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Unit THEME: People and Culture

1 Family Ties

RE AD ING 1 A N D 2 SoW Lessons 1, 2

A Arrange the following paragraphs in the correct order using the flow chart given below.
LS 3.1.1

Maya is the second eldest child. She is very active in her school activities and plays a lot of sports. She
is slim, tanned and acts like a tomboy. Her hair is short and curly. She’s always dressed in shorts or jeans
A and T-shirts. She has her father’s smile and high nose. She is a good sportsperson like her father and
represents her school in volleyball, netball and athletics.

Deana is the 4-year-old baby of the family. She is more like her mother in both looks and personality. She
B loves food. She has soft, curly hair and big round eyes. She loves music and often dances to the songs that
she likes.

Sue and Bobby have four children, ranging from 4 to 18 years old. Bobby is tall, well built and good-looking.
C Sue, on the other hand, is small and slender. Bobby is an active sportsman while Sue is more interested in
music, reading and indoor games. Their first two children enjoy the outdoors like their father.

Billy, who is 12 years old, is the third child. He is dark and slim, with short straight hair. He looks more like
his father, but has more of his mother’s personality traits. He enjoys watching TV and playing online games.

Their eldest child is Mina, who is 18. She is tall and slim. Her hair is long and wavy. For school, she has to tie
E her hair in a ponytail. She likes outdoor activities very much. She is a good athlete and excels in whatever
sport she plays.

B Work in groups. Identify three main points in the paragraphs above. Then, compare your
main points with another group. LS 3.1.1

C Based on the paragraphs above, state whether the following sentences are TRUE or
FALSE. LS 3.1.2

1 Maya has four siblings.

2 Deana is the youngest in her family.
3 Sue is tanned because she enjoys the outdoors.
4 Billy is the only son.
5 Maya and Mina like sports.

LS 3.1.1 Understand the main points in longer texts on an increased range of familiar topics
LS 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in longer texts on an increased range of familiar topics

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T) 2019 1 Drill in KSSM English Form 3 (Unit 1)

L ANG U AG E AWA R E N E SS 1 SoW Lesson 3

A Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the word
in brackets.
1 I (think) of watching a film today. Would you (like) to join
2 Anna and Sofia (be) neighbours. They (live) next to each
3 Dave (look) like his grandfather. They also (enjoy) the same
hobbies. They (spend) a lot of time together.
4 My mother (take) my sister to the park. They (walk) there. I
(think) they (go) to have a good time.
5 My mother (go) to the market every Saturday. She (cook)
very well and we (love) her meals. I (look) forward to our
dinner tonight.
6 Jenny (teach) her sister how to ride a bicycle. She (be) very
patient and (make) sure her sister doesn’t hurt herself.
7 Why you (play) video games by yourself? Why don’t you join
your cousins who (play) football outside?
8 John (visit) his grandparents every week. He likes (spend)
time with them. He (read) to them and they (tell) him stories
about their younger days.
9 My parents (work) long hours every day. However, during the weekends, we
(do) things together as a family. We (has) picnics in the park
and sometimes we (go) fishing.

10 My grandfather (feel) sick. He (has) a slight fever. He

(rest) in bed at the moment.

B Complete the sentences with the stative verbs from the box below.

want  depends  known  appreciate  resembles  hate  think  likes  promise

1 Some older people modern technology. They find it too complicated.

2 I that children should everything their parents do for them.
They work hard to provide for their children.
3 Romi to visit her grandparents in the village.

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T) 2019 2 Drill in KSSM English Form 3 (Unit 1)

4 Tasha her mother. They have the same smile.

5 The children to organise a surprise party for their mother’s birthday.
6 Mike has Tom for three years.
7 I can’t wash the dishes tonight, Mum. I to help you tomorrow.
8 We haven’t decided whether to go for a family trip next month. It on whether
my dad can take time off from work.

Grammar Focus Present simple, present continuous, stative verbs

L IS T ENING 1 SoW Lessons 4, 5

A Listen to a recording of what Jane and her cousins like to do during their free time. As
you listen, draw items related to their hobbies in the correct boxes below. LS 1.1.1

Jane Mike Linda

A Listen to a description of Melvin’s family. Then, complete the family tree below. LS 1.1.2

Steven Melvin Mavies

Miriam Noel Kathy

LS 1.1.1 Understand independently the main ideas in simple longer texts on an increased range of familiar topics
LS 1.1.2 Understand independently specific information and details in longer texts on an increased range of familiar topics

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T) 2019 3 Drill in KSSM English Form 3 (Unit 1)

PEAKI NG 1 SoW Lessons 6, 7

Will: I had a really good time at Auntie Maya’s birthday party!

