doped capability of designing a system by collecting necessary data.
Learnt actual practical fabrication processes of the sub-components of the system. Planning
the cost estimation and budget. Duties of a technician or an Engineer.

Phase I

-We started our work with literature survey.

-Search many research papers from various articles and published journal papers.

- Then we collected all the topic related data from these research papers and studied them in
detailed manner along with the standard reference books and academic books.

-Reference sites:

1. http://explore.ijert.org/
2. http://www.ijetcse.com/
3. http://industrialscience.org/
4. http://www.ijist.net/

-Worked on diff. Mechanisms that can be useful for our project.

-We have done a rough 2D sketch of model in Auto-CAD.

- After the final analysis and material selection we go out in the market to purchase the
required components with required specifications.

- In this purchasing process we approximately estimated the cost required to purchase the
components and for machining.

-We selected standard components.

- Finally, our product will be manufactured in second semester and results and testing will be
carried out.

Actual preparation of project:

-We will complete calculations of remaining parts.

-We will purchase standard components from market.

-We will be done a rough 3D model of our project.

- Manufacturing will be done.

-Assemble will be done.

-Testing of set up will be done.

-Representation of actual theoretical report.

We the group of young engineers found that, there is an impending need to make much more
forays to make Non-Conventional energy attain popular acclaim. This is also very essential to
preserve the conventional sources of energy and explore viable alternatives like sustainable
energy (the energy which we are already utilizing but for some safety of other uses we are
suddenly wasting it, that can be reutilized), solar, wind and biomass that can enhance
sustainable growth. What is more, such alternatives are environment friendly and easily
replenish able. Therefore, they need to be thoroughly exploited with a functionally expedient,
energy matrix mix.
Growing economies, especially of Asia are gifted with sufficient resource base and non-
conventional energy technologies are consistent both for grid linked energy generation and
transmission in out of the way locales that are islanded from the grid. Adaptation of
technology and employing them should be pursued right from this moment to have a head
start, be informed of the barriers in technology applications of the renewable variety and
synergizing them with the existing, traditional power production technology and T&D
networks. It is known that in coming times, wind energy will be the most cost-effective
renewable resource. Yet, it is doubtful if any individual technology would hold centre-stage.
Thus, we selected kinetic generator means the “Energy in motion when it is suddenly applied
with a sort of obstacle, then according to Newton’s law for every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction. Utilization of this reaction is the basic reason behind the selection of this
project work.
Historical Overview
Piezoelectricity (or, following direct translation from Greek word piezein, “pressure
electricity”) was discovered by Jacques Curie and Pierre Curie as early as in 1880 (Curie and
Curie 1880). By analogy with temperature-induced charges in pyroelectric crystals, they
observed electrification under mechanical pressure of certain crystals, including tourmaline,
quartz, topaz, cane sugar, and Rochelle salt. This effect was distinguished from other similar
phenomena such as “contact electricity” (friction-generated static charge). Even at this stage,
it was clearly understood that symmetry plays a decisive role in the piezoelectric effect, as it
was observed only for certain crystal cuts and mostly in pyroelectric materials in the direction
normal to polar axis. However, Curie brothers could not predict a converse piezoelectric
effect, i.e., deformation or stress under applied electric field. This important property was
then mathematically deduced from the fundamental thermodynamic principles by Lippmann
(1881). The existence of the converse effect was immediately confirmed by Curie brothers in
the following publication (Curie and Curie 1881). Since then, the term piezoelectricity is
commonly used for more than a century to describe the ability of materials to develop electric
displacement D that is directly proportional to an applied mechanical stress σ. Following this
definition, the electric charge appeared on the electrodes reverses its sign if the stress is
changed from tensile to compressive. As follows from thermodynamics, all piezoelectric
materials are also subject to a converse piezoelectric effect, i.e., they deform under applied
electric field. Again, the sign of the strain S (elongation or contraction) changes to the
opposite one if the direction of electric field E is reversed. Shear piezoelectric effect is also
possible, as it linearly couples shear mechanical stress or strain with the electric charge.

Just after the discovery of piezoelectricity, much more work has been done to define
crystallographic principles of the effect. In 1910, Voigt published the first textbook on
physical crystallography (Voigt 1910), in which the correct description of the piezoelectric
effect in different crystallographic classes was given. However, at that time the phenomenon
of piezoelectricity was obscure because of a complicated description in crystals with low
symmetry and no visible applications. Only after the Second World War the piezoelectric
effect evolved from just a laboratory curiosity to a multimillion-dollar industry with
applications ranging from underwater sonars and medical imaging systems to car
accelerometers. This was mainly due to the invention of piezoelectric ceramics (see, e.g., the
textbook by Jaffe, Cook, and Jaffe (Jaffe et al. 1971)), in which the averaging of piezoelectric
responses of individual crystallites (grains) in PbZrO3–PbTiO3 (PZT) solid solutions resulted
in the high-symmetry (∞∞m) macroscopic state with only few independent piezoelectric
coefficients of sufficiently high values. This research has resulted in the astonishing
performance of piezoelectric materials with industrial applications in many areas. Currently,
there is an immense interest in the materials with giant piezoelectric effect, so-called relax or
single crystals (Park and Shrout 1997), where the high piezoelectric activity is partly due to
their symmetry. method, it is easy to get 500 W of power in a very short time.

