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Gerry Lane, a former United Nations worker, is in the car with his family in Philadelphia, when
chaos suddenly breaks out in the city. Gerry sees how people jump over each other, and something
happens that leaves him stunned: people are biting each other and developing great violence. When
witnessing this, he sees the exact moment in which a person bites another man and Gerry counts the
time that occurs from the bite to the change, the person suffering violent convulsions. From this, it
becomes primitive and violent, so Gerry deduces that they are being infected with some strange
disease. Then he receives a call from his former friend and current UN secretary general. He asks
her to collaborate with the organization again, and in return offers them to evacuate them by
helicopter. Gerry, his wife and two daughters flee to a local supermarket to find supplies and an
asthma remedy for one of the girls, being helped by one of the workers. The chaos is such that not
even the police stop people who loot everything they find. They leave from there to enter a
building, and are helped by a boy named Tomás, who is with his family in his apartment. They are
all from Brazil but Tomás translates them English. Gerry tells his family that they should get out of
there or they will never be rescued. Thomas's father, restless, opens the door and lets them out.
Then it reopens to see if there are more survivors, but is attacked by an infected. Tom manages to
leave and reaches them, and in the process Gerry fights them with a rifle but an infected spits blood
in his mouth and Gerry moves away from his family for a moment standing on the edge of the roof
of the building thinking that it will be infected, but this does not happen. The helicopter arrives and
everyone is taken to a ship, located 300 km east of the New York coast, where a team of scientists,
doctors, professors and military personnel is analyzing the extent of the epidemic worldwide. A
virologist from Harvard University, Dr. Fassbach, argues that the plague is a virus, whose origin
must be found to develop a vaccine. Due to his experience as a former UN researcher, Gerry is
tasked with helping Fassbach find the source of the outbreak. Gerry's wife refuses because she
knows they may not see each other again, but Gerry warns her that if she does not cooperate, they
will be thrown out of the boat to her and the children. Before leaving, he gives her a satellite phone
and tells him that he will call her once a day.
Gerry travels to a military base in South Korea with Fassbach and a team of marines as an escort,
where they are attacked and Fassbach dies after falling and shooting himself in the head with his
weapon by mistake. There they manage to observe the source of the infection and manage to get out
little, many dying in the process, except Gerry and the pilot of the C130 Hercules in which they
travel. Gunter Haffner, a former CIA agent jailed for treason as he facilitated a sale of illegal
weapons to North Korea, tells Gerry that he must go to Jerusalem, where the Israeli Mossad along
with the government of that country established a fair security zone before the outbreak of the
epidemic, which implies that Israel could have had prior knowledge of the pandemic. In Jerusalem,
Gerry meets Jurgen Warmbrunn, Mossad agent, who explains that months earlier that agency
intercepted communications from an Indian army general, who claimed that troops from that
country were fighting against the rakshasas (zombies). With this knowledge and the use of a policy
known as the "Tenth Man Rule", the country is quarantined within a huge retaining wall. All
people, in a moment of collective jubilation, begin to sing songs from the Middle East, but when
using speakers, they make too much noise and this attracts those infected. Gerry warns them,
frantically, to stop making noise, but several infected manage to jump the wall by climbing each
other and the panic between the people is unleashed, which begins to flee in all directions. Jurgen
orders several of his soldiers to escort Gerry to the airport. During the chaos, Gerry realizes that
several civilians are completely ignored by zombies, such as an old man and a young man who
apparently has cancer. During a fight with the zombies, Segen, a soldier escorting Gerry, is bitten in
his hand and Gerry amputates her with his knife to prevent her from being infected. After a frantic
race through the city, they arrive at the airport and manage to get safe by getting on a plane of a
Belarusian airline.
During the flight Gerry contacts Thierry and explains that he has a hypothesis about the behavior of
the virus and asks for help in finding the nearest bacteriological weapons research center, which
turns out to be in Cardiff (Wales). Meanwhile, a zombie has sneaked into the plane, which attacks
an extra charge. The entire plane begins to get infected and Gerry tells the other passengers to build
a retaining wall with what they can find, but fail in their effort. Seeing that the infected are
approaching, Gerry launches a fragmentary grenade and explodes the fuselage of the plane, which
causes a decompression and pilots make a violent emergency landing, destroying the entire aircraft
and dying in the process. Segen and Gerry barely survive and manage to get quite battered to the
Cardiff research center. After three days, Gerry wakes up tied to a stretcher, but is cured of a wound
that was caused by a piece of the plane that had been embedded in the body. There he tells the men
to question him to call on his satellite phone and talk to Thierry, who reveals Gerry's identity. Once
they calm down and release him, Gerry reveals his hypothesis: that the infected person does not bite
people who are seriously injured, seriously ill or terminally ill, since they would be inadequate as
hosts, which means that those infected only They bite healthy people. Gerry asks them to give him a
deadly but curable pathogen, to which they respond that that was the first thing they tried with the
infected but without success, since what a pathogen needs to reproduce is a living host. But Gerry
tells them that it is not for the infected but for them, and that it is not a cure, but a camouflage. The
biologist who talks to him, however, replies that the only way to prove his theory is for someone to
inject the pathogen, and face the infected face to face. But the biggest problem is not that: the
biggest problem is that the pathogens are stored in the B wing of the building, where a scientist
worked with some samples that had been sent to him and after a cut in his hand he became infected
with the virus and consequently attacked the people who were there. After seeing the surveillance
cameras, they discover that the 80 people who worked in that area are turned into zombies and that
the access bridge to the B wing was blocked by the survivors to stay safe away from the zombies.
Gerry, Segen and three of the workers, including the head of operations of the Center, protect their
limbs with cloth and plastics and arm themselves with what they find, clear the entrance without
noise and enter the building. They try to get to the place avoiding being seen by the infected, but
they accidentally make noise and create a huge echo in the building. When they hear the noise, the
zombies go wild and run after them. During the flight, Gerry and the group separate. Segen kills the
zombies that he can shoot at them. Everyone arrives at the bridge and opens the door, getting in just
in time to stop the infected. Gerry arrives at the room where they store the samples but finds himself
facing an infected man who attacks him frantically, but Gerry kills him with an accurate blow to the
head with an ax. Gerry sees that the door is protected with an electronic lock, but the biologist calls
him and gives him the key to enter. Once inside, he is uncertain about which sample to take, so he
takes several and places them in a box along with some syringes, but when he gets ready to open the
door to leave an infected block his way. Gerry, being caught, decides to test his theory. He writes a
message on paper and shows it to the camera, showing what he noted: "Tell my family that I love
her." Then, the contents of one of the sample bottles are injected, look at the time and wait. After
several minutes, Gerry opens the door and the infected man stops in front of him looking into his
eyes, but the creature ignores him completely, implying that Gerry's theory works. Gerry leaves the
room catching the infected inside, drinks a soda from a machine and drops all the cans at once to
make noise and get the attention of the zombies, who run crazy towards the noise while dodging
Gerry. They open the door to receive it and once safe, they put the vaccine for the pathogen that
was injected, saving his life.

