Algebra For Engineers and Mathematicians

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juc — father of Oiophan Number as gn item that describes a a agnitude oy symbols descibe 2-Ningulum - 40 multiply ty 1t60 timec 4 DeerFrame 40 miubhply by 40° mec Digits - is a specific symbel or symbole in combination tp denite a nate oe Fx.24 has 2 digits; 2 41 1K (4) has Zdighs- 74x NuMBER _S4SteM) Complex CC) eo SECRET Real numbers (R) Tmiagincry Numbers (W) —__, Rahmal (Q) trahonal CQ) ~ men-evminacting — non-ferminahng 4 repeating 4 non repeating = can be expressed \n frachons | Negative (-Z) Tnkgers (2) —-2er0 (a) Postive/ Counting/ Relea) nteger for is denomanator. & Fraciens - afracion thal has a numerator nator, or bot or dene are fractions Zew Fracions -aFachen in which the numerator S zero ote Fractions -a Frachen which has no A quonhtative meaning. Ex. defined Frachon - a Frachon with zeo denomthaty Tydekrm SIENIFICANT FIGURES 1234 —* 4 BGOCO + 2 ots + 5 (2.900 > & 0.000454 4g 4.602 x10 4 THEORIES OF EQueTton { Every rahonal integral equation FO) of the n* degree has exactly “n” roots. a Remainder Theorem: FX) = (x-k), mainder F(K) 3° Fachr Theorem} ie the divisor is 4 factor, remainder is 0 FO) + (X-K); FCO =0 {- Oescarte's Rule of Signs Eyample® £Ce) = Sy! +x? 19x +1=0 £.D* 3x" 4 FOO 41 <0 LAWS OF EXPONENTS 4) \aom = ) a" W=x4t 5 X=W ON) OK) ROU rene 9x eae @x=4 PO 1=RW NGC) ge ee = ew) ee Cx=4 PCH) -S = Rw) eee we Gy); Xyzew AW +B = 12 ie coves hE-d ‘at) (yi Ya slo =} fat) = ies Me ERE) GIG we a 2= wil —s ow 19,8") = Colyt ate [eGo] The erPression BKEX* +44 +1=0, Umtains how many QUADRATIC EQUATIONS Pesible Imaginary rots The quadvate Forraula: +{ - GN £0)> 2xt Ex" +4x Heo x= ot [et tac AC | °| 2 J $= IAFF” Ho 7A 2 2 ‘ = OXT HTX HI =O Where: BMC js called the DISCRIMINANT (we 2] BrUKC =O, aots are REAL t EQuat. PRoRuEM au BHUAC>O » reals are REALY UNEQUAL Solve for wf x = |1-t= ae B* UAC CO y wots are comMex cond UE ATE la AK? 4 BX+C =9 — Stundord FON pe {=x cele ¥2=4-x AKY + BX =C + General EQA. feo] SOuutons* had gr 618 ) Factoring 4) Completing the Square 3) Quadratic Formula }) move {S| Gum of Rests Htm= Poem #G- The equation whose reoks ate the cecipwocak of the wots OF the equation, ay? -3x 5 -o FINTERCHINGE “THE CorPRICIeNTS AND INVERT SIGNS WS S¥*43X ~2 >0] PRoBvem +3: the equation whose ots are the reciprocals of the orks ofthe equation, y3 Gxt bax te =0. E4x? -ax* +5x 4 -0)x~4 | RRSE Sx Fax~ Sx +4 =0 Peoduck of Roots Grnet on A A Proruen 4 ¢ « In a quadratic equation prblem, one, student made a stake In Copying the coefficient oF X and got a root FoF +3 and -2- Another Studer} Made a mistake, '9 copying the conston} term and get a root of +4 and 41, Determine ene Of the Correct rot. * Ax? HBxt CO yee Bee) (3)(-a) = a Or@- = Ors 5-8 is A R4 hy © K°-5%-6=0 5s ee A v2 6] xe>-4 EXPANSION 4) The number of $erms in He expansion oF Cx4y)"is ny ate First term is x" and the last term is y° Aythe exponent oF 4 15 decreasing Imearly From nto 0 4) the exponent oy js increasing linearly From