Piezoelectric Effect Basics

Piezoelectric substance is one that produces an electric charge when a mechanical stress is
applied (the substance is squeezed or stretched). Conversely, a mechanical deformation (the
substance shrinks or expands) is produced when an electric field is applied. This effect is
formed in crystals that have no centre of symmetry. To explain this, we have to look at the
individual molecules that make up the crystal. Each molecule has a polarization, one end is
more negatively charged and the other end is positively charged, and is called a dipole. This
is a result of the atoms that make up the molecule and the way the molecules are shaped. The
polar axis is an imaginary line that runs through the centre of both charges on the molecule.
In a monocrystal the polar axes of all of the dipoles lie in one direction. The crystal is said to
be symmetrical because if you were to cut the crystal at any point, the resultant polar axes of
the two pieces would lie in the same direction as the original. In a polycrystal, there are
different regions within the material that have a different polar axis. It is asymmetrical
because there is no point at which the crystal could be cut that would leave the two remaining
pieces with the same resultant polar axis.

In order to produce the piezoelectric effect, the polycrystal is heated under the application of
a strong electric field. The heat allows the molecules to move more freely and the electric
field forces all of the dipoles in the crystal to line up and face in nearly the same direction.
The piezoelectric effect can now be observed in the crystal. If the material is compressed,
then a voltage of the same polarity as the poling voltage will appear between the electrodes
(b). If stretched, a voltage of opposite polarity will appear (c). Conversely, if a voltage is
applied the material will deform. A voltage with the opposite polarity as the poling voltage
will cause the material to expand, (d), and a voltage with the same polarity will cause the
material to compress (e). PZT Application Manual applied then the material will vibrate at
the same frequency as the signal (f). Using the Piezoelectric Effect, The piezoelectric crystal
bends in different ways at different frequencies. This bending is called the vibration mode.
The crystal can be made into various shapes to achieve different vibration modes. To realize
small, cost effective, and high-performance products, several modes have been developed to
operate over several frequency ranges. These modes allow us to make products working in
the low kHz range up to the MHz range. Figure 4 shows the vibration modes and the
frequencies over which they can work. An important group of piezoelectric materials are
ceramics. Murata utilizes these various vibration modes and ceramics to make many useful
products, such as ceramic resonators, ceramic bandpass filters, ceramic discriminators,
ceramic traps, SAW filters, and buzzers.

High voltage and power sources

Direct piezoelectricity of some substances, like quartz, can generate potential differences of
thousands of volts. The best-known application is the electric cigarette lighter: pressing the
button causes a spring-loaded hammer to hit a piezoelectric crystal, producing a sufficiently
high-voltage electric current that flows across a small spark gap, thus heating and igniting the
gas. The portable sparkers used to ignite gas stoves work the same way, and many types of
gas burners now have built-in piezo-based ignition systems.

A similar idea is being researched by DARPA in the United States in a project called
Energy Harvesting, which includes an attempt to power battlefield equipment by
piezoelectric generators embedded in soldiers' boots. However, these energy harvesting
sources by association affect the body. DARPA's effort to harness 1–2 watts from continuous
shoe impact while walking was abandoned due to the impracticality and the discomfort from
the additional energy expended by a person wearing the shoes. Other energy harvesting ideas
include harvesting the energy from human movements in train stations or other public places
and converting a dance floor to generate electricity. Vibrations from industrial machinery can
also be harvested by piezoelectric materials to charge batteries for backup supplies or to
power low-power microprocessors and wireless radios.[38]

A piezoelectric transformer is a type of AC voltage multiplier. Unlike a conventional

transformer, which uses magnetic coupling between input and output, the piezoelectric
transformer uses acoustic coupling. An input voltage is applied across a short length of a bar
of piezoceramic material such as PZT, creating an alternating stress in the bar by the inverse
piezoelectric effect and causing the whole bar to vibrate. The vibration frequency is chosen to
be the resonant frequency of the block, typically in the 100 kilohertz to 1 megahertz range. A
higher output voltage is then generated across another section of the bar by the piezoelectric
effect. Step-up ratios of more than 1,000:1 have been demonstrated. An extra feature of this
transformer is that, by operating it above its resonant frequency, it can be made to appear as
an inductive load, which is useful in circuits that require a controlled soft start. These devices
can be used in DC–AC inverters to drive cold cathode fluorescent lamps. Piezo transformers
are some of the most compact high voltage sources.

Applications of piezoelectric instruments

Piezoelectric measuring devices are widely used today in the laboratory, on the production
floor and as original equipment. They are used in almost every conceivable application
requiring accurate measurement and recording of dynamic changes in mechanical variables
such as pressure, force and acceleration. The list of applications continues to grow and now

• Aerospace: Modal testing, wind tunnel and shock tube instrumentation, landing gear
hydraulics, rocketry, structures, ejection systems and cutting force research

• Ballistics: Combustion, explosion, detonation and sound pressure distribution

• Biomechanics: Multi-component force measurement for orthopaedic gait and post

urography, sports, ergonomics, neurology, cardiology and rehabilitation

• Engine Testing: Combustion, gas exchange and injection, indicator diagrams and dynamic

• Engineering: Materials evaluation, control systems, reactors, building structures, ship

structures, auto chassis structural testing, shock and vibration isolation and dynamic response

• Industrial/Factory: Machine systems, metal cutting, press and crimp force, automation of
force-based assembly operations and machine health monitoring

• OEMs: Transportation systems, plastic moulding, rockets, machine tools, compressors,

engines, flexible structures, oil/gas drilling and shock/vibration testers.

Piezoelectric sensors (Quartz based)

The vast majority of Kistler sensors utilize quartz as the sensing element. As discussed in
other sections of this catalog, Kistler also manufactures sensors which utilize piezo-ceramic
elements and micro machined silicon structures. However, the discussion in this section will
be limited to quartz applications. Quartz piezoelectric sensors consist essentially of thin slabs
or plates cut in a precise orientation to the crystal axes depending on the application. Most
Kistler sensors incorporate a quartz element, which is sensitive to either compressive or shear
loads. The shear cut is used for patented multi-component force and acceleration measuring
sensors. Other specialized cuts include the transverse cut for some pressure sensors and the
patented polystable cut for high temperature pressure sensors.

