Elohim Creates: Bereshit Bara Elohim Et Hashamayim Ve'Et Ha'Aretz

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05/07/2020 [YYS]Torah Mosheh 1: Barasheet / Genesis Chapter 1

Torah Mosheh 1:

Beresheet / ‫בראשית‬

Genesis Chapter 1

1,2,3,4,5,6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17
, 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 ,
32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 ,
46 , 47 , 48 , 49 , 50
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1st Portion | 2nd Portion | 3rd Portion | 4th Portion | 5th Portion | 6th Portion | 7th Portion | Complete Reading
Chapter 1:1 to chp 2:4a – A wide-angle overview of 7 days creation

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The Alef and the Taf - See study of ONEness

Call Non-existence things into Existence

1:1 (A:i) Elohim creates

‫ ָה ָא ץ׃‬ ‫ואֵת‬ ‫ ַה ָשּמַים‬ ‫אֵת‬ ‫ ֱא הִים‬ ‫בָּ א‬ ‫בְּ אשית‬
Bereshit bara Elohim; et haShamayim ve'et ha'aretz.
In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth.

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- Furtive Patach

1:2 ‫ָיתה ֹ֙תה ֙וּ ו ֹב֔הוּ ו ֹ֖ח ֶשׁ עַל־פְּנ֣י‬

֥ ‫ו ָה ֗ ָא ץ ה‬
‫תה֑וֹם ור֣וּ ַח ֱא ִה֔ים ְמ ֶ֖חפֶת עַל־פְּנ֥י ַה ָֽמּים׃‬
Veha'aretz, haitah tohu vavohu, vechoshech al-penei
tehom; veRuach Elohim, merachefet al-penei
The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of
the deep. And the Spirit of Elohim was hovering over the face of the
Yom Echad - 1

1:3 ‫אוֹר׃‬-‫ויהִי‬ ‫אוֹר‬-‫יהִי‬ ‫ ֱא הִים‬ ‫ויֹּאמֶר‬

Vayomer Elohim yehi or; vayehi-'or.
Then Elohim said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.

1:4 ‫ויּ ַ֧ א ֱא ִ֛הים אֶת־ ָהא֖וֹר כִּי־ט֑וֹב ויַּבְדֵּ֣ל‬

‫ֱא ִה֔ים ֥בֵּין ָהא֖וֹר וּ ֥בֵין ַה ֹֽח ֶשׁ ׃‬
Vayar Elohim et-ha'or ki-tov; vayavdel Elohim, bein
ha'or uvein hachoshech.
And Elohim saw the light, that it was good; and Elohim divided the light
from the darkness.

1:5‫ויּ ִ ֨א ֱא ִ֤הים׀ ל ָאוֹר֙ י ֔וֹם ול ַ ֹ֖ח ֶשׁ ֣ א‬

‫לָ֑יל ָה וֽיהִי־ ֥עֶ ב וֽיהִי־ ֹב֖ ר י ֥וֹם ֶא ָֽחד׃ פ‬
Vayikra Elohim la'or yom, velachoshech kara layelah;
vayhi-'erev vayhi-voker yom echad.
Elohim called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the
evening and the morning were the first day.
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Yom Sheni -2 - Only verse no mention Tov

1:6 ‫ו ֹיּ ֣אמֶר ֱא ִה֔ים י ִ֥הי ֖יעַ בְּת֣וֹ ַה ָ֑מּים וי ִ֣הי‬

‫ַמבְדִּ֔יל ֥בֵּין ַ֖מים ל ָ ָֽמים׃‬
Vayomer Elohim, yehi rakia betoch hammayim; vihi
mavdil, bein mayim lamayim.
Then Elohim said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters,
and let it divide the waters from the waters.

1:7 ֙‫ויּ ֣ ַעַשׂ ֱא הִי ֮ם אֶת־ ָה י ֒עַ ויַּבְדֵּ֗ל ֤בֵּין ַה ַ֙מּים‬

‫אֲשֶׁר֙ ִמ ֣ ַתּחַת ל ָ ֔יעַ וּ ֣בֵין ַה ַמּ֔ים אֲ ֶ֖שׁר ֵמ ֣עַל‬
‫ל ָ ֑ יעַ וֽיהִי־ ֽכֵן׃‬
Vaya'as eElohim et-harakia vayavdel, bein hamayim
asher mitachat larakia', uvein hamayim, asher me'al
larakia'; vayhi-chen.
Thus Elohim made the firmament, and divided the waters which were
under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament;
and it was so.

