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Glycoconj J

DOI 10.1007/s10719-016-9684-0


Changes of glycoconjugate expression profiles

during early development
Kazuko Handa 1 & Sen-itiroh Hakomori 1,2

Received: 12 April 2016 / Revised: 23 May 2016 / Accepted: 24 May 2016

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

Abstract A variety of glycoconjugates, including neolacto/lacto-series to ganglio-series was observed dur-

glycosphingolipids (GSLs), expressed in mammalian tissues ing differentiation of human EC cells and embryonic stem
and cells were isolated and characterized in early biochemical (ES) cells, reflecting the essential role of cell surface
studies. Later studies of virus-transformed fibroblasts demon- glycoconjugates in early development.
strated the association of GSL expression profiles with cell
phenotypes. Changes of GSL expression profile were observed Keywords Glycoconjugate . Glycosphingolipid . Embryonal
during mammalian embryogenesis. Cell surface molecules carcinoma . Embryonic stem cell . Stage-specific embryonic
expressed on embryos in a stage-specific manner appeared to antigen . Embryogenesis
play key roles in regulation of cell-cell interaction and cell
sorting during early development. Many mAbs showing
stage-specific reactivity with mouse embryos were shown to Introduction
recognize carbohydrate epitopes. Among various stage-
specific embryonic antigens (SSEAs), SSEA-1 was found to Biochemical research, during its early stages, was focused on
react with neolacto-series GSL Lex, while SSEA-3 and SSEA-4 isolation, purification, and characterization of a wide variety of
reacted with globo-series Gb5 and monosialyl-Gb5, respective- biomolecules, including glycosphingolipids (GSLs), from tis-
ly. GSL expression during mouse early development was sues and cells. Pioneering studies during the early 1960s by G.
shown to shift rapidly from globo-series to neolacto/lacto-se- Blix, E. Klenk, T. Yamakawa, and R. Kuhn led to identification
ries, and then to ganglio-series. We found that multivalent Lex of such GSLs as cerebrosides (GalCer, GlcCer), sulfatide,
caused decompaction of mouse embryos, indicating a LacCer, brain gangliosides and a tetrasaccharide-containing
functional role of Lex epitope in the compaction pro- GSL (later termed Bgloboside^) [1–3]. GSLs were shown to
cess. Autoaggregation of mouse embryonal carcinoma be localized primarily in the outer leaflet of the lipid bilayer of
(EC) F9 cells provided a useful model of the compaction plasma membranes. Over 1000 distinct GSLs have been
process. We showed that Lex-Lex interaction, a novel type of identified to date. They display great structural diversity,
molecular interavction termed carbohydrate-carbohydrate in- but can be classified into four general groups on the
teraction (CCI), was involved in cell aggregation. Similar basis of core structure: globo-(Galα4Gal), lacto-
shifting of GSL expression profiles from globo-series and (Galβ3GlcNAcβ3Gal), neolacto- (Galβ4GlcNAcβ3Gal),
and ganglio-series (GalNAcβ4Gal). Lacto- and neolacto-
series core structures are also termed as type 1 and type 2
* Sen-itiroh Hakomori
chains, respectively. S. Iseki [4], S. Luria, and P. Robbins [5, 6] demonstrated that
structural changes of bacterial surface lipopolysaccharides by
Division of Biomembrane Research, Pacific Northwest Research phage-induced lysogenic transformation resulted in striking
Institute, 720 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98112, USA phenotypic changes, e.g., in growth behavior and colony shape.
Departments of Pathobiology and Global Health, University of These studies of bacteria led to the novel concept that
Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA cell surface glycans, even in eukaryotic cells, may
Glycoconj J