Of, | s)the sum of the exponents of x and y in any f | fhe ferms is equal +o n. | othe cefticred of the sewnd fer and and the pp Seand Jem from the lost term 15 0. |The weffident of every Ferm follvws the Pascaly © triangle. " BINOMAL EXPANSION ct term OF (x+y)? ch term > 0Cr4 aotyet (YD dem of Guy)a: ur tect < nCrx tye fs PRoPleM #9: j Determine the uth term (a fhe expansion (Ax —y SCax'y? = (t0)(ad) (-y%)? = =Hoxy’ PROBLEM 4 fo: pas erpansion of (fay), Find fhe term tnvolie gt. 3 10) C9)F = (120)04)°(-128y?) |= 49360 x47 az: PROBLEM +40" Find the eonstoth Ferm in the expansion of ('-2-J* + (tax Cs 0)" Cox’ = AAs (le x°)(e501 x) [7 51g 2,120 | Proaen 2 y, Find se fled teem in. the expansin (| gx?) USING GiNOMUM, THEDEEM- CaP) , GE) 0 Caxy* i al mee 4 ») * FROM #42 + \n the mslon oF (XK ma me ° ty 42 © Find the teem + Ix ty)” 5C4(x") cyrayt * oY) ($6) W) yo feornem 43 aa In tne expansion (X*4y+27)% Find the Jeem involving x"y, [ie +(e] 6a (yrs)? ——_++ 3ayey =() 0) Oyes) [= 168 x’y2¢ BINOMIM ESPANSION THESRENM Grey's Pb, nal bt nena eee bees? u at 2) Sum OF WerFICENtTs (Ary)? Sum = Cooertofx + cePtoF y)” (KH sum= CcostP of x HK)" (99 TO SEY Mione TERM) st r=) PROSPESSION / SEQUENCE Se or collection of numbers areanged in on orderly manner Such that the preceding and the followin numbers are Conipletely Pee y Frathenetic: Prog ression Sequence of umbei ia which the ditteence of Any kWo adjacent yxrms is constant, fa Pometig Pras Net) Be ¢ Os 0m E(9-myd TE = prosent age ofa pen San Gaia) =z \ TPN OGE three years ago + 4-3 S hence, 4G = Plaza + (n-A)d] AM = Dts Haat an ere n 92 yoors Ader thon Hermione Ave years 5 be will be Ne 08 old as Hermione, sien 1 fern "2 as Las now? * ge of Wermione = Om * any ie Gas ‘ bite before an Ludus * bbe hs Fe erm S years From now: d= common ditte rence, S + sum of all “n” ferms H+d945 =2(h +5) = WM arithmetic mean W\D Lucu = 42 $3 =| 0 Generic Progression PAOBLEN 445: a fr sequence of numbers ty which the rato of any Vidor 16 yeore oer Yhan Flew. He ve also tori tuo adjacent terms Is conctany. a5 ld aS Fleur when Vicor WAS as dd as Flay oor qin = i ee Pe Sapeaiones years From now? ‘ Age of Fleur = V-l ae A rg wires Victor = resent AOE 6240, Ta v= commen yYotio ‘ o7 GN\* Qeortehyic mean Flr . Wy Sum of \whiate ¢.P. Vicor ae, | Fast 2010 —4 t= 22-V~-D 182 + ASV + 205 D=3, 055 152(a2-V-p) +aSV +205 D= 3,355 SN -530 = 89 eS =Gil @ 4G = 46.44 as @q = aad PROZABILITY AND STATISTICS PROGABIUTY PL) = ho- of desiceatie oultemes total no. oF possible outttomes Principle of Counting 1: TE g thing can we done in m diferent ways 90d another thing con be dene in n aiPferent Ways, then these two things can be dene one after the other in N=™mxn Fromple: IF AL EVENS WILL Happen toss 0 win AND jake, ECE board Chead, tail) x (poss, fail, condi) 2 x 3 PROBLEM #4: TF five digits 1,253,455 gre given and a 3- digit we he tv be mace from + iF the &pefi- tron oF Aigits #5 allowed then how ma Codes can ve formed? ee! NOOR ES echoes Pee - Te] SxSXS

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