Although the discussion which follows focuses on accelerometer applications, the response
function for force and pressure sensors has essentially the same form. In fact, many force
applications are closely related to acceleration. On the other hand, pressure sensors are
designed to minimize or eliminate (by direct compensation of the charge output) the vibration

Quartz sensors have a Q of approximately 10 to 40 and therefore the phase angle can be
written as: about 5% amplitude rise can be expected at approximately 1/5 of the resonant
frequency (fn). Low-pass (LP) filtering can be used to attenuate the effects of this. Many
signal conditioners (charge amplifiers and couplers) have plug-in filters for this purpose. The
finely lapped quartz elements are assembled either singly or in stacks and usually preloaded
with a spring sleeve. The quartz package generates a charge signal (measured in Pico

which is directly proportional to the sustained force? Each sensor type uses a quartz
configuration which is optimized and ultimately calibrated for its particular application
(force, pressure, acceleration or strain). Refer to the appropriate section for important design
aspects depending on application. Quartz sensors exhibit remarkable properties, which justify
their large-scale use in research, development, production and testing. They are extremely
stable, rugged and compact. Of the large number of piezoelectric materials available today,
quartz is employed preferentially in sensor designs because of the following excellent

• High material stress limit, approximately 20,000 psi

• Temperature resistance up to 930°F

• Very high rigidity, high linearity and negligible hysteresis

• Almost constant sensitivity over a wide temperature range

• Ultra high insulation resistance (1014 ohms) allowing low frequency measurements (<1 Hz)

High and low impedance

Two types of piezoelectric sensors:

High and low impedance.

High impedance units have a charge output which requires a charge amplifier or external
impedance converter for charge-to-voltage conversion. Low impedance types use the same
piezoelectric sensing element as high impedance units and also incorporate a miniaturized
built-in charge-to-voltage converter. Low impedance types require an external power supply
coupler to energize the electronics and decouple the subsequent DC bias voltage from the
output signal.

Piezo electric material


Quartz is the crystalline form of silicon dioxide, and it is a naturally occurring piezoelectric
material. It is the most widely used non ferroelectric piezoelectric material. Because of its
piezoelectric property, quartz crystal in the form of a thin plate or a tuning fork can be
mechanically excited using an electrical signal. An AC signal to the quartz plate or tuning
fork makes it vibrate (indirect piezoelectric effect), and if the frequency of the AC signal
matches the natural frequency of the crystal, it vibrates with maximum amplitude. As the
quartz crystal vibrates, it produces an AC signal of the same frequency (direct piezoelectric
effect). This characteristic is used in a feedback system to get an extremely stable frequency
output. In principle, any piezoelectric material can be used for frequency control applications,
but quartz crystal has special advantages over other piezoelectric materials such as robust
mechanical properties, high stiffness constant, high Q factor, good reliability, and long life.
Another characteristic that makes it highly suitable is that its behaviour is unaffected by
temperature and other environmental changes.

Naturally occurring or synthetic quartz (SiO2) is used for the growth of single crystals. A
solution growth technique called hydrothermal growth is used. An alkali metal hydroxide or
carbonate solution of quartz is taken in a large steel vessel (autoclave), and seed crystals are
hung on top of the vessel.

A precisely controlled temperature gradient is maintained across the length of the steel vessel,
and a high pressure is generated in the vessel. The temperature is in the range of 380°C to
400°C, and the pressure is in the range of 15,000 to 30,000 psi. The time taken for growing
large size crystals is about several weeks. Thin plates of quartz are cut at specific
crystallographic directions for applications in resonators. The angle of cut with respect to the
crystallographic directions determines the device parameters. The commonly used “crystal
cut” for resonator applications is called the “AT” cut. The cut plane makes an angle 35.25°
with the crystallographic z-direction. In this orientation, the crystal exhibits high frequency
stability with respect to the change in temperature. For crystal oscillators, quartz crystals are
used in the form of thin plates or in the form of tuning forks. The chemical etching technique
is used to form tiny tuning forks of quartz. AT-cut quartz crystals are available in the range of
30 kHz up to 250 MHz and above.

Many different types of cuts other than AT-cut are used for various applications. Quartz
plates are mostly used in thickness-mode vibrations, although other modes such as shear-
mode and extensional-mode vibrations are useful in some applications. In the thickness-mode
vibrations, the thinner the plate the higher will be the fundamental frequency. Practical
difficulties in making very thin plates limit the highest fundamental frequency that can be
obtained to 45 MHz For applications at higher frequencies, higher-mode vibrations
(overtones) that are multiples of the fundamental modes are used.

Quartz crystal oscillators are used wherever an extremely precise frequency control is
required. Some of the applications are electronic clocks and watches, clock signal generators
in computers, and microprocessor-based instruments, transmitters, and receivers for
communication. For low-frequency applications such as clocks and watches, quartz crystals
in the form of tuning forks are used. The frequency normally selected for the application is
32.768 kHz. For other applications such as transmitters/receivers, computer clocks, and
atomic force microscope, quartz crystals of much higher frequencies, of the order of several
megahertz, are used.
Lead zirconate titanate (PZT)

Lead zirconate titanate (PZT) is a ferroelectric ceramic that is most widely used in most of
the transducer and actuator applications. It is one of the bestknown piezoelectric materials,
with excellent piezoelectric and mechanical properties. Another advantage of the material is
that it can be used for transducer applications in polycrystalline form. It is prepared in the
form of fine powder and can easily be formed into any required shape: disc, cylinder, plate,
or thin film. The chemical formula of lead zirconate titanate is PbZr(Ti)O3. It is a solid
solution of two oxides: lead zirconate (PbZrO3), which is anti-ferroelectric, and lead titanate
(PbTiO3), which is ferroelectric. The crystal structure of PZT is perovskite. The unit cell is
shown in Figure 3.2. The unit cell contains one molecule with the lead atoms at the corners (1
atom), oxygen atoms at the face centres (3 atoms), and Zr or Ti atoms at the body centre. The
cubic structure exists at temperatures greater than 350°C at which the material is paraelectric.
The zirconium and titanium atoms are octahedrally coordinated to the Piezoelectric Materials
and Devices oxygen atoms. The ionic radii of lead and oxygen ions are both equal and
approximately equal to 0.14 nm. The lattice parameter of the cubic structure is about 0.40