1:8 ‫ויּ ִ ֧א ֱא ִ֛הים לָֽ ֖יעַ ָשׁ ָ֑מים וֽיהִי־ ֥עֶ ב‬

‫וֽיהִי־ ֹב֖ ר י ֥וֹם שֵׁנֽי׃ פ‬
Vayikra Elohim larakia shamayim; vayhi-'erev vayhi-
voker yom sheni.
And Elohim called the firmament Heaven. So the evening and the
morning were the second day.
Yom Shlishi-3

1:9 ֙‫ו ֹיּ ֣אמֶר ֱא ִה֗ים י ָקּו ֨וּ ַה ַמּ֜ים ִמ ַ֤תּחַת ַה ָשּׁ ַ֙מים‬

‫אֶל־ ָמ ֣קוֹם ֶא ָח֔ד ות ֶ֖אה הַיּ ַבָּ ָ֑שׁה וֽיהִי־ ֽכֵן׃‬
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[YYS]Torah Mosheh 1: Barasheet / Genesis Chapter 1

Vayomer Elohim, yikavu hamayim mitachat

haShamayim el-makom echad, vetera'eh hayabashah;
Then Elohim said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together
into one place, and let the dry land appear”; and it was so.

1:10 ‫ויּ ִ ֨א ֱא ִ֤הים׀ ל ַיּ ַבָּשָׁה֙ ֶ֔א ץ וּלְ ִמ ו֥ה‬

‫ַה ַ֖מּים ֣א י ִ֑מּים ויּ ֥ ַ א ֱא ִ֖הים כִּי־טֽוֹב׃‬
Vayikra Elohim layabashah eretz, ulemikveh hamayim
kara yamim; vayar Elohim ki-tov.
And Elohim called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the
waters He called Seas. And Elohim saw that it was good.

1:11 ‫ו ֹיּ ֣אמֶר ֱא ִה֗ים ַֽתּ ֵ֤שׁא ָה ָ֙א ץ֙ דֶּ֔שֶׁא ֚עֵשֶׂב‬

‫ַמז ְ ֣יעַ ז ֶ֔ ע ֣עֵץ פְּ ֞י ֹ֤עשֶׂה פְּ ֙י לְמִינ ֔וֹ אֲ ֶ֥שׁר‬
‫ז ַ עוֹ־ב֖וֹ עַל־ ָה ָ֑א ץ וֽיהִי־ ֽכֵן׃‬
Vayomer Elohim, tadshei ha'aretz deshe, esev mazria
zera', etz peri oseh peri lemino, asher zar'o-vo al-
ha'aretz; vayhi-chen.
Then Elohim said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields
seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is
in itself, on the earth”; and it was so.

1:12 ֙‫ותּוֹצֵ֨א ָה ָא֜ ץ דּ ֶ֠שֶׁא ֣עֵשֶׂב ַמז ְ ֤יעַ ֶ֙ז ע‬

‫לְמִינ ֔הוּ ו ֧עֵץ ֹֽעשֶׂה־פְּ ֛י אֲ ֶ֥שׁר ז ַ עוֹ־ב֖וֹ לְמִינ֑הוּ‬
‫ויּ ֥ ַ א ֱא ִ֖הים כִּי־טֽוֹב׃‬
Vatotzei ha'aretz deshei esev mazria zera leminehu,
ve'etz oseh-peri asher zar'o-vo leminehu; vayar Elohim
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And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to
its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to
its kind. And Elohim saw that it was good.

1:13 ‫ִי־ע ֶרב‬

֥ ֶ ‫פוַ ֽיְה‬
ִ ‫שׁל‬ְ ‫ִי־ב ֹקֶר ֥יוֹם‬
֖ ‫ִי־ע ֶרב וַ ֽיְה‬
֥ ֶ ‫וַ ֽיְה‬
‫ִישֽׁי׃ פ‬
ִ ‫שׁל‬ְ ‫ִי־ב ֹקֶר ֥יוֹם‬
֖ ‫וַ ֽיְה‬
Vayhi-'erev vayhi-voker yom shelishi
So the evening and the morning were the third day.
Yom Revi'i - 4 havdalah - distinction separation divide

