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Lebanese University

Lebanese University Faculty of Sciences

Faculty of Sciences

Department of Life and Earth Sciences

Fall Semester

©opyright Reserved
The following book was prepared and revised by the following instructors (in
alphabetical order):

Prepared by: Revised by:

Dr. Ali BAZZI Dr. Raghida DAMAJ
Dr. Rana BAZZI

Copyright Reserved for the Lebanese University ©2018

This material is only for academic use by the students at the Faculty of Sciences in the
Lebanese University, it should not be distributed for purchase or photocopy anywhere
under the threat of legal prosecution.

8102© ‫حقوق الطبع والنشر محفوظة للجامعة اللبنانية‬

‫إ ن هذه النسخة موضوعة بتصرف طالب كلية العلوم في الجامعة اللبنانية و لهدف اكاديمي فقط ال غير وعليه يمنع‬
‫توزيع اي نسخة (ورقية او الكترونية) الي جهة اخرى او التصوير والبيع في كافة المكتبات تحت طائلة المالحقة‬


I-1. DNA: The support of genetic information
- The transformation experiment
- Another experiment on transformation: the experiment of Avery, MacLeod and
- The Hershey–Chase Experiment
I-2. Composants et structure de l’ADN
- Nucleotide
- Nucleoside diphosphates and triphosphates
- Polynucleotides
I-3. The Structure of DNA holds the key to understanding its function
- Base-Composition Studies
- The Watson–Crick Model
I-4. DNA replication
- DNA is reproduced by semiconservative replication
- Origins and forks of replication
- DNA synthesis
- Unwinding the DNA Helix
- RNA primer: necessary for DNA synthesis initiation
- Anti-parallel strands: a reason for discontinous synthesis of DNA
- Summary for DNA synthesis model
I-5. RNA components and structures
I-6. Gene expression
- The Genetic Code and Transcription
- Organization of a protein coding gene
- Transcription process
- Initiation
- Elongation
- Termination
- Transcription in Eukaryotes Differs from prokaryotic transcription in several ways
- The nuclear genetic code
- The genetic code
- Characteristics of the nuclear genetic code
- Translation and Proteins
- Translation process
- Initiation
- Elongation
- Termination

CHAPTER 2- Mitosis and Meiosis

2.1. Definition of the human Karyotype
2-2. Chromosome classification
- Centromeric index (Ic) = p/p+q
2-3. DNA organization in eukaryote chromosome
- Chromatin

2-4. Chromatin: Euchromatin-heterochromatin

- Euchromatin
- Heterochromatin
Heterochromatin can be either constitutive or facultative
Constitutive heterochromatin
Facultative heterochromatin
The Barr body
2-5. Mitosis and Meiosis
- Mitosis
- Meiosis
The First Meiotic Division: Prophase I
Prophase I
Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase I
The Second Meiotic Division
2-6. The Development of Gametes Varies in spermatogenesis compared to oogenesis
2-7. DNA content during the cell cycle
- Quantitative analysis of mitosis
- Quantitative analysis of meiosis
3.1 Definition:
3.2 Spontaneous and Induced Mutations:
3.3 Somatic and germinal mutations:
3.4 Classification Based on Type of Molecular Change:
1. Gene mutations:
- Base substitution
. - Insertion or deletion
- Silent, missense, nonsense, and frameshift mutations
- Metabolic disease
- Molecular disease
2. Genomic mutations:
-The monoploidy
- The polyploidy
- Autosomal aneuploidy
- Sex chromosome aneuploidy
- Non- disjunction during meiosis I and II
- Dosage Compensation of X-linked genes in mammals or Barr body
3. Chromosome mutations: structural chromosome aberrations
- Deletion
- Duplication


- Inversion: inversions rearrange the linear gene sequence

- Ring chromosome
- Translocation
- Robertsonien translocation
CHAPTER 4- Mendelian Genetics
4.1 Mendel used a model experimental approach to study patterns of inheritance
4.2 The monohybrids cross reveals how one trait is transmitted from generation to generation
Mendel’s first three postulates
Modern genetics terminology
Punnett square
The testcross: one character
4.3 Mendel’s dihybrid cross generated a unique F2 ratio
Mendel’s fourth postulate: independent assortment
The testcross: two characters
4.4 The trihybrid cross demonstrates that Mendel’s principles apply to inheritance of multiple
The fork line method or branch diagram
Unit Factors, Genes, and Homologous Chromosomes
4.5 Independent assortment leads to extensive genetic variation
4.6 Laws of probability help to explain genetic events
The Binomial Theorem


5.1 Neither Allele Is Dominant in Incomplete, or Partial Dominance (Semi-dominance)
5.2 In Codominance, the Influence of Both Alleles in a Heterozygote Is Clearly Evident
5.3 Multiple Alleles of a Gene May Exist in a Population (Polyallelism)
The ABO Blood Groups
The A and B Antigens
The Bombay Phenotype
The Coat Color in Rabbits
The white Locus in Drosophila
5.4 Lethal Alleles Represent Essential Genes
5.5 Combinations of Two Gene Pairs With Two Modes of Inheritance Modify the 9:3:3:1 Ratio
5.6 Phenotypes Are Often Affected by More Than One Gene (Polymery)
Gene Interaction (Simple Interaction)
1. Recessive epistasis (9:3:4) or Supplementary genes
2. Dominant epistasis (12:3:1)
3. Duplicate recessive epistasis (9:7) or Complementary Gene Action
4. Dominant-recessive epistasis (9:6:1) or Double Interaction
5. Dominant and recessive epistasis (13:3) or Dominant Suppression


6. Duplicate dominant epistasis (15:1) or Duplicate Gene Interaction

5.7 Expression of a Single Gene May Have Multiple Effects
5.8 Polygenic Inheritance

CHAPTER 6- Genetics and Sexuality

6.1. Sex determination
1. Diversity in sex determination
- Protenor mode
- Lygaeus mode
- Abraxas mode
2. Chromosome Y and male development
6.2. X-linkage determines genes on X chromosome
1. X-linkage in drosophila
6.3. Sex-limited and sex-influenced inheritance
1. Sex-limited inheritance
2. Sex-influenced inheritance
6.4. Hemizygosity
6.5. X-linked disorders
1. X-linked recessive disorders
- X-linked recessive disorders
 Color blindness
 Hemophilia
- X-linked dominant disorders
CHAPTER 7- Linkage and genetic map

7.1 Recombination between linked genes

7.2. Morgan’s experiment on Drosophila (1910)
7.3. Allele configurations
7.4. The case of two linked loci A and B
- Complete linkage
- Partial linkage
Distant linked genes
Linked genes in cis or in trans configurations
Linked genes in trans configuration
7-5. Frequency of recombination and gene distance
- Distance between two linked loci A and B
- Distance between three linked loci A, B and C
7-6 Additivity of gene distances


8.1 Pedigree conventions
8.2 Pedigree analysis
1. Autosomal inheritance


Pattern of inheritance of autosomal recessive trait

Pattern of inheritance of an Autosomal dominant trait
2. Sex-linked inheritance
X-chromosomal inheritance
Y-Chromosomal inheritance
3. Pseudoautosomal inheritance or XY-Chromosomal inheritance


I-1. DNA: The support of genetic information
Studies providing direct evidence that DNA is the genetic material
Until 1944, it was not clear what chemical component of the chromosomes makes up
genes and constitutes the genetic material. Because chromosomes were known to have
both nucleic acid and protein components, both were candidates. The following
experiments provide evidence that DNA is the genetic material.

The transformation experiment

In 1927, Frederick Griffith performed experiments with several different strains of the
bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae. Some of the strains were virulent or infectious
causing pneumonia in the vertebrates. The virulent strains were of serotype IIIS. The
other strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae were non virulent or non-infectious and thus
are harmless when infecting vertebrates. The serotype of the non-virulent strains was IIR.
These two strains are easily distinguished by standard microbiological culture techniques
as well as by their morphology. The presence of a polysaccharide capsule in the IIIS
strains confers a defence mechanism against the phagocytic activity of the white blood
cells of the animal host, which explains their virulence. Whereas, the IIR strains are non-
encapsulated. Morphologically, IIIS stains form smooth, shiny-surfaced colonies when
grown on an agar culture plate, whereas the IIR strains produce rough colonies. Strain
properties are summarised in Table 1–1.

TABLE 1-1 Strains of Diplococcus pneumonia used by Frederck Griffith in his original
transformation experiment

Griffith’s experiment is depicted in Figure 1–1. The key feature of this experiment is
that only living virulent bacteria would produce pneumonia in mice. So, injecting mice
with either non virulent bacteria IIR or heat-killed IIIS bacteria do not cause pneumonia
in these animals. In parallel, three sets of control mice were used:


Control 1: mice that were injected only with living IIIS. These mice are expected to die
after 5 days.

FIGURE 1-1 Griffith’s transformation experiment. The photographs show bacterial colonies
containing cells with capsules (type IIIS) and without capsules (type IIR).


Control 2: mice that were injected only with living non virulent IIR bacteria. These mice
are expected to remain healthy after 5 days. The use of this control would rule out the
possibility that the IIR cells would mutate and change to virulent IIIS cells in the absence
of the heat-killed IIIS bacteria.

Control 3: mice that were injected only with heat-killed IIIS. These mice are expected to
remain healthy after 5 days. The use of this control would validate the efficacy of heat
treatment on destroying the virulence of the IIIS.

Griffith injected mice with a combination of IIR and heat-killed IIIS bacteria.

His hypothesis was: this combination would not kill the mice from pneumonia

Results of this experiment

After 5 days:

- The single injection (control mice) design yielded the expected results which
validates the experiment conducted by Griffith and ruled out doubts of possibilities of
inefficacy of heat treatment to kill all bacteria in one hand and in the other hand of any
mutation of the IIR cells.

- In the double injection design, the mice were dead! The analysis of their blood
revealed a large number of living type IIIS bacteria.

Interpretation of the results

Results from the co-injection were strikingly different from those of single injections.
The only possible explanation is that some type of interaction has occurred between
living IIR and heat-killed IIIS cell. Blood culture revealed the presence of living IIIS.
Griffith concluded that the heat-killed IIIS bacteria converted living non virulent IIR cells
into virulent IIIS. The phenomenon was called ―transformation‖ and the substance
responsible for the transformation was called ―transforming principle‖. At that time,
Griffith suggested that the transforming principle might be a chemical substance or a
nutrient needed for capsule synthesis.

Griffith’s work provided the experimental evidence that a chemical substance was
responsible for the transformation phenomenon.

Although the chemical identity of the transforming principle was not revealed in his
experiment, but Griffith’s work inspired other scientists to investigate the nature of the
transformation principle.


Another experiment on transformation: the experiment of Avery, MacLeod

and MacCarty

The aim of these researchers was to determine the molecule that serves as the
transforming principle. They used some of Griffith’s experimental design to explore their
hypothesis, but they did not work on mice.

The importance of this experiment resides in the fact that they needed to isolate pure
DNA from IIIS cells and therefore they must develop chemical procedures, and that was
not done before!

In order to isolate the transforming principle, large quantities of cultures of type IIIS
virulent cells were needed. IIIS virulent cells were grown in liquid culture medium till
obtaining high density cultures. S cells were first centrifuged, heat killed and
homogenized. Following homogenization, cells were treated with the detergent
deoxycholate (DOC). A soluble filtrate was produced and protein was removed by
several chloroform extractions, and carbohydrates were enzymatically digested and
removed. Cell extract, a soluble filtrate contains mostly DNA with undetectable traces of
protein and/or RNA. This finding was based on the fact that the cell extract was analysed
for its nitrogen-phosphorus ratio and this ratio coincides with DNA.

Untreated S cell extract was added to culture of R cells than plated on an agar medium.
Other steps were carried out in parallel where S cell extract was treated either with
proteolytic enzymes or proteases (trypsin and chymotrypsin), or with RNA-digesting
enzyme, ribonuclease (RNase) or with DNA-digesting enzyme deoxyribonuclease
(DNase) to destroy protein, RNA, or DNA, respectively. Avery, MacLeod and
MacCarty’s experiment is outlined in Figure 1–2.

Results of this experiment

- Untreated S cell extract added to R cells transformed the R cells with the evidence
that some S colonies grew on the agar plate.

- Treatment with proteases or RNase did not alter the transformation activity since
some S colonies were still produced on the agar plate.

- Treatment with DNase destroyed the transformation activity, since no single S colony
appeared on the agar plate.


This experiment demonstrated that DNA, and not protein nor RNA, was the chemical
substance that changed R cells into S cells suggesting that DNA was the genetic material.

However, this conclusion remains to be confirmed given that DNA might have a direct
catalytic role in the synthesis of the polysaccharide coat.

So more work was done on transformation and the transformed cells passed the trait onto
their progeny cells. Moreover, subsequent transformation studies over a period of five
years showed that other traits, such as antibiotic resistance, could be transformed.

Taken together, these results support the conclusion that DNA is responsible for heredity,
not for the direct catalytic role in the production of polysaccharide coats. Thus, DNA is
the genetic material.

FIGURE 1-2 Summary of Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty’s experiment demonstrating that DNA is
the transforming principle.


The Hershey–Chase Experiment

In 1952, Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase performed experiments to clarify the events
leading to phage reproduction. They wanted to know which component of the phage,
DNA or protein entered the bacterial cell and directed viral reproduction. The bacterium
used for their study was Escherichia coli and the infecting virus was the bacteriophage
T2 (phage).

The key feature of the experiment is the difference in the chemical composition of DNA
and protein. DNA contains phosphorus (P) but not sulfur whereas proteins contain sulfur
(S) but not phosphorus. Using radioisotopes allows following the labeled molecular
components of phages during infection. 32P would effectively label DNA and 35S would
effectively label protein.

Parallel experiments were conducted on E.coli cells as such:

- E.coli were grown in the presence of 32P and then infected with T2 viruses. The
progeny will have a radioactively labeled DNA

- E.coli were grown in the presence of 35S and then infected with T2 viruses. The
progeny will have a radioactively labeled protein coat.

The next steps consists of isolating the phages containing 32P DNA and the phages
containing 35S protein then infecting unlabeled bacteria with each of the labeled phages
separately Figure 1–3.

The phage-bacteria complexes were isolated after a certain time. In attempts to separate
phages from bacteria, the complexes were subjected to a high shear force in a blender
followed by centrifugation. The centrifugation technique was applied given the difference
in density between phages and bacterial cells, these latter cells being much heavier than
the phage "ghosts" (phage coats devoid of DNA). So the centrifugation yielded phage
"ghosts" and infected E.coli cells. The infected E.coli cells with the viral DNA produced
new phages and eventually lysed.


Radioactivity analysis demonstrated that:

- Before the bacterial cells lysed, bacterial cells contained the 32P-labeled DNA
implying that the viral DNA had been transferred into the bacterial cell following

- After bacterial cells were lysed, progeny phages contained 32P, but not 35S.

- S-labeled protein was recovered in the phage ghosts outside the bacterial cells.

FIGURE 1-3 Summary of the Hershey–Chase experiment demonstrating that DNA, and not
protein, is responsible for directing the reproduction of phage T2 during the infection of E. coli.


Interpretation of the results

As shown from The Hershey–Chase Experiment, DNA but not protein, enters the
bacterial cells and directs phage reproduction. This finding provided the proof that the
DNA of the phage T2 is the genetic material. These experiments, along with those of
Avery and his colleagues, provided convincing evidence that DNA was the molecule
responsible for heredity. The above mentioned experiments proved that DNA is the
genetic material for prokaryotes and DNA containing phages).

The double-stranded DNA is also the genetic material for all living organisms. However,
in 1956, A. Gierer and G. Schramm demonstrated that RNA is the genetic material of
RNA containing tobacco mosaic virus (TMV).

I-2. Composants et structure de l’ADN

DNA is the deoxyribonucleic acid; it is a polymer of two helical anti-parallel chains
essential for cell life.

DNA is a nucleic acid, and nucleotides are the building blocks of all nucleic acid
molecules. Sometimes called mononucleotides, these structural units consist of three
essential components: a nitrogenous base, a pentose sugar (a 5-carbon sugar), and a
phosphate group. There are two kinds of nitrogenous bases: the nine-member double-
ring purines and the six-member single-ring pyrimidines. Two types of purines and
three types of pyrimidines are commonly found in nucleic acids. The two purines are
adenine and guanine, abbreviated A and G. The three pyrimidines are cytosine,
thymine, and uracil, abbreviated C, T, and U, respectively. The chemical structures of
A, G, C, T, and U are shown in Figure 1–4(a). Both DNA and RNA contain A, C, and G,
but only DNA contains the base T and only RNA contains the base U. Each nitrogen or
carbon atom of the ring structures of purines and pyrimidines is designated by an
unprimed number. Note that corresponding atoms in the two rings are numbered
differently in most cases.


FIGURE 1-4 (a) Chemical structures of the pyrimidines and purines that serve as the
nitrogenous bases in RNA and DNA. The convention for numbering carbon and nitrogen atoms
making up the two categories of bases is shown within the structures that appear on the left.
(b) Chemical ring structures of ribose and 2-deoxyribose, which serve as the pentose sugars in
RNA and DNA, respectively.

The pentose sugars found in nucleic acids give them their names. Ribonucleic acids
(RNA) contain ribose, while deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) contain deoxyribose.
Figure 1-4(b) shows the ring structures for these two pentose sugars. Each carbon atom
is distinguished by a number with a prime sign (e.g., C-1’, C-2’). Compared with ribose,
deoxyribose has a hydrogen atom rather than a hydroxyl group at the C-2’ position. The
absence of a hydroxyl group at the C-2’ position thus distinguishes DNA from RNA. In
the absence of the C-2’ hydroxyl group, the sugar is more specifically named 2-

If a molecule is composed of a purine or pyrimidine base and a ribose or deoxyribose

sugar, the chemical unit is called a nucleoside. If a phosphate group is added to the
nucleoside, the molecule is now called a nucleotide. Nucleosides and nucleotides are
named according to the specific nitrogenous base (A, T, G, C, or U) that is part of the


molecule. The structures of a nucleoside and a nucleotide and the nomenclature used in
naming nucleosides and nucleotides are given in Figure 1-5.

The bonding between components of a nucleotide is highly specific. The C-1’ atom of the
sugar is involved in the chemical linkage to the nitrogenous base. If the base is a purine,
the N-9 atom is covalently bonded to the sugar; if the base is a pyrimidine, the N-1 atom
bonds to the sugar. In deoxyribonucleotides, the phosphate group may be bonded to the
C-2’, C-3’, or C-5’ atom of the sugar. The C-5’ phosphate configuration is shown in
Figure 1-5.

Nucleoside diphosphates and triphosphates

Nucleotides are also described by the term nucleoside monophosphate (NMP). The
addition of one or two phosphate groups results in nucleoside diphosphates and
triphosphates (NTPs), respectively, as shown in Figure 1-6. The triphosphate form is
significant because it serves as the precursor molecule during nucleic acid synthesis
within the cell. In addition, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and guanosine triphosphate

FIGURE 1-5 Structures and names of the nucleosides and nucleotides of RNA and DNA


FIGURE 1-6 Structures of nucleoside diphosphates and triphosphates. Deoxythymidine

diphosphate and adenosine triphosphate are diagrammed here.