determine various phenotypic processes, including Expression changes of glycoepitopes during mouse
ontogenic development and oncogenic transformation. embryogenesis
Demonstration of striking changes of GSL expression associ-
ated with DNA virus-induced transformation of hamster and It had been predicted that cell surface molecules showing
mouse fibroblasts [7–9] provided the first clear illustration of stage-specific expression on mammalian embryos play impor-
this concept. tant roles in regulation of cell-cell interaction and cell sorting
Subsequent studies (detailed below) revealed similar major during early embryonic development and differentiation.
changes of glycan epitopes during early embryonic develop- Studies during the early 1970s reported several candidate mol-
ment and differentiation of embryonal carcinoma (EC) and ecules based on the use of various antisera [11, 12]. However,
embryonic stem (ES) cells. Various EC cell lines were the reliability of such studies was limited because of cross-
established from teratocarcinomas, i.e., malignant tumors reactivity of the antisera. Following the establishment of hy-
characterized by the presence of EC cells together with vari- bridoma technology in the mid-1980s [13], Solter et al. pre-
ous differentiated cell types derived from the primary germ pared mAbs that recognized epitopes expressed on the embryo
layers. EC cells are the pluripotent stem cells of such tumors, cell surface at specific stages, through immunization of mouse
and show remarkable morphological and biochemical similar- EC F9 cells or embryos at various stages. Epitopes that were
ities to pluripotent cells of early embryos. Isolated clonal lines defined by such mAbs and expressed on the cell surface in a
of mouse EC cells retain their pluripotency during in vitro temporally and spatially restricted manner were termed collec-
culture, and their ability to form teratocarcinomas when tively as stage-specific embryonic antigens (SSEAs), and indi-
injected into histocompatible mice. Clonal EC cell lines vidually as SSEA-1, −2, −3, etc. Unexpectedly, many SSEAs
provide useful models for research on embryogenesis were identified as glycoconjugates, i.e., glycans expressed in
and have been extensively used in studies of mammalian early the form of GSLs, glycoproteins, or proteoglycans. Anti-
development [10]. SSEA-1 mAb was established through immunization of F9

Table 1 The structures of GSLs described in this mini review

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cells [14], and SSEA-1 was identified as Lex epitope [15–18]. and its derivative, extraembryonic visceral endoderm. After
Anti-SSEA-3 mAb (MC631) was derived from rats immu- day 7, SSEA-3 expression is restricted to extraembryonic vis-
nized with mouse embryos at the 4–8 cell stage, and anti- ceral endoderm and visceral yolk sac cells [23]. In contrast to
SSEA-4 mAb (MC813–70) was obtained from mice immu- SSEA-3 and −4, Forssman antigen first appears on the embryo
nized with human EC 2102Ep cells. Using GSLs prepared surface after the third cleavage, and during blastocyst forma-
from EC 2102Ep cells, SSEA-3 and −4 epitopes were identi- tion its expression is limited to the ICM [24]. The appearance
fied as globo-series Gb5 and monosialyl-Gb5, respectively of Forssman antigen may be coupled to loss of SSEA-3 and
[19, 20]. These findings reflect the functional importance of −4 at the 8-cell stage, reflecting changes in the dynamic bal-
glycosylation in defining the developmental process [21, 22]. ance of glycosyltransferases that compete for globoside as
During preimplantation development, the mouse embryo substrate. Cell staining and complement-mediated lysis assays
passes through a series of stages termed 1-cell, 2-cell, 4-cell, have shown that SSEA-1 first appears on blastomeres of 8-cell
compaction, morula, blastocyst, etc. The fertilized egg un- stage embryos, is expressed strongly at morula stage, and
dergoes successive cleavages (e.g., 2-cell and 4-cell stages), declines following compaction, suggesting possible involve-
and then the compaction process leading to formation of the ment of SSEA-1 in the compaction process. SSEA-1 is also
morula. At 2.5 or 3 days after fertilization, the first visible expressed at the ICM and transiently in trophectodermal cells
differentiation occurs. The outer cells of the morula develop [14, 22]. Ley was detected in trophectodermal cells of blasto-
into a single layer (Btrophectoderm^), and the inner cells give cyst using specific mAb AH6 [25], and shown to play an
rise to a blastocoelic cavity and inner cell mass (ICM); the important role in implantation [26, 27]. Various ganglio-
resulting structure is the blastocyst. Mouse embryos express series GSLs are expressed in post-implantation mouse embry-
predominantly globo-series GSLs such as globoside, os. A blood group-I-associated antigen, defined by specific
Forssman antigen, SSEA-3, and SSEA-4 (see structures in mAb C6 [28], was detected in mesodermal cells and their
Table 1). SSEA-3 and −4 are synthesized during oogenesis, derivatives [29] (Fig. 1)
and are present on membranes of oocytes, zygotes, and em- The compaction process is controlled in part by a number
bryos at early cleavage stages [19, 21]. SSEA-3 disappears at of cell surface molecules, including cadherin (uvomorulin)
the early blastocyst stage, but subsequently reappears during [30] and gap junction proteins [31]. The striking change of
early post-implantation development on primitive endoderm Lex expression level at the compaction stage suggested that

