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Data Types Super Globals

integer, float, boolean, string, array, object, resource, NULL $GLOBALS (Access all global variables in script)
$_SERVER (Access web server variables)
Variable Declarations $_GET (Values passed to script through URL)
$variablename = <value>; $_POST (Values passed to script through HTTP Post)
$anothervariable =& $variablename; (Assign by Reference) $_COOKIE (Values passed by user cookie)
$_FILES (Values
( passed by HTTP Post File Uploads)
Declare Array $_ENV (Values passed to script via the environment)
$arrayname = array(); $_REQUEST (Values passed by URL, HTTP Post, or user Cookies)
$_SESSION (Values passed through user's session)
Initialize Array
$arrayname = array(<value1>, <value2>, <value3>); If Else
$arrayname = array(<key> => <value>, <key> => <value>); (Define Keys) if (<condition 1>)
$multiarray = array(<key> => array(<value1>,<value2>)); (Multi-dimensional) { <statement 1>; }
elseif (<condition 2>)
Common Array Functions { <statement 2>; }
sort(<array>); (Sort array assigns new keys) else
asort(<array>); (Sort array maintain keys) { <statement 3>; }
rsort(<array>); (Sort array in reverse, new keys)
arsort(<array>); (Sort array in reverse, maintain keys) Inline If (Ternary)
count(<array>); (Count elements) <condition> ? true : false;
count(<array>,COUNT_RECURSIVE); (Count multidimensional array)
array_push(<array>,<value>); (Push item onto end of array) For Loop
array_pop(<array>); (Pop item off end of array) for (<initialize>;<condition>;<update>)
Comments <statements>;
// Comment text }
/* Multi-line comment text */
# Comment text For Each Loop
foreach (<array> as [<value> |<key> => <value>])
Arithmetic Operators {
+ (Addition), - (Subtraction), * (Multiplication), / (Division), % (Modulus) <statements>;
Relational Operators [continue];
== (Equal), === (Equal with type comparison), != (Not equal), <> (Not equal), !== (Not Equal }
with type comparison), < (Less than), > (Greater than), <= (Less than or equal to), >=
(Greater than or equal to) While Loop
while (<condition>)
Logical Operators {
! (logical NOT), && (logical AND), || (logical OR), xor (logical XOR) <statements>;
Assignment Operators
= (Assign), += (Addition), -= (Subtraction), *= (Multiplication), /= (Division), .= Do-While Loop
(Concatenation), %= (Modulus), &= (And), |= (Or), ^= (Exclusive Or), <<= (Left Shift), >>= do
(Right Shift) {
String Concatenation } while (<condition>);
. (Period)
String Manipulation switch (<expression>)
substr(<string>,<start>,[<length>]); {
strlen(<string>); case <literal or type>:
trim(<string>); <statements>;
ltrim(<string>); // Trim left [break;]
rtrim(<string>); // Trim right case <literal or type>:
strtolower(<string>); <statements>;
strtoupper(<string>); [break;]
str_replace(<search>,<replace>,<string>,[<count>]); default:
strpos(<string>, <search>); <statements>;
strcmp(<string1>,<string2>); (Binary safe string comparison) }
strcasecmp(<string1>,<string2>); (Binary safe case-insensitive comparison)
explode(<delim>,<string>,[<limit>]); (Break string into array) Function Structure
implode(<delim>,<array>); (Join array into string separated by delim) function <function_name>([<parameters>])
Cookies <statements>;
setcookie (<cookiename>, [<value>],[<expire_time_in_secs_since_epoch>]); [return <value>;]
$_COOKIE['cookiename']; (Returns value of cookie) }

Sessions Class Structure

session_start(); (Create session) class <class_name> [<extends base_class>]
$_SESSION['key_name'] = value; (Set session variable) {
$variablename = $_SESSION['key_name']; (Retrieve value from session variable) [var | <modifiers*>] [<class member variables>];
session_destroy(); (Destroy session) [<modifiers*>] function <function_name>([<parameters>])
Error Handling <statements>;
try { }
<statements that may cause error>; }
catch (<Exception Class> $exception_name) * Modifiers <public | pr ivate | static> are implemented in PHP5
<statements to execute when error is caught>; Declare and Use Class
} $variable = new class_name();
class_name::function_name(); (Static call)

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Edited By: hotsnoj, Martyr2
Published: October 18, 2007

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