SPI10 Specification For Weather Forecast and Window Clearance-0024922-2.0

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Weather forecast provided services




Section 9 – SPI10
Weather forecast provided services

Status Written Reviewed Approved Version

Date 20/02/2018 20/02/2018 08/03/2018
Function Package Doc Type D2 Identifier

Confidentiality level : Restricted

Confidential : The document can only be communicated to selected number of EMF person. The document cannot
be forwarded to another person than the ones stated in the confidential group for this package.

Restricted : The document is issued within EMF.

No restriction : This document can be issued to all parties (even public).

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Weather forecast provided services

Purpose of the current version

Sections 5.1.1, 5.2 & appendix 1 updated.
Deletion of sections 5.4, 6 & appendix 2

Previous versions
Date of
Status Written Checked Approved Version
03/02/2015 Approved F. ZENTAR V. SAR H. LUNDORF NIELSEN 1.0

Distribution table

Internal EMF External EMF

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Weather forecast provided services


1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................4
2 Purpose ............................................................................................................................... 4
3 References ..........................................................................................................................4
3.1 Preamble ............................................................................................................................. 4
3.2 EMF reference documents ..................................................................................................4
3.3 Codes and industry standards .............................................................................................4
4 Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................5
5 Description of the services & window clearance..................................................................5
5.1 On site measurement device: ..............................................................................................5
5.1.1 Forecasters.........................................................................................................................................5
5.1.2 Output locations ................................................................................................................................6
5.1.3 Models ...............................................................................................................................................6
5.1.4 Validation report................................................................................................................................6
5.1.5 Models validated with on site observations ......................................................................................6
5.2 Weather forecast .................................................................................................................6
5.2.1 Dedicated website .............................................................................................................................7
5.2.2 Daily email reports.............................................................................................................................7
5.3 Window clearance ...............................................................................................................7
6 Appendix 1 – Weather forecast parameters ........................................................................9

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Weather forecast provided services

1 Introduction
This document is part of Employer’s requirements and specifying generic requirements with regards to
offshore wind farms.
This document shall be read in conjunction with the overall Project specific documentation.

2 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to define the weather forecast services to be provided to the Contractor
by the Employer and to define the Employer’s requirements with regard to use of these services.

3 References

3.1 Preamble
The order of precedence shall be considered as per defined in Ref.06. The detailed list of applicable
documents is defined in Ref.06.
Unless noted otherwise, the applicable version of these documents is the latest revision published.

3.2 EMF reference documents

Ref.01. Annexe 5 – Volume 2 – Section 1-2 – General description

Ref.02. Annexe 5 – Volume 2 – Section 1-2 – Abbreviations and definitions
Ref.03. Annexe 5 – Volume 2 – Section 1-3 – Scope of works
Ref.04. Annexe 5 – Volume 2 – Section 1-4 – Limit of scope and interface
Ref.05. Annexe 5 – Volume 2 – Section 1-5 – Documents required from the Contractor
Ref.06. Annexe 5 – Volume 2 – Section 1-6 – Applicable documents
Ref.07. Annexe 5 – Volume 2 – Section 2 – General Employer’s requirements

3.3 Codes and industry standards

Ref.08. GL Noble Denton – General guidelines for marine projects – N° 0001/ND

Ref.09. GL Noble Denton - Guidelines for offshore wind farm infrastructure – 0035/ND
Ref.010. Det Norske Veritas Germanisher Lloyd (DNV.GL) DNV-OS-H101 – Marine Operations,

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Weather forecast provided services

4 Abbreviations
KOM Kick Of Meeting
LAT Lowest Astronomical Tide
OWF Offshore Wind Farm

For other Abbreviations and Definitions, see reference Ref.02.

5 Description of the services & window clearance

5.1 On site measurement device:

The Employer will install onsite measurement devices for offshore installation Work phases. Devices will
be deployed at a representative location of each Offshore Wind Farm areas. In case of strong spatial
variation of metocean conditions through the site, the Employer could eventually install a second device
to measure metocean parameters at a second location.
Basically the measurement device is a wave buoy which will provide the following parameters:
- Significant wave height (Hs)
- Hmax
- Wave direction
- Peak period
- Current (speed and direction) on the water column (from 2m below sea level to seabed)
- Wind speed (10min wind speed + gust) and direction at 2.5m height
- Air temperature at 2.5m height
- Air pressure at 2.5m height
- Air Humidity at 2.5m height
- Water temperature at sea level

A live connection is available. Data can be transmitted every 30min to FTP site via satellite/HF
The Employer can authorize the Contractor to have access to these real time observations.

5.1.1 Forecasters

The Employer plans to work with 2 independent forecasters in the aim to challenge the quality and
accuracy of weather forecasts. If the two forecasters are in disagreement, the most restricted weather
forecast shall be used, until the accuracy of each forecast is investigated based on previously monitored
weather parameters and calibrations.