Lanthanum-Doped PZT

Lanthanum-Doped PZT (PLZT) The piezoelectric properties of PZT have been studied
widely, and the focus of researchers has been on improving the properties by addition of
donor or acceptorimpurities to PZT. Substituting Pb sites with trivalent (donor) or
monovalent (acceptor) impurities affects the dielectric and piezoelectric properties because of
the vacancies generated. Among the various dopants, the donor impurity La3+ has been
studied the most as it is found to improve the piezoelectric and dielectric properties of PZT
[1–3]. Commercially available PZT materials are mostly lanthanum doped (termed PLZT),
and they have a higher piezoelectric coefficient and dielectric constant values than undoped
Proposed Work and construction

We are going to develop a power from Suspension systems. In this, the coil spring
type suspension is used. When vehicle is going by bumpy road, the suspension system comes
into act.
The vibration energy from suspension system is carry forward to a Rack & Pinion
mechanism. This Rack & Pinion is connected to the Universal coupling. Other end of
Universal coupling is connected to the Pulley. The Pulley is designed to rotate step motor
simultaneously. The basic diagram of setup is as follow:


Regenerative suspension basically new concept of non-conventional energy generation. It is

electro-mechanical energy generating machine. This machine converts reciprocating motion
in to electric energy with help piezo-electric transducer. The rotational power is stored in
flywheel & flywheel rotates dynamo, which generates electricity.

Here first important point is how we get reciprocating motion, which is prime input in the
system. For that we use weight of moving vehicles that run on roads. We put our mechanism
on bike suspension, the head of piezo. When vehicles move on speed breaker spring will be
reciprocate. The studs in contact with piezoelectric transducer arrangement convert
reciprocating motion in to electrical energy.

Computer-aided design (CAD) is the use of computers to aid in the creation,

modification, analysis, or optimization of a design. CAD software is used to increase the
productivity of the designer, improve the quality of design, improve communications through
documentation, and to create a database for manufacturing. CAD output is often in the form
of electronic files for print, machining, or other manufacturing operations.

CAD is mainly used for detailed engineering of 3D models or 2D drawings of

physical components, but it is also used throughout the engineering process from conceptual
design and layout of products, through strength and dynamic analysis of assemblies to
definition of manufacturing methods of components. It can also be used to design objects
such as jewelry, furniture, appliances, etc. Furthermore, many CAD applications now offer
advanced rendering and animation capabilities so engineers can better visualize their product
designs. 4D BIM is a type of virtual construction engineering simulation incorporating time
or schedule related information for project management.

CAD is used as follows:

1. To produce detailed engineering designs through 3-D and 2-D drawings of the
physical components of manufactured products.
2. To create conceptual design, product layout, strength and dynamic analysis of
assembly and the manufacturing processes themselves.
3. To prepare environmental impact reports, in which computer-aided designs are used
in photographs to produce a rendering of the appearance when the new structures are

CAD systems exist today for all of the major computer platforms, including Windows, Linux,
Unix and Mac OS X. The user interface generally centers around a computer mouse, but a
pen and digitizing graphic tablet can also be used. View manipulation can be accomplished
with a space mouse (or space ball). Some systems allow stereoscopic glasses for viewing 3-D
models. In our olden days, engineers, designers and draughts men were struggling to produce
and submit engineering drawings in their scheduled times. It was mainly due to tremendous
efforts they had taken to produce both new drawings and edited/updated drawings. Every
lines, shapes, measurements, scaling of the drawings - all made them headache to the design /
drafting field. All these difficulties and pressures over-ridden by Computer Aided Design
Drafting (CAD Drafting) technology.

A layout represents a drawing sheet. It typically contains a border, title block,

dimensions, general notes, and one or more views of the model displayed in layout viewports.
Layout viewports are areas, similar to picture frames or windows, through which you can see
your model. You scale the views in viewports by zooming in or out. Manual drafting requires
meticulous accuracy in drawing line-types, line-weights, text, dimensions, and more.
Standards must be established in the beginning and applied consistently. With CAD, you can
ensure conformity to industry or company standards by creating styles that you can apply
consistently. You can create styles for text, dimensions, and line-types.

To work efficiently using the cad the organisation must focus on the following areas where it
needs to be on upper side.

1. Most popular CAD software like AutoCAD, ProgeCAD, and Micro station are high

priced for individuals. Alternatively, individuals can try free opensource CAD
drafting software QCAD, LibreCAD and OpenSCAD.

2. Every new release of the CAD software, operator has to update their skills.

3. Improper use of blocks and layers make updating and modification of the drawings a
cumbersome task for another person.
Fig. CATIA model

Fig. Drafting of Model

The materials used in this project are detailed as follows

A) Mild steel EN – 4 to EN – 6
Carbon – 0.15% to 0.35%
Tensile strength –1200/1420MPA
Yield strength – 750/1170 MPA

B) C30Carbon – 0.25% to 0.35%

Tensile strength – 620 MPA
Yield strength – 400 MPA
IzodImpact Value – 55 Nm
% Minimum Elongation – 21
Typical composition Carbon – 0.25% to 0.35%
Manganese – 0.60% to 0.90%
BHN – 207
C30 material is generally used for cold formed levers, hardened and tempered tie rods,
Cables, Sprockets, Hubs and Bushes –Steel Tubes.

