John Lasseter & Hayao Miyazaki: Study of Comparative Animation Film Style & Art Direction

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March - April 2020

ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 12328 - 12335

John Lasseter & Hayao Miyazaki:

Study of Comparative Animation Film Style & Art
Dahlan Abdul Ghani1
Computer Animation Department, University Kuala Lumpur(MIIT),Malaysian Institute Of Information
Technology,1016 Jalan Sultan Ismail,50200 Kuala Lumpur.

Article Info Abstract

Volume 83 John Alan Lasseter known as the director and chief creative officer at Pixar and Walt Disney
Page Number: 12328 - 12335
Animation Studios. Hayao Miyazaki is a prominent Japanese filmmaker of many popular
Publication Issue:
March - April 2020 animated feature films. He is also a known as Waltz Disney Japan. Young generation today
are synonym with success of Walt Disney, Pixaar Animation Studio, Studio Ghibli ,
Japanese anime and animation but there are still people does not really know this important
person behind this success There are both famous as part of pioneer in creating CGI
animation with different style and approach in animation film success. Therefore in this
paper will study and compare the 2 famous animation pioneers on the Film Style, Character
design, and philosophy approach that is being used by both by this famous animation genius.
By the end of this paper, this paper will be able took in understand the style and animation
Article History approach used by this 2 famous animation film director.
Article Received: 24 July 2019
Revised: 12 September 2019 Keywords: John Lasseter, Hayao Miyazaki, animation, Computer Graphic Imagery
Accepted: 15 February 2020
(CGI), Character Design, film style
Publication: 18 April 2020

I. INTRODUCTION Up to that point, the studio had applied a Multiplan

camera to feature profundity to its motion. Lasseter
Lasseter become instructed through 3 people from
understood that PCs can be applied to make
Disney's Nine Old Men – Eric Larson, Frank
movement pictures with three dimensional
Thomas and Ollie Laseteerston – his schoolmates
foundations where normally energized characters
covered Brad Bird, LaseteerMusker, Henry Selick
may additionally want to speak to encompass some
and Tim Burton. [1]. In 1980 or 1981 he
different, outwardly incredible profundity that had
coincidently went over a few video tapes from one
not been imagined previously.
of the then new PC designs conferences, who
demonstrated a part of the very beginnings of PC Miyazaki first picked up acknowledgment while
interest, in conjunction with gliding circles and such, functioning as an inside the center of craftsman on
which he encountered as a disclosure. [2] Light the Toei introduction Gulliver's Travels Beyond the
cycle successions for an up and coming film entitled Moon (Garibā no UchuuRyokō, 1965). He
Tron, highlighting (at that element) exquisite in positioned the primary consummation of the content
magnificence PC created symbolism, that he without material incorrect and examined out his private
a doubt located the sizeable capability of this new notion, which became the closure implemented
innovation in liveliness. There isn't any particular inside the ultimate film.
puzzle in interest.., it is sincerely pretty primary, and
PC vivified figures, as in line with the report, this
prefer anything is primary, it is about the hardest
new innovation will lead movie introduction going
detail in the world to do. [3]
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 12328
March - April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 12328 - 12335