Fig. 1 Stage-specific shifting of Fertilization Implantation

carbohydrate epitope expression Day: 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.25 3.5 7
from globo-series to
neolacto-series, and then to Compaction
ganglio-series, during early
mouse developement. T: I
trophectoderm; I: inner cell mass.
: Glc; ○: Gal; : GalNAc; :
SA; : Fuc; ●: GlcNAc.
Modified from Ref. [9] 2 cell 4 cells 8 cells 16 cells 32 cells 64-100 cells

Globo- Neolacto- Ganglio-

Glycoconj J

Fig. 2 Involvement of Lex

antigen in mouse embryonic cell
adhesion. Compacted 8- to
16-cell embryos a were cultured
in the presence of 1 mM trivalent
Lex-lysyllysine b or trivalent
Lea-lysyllysine c for 12 h.
Molecular structures are shown at
right. Modified from Ref. [32]

Lex may play a role in stabilizing the compaction process by studies showed that (i) only Lex-expressing cells, but not
maximizing intercellular contacts. To test this possibility, we Lex-negative variant cells, adhered to Lex-coated plates, (ii)
purified Lex and Lea oligosaccharides from human milk and the major carrier of Le x hapten in F9 cells was
examined their effects on compacted mouse embryos in two polylactosaminoglycan with high mass range, (iii) the
molecular forms: monomers and multimers attached to the polylactosaminoglycan fractions autoaggregated in the pres-
primary amino group of lysyllysine. Multivalent Lex conju- ence of Ca2+, and (iv) the autoaggregation was abolished by
gated to lysyllysine had a striking effect: individual blasto- fucosidase treatment [39, 40] (Fig. 3). Taken together, these
meres in the embryos assumed a rounded shape and lost their findings suggested that Lex hapten expressed on one cell rec-
close apposition of membranes. This morphological effect ognized Lex expressed on another cell that Ca2+ was necessary
(termed Bdecompaction^) was not observed for monovalent for the recognition, and that Lex-Lex interaction was involved
Lex oligosaccharide by itself or mixed with lysyllysine, nor for in F9 cell autoaggregation. Lex-Lex interaction was subse-
multivalent Lea conjugated to lysyllysine (Fig. 2). The quently confirmed by other groups using physicochemical
decompacting effect of multivalent Lex was observed at con- techniques such as NMR spectroscopy and atomic force
centrations ranging from 0.1–1.0 mM. The possibility that the
effect was due to cell toxicity was ruled out by trypan blue
exclusion test [32]. Because decompaction was caused by a
multivalent Lex hapten but not by monovalent Lex oligosac-
charide, Lex valency is evidently crucial. Bird and Kimber
made similar observations [33], and T. Feizi’s group demon-
strated the importance of carbohydrate antigens in early de-
velopment [34].
Compaction is the first of many cell-cell interactions that
occur during embryogenesis. Ca2+ is required for compaction
[35], and a molecule involved in Ca2+-mediated cell adhesion
was reported [36, 37]. Our finding that multivalent Lex is in-
volved suggested a role in compaction of some molecule that
recognizes multivalent Lex hapten. To search for such a mole-
cule expressed on the cell surface, we used autoaggregation of
mouse F9 EC cells as a model of compaction. F9 cells, which
were used to establish anti-SSEA-1 mAb, highly express Lex
(SSEA-1) epitope, as well as Gb4 and Forssman antigen, Fig. 3 a Lactosaminoglycan (Bembryoglycan^; LAG) fractions were
which are expressed during mouse embryogenesis [24]. F9 prepared in the presence of EDTA from F9 cells (Lex-positive mouse
autoaggregation was inhibited by trivalent Lex, but not by tri- EC cell line) and PSY-2 cells (Lex-negative mouse EC cell line)
metabolically labeled with [3H]GlcNAc. Radioactivity in precipitates
valent Lea, similarly to mouse embryo compaction. A search (ppt) formed after dialysis against buffer containing 5 mM Ca2+ are
for a Lex-binding protein in F9 cells capable of blocking anti- shown as % total activity. b LAG from labeled F9 cells was digested
SSEA-1 mAb binding to F9 cells led to isolation of a 15–25 kD with pronase to produce LAG-glycopeptide (LAG-GP), and subjected
component that displayed inhibitory activity. The component to gel filtration. Radioactivity was measured for each fraction. Gel
filtration patterns of LAG-GP in the presence of Ca2+ or EDTA, and
did not have detectable protein content, and its inhibitory ac- of LAG-GP treated with bovine liver α-fucosidase, are shown. a and
tivity was unaffected by proteinase digestion, suggesting that b, high molecular weight aggregates. Vo, void volume. Vi, column
the component was a glycoconjugate [38]. Our subsequent volume. Modified from Ref. [40]
Glycoconj J