The linkage between two mononucleotides consists of a phosphate group linked to two
sugars. It is called a phosphodiester bond because phosphoric acid has been joined to
two alcohols (the hydroxyl groups on the two sugars) by an ester linkage on both sides.
Figure 1-7(a) shows the phosphodiester bond in DNA. The same bond is found in RNA.
Each structure has a C-5’ end and a C-3’ end. Two joined nucleotides form a
dinucleotide; three nucleotides, a trinucleotide; and so forth. Short chains consisting of
up to approximately 30 nucleotides linked together are called oligonucleotides; longer
chains are called polynucleotides.

Because drawing polynucleotide structures, as shown in Figure Figure 1-7(a), is time

consuming and complex, a schematic shorthand method has been devised [Figure 1-
7(b)]. The nearly vertical lines represent the pentose sugar; the nitrogenous base is
attached at the top, in the C-1’ position. A diagonal line with the P in the middle of it is
attached to the C-3’ position of one sugar and the C-5’ position of the neighboring sugar;
it represents the phosphodiester bond.

Long polynucleotide chains account for the large molecular weight of DNA and explain
its most important property—storage of vast quantities of genetic information. If each
nucleotide position in this long chain can be occupied by any one of four nucleotides,
extraordinary variation is possible. For example, a polynucleotide only 1000 nucleotides
in length can be arranged 41000 different ways, each one different from all other possible
sequences. This potential variation in molecular structure is essential if DNA is to store
the vast amounts of chemical information necessary to direct cellular activities.


FIGURE 1-7 (a) Linkage of two nucleotides by the formation of a C-3’-C-5’

(3‘.-5’) phosphodiester bond, producing a dinucleotide. (b) Shorthand
notation for a polynucleotide chain.

I-3. The Structure of DNA holds the key to understanding

its function
The previous sections in this chapter have established that DNA is the genetic material in
all organisms (with certain viruses being the exception) and have provided details as to
the basic chemical components making up nucleic acids. What remained to be deciphered
was the precise structure of DNA. That is, how are polynucleotide chains organized into
DNA, which serves as the genetic material? Is DNA composed of a single chain or more
than one? If the latter is the case, how do the chains relate chemically to one another? Do
the chains branch? And more important, how does the structure of this molecule relate to
the various genetic functions served by DNA (i.e., storage, expression, replication, and

From 1940 to 1953, many scientists were interested in solving the structure of DNA.
Among others, Erwin Chargaff, Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin, Linus Pauling,
Francis Crick, and James Watson sought information that might answer what many
consider to be the most significant and intriguing question in the history of biology: How
does DNA serve as the genetic basis for life? The answer was believed to depend strongly
on the chemical structure and organization of the DNA molecule, given the complex but
orderly functions ascribed to it.

In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick proposed that the structure of DNA is in the
form of a double helix. Their model was described in a short paper published in the
journal Nature.

The data available to Watson and Crick, crucial to the development of their proposal,
came primarily from two sources: (1) base composition analysis of hydrolyzed samples
of DNA and (2) X-ray diffraction studies of DNA. Watson and Crick’s analytical success
can be attributed to their focus on building a model that conformed to the existing data. If
the correct solution to the structure of DNA is viewed as a puzzle, Watson and Crick,
were the first to fit the pieces together successfully.

Base-Composition Studies
Between 1949 and 1953, Erwin Chargaff and his colleagues used chromatographic
methods to separate the four bases in DNA samples from various organisms. Quantitative
methods were then used to determine the amounts of the four bases from each source.
Table 1-2(a) lists some of Chargaff’s original data. Parts (b) and (c) of the table show
more recently derived base-composition information that reinforces Chargaff ’s findings.
As we shall see, Chargaff ’s data were critical to the success of Watson and Crick as they
devised the double helical model of DNA. On the basis of these data, the following
conclusions may be drawn:

1. As shown in Table 1-2(b), the amount of adenine residues is proportional to the

amount of thymine residues in DNA (columns 1, 2, and 5). Also, the amount of guanine
residues is proportional to the amount of cytosine residues (columns 3, 4, and 6).

2. Based on this proportionality, the sum of the purines (A + G) equals the sum of the
pyrimidines (C + T) as shown in column 7.

3. The percentage of (G + C) does not necessarily equal the percentage of (A + T). As

you can see, this ratio varies greatly among organisms, as shown in column 8 and in Part
(c) of Table 1-2.

These conclusions indicate a definite pattern of base composition in DNA molecules. The
data provided the initial clue to the DNA puzzle.


TABLE 1-2 DNA base composition data

Between 1950 and 1953, Rosalind Franklin has realized X ray diffraction on pure DNA
solution (Figure 1-8). Her work in addition to Chargaff’s results allowed Watson and
Crick to propose a model for the structure of DNA molecule.

FIGURE 1-8 X-ray diffraction photograph by Rosalind Franklin using the B form of purified DNA fibers.
The strong arcs on the periphery represent closely spaced aspects of the molecule, allowing scientists to
estimate the periodicity of the nitrogenous bases, which are 3.4 A˚ apart. The inner cross pattern spots
reveals the grosser aspects of the molecule, indicating its helical nature


The Watson–Crick Model

Watson and Crick published their analysis of DNA structure in 1953. By building models
based on the above-mentioned parameters, they arrived at the double-helical form of
DNA shown in Figure 1-9(a).

This model has the following major features:

1. Two long polynucleotide chains are coiled around a central axis, forming a right-
handed double helix.

2. The two chains are antiparallel; that is, their C-5’- to-C-3’ orientations run in opposite

3. The bases of both chains are flat structures lying perpendicular to the axis; they are
―stacked‖ on one another, 3.4 A˚ (0.34 nm) apart, on the inside of the double helix.

4. The nitrogenous bases of opposite chains are paired as the result of the formation of
hydrogen bonds; in DNA, only A,T and G‚C pairs occur.

5. Each complete turn of the helix is 34 A˚ (3.4 nm) long; thus, each turn of the helix is
the length of a series of 10 base pairs.

6. A larger major groove alternating with a smaller minor groove winds along the
length of the molecule.

7. The double helix has a diameter of 20 A˚ (2.0 nm).


FIGURE 1-9 Watson–Crick Model

1-3. DNA replication

Following Watson and Crick’s proposal for the structure of DNA, scientists focused their
attention on how this molecule is replicated. Replication is an essential function of the
genetic material and must be executed precisely if genetic continuity between cells is to
be maintained following cell division.

It is an enormous, complex task. Consider for a moment that more than 3 x 109 (3 billion)
base pairs exist within the human genome. To duplicate faithfully the DNA of just one of
these chromosomes requires a mechanism of extreme precision. Even an error rate of
only 106 (one in a million) will still create 3000 errors (obviously an excessive number)
during each replication cycle of the genome. Although it is not error free, and much of
evolution would not have occurred if it were, an extremely accurate system of DNA
replication has evolved in all organisms.


As Watson and Crick noted in the concluding paragraph of their 1953 paper (reprinted on
page 255, their proposed model of the double helix provided the initial insight into how
replication occurs. Called semiconservative replication, this mode of DNA duplication
was soon to receive strong support from numerous studies of viruses, prokaryotes, and
eukaryotes (Figure 1-10).

FIGURE 1-10 Generalized model of semiconservative replication of

DNA. New synthesis is shown in blue.

DNA is reproduced by semiconservative replication

Watson and Crick recognized that, because of the arrangement and nature of the
nitrogenous bases, each strand of a DNA double helix could serve as a template for the
synthesis of its complement (Figure 1–10). They proposed that, if the helix were
unwound, each nucleotide along the two parent strands would have an affinity for its
complementary nucleotide.

As we learned in Chapter 10, the complementarity is due to the potential hydrogen bonds
that can be formed. If thymidylic acid (T) were present, it would ―attract‖ adenylic acid
(A); if guanidylic acid (G) were present, it would attract cytidylic acid (C); likewise, A

would attract T, and C would attract G. If these nucleotides were then covalently linked
into polynucleotide chains along both templates, the result would be the production of
two identical double strands of DNA. Each replicated DNA molecule would consist of
one ―old‖ and one ―new‖ strand, hence the reason for the name semiconservative

Two other theoretical modes of replication are possible that also rely on the parental
strands as a template (Figure 1-10). In conservative replication, complementary
polynucleotide chains are synthesized as described earlier. Following synthesis, however,
the two newly created strands then come together and the parental strands reassociate.
The original helix is thus ―conserved.‖

In the second alternative mode, called dispersive replication, the parental strands are
dispersed into two new double helices following replication. Hence, each strand consists
of both old and new DNA. This mode would involve cleavage of the parental strands
during replication. It is the most complex of the three possibilities and is therefore
considered to be least likely to occur. It could not, however, be ruled out as an
experimental model. Figure 1-10 shows the theoretical results of one cycle of replication
for each of the three modes.

FIGURE 1-10 The three different modes for DNA replication.(a).semi-conservative, (b) conservative, (c)

Origins and forks of replication


To enhance our understanding of semiconservative replication, let’s briefly consider a

number of relevant issues. The first concerns the origin of replication. Where along the
chromosome is DNA replication initiated? Is there only a single origin, or does DNA
synthesis begin at more than one point? Is any given point of origin random, or is it
located at a specific region along the chromosome? Second, once replication begins, does
it proceed in a single direction or in both directions away from the origin? In other words,
is replication unidirectional or bidirectional?

To address these issues, we need to introduce two terms. First, at each point along the
chromosome where replication is occurring, the strands of the helix are unwound,
creating what is called a replication fork. Such a fork will initially appear at the point of
origin of synthesis and then move along the DNA duplex as replication proceeds. At each
replication bubble, there is a fork at each side. If replication is bidirectional, two such
forks will be present, migrating in opposite directions away from the origin (Figure 1-

FIGURE 1-11 Bidirectional replication of the E. coli chromosome. The thin black arrows
identify the advancing replication forks. The micrograph is of a bacterial chromosome in


the process of replication, comparable to the figure next to it. On the left is shown only
one origin of replication in prokaryotes, whereas on the right are shown many origins of
replication in eukaryotes.

DNA synthesis
Replication is semiconservative and bidirectional along. We also know that synthesis is
catalyzed by DNA polymerase III and occurs in the 5’ to 3’ direction as shown in Figure

FIGURE 1-12 Demonstration of 5’ to 3’ synthesis of DNA.

Bidirectional synthesis creates two replication forks that move in opposite directions
away from the origin of synthesis. As we can see from the following list, many issues
remain to be resolved in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of DNA

1. The helix must undergo localized unwinding.

2. A primer of some sort must be synthesized so that DNA polymerase can commence
DNA synthesis. Surprisingly, RNA, not DNA, serves as the primer.

3. Once the RNA primers have been synthesized, DNA polymerase begins to synthesize
the DNA complement of both strands of the parent molecule. Because the two strands are
antiparallel to one another, continuous synthesis in the direction that the replication fork
moves is possible along only one of the two strands. On the other strand, synthesis must
be discontinuous and thus involves a somewhat different process.


4. The RNA primers must be removed prior to completion of replication. The gaps that
are temporarily created must be filled with DNA complementary to the template at each

5. The newly synthesized DNA strand that fills each temporary gap must be joined to the
adjacent strand of DNA.

As we consider these points, examine Figure 1-13, 1-14, 1-15, and 1-16 to see how each
issue is resolved. Figure 1-17 summarizes the model of DNA synthesis.

Unwinding the DNA Helix

Unwinding of DNA helix is done by helicases. These are proteins that cut hydrogen
bonds and denature the double-helix (in Figure 1-13).

FIGURE 1-13 Helicases cut hydrogen bonds and unwind short segments of DNA just
before each fork.

RNA primer: necessary for DNA synthesis initiation

Once a small portion of the helix is unwound, what else is needed to initiate synthesis?
As we have seen, DNA polymerase requires a primer with a free 3.-hydroxyl group in
order to elongate a polynucleotide chain. Since none is available in a circular
chromosome, this absence prompted researchers to investigate how the first nucleotide
could be added. It is now clear that RNA serves as the primer that initiates DNA

A short segment of RNA (about 10 to 12 nucleotides long), complementary to DNA, is

first synthesized on the DNA template. Synthesis of the RNA is directed by a form of
RNA polymerase called primase, which does not require a free 3’ end to initiate
synthesis. It is to this short segment of RNA that DNA polymerase begins to add
deoxyribonucleotides, initiating DNA synthesis. A conceptual diagram of initiation on a
DNA template is shown in Figure 1-14. Later, the RNA primer is clipped out and
replaced with DNA.


FIGURE 1-14 RNA primer is synthesized by primase. DNA polymerase

begins to add deoxyribonucleotides, initiating DNA synthesis.

Anti-parallel strands: a reason for discontinous synthesis of DNA

We will consider the antiparallel aspect of DNA double-helix which means that is on
strand has the polarity 5’-3’ and the other 3’-5’. Given that DNA polymerase can only
synthesize DNA in the 5’-3’ direction, the DNA synthesis in the fork occurs in one
direction on one strand and in an opposite direction on the other strand. As a result, one
strand will be the template for the synthesis of a continuous new strand of DNA during
synthesis progression. This new strand is the leading strand.

During synthesis progression, many points of initiation are necessary on the template of
the opposed strand. This creates a discontinuous synthesis of DNA also called the
lagging strand. This strand is synthesized in fragments called the okazaki
fragments.Each okazaki fragment is preceded by an RNA primer The synthesis of the
leading and lagging strands of DNA is shown in Figure 1-15 and Figure 1-16.


FIGURE 1-15 The new strand of DNA that is synthesized facing the fork is the leading strand (the upper
strand) and the new strand of DNA synthesized away from the fork is the lagging strand.

During elongation of DNA synthesis, RNA primers will be removed and replaced with
DNA. The okazaki fragments will be ligated with DNA ligases. DNA ligase is an enzyme
that catalyzes the formation of phosphodiester bonds without adding nucleotides of DNA.


FIGURE 1-16 Two new strands of DNA are synthesized at each fork of replication. On
the left, the leading strand continues facing the fork of replication while on the right,
lagging strand continues away from the fork.

Summary for DNA synthesis model

All the elements of DNA replication involved in a fork of replication are shown in
Figure 1-17. Initiation being at the origin of replication then the unwinding of DNA by
DNA helicases.

FIGURE 1-17 Summary of DNA synthesis at a single replication fork. Various enzymes and
proteins essential to the process are shown.

1-4. RNA components and structures

RNA is a single-stranded molecule that consists of one chain of ribonucleotides that is
complementary to one of the DNA strands. The enzyme that synthesizes RNA is RNA
polymerase. RNA differs from DNA in different ways. These differences are shown in
Table 1–4.

TABLE 1-4 Difference between DNA and RNA molecules


Sugar Deoxyribose Ribose

Base Thymine Uracil

Molecule Double-helix, long Single-stranded, short

Localization Nuclear, (mitochondria and Nuclear and cytoplasm



FIGURE 1-18 Structures of RNA (left) and DNA (right)

Different types of RNA molecules exist. Three of them are described below:

- mRNA: messager RNA: a single-stranded molecule that specifies the sequence of

amino acids in the peptide chain. It is synthesized on the template of DNA by RNA

- tRNA: transfert RNA: a single-stranded molecule. This molecule has a particular

arrangement with its series of paired stems and unpaired loops, resembled the shape of a
cloverleaf. Used in protein synthesis as an adaptor between mRNA and amino acids.
During protein synthesis each tRNA molecule will carry its specific amino acid linked to
it via a covalent bond. In this case, tRNA is called charged tRNA.

-rRNA: ribosomal RNA: it is one of the components of ribosomes.

1-5. Gene expression

The process by which a gene product is produced is called gene expression. The first step
consists of copying the DNA template strand into an RNA transcript. This is gene

If the RNA transcript is a messenger RNA (mRNA) transcribed from a protein coding
gene, then the second step of gene expression consists of mRNA translation into a peptide
Figure 1-19.


FIGURE 1-19 Summary of gene expression

The Genetic Code and Transcription

The process by which RNA molecules are synthesized on a DNA template is called
transcription. It results in a single-stranded mRNA molecule complementary to the gene
sequence of one of the two strands of the double helix.

The DNA is a double-stranded molecule, but the gene is conventionally represented by

the sense strand, that is the strand that is never transcribed. It contains the promoter at the
5’end. RNA is produced from the template strand that is complementary to the sense
strand. This strand is read by RNA polymerase from 3’→5’ direction to synthesize RNA
in 5’→3’ direction.


RNA synthesized has the same sequence and same sense as the coding, sense (non-
template) DNA strand (only replacing T with U) (Figure 1-20).

FIGURE 1-20 RNA is synthesized on the DNA template complementary to the template.

Organization of a protein coding gene

The gene is preceded by a DNA sequence called a promoter. The promoter is a regulatory
sequence that regulates the initiation of transcription it is located in the 5’ region
upstream from the point of initial transcription of a gene. The point of transcription
consists of the first nucleotide to be transcribed and is designated the transcription start
site ―+1‖. The gene has a terminator sequence that contains the transcription termination
sequence at its 3’ end. Between these sites, the gene contains exons and introns. The gene
always starts with an exon and ends with one. Conventionally, Exons- the expressed
sequences- are named coding sequences, which means that they are translated into amino
acids. Introns-intervening sequences- are non-coding sequences. UTR sequences are
regions that are transcribed but untranslated.


FIGURE 1-21 The Gene is preceded by a promoter. It stars with a transcription start site and ends with

These exons constitute the open reading frame (see later in mRNA translation). Note that
all the gene is transcribed and referred to as RNA coding sequence, but not all the mRNA
molecule is translated into the amino acid chain. The sequence of mRNA that is
translated lies within the transcribed region (Figure 1-21).

The enzyme that synthesizes RNA is RNA polymerase. Transcription consists of three
phases: initiation, elongation and termination.

Transcription process
Transcription can be divided into three steps:


RNA polymerase recognizes the promoter, binds to it and starts transcribing the DNA
template strand from the transcription start site.


Unlike DNA replication, no primer is required for transcription. Subsequent

ribonucleotide complements are inserted and linked together by phosphodiester bonds as
RNA polymerization proceeds. This process continues in a 5’ to 3’. Direction on a DNA
single-stranded template 3’-5’.

FIGURE 1-22 Winding and unwinding of DNA double helix once transcription is initiated. RNA Pol
copies this template by adding complementary ribonucleotides to 3′ end of the growing chain.



The enzyme traverses the entire gene until eventually it encounters a specific nucleotide
sequence that acts as a termination signal. When termination is achieved, the transcribed
RNA molecule is released from the DNA template, and the polymerase enzyme
dissociates. The synthesized RNA molecule is precisely complementary to the DNA
sequence of the template strand of the gene and has the same sequence of DNA coding
strand except for the Thymine residues that are replaced by uridine residues on RNA.

Transcription in Eukaryotes Differs from prokaryotic transcription in several


1. Transcription in eukaryotes occurs within the nucleus. Unlike the prokaryotic process,
in eukaryotes the RNA transcript is not free to associate with ribosomes prior to the
completion of transcription. For the mRNA to be translated, it must move out of the
nucleus into the cytoplasm.

2. Alteration of the primary RNA transcript to produce mature eukaryotic mRNA (Figure
1-24) involves many complex stages referred to generally as ―processing.‖ An initial
processing step involves the addition of a 5’ cap at the 5’ end of the transcript. The
introns are then spliced out and the exons joined. Finally a 3’ poly A tail is added at the
3’ end of the mRNA. RNA maturation steps are illustrated in (Figure 1-23).

FIGURE 1-23 RNA processing. The initial processing step involves the addition of a
5’ cap at the 5’ end of the transcript. The introns are then spliced out and the exons
joined. Finally a 3’ poly A tail is added at the 3’ end of the mRNA.



