School of Nursing Science and Research Sharda University

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Abdellah’s Theory

Submission on: 20th July, 2020

Submitted To Submitted By
Ms. Anushi Singh Ms. Binju Karki
Associate Professor M.Sc.Nursing-1st year
Application of Abdellah’s theory on a patient Mr.Ankush who was suffering with for past 2
years. He is 51 yrs and now he is additted in cardio unit and he had experienced severe chest
pain. In addition he had experience shortness of breath, tavhycardia and profuse diaphoresis.
Nursing Assessment

 Assessment reveals : Cardiac damage, acute pain and lack of oxygenation to the body cells.
 Pat history reveals he had earlier experienced similar episodes in last two years.

Stage of Abdellah’s Nursing Planning Implementation Evaluation

Illness Problem
Basic care 1.To maintain good Elevate head of the patient. Elevated head of the patient by Patient was able to
hygiene and physical placing 2 pillow maintained good
comfort. Reposition the patient. Repositioned the patient on every position and
30 minutes. physical comfort.
Discourage for unnecessary Discouraged for unnecessary
movement. movement.
Administer oxygen. Administered the oxygen.
Administer the analgesics as Administered the analgesics as
prescribed. prescribed.
Sustenal Care 5. To facilitate the Promoted rest. Patient was able to
Promote rest.
needs. maintenance of supply of breath properly as
Place in sitting position for the Placed in sitting position for the
oxygen to body cells evidenced by sp02
patient. patient.
is 95%
Promote deep breathing and Promoted deep breathing and
coughing exercises for the patient. coughing exercises for the patient.
Implement exercises as tolerated. Implemented exercises as
Remedial 13. To identify and accept Patient stress
To find the nature of his job Found the nature of his job i.e. he
care needs the interrelatedness of factor were
is banker.
emotional and organic identified and
illness Explore his work related goals Explored his work related goals accepted.
i.e. he should conduct and meet
the goal set by the bank in each
Stress associated with job. Stress associated with job i.e. he
should observed the work of sub-
ordinates, presentation, meeting
with seniors etc.
Restorative To use community Teach early signs and symptoms of Taught early signs and symptoms Patient was able to
care needs resources as an aid in cardiac distress. of cardiac distress. use community
resolving problems Teach course of action. Taught course of action. resources.
arising from illness.

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