C) 40C8 Carbon – 0.25% to 0.35%

Tensile strength – 620 MPA
Yield strength – 400 MPA
Izod Impact Value – 55 Nm


In our attempt to design a pneumatic train we have adopted a very careful
approach. Total design work has been divided into two parts mainly,
1. System Design
2. Mechanical Design
System design mainly concern with the various physical concerns and
ergonomics, space requirements, arrangements of various components on the main frame of
machine, number of controls, positions of this controls, ease of maintenance, scope of further
improvements, height of machine components from the ground etc. In mechanical design, the
components are categorized into two parts.
1. Design Parts
2. Parts to be purchased


        The various factors which determine the choice of material are discussed below.
The material selected must possess the necessary properties for the proposed
application. The various requirements to be satisfied can be weight, surface finish, rigidity,
ability to withstand environmental attack from chemicals, service life, reliability etc.
The following four types of principle properties of materials decisively affect their
 Physical
  Mechanical
  From manufacturing point of view
  Chemical

The various physical properties concerned are melting point, thermal Conductivity,
specific heat, coefficient of thermal expansion, specific gravity, electrical conductivity,
magnetic purposes etc.
The various Mechanical properties Concerned are strength in tensile,
Compressive shear, bending, torsion and buckling load, fatigue resistance, impact
resistance, elastic limit, endurance limit, and modulus of elasticity, hardness, wear resistance
and sliding properties.
The various properties concerned from the manufacturing point of view are:
 Weld ability
 Cast ability
  Surface properties
  Shrinkage
  Deep drawing etc.
Sometimes the demand for lowest possible manufacturing cost or surface qualities
obtainable by the application of suitable coating substances may demand the use of special

          This generally affects the manufacturing process and ultimately the material. For
example, it would never be desirable to go casting of a less number of components which can
be fabricated much more economically by welding or hand forging the steel.

          Some materials may be scarce or in short supply, it then becomes obligatory for the
designer to use some other material which though may not be a perfect substitute for the
material designed. The delivery of materials and the delivery date of product should also be
kept in mind.

Sometimes high strength materials have to be selected because the forces involved are
high and space limitations are there.

As in any other problem, in selection of material the cost of material plays an
important part and should not be ignored.
Sometimes factors like scrap utilization, appearance, and non-maintenance of the
designed part are involved in the selection of proper materials.

Specification of components



τ =1300N/mm^2

Length =202 mm



Maximum Deflection = δmax = 125 mm

Maximum Mass of vehicle = m = 980 kg

Maximum Force = F = mg

= 980* 9.81

= 9613.8 N

Spring Index = C = 6

Modulus of Rigidity = G = 85 * 103 N/mm2

Maximum Shear Stress = τ = 1300 N/mm2

 Wire Diameter
4 C−1 0.615
Wahl Factor shear stress factor = Kw = +
4 C−4 C

4∗6−1 0.615
= +
4∗6−4 6

= 1.2525

K w∗8∗C∗F
π d2

1300 =
π d2

Wire Diameter = d = 11.89 = 12 mm

 Mean Coil diameter

Mean Coil diameter =D =C*d

= 6* 12
= 72 mm

 Number of Coils
Spring Stiffness = K =
δ max
= 76.91N/mm
8 C∗c 3∗n

85∗10 3∗12
76.91 =
8∗6 3∗n

n= 7.67 = 7
Assume Plain End condition, so
Total number of coils = n’= n
 Solid length
Ls = (n+1)*d
= (7+1)*12
= 96 mm

 Free length
Lf = Solid Length + Maximum Deflection + Total Clearance
= Ls + δmax + 15 % of δmax
= 96 + 125 + 0.15* 125
= 239.75 mm

 Pitch of coil
Free length = Lf = p*n + d
239.75 = p* 8 + 12
p = 28.46 mm.
The main components of the system:

1. Suspension Spring (Coil Spring)

2. Piezoelectric transducer
3. Hydraulic cylinder
Components details:

1. Spring

Spring is elastic object used to store mechanical energy. Springs are usually made out of
spring steel. There are large number of spring designs; in everyday usage the term obtain
refers to coil springs. Small spring can be wound from prehardened stock, will larger ones be
made from annealed steel and hardened after fabrication. when coil spring is compressed or
stretched slightly from rest, from the force it exerts is approximately proportional to its
change in length. Depending on the design and required operating environment, any material
can be used to construct a spring, so long as material has the required combination of rigidity
and elasticity.

In classical physics, a spring can be seen as a device that stores potential energy, specifically
elastic potential energy, by straining the bonds between the atoms of an elastic material.

Hooke's law of elasticity states that the extension of an elastic rod (its distended length minus
its relaxed length) is linearly proportional to its tension, the force used to stretch it. Similarly,
the contraction (negative extension) is proportional to the compression (negative tension).

This law actually holds only approximately, and only when the deformation (extension or
contraction) is small compared to the rod's overall length. For deformations beyond the
elastic limit, atomic bonds get broken or rearranged, and a spring may snap, buckle, or
permanently deform. Many materials have no clearly defined elastic limit, and Hooke's law
cannot be meaningfully applied to these materials. Moreover, for the super elastic materials,
the linear relationship between force and displacement is appropriate only in the low-strain
Coil spring

A coil spring is a mechanical device which is typically used to store energy and subsequently
release it, to absorb shock, or to maintain a force between contacting surfaces. They are made
of an elastic material formed into the shape of a helix which returns to its natural length when

Coil springs for vehicles are typically made of hardened steel. A machine called an auto-
coiler takes spring wire that has been heated so it can easily be shaped. It is then fed onto a
lathe that has a metal rod with the desired coil spring size. The machine takes the wire and
guides it onto the spinning rod as well as pushing it across the rod to form multiple coils. The
spring is then ejected from the machine and an operator will put it in oil to cool off. The
spring is then tempered to lose the brittleness from being cooled. The coil size and strength
can be controlled by the lathe rod size and material used. Different alloys are used to get
certain characteristics out of the spring, such as stiffness, dampening and strength.