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Weather forecast provided services

5.1.2 Output locations

Locations of output’s weather forecasts have to be defined in agreement with Employer and the
As a first approach, the Employer plans to define weather forecasts for following locations:
- At wind farm areas : 1 to 3 locations in functions of the Contractor needs => Buoy location
and 1 or 2 other additional points
- At harbours => On the dock at crane location (if any) and/or in front of the harbour exit.
Additional locations can be provided.
- On the voyage route to Offshore Site : at locations were currents, waves or winds are
maximum, and at least 1 or 2 additional locations on the route (depending on its length and

5.1.3 Models

Forecasts will be based on a state-of-the-art models that shall be thoroughly documented by the

5.1.4 Validation report

The Employer will provide to the Contractor a weather forecast validation report. This report, done by
forecaster, will contain details about models (including mesh resolutions) and how configuration
parameters are adjusted to fit with observations. The forecast will describe how models have been
calibrated and what kinds of inputs are used. The outputs data shall be validated against several dataset,
and parameters (see Appendix 1) have to be compared with measurement dataset when available.

5.1.5 Models validated with on site observations

The Employer will supply real time observations to forecasters. The forecaster will provide comparison of
weather forecast (described in paragraph below) and real time observation at measurement locations
every hour.

5.2 Weather forecast

Two independent weather forecasts will be provided by the Employer. The Employer will be able to
provide the information with the corresponding units as stated in the Appendix 1.
The Employer will be able to propose the 2 following modes for the delivery of the information to the
 Dedicated and secured website
 Daily email reports (in .pdf format)
The Employer will be also able to provide general forecast for regional and local areas, including
surfaces pressure forecast, satellite maps, centred on the Employer locations or along maritime routes
defined by the Employer.
The time resolution is 1 hour for the first 48 hours and 3 hours after.

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Weather forecast provided services

Maximum forecast time extension is 10 days.

The Employer will be capable of update the forecast 4 times a day.
Contractor shall notify Employer if he wants the weather forecasts at a higher frequency per day.
The Employer will also provide alerts and warning, at any time, for critical event foreseen such as but not
limited to lightening, high seas, squall and storm.
The Employer will also provide a confident factor for the forecast data provided.
Contractor shall ensure data completeness. If not, Contractor shall require any additional data he finds

5.2.1 Dedicated website

The Employer will provide access to a dedicated and secured website where the Contractor can get
access and can visualize the forecasted information as per Appendix 1 with the possibility to zoom on the
display for some specific times.
The website will also allow the Employer to display a general forecast for regional and local areas
centred on the Employer locations or along maritime routes defined by the Employer.
The Employer will be able to customize the display to show some operational limits, predefine by the
Employer and in a range of values such as wind speed or significant wave height.

5.2.2 Daily email reports

Actualized Weather Forecast reports will be issued, by email, every day to the Contractor, as a minimum,
at the following GMT hours: 06h00, and 18h00.
The distribution email list shall be provided by the Contractor to the Employer at KOM.
The report will contain parameters among the list of information requested in Appendix 1 for every hour
(maximum) of the next 5 days (minimum). Parameters to be displayed in the reports will be mutually
agreed between Contractor and Employer.
Curves will be provided to display the following data:
 Mean and gust wind speeds at 10m, 50m and 100m high above LAT,
 Wind directions at 10m, 50m and 100m high above LAT,
 Significant and maximum wave height,
 Mean wave direction,
 Tide height,
 Current speed and direction,

5.3 Window clearance

Window clearance shall be defined by the Contractor for each relevant step of the offshore operations
where weather limitations occur (e.g. load-out, lifting, jacking, towing, etc.). The window clearance is
under Contractor’s responsibility and it shall be duly justified for each operation where such window
clearance is being defined.
The window clearance will be approved by MWS and accepted by Employer during installation
engineering phase.

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Weather forecast provided services

Environmental conditions should be selected based on an overall evaluation. Too strict environmental
conditions and too conservative window clearance should be avoided.
Contractor shall issue a window clearance methodology for Employer’s acceptance, which shall include
the following as a minimum:
 Codes, standards or norms considered
 Step by steps analysis, with windows clearance clearly defined for the critical installation steps
 Estimated window clearance for relevant steps
 Justification of the window clearance defined

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Weather forecast provided services

6 Appendix 1 – Weather forecast parameters

Day and time of the forecast
Time of sunrise and sunset
Phase of the moon

Wind speed, 10 min average, at 10m high

Wind gust, 3 s, at 10m high
Wind speed, 10 min average, at 50m high
Wind gust,3 s, at 50m high
Wind speed, 10 min average, at about 100m
Wind gust, 3 s, at about 100m high
Wind direction at 10, 50 and about 100m

Significant wave height

Maximum wave height
Wave peak period
Zero up crossing period
Mean wave direction
Directional spreading
Primary swell height
Primary swell direction
Primary swell period
Secondary swell height
Secondary swell direction
Secondary swell period

Precipitation – cumulative over 3 hours

Air Temperature at 2m high
Relative humidity at 2m high
Risk of icing
Cloud cover – low clouds
Risk of snow
Wind chill
Risk of lightening
Water (sea surface) temperature
Barometric pressure

Tide height
Tide coefficient
High tide and low tide framing hours
Surface current speed
Surface current direction
Depth averaged current speed
Depth averaged current direction
For elevation, LAT reference shall be considered.

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Weather forecast provided services

The following units shall be able to be displayed.

Measure Primary unit 2nd unit 3rd unit 4th unit

Wind speed m/s knots Km/h Beaufort
Wind direction Degrees
Wave height m
Wave period s
Wave direction Degrees
Temperature °C
Current speed m/s Knots
Current direction Degrees
Precipitation mm/h
Visibility m
Humidity %
Cloud cover %
Wind chill °C
Risk of icing %
Risk of snow %
Risk of lightening %
Atmospheric pressure hPa

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