Kamala DevOps - Resume

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Kamala Baniya

DevOps Engineer
Employer: satish@metahorizon.com / 469-305-1274

Professional Summary:
 Around 7+ years of result oriented IT experience in Automation Testing, Release Management and AWS.
 Ability to identify and gather requirements to define a solution to be built and operated on AWS.
 Expertise in providing the Iaas to Application teams using Jenkins and Cloud Formation.
 Deployment of the java applications onto different environmentslike Dev, QA, UAT and Prod for the Apache
web server.
 Configured Inbound/Outbound in AWS Security groups according to the requirements.
 Designed scripts for process automation using Bash scripting on Linux.
 Branching, Merging, Tagging and maintaining the version across the environments using SCM tools like GIT.
 Integration, deployment and automation of application service
 Created Cloud Formation templates to provide Iaas to delivery teams.
 Dockerized applications by creating Docker images from Docker file
 Deployed the AWS stack (including EC2, ECS, ELB, Route53, S3, RDS, SNS, SQS and IAM) focusing on high-
availability, fault tolerance, and auto scaling.
 Monitoring the instances using the Cloud Watch logs and metrics.
 Extensively worked on CI/CD pipeline for code deployment by engaging different tools (Git, Jenkins)
 Rolling out an automated build, deploy, and test infrastructure to all defined environments.
 Set up continuous integration and formal builds using Jenkins with Git repository to provide Iaas for Delivery
 Experience in operating and managing Relational Database like MySQL, PostGre SQL and NoSQL databases
such as Cassandra, MongoDB, MariaDB.
 Extensively used YUM and RPM for installing packages.
 Worked on setting up Ansible server for managing configurations.
 Application Deployments and Environments Configuration using Ansible
 Written Ansible Playbooks, and roles, automating infrastructure for AWS and On Prime servers
 Designed Ansible playbooks to manage configurations and automate installation process.
 Utilized AWS CLI to automate backups of Oracle DB tables to S3 buckets.
 Creating, managing and performing container based deployments using Docker images containing Middleware
& Applications together.
 Managed environments DEV, QA, TEST and PROD for various releases and designed instance strategies
 Experience in writing the Docker files to create the Docker Images for deploying the containers.


Operating systems Windows98/XP/NT/2000/2003/2008, UNIX, LINUX, RHEL 3/4/5

Build tools Ant, Maven, Jenkins, Hudson
Version control tools SVN, GIT, GitHub
Bug tracking tools JIRA
CI tools Jenkins/Hudson
Web/ Application Servers Apache Tomcat, JBOSS, WebSphere, Web logic
Automation tools Chef, Ansible
Monitoring Tools Nagios, Splunk, New Relic
Cloud environment AWS
Scripting languages UNIX Shell Scripting, Perl scripting, Bash, Python, Groovy Scripting
Repository manager tools JFROG Artifactory, Nexus

Professional Experience:

