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Final-term Examination
Spring, 2020

Course Code: ENG-316 Course Title:Classical Drama

Time Allowed: THREE HOURS Maximum Marks: 60
Roll No: ______________

Answer all the questions (3*20=60)

Q1. I solemnly forbid the people of this country ,where power and throne are mine,ever to
receive that man or speak to him, no matter who he is , or let him join in sacrifice , lust-ration , or
in prayer.I decree that he be driven from every house,,,,,,,,,,,I take the side of murdered king and
I pray that mans life be consumed in evil and wretch. Analyze these quoted lines keeping in
view the play Oedipus Rex.

Q2.Explain irony in the play Oedipus Rex and also quote example from text?

Q3. Discuss the character of Tiresias and Creon briefly?

Q4.What is the role of Hubris in Oedipus Rex?

Q5. Oedipus Rex play is a tragedy of fate? Critically analyze it

Q6.Discuss the importance of Chorus ?

Q7. Jot down the themes in the play Dr Faustus?

Q8. “ A sound magician is a mighty God” elaborate with reference to the play Dr Faustus?

Q9. Discuss Dr Faustus as a tragic hero?

Q10. Dr Faustus as a morality play ?

Q11. Discuss the role of fate and free will in defining the destiny of the character of Oedipus in
Sophocles Play?

Q12 Is Faustus damnation tragic or an act of justice?Discuss with reference to the play.

Q13 What are the renaissance elements found in the play Dr Faustus?

Q14. Discuss the character of Macbeth and lady Macbeth?

Q15 Supernatural elements in Macbeth play?
Q16 Draw the comparison and contrast between Olivia and Viola?
Q17. MACBETH as a Political Play?
Q18. MACBETH as a Shakespearean tragedy?
Q19. Discuss Twelfth Night as a Tragicomedy by Shakespearean?
Q20. What is meant by mighty lines in Dr Faustus?

Teacher’s Signature _______________ Hod's Signature_____________________

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