FIGURE 1-24 Structure of mRNA

The nuclear genetic code

The code is nearly universal. With only minor exceptions, a single coding dictionary is
used by almost all viruses, prokaryotes, archaea, and eukaryotes.

The genetic code

A gene encodes the primary structure of a protein. The genetic code consists of a
sequence of codons read from 5’ to 3’. There are 64 codons among which 61 are sense,
which means they specify amino acids. Each sense codon designates a specific amino the peptide. Each peptide starts with a methionine, designated by a start codon on

Not all codons are sense codons, i.e, encode for amino acids. Some codons are not
recognized by tRNAs and these signal the termination of translation. These are the three
stop codons; UAA, UAG and UGA. All codons, sense and non-sense codons are shown
in Table 1–3.

TABLE 1-3 The nuclear genetic code


Characteristics of the nuclear genetic code

1. The genetic code is written in linear form, using as ―letters‖ the ribonucleotide bases
that compose mRNA molecules. The ribonucleotide sequence is derived from the
complementary nucleotide bases in DNA.

2. Each ―word‖ within the mRNA consists of three ribonucleotide letters, thus referred to
as a triplet code. With several exceptions, each group of three ribonucleotides, called a
codon, specifies one amino acid.

3. The code is unambiguous—each triplet specifies only a single amino acid.

4. The code is degenerate, meaning that a given amino acid can be specified by more
than one triplet codon. This is the case for 18 of the 20 amino acids.

5. The code contains one ―start‖ and three ―stop‖ signals, triplets that initiate and
terminate translation, respectively.


6. No internal punctuation (analogous, for example, to a comma) is used in the code.

Thus, the code is said to be commaless. Once translation of mRNA begins, the codons
are read one after the other with no breaks between them (until a stop signal is reached).

7. The code is nonoverlapping. After translation commences, any single ribonucleotide

within the mRNA is part of only one triplet.

Ribosomes translate the open reading frame of mRNA

For any sequence of nucleotides, there are three potential reading frames.

First potential reading frame of mRNA

H2N Ile-Cys-Glu-Ser-Gly-Pro COOH

Second potential reading frame:

H2N Tyr-Ala-Ser-Pro-Ala-Leu COOH

Third potential reading frame:

H2N Met-Arg-Val-Arg-Pro COOH

Among the potential three reading frames, only one represents the open reading frame
(ORF), the frame that contains the genetic code that specifies the protein. It starts with
the translation start codon AUG and ends with any one of the three stop codons, in this
case, UAA.

So the Open reading frame (ORF) is represented by:

5’ AUG…………………..Stop codon 3’

Translation and Proteins

Translation of mRNA is the biological polymerization of amino acids into polypeptide
chains. It occurs in ribosomes that serve as a nonspecific workbench for the translation
process. mRNA serves as an intermediate in the transfer of genetic information from
DNA to proteins.


In association with a ribosome, mRNA presents a series of triplet codons. Each sense
codon specifies an amino acid. A specific tRNA molecule (called charged tRNA) that is
covalently bonded to the codon’s corresponding amino acid contains within its nucleotide
sequence three consecutive ribonucleotides complementary to the codon, called the
anticodon, which can base-pair with the codon of the mRNA via hydrogen bonds.

Translation process
Translation of mRNA can be divided into three steps:


The initiator tRNA charged with Methionine (tRNAMet) base pairs with the initial AUG
start codon of mRNA at the P (peptidyl) site of ribosome small subunit (Figure 1-26).
This base pairing codon, anti-codon is shown in Figure 1-24. The large subunit then binds
to the small subunit forming the complete ribosome. The different units of ribosome are
shown in Figure 1-25.

FIGURE 1-24 The base paring between AUG in

mRNA and its anti-codon on the tRNAf

FIGURE 1-25 The small and large

subunits of ribosome


FIGURE 1-26 Initiation of translation consists of the bdinding of tRNAf at the P site of the


It is the lengthening of the growing polypeptide chain by one amino acid per elongation
cycle. The role of the small subunit during elongation is to ―decode‖ the codons in the
mRNA, while the role of the large subunit is peptide-bond synthesis.

The second triplet in mRNA dictates which charged tRNA molecule will become
positioned at the A (aminoacyl) site (Step 1). Once it is present, an enzymatic reaction
occurs within the large subunit of the ribosome, catalyzing the formation of the peptide
bond that links the two amino acids together. To do this, the covalent bond between the
tRNA occupying the P site and its cognate amino acid is hydrolyzed (broken). The newly
formed dipeptide remains attached to the end of the tRNA still residing in the A site (Step
2). Before elongation can be repeated, the tRNA attached to the P site, which is now

uncharged, must be released from the large subunit. The uncharged tRNA moves briefly
into a third site on the ribosome called the E (exit) site. The entire mRNA–tRNA–aa2–
aa1 complex then shifts in the direction of the P site by a distance of three nucleotides
(Step 3). The result is that the third codon of mRNA has now moved into the A site and is
ready to accept its specific charged tRNA (Step 4). One simple way to distinguish the two
sites in your mind is to remember that, following the shift, the P site (P for peptide)
contains a tRNA attached to a peptide chain, whereas the A site (A for amino acid)
contains a tRNA with an amino acid attached.

The sequence of elongation and translocation is repeated over and over (Steps 4 and 5).
An additional amino acid is added to the growing polypeptide chain each time the mRNA
advances by three nucleotides through the ribosome. Translation elongation steps are
represented in Figure 1-27.


The process is signaled by the presence of any one of the three possible triplet codons
appearing in the A site: UAG, UAA, or UGA. These codons do not specify an amino
acid, nor do they call for a tRNA in the A site. They are called stop codons, termination
codons, or nonsense codons. Often, several consecutive several consecutive stop codons
are part of an mRNA. When one such termination stop codon is encountered, the finished
polypeptide is still attached to the terminal tRNA at the P site, and the A site is empty.
The tRNA is released from the ribosome, which then dissociates into its subunits Figure


FIGURE 1-27 Elongation during translation


2.1. Definition of the human Karyotype
During interphase, chromosomes are replicated but are not condensed. These are
Interphase chromosomes. During mitosis chromosomes become highly condensed thus
most easily visualized (metaphase). These are mitotic chromosomes. The display of the
46 human chromosomes at mitosis in homologous pairs is called the human karyotype.
A karyotype is species-specific.

Figure 2–1 illustrates the physical appearance of different pairs of homologous

chromosomes. There, the human mitotic chromosomes have been photographed, cut out
of the print, and matched up, creating a karyotype.

Humans have a 2n number of 46 chromosomes, which on close examination exhibit a

diversity of sizes and centromere placements. Note also that each of the 46 chromosomes
in this karyotype is clearly a double structure consisting of two parallel sister chromatids
connected by a common centromere. Had these chromosomes been allowed to continue
dividing, the sister chromatids, which are replicas of one another, would have separated
into the two new cells as division continued.

FIGURE 2-1 A metaphase preparation of chromosomes derived from a dividing cell

of a human male (left), and the karyotype derived from the metaphase preparation
(right). All but the X and Y chromosomes are present in homologous pairs. Each
chromosome is clearly a double structure consisting of a pair of sister chromatids
joined by a common centromere.


2-2. Chromosome classification

Chromosomes are most easily visualized during mitosis. When they are examined
carefully, distinctive lengths and shapes are apparent. Each chromosome contains a
constricted region called the centromere, whose location establishes the general
appearance of each chromosome. Figure 2–2 shows chromosomes with centromere
placements at different distances along their length. Extending from either side of the
centromere are the arms of the chromosome. Depending on the position of the
centromere, different arm ratios are produced.

As Figure 2–2 illustrates, chromosomes are classified as metacentric, submetacentric,

acrocentric, or telocentric on the basis of the centromere location. The shorter arm, by
convention, is shown above the centromere and is called the p arm (p, for “petite”). The
longer arm is shown below the centromere and is called the q arm (q because it is the
next letter in the alphabet).

FIGURE 2-2 A metaphase preparation of chromosomes derived from a dividing cell

of a human male (left), and the karyotype derived from the metaphase preparation
(right). All but the X and Y chromosomes are present in homologous pairs. Each
chromosome is clearly a double structure consisting of a pair of sister chromatids
joined by a common centromere.


Centromeric position on chromosomes can be calculated. The location of centromere can

be expressed as:

Centromeric index (Ic) = p/p+q

According to this, a nomenclature system can be used, and thus chromosomes can be
classified according to their Ic values:

- Metacentric: p=q ; Ic~0.5

- Submetacentric: p<q ; Ic<0.5

- Acrocentric: p<<q; Ic << 0.5

- Telocentric: p=0; Ic =0

So, chromosomes are classified according to their length, centromere position and
banding pattern. This last criterion is the key concept for staining chromosomes is that
the pattern of bands on each type of chromosome is unique which reflects structural and
functional differences.

2-3. DNA organization in eukaryote chromosome

Chromosomes in eukaryotes are linear. They consist of chromatin (interphase) or
condensed chromatin (chromosomes in M phase). They are associated with proteins
(histones and non-histones).

In chapter one, we have seen that DNA consists of a chain of some 1m length. But the
cell’s nucleus has a tiny diameter (10μm), so there must be a way by which DNA can fit
in the nucleus. So far, we have examined the 2 nm structure of DNA without combined
proteins. Proteins are essential in DNA packing. When DNA-associated proteins are
considered, we are talking about chromatin and chromosomes. Chromosomes designate
the condensed form (condensation starts in prophase and reaches maximum level of
condensation in metaphase), whereas chromatin designates the least compact structure

Chromatin is an organized complex of nuclear DNA combined with histones. Chromatin

enables DNA packing and regulates gene expression. The basic unit of chromatin is the
nucleosome (the octamer of histones: H2A, H2B, H3 and H4). The octamer consists of a
dimer of each of these histone proteins.


There are essentially two types of proteins that bind DNA- histones and non-histones.
The different levels of DNA condensation are summarized in the Figure 2–3.

FIGURE 2-3 Different levels of DNA organization: from the double-stranded helical
structure to the metaphase chromosome.

2-4. Chromatin: Euchromatin-heterochromatin

During the interphase of the cell cycle, the components of the chromosome are less
condensed and are present in the form of fibers or filaments called chromatin.

Chromatin is classified into euchromatin and heterochromatin according to their DNA

staining patterns.

- Relaxed (thin fiber or fiber (A), d=35-60 Aº)
- Less to unstained filaments in interphase (decondensation)
- Filaments appear dark and dense at metaphase (condensation). When euchromatin is
dense, it is rather considered facultative heterochromatin.
- It is the part of chromatin that is genetically active.
- Clear during interphase (decondensation)


- Condensed (thick and stained fiber or fiber (B), d=200-300 Aº)
- Densely stained filaments
- Content in proteins is higher than that in euchromatin.
- These filaments correspond to 80% DNA.

Heterochromatin can be either constitutive or facultative

Constitutive heterochromatin
Is a stable heterochromatin and conserved its heterochromatic properties during all
stages, all phases of the cell cycle and in all tissues. Ex: centromeres.

Facultative heterochromatin

This type of heterochromatin describes regions of chromosomes that appear

heterochromatic certain times but are not always this way. This is a reversible
heterochromatin. It represents domains of euchromatin that are condensed and inactive by
they can be reversed into euchromatin. This heterochromatin condenses and decondenses:
- Throughout the cell cycle
- In the cell type
- In the stage of development: example the Barr body
This is contrasted with constitutive heterochromatin, which is always condensed and
stains strongly

The Barr body

It is a small, dense structure that corresponds to the inactivated compacted X

chromosome called a Barr body. By X-inactivation, most of the genes on the Barr body
are inactive, meaning that they are not transcribed. The process of X-inactivation was
discovered by the British geneticist Mary F. Lyon and is sometimes called lyonization in
her honor.

Human females have two X chromosomes (XX), while human males have just one (XY).
The level of gene activity produced by a single X chromosome is the normal "dosage" for
a human. By shutting down one of their two by an X inactivation process, women
compensate for the same dosage as men.

X-inactivation is a random process that happens separately in individual somatic cells

during embryonic development. One cell might shut down the paternal X, while another
cell shut down the maternal X instead. All the cells descended from each of these original
cells will maintain the same pattern of X-inactivation.


The compacted X chromosome is considered as an example of facultative

heterochromatin for the following reasons:

The first reason is that in a particular cell, the randomly compacted inactived X
chromosome (paternal copy for this example) is heterochromatin whereas in another cell
the paternal X chromosome is euchromatin. The second reason, the X inactivation can be
reversed at certain points in development so that the chromosome condensation varies
from heterochromatin to euchromatin.

2-5. Mitosis and Meiosis

The manner in which chromosomes are transmitted from one generation of cells to the
next and from organisms to their descendants must be exceedingly precise. In this chapter
we consider exactly how genetic continuity is maintained between cells and organisms.

Two major processes are involved in the genetic continuity of nucleated cells: mitosis
and meiosis. Although the mechanisms of the two processes are similar in many ways,
the outcomes are quite different. Mitosis leads to the production of two cells, each with
the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. In contrast, meiosis reduces the
genetic content and the number of chromosomes by precisely half. This reduction is
essential if sexual reproduction is to occur without doubling the amount of genetic
material in each new generation. Strictly speaking, mitosis is that portion of the cell cycle
during which the hereditary components are equally partitioned into daughter cells.
Meiosis is part of a special type of cell division that leads to the production of sex cells:
gametes or spores. This process is an essential step in the transmission of genetic
information from an organism to its offspring.

During the formation of gametes or spores, meiosis converts the diploid number of
chromosomes to the haploid number. As a result, haploid gametes or spores contain
precisely one member of each homologous pair of chromosomes—that is, one complete
haploid set. Following fusion of two gametes at fertilization, the diploid number is
reestablished; that is, the zygote contains two complete haploid sets of chromosomes.

Chromosomes are generally arranged in homologous pairs. In many species, one pair,
consisting of the sex-determining chromosomes, is often not homologous in size,
centromere placement, arm ratio, or genetic content. For example, in humans, while
females carry two homologous X chromosomes, males carry one Y chromosome in
addition to one X chromosome.

In mitosis, the genetic material is partitioned into daughter cells during nuclear division.
The chromosomes must first be exactly replicated and then accurately partitioned.


Following cell division, the initial size of each new daughter cell is approximately one-
half the size of the parent cell (Figure 2–4).

FIGURE 2-4 Drawings depicting mitosis in an animal cell with a diploid number of 4.
The events occurring in each stage are described in the text. Of the two homologous
pairs of chromosomes, one pair consists of longer, metacentric members and the
other of shorter, submetacentric members. The maternal chromosome and the
paternal chromosome of each pair are shown in different colors. In (f), a drawing of
late telophase in a plant cell shows the formation of the cell plate and lack of
centrioles. The cells shown in the light micrographs came from the flower of
Haemanthus, a plant that has a diploid number of 8.


Often, over half of mitosis is spent in prophase (Figure 2–4), a stage characterized by
several significant occurrences. One of the early events in prophase of all animal cells is
the migration of two pairs of centrioles to opposite ends of the cell. As the centrioles
migrate, the nuclear envelope begins to break down and gradually disappears. In a similar
fashion, the nucleolus disintegrates within the nucleus. While these events are taking


place, the diffuse chromatin fibers have begun to condense, until distinct threadlike
structures, the chromosomes, become visible. It becomes apparent near the end of
prophase that each chromosome is actually a double structure split longitudinally except
at a single point of constriction, the centromere. The two parts of each chromosome are
called sister chromatids because the DNA contained in each of them is genetically

In humans, with a diploid number of 46, a cytological preparation of late prophase

reveals 46 chromosomes randomly distributed in the area formerly occupied by the


The phase of migration of every chromosome, led by its centromeric region, to the
equatorial plane. The equatorial plane, also referred to as the metaphase plate, is the
midline region of the cell, a plane that lies perpendicular to the axis established by the
spindle fibers.

The term metaphase is applied strictly to the chromosome configuration following



During this phase, sister chromatids of each chromosome, held together only at their
centromere regions, disjoin (separate) from one another—an event described as
disjunction—and are pulled to opposite ends of the cell.

In human cells, there would now be 46 chromosomes at each pole, one from each original
sister pair. Figure 2–5 shows anaphase prior to its completion.


Telophase is the final stage of mitosis and is depicted in Figure 2–4. At its beginning,
two complete sets of chromosomes are present, one set at each pole. The most significant
event of this stage is cytokinesis, the division or partitioning of the cytoplasm.
Cytokinesis is essential if two new cells are to be produced from one cell.

The process of meiosis, unlike mitosis, reduces the amount of genetic material by one-
half. Whereas in diploids mitosis produces daughter cells with a full diploid complement,
meiosis produces gametes or spores with only one haploid set of chromosomes. During
sexual reproduction, gametes then combine through fertilization to reconstitute the


diploid complement found in parental cells. Figure 2–5 compares the two processes by
following two pairs of homologous chromosomes.

FIGURE 2-5 Overview of the major events and outcomes of mitosis and meiosis. As in
Figure 2–4, two pairs of homologous chromosomes are followed.

Whereas in mitosis each paternally and maternally derived member of any given
homologous pair of chromosomes behaves autonomously during division, early in
meiosis, homologous chromosomes form pairs; that is, they synapse (or undergo)
synapsis. Each synapsed structure, initially called a bivalent, eventually gives rise to a
tetrad consisting of four chromatids. The presence of four chromatids demonstrates that
both homologs (making up the bivalent) have, in fact, duplicated. Therefore, to achieve
haploidy, two divisions are necessary. The first division occurs in meiosis I and is
described as a reductional division (because the number of centromeres, each
representing one chromosome, is reduced by one-half). Components of each tetrad—
representing the two homologs—separate, yielding two dyads. Each dyad is composed of
two sister chromatids joined at a common centromere. The second division occurs during
meiosis II and is described as an equational division (because the number of
centromeres remains equal). Here each dyad splits into two monads of one chromosome
each. Thus, the two divisions potentially produce four haploid cells.

The First Meiotic Division: Prophase I

Prophase I

First, as in mitosis, chromatin present in interphase thickens and coils into visible
chromosomes (Figure 2–6). Crossing over occurs between chromatids of synapsed

Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase I

The remainder of the meiotic process is depicted in Figure 2–6. After meiotic prophase I,
stages similar to those of mitosis occur. In the first division, metaphase I, the
chromosomes have maximally shortened and thickened. The terminal chiasmata of each
tetrad are visible and appear to be the major factor holding the nonsister chromatids

Each tetrad interacts with spindle fibers, facilitating its movement to the metaphase plate.
The alignment of each tetrad prior to the first anaphase is random: Half of the tetrad (one
of the dyads) will subsequently be pulled to one or the other pole, and the other half
moves to the opposite pole.

At anaphase I, one-half of each tetrad (a dyad) is pulled toward each pole of the dividing
cell. This separation process is the physical basis of disjunction, the separation of
homologous chromosomes from one another. At the completion of the normal anaphase I,
a series of dyads equal to the haploid number is present at each pole. If crossing over had
not occurred in the first meiotic. In many organisms, telophase I reveals a nuclear
membrane forming around the dyads.


FIGURE 2-6 The major events in meiosis in an animal cell with a diploid number of 4,
beginning with metaphase I. Note that the combination of chromosomes in the cells following
telophase II is dependent on the random orientation of each tetrad and dyad when they align on
the equatorial plate during metaphase I and metaphase II. Several other combinations, which
are not shown, can also be produced. The events depicted here are described in the text.

