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The College of Maasin

“Nisi Dominus Frustra”

Maasin City

Liberal Arts and Education Department

Summer 2020

Afro-Asian Literature
Course Outline

Unit I – Indian Literature

A. Literary Periods of Indian Literature

B. Religions
C. The Ramayana – to be reported by Mr. Saga
D. The Panchatantra (on the Lionmakers) – to be reported by _____________
E. Home readings of,
1. A Man Called Mahatma by Leo Rosten
2. The Story of Savitri and Satyavan (excerpts from Mahabharata)

Unit II – Chinese Literature

A. Historical Background
B. Religions
C. The Analects of Confucius – to be reported by Miss Asis
D. A Little Incident by Lu Hsun – to be reported by ________________
E. Home readings of,
1. A Country Boy Quits in School by Lao Hsiang
2. A poetry by Li Po

Unit III - Japanese Literature

A. Historical Background
B. Religions
C. The Thief Who Became A Disciple (A Zen Story) – to be reported by _______
D. The Blowfish by Wang Rengshu – to be reported by ______________
E. Home readings of,
1. What is a haiku?
2. The haikus of Matsu Basho
3. Japanese folktales
a. The Story of the Aged Mother
b. The Happy Mirror

Unit IV – Middle Eastern Literature

A. Literary Background
B. The Story of Ruth (Hebrew Literature) – to be reported by _______________
C. The Bewildered Arab by Jami – to be reported by __________________
D. Home reading of,
1. Sinbad the Sailor (the Arabian Nights)

Unit V – Southeast Asian Literature

A. Literary Background
B. New Yorker in Tondo by Marcelino Agana – to be reported by __________
C. To Grandma by Tan Seok Hoon – to be reported by _______________
D. Home readings of,
1. My Father Goes to Court by Carlos Bulosan
2. Catch Me A Star by Bernard Ming-Deh Harrison
3. The Interview by Patrick Ng Kah Onn (Malaysian Literature)
4. God Can Die by Edwin Thumbo (Singaporean Literature)
5. The Lotteries of Haji Zakaria (Indonesian Literature)
6. Why Women Wash the Dishes by Filomena Colendrino

Unit VI – African Literature

A. Intro to African Culture

B. The Negritude
C. Africa by David Diop – to be reported by ______________
D. Once Upon A Time by Gabriel Okara – to be reported by _____________
E. Home readings of,
1. The Two Brothers
2. The Leopard

Prepared by:

MC Barrera

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