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Micro Economics

Outsourcing and climbing a value


A value chain is a core concept and the properly proportioned cost of efficiently. Firms in CDM business do the
of manufacturing economics. Yet, business materials, labor, chemicals, and capital ser- same things as firms in the CM business,
reporters often misuse the concept when vices needed to produce that final output. plus they can help the client design their
discussing global outsourcing in electron- To be sure, value added is not easy to supply chain, assisting them with parts
ic equipment manufacturing. measure at a fine level of detail. The same procurement and other engineering logis-
This confusion is, fortunately, cor- example illustrates why. Integrated circuit tics. Firms in the ODM business go even
rectable with one big insight: There are manufacturing involves hundreds of steps, further. They initiate designs, do the CDM,
two distinct strategies for improving a leaving silicon disks in partial states of organize all aspects of supply, logistics,
firm’s value chain. Once these strategies etching. There is no market value for such and so on. In this case, the client just
are clarified, it exposes the problems with intermediate goods. Fortunately, for most brands the end product and distributes it.
today’s policy debate about outsourcing. strategic issues these ambiguities usual- For example, three large firms in these
ly do not get in the way. markets, Flextronics, Selectron, and San-
What is a value chain? Firms aspire to increase their plants’ mina, began their existence doing CM ser-
We begin with some key terminology: value added, which is often called climb- vices. Today, they all do plenty of CDM
value chain, supply chain, value added, and ing a value chain. There are two strategies services too. They also aspire to be in the
climbing a value chain. Understanding for making such a climb. In each case, it is ODM business in specific product areas.
these terms is the fun part. harder to do than it sounds. Their recent expansion across services is
A supply chain describes the flow of inter- impressive because it is a high-risk busi-
mediate parts on the way to assembling a Process climbing ness with little margin for error.
final product—that is, all the steps from raw One strategy for climbing a value chain By the way, there is no mystery about
materials to the final goods. In contrast, a is familiar to most participants in the engi- why clients hire them. These firms are
value chain puts a dollar value on each step neering services market. It involves taking inexpensive, and they have a history of
in a supply chain. It might sound like a small control of more processes before and dur- meeting their contractual obligations. They
difference, but it is huge for some strategic ing the supply chain. also are successful. In 2004, Flextronics
business issues, such as learning which Broadly speaking, this is the difference pulled in $16 billion with 92,000 employ-
plants have valuable operations. between contract manufacturing (CM), ees worldwide, while Selectron pulled in
In practice, when a smart accountant contract design and manufacturing (CDM), $11 billion with 42,000 employees. San-
measures the value chain, he or she cal- and original design and manufacturing mina made $12.2 billion with 35,500
culates value added—the difference (ODM)—one way to climb the value chain employees. I could easily list another
between the market value of the inputs is to move from CM to CDM to ODM. dozen firms who do this at a mildly small-
and the market value of the final goods While there are many shades of gray er scale. Altogether, this business is huge.
after the plant ships them. between these, to illustrate the point let
For example, a standard microproces- me starkly state the difference. Product position climbing
sor plant will buy silicon ingots, chemicals, Firms in the CM business specialize in There is another strategy for climbing a
equipment, and labor services. Later, thou- assembly. They receive the design from value chain, one that has to do with alter-
sands of chips exit the plant for sale. The the client and take instructions about ing a product line.
value added of the plant is the difference which components to use. The CM firm Most new firms cannot unveil an entire
in market value between the final products focuses on putting together the product continued on p. 83