The Second Meiotic Division

A second division, referred to as meiosis II, is essential if each gamete or spore is to
receive only one chromatid from each original tetrad. The stages characterizing meiosis II
are shown on the right side of c During prophase II, each dyad is composed of one pair
of sister chromatids attached by the common centromeric region. During metaphase II,
the centromeres are positioned on the equatorial plate.

Anaphase II, the centromeres separate, and the sister chromatids of each dyad are pulled
to opposite poles. Because the number of dyads is equal to the haploid number, telophase
II reveals one member of each pair of homologous chromosomes present at each pole.
Each chromosome is now a monad. Following cytokinesis in telophase II, four haploid
gametes may result from a single meiotic event. At the conclusion of meiosis II, not only
has the haploid state been achieved, but if crossing over has occurred, each monad
contains a combination of maternal and paternal genetic information.


2-6. The Development of Gametes Varies in

spermatogenesis compared to oogenesis
Although events that occur during the meiotic divisions are similar in all cells
participating in gametogenesis in most animal species, there are certain differences
between the production of a male gamete (spermatogenesis) and a female gamete
(oogenesis). Figure 2–7 summarizes these processes.

Spermatogenesis takes place in the testes, the male reproductive organs. The process
begins with the enlargement of an undifferentiated diploid germ cell called a
spermatogonium. This cell grows to become a primary spermatocyte, which
undergoes the first meiotic division.

The products of this division, called secondary spermatocytes, contain a haploid

number of dyads. The secondary spermatocytes then undergo meiosis II, and each of
these cells produces two haploid spermatids. Spermatids go through a series of
developmental changes, spermiogenesis, to become highly specialized, motile
spermatozoa, or sperm. All sperm cells produced during spermatogenesis contain the
haploid number of chromosomes and equal amounts of cytoplasm.

In animal oogenesis, the formation of ova (sing. ovum), or eggs, occurs in the ovaries,
the female reproductive organs. The daughter cells resulting from the two meiotic
divisions of this process receive equal amounts of genetic material, but they do not
receive equal amounts of cytoplasm.

Instead, during each division, almost all the cytoplasm of the primary oocyte, itself
derived from the oogonium, is concentrated in one of the two daughter cells. The
concentration of cytoplasm is necessary because a major function of the mature ovum is
to nourish the developing embryo following fertilization.

During anaphase I in oogenesis, the tetrads of the primary oocyte separate, and the dyads
move toward opposite poles. During telophase I, the dyads at one pole are pinched off
with very little surrounding cytoplasm to form the first polar body. The first polar body
may or may not divide again to produce two small haploid cells. The other daughter cell
produced by this first meiotic division contains most of the cytoplasm and is called the
secondary oocyte. The mature ovum will be produced from the secondary oocyte during
the second meiotic division. During this division, the cytoplasm of the secondary oocyte
again divides unequally, producing an ootid and a second polar body. The ootid then
differentiates into the mature ovum.

Unlike the divisions of spermatogenesis, the two meiotic divisions of oogenesis may not
be continuous. In some animal species, the second division may directly follow the first.
In others, including humans, the first division of all oocytes begins in the embryonic


ovary but arrests in prophase I. Many years later, meiosis resumes in each oocyte just
prior to its ovulation. The second division is completed only after fertilization.

Each diploid organism stores its genetic information in the form of homologous pairs of
chromosomes. Each pair consists of one member derived from the maternal parent and
one from the paternal parent. Following meiosis, haploid cells potentially contain either
the paternal or the maternal representative of every homologous pair of chromosomes.

However, the process of crossing over, which occurs in the first meiotic prophase, further
reshuffles the alleles between the maternal and paternal members of each homologous
pair, which then segregate and assort independently into gametes. These events result in
the great amount of genetic variation present in gametes.

FIGURE 2-7 Spermatogenesis and oogenesis in animal cells.


2-7. DNA content during the cell cycle

The DNA content and chromosome number of a genome are designated C and n
respectively. DNA content of diploid cells is 2C (46 molecules of DNA double-helix
molecules) and they have 2n chromosomes. The DNA content of a diploid cell before S
phase is 2C (diploid cell), while between S phase and the anaphase of mitosis it is 4C
(Figure 2–8).

FIGURE 2-8 The number of chromosomes and the number of DNA molecules
changes in the course of the cell cycle.

Quantitative analysis of mitosis

The quantity of chromosomes in a mitotic cell will be:
In G1: the quantity of chromosomes = 2n with 1 chromatid /chromosome
In S: the quantity of chromosomes = 2n with 2 chromatids /chromosome
In G2: the quantity of chromosomes = 2n with 2 chromatids /chromosome
In M: the quantity of chromosomes = 2n with 1 chromatid /chromosome

The quantity of DNA molecules in a mitotic cell will be:

In G1: the quantity of DNA molecules = 2C
In S: the quantity of DNA molecules = 4C
In G2: the quantity of DNA molecules = 4C
In M: the quantity of DNA molecules = 2C


Quantitative analysis of meiosis

The quantity of chromosomes in a meoitic cell will be:
In G1: the quantity of chromosomes = 2n with 1 chromatid /chromosome
In S: the quantity of chromosomes = 2n with 2 chromatids /chromosome
In G2: the quantity of chromosomes = 2n with 2 chromatids /chromosome
In M1: the quantity of chromosomes = n with 2 chromatids /chromosome and 1
In M2: the quantity of chromosomes = n with 1 chromatid /chromosome and 1

The quantity of DNA molecules in a meiotic cell will be:

In G1: the quantity of DNA molecules = 2C
In S: the quantity of DNA molecules = 4C
In G2: the quantity of DNA molecules = 4C
In M1: the quantity of DNA molecules = 2C
In M2: the quantity of DNA molecules = C



3.1 Definition:
A mutation can be defined as an alteration in DNA sequence. Any base-pair change in any part
of a DNA molecule can be considered a mutation.

3.2 Spontaneous and Induced Mutations:

Mutations can be classified as either spontaneous or induced. Spontaneous mutations are changes
in the nucleotide sequence of genes that appear to have no known cause. No specific agents are
associated with their occurrence, and they are generally assumed to be accidental. Many of these
mutations arise as a result of normal biological or chemical processes in the organism that alter
the structure of nitrogenous bases. Often, spontaneous mutations occur during the enzymatic
process of DNA replication.
In contrast to spontaneous mutations, mutations that result from the influence of extraneous
factors are considered to be induced mutations. Induced mutations may be the result of either
natural or artificial agents, called mutagens.
For example, ultraviolet radiation from the sun is an energy source to which most organisms are
exposed, may be a factor that causes induced mutations. Others, including some industrial
pollutants, medical X rays, and chemicals within tobacco smoke, biological agents (such as
rubella…), can be considered as unnatural or human-made additions to our modern world.
Spontaneous mutations occur randomly and so rarely. The rate of spontaneous mutation is
exceedingly low for all organisms.
However, mutagens raise the frequency of mutations above the spontaneous rate.

3.3 Somatic and germinal mutations:

Mutations may be classified according to the cell type in which they occur. Somatic mutations
are those occurring in any cell in the body except germ cells. Those mutations arising in somatic
cells are transmitted to the next generation but may lead to altered cellular function or tumors.
For example, the golden color on half of the “Red delicious” apple is caused by a somatic
mutation; its seeds will not carry the mutation.

Germinal mutations occur in germ cells. Those mutations are of greater significance because
they may be transmitted to offspring as gametes. They have the potential of being expressed in
all cells of an offspring. They are the basis for the transmission of genetic diversity and evolution
as well as genetic diseases


NOTE: Mutations can be beneficial, neutral, or harmful for the organism.

3.4 Classification Based on Type of Molecular Change:

Geneticists often classify the mutations into three different types: gene mutations, genomic
mutations and chromosomal mutations.

3.4.1 Gene mutations:

A gene mutation is an alteration in the nucleotide sequence of a DNA molecule or a gene.

Different types of gene mutations:

- Base substitution:
A change of one base pair to another in a DNA molecule is known as a point mutation, or base
You will often see two other terms used to describe base substitutions (Figure 3-1). If a
pyrimidine replaces a pyrimidine or a purine replaces a purine, a transition has occurred. If a
purine replaces a pyrimidine, or vice versa, a transversion has occurred.

Figure 3-1: Types of gene mutation

- Insertion or deletion:

Another type of change is the insertion or deletion of one or more nucleotides at any point within
the gene (Figure 3-1).


- Silent, missense, nonsense, and frameshift mutations:

If the point mutation alters a codon but does not result in a change in the amino acid at that
position in the protein, it can be considered a silent mutation. A change of one nucleotide of a
triplet within a protein coding portion of a gene may result in the creation of a new triplet that
encodes for a different amino acid in the protein product. If this occurs, the mutation is known as
a missense mutation. A second possible outcome is that the triplet will be changed into a stop
codon, resulting in the termination of translation of the protein. This is known as a nonsense
mutation (Figure 3-2).

Mutations are called frameshift mutations because the frame of triplet reading during translation
is altered. A frameshift mutation will occur when any number of bases are added or deleted,
except multiples of three, which would reestablish the initial frame of reading (Figure 3-3)
The loss or addition of a single nucleotide causes all of the subsequent three-letter codons to be
changed. It is possible that one of the many altered triplets will be UAA, UAG, or UGA, the
translation termination codons.
When one of these triplets is encountered during translation, polypeptide synthesis is terminated
at that point.
The table 3-1 shows the consequences of point mutations within genes

Figure 3-2: silent, missense and nonsense



Figure 3-3: Analogy showing the effects of substitution, deletion, and insertion of one letter in a sentence
composed of three letter words to demonstrate point and Frameshift mutations.

Table 3-1: Consequences of point mutations


Metabolic disease

A metabolic disease is due to a gene mutation that results in a mutated form of an enzymatic
An example of metabolic disease is the phenylketonuria (PKU). Described first in 1934, (PKU)
can result in mental retardation, seizures, behavioral problems and is transmitted as an autosomal
recessive disease. Affected individuals are unable to convert the amino acid phenylalanine to the
amino acid tyrosine. These molecules differ by only a single hydroxyl group (OH), present in
tyrosine but absent in phenylalanine (Figure 3-4)
The reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase. PKU is due to mutations
which results in low levels of this enzyme and results in the buildup of dietary phenylalanine to
potentially toxic levels.

Figure 3-4: Catabolic pathway of Phenylalanine

Molecular disease:

An inherited molecular disease is due to a gene mutation which results in an altered protein that
does not have any enzymatic activity.
Sickle cell anemia is an example of molecular disease.
An adult hemoglobin HbA consists of four polypeptide chains: two identical α chains of 141
amino acids and two identical β chains of 146 amino acids. Each chain is attached to a chemical
group called heme with one atom of iron (Figure 3-5).


Figure 3-5: a hemoglobin HbA with two α chains and two β chains. The iron is represented by the red sphere

Sickle-cell anemia is an autosomal recessive disease, which encodes a structural protein called
HbS that decreases the life of RBC and changes it to a sickle shape. The mutation in sickle cell
anemia involves the β chain. It results from the substitution of valine (GTG) for glutamic acid
(GAG) at the number 6 position in the β chain of human hemoglobin (Figure 3-6).

Figure 3-6: Altered amino acid, valine, at the sixth position on the β chain of sickle-cell HbS.

3.4.2 Genomic mutations

Variation occurs in the number of chromosomes: Numerical (or Genomic) Chromosome
Most members of diploid species normally contain precisely two haploid chromosome sets,
many known cases vary from this pattern. Modifications include a change in the total number of
chromosomes. Such changes are called genomic mutations or chromosome mutations or
chromosome aberrations. Variation in chromosome number ranges from the addition or loss of
one or more chromosomes to the addition of one or more haploid sets of chromosomes. In the


general condition known as aneuploidy, an organism gains or loses one or more chromosomes
but not a complete set. The loss of a single chromosome from an otherwise diploid genome is
called monosomy. The gain of one chromosome results in trisomy.

These changes are contrasted with the condition of euploidy, where complete haploid sets of
chromosomes are present. If more than two sets are present, the term polyploidy applies.
Organisms with three sets are specifically triploid, those with four sets are tetraploid, and so on.
Table 3-2 provides an organizational framework for you to follow as we discuss each of these
categories of aneuploid and euploid variation and the subsets within them.

Table 3-2: Terminology for variation in chromosome number

-The monoploidy:

The monoploid is an abnormal situation where in the cell, has only one set of chromosomes. For
obvious reasons, monoploidy would be lethal.
A distinction should be made between monoploidy and haploidy. Haploids represent individuals
having half the total number of chromosomes (n) usually found in gametes. So, after fertilization
with the female gamete, the resultant cell (zygote) will once again have the full complement of
chromosomes 2n.

- The polyploidy:

Polyploidy, in Which More Than Two Haploid Sets of Chromosomes are present, is prevalent in
Plants. The term polyploidy describes instances in which more than two multiples of the haploid
chromosome set are found. The naming of polyploids is based on the number of sets of
chromosomes found: a triploid has 3n chromosomes; a tetraploid has 4n; a pentaploid, 5n…


Triploidy refers to a deviation from the normal number of chromosomes in which each
chromosome is present threefold instead of twofold. Triploidy by digyny arises from maternel
origin. It happens when an abnormal oocyte with a double chromosome complement (46,XX) is
fertilized by a normal spermatocyte (23,X or 23,Y). Triploidy may also be the result of diandry.
In this case, the triploidy is of paternal origin. It is mostly caused by abnormalities during
spermatogenesis, resulting in an abnormal diploid spermatozoon (46,XY) (triploidy 69,XXY). A
further cause of diandry (triploidy 69,XXX or 69,XXY or 69,XYY) is dispermy, or fertilization
of a normal egg by two normal sperm (Figure 3-7).

Figure 3-7: origin of triploidy

With tetraploidy, four copies of each chromosome are present. Tretraploidy is usually the result
of a failure of the first zygotic division, or the failure of meiosis in both parents. Like tripoloidy,
tetraploidy is lethal to the embryo.
Polyploidy originates in two ways: (1) The addition of one or more extra sets of chromosomes,
identical to the normal haploid complement of the same species, resulting in autopolyploidy; or
(2) the combination of chromosome sets from different species occurring as a consequence of
hybridization, resulting in allopolyploidy (from the Greek word allo, meaning “other” or
“different”). The distinction between auto- and allopolyploidy is based on the genetic origin of
the extra chromosome sets, as shown in Figure 3-8.


Figure 3-8: Contrasting chromosome origins of an autopolyploid versus an allopolyploid karyotype.

- Autosomal aneuploidy:

a) Monosomy:

The loss of one chromosome produces a 2n - 1 complement called monosomy. Although

monosomy for the X chromosome occurs in humans, as we have seen in 45, X Turner syndrome,
monosomy for any of the autosomes is not usually tolerated in humans or other animals.

NOTE: Nullisomy: a type of genome mutation in which a pair of chromosomes that are
normally present in the genome is missing Normally, nullisomics do not survive
in diploids; but they survive in polyploid species (for example, in wheat, hexaploid with

b) Trisomy:
In general, the effects of trisomy (2n + 1) parallel those of monosomy. It is the addition of an
extra chromosome to the diploid complement.
The only human autosomal trisomy in which a significant number of individuals survive longer
than a year past birth is called Down syndrome or simply trisomy 21 (designated 47,21+)
(Figure 3-9). Besides Down syndrome, only two human trisomies, and no monosomies, survive
to term: Patau syndrome (47,13+), and Edwards syndrome (47,18+). Even so, these individuals
manifest severe malformations and early lethality.


Figure 3-9: The karyotype and a photograph of a child with Down syndrome (hugging her unaffected sister on the
right). In the karyotype, three members of the G-group chromosome 21 are present, creating the 47,21+ condition.

NOTE: In some cases of trisomy, the extra chromosome is not free but translocated (attached)
to another chromosome: this is called translocation trisomy. For example, in
translocation trisomy 21, chromosome 21 is translocated to chromosome 14.

Rarely, two different autosomal trisomies occur, for two different chromosomes (double
aneuploidy, ). In addition, autosomal tetrasomies ( ) and pentasomies
( ) are very rare and are found only involving the sex chromosomes.

- Sex chromosome aneuploidy

Because of X inactivation and the paucity of genes on the Y chromosome, aneuploidies

involving the sex chromosomes are far more common than those involving autosomes.
Additional X or Y chromosomes occur in about 1 in 800 newborns, much more frequently than
the autosomal trisomies. Unlike the autosomal trisomies, they usually do not lead to defined
clinical signs or symptoms. For example, triple X females (47,XXX) or double Y males (Jacob
syndrome, 47,XYY) are generally not clinically apparent. The only well-defined case is
Klinefelter syndrome.

a) Klinefelter syndrome:

Individuals with Klinfelter syndrome have more than one X chromosome. Most often they have
an XXY complement in addition to 44 autosomes, which is why people with this karyotype are
designated 47,XXY (Figure 3-10). Individuals with Klinefelter syndrome are generally tall and
have long arms and legs and large hands and feet. They usually have genitalia and internal ducts
that are male, but their testes are rudimentary and fail to produce sperm. Klinefelter syndrome


occurs in about 1 of every 660 male births. The karyotypes 48,XXXY, 48,XXYY, 49,XXXXY
and 49,XXXYY are similar phenotypically to 47,XXY, but manifestations are often more severe
in individuals with a greater number of X chromosomes.

Figure 3-10: The karyotype of an individual with Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY)

b) 47, XXX syndrome (Triple-X syndrome):

The abnormal presence of three X chromosomes along with a normal set of autosomes (47,
XXX) results in female differentiation. The highly variable syndrome that accompanies this
genotype, often called triplo-X, occurs in about 1 of 1000 female births. Frequently, 47,XXX
women are perfectly normal. In rare instances, 48,XXXX (tetra-X) and 49,XXXXX (penta-X)
karyotypes have been reported.

c) 47, XYY syndrome (Jacob’s syndrome):

Another human condition involving the sex chromosomes is 47,XYY. Males with this karyotype
are significantly above average in height (usually over 6 feet). They are with subnormal
intelligence, and all suffered personality disorders.

d) Turner syndrome:

Individuals with Turner syndrome most often have only 45 chromosomes, including just a single
X chromosome; thus, they are designated 45, X (Figure 3-11).
In Turner syndrome, the affected individuals have female external genitalia and internal ducts,
but the ovaries are rudimentary. Other characteristics abnormalities include short stature (usually
under 5 feet), cognitive impairment, skin folds on the back of the neck, and underdeveloped


Figure 3-11: The karyotype of individual with Turner syndrome (45, X)

- Non- disjunction during meiosis I and II

Such aneuploid variations originate as a random error during the production of gametes, a
phenomenon referred to as nondisjunction, whereby paired homologs fail to disjoin during
segregation. This process disrupts the normal distribution of chromosomes into gametes.
The results of nondisjunction during meiosis I and meiosis II for a single chromosome of a
diploid organism are shown in Figure 3-12.
As you can see, abnormal gametes can form containing either two members of the affected
chromosome or none at all. Fertilizing these with a normal haploid gamete produces a zygote
with either three members (trisomy) or only one member (monosomy) of this chromosome.
Nondisjunction leads to a variety of aneuploid conditions in humans and other organisms.
Most frequently, the trisomic condition occurs through nondisjunction of chromosome 21 during
meiosis. Failure of paired homologs to disjoin during either anaphase I or II may lead to gametes
with the n + 1 chromosome composition. About 75 percent of these errors leading to Down
syndrome are attributed to nondisjunction during meiosis I.