Adela Zamudio was born on October 11, 1854 in the city of Cochabamba, Bolivia. She was
the daughter of Adolfo Zamudio and Modesta Rivero; He lived with his brothers Mauro,
Arturo and Amadís. He studied at the Catholic school of San Alberto in his hometown, but
only attended until third grade, because at that time it was the highest education offered to
women during the government of President Mariano Melgarejo. However, despite all the
difficulties that existed for women during their teenage years, they continued to be
instructed through reading.

At the end of the 19th century, after the Liberal Party assumed the government, she began
working as a teacher in the same school where she had been educated. Subsequently, she
was director of the Fiscal School of Señoritas (1905) .

He wrote articles for El Heraldo de Cochabamba in which he developed progressive ideas -

thus, he advocated the suppression of religious teaching , and in his work he protested
against the discrimination that women were subjected to.

Because of the conservative thinking that prevailed in important sectors of the Bolivian
population, the meaning of these verses was not understood - or pretended not to
understand them - and attributed them to some love disappointment. What was true is that
his life had become a long and painful solitude, a situation that reflects the pseudonym he
used: Soledad. In spite of the difficulties to speak, "in a narrow environment, full of blessed
and social prejudices", of civil marriage, of a profession for the household, of reforms and
of feminine liberation, Adela Zamudio "challenged this society that he did not understand
his revolutionary ideas in favor of his sex. "

In 1901 he founded a painting academy in Cochabamba and, in 1916, the Liceo de

Señoritas, which bears his name. He cultivated neo-Romantic poetry he began publishing
his verses in 1877 with the pseudonym Soledad, in the aforementioned El Heraldo and
prose. He wrote an epistolary novel Intimates, "around the corrupt clergy and the
surrounding hypocrisy"; and stories (The flood, Party night, The meeting yesterday, The
veil of the Purest, The diamond, etc.). Lydia Parada de Brown considers that "this Bolivian
writer has been one of the largest in America, but unfortunately she has not achieved the
fame of Gabriela Mistral, nor of Juana de Ibarbourou." On May 28, 1926, President
Hernando Siles Reyes crowned Adela Zamudio in Cochabamba, recognizing her as the
highest exponent of culture in Bolivia.

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