In our project coil spring is used. The coil spring made by winding a wire around a cylinder
and conical spring. A coil spring, also known as helical spring, in mechanical device, which
is typically used to store energy due to resilience and subsequently release it. They are made
of an elastic material formed into the shape of helix which returns to its natural length when
unloaded the quality of is judged from the energy it can absorb. The spring which is capable
of absorbing the greatest amount of energy for the given stress is best one.
Piezoelectric transducer

A transducer can be anything which converts one form of energy to another. Piezoelectric
material is one kind of transducers. We squeeze this material or we apply force or pressure on
this material it converts it into electric voltage and this voltage is function of the force or
pressure applied to it. The material which behaves in such a way is also known as
piezoelectric sensor. The electric voltage produced by piezoelectric transducer can be easily
measured by voltage measuring instruments, which can be used to measure stresses or forces.
The physical quantity like mechanical stress or force cannot be measured directly. Therefore,
piezoelectric transducer can be used.

Piezoelectric transducer consists of quartz crystal which is made from silicon and oxygen
arranged in crystalline structure (SiO2). Generally, unit cell (basic repeating unit) of all
crystal is symmetrical but in piezoelectric quartz crystal it is not. Piezoelectric crystals are
electrically neutral. The atoms inside them may not be symmetrically arranged but their
electrical charges are balanced means positive charges cancel out negative charge. The quartz
crystal has unique property of generating electrical polarity when mechanical stress applied
on it along certain plane. Basically, there are two types of stress. One is compressive stress
and other is tensile stress.

The piezoelectric transducers work on the principle of piezoelectric effect. When mechanical
stress or forces are applied to some materials along certain planes, they produce electric
voltage. The voltage output obtained from these materials due to piezoelectric effect is
proportional to the applied stress or force.

The physical quantities like stress and force cannot be measured directly. In such cases the
material exhibiting piezoelectric transducers can be used. The stress or the force that has to be
measured is applied along certain planes to these materials. The voltage output obtained from
these materials due to piezoelectric effect is proportional to the applied stress or force. The
output voltage can be calibrated against the applied stress or the force so that the measured
value of the output voltage directly gives the value of the applied stress or force. In fact the
scale can be marked directly in terms of stress or force to give the values directly.

There are various materials that exhibit piezoelectric effect as mentioned above. The
materials used for the measurement purpose should possess desirable properties like stability,
high output, insensitive to the extreme temperature and humidity and ability to be formed or
machined into any shape. But none of the materials exhibiting piezoelectric effect possesses
all the properties. Quartz, which is a natural crystal, is highly stable but the output obtained
from it is very small. It also offers the advantage of measuring very slowly varying parameter
as they have very low leakage when they are used with high input impedance amplifiers.

Due to its stability, quartz is used commonly in the piezoelectric transducers. It is usually cut
into rectangular or square plate shape and held between two electrodes. The crystal is
connected to the appropriate electronic circuit to obtain sufficient output.

Rochelle salt, a synthetic crystal, gives the highest output amongst all the materials exhibiting
piezoelectric effect. However, it has to be protected from the moisture and cannot be used at
temperature above 115 degree F. Overall the synthetic crystals are more sensitive and give
greater output than the natural crystals.

Advantages of Piezoelectric Transducers

1) High frequency response: They offer very high frequency response that means the
parameter changing at very high speeds can be sensed easily.
2) High transient response: The piezoelectric transducers can detect the events of
microseconds and also give the linear output.
3) High output: They offer high output that be measured in the electronic circuit.

4) The piezoelectric transducers are small in size and have rugged construction.

Applications of Piezoelectric Transducer

 They are very useful for dynamic measurement.

 They are very useful to study a high-speed phenomenon like explosions and blasts.
 They are very useful for stress, force, and pressure measurements.
Hydraulic cylinder

Cylinders allow hydraulic systems to apply linear motion and force without mechanical gears
or levers by transferring the pressure from fluid through a piston to the point of operation.

Hydraulic cylinders are at work in both industrial applications (hydraulic presses, cranes,
forges, packing machines), and mobile applications (agricultural machines, construction
equipment, marine equipment). And, when compared with pneumatic, mechanical or electric
systems, hydraulics can be simpler, more durable, and offer greater power. For example, a
hydraulic pump has about ten times the power density of an electric motor of similar size.
Hydraulic cylinders are also available in an impressive array of scales to meet a wide range of
application needs.

A hydraulic cylinder (also called a linear hydraulic motor) is a mechanical actuator that is
used to give a unidirectional force through a unidirectional stroke. It has many applications,
notably in construction equipment, manufacturing machinery, and civil engineering.

Hydraulic cylinders get their power from pressurized hydraulic fluid, which is typically oil.
The hydraulic cylinder consists of a cylinder barrel, in which a piston connected to a piston
rod moves back and forth. The barrel is closed on one end by the cylinder bottom (also called
the cap) and the other end by the cylinder head (also called the gland) where the piston rod
comes out of the cylinder. The piston has sliding rings and seals. The piston divides the inside
of the cylinder into two chambers, the bottom chamber (cap end) and the piston rod side
chamber (rod end / head end).

Hydraulic cylinders get their power from pressurized hydraulic fluid, which is typically oil.
The hydraulic cylinder consists of a cylinder barrel, in which a piston connected to a piston
rod moves back and forth. A hydraulic cylinder is the actuator or "motor" side of this system.

Selecting the right cylinder for an application is critical to attaining maximum performance
and reliability. That means taking into consideration several parameters. Fortunately, an
assortment of cylinder types, mounting techniques and “rules of thumb” are available to help.

