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Agreement Date:________________

This loan agreement is commenced BETWEEN:

Name:__________________________________ (As appears in Aadhar, PAN card)

S\o: ___________________________________
Phone No.________________________________
(Herein After referred as the LENDER)


Name:__________________________________ (As appears in Aadhar, PAN card)

D\o: ___________________________________
Phone No.________________________________
(Herein After referred as the BORROWER)

1. Relationship between Lender and Borrower: Lender and Borrower known to each other from long
time and relation between them is of Landlord (House Owner) and Tenant. The Borrower is a tenant of
Lender since date:_______________________.

2. Loan Amount: Borrower has taken a hand loan of Rs. ……………………………..( in rupees……………) from
the Lender for personal necessities on Dt: 11-08-2020.

3. Interest: Borrower promised to pay ___% of interest per month on principle amount Rs.-
_____________________(Rs. _______________________) which is Rs.2,700/- per month, from the
date of 11-08-2020. Every month of 5 th or 10th borrower will pay the interest amount. (or) Between
dates 1st to 10th of every month, borrower will pay the interest amount.

4. Security: As security, borrower deposited two original sale deeds bearing ____ ________ dated
____________________ registered at sub- registrar Warangal
_______________________________________________in possession of Lender .

5. Repayment of Loan Amount: Borrower promised to repay the loan amount full at a time within the
“period of eight months” from the date of receiving loan amount I,e from date 11-08-2020 (or) in two
installments or three installments within the “period of eight months” from the date of receiving loan
amount I,e from Date 11-08-2020.
6. Completion of “Period of Eight Months”: As the borrower promised to repay the principal amount
within the “period of eight months” from the date of receiving the loan amount dt. 11-08-2020, the
completion period of promised repayment time of eight months will be on dt. 11-04-2021.

7. Penalty: Borrower agreed for the charge of penalty amount of Rs._____________________ if

borrower doesn’t repay the principal amount of loan Rs.____________________________________
within the agreed “period of eight months” from the date of receiving loan amount I,e from dt. 11-08-
2020. So the lender is having full rights to penalize the borrower after the completion of “period of eight
months” which is on the date 11-04-2021. Borrower has to pay penalty along with full principal loan
amount and interest.

8. Legal action: Borrower has agreed that Lender can take legal action against the borrower, if borrower
fails to pay the principal loan amount within the agreed “period of eight months” from the date of
receiving loan amount ie, from Dt. 11-08-2020 and after the completion of “period of eight months” ie,
On dt. 11-04-2021 and thereafter.

9. Jurisdiction: The jurisdiction of above said lenders house address ie, Sarooranagar comes under Ranga
Reddy District Court, L.B Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana. Both Lender and Borrower agrees to go by
address jurisdiction ie., RR court , Hyderabad for any future disputes.



1. ________________
Full Address. Ph.No. (As appears in Aadar, PAN card)
2. -_________________________________
Full Address. Ph.No. (As appears in Aadar, PAN card)
(Borrower Name)

(Lenders Name)

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