Tina: Me too! Auntie Nancy did a good job planning the surprise party. I don’t think Auntie
Maya suspected anything.
Will: No, she didn’t. Uncle James told her that he was very busy at the office and that they
would celebrate her birthday the following Saturday instead.
Tina: What a good idea! The food at the party was excellent. Auntie Nancy is a really good
cook and the noodles were delicious! I loved her chicken curry puffs too.
Will: It’s such a pity that Uncle Simon couldn’t join us for the party. I heard that he was
not well enough to make the journey. I really miss him. He’s such a good singer and
I always enjoy listening to his songs.

A Work in pairs. Role-play the dialogue above. Then, fill in the following table. LS 2.1.5

Emotions Who felt it? Why?


B Work in pairs. Using the dialogue above as a guide, talk about an event you attended.
HOTS Describe how you felt while you were at the event. LS 2.1.5


A Work in pairs. You have been living in the United Kingdom since you were born and are
going to Malaysia to visit your aunt and her family. She has sent a photograph of her
family whom you have never met. Take turns to describe the photograph. LS 2.2.1

You: I’m really excited. I’ve never met my cousins before

and they . I can’t believe
they’re all so !
Friend: You’re right. Your cousins look


LS 2.1.5 Express and respond to common feelings such as happiness, sadness, surprise and interest
LS 2.2.1 Use formal and informal registers appropriately in some familiar contexts

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T) 2019 4 Drill in KSSM English Form 3 (Unit 1)

I NG 1 A N D 2 SoW Lessons 8, 9

A Rewrite the email below using the correct punctuation marks. LS 4.2.1

hi sumi
were having a surprise party for auntie dianas 70th birthday itll be on saturday 2nd april at
our house we would like to invite you and your family to join this celebration jenny and john
are planning the party if youre coming theyll surely get you to help them i guess you can be
in charge of taking photos since youre good at it please let us know how many people are
coming from your side
  hope to hear from you soon
To: From:
Subject: Auntie Diana’s 70th Birthday Party

B You have decided to accept the invitation to Auntie Diana’s surprise birthday party.
Rearrange the notes below in the correct order. Then, write an email accepting the
invitation to her birthday party. LS 4.1.5

Mum – make – sandwiches – my sister – pasta – brother – music – arrive – Friday

thank you – inviting us – Auntie Diana’s – birthday party – we’ll be there – four of us
please – let us know – anything else – happy to help
yes – happy – take photos – make album for her – treasure memories

To: From:

Subject: Auntie Diana’s 70th Birthday Party
Dear Mila,


LS 4.2.1 Punctuate written work with moderate accuracy

LS 4.1.5 Organise, sequence and develop ideas within short texts on familiar topics

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T) 2019 5 Drill in KSSM English Form 3 (Unit 1)

IT ERAT U R E I N A C T I O N 1 SoW Lesson 10

‘The Day the Bulldozers Came’ by David Orme

Synopsis: This poem describes various animals as they go about their daily routine, unaware
of the impending destruction of their habitat.
Persona: In this poem, the persona is the narrator, who describes what is happening in the
• The innocence of nature
The animals in this poem go about their lives as usual. They do not understand the danger
posed by the approaching bulldozers. The animals are innocent in that they are unaware
of the impact that the bulldozers will have on their lives.
• The impact of development
The poem does not directly state what will happen when the bulldozers arrive, but it is
implied that the animals’ homes will be destroyed. By learning what the animals are doing
on that same day, we are made aware of what will be lost when the land is cleared for
urban development.
Mood: This is a serious and thoughtful poem. Stanzas 1 and 2 are slightly more positive
as they give a comforting feeling of familiarity. Stanza 3 is darker because it hints at the
destruction that the approaching bulldozers will bring.

‘Poisoned Talk’ by Raymond Wilson

Synopsis: This poem describes the pollution that affects the environment and wildlife. It
focuses on how plants and animals are being destroyed by pollution.
Persona: Each stanza has a different persona. The personae are the worm, the fish, Industry,
the wind and sulphur dioxide.
• Progress has an effect on nature
This poem shows that progress can lead to the destruction of nature. Acid soil, mercury,
acid rain and sulphur dioxide are all by-products of human activities, and they have negative
effects on the environment.
• The consequences of pollution are far-reaching
The poem explains how pollution harms the environment. Because nature is interconnected,
if one part is poisoned, the other parts will be affected too.
Mood: The mood of the poem is thoughtful. When we read the poem, we think about the bad
effects of pollution.

A Choose one of the poems above. Then, answer the following questions. LS 5.1.1

1 When I read this poem, I feel because .

2 The stanza I like the most is because .
3 The theme in the poem that interests me the most is
because .

LS 5.1.1 Explain why a part or aspect of a text interests them

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T) 2019 6 Drill in KSSM English Form 3 (Unit 1)

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