beyond photograph catch to the up and coming age scene, exchange, cinematography, or mentality. For
of shifting photographs.1 these days PC energized LaseteerLesseter and Hayao Miyazaki, has a
figures, situations, and gildings formerly end up selected filmmaking fashion that varies from
requirements of Hollywood creation. Movement splendid executives, like a creator's private
studios, for example, Pixar, DreamWorks, and Blue unmistakable composing fashion. Through the
Sky, declare that they're "PC liveliness studios" investigation of movie systems, contrasts among
which "make every other age of energized include film manufacturers' styles end up obvious. [4]
movies" whilst continuing a tasteful and advent
For example, Hayao Miyazaki, the most renowned
standards from Disney (Pixar, 2006). In the United
anime auteur, declared that PC produced pix could
States, the expression "PC liveliness" inserts in
not surpass 10% of the aggregate in his paintings,
exclusive mechanical progressions and ensures
and he desires the "less real, lots less real, and plenty
"every different method for seeing.
less amazing" of these pix. [5] This style, a PC
"Another technique for seeing", rather, a few replica of mobile interest and hand drawings, can be
installation Japanese anime studios have discovered in severa anime works completed with
unequivocally communicated their obstruction of PC the resource of Miyazaki. Miyazaki's Princess
produced pictures. While those studios take gain of Mononoke (1997) and Howl's Moving Castle (2004)
present day headways that growth viability and consolidate hand-drawn characters and PC produced
decrease creation charges, they nostalgically defend foundations and affects. For movie Kiki's Delivery
a "hand-drawn" first-rate through PC workout in Service as indicated by using using Miyazaki the
vicinity of trying to find a few other kind. movie addresses the bay that exists amongst
freedom and dependence in Japanese young
Anime shorts Cat Soup (2001) and Kakurenbo: Hide
women.[6] It has been observed that the "dynamic"
and Seek (2005) have the visible fashion of mobile
Stockholm-enlivened town offers a sense of safety
liveliness at the same time as all components are
just as independence.[7]
worked internal PCs. In Japan, "PC hobby"
establishes a nostalgic vision to guard the beyond
through progressive headways and has immensely
presented Miyzaki to research into movie
At remaining, this paper proposes contemplates the
movie fashion and heading that is utilized by
Laseteer and Hayao in movie "PC liveliness"
searching as machines or gadgets as a nonpartisan
object, as a substitute, to investigate that it's miles FIGURE 1.0 The Picture above shows Kiki and
digressively comprised by using way of and through Jiji (sitting on Kiki's back) flying by the clock
subculture, typically purchasing film social tower in Koriko just after arriving as an film art
significance in the public place. by Miyazaki “Kiki's Delivery Service “

II. FILM STYLE AND INSPIRATION "It took Miyazaki 16 years to fully develop the story
and characters of Princess Mononoke. Princess
Film patterns are conspicuous film techniques used
Mononoke is mostly hand-drawn, but incorporates
by movie producers to give express importance or
some use of computer animation during five minutes
incentive to their art work. It can bear in mind all
of footage throughout the film.[8] The computer
viewpoints for creating a film: sound, muse-en-
animated parts are designed to blend in and support

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 12329

March - April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 12328 - 12335

the traditional cel animation, and are mainly used in Every single Japanese individual from the group
images consisting of a mixture of computer would possibly take a gander at it and recognize
generated graphics and traditional drawing. immediately it is a bathhouse, but no person proper
Miyazaki cel animation techniques also adapt some now realize that may be a bathhouse. Miyazaki
of Disney’s 12 Animation principle to support his simply consists of a piece line of "Goodness, it is a
cell animation technique.Miyazaki personally bathhouse." It's little deceives that way. That isn't
checked each of the 144,000 cells in the film, [9] always evolving some component. It's without a
and is estimated to have redrawn parts of 80,000 of doubt retaining them knowledge (Lesseteer, 2006)
them. [10] This is one of few films style directed by
him that does not feature a flying sequence, his well-
known trademark to be a well know animator today
Miyazaki’s style of films, in which there’s a few
places where and they’re really beautifully strategic
about where the action and everything is—there are
these beautiful quiet moments. I think if you watch
animation film Up, Pete Doctor and Lesetter were so
inspired by this that there are some beautiful FIGURE 2.0 The Picture above shows Kiki and
moments in Up that are really, very Miyazaki-like in Jiji (sitting on Kiki's back) flying by the clock
the quietness of it." tower in Koriko just after arriving as an film art
by Miyazaki “Kiki's Delivery Service
"One of the things to understand is in Japan,
especially with Hayao Miyazaki; he always records
the original dialogue after he’s finished the
animation, which is different from what is done by
American films. Animations always record the
dialogue before we do the animation. So the lip-sync
Figure 2.0 The picture above shows 3D is somewhat on the rough side anyway. It helps the
rendering was used to create the demon snakes animator fit the words in there. But animators try
and composite them onto a hand-drawn very hard working with the actors to get the lines of
Ashitaka. dialogue to fit with the right mouth movement,
because miyazaki’s approach would not want to
Miyazaki's manner of existence approach in his
have someone sit there talking and nothing’s coming
liveliness film symbolized a real personality of an
out or saying a whole bunch of words, but there’s no
government. Model, there are sincerely and then
mouth movement.ForLaseteerLesetter, , the genius
matters that Japanese crowds will see outwardly that
behind this renaissance from his feature CGI film
American crowds couldn't have the selection to. In
LuxoJr In the 1990s Toy Story became the first of a
the ones instances, Laseteer constantly agency to do
string of sophisticated and innovative animation
is to ensure the American crowds might be at
films that culminated in last year's award-winning
precisely the same degree of comprehension at that
Wall-E. [11] ForLuxoJr, Lesseter using CGI as a
one time within the movie as a Miyazaki's Japanese
film style is obviously shown at technical level, and
crowd might be. An undeniable case of this is again
the film demonstrates the use of shadow maps to
on Spirited Away, while the primary person is
simulate the shifting light and shadow given by the
taking walks and at the same time as she's
animated lamps. The lights and the colour surfaces
investigating the town, she sees this shape.
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 12330
March - April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 12328 - 12335