Cylinder barrel

Cylinder base or cap

Cylinder head


Piston rod

Seal gland



Sr.No Part Quantity Rate/unit Total Cost

1 Bearings 2 125 250

2 Stepper motor 1 500 500
3 Piezo ---
4 Pinion gear 44 teeth 1 450 450
5 Pinion gear 24 teeth 1 400 400
Rs. 2300

Total standard component cost =Rs 2300


Sr. No Part Name Quantity Total Cost

1 Bearing holders 2 200

2 Springs 2 1200
3 Shaft 150 mm 100
4 Square pipe 7 ft 350
5 Support Plate 4 sq. Ft. 1000
Total 2850

Total nonstandard component cost=Rs 2850/-

Sr. No Details Total Cost
1 Transport 500
2 Other/overhead 1000
Rs. 1500

Total other cost = Rs 1500/-

Sr.No Part Rate/hr Total Cost

1 Power Hacksaw 500 800

2 Lathe m/c 360 510 /-

3 Drilling m/c 120 120/-

4 Welding m/c 200 800 /-

Total Rs 2230/-

Total cost of machining = Rs 2230/-

Spray painting = Rs 1500/-


Total Cost of non-standard component +Total Cost of machining + Total Cost of std. part +
Total other Cost
Total project cost = Rs. 10380 /- approximate


PART NAME : Bush for pinion

MATERIAL : Mild Steel
1) Cutting the material Band saw 15 Minute
2) Turning On lathe as per required diameter Lathe 45 Minute
3) Boring at the centre lathe 10 Minute

4) Drilling for grub screw Drilling 10 minutes

5) Tapping for the grub screw Hand tap 10 minutes

PART NAME : Bearing holders

MATERIAL : Mild Steel


1) Cutting the material in circular shape as per Laser cuttting 20 Minutes

required outer diameter
2) Drilling hole at the centre according to Laser cutting 20 minutes
required bearing size
3) Fitting the bearing inside the holder Press machine 10 minutes


Material : M.S.
Quantity :1

Sr. No. Operation Machine Time

1) Cutting the material as per our required size. Power chop saw 10 min

2) facing both side Lathe machine 10 min

PART NAME : Support Plate

Material : M.S.
Quantity :2

Sr. No. Operation Machine Time

10 min
1) Cutting the material as per our required size. Power chop saw

PART NAME : Attachment for motor

MATERIAL : Mild Steel


1) Boring at centre of shaft according to diameter Lathe 15 Minute
of motor

2) Tapping shaft to insert tap screw Lathe-tapping tool 20 Minute

3) Grinding both side Grinding machine 10 min


MATERIAL : Mild Steel


1) Cutting the material as our required size. Power chop saw 50 Minute
2) Finishing the edges with grinder using Hand grinder 20 minutes
grinding wheel
3) Welding square pipes of different lengths Electric arc 120 Minute
to make frame Welding
4) Finishing the welded joints with hand Hand grinder 20 minutes
grinder using grinding wheel

PART NAME : Upper Frame for Suspension

MATERIAL : Mild Steel


1) Cutting the material as our Power chop saw 50 Minute

required size.
2) Finishing the edges with Hand grinder 20 minutes
grinder using grinding wheel
3) Welding square pipes of Electric arc 120 Minute
different lengths to make frame Welding
4) Finishing the welded joints Hand grinder 20 minutes
with hand grinder using
grinding wheel


Following operations were while fabricate the project

Cutting: -

Cutting is the separation or opening of a physical object, into two or more portions, through
the application of an acutely directed force.

Implements commonly used for cutting are the knife and saw, or in medicine and science the
scalpel and microtome. However, any sufficiently sharp object is capable of cutting if it has a
hardness sufficiently larger than the object being cut, and if it is applied with sufficient force.
Even liquids can be used to cut things when applied with sufficient force (see water jet

The material as our required size. The machine used for this operation is power chop saw. A
power chop saw, also known as a drop saw, is a power tool used to make a quick,
accurate crosscut in a work piece at a selected angle. Common uses
include framing operations and the cutting of moulding. Most chop saws are relatively small
and portable, with common blade sizes ranging from eight to twelve inches. The chop saw
makes cuts by pulling a spinning circular saw blade down onto a work piece in a short,
controlled motion. The work piece is typically held against a fence, which provides a precise
cutting angle between the plane of the blade and the plane of the longest work piece edge. In
standard position, this angle is fixed at 90°. A primary distinguishing feature of the mitre saw
is the mitre index that allows the angle of the blade to be changed relative to the fence. While
most mitre saws enable precise one-degree incremental changes to the mitre index, many also
provide "stops" that allow the miter index to be quickly set to common angles (such as 15°,
22.5°, 30°, and 45°). The time required for this operation is 50 minutes.

Finishing: -

Finishing is a broad range of industrial processes that alter the surface of a manufactured item
to achieve a certain property. Finishing processes may be employed to: improve appearance,
adhesion or wettability, solder ability, corrosion resistance, tarnish resistance, chemical
resistance, wear resistance, hardness, modify electrical conductivity, remove burrs and other
surface flaws, and control the surface friction. In limited cases some of these techniques can
be used to restore original dimensions to salvage or repair an item. An unfinished surface is
often called mill finish.
The edges with grinder using grinding wheel. The machine used for this operation is hand
grinder. An angle grinder, also known as a side grinder or disc grinder, is a handheld power
tool used for cutting, grinding and polishing. Angle grinders can be powered by an electric
motor, petrol engine or compressed air. The motor drives a geared head at a right-angle on
which is mounted an abrasive disc or a thinner cut-off disc, either of which can be replaced
when worn. Angle grinders typically have an adjustable guard and a side-handle for two-
handed operation. Certain angle grinders, depending on their speed range, can be used as
sanders, employing a sanding disc with a backing pad or disc. The backing system is
typically made of hard plastic, phenolic resin, or medium-hard rubber depending on the
amount of flexibility desired. The time required for this operation is 20 minutes.