Figure 3-12: Nondisjunction during the first and second meiotic divisions. In both cases, some of the gametes that
are formed either contain two members of a specific chromosome or lack that chromosome. After fertilization by a
gamete with a normal haploid content, monosomic, disomic (normal), or trisomic zygotes are produced

- Dosage Compensation of X-linked genes in mammals or Barr body:

The presence of two X chromosomes in normal human females and only one X in normal human
males is unique compared with the equal numbers of autosomes present in the cells of both
sexes. On theoretical grounds alone, it is possible to speculate that this disparity should create a
“genetic dosage” difference between males and females, with attendant problems, for all X-
linked genes. There is the potential for females to produce twice as much of each product of all
X- linked genes. In mammals, the genetic mechanism named dosage compensation balances the
dose of X chromosome gene expression in females and males.
Barr and Bertram observed a darkly staining body in interphase nerve cells of female cats that
was absent in similar cells of males. This highly condensed structure, called a sex chromatin
body, or simply a Barr body, is an inactivated X chromosome. The inactive X chromosome in
female mammals is an example of facultative heterochromatin.
Regardless of how many X chromosomes a somatic cell possesses, all but one of them appear to
be inactivated and can be seen as Barr bodies. For example, no Barr body is seen in the somatic
cells of Turner 45,X females; one is seen in Klinefelter 47,XXY males; two in 47,XXX females;
three in 48,XXXX females. Therefore, the number of Barr bodies follows an N - 1 rule, where N
is the total number of X chromosomes presents (Figure 3-13).
Note that the inactivation of X chromosomes occurs randomly in somatic cells in the very early
stages of embryonic development. Once inactivation has occurred, all descendant cells have the
same X chromosome inactivated as their initial progenitor cell.


Figure 3-13: Occurrence of Barr bodies in various human karyotypes, where all X chromosomes except one (N - 1)
are inactivated.

3.4.3 Chromosome mutations: structural chromosome aberrations

A chromosome mutation consists of the variation that occurs in the composition and arrangement
of chromosomes. This class of chromosome aberrations includes changes that delete, add, or
rearrange substantial portions of one or more chromosomes. Included in this broad category are
deletions and duplications of genes or part of a chromosome and rearrangements of genetic
material in which a chromosome segment is inverted, exchanged with a segment of a non-
homologous chromosome, or merely transferred to another chromosome. Exchanges and
transfers are called translocations, in which the locations of genes are altered within the genome.
These types of chromosome alterations are illustrated in Figure 3-14.


Figure 3-14: An overview of the five different types of gain, loss, or rearrangement of chromosome segments

- Deletion:
When a chromosome breaks in one or more places and a portion of it is lost, the missing piece is
called a deletion (or a deficiency). It is an unbalanced mutation. The deletion can occur either
near one end or within the interior of the chromosome. These are terminal and intercalary
deletions, respectively (Figure 3-15 (a and b)). If only a small part of a chromosome is deleted,
the organism might survive. However, a deletion of a portion of a chromosome need not be very
great before the effects become severe.

- Consequence of deletions during gamete formation:

During the pairing of the two homologous chromosomes, a deletion of a loop is a DNA loop that
forms on one chromosome if the other has undergone deletion in the corresponding area. The
loop therefore consists of genes that do not have their homologous on the second chromosome
(Figure 3-15 c).


Figure 3-15: Origins of (a) a terminal and (b) an intercalary deletion. In (c), pairing occurs between a normal
chromosome and one with an intercalary deletion by looping out the undeleted portion to form a deletion (or
compensation) loop.

In humans, the cri du chat syndrome results from the deletion of a small terminal portion of
chromosome 5. It might be considered a case of partial monosomy. This syndrome is associated
with the loss of a small, variable part of the short arm of chromosome 5 (Figure 3-16).

Figure 3-16: A representative karyotype and a photograph of a child exhibiting cri du chat (46, 5p-). In the
karyotype, the arrow identifies the absence of a small piece of the short arm of one member of the chromosome 5


- Duplication:
Duplication results in an increase in the number of copies of a particular chromosomal region. It
is an unbalanced mutation. Duplications may arise as the result of unequal crossing over
between synapsed chromosomes during meiosis (Figure 3-17) or through a replication error
prior to meiosis.

Figure 3-17: The origin of duplicated and deficient regions of chromosomes as a result of unequal crossing over.
The tetrad on the left is mispaired during synapsis. A single crossover between chromatids 2 and 3 results in the
deficient (chromosome 2) and duplicated (chromosome 3) chromosomal regions shown on the right. The two
chromosomes uninvolved in the crossover event remain normal in gene sequence

- Inversion: inversions rearrange the linear gene sequence

The inversion, another class of structural variation, is a type of chromosomal aberration in which
a segment of a chromosome is turned around 180 degrees within a chromosome. An inversion
does not involve a loss of genetic information but simply rearranges the linear gene sequence.
It is a balanced mutation. An inversion requires breaks at two points along the length of the
chromosome and subsequent reinsertion of the inverted segment.
The inverted segment may be short or quite long and may or may not include the centromere. If
the centromere is not part of the rearranged chromosome segment, it is a paracentric inversion. If
the centromere is part of the inverted segment, it is described as a pericentric inversion (Figure
3-18 a and b).


Figure 3-18: Paracentric (a) and pericentric (b) chromosome inversion

- Consequence of inversions during gamete formation:

If only one member of a homologous pair of chromosomes has an inverted segment, normal
linear synapsis during meiosis is not possible. Organisms with one inverted chromosome and one
non-inverted homologous are called inversion heterozygotes. Pairing between two such
chromosomes in meiosis is accomplished only if they form an inversion loop (Figure 3-19 a and


Figure 3-19: (a) the effects of a single crossover (SCO) within an inversion loop in a paracentric inversion
heterozygote, where two altered chromosomes are produced, one acentric and one dicentric. Both chromosomes
also contain duplicated and deficient regions. (b) The effects of a crossover in a pericentric inversion heterozygote,
where two altered chromosomes are produced, both with duplicated and deficient regions.

- Ring chromosome:

A ring chromosome arises when a chromosome breaks in two places and the two opposite arms
are joined together to form a circular structure (Figure 3-20). The distal segments are lost.
Therefore, a ring chromosome is unbalanced. In rare cases, the telomeres at the ends of a
chromosome fuse without any loss of genetic material, which results in a normal phenotype.

Figure 3-20: formation of a ring chromosome


- Translocation:
Translocation, as the name implies, is the movement of a chromosomal segment to a new
location in the genome. There exist three principle types of translocations: reciprocal balanced
translocation, nonreciprocal unbalanced translocation and Robertsonian translocation (Figure 3-
21 and 3-22).

Nonreciprocal unbalanced translocation arises from the chromosome break and subsequent
reattachment to a non-homologous chromosome in a one-way event.

Reciprocal balanced translocation, for example, involves the exchange of segments between two
non-homologous chromosomes

Figure 3-21: Nonreciprocal and reciprocal translocations

Figure 3-22: A reciprocal translocation involving the long arms of chromosomes 9 and 22 results in the formation
of a characteristic chromosome, the Philadelphia chromosome, which is associated with chronic myelogenous
leukemia (CML).The t(9;22) translocation results in the fusion of the C-ABL proto-oncogene on chromosome 9 with
the BCR gene on chromosome 22. The fusion protein is a powerful hybrid molecule that allows cells to escape
control of the cell cycle, contributing to the development of CML.


The genetic consequences of reciprocal translocations are, in several instances, similar to those
of inversions. For example, genetic information is not lost or gained. There is only a
rearrangement of genetic material. This is also a balanced mutation. The presence of a
translocation does not, therefore, directly alter the viability of individuals bearing it.

- Consequences of reciprocal translocation during meiosis

As shown in Figure 3-23 b, pairing results in a cruciform, or crosslike, configuration. As with

inversions, some of the gametes produced are genetically unbalanced as a result of an unusual
alignment during meiosis. In the case of translocations, however, aberrant gametes are not
necessarily the result of crossing over.

This results in four potential meiotic products. The 1,4 combination contains chromosomes that
are not involved in the translocation and are normal. The 2,3 combination, however, contains the
translocated chromosomes, but these contain a complete complement of genetic information and
are balanced. When this result is achieved [the top configuration in Figure 3-23 c], the
segregation pattern at the first meiotic division is referred to as alternate segregation. A second
pattern [the bottom configuration in Figure 3-23 c] produces the other two potential products,
the 1,3 and 2,4 combinations, which contain chromosomes displaying duplicated and deleted
(deficient) segments. This pattern is called adjacent segregation-1. Note that a third type of
arrangement, the 1,2 and 3,4 combinations, where homologous centromeres segregate to the
same pole during meiosis (called adjacent segregation-2) (not shown). This type of segregation
has an outcome similar to adjacent segregation-1, with meiotic products containing genetically
unbalanced duplicated and deleted chromosomal material.

- Robertsonien translocation:

One common type of translocation involves breaks at the extreme ends of the short arms of the
nonhomologous acrocentric chromosomes. These small segments are lost, and the larger
segments fuse at their centromeric region. This type of translocation produces a new, large
submetacentric or metacentric chromosome, often called Robertsonien translocation.

One such translocation accounts for cases in which Down syndrome is familial (inherited).
We pointed out that most instances of Down syndrome are due to trisomy 21. This chromosome
composition results from nondisjunction during meiosis in one parent. Trisomy accounts for over
95 percent of all cases of Down syndrome. In such instances, the chance of the same parents
producing a second affected child is extremely low. However, in the remaining families with a
Down child, the syndrome occurs in a much higher frequency over several generations—it “runs
in families.”


Figure 3-23: (a) Possible origin of a reciprocal translocation. (b) Synaptic configuration formed during meiosis in an
individual that is heterozygous for the translocation. (c) Two possible segregation patterns, one of which leads to a
normal and a balanced gamete (called alternate segregation) and one that leads to gametes containing
duplications and deficiencies (called adjacent segregation-1).

Cytogenetic studies of the parents and their offspring from these unusual cases explain the cause
of familial Down syndrome. Analysis reveals that one of the parents contains a 14/21
translocation (Figure 3-24)


Figure 3-24: Chromosomal involvement and translocation in familial Down syndrome.


In 1866, Gregor Johann Mendel published the results of a series of experiments that would
lay the foundation for the formal discipline of genetics. Mendel’s work went largely unnoticed until
the turn of the twentieth century, but eventually, the concept of the gene as a distinct hereditary unit
was established. Since then, the ways in which genes, as segments of chromosomes, are transmitted
to offspring and control traits have been clarified.

When Mendel began his studies of inheritance using Pisum sativum, the garden pea,
chromosomes and the role and mechanism of meiosis were totally unknown. Nevertheless, he
determined that discrete units of inheritance exist and predicted their behavior in the formation of
gametes. Once this correlation was recognized, Mendel’s postulates were accepted as the basis for
the study of what is known as transmission genetics, how genes are transmitted from parents to
offspring. These principles were derived directly from Mendel’s experimentation. Even today, they
serve as the cornerstone of the study of inheritance. In this chapter, we focus on the development of
Mendel’s principles.

4.1 Mendel used a model experimental approach to study patterns

of inheritance
In 1856, Mendel performed his first set of hybridization experiments with the garden pea
plant, which was easy to grow and to hybridize artificially. The pea plant is self-fertilizing in nature,
but it is easy to cross-breed experimentally (Figure 4–1).

FIGURE 4-1 In a cross of a pea plant (left), pollen from the anthers of one plant is transferred to the
stigma of another. In a self (right), pollen is transferred from the anthers to the stigmata of the
same plant. (Adopted from Introduction to Genetic Analysis, 11 th edition)

It reproduces well and grows to maturity in a single season. Mendel followed seven

It reproduces well and grows to maturity in a single season. Mendel followed seven visible features,
each represented by two contrasting properties, or traits) (Figure 4–2)

FIGURE 4-2 A summary of the seven pairs of contrasting traits and the results of Mendel’s seven monohybrid crosses
of the garden pea (Pisum sativum). In each case, pollen derived from plants exhibiting one trait was used to fertilize
the ova of plants exhibiting the other trait. In the F1 generation, one of the two traits (dominant) was exhibited by all
plants. The contrasting trait (recessive) then reappeared in approximately one-fourth of the F2 plants.

4.2 The monohybrids cross reveals how one trait is transmitted

from generation to generation
Mendel’s simplest crosses involved only one pair of contrasting traits. Each such experiment
is called a monohybrid cross. A monohybrid cross is made by mating true-breeding individuals
from two parent strains, each exhibiting one of the two contrasting forms of the character under
study. Initially, we examine the first generation of offspring of such a cross, and then we consider
the offspring of selfing, that is, of self-fertilization of individuals from this first generation.

The original parents constitute the P1, or parental generation; their offspring are the F1, or first
filial generation; the individuals resulting from the selfed F1 generation are the F2, or second filial
generation; and so on.


The cross between true-breeding pea plants with tall stems and dwarf stems is representative of
Mendel’s monohybrid crosses. Tall and dwarf are contrasting traits of the character of stem height.
When Mendel crossed tall plants with dwarf plants, the resulting F1 generation consisted of only
tall plants. When members of the F1 generation were selfed, Mendel observed that 787 of 1064 F2
plants were tall, while 277 of 1064 were dwarf. Note that in this cross (Figure 4–2), the dwarf trait
disappeared in the F1 generation, only to reappear in the F2 generation.

Genetic data are usually expressed and analyzed as ratios. In this particular example, of the 1064 F2
offspring, 787 were tall and 277 were dwarf—a ratio of approximately 2.8:1.0, or about 3:1. Mendel
made similar crosses between pea plants exhibiting each of the other pairs of contrasting traits; the
results of these crosses are shown in Figure 4–2. In every case, the outcome was similar to the
tall/dwarf cross just described.

For the character of interest, all F1 offspring had the same trait exhibited by one of the parents, but
in the F2 offspring, an approximate ratio of 3:1 was obtained. That is, three fourths looked like the
F1 plants, while one-fourth exhibited the contrasting trait, which had disappeared in the F1

NOTE: The crosses could be made either way—pollination of dwarf plants by tall plants, or vice
versa. Crosses made in both these ways are called reciprocal crosses. Therefore, the results
of Mendel’s monohybrid crosses were not sex-dependent.

To explain these results, Mendel proposed the existence of particulate unit factors for each trait. He
suggested that these factors serve as the basic units of heredity and are passed unchanged from
generation to generation, determining various traits expressed by each individual plant.

Mendel’s first three postulates

Using the consistent pattern of results in the monohybrid crosses, Mendel derived the following
three postulates, or principles, of inheritance.


Genetic characters are controlled by unit factors existing in pairs in individual organisms.

In the monohybrid cross involving tall and dwarf stems, a specific unit factor exists for each trait.
Each diploid individual receives one factor from each parent. Because the factors occur in pairs,
three combinations are possible: two factors for tall stems, two factors for dwarf stems, or one of
each factor. Every individual possesses one of these three combinations, which determines stem



When two unlike unit factors responsible for a single character are present in a single individual,
one unit factor is dominant to the other, which is said to be recessive.

In each monohybrid cross, the trait expressed in the F1 generation is controlled by the dominant unit
factor. The trait not expressed is controlled by the recessive unit factor. The terms dominant and
recessive are also used to designate traits. In this case, tall stems are said to be dominant over
recessive dwarf stems.


During the formation of gametes, the paired unit factors separate, or segregate, randomly so that
each gamete receives one or the other with equal likelihood.

If an individual contains a pair of like unit factors (e.g., both specific for tall), then all its gametes
receive one of that same kind of unit factor (in this case, tall). If an individual contains unlike unit
factors (e.g., one for tall and one for dwarf), then each gamete has 50 percent probability of
receiving either the tall or the dwarf unit factor.

These postulates provide a suitable explanation for the results of the monohybrid crosses. Let’s use
the tall/dwarf cross to illustrate. Mendel reasoned that P1 tall plants contained identical paired unit
factors, as did the P1 dwarf plants. The gametes of tall plants all receive one tall unit factor as a
result of segregation. Similarly, the gametes of dwarf plants all receive one dwarf unit factor.
Following fertilization, all F1 plants receive one unit factor from each parent—a tall factor from one
and a dwarf factor from the other—reestablishing the paired relationship, but because tall is
dominant to dwarf, all F1 plants are tall. When F1 plants form gametes, the postulate of segregation
demands that each gamete randomly receives either the tall or dwarf unit factor. Following random
fertilization events during F1 selfing, four F2 combinations will result with equal frequency

1. tall/tall 3. dwarf/tall

2. tall/dwarf 4. dwarf/dwarf

Combinations (1) and (4) will clearly result in tall and dwarf plants, respectively. According to the
postulate of dominance/ recessiveness, combinations (2) and (3) will both yield tall plants.
Therefore, the F2 is predicted to consist of 3/4 tall and 1/4 dwarf, or a ratio of 3:1. A similar pattern
was observed in each of the other monohybrid crosses (Figure 4–2).

The discovery of chromosomes in the late 1800s, along with subsequent studies of their
behavior during meiosis, led to the rebirth of Mendel’s work, linking his unit factors to


Modern genetics terminology

To analyze the monohybrid cross and Mendel’s first three postulates, we must first introduce
several new terms as well as a symbol convention for the unit factors. Traits such as tall or dwarf
are physical expressions of the information contained in unit factors. The physical expression of a
trait is the phenotype of the individual. Mendel’s unit factors represent units of inheritance called
genes by modern geneticists. For any given character, the phenotype is determined by alternative
forms of a single gene, called alleles. For example, the unit factors representing tall and dwarf are
alleles determining the height of the pea plant.

Geneticists have several different

systems for using symbols to
represent genes. The first letter of
the recessive trait symbolizes the
character in question; in lowercase
italic, it designates the allele for the
recessive trait and in uppercase
italic, it designates the allele for the
dominant trait. Thus for Mendel’s
pea plants, we use d for the dwarf
allele and D for the tall allele. When
alleles are written in pairs to
represent the two unit factors present
in any individual (DD, Dd, or dd),
the resulting symbol is called the
genotype. The genotype designates
the genetic makeup of an individual
for the trait or traits it describes,
whether the individual is haploid or
diploid. By reading the genotype, we
know the phenotype of the
individual: DD and Dd are tall, and
dd is dwarf. When both alleles are
the same (DD or dd), the individual
is homozygous for the trait, or a
homozygote; when the alleles are
different (Dd), we use the terms
heterozygous and heterozygote.
These symbols and terms are used in
FIGURE 4-3 The monohybrid cross between tall and dwarf pea
Figure 4–3 to describe the plants. The symbols D and d designate the tall and dwarf unit
monohybrid cross. factors, respectively, in the genotypes of mature plants and
gametes. All individuals are shown in rectangles, and gametes are
shown in circles.

Punnett square
The genotypes and phenotypes resulting from
combining gametes during fertilization can be easily
visualized by constructing a diagram called a Punnett
square, named after the person who first devised this
approach, Reginald C. Punnett. Figure 4–4 illustrates
this method of analysis for our F1 x F1 monohybrid

Phenotypic ratio: 3:1 and the genotypic ratio: 1:2:1 are

obtained in the F2 generation (Figure 4–4).

The testcross: one character

Mendel devised a rather simple method that is still used
today to discover the genotype of plants and animals: the
testcross. The organism expressing the dominant
phenotype but having an unknown genotype is crossed
with a known homozygous recessive individual. For
example, as shown in Figure 4–5 (a), if a tall plant of
genotype DD is testcrossed with a dwarf plant, which
must have the dd genotype, all offspring will be tall
phenotypically and Dd genotypically. However, as
shown in Figure 4-5 (b), if a tall plant is Dd and is
crossed with a dwarf plant (dd), then one-half of the
offspring will be tall (Dd) and the other half will be
dwarf (dd). Therefore, a 1:1 tall/dwarf ratio
demonstrates the heterozygous nature of the tall plant of
unknown genotype.