of all the objects are calculated, each using a

RenderMan surface shade, not surface textures."

Figure 4.0 The picture above shows detail

animated in Cars by Lesetter
Lesetter has a set of style on film as nearly all of his
films have hidden visual in-jokes and colour visual
Figure 3.0 The picture above shows Luxo JR to attract and entertain children and family with
using CGI a the first 3D Feature film by Lesseter regards to Pixar, Disney, etc. Examples include: Toy
Lesseter always stress 3-D and element hobby in his Story (1995), A Bug's Life (1998), Toy Story 2
movie items. What's more, Lasseter trusts three-D (1999), and Cars (2006).
have to assist films with beating the economic
emergency. One of Lasseter's film styles is the
liveliness of lifeless matters - his art work is a
philosophical recommendation in which movement
is not fine the medium but the difficulty remember.
He shows what he's doing as he comes.
As in step with advent planner Bob Pauley, "from
Figure 5.0 The picture above shows Buzz
the earliest starting point of this challenge, Laseteer
Lightyear& Andy Cowboy is teasing as part of
had it in his mind to have the eyes be within the
trademark in Toy Story by Lesetter
windshield. For a nice something, it isolates our
characters (element) from the extra conventional Indeed, even Lesetter at whatever thing Pixar has
method in which you have little animation eyes experienced an imaginative problem, they're seeking
inside the headlights. For a few different, he felt that out Miyazaki's movies for motivation. Miyazaki is
having the eyes down close to the mouth on the the possibly the extremely good manufacturer within
front give up of the car feels more and more like a cutting-edge reminiscence and he has been a
snake. With the eyes set in the windshield, the mind- colossal motivation to a while of artists. Toy Story
set is an increasing number of human-like, and taken owes a fantastic obligation of appreciation to the
on it to revel in much like the complete car might be films of Mr. Miyazaki. Despite the fact that Lasseter
associated with the motion of the character. [13] The got here to conspicuousness in view that he guided
characters moreover make use of their tires as palms the primary detail movie to be vivified making use
and feet, the unique cases being the one of a kind of PCs, his accomplishments do not lie basically -
tow truck characters that on occasion make use of fact be informed, now not through any manner
their tow snares, and the special forklift transcendently.
characters,which make use of their forks.
Miyazaki's man or woman configuration is highly
one of a kind and underscores on manga outline.