1:14 (A:ii)
‫ו ֹיּ ֣אמֶר ֱא ִה֗ים י ִ֤הי ְמ ֹא ת֙ בִּ ֣ יעַ ַה ָשּׁ ַמ֔ים‬
֙‫לְ ַהבְדִּ֕יל ֥בֵּין הַיּ ֖וֹם וּ ֣בֵין ַהלָּ֑יל ָה ו ָהי ֤וּ לְ ֹאתֹת‬
‫וּלְמ֣וֹעֲ ֔ים וּלְי ִ֖מים ושָׁנֽים׃‬
Vayomer Elohim, yehi me'orot birkia hashamayim,
lehavdil bein hayom uvein halayelah; vehayu le'otot
ulemo'adim, uleyamim veshanim.
Then Elohim said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to
divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and
for days and years;

1:15 ‫ו ָהי ֤וּ לִמְאוֹ ת֙ בִּ ֣ יעַ ַה ָשּׁ ַמ֔ים לְ ָה ִ֖איר‬

‫עַל־ ָה ָ֑א ץ וֽיהִי־ ֽכֵן׃‬
Vehayu lim'orot birkia hashamayim, leha'ir al-ha'aretz;
and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on
the earth”; and it was so.and let them be for lights in the firmament of the
heavens to give light on the earth”; and it was so.
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‫ויּ ֣ ַעַשׂ ֱא ִה֔ים אֶת־שְׁנ֥י ַה ְמּ ֹא ֖ת ַהגּ ְ לִ֑ים‬
05/07/2020 [YYS]Torah Mosheh 1: Barasheet / Genesis Chapter 1

‫אֶת־ ַה ָמּא֤וֹר ַהגּ ָ ֙ל לְ ֶמ ְמ ֶ֣שׁלֶת ַהיּ ֔וֹם‬
‫ואֶת־ ַה ָמּא֤וֹר ַה ָקּ ֹט ֙ן לְ ֶמ ְמ ֶ֣שׁלֶת ַהלּ֔ ַיל ָה ו ֵ֖את‬
Vaya'as Elohim, et-shenei hame'orot hagedolim; et-
hama'or hagadol lememshelet hayom, ve'et-hama'or
hakaton lememshelet halaylah, ve'et hakochavim.
Then Elohim made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and
the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also.

1:17 ‫ויּ ִ ֵ֥תּן א ֹ֛תם ֱא ִ֖הים בִּ ֣ יעַ ַה ָשּׁ ָ֑מים לְ ָה ִ֖איר‬

‫עַל־ ָה ָֽא ץ׃‬
Vayiten otam Elohim birkia hashamayim; leha'ir al-
Elohim set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth,

1:18 ‫ולִ ְמ ֹשׁ ֙ל בַּיּ ֣וֹם וּבַלּ֔ ַיל ָה וּֽל ֲ ַהבְדִּ֔יל ֥בֵּין ָהא֖וֹר‬
‫וּ ֣בֵין ַה ֹ֑ח ֶשׁ ויּ ֥ ַ א ֱא ִ֖הים כִּי־טֽוֹב׃‬
Velimshol bayom uvalaylah, ulahavdil, bein ha'or
uvein hachoshech; vayar Elohim ki-tov.
and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from
the darkness. And Elohim saw that it was good.

1:19 ‫וֽיהִי־ ֥עֶ ב וֽיהִי־ ֹב֖ ר י ֥וֹם בִי ֽעִי׃ פ‬

Vayhi-'erev vayhi-voker yom revi'i.
So the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
Yom Chamisi - 5
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‫ ַה ָשּמָים׃‬ ַ‫ יע‬ ‫פְּני‬-‫עַל‬ ‫ ָה ָא ץ‬-‫עַל‬ ‫ועוֹףיעוֹפֵף‬ ‫יּ ָה‬
Vayomer Elohim yishretzu hamayim sheretz nefesh
chayah ve'of ye'ofef al-ha'aretz al-penei rekia
Elohim said, “Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and
birds that fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky.”
All species reproduce itself according to prototype species in which Creator design it does not evolve

‫טוֹב׃‬-‫כִּי‬ ‫ ֱא הִים‬ ‫ויּ ַ א‬ ‫לְמִינהוּ‬ ‫עוֹףכָּנף‬-‫ ל‬ ‫ואֵת‬ 
Vayivra Elohim et-hataninim hagedolim ve'et chol-
nefesh hachayah haromeset asher sharetzu hamayim
leminehem ve'et chol-'of kanaf leminehu vayar Elohim
So Elohim created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves,
with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every
winged bird according to its kind. And Elohim saw that it was good.