Welding: -

Welding is a fabrication or sculptural process that joins materials, usually metals or

thermoplastics, by using high heat to melt the parts together and allowing them to cool
causing fusion. Welding is distinct from lower temperature metal-joining techniques such as
brazing and soldering, which do not melt the base metal.

In addition to melting the base metal, a filler material is typically added to the joint to form a
pool of molten material (the weld pool) that cools to form a joint that, based on weld
configuration (butt, full penetration, fillet, etc.), can be stronger than the base material (parent
metal). Pressure may also be used in conjunction with heat, or by itself, to produce a weld.
Welding also requires a form of shield to protect the filler metals or melted metals from being
contaminated or oxidized.

Square pipes of different lengths to make frame. The machine used for this operation is
electric arc welding. Electrical arc welding is the procedure used to join two metal parts,
taking advantage of the heat developed by the electric arc that forms between an electrode
(metal filler) and the material to be welded. The welding arc may be powered by an
alternating current generator machine (welder). This welding machine is basically a single-
phase static transformer Suitable for melting RUTILE (sliding) acid electrodes. Alkaline
electrodes may also be melted by alternating current if the secondary open-circuit voltage is
greater than 70 V. The welding current is continuously regulated (magnetic dispersion) by
turning the hand wheel on the outside of the machine, which makes it possible to select the
current value, indicated on a special graded scale, with the utmost precision. To prevent the
service capacities from being exceeded, all of our machines are fitted with an automatic
overload protection which cuts of the power supply (intermittent use) in the event of an
overload. The operator must then wait for a few minutes before returning to work. This
welding machine must be used only for the purpose described in this manual. Read the entire
contents of this manual before installing, using or servicing the equipment, paying special
attention to the chapter on safety precautions. Contact your distributor if you do not fully
understand these instructions. The time required for this operation is 120 minutes.

Polishing: -

Polishing is the process of creating a smooth and shiny surface by rubbing it or using a
chemical action, leaving a surface with a significant specular reflection (still limited by the
index of refraction of the material according to the Fresnel equations.) In some materials
(such as metals, glasses, black or transparent stones), polishing is also able to reduce diffuse
reflection to minimal values. When an unpolished surface is magnified thousands of times, it
usually looks like mountains and valleys. By repeated abrasion, those "mountains" are worn
down until they are flat or just small "hills." The process of polishing with abrasives starts
with coarse ones and graduates to fine ones.

The welded joints with hand grinder using grinding wheel. The machine used for this
operation is hand grinder. With refinement, grinding becomes polishing, either in preparing
metal surfaces for subsequent buffing or in the actual preparation of a surface finish, such as
a No. 4 polish in which the grit lines are clearly visible. Generally speaking, those operations
which serve mainly to remove metal rapidly are considered as grinding, while those in which
the emphasis is centred on attaining smoothness are classified as polishing. Grinding employs
the coarser grits as a rule while most polishing operations are conducted with grits of 80 and
finer. If polishing is required, start with as fine a grit as possible to reduce finishing steps.
There is a wide range of grinding and polishing tools on the market and advice is available
from ASSDA members to assist in particular applications. Polishing operations are conducted
with the abrasive mounted either on made-up shaped wheels or belts which provide a resilient
backing. The base material may be in either a smooth rolled or a previously ground condition.
If the former, the starting grit size may be selected in a range of 80 to 100. If the latter, the
initial grit should be one of sufficient coarseness to remove or smooth out any residual
cutting lines or other surface imperfections left over from grinding. In either case, the
treatment with the initial grit should be continued until a good, clean, uniform, blemish-free
surface texture is obtained. The initial grit size to use on a pre-ground surface may be set at
about 20 numbers finer than the last grit used in grinding, and changed, if necessary, after
inspection. Upon completion of the initial stage of polishing, wheels or belts are changed to
provide finer grits. Polishing speeds are generally somewhat higher than those used in
grinding. A typical speed for wheel operation is 2500 metres per minute. The time required
for this operation is 20 minutes.


The following points should be considered for the safe operation of machine

And to avoid accidents: -

 All the parts of the machine should be checked to be in perfect alignment.

 All the nuts and bolts should be perfectly tightened.
 The operating switch should be located at convenient distance from the operator so as
to control the machine easily.
 The inspection and maintenance of the machine should be donefrom time to time.


1) Definite power output when external load applies.

2) Used for safety as well as power generation.
3) Free source of energy.


1) Requires periodic maintenance as open to atmosphere.

2) Comparatively low efficiency.


This method being economical and user-friendly with robust linkages, promises dependable
output for usage. This even adds to the economy of the country by utilizing the growing
traffic and population. This helps reaching our aim to be a power sufficient country.

1. “Electricity Generation Due to Vibration of Moving Vehicles Using Piezoelectric
Effect” by Mukti Nath Gupta, Suman and S.K. Yadav.

2. “Eco-Friendly Electricity Generator Using Scintillating Piezo” By Pratibha Arun ,

Divyesh Mehta.
3. “A Review on Various Method of Power Generation in Automobile Suspension
System” by C. Nithiyesh Kumar.

4. “Power Generation from Suspension due to Piezo Electric Transducer” by Vishal

Kumavat, Sushant Bharamgonda, Sanket Gawai, Prof.R.R. Yenare.

5. “A review of power harvesting using piezoelectric materials” by Steven R Anton and

Henry A Sodano.

6. “Footstep Power Generation Using Piezo Electric Transducers” by Kiran Boby,

Aleena Paul K, Anumol.C.V, Josnie Ann Thomas, Nimisha K.K Dept of EEE,
MACE, Kothamangalam

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