FIGURE 4-4 The use of a Punnett square in

generating the F2 ratio from the cross shown in

FIGURE 4-5 Testcross of a single character. In (a), the tall parent is

homozygous. In (b), the tall parent is heterozygous. 6

NOTE: Remember that a backcross is the cross of an F1 hybrid to one of the homozygous
recessive parents. A testcross is the cross of any individual to a homozygous recessive
parent; it is used to determine if the individual is homozygous dominant or heterozygous.

4.3 Mendel’s dihybrid cross generated a unique F2 ratio

As a natural extension of the monohybrid cross, Mendel also designed experiments in which
he examined two characters simultaneously. Such a cross, involving two pairs of contrasting traits,
is a dihybrid cross, or a two-factor cross. For example, if pea plants having yellow seeds that are
round were bred with those having green seeds that are wrinkled, the results shown in Figure 4-6
would occur: the F1 offspring would all be yellow and round. It is therefore apparent that yellow is
dominant to green and that round is dominant to wrinkled. When the F1 individuals are selfed,
approximately 9/16 of the F2 plants express the yellow and round traits, 3/16 express yellow and
wrinkled, 3/16 express green and round, and 1/16 express green and wrinkled.

FIGURE 4-6 F1 and F2 results of Mendel’s dihybrid crosses between yellow, round and
green, wrinkled pea seeds and between yellow, wrinkled and green, round pea seeds.

A variation of this cross is also shown in Figure 4-6. Instead of crossing one P1 parent with both
dominant traits (yellow, round) to one with both recessive traits (green, wrinkled), plants with
yellow, wrinkled seeds are crossed with those with green, round seeds. In spite of the change in the
P1 phenotypes, both the F1 and F2 results remain unchanged.


Mendel’s fourth postulate: independent assortment

We can easily understand the results of a dihybrid cross if we consider it theoretically as
consisting of two monohybrid crosses conducted separately. Because yellow is dominant to green,
all F1 plants in the first theoretical cross would have yellow seeds. In the second theoretical cross,
all F1 plants would have round seeds because round is dominant to wrinkled. When Mendel
examined the F1 plants of the dihybrid cross, all were yellow and round, as our theoretical cross
suggests. The predicted F2 results of the first cross are 3/4 yellow and 1/4 green. Similarly, the
second cross would yield 3/4 round and 1/4 wrinkled.

Figure 4-6 shows that in the dihybrid cross, 12/16 F2 plants are yellow, while 4/16 are green,
exhibiting the expected 3:1 (3/4:1/4) ratio. Similarly, 12/16 of all F2 plants have round seeds, while
4/16 have wrinkled seeds, again revealing the 3:1 ratio. These numbers demonstrate that the two
pairs of contrasting traits are inherited independently, so we can predict the frequencies of all
possible F2 phenotypes.

F2 phenotypes can be
calculated: yellow (3/4)
and wrinkled (1/4) are
predicted to be present
together 3/16 of the time;
green (1/4) and round
(3/4) are predicted 3/16 of
the time; and green (1/4)
and wrinkled (1/4) are
FIGURE 4-7 Computation of the combined probabilities of each F2 phenotype
predicted 1/16 of the time. for two independently inherited characters.
These calculations are
shown in Figure 4-7.

On the basis of similar results in numerous dihybrid crosses, Mendel proposed a fourth postulate:


During gamete formation, segregating pairs of unit factors assort independently of each other.

The Punnett square in Figure 4-8 shows how independent assortment works in the formation of the
F2 generation. Examine the formation of gametes by the F1 plants; segregation prescribes that
every gamete receives either a G or g allele and a W or w allele. Independent assortment stipulates
that all four combinations (GW, Gw, gW, and gw) will be formed with equal proportions.


In every F1 x F1 fertilization event, each zygote has an equal probability of receiving one of the
four combinations from each parent. If many offspring are produced, 9/16 have yellow, round
seeds, 3/16 have yellow, wrinkled seeds, 3/16 have green, round seeds, and 1/16 have green,
wrinkled seeds, yielding what is designated as Mendel’s 9:3:3:1 dihybrid ratio.

FIGURE 4-8 Analysis of the dihybrid crosses shown in FIGURE 4-6.


The testcross: two characters

The testcross may also be applied to individuals that express two dominant traits but whose
genotypes are unknown. For example, the expression of the yellow, round seed phenotype in the F2
generation just described may result from the GGWW, GGWw, GgWW, or GgWw genotypes. If an
F2 yellow, round plant is crossed with the homozygous recessive green, wrinkled plant (ggww),
analysis of the offspring will indicate the exact genotype of that yellow, round plant.

4.4 The trihybrid cross demonstrates that Mendel’s principles

apply to inheritance of multiple traits
Mendel demonstrated that the processes of segregation and independent assortment also
apply to three pairs of contrasting traits, in what is called a trihybrid cross, or three-factor cross.
Although a trihybrid cross is somewhat more complex than a dihybrid cross, its results are easily
calculated if the principles of segregation and independent assortment are followed.

For example, consider the cross

shown in Figure 4-9 where the gene
pairs of theoretical contrasting traits
are represented by the symbols A, a,
B, b, C, and c. In the cross between
AABBCC and aabbcc individuals, all
F1 individuals are heterozygous for
all three gene pairs. Their genotype,
AaBbCc, results in the phenotypic
expression of the dominant A, B, and
C traits. When F1 individuals serve
as parents, each produces eight
different gametes in equal
frequencies. FIGURE 4-9 Formation of P1 and F1 gametes in a trihybrid cross.

The fork line method or branch diagram

It is much less difficult to consider each contrasting pair of traits separately and then to combine
these results by using the forked-line method, first shown in Figure 4-7. This method, also called
a branch diagram, relies on the simple application of the laws of probability established for the
dihybrid cross. Each gene pair is assumed to behave independently during gamete formation.


When the monohybrid cross AA x aa is made, we know that:

1. All F1 individuals have the genotype Aa and express the phenotype represented by the A
allele, which is called the A phenotype in the discussion that follows.
2. The F2 generation consists of individuals with either the A phenotype or the a phenotype in
the ratio of 3:1.

The same generalizations can be made for the BB x bb and CC x cc crosses. Thus, in the F2
generation, 3/4 of all organisms will express phenotype A, 3/4 will express B, and 3/4 will express
C. Similarly, 1/4 of all organisms will express a, 1/4 will express b, and 1/4 will express c. The
proportions of organisms that express each phenotypic combination can be predicted by assuming
that fertilization, following the independent assortment of these three gene pairs during gamete
formation, is a random process. We apply the product law of probabilities once again. Figure 4-10
uses the forked-line method to calculate the phenotypic proportions of the F2 generation. They fall
into the trihybrid ratio of 27:9:9:9:3:3:3:1. The same method can be used to solve crosses involving
any number of gene pairs, provided that all gene pairs assort independently from each other.

FIGURE 4-10 The generation of the F2 trihybrid ratio using the forked-line, or branch diagram method.

Note that in Figure 4–8, only phenotypic ratios of the F2 generation have been derived. It is
possible to generate genotypic ratios as well. To do so, we again consider the A/a, B/b, and C/c gene
pairs separately. For example, for the A/a pair, the F1 cross is Aa x Aa. Phenotypically, an F2 ratio
of 3/4 A: 1/4 a is produced. Genotypically, however, the F2 ratio is different—1/4 AA: 1/2 Aa: 1/4
aa will result. Using Figure 4-10 as a model, we would enter these genotypic frequencies in the
leftmost column of the diagram. Each would be connected by three lines to 1/4 BB, 1/2 Bb, and 1/4
bb, respectively. From each of these nine designations, three more lines would extend to the 1/4
CC, 1/2 Cc, and 1/4 cc genotypes. On the right side of the completed diagram, 27 genotypes and
their frequencies of occurrence would appear.


In crosses involving two or more gene pairs, the calculation of gametes and genotypic and
phenotypic results is quite complex. Several simple mathematical rules will enable you to check the
accuracy of various steps required in working these problems. First, you must determine the number
of different heterozygous gene pairs (n) involved in the cross—for example, where AaBb x AaBb
represents the cross, n = 2; for AaBbCc x AaBcCc, n = 3; for AaBBCcDd x AaBBCcDd, n = 3
(because the B genes are not heterozygous). Once n is determined, 2n is the number of different
gametes that can be formed by each parent; 3n is the number of different genotypes that result
following fertilization; and 2n is the number of different phenotypes that are produced from these
genotypes. Table 4-1 summarizes these rules, which may be applied to crosses involving any
number of genes, provided that they assort independently from one another.

TABLE 4-1 Simple Mathematical Rules Useful in Working Genetics Problems

Unit Factors, Genes, and Homologous Chromosomes

Each species possesses a specific number of chromosomes in each somatic cell nucleus. For diploid
organisms, this number is called the diploid number (2n) and is characteristic of that species.
During the formation of gametes (meiosis), the number is precisely halved (n), and when two
gametes combine during fertilization, the diploid number is reestablished. During meiosis, however,
the chromosome number is not reduced in a random manner. The diploid number of chromosomes
is composed of homologous pairs identifiable by their morphological appearance and behavior.

The gametes contain one member of each pair—thus the chromosome complement of a gamete is
quite specific, and the number of chromosomes in each gamete is equal to the haploid number.


Figure 4-11 shows three of Mendel’s postulates and the chromosomal explanation of each. Unit
factors are really genes located on homologous pairs of chromosomes [Figure 4-11(a)]. Members
of each pair of homologs separate, or segregate, during gamete formation [Figure 4-11(b)]. In the
figure, two different alignments are possible, both of which are shown.

To illustrate the principle of independent assortment, it is important to distinguish between

members of any given homologous pair of chromosomes. One member of each pair is derived from
the maternal parent, whereas the other comes from the paternal parent. (We represent the
different parental origins with different colors.) As shown in Figure 4-11(c), following independent
segregation of each pair of homologs, each gamete receives one member from each pair of

FIGURE 4-11 The correlation between the Mendelian postulates of (a) unit factors in pairs, (b) segregation, and (c)
independent assortment, and the presence of genes located on homologous chromosomes and their behavior during


Mendel’s paired unit factors (which determine tall or dwarf stems, for example) actually constitute
a pair of genes located on one pair of homologous chromosomes. The location on a given
chromosome where any particular gene occurs is called its locus (pl. loci). The different alleles of a
given gene (for example, G and g) contain slightly different genetic information (green or yellow)
that determines the same character (seed color in this case). The criteria necessary to classify two
chromosomes as a homologous pair:

1. During mitosis and meiosis, when chromosomes are visible in their characteristic shapes,
both members of a homologous pair are the same size and exhibit identical centromere
locations. The sex chromosomes (e.g., the X and the Y chromosomes in mammals) are an
2. During early stages of meiosis, homologous chromosomes form pairs, or synapse.
3. Homologs contain the identical linear order of gene loci.

4.5 Independent assortment leads to extensive genetic variation

One consequence of independent assortment is the production by an individual of genetically
dissimilar gametes. Genetic variation results because the two members of any homologous pair of
chromosomes are rarely, if ever, genetically identical. As the maternal and paternal members of all
pairs are distributed to gametes through independent assortment, all possible chromosome
combinations are produced, leading to extensive genetic diversity.

4.6 Laws of probability help to explain genetic events

Genetic ratios—for example, 3/4 tall: 1/4 dwarf— are most properly thought of as probabilities.
Thus, deriving outcomes of genetic crosses requires an understanding of the laws of probability.
These values predict the outcome of each fertilization event, such that the probability of each
zygote having the genetic potential for becoming tall is 3/4, whereas the potential for its being a
dwarf is 1/4. Probabilities range from 0.0, where an event is certain not to occur, to 1.0, where an
event is certain to occur.

In this section, we consider the relation of probability to genetics. When two or more events
with known probabilities occur independently but at the same time, we can calculate the probability
of their possible outcomes occurring together. This is accomplished by applying the product law,
which says that the probability of two or more events occurring simultaneously is equal to the
product of their individual probabilities. Two or more events are independent of one another if the
outcome of each one does not affect the outcome of any of the others under consideration.


To illustrate the product law, consider the possible results if you toss a penny (P) and a nickel (N) at
the same time and examine all combinations of heads (H) and tails (T) that can occur. There are
four possible outcomes: (PH: NH) = 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4

(PT: NH) = 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4

(PH: NT) = 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4
(PT: NT) = 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4

The probability of obtaining a head or a tail in the toss of either coin is 1/2 and is unrelated to the
outcome for the other coin. Thus, all four possible combinations are predicted to occur with equal
probability. If we want to calculate the probability when the possible outcomes of two events are
independent of one another but can be accomplished in more than one way, we can apply the sum
law. For example, what is the probability of tossing our penny and nickel and obtaining one head
and one tail? In such a case, we do not care whether it is the penny or the nickel that comes up
heads, provided that the other coin has the alternative outcome. As we saw above, there are two
ways in which the desired outcome can be accomplished, each with a probability of 1/4. The sum
law states that the probability of obtaining any single outcome, where that outcome can be achieved
by two or more events, is equal to the sum of the individual probabilities of all such events. Thus,
according to the sum law, the overall probability in our example is equal to: 1/4 + 1/4 = 1/2. One-
half of all two-coin tosses are predicted to yield the desired outcome.

These simple probability laws will be useful throughout our discussions of transmission genetics
and for solving genetics problems. In fact, we already applied the product law when we used the
forked-line method to calculate the phenotypic results of Mendel’s dihybrid and trihybrid crosses.

When we wish to know the results of a cross, we need only calculate the probability of each
possible outcome. The results of this calculation then allow us to predict the proportion of offspring
expressing each phenotype or each genotype. An important point to remember when you deal with
probability is that predictions of possible outcomes are based on large sample sizes. If we predict
that 9/16 of the offspring of a dihybrid cross will express both dominant traits, it is very unlikely
that, in a small sample, exactly 9 of every 16 will express this phenotype. Instead, our prediction is
that, of a large number of offspring, approximately 9/16 will do so. The deviation from the
predicted ratio in smaller sample sizes is attributed to chance, a subject we examine in our
discussion of statistics in the next section. As you shall see, the impact of deviation due strictly to
chance diminishes as the sample size increases.


The Binomial Theorem

Probability calculations using the binomial theorem can be used to analyze cases where there are
alternative ways to achieve a combination of events. For families of any size, we can calculate the
probability of any combination of male and female children. For example, what is the probability
that in a family with four children two will be male and two will be female? This question is
complex because each birth is an independent event, and multiple birth orders can achieve the same
overall outcome. The expression of the binomial theorem is: (𝑎 + 𝑏)𝑛 = 1

where a and b are the respective probabilities of the two alternative outcomes and n equals the
number of trials.

TABLE 4-2 Pascal’s Triangle

As the value of n increases and the expanded binomial becomes more complex, Pascal’s triangle,
shown in Table 4-2, is a useful way to determine the numerical coefficient of each term in the
expanded equation. Starting with the third line from the top of this triangle, each number is the sum
of the two numbers immediately above it. To expand any binomial, the various exponents of a and
b (e.g., a3b2) are determined using the pattern

(𝑎 + 𝑏)𝑛 = 𝑎𝑛 , 𝑎𝑛−1 𝑏, 𝑎𝑛−2 𝑏2 , 𝑎𝑛−3 𝑏 3 , … , 𝑏 𝑛

Using these methods for setting up the expression, we find that the expansion of (a + b)7 is

(𝑎 + 𝑏)7 = 𝑎7 + 7𝑎6 𝑏 + 21𝑎5 𝑏 2 + 35𝑎4 𝑏 3 + ⋯ + 𝑏 7

Let’s now return to our original question: What is the probability that in a family with four children
two will be male and two will be female?


First, assign initial probabilities to each outcome:

a = male = 1/2

b = female = 1/2

Then write out the expanded binomial for the value of n = 4,

(𝑎 + 𝑏)4 = 𝑎4 + 4𝑎3 𝑏 + 6𝑎2 𝑏2 + 4𝑎𝑏 3 + 𝑏 4

Each term represents a possible outcome, with the exponent of a representing the number of males
and the exponent of b representing the number of females. Therefore, the term describing the
outcome of two males and two females—the expression of the probability (p) we are looking for—

Thus, the probability of families of four children having two boys and two girls is 3/8. Of all
families with four children, 3 out of 8 are predicted to have two boys and two girls. Before
examining one other example, we should note that if you prefer not to use Pascal’s triangle, a
formula can be used to determine the numerical coefficient for any set of exponents, 𝑛!⁄(𝑠! 𝑡!)

Where : 𝑛 = the total number of events

𝑠 = the number of times outcome a occurs.
𝑡 = the number of times outcome b occurs.

Therefore, 𝑛 = 𝑠 + 𝑡

The symbol ! denotes a factorial, which is the product of all the positive integers from 1 through
some positive integer.

For example, 5! = = 120

Note that in factorials, 0! = 1.


Using the formula, let’s determine the probability that in a family with seven children, five will be
males and two females. In this case, n = 7, s = 5, and t = 2. We begin by setting up our equation to
find the term for five events having outcome a and two events having outcome b: 𝒑 = [𝒏!/
(𝒔! 𝒕!)]𝒂𝒔 𝒃𝒕 therefore:

Of families with seven children, on the average, 21/128 are predicted to have five males and two



When gene expression does not adhere to a simple dominant/recessive mode, or when more than
one pair of genes influences the expression of a single character, the classic 3:1 and 9:3:3:1 F2
ratios are usually modified.

5.1 Neither Allele Is Dominant in Incomplete, or Partial

Dominance (Semi-dominance)
A cross between parents with contrasting traits
may sometimes generate offspring with an
intermediate phenotype. For example, if a four-
o’clock or a snapdragon plant with red flowers
is crossed with a white-flowered plant, the
offspring have pink flowers. Because some red
pigment is produced in the F1 intermediate-
colored plant, neither the red nor white flower
color is dominant. Such a situation is known as
incomplete, or partial dominance (semi-

If the phenotype is under the control of a single

gene and two alleles, where neither is
dominant, the results of the F1 (pink) × F1
(pink) cross can be predicted. The resulting F2
generation shown in Figure 5–1 confirms the
hypothesis that only one pair of alleles
determines these phenotypes. The genotypic
ratio (1:2:1) of the F2 generation is identical to
that of Mendel’s monohybrid cross. However,
because neither allele is dominant, the
phenotypic ratio is identical to the genotypic
ratio (in contrast to the 3:1 phenotypic ratio of
a Mendelian monohybrid cross). Note that
because neither allele is recessive, we have

chosen not to use upper- and lowercase letters FIGURE 5-1 Incomplete dominance shown in the
flower color of snapdragons


as symbols. Instead, we denote the red and white alleles as R1 and R2. We could have chosen W1
and W2 or still other designations such as CW and CR, where C indicates “color” and the W and
R superscripts indicate white and red, respectively.

5.2 In Codominance, the Influence of Both Alleles in a

Heterozygote Is Clearly Evident
If two alleles of a single gene are responsible for producing two distinct, detectable gene
products, a situation different from incomplete dominance or dominance/recessiveness arises. In
this case, the joint expression of both alleles in a heterozygote is called codominance. Once
again, the genotypic ratio 1:2:1 is upheld.