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 12331

March - April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 12328 - 12335

Miyazaki style to make movies with reminiscences The Miyazaki effect is usually easy on Pixar's most
that have flying as a feature of the topic and the modern, Up, splendid compared to unique family
pastime. His films commonly center round younger movies of 2009 especially for man or woman plan.
hero's person form or have youngsters that count on Author and executive Pete Docter's past mission
key jobs in the plot. Much of the time remembers modified into regulating the English adjustment of
scenes or groupings for which characters fly. As Miyazaki's Howl's Moving Castle, and the revel in
regularly as possible makes references to nature, of running in detail with the Japanese ace's
surroundings, and contamination with the useful revolutionary courageous and relaxed narrating and
resource of man in his movies (My Neighbor man or woman configuration roused Docter to take
Totoro, Nausicaä, Princess Mononoke, and Spirited his very very own subsequent movie in some
Away). startling methods. Indeed, even Laseteer emerge as
the professional maker right now his compelling and
His films are frequently spotlight quite complicated
revel in has furthermore contributed toward the
machines stored up via way of strange male
accomplishment of character plan and movie
characters form. Model (The privateer's plane with
heading applied in film liveliness "Up".
the aid of manner of the aged character in Tenkû no
shiroRapyuta; The bathhouse engine compartment Like Up, Howl's Moving Castle includes an antique
with the useful resource of Kamaji in Sen to Chihiro hero, a few component extraordinary in Hollywood
no kamikakushi; Howl's transferring château by interest. The saint's home in Up, an authentic
means of Calcifer in Hauru no ugokushiro.) This is character structure in its very own right, owes some
to depict to the group the character has a big impact thing to the transferring château in Howl's, which
in his film with character and run of the mill likewise goes approximately underneath its own
Japanese lifestyle legacy. functionality and is injured and incapacitated before
the end of the story. [14]
Female heroes man or woman frequently is
Miyazaki's movie grow to be some part of Miyazaki occasional deals in simple potray
habitations which are extensively grimy in a few incredible and shrewdness in his motion film; the
regard and need their aptitudes to clean it. Model, universes he makes will in widespread be
(Howl's shifting stronghold through the usage of unpredictable and equivocal dependent on each man
Sophie in Hauru no ugokushiro; The big bathe in or woman. Indeed, even unpropitious witch-like
Yubaba's bathhouse by Chihiro/Sen in Sen to figures in Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle
Chihiro no kamikakushi; The privateer's kitchen via appear like not all that lousy once you find a
using Sheeta in Tenkû no shiroRapyuta.). properly tempo. Or perhaps, Miyazaki will in
general provide comprehension and compassion to
the entirety of his characters. [14] Princess
Mononoke (1997), is an exquisite and appreciably
seemed attempt, but the savage, nippy story about
character configuration applied in creature divine
beings and evil presences, warriors and epic fights
leaves crowd to understand to significance within
the back of of it.
Figure 6.0 The picture above shows in Hauru no
Subsequently, it low priced that miyazaki's person
ugokushiro or Howl’s Moving Castle (English) by
plan and seen intrigue carried out in his film has
miyazaki reflects the character with traditional
sizable big Japanese manga bunch further to the
Japanese fantasy influence

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 12332

March - April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 12328 - 12335

people around the globe that adores about interest. interest must exist for a evidence or cause. On the
off risk that a person have been to move about in a
progression of random sports, it might seem
obviously glaring that the illustrator was transferring
it, not truly the person. All the trends and sports
activities of a character are the aftereffect of its
attitude. As in keeping with Laseteer, in creating a
"thinking individual," the illustrator gives lifestyles
to the person with the aid of interfacing its sports
with a point of view. [14]
Figure 7.0 The picture above shows Princess
Mononoke is a period drama set specifically in Laseteer additionally characterized individual plan
the late Muromachi period of Japan but with in interest as a reasoning manner. The person has no
numerous fantastic elements, and concentrates eyes, as an instance, a dull element like a Luxolight,
on the struggle between the character of it's far a good buy an increasing number of critical to
supernatural guardians of a forest and the guide with the pinnacle. The amount of casings to
humans who consume its resources as seen by the guide the eyes and head relies upon how some of
outsider Ashitaka. idea goes before the essential hobby.