84 Published by the IEEE Computer Society 0272-1732/05/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE

continued from p. 84 be sure, it is not an easy strategy to pull off It is a fascinating tension. The very firms
product line instantaneously. As a result, and a lot of firms fail at it, especially in the who are resisting Flextronic’s initiatives in
many follow a well-known strategy for consumer-oriented electronics business. the ODM market are customers for Flex-
growth: start low and broaden later. That tronic’s CDM services.
is, they may enter a market with the low- Two strategies in balance In other words, branded companies use
cost commodity product, compete on Sometimes climbing with one strategy the CDM firms for a variety of services
price, develop a brand reputation, and learn determines what a firm does with the because competitive pressures propel it.
about distribution channels. Over time, other. For example, a firm that is trying to Yet, none of the branded firms wants to go
they spread the product line into other climb by repositioning products can too far with this type of sourcing because
product segments (or even other products) employ CDM services to their advantage. it potentially nurtures the migration of
where a higher value added resides. When the MP3 craze began developing tomorrow’s high value added activity to
Historical events in the automobile mar- half dozen years ago, many non-branded today’s manufacturer of the low-value
ket illustrate this notion. When Toyota and firms began offering MP3 players using added product.
Honda first started exporting abroad in the CDM firms for part or all of their product
1960s, they started at the low end. They line. They rebranded the final product and Political realities
entered with a low-priced product in the started distributing. They were trying to Up to a point, most consumers have a
non-luxury segment for small cars. As develop brand recognition and planned to stake in watching other firms succeed in
they developed a distribution network, expand later. climbing the value chain. In the last decade
they started producing higher quality Unfortunately for most of these new such climbing made cell phone handsets
autos with higher prices aimed at a firms, Apple did them one better. Apple cheaper and better. Same goes for laser
wealthier clientele—sedans, station wag- also sourced most of its iPod hardware printers, VCRs, televisions, radios, pagers,
ons, and eventually SUVs. Both of them from firms offering CM services after it notebooks, routers, switches, storage
even started new brands—Lexus and designed the product itself, using some devices, PDAs, medical scanners, and
Acura—to give the luxury products a dif- frontier components. Then Apple arranged more electronics products than I have
ferent status in the 1980s. for iTunes. As a result, Apple positioned the space to list.
Now and again a firm pulls off a similar iPod in a place that most of the other new But certain political realities must be
sort of product repositioning in consumer MP3 firms could not imitate. considered too. Most firms that offer CDM
electronics. Sony, which started business Sometimes there can be tension services locate a lot of their activity in East
in transistor radios and recording devices, between the two strategies for climbing. For Asia, which is a source of political sore-
was a pioneer at this and eventually found example, most well established (and brand- ness. Politicians like to complain about los-
its way into a broad range of frontier con- ed) electronics firms today contract for CDM ing jobs to global markets and doing so
sumer electronics decades ago. In that era, services in the “commodity” low end of plays well in Peoria and anywhere else
Sony was followed closely by Hitachi, electronics and undifferentiated sub-assem- where manufacturing jobs were once
Toshiba, and many other Japanese firms. bly, where the pricing pressure is severe. abundant.
Along with the entry of the auto compa- Yet, that is not the whole story. On the other Yet, those complaints are echoes of the
nies, this period was popularly known as side of these transactions are firms like Flex- Japanese invasion, an era in which firms
the Japanese invasion. tronics, Solectron, and Samnina. climbed through product repositioning.
Recently, many of the new firms have Flextronics would like to be in ODM mar- Today, we are in an era of climbing through
come from other countries. For example, kets where the value added is higher, but it processes. Most of these assembly jobs
both Samsung and Daewoo made it all the has had difficulty breaking into ODM ser- pay lousy wages. We have the wrong lan-
way from manufacturing low-end com- vices. Why? In brief, just because Flex- guage for the policy concern of the present.
modity electronics products to offering tronics knows about manufacturing does I think the question is still open. At what
many products in many segments, high not mean its managers know much about point does climbing become too much of
and low. what consumers want in, say, a new a good thing?
Broadly speaking, change in product design for a cell phone design or a laser I am not sure myself, and I would like to
positioning involves a large number of busi- printer. Moreover, firms with large market- know. Wouldn’t you? We all have nothing
ness decisions, such as smart reuse of ing departments who do know something to lose but our worrisome value-chains.
assets, careful planning of rollouts, brand about consumer buying habits—such as
development, channel refinement, and Sony, Nokia, Motorola, Ericsson, or Hewlett
marketing deals at retail outlets. This is Packard—resist rebranding a high end For further information on this or any
tough to do well. The process is vulnerable design from Flextronics because the brand- other computing topic, visit our Digital
to consumer fickleness and other related ed firms have their greatest value added in Library at
risks associated with volatile demand. To the luxury end of their product line. publications/dlib/.


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