PNC Bank, Pittsburgh, PA Nov 2018 - till now

DevOps Engineer

Responsibilities :
 Setting up continuous integration and deployment pipelines for application tools to deploy to on premises
and cloud infrastructure.
 Creating and maintaining namespaces, setting up test environments, creating docker file and yaml files for
deployments, services and ingress resources.
 Setting up standard templates for development teams to use in multiple applications.
 Create templates for configurations and scripts for various tasks involved for multiple architectures.
 Designing and deploying to AWS platform using aws resources like EC2, S3, EBS, Elastic Load balancer
(ELB), auto scaling groups.
 Create and manage S3 buckets; Enable logging in S3 bucket to track the access requests using cloud
trail, monitoring using cloud watch and maintaining s3 resources for static content hosting and versioning.
 Implement Auto Scaling for scaling out to ensure availability and scalability of customer websites and
 Experience in setting up the CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins, Maven, Nexus, GitHub, CHEF, Terraform
and AWS.
 Utilize Cloud Watch to monitor resources such as EC2, CPU memory, Amazon RDS DB services, Dynamo
tables, EBS volumes.
 Utilize Nagios based Open Source monitoring tools to monitor Linux Cluster nodes configured using Red
Hat Cluster Suite.
 Conduct analysis of the portfolio including overview of product, sector and geographic profile to include
portfolio composition, concentration and correlation risk identification.
 Automating the deployments on AWS using GitHub, Terraform, Ansible and Jenkins .
 Knowledge on Tasktop.
 Experienced in Blue-Green Deployment Models within AWS Cloud Environment.
 Experience in managing the artifacts generated by MAVEN in the Nexus and Antifactory Repository
 Automated the Cloud Deployments using Chef, Python and AWS Cloud Formation Templates and used
chef for application automatic deployment and provisioning to different environments.
 Configured multiple cookbooks, recipes, templates and attributes on workstations to be deployed to
various chef nodes.
 Responsible for access Management, Plugin Management and END-END automation of Build and Deploy
using Jenkins.
 Starting POCs for new functionalities and plugins in restricted environments for new features and
 Creating scripts required for Jenkins, cloud formation templates, python scripts required for CICD
 Integrating static code checks, functionality tests, feedback process, integrating notifications to slack
from build pipelines.
 Involved in development of test environment on Docker containers and configuring the Docker containers
using Kubernetes.
 Experience in operating and managing Relational Database like MySQL, PostGre SQL and NoSQL
databases such as Cassandra, MongoDB, MariaDB.
 Developed microservice on boarding tools leveraging Python and Jenkins allowing for easy creation and
maintenance of build jobs and Kubernetes deploy and services.
 Used Jenkins pipelines to drive all micro services builds out to the Docker registry and then deployed to
Kubernetes, Created Pods and managed using Kubernetes.
 Working closely with development teams for establishing strategies for branching, merging, labeling and
help to resolve issues related to pipeline or infrastructure.
 Ensuring Jira tickets are tracked and acted upon within the applicable timeframe as per SLAs.
 Documenting lessons learned, knowledge base in confluence and SharePoint.
 Work with central team and teams from other regions to align with the processes in place.
 Attend stand up meetings, sprint planning meetings and participate in sprint end demos following the
practices of agile approach.
Environment: AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, Jenkins, Maven, PostgreSQL,Git, Jira, Shell Scripting, Groovy
Scripting, Nagios, Nexus, Red Hat Linux, Apache Tomcat 6.x/7.x

Comcast - Philadelphia, PA Aug 2016 – Oct 2018

Devops/ AWS Engineer

Responsibilities :
 Experience in designing and deploying AWS Solutions using EC2, S3, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer (ELB),
Auto Scaling groups.
 Responsible for managing infrastructure provisioning (S3, ELB, EC2, RDS, Route 53, IAM, security groups-
CIDR's, VCP, NAT) and deployment and EC2 Installs.
 Configured, supported and maintained all network, firewall, storage, load balancers, operating systems, and
software in AWS EC2 and created detailed AWS Security groups which behaved as virtual firewalls that
controlled the traffic allowed reaching one or more AWSEC2 instances.
 Used AWS Elastic Beanstalk for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed with Java,
Python and Docker.
 Configured pipelines using Jenkins server as per application SDLC model.
 Worked with team of developers on Python applications for RISK management.
 Used Unit Test Python library for testing many Python programs and block of codes.
 Provided consistent environment using Kubernetes for deployment scaling and load balancing to the
application from dev through production, easing the code development and deployment pipeline by
implementing Docker containerization with multiple namespace.
 Managed Kubernetes charts using Helm, and Created reproducible builds of the Kubernetes applications,
managed Kubernetes manifest files and managed releases of Helm packages.
 Created the automated build and deployment process for application, re-engineering setup for better user
experience, and leading up to building a continuous integration system.
 Developed and implemented Software Release Management strategies for various applications according to
the agile process.
 Responsible for Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) process implementation-using
Jenkins along with Python and Shell scripts to automate routine jobs.
 Involved in authoring Terraform scripts to automate and deploy AWS cloud services.
 Installed, Configured and Administered Hudson3.3.3/Jenkins2.0 Continuous Integration Tools.
 Proposed, Implemented and maintained New Branching strategies for development teams to support trunk,
development baseline codes along with several feature branches.
 Responsible for defining branching & merging strategy, checkin policies, improving code quality, Wrote
Ansible Playbooks with Python SSH as the Wrapper to Manage Configurations of AWS Nodes and Test
Playbooks on AWS instances using Python. Run Ansible Scripts to provision Dev servers.
 Used Maven3.3.9 as build tool on Java projects for the development of build artifacts on the source code.
 Monitored the metrics such as response times and server resources such as Total Processor Time, Available
Bytes and Process Bytes by using Performance Center Monitors, monitoring tool Dynamic and Dyna
 Developed Dev/Test/Prod environments of different applications on AWS by provisioning Kubernetes
clusters on EC2 instances using Docker, Bash, Chef, and Terraform.
 Installed, Configured, Managed Monitoring Tools such as Splunk6.6, Nagios4.2.0for Resource
Monitoring/Network Monitoring/Log Trace Monitoring.
 Designed and maintained databases using Python and developed Python based API (RESTful Web Service)
using Flask, Django and PostgreSQL.
 Organized and Coordinated Product Releases, work closely with product development, QA, Support across
global locations to ensure successful releases.
 Worked on the installation and configuration of the monitoring tool TrendMicro Deepsecurity.
 To achieve Continuous Delivery goal on high scalable environment, used Docker 1.12.1 coupled with load-
balancing tool Nginx1.11.8.
 Ability to build automated scripts and coordinate with the software development team Comprehensive
knowledge of software development life cycle.
 Worked on Apache2.2.34 and Firewalls in both development and production.
 Deployed and configured Atlassian JIRA, both hosted and local instances for issue tracking.
 Workflow collaboration and tool-chain automation.
Environment: Java, RHEL, Amazon Linux AMI, Jenkins, SOAP, SOA, Ansible, Hudson, Maven, Kubernetes,
Nagios, SQL, AWS, Terraform, Python, Subversion, Docker, Bash, NT Command Shell, Dyna Trace,
Java/J2EE, Git, JIRA, XML, QA.