Codominant inheritance is characterized by distinct expression of the gene products of both

alleles. This characteristic distinguishes codominance from incomplete dominance, where
heterozygotes express an intermediate, blended, phenotype. For codominance to be studied, both
products must be phenotypically detectable. The human ABO blood-type system is an excellent
example of codominance where the alleles A and B are codominant.

NOTE: In incomplete dominance or in codominance, the number of phenotypes and the

number genotypes follow the Table 5–1 showed below:

Number of pairs Number of Number of Number of Number of

of alleles phenotypes genotypes homozygotes heterozygotes
1 3 3 2 1
2 9 9 4 5
3 27 27 8 19
N 3" 3" 2" 3" − 2"

TABLE 5-1 Number of phenotypes, genotypes, homozygotes and heterozygotes in incomplete
dominance and codominance

5.3 Multiple Alleles of a Gene May Exist in a Population

When three or more alleles of the same gene are present in a population, we say that the locus
has multiple alleles. Any diploid organism has, at most, two homologous gene loci that may be
occupied by different alleles of the same gene.


The ABO Blood Groups

The simplest case of multiple alleles occurs when three alternative alleles of one gene exist. This
situation is illustrated in the inheritance of the ABO blood groups in humans, discovered by
Karl Landsteiner in the early 1900s. The ABO system, is characterized by the presence of
antigens on the surface of red blood cells. The A and B antigens are under the control of a gene
located on chromosome 9.

One combination of alleles in the ABO system exhibits a codominant mode of inheritance; the
four blood types A, B, AB and O are controlled by three alleles representing a single locus.

The ABO phenotype of any individual is ascertained by mixing a blood sample with an
antiserum containing type A or type B antibodies. If an antigen is present on the surface of the
person’s red blood cells, it will react with the corresponding antibody and cause clumping, or
agglutination, of the red blood cells. When an individual is tested in this way, one of four
phenotypes may be revealed (Table 5–2). Each individual has either the A antigen (A
phenotype), the B antigen (B phenotype), the A and B antigens (AB phenotype), or neither
antigen (O phenotype).
+ -
A B AB O Rh Rh
Anti A + - + -
Anti B - + + -
Anti AB + + + -
Anti Rh + -

TABLE 5-2 Determination of Blood Groups by Serum-Tests. The agglutination reaction (sign +)
is caused when an antibody specifically binds to an antigen on the surface of red blood cells.
The table above shows the different possible agglutination’s reactions between the serum-tests
(antibodies) recognized (+) or not (-) by the antigens of blood group systems.

Individuals with A phenotype have natural antibodies to B antigen (anti-B) in their serum, and
vice versa for individuals with B phenotype. O phenotype individuals have antibodies directed
against both A and B. AB individuals have no antibodies against either A or B antigens.

A crossmatch (compatibility test between a donor and a patient) is

essential before blood transfusion. Group O is the universal donor;
group AB is the universal recipient.

or type B antibodies. If an antigen is present on the surface
of the person’s red blood cells, it will react with the corre-
sponding antibody and cause clumping, or agglutination, of
g between two heterozygous MN INTRODUCTION TO GENETICS | B1102
the red blood cells. When an individual is tested in this way,
dren of all three blood types, as
one of four phenotypes may be revealed. Each individual
NOTE: Nowadays,hasit either the A antigen (A phenotype), the B antigen (B
is best to perform a blood transfusion from a donor with the same blood
phenotype), the A and B antigens (AB phenotype), or nei-
LN ! LM LN type of the patient.
ther antigen (O phenotype).
In 1924, it was hypothesized that these phenotypes were
inherited as the result of three alleles of a single gene. This
hypothesis was based on studies of the blood types of many
/4 LN LN
different families. Although different designations can be
used, we will
In 1924, it was hypothesized thatuse
these symbols IA, IBwere
the phenotypes , andinherited
i to distinguish
as thethese
result of three alleles of
ratio 1:2:1 is upheld.
a single gene.ex- three alleles. The I designation stands for isoagglutinogen,
Different designations can be used to distinguishA theseB three an-alleles: the symbols
ce is characterized by distinct
A (orcharacteris- other term for antigen. If we assume that the I and I alleles
ts of both alleles. IThis A), IB(or B), and i (or IO or O). If we assume that the IA and IB alleles are responsible for
are responsible for the production of their respective A and
nce from incomplete dominance,of their respective A and B antigens and that i is an allele that does not produce
the production B antigens and that i is an allele that does not produce any
ss an intermediate, blended, phe-A or B antigens, we can list the various genotypic possibilities and assign the
any detectable detectable A or B antigens, we can list the various genotypic
to be studied, both products must
appropriate phenotype to each: and assign the appropriate phenotype to each:
e. We shall see another example of
mine the ABO blood-type system. Genotype Antigen Phenotype
r A
I i A
es of a Gene IB i B
r B

Population I A IB A, B AB
ii Neither O
n any gene is extensive, and mu-
nformation in many ways. Each In these assignments, the IA and IB alleles are dominant
In these
nt allele. Therefore, assignments,
for any gene, the IiAallele,
to the IB alleles
and but codominant to each other.
are dominant to the i allele, but codominant to each
in members of a other.
population need
When three or more alleles of the The A and B Antigens
The A andThe
signate as multiple alleles—are B biochemical
Antigensbasis of the ABO blood type system has
he resulting mode of inheritance now been carefully worked out. The A and B antigens are ac-
tant to realize that
A and alleles tually
B antigens carbohydrate
are actually groups (sugars)
carbohydrate groups that are bound
(sugars) to bound
that are lipid to lipid molecules
pulations. Any individual diploid
(fatty acids) molecules
protruding from the (fatty acids) protruding
membrane of the red from
bloodthe membrane
cell. of
The specificity of the A and B
o homologous gene loci that
antigens may on the
is based the red bloodsugar
terminal cell. The specificity
of the of the Agroup.
carbohydrate and B antigens is
lleles of the same gene. However, based on the terminal sugar of the carbohydrate group.
Almost all individuals possess what is called the H substance, to which one or two terminal
sugars are added. As shown in Figure 5–2, the H substance itself contains three sugar
molecules—galactose (Gal), N-acetylglucosamine (AcGluNH), and fucose—chemically linked
together. The IA allele is responsible for an enzyme that can add the terminal sugar N-
acetylgalactosamine (AcGalNH) to the H substance. The IB allele is responsible for a modified
enzyme that cannot add N-acetylgalactosamine, but instead can add a terminal galactose.
Heterozygotes (IAIB) add either one or the other sugar at the many sites (substrates) available on
the surface of the red blood cell, illustrating the biochemical basis of codominance in individuals
of the AB blood type. Finally, persons of type O (iOiO) cannot add either terminal sugar; these
persons have only the H substance protruding from the surface of their red blood cells.

IA allele is responsible for an enzyme that can add the ter- Finally, persons of type O (iOiO) cannot add either terminal
minal sugar N-acetylgalactosamine (AcGalNH) to the H sugar; these persons have only the H substance protruding
substance. The IB allele is responsible for a modified enzyme from the surface of theirTO
blood cells. | B1102


AcGalNH Gal AcGluNH

Fucose OH
OH A Antigen

l allele directs
l A allele AcGalNH the addition of
to the H substance

Fucose Gal AcGluNH
FUT1 allele OH
H Substance precursor
FUT1 allele directs NHCOCH3
the addition of fucose O O
to the H substance CH3
OH H Substance

l allele directs the
I B allele Gal addition of galactose
to the H substance


Gal Gal O AcGluNH

OH B Antigen

FIGURE 4–2 FIGUREThe5-2biochemical basis of basis

The biochemical the ABO blood
of the ABOgroups.
blood The wild-type
groups. FUT1 allele,
The wild-type FUTpresent
1 allele,in present
almost allin humans,
almost alldirects the
of a precursor
directsmolecule to the H
the conversion ofsubstance
a precursorby molecule
adding a molecule of fucose to
to the H substance The IAaand
byit.adding IB alleles
molecule of are thentoable
fucose it. to direct
the addition of A terminalB sugar residues to the H substance. The i O allele is unable to direct either of these terminal additions. O Failure
to produceThe theIH and I alleles
substance are in
results then
the able to direct
Bombay the addition
phenotype, of individuals
in which terminal sugar residues
are type to the Hofsubstance.
O regardless Theofi an i A or i B
the presence
allele. Gal:allele is unable
galactose; to direct
AcGluNH: either of these terminal
N-acetylglucosamine; AcGalNH: additions. Failure to produce the H substance results in the
Bombay phenotype, in which individuals are type O regardless of the presence of an i or i allele. Gal:
galactose; AcGluNH: N-acetylglucosamine; AcGalNH: N-acetylgalactosamine.


The Bombay Phenotype

In 1952, a very unusual situation provided
information concerning the genetic basis of the H
substance. A woman in Bombay displayed a
unique genetic history inconsistent with her blood
type. In need of a transfusion, she was found to
lack both the A and B antigens and was thus typed
as O. However, as shown in the partial pedigree in
Figure 5–3, one of her parents was type AB, and
FIGURE 5-3 A partial pedigree of a woman
she herself was the obvious donor of an IB allele to with the Bombay phenotype. Functionally,
two of her offspring. Thus, she was genetically her ABO blood group behaves as type O.
type B but functionally type O! Genetically, she is type B.

This woman was subsequently shown to be homozygous for a rare recessive mutation in a gene
designated FUT1 (encoding an enzyme, fucosyl transferase), which prevented her from
synthesizing the complete H substance. In this mutation, the terminal portion of the carbohydrate
chain protruding from the red cell membrane lacks fucose, normally added by the enzyme. In the
absence of fucose, the enzymes specified by the IA and IB alleles apparently are unable to
recognize the incomplete H substance as a proper substrate. Thus, neither the terminal galactose
nor N-acetylgalactosamine can be added, even though the appropriate enzymes capable of doing
so are present and functional. As a result, the ABO system genotype cannot be expressed in
individuals homozygous for the mutant form of the FUT1 gene; even though they may have the
IA and/ or the IB alleles, neither antigen is added to the cell surface, and they are functionally
type O. To distinguish them from the rest of the population, they are said to demonstrate the
Bombay phenotype. The frequency of the mutant FUT1 allele is exceedingly low. Hence, the
vast majority of the human population can synthesize the H substance.

NOTE: The Rhesus Group

The Rh factor is also inherited from the parents but independently of the ABO blood type alleles.

There are two different alleles for the Rh factor known as: Rh+ (or R or Rh or D) dominant and
Rh- (or r or rh or d) recessive (Table 5–3). Recessive rr individuals produce no Rh antigens and
are Rh negative, while RR and Rr individuals have Rh antigens on the surface of their red blood
cells and are classified as Rh positive. The function of Rh antigens remains unknown, but we
suggest that they may be involved in maintaining the structural and functional properties of the
erythrocyte membrane.


Phenotypes Genotypes Antigens

[D] or [Rh ]
DD or RR or Rh Rh or RhRh
+ +
Dd or Rr or Rh+Rh- or Rhrh
[d] or [Rh-] dd or rr or Rh-Rh- or rhrh -

TABLE 5-3 Phenotypes, genotypes and antigens of the Rh Group.

The Coat Color in Rabbits

In rabbits, a series of four alleles controls coat color in the following way: C is dominant to all
other alleles and causes full dark gray color. The Chinchilla phenotype is due to the cch allele,
which is dominant to all alleles other than C. The ch allele, dominant only to c a (albino), results
in the Himalayan coat color. The order of dominance is C>cch>ch>ca.

Genotypes CC, Ccch, Cch, Cc cchcch, chch, cchc c hc h, c hc c ac a

Phenotypes Dark Gray Chinchilla Himalaya Albino

The white Locus in Drosophila

In Drosophila (fruit fly), many alleles are TABLE 5-4
present at practically every locus. The
recessive mutation that causes white eyes,
is one of over 100 alleles that can occupy
this locus. In this allelic series, eye colors
range from complete absence of pigment
in the white allele to deep ruby in the
white-satsuma allele, orange in the white-
apricot allele, a buff color in the white-
buff allele, yellowish pink on the white-
eosin allele... These alleles are designated
w, wsat, wa, wbf, and we, respectively.
Table 5–4 lists these and other white
alleles and their color phenotypes.

Moreover, the allele w+ (red eye) is dominant over all the other alleles: w+ > w= we = wa = wsat…
In such cases, the heterozygotes commonly have phenotypes intermediate between those of their


The Table 5–5 below shows genotypes’ number of multiple alleles:

Number of Number of Number of In other Number of
cases, a mutation may behave as a dominant
alleles genotypes homozygotes heterozygotes
lethal allele. In such cases, the presence of just one copy of
4–1 In the guinea pig, one locus involved in the control of
3 6 3 the allele results in3 the death of the individual. In humans,
coat color may be occupied by any of four alleles: C (full
4 10 4 a disorder called Huntington
6 disease is due to a dominant
color), ck (sepia), cd (cream), or ca (albino), with an order of
k 5 d a 15 5 autosomal allele 10
H, where the onset of the disease in het-
dominance of: C > c > c > c . (C is dominant to all others,
k d 6 a 21 6 erozygotes (Hh) is15delayed, usually well into adulthood. Af-
c is dominant to c and c , but not C, etc.) In the following
crosses, determine theN parental genotypes 𝐍(𝐍 +and 𝟏) predict the N fected individuals 𝐍(𝐍then− 𝟏)undergo gradual nervous and motor
phenotypic ratios that would result: 𝟐 degeneration until𝟐they die. This lethal disorder is particu-
(a) sepia ! cream, where both guinea pigs had an al-
larly tragic because it has such a late onset, typically at about
bino parent age 40. By that time, the affected individual may have pro-
5.4 Lethal Alleles Represent Essential Genes
(b) sepia ! cream, where the sepia guinea pig had an duced a family, and each of their children has a 50 percent
albino parent and the cream guinea pig had two se- probability of inheriting the lethal allele, transmitting the
Many gene pia parents
products are essential to an organism’s survival. alleleMutations
to his or her offspring,
resulting in and
the eventually
synthesis developing the
disorder. The American folk singer and composer Woody
of a (c)
genesepia ! cream, where the sepia guinea pig had two
product that is nonfunctional can often be tolerated in the heterozygous state; that is,
full-color parents and the cream guinea pig had two Guthrie (father of modern-day folk singer Arlo Guthrie)
one wild-type
sepia parentsallele may be sufficient to produce enough of the essential product to allow
died from this disease at age 39.
(d) sepiaHowever,
! cream,such wherea the mutation
sepia guineabehavespig hadas aa recessive lethal lethal
Dominant allele,alleles
and are
rarely observed. For these
recessive individuals
full-color parent and willannot survive.
albino Thethe
parent and time of death
cream alleles to exist in a population, the affected is
will depend on when the product individuals must
essential.guinea pig had two full-color parents
reproduce before the lethal allele is expressed, as can occur
HINT: This problem involves an understanding of multiple alleles. in Huntington disease. If all affected individuals die be-
instance, we consider “a” an embryonic lethal
key to its solution is to note particularly the hierarchy of domi- fore reaching reproductive age, the mutant gene will not be
allele for the gene A in fruit flies. Therefore,
nance of the various alleles. Remember also that even though there ¼ of passed to future generations, and the mutation will disap-
be more than oftwoheterozygous fliesan (Aa)
alleles in a population, individualare
can pear from the population unless it arises again as a result of
homozygotes (aa) for the lethal allele; they die
have at most two of these. Thus, the allelic distribution into gametes a new mutation.
before to the principle
birth. of segregation.
Consequently, the phenotypic ratio
3:1 will be deviated to 100% [A], and the
genotypic ratio 1:2:1 will be deviated to 1:2:0. Combinations of Two Gene Pairs
with Two Modes of Inheritance
In some cases, the allele responsible for a lethal effect
when homozygous may also result in a distinctive mutant Modify the 9:3:3:1 Ratio
In some cases,when thepresent heterozygously.
allele responsible Itforis behaving
a lethal as a when homozygous may also result in a
recessive lethal allele but is dominant with respect to the phe- Each example discussed so far modifies Mendel’s 3:1 F2
distinctive mutant phenotype when present heterozygously. It is behaving as a recessive lethal
For example, a mutation that causes monohybrid ratio. Therefore, combining any two of these
allele is dominant with respect to athe
yellow coat in For
phenotype. modesexample, a mutation
of inheritance that causes
in a dihybrid a also modify
cross will
mice was
yellow discovered
coat in mice in thediscovered
was early part ofinthis
early partTheof this century. The yellow coat varies from
yellow coat varies from the normal agouti (wild-type) coat the classical 9:3:3:1 dihybrid ratio. Having established the
the normal agouti (wild-type) coat phenotype, as shownfoundation in Figure 5–4.
of the Crosses
modes betweenofthe
of inheritance incomplete dom-
phenotype, as shown in Figure 4–4. Crosses between the var-
various combinations of the two strains yield unusual results: inance, codominance, multiple alleles, and lethal alleles, we
ious combinations of the two strains yield unusual results:
can now deal with the situation of two modes of inheritance
Crosses occurring simultaneously. Mendel’s principle of indepen-
(A) agouti * agouti h all agouti dent assortment applies to these situations, provided that
(B) yellow * yellow h 2/3 yellow: the genes controlling each character are not located on the
1/3 agouti same chromosome—in other words, that they do not dem-
(C) agouti * yellow h 1/2 yellow: onstrate what is called genetic linkage.
1/2 agouti Consider, for example, a mating between two humans
who are both heterozygous for the autosomal recessive gene
These results are explained on the basis of a single pair of that causes albinism and who are both of blood type AB.
8alleles. With regard to coat color, the mutant yellow allele What is the probability of a particular phenotypic combina-
(AY) is dominant to the wild-type agouti allele (A), so het- tion occurring in each of their children? Albinism is inherited in
erozygous mice will have yellow coats. However, the yellow the simple Mendelian fashion, and the blood types are deter-
allele is also a homozygous recessive lethal. When present mined by the series of three multiple alleles, iA, iB, and iO.

These results are explained on the basis of a single pair of alleles. With regard to coat color, the
mutant yellow allele (AY) is dominant to the wild-type agouti allele (A), so heterozygous mice
will have yellow coats. However, the yellow allele is also a homozygous recessive lethal. When
present in two copies, the mice die before birth. Thus, there are no homozygous yellow mice.

4 . 85–4.P H E N O T Y P E S
The genetic basis for these three crosses is shown in Figure ARE OFTEN AFFECTED BY MORE THAN

Cross A Cross B Cross C Instead, six phenotype

ratio, establishing the
for each phenotype. T
P1 many variants of mo
agouti agouti yellow yellow agouti yellow
possible when differ
tance are combined.


AA agouti yellow AA AAY Affected b
agouti AYA AYAY agouti yellow
One Gene
yellow lethal

Soon after Mendel’s w

experimentation revea
a given phenotype is
one gene. This was a
2/3 yellow 1/2 agouti because it revealed tha
all agouti
1/3 agouti 1/2 yellow the phenotype is often
(All survive)
(Survivors) (All survive)
than the situations M
his crosses with the g
agouti mouse yellow mouse single genes controllin
individual parts of a
it soon became clear
acters such as eye col
shape can be influenc
genes and their produ
The term gene in
to express the idea th
ence a particular cha
FIGURE 5-44 – 4 Inheritance patterns
Inheritance in three
patterns crosses
in three involving
crosses the normal
involving wild- wild-
the normal type agouti
FIGURE not mean, however, th
type (A) Y (AY)Note
allele andallele
agouti (A) and
the mutant the mutant
yellow allele (Ayellow allele
) in the mouse. in thethat
mouse. Note that
the mutant allelethe
behavesor their products nece
mutant allele
dominantly to behaves dominantly
the normal allele into controlling
the normal coat allele color,
in controlling coat behaves
but it also color, butas a
with one another to
it also behaves as a homozygous recessive lethal allele. Y Ywith the genotype AY
homozygous recessive lethal allele. Mice with the genotype A A do not survive. phenotype. Rather, th
AY do not survive.