‫בָּ ָא ץ׃‬ ‫י ב‬ ‫והָעוֹף‬ ‫בַּיּ ַמִּים‬ ‫ ַהמַּים‬-‫וּ ִמלְאוּאֶת‬ ‫וּ בוּ‬
Vayvarech otam Elohim lemor peru urevu umil'u et-
hamayim bayamim veha'of yirev ba'aretz.
And Elohim blessed them, saying: "Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the
water in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth."

1:23 ‫ ֲחמִישי׃‬ ‫יוֹם‬ ‫ ֹב ר‬-‫ויהִי‬ ‫עֶ ב‬-‫ויהִי‬

Vayhi-'erev vayhi-voker yom chamishi.
And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth day.(5th).

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Yom Shishshi - 6

1:24 (A:iii)  

-‫וחַיתוֹ‬ ‫המָהו מֶשׂ‬ ֵ ְ‫בּ‬ ‫לְמִינהּ‬ ‫חַיּ ָה‬ ‫נפֶש‬ ‫ץ‬ ‫ ָה ָא‬ ‫צא‬

‫כֵן׃‬-‫ויהִי‬ ‫לְמִינהּ‬ ‫ֶא ץ‬
Vayomer Elohim totzei ha'aretz nefesh chayah leminah
behemah varemes vechayto-'eretz leminah vayhi-chen.
Then Elohim said, "Let the earth bring forth the living creature according
to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each
according to its kind"; and it was so.

‫טוֹב׃‬-‫ ֱא הִיםכִּי‬ ‫ויּ ַ א‬ ‫לְמִינהוּ‬ ‫ ָהאֲ מָה‬ ‫ מֶשׂ‬-‫ל‬
Vaya'as Elohim et-chayat ha'aretz leminah ve'et-
habehemah leminah ve'et chol-remes ha'adamah
leminehu vayar Elohim ki-tov.
And Elohim made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle
according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to
its kind. And Elohim saw that it was good.

1:26 ‫ ָה ָא ץ׃‬-‫עַל‬ ‫ ָה מֵשׂ‬ ‫ ָה מֶשׂ‬-‫ ָה ָא ץוּבְ ל‬-‫ב ל‬

Vayomer Elohim na'aseh adam betzalmenu kidmutenu
veyirdu vidgat hayam uve'of hashamayim uvabehemah
uvechol-ha'aretz uvechol-haremes haromes al-ha'aretz.
Then Elohim said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our
likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of
the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping
thing that creeps on the earth."

‫אֹתם׃‬ ‫בָּ א‬ ‫וּנ בָה‬ ‫זָכָר‬ ‫אֹתוֹ‬ ‫ ֱא הִיםבָּ א‬ ‫בְּצֶלֶם‬ 
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Vayivra Elohim et-ha'adam betzalmo betzelem elohim

bara oto zachar unekevah bara otam.
So Elohim created man in His own image; in the image of Elohim He
created him; male and female He created them.

‫ ָה ָא ץ׃‬-‫עַל‬ ‫ ָה ֶמשֶׂת‬ ‫חַיּ ָה‬-‫וּבְ ל‬ ‫וּבְעוֹף ַה ָשּמַים‬ ‫ם‬
Vayvarech otam Elohim vayomer lahem Elohim peru
urevu umil'u et-ha'aretz vechivshuha uredu bidgat
hayam uve'of hashamayim uvechol-chayah haromeset
And Elohim blessed them, and Elohim said unto them: "Be fruitful, and
multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over
the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing
that moveth upon the earth."
Food for Mankind Vegetarian (plant food)

‫לְ ָאכְל ָה׃‬ ‫יהְיה‬ ‫לָכֶם‬ ‫ז ָ ע‬ ַ‫עֵץ ֹז ע‬-‫פְ י‬ ‫בּוֹ‬-‫אֲשר‬ ‫עֵץ‬
Vayomer Elohim hineh natati lachem et-chol-'esev
zorea zera asher al-penei chol-ha'aretz ve'et-chol-ha'etz
asher-bo feri-'etz zorea zara lachem yihyeh le'ochlah
And Elohim said, "See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which
is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to
you it shall be for food.

