3rd June Plan

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See ee ee en eee eee take dire i it Bitte ses on and withdrew its approval Cabinet ay erm and long-term plan of the Mae ission. Congress immediately, on lim League's decision of withdrawing its approval of the Cabinet Mission plan, announced its acceptance to join the Interim Government. The Viceroy gave invitation to Muslim League to join the Government which the Muslim League accepted in the larger interest of Muslims of India. JUNE 3 PLAN Prime Minister Attlee declared in Parliament that India would be freed by 20th February, 1948. He said in the House of Commons, ‘it is a mission, it is a mission of fulfilment.” Lord Mounbatten had been appointed as the last Viceroy of India who was to replace Lord Wavell. Lord Mountbatten arrived in India on March 22, 1947. He came charged with the mission to make a peaceful transfer of power from British to Indians by June 1948. Lord Mountbatten was told by the Prime Minister Attlee to hand over the power to the Indians by 1st June, 1948. The Prime Minister in a letter directed the Viceroy to do his utmost to keep the unity of India. The Prime Minister wrote that it was the definite objective of His Majesty's Government to obtain a unitary Government for British India in accordance with the Cabinet Mission Plan. Upon his arrival in India, Lord Mountbatten had to face many problems regarding peaceful transfer of power. Muslim League was demanding partition of India and was not prepared to accept anything less of Pakistan. On the other hand Congress was pressing hard for the transfer of power to Hindu dominated Constituent Assembly. Another set of problem was created by the choice of June 1948, as the effective date for the transfer of power. The fifteen months were too short period for the innumerable political, constitutional and administrative decisions involved. Lord Mountbatten soon began negotiations with the political leaders g India. Having successfully completed hig task Mountbatten entered into discussions with Indian leaders on the constitutiong problems. ‘After prolonged talks, Mountbatten had worked out a partition plan by the middle of April 1947. It was felt if the partition came it should be the responsibilty of the Indians. The Working Committee of Congress met on May 1, 1947 and gave its acceptance of the partition plan. Muslim League also gave its approval to the final draft of the partition plan. Mountbatten went to England to seek the approval of the British Government which was duly accorded. The plan was issued on June 3, 1947 and is known as June 3 Plan. The main characteristics of the plan are as follows:-~ 1. The Legislatures of Punjab and Bengal shall decide — whether the provinces should be divided or not. 2. The Indian people shall_make the Constitution of India. This Constitution shall not be applicable to those areas whose people reject it. 3. Referendum shall be held in N.W.F-P. 4. Province of Balochistan shall adopt appropriate way to decide its future. 5. States shall be free and independent to join one or the other country. 6. A Boundary Commission shall be set up after partition which will demarcate the boundaries of the two countries. 7. Both countries shall have their own Governor-Generals who will be the Executive Heads of their respecliv® countries. 8 Military assets shall be divided amongst two countries after partition.

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