The Andover Companies - Andover, MA Jan 2015 – Jul 2016

DevOps Engineer

Responsibilities :
 Experience with an in-depth level of understanding in the strategy and practical implementation of AWS
Cloud-Specific technologies including EC2, EBS, S3, VPC,RDS, SES, ELB, EMR, ECS, CloudFront, Cloud
Formation, Elastic Cache, Cloud Watch, RedShift, Lambda, DynamoDB.
 Implemented a GIT mirror for SVN repository, which enables users to use both GIT and SVN.
 Implemented Continuous Integration using Jenkins and GIT.
 Integrated customized automated deployment manager tool with the GitHub by changing and improvising
the shell scripts previously used for SVN.
 Developed build and deployment scripts using ANT and MAVEN as build tools in Jenkins to move from one
environment to other environments.
 Maintained build related scripts developed in shell for Maven builds. Created and modified build
configuration files including POM.xml.
 Communication with team members for both Ansible Core and Ansible Tower teams to clarify
requirements and overcome obstacles.
 Maintained and managed Ansible Playbooks responsible for deploying Framework and other cloud tools.
Worked on Git Flow for production Release.
 Experience in managing Ansible Playbooks with Ansible roles. Used file module in Ansible playbook to
copy and remove files on remote systems. Created inventory in Ansible for automating the continuous
 Develop CI/CD system with Jenkins on Kubernetes container environment, utilizing Kubernetes and
Docker for the runtime environment for the CI/CD system to build and test and deploy.
 Deployment and management of web services with Tomcat and JBOSS provided end-user straining for all
JIRA users to effectively use the tool.
 Experience in using Microsoft IIS Web Server, Tomcat, JBOSS, Weblogic and WebSphere Application
servers for deployment.
 Managing and Architecting more than 3000 virtual servers. Monitoring of Application and Servers through
Nagios. Web Servers Administration on Apache and Nginx.
 Experienced in troubleshooting and automated deployment to web and application servers like WebSphere,
WebLogic, JBOSS and Tomcat.
Environment: Jenkins, Ansible, Kubernetes, WebServer, Tomcat, JBOSS, Weblogic and WebSphere,
BitBucket, SourceTree, Splunk, SonarQube, Docker, SVN, Microsoft, Playbooks.

Blue Cross Blue Shield - Dallas, TX July 2013 – Dec 2014

DevOps Engineer

Responsibilities :
 Installation, migration and maintenance of AIX & LINUX operating systems.
 Experience in supporting Java based applications like JBoss, WebLogic & WebSphere and involved
in J2EE application deployment activities and configuration of SSL for the websites.
 Red Hat Linux Kickstart Installation.
 Implementing a Continuous testing delivery pipeline with Docker, Jenkins and GitHub and AWS AMI’s.
 Working closely with the setting up of the Configuration Management Tools Puppet and automation of the
infrastructure with Chef that included migrating from the current infrastructure workflow to the new workflow.
 Worked on Chef Server management console and understanding and working knowledge on all different
components of Chef Server, nodes and Workstations.
 Experienced with Ansible, and used to deploy the applications and systems.
 Applied patches every quarter regularly to meet audit requirements using Oracle OPS Center, Red Hat
Satellite server, Up2Date, YUM and RPM tools.
 Used shell scripting to automate procedures for automated deployment in Linux based systems.
 Create, deploy and manage Linux and windows VM using Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager, which
includes moving and migrating VM from one cluster to another cluster or within the same cluster.
 Configuring DNS, DHCP, NIS, NFS in Sun Solaris 8/9& other Network services Device management,
including adding, changing, and configuring physical and logical devices.
Environment: Linux, Jenkins, Stash, Splunk,GitHub, AWS AMI’s, Chef Server, Red Hat, YUM and RPM tools.

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