‫כֵן׃‬-‫לְ ָאכְל ָהויהִי‬ ‫עֵשֶׂב‬ ‫י ק‬-‫ ל‬-‫אֶת‬ ‫חַיּ ָה‬ ‫נפֶש‬ ‫בּוֹ‬
Ulechol-chayat ha'aretz ulechol-'of hashamayim
ulechol romes al-ha'aretz asher-bo nefesh chayah et-
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chol-yerek esev le'ochlah vayhi-chen.

Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything
that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green
herb for food"; and it was so.

‫ ַה ִשּשִּי׃‬ ‫יוֹם‬ ‫ ֹב ר‬-‫ויהִי‬ ‫עֶ ב‬-‫ ְמאֹדויהִי‬ ‫טוֹב‬-‫ו ִהנּ ֵה‬
Vayar Elohim et-chol-'asher asah vehineh-tov me'od
vayhi-'erev vayhi-voker yom hashishi.
And Elohim saw every thing that he had made, and, Behold, it was very
good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day (6th).

1,2,3,4,5,6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17
, 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 ,
32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 ,
46 , 47 , 48 , 49 , 50
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Haitah - she was (refers to the Earth is feminine) - qal: be; become; happen; occur; niphal: be;
occur; flee PARSING Hebrew, verb, qal, perfect, 3rd person, feminine singular - encode as
@vqp3fs Niphal is the name given to one of the seven major verb stems in biblical Hebrew.
The Niphal stem usually denotes the incomplete passive or the reflexive voice. However, some
verbs, such as nacham (meaning “to repent” in the Niphal),
The Hebrew letter Pei signifies parsha petucha “an open portion, The text of “an open portion”
always begins on a new line on the parchment, While the printed versions of the Torah, the
chumash, the place where an “open portion” would appear in the Torah scroll is marked with the
Hebrew letter pei (Heb. ‫)פ‬, In Gen chapter 1 ‫ פ‬it is use signify a next or new day of creation there
are six 1:1-5 ‫{ פ‬P} 1:6-8 {P} 1:9-13 {P} 1:14-19 {P} 1:20-23 {P} 1:24-31
The Hebrew verb bara (“created”) employed by this verse specifically means the creation of something from nothing.

Genesis 1:26

Some might suggest that in"let us", Hashem is speaking to angels. However, that cannot be, for the verse goes on to say " our image and our
likeness" Angels are never said be in the "image of God. So "Let us speaks of diety.

1 Time - Bereshit - resheit - In the beginning

2 Space - Ha shamayim - heavens

3 Matter - Ha Eretz - the earrth

1 Corinthians 15:35 - 58

Torah Productions: Torah - Genesis - Bereshit - Midrash & Stories

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05/07/2020 [YYS]Torah Mosheh 1: Barasheet / Genesis Chapter 1
Mishlei 8:22-24 "Adonai brought me forth as the first of his works, before his deeds of old; I was appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the
world began. When there were no oceans, I was given birth, when there were no springs abounding with water."

Listen audio about Elohim's story

English / Hebrew / Arabic / Mandarin

The concept of Time

The natural day : sunrise to sunset

The natural night: sunset to sunrise

Biblical concept of time: sunset one evening to sunset the next: base on the scripture "the evening and the morning were the first day."

Names of Diety of Elohim

Hebrew EL, Eloah, Elah, Elohim (plural)

Days of Creation
Creation / Elohim Makes Adam and Eve

The seven days of Creation speaks of the Seven Thousand Year redemption Plan
for mankind, as each day is as a thousand years with HaShem (Tehillim 90:4;
Kefa Bet 3:8). As we look at these chart below we can see the types of
redemtpion plan
Yom / Day reference Creation list Hebrew words of creation list
Shekinah light of Elohim, division (a
Yom Echad (1) vs 3-5 distinsion between) light and darkness ohr ‫ אור‬/ choshek ‫ חשׁך‬/ ki tov
/ good

