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Lab Manual

Name:. M.usama saghar

Roll No.: 2019-CPE-27
Subject Teacher: Engr. Tauheed ur Rehman
Lab Engineer: Engr. Ubaidullah

BZU Multan
Experiment No. 12

To investigate Drain and Transfer Characteristics of Junction Field Effect Transistor

DC power supply, nFET, Multimeter, Breadboard, Resistor

Circuit Diagram:

A plot between output voltage VDS and output current ID for a fixed value of VGS is termed as Drain characteristics. These
characteristics have two significant regions, the first is ohmic region and the second is constant current region which will be
exploited in next experiment to achieve a constant current source. Maximum value of I D for VGS=0V is called IDSS and is a
transistor’s parameter. The other parameter is V P which is the value of VDS at which ID saturates.
Plotting output current ID versus input voltage VGS is called Transfer characteristics. These characteristics are plotted in
second quadrant. ID has maximum value equal to I DSS at VGS=0V and the magnitude of ID decreases as magnitude of V GS
increases. ID seizes to zero for VGS=VP.

Fix VGS=0V, vary VDD and record VDS & ID unless saturation occurs

Repeat the above step for VGS=-0.5V and -1V and record entries in observations

table Plot VDS versus ID for various values of VGS (Drain Characteristics)

Now make VDS=15V, vary VGS and measure ID

Plot VGS versus ID (Transfer Characteristics)

Calculate Dynamic resistance by applying this expression on drain characteristics 𝑟d vdc

= Id
Drain Characteristics Transfer Characteristics
VGS=0V VGS=-0.5V VGS=-1V VDS=15V
100 mV 1.39 mA 50 mV 0.44 mA 50 mV 0 mA 0V 10 mA
300 mV 3.94 mA 100 mV 0.77 mA 100 mV 0 mA 0.1V 9.11 mA
500 mV 6.13 mA 200 mV 1.42 mA 200 mV 0 mA 0.3V 4.90 mA
700 mV 7.90 mA 300 mV 1.93 mA 300 mV 0 mA 0.4V 3.60 mA
900 mV 9.19 mA 400 mV 2.29 mA 400 mV 0 mA 0.7V 0.90 mA
1.1V 9.90 mA 500 mV 2.48 mA 500 mV 0 mA 0.8V 0.40 mA
1.2V 10 mA 600 mV 2.50 mA 600 mV 0 mA 0.9V 0.10 mA
1.3V 10 mA 700 mV 2.50 mA 700 mV 0 mA 1V 0 mA

gm = _ r d=

Conclusion/ Comments: Studied Drain and Transfer Characteristics of Junction Field Effect Transistor


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