microscopy [41–43]. It was also demonstrated that Gb4 inter- Summary

acts with SSEA3 or nLc4 using human EC 2102Ep cells,
which highly express these glycans [44]. Studies by our group Cell surface molecules shown in early studies to be expressed
and others showed clearly that this novel type of molecular in a stage-specific manner on mammalian embryos were pre-
interaction, termed carbohydrate-carbohydrate interaction sumed to play important roles in regulation of cell-cell inter-
(CCI), occurred between various carbohydrate pairs (e.g., action and cell sorting during embryogenesis. Studies along
GM3-Gg3, GM3-LacCer), and is involved in biological pro- this line were greatly accelerated by development of mAb
cesses such as growth factor-induced cell growth and cancer technology. Unexpectedly, many mAbs showing stage-
metastasis [45–51]. specific reactivity with embryos (e.g., anti-SSEA-1, −SSEA-
3, and -SSEA-4) were found to recognize carbohydrate epi-
topes. The SSEA-1 epitope was identified as neolacto-series
Expression changes of glycoepitopes Lex, while those of SSEA-3 and −4 were globo-series Gb5
during differentiation of EC and ES cells and monosialyl-Gb5, respectively. GSL expression during the
course of mouse embryogenesis was found to shift rapidly
A pluripotent human EC cell line, NTERA-2, was cloned by from globo-series to neolacto/lacto-series, and then to
P. Andrews’ group from teratocarcinoma-derived cell line ganglio-series. Similar shifting of GSL core structures was
TERA-2 [52]. NTERA-2 cells cultured in the presence of demonstrated during differentiation of human EC cells and
retinoic acid undergo extensive differentiation into various ES cells. Multivalent Lex was shown to cause decompaction
somatic cell types, including neuronal cells [53, 54]. in mouse embryos, reflecting the essential role of cell surface
Similarly to GSL core structures in mouse embryos, undiffer- glycoconjugates in embryonic development.
entiated NTERA-2 cells express predominantly globo-series
GSLs such as Gb3, globoside, SSEA-3, SSEA-4, globo-H, Acknowledgments Original studies by our group described here were
supported by National Institutes of Health R01 CA20026, GM23100,
and globo-A [55] (Table 1). Induction of differentiation by
CA080054, National Cancer Institute Outstanding Investigator Grant
cell culture in the presence of 10−5 M retinoic acid resulted CA42505 (to S.H.), and The Biomembrane Institute. The authors are
in a remarkable shift of GSL expression pattern. The differen- grateful to Dr. S. Anderson for English editing of the manuscript, and to
tiated cells showed reduced expression of globo-series GSLs, Mylinh Bui for secretarial assistance.
and increased expression of lacto/neolacto-series GSLs (Lex,
sialosyl type 2 chain) and of ganglio-series GSLs (GM3,
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