Not all of Hayao Miyazaki's movies are so truely On the specialised degree, Lasetter film LuxoJr
about brilliant and shrewdness, but all the movies do shows the utilization of shadow maps to breed the
deliver his bits of know-how into every one of the shifting mild and shadow given thru the vivified
characters form. While Princess Mononoke became lighting fixtures. [16] The lights and the shading
definitely about proper and shrewdness, it became surfaces of the vast amount of articles are decided,
looking his excellent movies that introduced on us to every utilisinga RenderMan ground coloration, not
renowned how profound is bits of know-how into floor surfaces. [16] The rationalization man or
the human condition definitely are. woman of "appendages" is intentionally planned,
and energy strings path convincingly at the back of
Beside wonderful and wickedness, his films display the shifting lighting fixtures. [16]
different truly vast and brilliant excellencies. He
indicates the requirement for a noble cause and For "Vehicles," in extra of a hundred high-quality
benevolence, demonstrating love no longer as a automobile characters have been made, and
"wonderful sentiment" but as a demonstration of executive LaseteerLasseter demanded that they look
actual man or woman and generosity. He moreover as right as might be prudent. [17] His style of film
indicates the requirement for mental fortitude, in approach in which the characters are steel and
place of primary characters being ameliorated or vigorously molded implied concocting creative
energized continuously all through the tale, they're strategies to precisely display reflections. "Autos"
just provided astuteness and steering leaving it to turned into the first Pixar film to utilize "beam
them to tail it. He would not pander to the group, following," a system that allows the car stars to
however movements his watchers to enlarge and safely replicate their surroundings especially after
amplify. [14] rendering. [17]

IV. DISCUSSION Laseteer might not want the vehicles interest film to
appear mud like or gentle. Laseteer lean towards
Laseteer from my belief at the same time as metal needs to experience like metal. Glass need to
enlivening characters, every keyframe, and every experience like glass. His expectation closer to CG

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 12333

March - April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 12328 - 12335

movement pics mainly in 3-D has prompted him to From the table above, it shows that Hayao Miyazaki
sense These motors need to feel large once they flow has building up him a commonplace illustrator and
into they must enjoy as although they gauge 3 or constantly positioned Japanese impact as a function
4,000 pounds and not mild and fun like elastic toys. of his style in his movie. Miyazaki in spite of the
Lasetter has this creative mind and recognition on 3- truth that did not consciousness on three-D
D movement to look often practical with the purpose streamline, however he has he declare lively in
for crowd to have the "authenticity" and fantastic in Traditional liveliness. For Lasetter, the style of tale
his movie. and motion identifies with right situation as what
we've got study from Toy Story or maybe his brief
In spite of the truth that the Pixar Cars models had
movie Luxo Jr. Are completely based on truth. For
been fabricated so they might be moved into any
example, Toy Story is based totally totally from
position, Lasseter usually guarantee that the
Toys that children performed and LuxoJr is largely
characters had been fabricated from steel and on this
adjusted from his moderate exam mild that Laseteer
manner could not increase. Laseteer's fashion and
has in his workplace. His hobby bearing is greater
making and invigorating person shape for his film
attention in three-D and CGI concept but the thanks
has sincerely given a few different range for belief
on 2D traditional liveliness strategy is continually
and visible account leisure in movie interest
being alluded. His hobby method is more spotlight
on affordable rendering, finishing and simple
character plan.
This exploration has being noteworthy in searching
the style and reasoning of ace liveliness pioneer that
has genuinely contributed toward film craftsmanship
and style has without a doubt given a huge range in
movie seen workmanship and motion approaches. I
Figure 8.0 The creative team conducted research be for the reason that the more youthful age and
at auto shows and body furthermore film producers round the world should
have the selection to alter a element in their film
Shops to get the right colors and shades for the
style in destiny.
Table 1.0 The table below shows different film
approach by both Hayao Miyazaki I may want to reveal my assist to Creative
&LaseteerLesetter Multimedia Lecturers from movement organization
Hayo Miyazaki LaseteerLesetter
mainly MrFauzi and Rafidei for giving me the assist
More on Protagonist & Antagonist Emphasize on storyline and
towards the development of this exam. This exam
(good & evil) Character simple character has given me a vital comprehension of experts
Character Fly Sequence in film Colourful concept to character and
background REFERENCES
Influence by Japanese Traditional Focus on kids and family value
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March - April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 12328 - 12335

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Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 12335

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