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Contemporary Teaching Methods Professional Resource

The Learning Environment

By Christy Creecy
Why I Chose Teaching as a Career
Instructional Delivery and Facilitation

Table of Contents
Parent Letter Translation
Contemporary teaching methods is the act of using the ideas and philosophies of educators before us
and combining it with your own ideas and philosophies to form a new way of teaching the next generation.
To try and grasp the concept of contemporary teaching I like to think of this method as a modern art piece
in a gallery. To many, it may seem to be an odd shaped structure that has no meaning and was probably
created by some weird guy in his basement. But to those who really open their eyes, it can possess a
more precious meaning. The art piece takes a simple canvas a creates it into his own liking, creating a
new path. That to me is what contemporary teaching is about. Creating your own to your liking!
Contemporary teaching is such an important aspect in education nowadays. Creativity has become a
necessity in the classroom and creates new ways to teach. The creativity thus keeps the learning
environment intriguing and motivational. Because the teachers start to creates new ways to teach, the
students become influenced to become creative themselves. Creativity has now become the learning gift
that keeps on giving.
Contemporary teaching will always be a learning and teaching staple. New ideas and philosophies will
come and learning techniques will change to modify each generation of that time. It is the most effective
way of teaching. I hope to day bare gifts of creative teaching as the others before me. The ideas are
In what world does someone not have music as a part of their life? Not Earth. Every human being has
music embed in it some kind of way, whether it’s through celebration, worship, communication; we find a
way to express it through music. The tool of music is powerful because it is the only art where you cannot
physically see it, but you can feel it mentally. Being educated in this vital subject can and will increase a
child’s ability to understand the full concept of what it really is and use it in the world.
In my classroom, my goal is to educate my students in the most effective way so that they can use the
tools to become productive in the world. Because I consider myself with an existential state of philosophy
I will do a lot of teacher and student hands on activities. In order to learn music you HAVE to be hands on
because it is an instrument you are learning and you need to know how to operate it. Therefore, I will
always promote experimenting and exploring with your instrument. Trying to find out the different ranges
and pitches it offers will force you to spend time with your instrument, and in turn you will become better
at playing.
Communication is another important factor on my philosophy of teaching. I feel that if the students are
doing it wrong it is something you didn’t communicate properly to them for them to understand. Not to be
too hard on myself but I too was a student at one point in time and If I didn’t understand the teacher then I
didn’t get the instructions right. In order to teach to the best of your ability you have to know your class
which brings me to my next point.
If you do not fully know the different intelligences that each individual has in the classroom, you will not be
able to connect to them. Teaching several different styles will help them learn. Just because it’s a music
class doesn’t mean everyone is a musical learner. There will be logical, spatial, linguistic, and other types
of learners getting taught the same thing.
Hopefully when the time comes I will have a successful class with my teaching philosophy!
Continuous Professional Improvement

Contemporary Teaching Definition

Parent Letter
Professional Responsibility and Ethical Conduct
Instructional Design and Lesson Planning
Why I Chose Teaching as a Career

 Music Education and my love for it

Contemporary Teaching Definition

Parent Letter
Lesson Plans

 Reading
 Mathematics
 Science
 Social Studies
 Music
 Physical Science


 Florida Educators Accomplished Practices


 Reflective Practice*Essential Knowledge*Assessment*Professionalism


 Practicum A
 Observe Teacher

Professional Resume


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