Yom Sheni (2) vs6- 8 firmament heaven or sky / water good rakia ‫ רקיע‬shamayim ‫ שׁמים‬/ mayim ‫ מים‬ki tov

dryland, seas , grass, herbs, fruit

yabashah ‫ יבּשׁה‬/ yam ‫ ים‬/ deshe ‫ דּשׁא‬/ esev ‫עשׂב‬
Yom Shlishi (3) vs 9- 13 trees all seed yielding after its kind /
/ pri ‫ פּרי‬etz ‫ עץ‬/ zera ‫ זרע‬/ ki tov
sun, moon stars is purpose for signs, shumesh or gadol maor, chodesh or katan maor,
Yom Revi'i (4) vs 14 - 19
season days, year / good kokhavim ‫ >== כּוכב‬oth, moed, yom, shanah ki tov
living creatures of water, insects and
sky fowl, bird, whales, dragons, sea
Yom Chamisi (5) vs 20 - 23 serpernts, monsters, good *5 is a nefesh, chai, sherets / oph / tannin Ki tov
numeral for life, chai, Torah is
chainourish for soul
living creatures, cattle, creeping
Yom Shishshi (6) vs 24 - 31 things, beast of the earth, / create chai nefesh / behemah / remes / chai eretz / bara adam demuth tzelem Elohim/
meod Tov
man very good
Yom Shevii (7) 2 vs2 Shabbat , rest

ha eretz was formless and void:- ie a land reduced to primeval chaos and formlessness. It represents chaos, confusion, and disorder, all
things that are opposed to the organization, direction, and order that Elohim has demonstrated.

Others: 'Elohim's wind.'

 (Saadia) Rakia in Hebrew, literally 'spread' or 'expanse.'

‫ אור‬light - The transliteral writing varies 'OR' OHR ORAH' orah derive from the word Torah and Torah is light is the truth then come forth life in vs 5.
also corresponse to what Messiah Yeshua spoke to the people saying in Yochanan 8:12 ..........."I AM the light of the olam hazeh. Whoever follows Me
will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'"YeshaYahu 45:7 "I form the light and create darkness" plural ma'or /me'orah / ‫מאור מארה‬
‫ מאר‬/ ‫ מאורה‬. We see in 1:3 the sun has yet to be created, where does the source of light came from. It is the eternal light of the Living Elohim, a
physical manifestation of Himself. Also we learn that the sun was created on the fourth day and not the first day, this point to the fact that we are not to
worship the sun and moon light just as the pagan do. However any one out there if they do worship the sun or moon,your ancestor has been
misled remember the true source of light is your Creator of the Universe HIM you shall worship.

the lesser light - moon Yerach; Yareach; yarei'ach month (lunar cycle), moon Beresheet 1:16; Dvarim 33:14; Yehoshua 10:12; Tehillim 8:3;

Forewarn of potential idolatry:

idolatrously worshipped: Dvarim 17:3; Job 31:26; Jer 44:17

Devarim 4:19 And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the shemesh (sun), and the yarei'ach(moon), and kokhavim ( stars),
even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which Adonai Eloheicha hath divided unto all nations under the
whole heaven.

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05/07/2020 [YYS]Torah Mosheh 1: Barasheet / Genesis Chapter 1
Devarim 17:3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not

Our image - tzelem  The word here images are Hashem's characteristics; we are created bearing His characteristics. Believer in Yeshua has come into the
fullness of their lives through the walking in redemption, and learning to walk in His derekh Tzedek, believers  are to be transform into His demuth (likeness).

Male and Female

1:27 Male rkz Zakar meaning to remember and Female ‫ נקבה‬transliterate as nekebah derive from the root word naqab meaning to pierce: - bored
(1), designate (1), designated (6), distinguished (1), holes (1), name (1), pierce (4), pierced (1). Adam is a prophetic picture of Yeshua. The Bride of
Yeshua will come from His side. Yeshua's side was pierced. The cut is called "tzyon" in Hebrew. The root word of tzyon is betrothed. Putting the two
together read as to remember the pierce one.

"RIB" as used in Barasheet 2:21-22

Rib - ‫ צלע‬/ ‫ צלעה‬Tzela / Tzelah Normally translated as side, corner,

chamber or flank not rib

Tzela A verb meaning to limp, to be lame. To limp means to walk unevenly, vertically or horizontally, because of an injury (Barasheet 32:31 [32]). To be
lame means to limp badly or to be crippled, disabled. cause to halt

Beresheet 32:31 / Mikah 4:6-7 / Tzefaniyah 3:19

Be fruitful and multiply after the prototype has been establish, the continual production takes place. The believer once establish by Yeshua will
continual to bear fruit and make Talmidim

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