The Molecular Basis of
wild-type A allele have yellow pigment The homozyg

5.5 Combinations of Two Gene Pairs With Two Modes of

Inheritance Modify the 9:3:3:1 Ratio
Each example discussed so far modifies Mendel’s 3:1 F2 monohybrid ratio. Therefore,
combining any two of these modes of inheritance in a dihybrid cross will also modify the
classical 9:3:3:1 dihybrid ratio. Having established the foundation of the modes of inheritance of
incomplete dominance, codominance, multiple alleles, and lethal alleles, we can now deal with
80 4 situation
of two GENETICS occurring simultaneously.
modes of inheritance

A a I A IB ! A a I A IB

Consideration of pigmentation alone Consideration of blood types alone

Aa ! Aa I A IB ! I A IB

AA IA IA 1/4 type A

Aa 3/4 pigmented I A IB
2/4 type AB

aa 1/4 albino IB IB 1/4 type B

Genotypes Phenotypes Genotypes Phenotypes

Consideration of both characteristics together

Of all offspring Of all offspring Final probabilities

1/4 A 3/16 pigmented, type A

3/4 pigmented 2/4 AB 6/16 pigmented, type AB

1/4 B 3/16 pigmented, type B

1/4 A 1/16 albino, type A

1/4 albino 2/4 AB 2/16 albino, type AB

1/4 B 1/16 albino, type B

Final phenotypic ratio = 3/16 : 6/16 : 3/16 : 1/16 : 2/16 : 1/16

FIGURE 5-5 Calculation
Calculation of the probabilities
of the probabilities in a matingin a involving
mating involving
the ABOthe ABO type
blood blood
andtype and albinism
albinism in humans,
in humans, using the
using the forked-line method.
forked-line method.

cellular function
10 of numerous gene products contributes toward and through the middle ear, but also to convert sound
to the development of a common phenotype. For example, waves into nerve impulses within the inner ear. Thus, the
the development of an organ such as the eye of an insect is ear forms as a result of a cascade of intricate developmen-

Consider, for example, a mating between two humans who are both heterozygous for the
autosomal recessive gene that causes albinism and who are both of blood type AB. What is the
probability of a particular phenotypic combination occurring in each of their children? Albinism
is inherited in the simple Mendelian fashion, and the blood types are determined by the series of
three multiple alleles, iA, iB, and iO. The solution to this problem is diagrammed in Figure 5–5,
using the forked-line method. This dihybrid cross does not yield four phenotypes in the classical
9:3:3:1 ratio.

Instead, six phenotypes (2×3) occur in a 3:6:3:1:2:1 ratio, nine genotypes (3×3), and
establishing the expected probability for each. In fact, three genotypes and two phenotypes
derive from the cross Aa × Aa; three genotypes and three phenotypes from IAIB × IAIB.

NOTE: In the case of a dihybrid Cross and Incomplete Dominance for two characters:

If two characters are incompletely dominant (A=A’ and B=B’), the resulting F2 of the cross
AABB × A’A’B’B’ will have nine phenotypes (3×3) and nine genotypes (3×3).

5.6 Phenotypes Are Often Affected by More Than One Gene

Soon after Mendel’s work was rediscovered, experimentation revealed that in many cases a
given phenotype is affected by more than one gene. Instead of single genes controlling the
development of individual parts of a plant or animal body, it soon became clear that phenotypic
characters such as eye color, hair color, or fruit shape can be influenced by many different genes
and their products.

Gene Interaction (Simple

The term gene interaction is often used to
express the idea that many genes may interact
to affect a single phenotype. One example of
gene interaction is illustrated by the comb-
shape inheritance in chickens, where two
genes may interact to produce a new
phenotype. Walnut, rose, pea, and single are
observed as distinct phenotypes.


Crosses 1-4 are shown as follows:

In cross 1, P1 singles breed true. Second, while P1 walnut breeds true in cross 2, a walnut
phenotype is also produced in cross 3 between rose and pea. When these F1 walnuts are mated in
cross 4, all four comb shapes are produced in a ratio that approximates 9:3:3:1. This observation
immediately suggests a cross involving two gene pairs, because the resulting data display the
same ratio as in Mendel’s dihybrid crosses. Since only one character is involved (comb shape),
we propose that the two gene pairs “interact” to produce each phenotype.

Chickens may have four shapes of combs but there are only two genes for comb type: gene R and
gene P. The interaction between these two genes determines the phenotype. The interaction of
recessive alleles r and p in the homozygous condition rrpp produce a single comb. But when the
two dominant genes R and P are bought together (heterozygous or homozygous condition), they
interact and produce a new comb called walnut. Rose comb is controlled by the dominant gene R
and pea comb is controlled by the dominant gene P.

Genotypes rrpp RRPP, RRPp, RrPP, RrPp rrPP, rrPp RRpp, Rrpp
Phenotypes Single comb [rp] Walnut Comb [RP] Pea Comb [rP] Rose Comb [Rp]

When a pure rose combed RRpp chicken is crossed with that of pure pea combed rrPP chicken,
the F1 progeny contains walnut combs RrPp. Then the F1 walnut individuals are selfed. In the
F2 all the four types of combs appear in the following ratio: walnut, rose, pea, and single 9:3:3:1.

Some of the best examples of gene interaction are those showing the phenomenon of epistasis,
where the expression of one gene pair masks or modifies the effect of another gene pair.
Sometimes the genes involved influence the same general phenotypic characteristic in an
antagonistic manner, which leads to masking. In other cases, however, the genes involved exert
their influence on one another in a complementary, or cooperative, fashion.


gene pair. Sometimes the genes involved influence the same that at least one dominant allele in each pair is required to
general phenotypic characteristic in an antagonistic manner, express a particular phenotype.
which leads to masking. In other cases, however, the genes The Bombay phenotype discussed earlier is an example
involved exert their influence on one another in a comple- of the homozygous recessive condition at one locus masking
mentary, or cooperative, fashion.
For example, the homozygous presence of a recessive the expression of a second
allele may locus.
preventThereor we override
established that
the the
For example, the homozygous presence of a recessive homozygous presence of the mutant form of the FUT1 gene
expression of other alleles at a second locus (or several other loci). In thisA case,B the alleles at the
allele may prevent or override the expression of other al- masks the expression of the I and I alleles. Only individuals
at a locus
secondare said
locus (orto be epistatic
several to In
other loci). those
this at the second
case, locus, and the alleles at the second locus
containing at least one wild-type FUT1 allele can form the A or
the are hypostatic
alleles at the firstto those
locus are at thetofirst
said locus. to those B antigen. As a result, individuals whose genotypes include the
be epistatic
at the second locus, and the alleles at the second locus are IA or IB allele and who have no wild-type FUT1 allele are of the
In a pathway, a product (A) is converted
hypostatic to those at the first locus. As we will see, there to another (B) into another
type O phenotype, (C),
regardless of theirand catalyzed
potential to makebyeither
are several 1 and on
variations 2. this
If the product
theme. of gene
In another 1 (enzyme
example, a 1) or/and
antigen. An example of the outcome of matings between indi-
single productallele
of gene
at the2first
locus may2) are not present
be epistatic to because the
viduals heterozygous at both loci is illustrated in Figure 4–6.
the expression alleles at a secondforgene
a mutation, then no Ifconversion
locus. In a third many such individuals have children, the phenotypic ratio of
example, two geneand
will happen pairsthe
complementof onetheanother
C willsuch 3 A: 6 AB: 3 B: 4 O is expected in their offspring.
be modified.

I A IB H h ! I A IB H h

Consideration of blood types Consideration of H substance

I A IB ! I A IB Hh ! Hh

IA IA 1/4 Type A HH
3/4 form
H substance
2/4 Type AB
B B 1/4 do not form
I I 1/4 Type B hh
H substance
Genotypes Phenotypes Genotypes Phenotypes

Consideration of both gene pairs together

Of all offspring Of all offspring Final probabilities

3/4 form
3/16 Type A
H substance
Type A
1/4 do not form
1/16 Type O
H substance

3/4 form
6/16 Type AB
H substance
Type AB
1/4 do not form
2/16 Type O
H substance

3/4 form
3/16 Type B
H substance
Type B
1/4 do not form
1/16 Type O
H substance
Final phenotypic ratio = 3/16 A: 6/16 AB: 3/16 B: 4/16 O

FIGURE 4–6 The5-6 The outcome of a mating between individuals heterozygous at two genes determining
outcome of a mating between individuals heterozygous at two genes determining their ABO blood type.
their ABO blood type. Final phenotypes are calculated by considering each gene separately and then
Final phenotypes are calculated by considering each gene separately and then combining the results using the forked-line method.
combining the results using the forked-line method.

modified dihybrid cross in Figure 4–5, blood type and discontinuous variation, where phenotypic categories are
skin pigmentation are followed as separate phenotypic discrete and qualitatively different from one another.
characteristics. INTRODUCTION TO GENETICS | B1102
2. The genes considered in each cross are on different
2. Even though only a single character was followed, the chromosomes and therefore assort independently of
phenotypic ratio comes out in sixteenths. If we knew
Bombay phenotype discussed earlier is an example of theone another during
homozygous gamete
recessive formation.
condition at oneTo allow you to
nothing about
locus the H substance
masking and theof
the expression gene controlling
a second locus. Thereeasily
we compare
establishedthe that
theof homozygous
different crosses, we desig-
it, we could still be confident (because the proportions nated alleles as A, a and B, b in each case.
presence of the mutant form of the FUT1 gene masks the expression of the IA and IB alleles.
are inOnly
sixteenths) that acontaining
individuals second gene pair,one
at least other than FUT1 allele can form the A or B antigen. As a
wild-type 3. When we assume that complete dominance exists with-
that controlling the A and B antigens, was involved in A
result, individuals
the phenotypic whose
expression. Whengenotypes
a single include
charactertheisI or IB in a gene
allele andpair,
who suchhavethat AA and Aa
no wild-type or BB and Bb are
allele are of the type O phenotype, regardless of theirequivalent potential intotheir
eithereffects, we An
antigen. use the designa-
being studied, a ratio that is expressed in 16 parts (e.g.,
example of the outcome of matings between individuals heterozygous tions A– or B–atfor both locicombinations,
both is illustrated inwhere the dash
3:6:3:4) suggests that two gene pairs are “interacting” in
Figure 5–6. If many such individuals have children, the (–) phenotypic ratio of 3 A: 6 AB: 3 B: 4 O
indicates that either allele may be present without
the expression of the phenotype under consideration.
is expected in their offspring. consequence to the phenotype.

The study of gene interaction reveals a number of in-
4. All P1 crosses involve homozygous individuals (e.g.,
heritance patterns that are modifications of the Mendelian
The study of gene interaction reveals a number of inheritance AABB × aabb, AAbb
patterns × aaBB,
that are or aaBB ×ofAAbb). There-
dihybrid F2 ratio (9:3:3:1). In several of the subsequent ex-
the Mendelian dihybrid F2 ratio (9:3:3:1). In several offore, each F1 generation
the subsequent examples,consists of only
epistasis has heterozygotes
amples, epistasis has the effect of combining one or more of
the effect categories
of combining one or more of genotype AaBb.
the four phenotypic in various ways. Theofgenera-
the four phenotypic categories in various ways. The
generation of these four groups is reviewed
in Figure in Figure 5–7,
4–7, along 5. Inalong with several
each example, the Fmodified ratios.
tion of these four groups is reviewed 2 generation produced from these
with several modified ratios. heterozygous parents is our main focus of analysis.

AaBb ! AaBb

AB Ab aB ab AB Ab aB ab

Gametes Gametes

Dihybrid ratio Modified ratios

1/16 AABB

2/16 AABb 1/16 ! 2/16 ! 2/16 ! 4/16

9/16 A " B " 9/16 9/16 9/16
2/16 AaBB

4/16 AaBb
12/16 15/16
1/16 AAbb 1/16 ! 2/16
3/16 A " bb 3/16
2/16 Aabb
1/16 aaBB 1/16 ! 2/16 7/16
3/16 aaB " 3/16
2/16 aaBb
1/16 aabb 1/16 aabb 1/16 1/16 1/16

7 5-7 Generation of various modified dihybrid ratios from the nine unique genotypes produced in a cross
Generation of various modified dihybrid ratios from the nine unique genotypes produced in a cross between
individuals between individuals heterozygous at two genes.
heterozygous at two genes.


NOTE: 1. We use the designations A– or B– for both combinations AA and Aa or BB and

Bb, where the dash (–) indicates that either allele may be present without
consequence to the phenotype.

2. All P1 crosses involve homozygous individuals (e.g., AABB × aabb, AAbb ×

aaBB, or aaBB × AAbb). Therefore, each F1 generation consists of only
heterozygotes of genotype AaBb.

3. In each example, the F2 generation produced from these heterozygous parents is

the main focus of analysis. When two genes are involved (Figure 5–7), the F2
genotypes fall into four categories: 9/16 A–B–, 3/16 A–bb, 3/16 aaB–, and 1/16 aabb.
Because of dominance, all genotypes in each category are equivalent in their effect
on the phenotype.


F2 Phenotypes
Case Organism Character 9/16 3/16 3/16 1/16 ratio

1 Coat
Mouse agouti albino black albino 9:3:4

2 Squash Color white yellow green 12:3:1

3 Pea purple white 9:7
4 Squash disc sphere long 9:6:1

5 Chicken Color white colored white 13:3

6 white-
Mouse Color white-spotted white colored 10:3:3
Shepherd’s Seed
7 triangular ovoid 15:1
purse capsule
8 Color 6/16 sooty and 3/16 red black jet black 6:3:3:4

FIGURE – 8 The
F I G U R E 45-8 The basis
basis of modified
of modified dihybrid Fdihybrid F2ratios
2 phenotypic phenotypic ratios
resulting from resulting
crosses from heterozygous
between doubly crosses between doubly
F1 individuals.
The four groupings of the F genotypes shown in Figure 4–7 and across the top of this figure are combined in various ways to produce
these ratios. F1 individuals.

1. Recessive
When epistasis
two genes are (9:3:4)
involved (Figure or the
4–7), Supplementary
F2 genesgene interaction yielding the observed
We can envision
genotypes fall into four categories: 9/16 A–B–, 3/16 A–bb, 9:3:4 F2 ratio as a two-step process:
Epistasis is recessive
3/16 aaB–, if theBecause
and 1/16 aabb. recessive genotype
of dominance, all of a locus prevents the expression of the alleles of
another locus.
genotypes Coat
in each colorareinequivalent
category Labradors retrievers
in their effect is an exampleGene
ofBrecessive epistasis
Gene A
(case 1 in
on the phenotype.
Figure 5–8). Labrador retrievers may be black, brown (chocolate), or golden (yellow) in color,
Precursor T T
Black Agouti
traits controlled by two gene pairs: a gene for pigment and a gene forpigment
Case 1 is the inheritance of coat color in mice (Figure molecule h depositing color
h in the
4–8). Normal wild-type coat color is agouti, a grayish pat- (colorless) B– A–
tern formed by alternating bands of pigment on each hair
(see Figure 4–4). Agouti is dominant to black (nonagouti)
hair, which results from the homozygous expression of a 15
In the presence of a B allele, black pigment can be made
recessive mutation that we designate a. Thus, A– results in from a colorless substance. In the presence of an A allele,
agouti, whereas aa yields black coat color. When a recessive the black pigment is deposited during the development of
mutation, b, at a separate locus is homozygous, it eliminates

coat. The two alleles for the pigment gene are B for black coat and its recessive counter part b for
brown coat. The gene for depositing color in the coat has two alleles, E for the expression of
black and brown coats and e, which is epistatic and blocks the expression of the B/b gene. The
epistatic allele is recessive and, therefore, is only expressed as a yellow coat in the homozygous
condition (ee), regardless of the combination of B and b alleles in the genotype.

Thus, in a cross between black (BBEE) and yellow (bbee) parents, members of the F1 are all
BbEe and have black coat color. In the F2 progeny of a cross between two F1 double
heterozygotes, the following genotypes and phenotypes are observed:

Genotypes BBEE, BbEE, BBEe or BbEe bbEE or bbEe BBee, Bbee or bbee
Phenotypes Black Chocolate Yellow (albino)
9/16 3/16 4/16

We can envision gene interaction yielding the observed 9:3:4 F2 ratio as a two-step process:

Black labs have the genotype B_E_; chocolate labs have the genotype bbE_; and yellow labs
have the genotype B_ee or bbee.

2. Dominant epistasis (12:3:1)

A second type of epistasis, called dominant epistasis, occurs when a dominant allele at one
genetic locus masks the expression of the alleles of a second locus. For instance, Case 2 of
Figure 5–8 deals with the inheritance of fruit color in summer squash. Here, the dominant allele
A results in white fruit color regardless of the genotype at a second locus, B. In the absence of a
dominant A allele (the aa genotype), BB or Bb results in yellow color, while bb results in green
are crossed,ifthis
two white-colored
type double an
of epistasis generates heterozygotes
inter- (AaBb)
cross, areoccur
this will crossed, thisof type
in 9/16 the Fof
2 offspring. All oth
epistasis generates an
esting phenotypic ratio: interesting phenotypic ratio: plants (7/16) have flowers that remain white.
These three examples illustrate in a simple way how
F1: AaBb * AaBb
products of two genes interact to influence the developme
of a common phenotype. In other instances, more than t
F2 Ratio Genotype Phenotype Final Phenotypic Ratio genes and their products are involved in controlling phen
9/16 A– B– white typic expression.
12/16 white
3/16 A– bb white
3/16 yellow Novel Phenotypes
3/16 aa B– yellow
1/16 green Other cases of gene interaction yield novel, or new, phen
1/16 aa bb green
types in the F2 generation, in addition to producing mo
fied dihybrid ratios. Case 4 in Figure 4–8 depicts the inhe
Of the offspring, 9/16 are A–B– and are thus white.
tance of fruit shape in the summer squash Cucurbita pe
The 3/16 bearing the genotypes A–bb are also white. Of the
16 When plants with disc-shaped fruit (AABB) are crossed w
remaining squash, 3/16 are yellow (aaB–), while 1/16 are
plants with long fruit (aabb), the F1 generation all have d
green (aabb). Thus, the modified phenotypic ratio of 12:3:1
fruit. However, in the F2 progeny, fruit with a novel shape
3/16 A– bb white 3/16 yellow
3/16 aa B– yellow 3/16 yellow Novel Phenotypes
3/16 aa B– yellow 1/16 green Other cases of gene interaction yield novel, or new,
1/16 aa bb green 1/16 green Other cases of gene interaction in yield novel, to
or producing
new, phen
1/16 aa bb green types in the F2 generation, addition
the F2 generation, in4addition to4–8
depicts mod
Of the offspring, 9/16 are A–B– and are thus white. INTRODUCTION TOratios. Case
GENETICS in| B1102
Figure the
dihybrid ratios. Case 4 in Figure 4–8 depicts
of fruit shape in the summer squash Cucurbit the inher
TheOf the offspring, 9/16 are A–B– and are thus white.
3/16 bearing the genotypes A–bb are also white. Of the tance of fruit shape in the summer squash Cucurbita pep
The 3/16 bearing the genotypes A–bb are also white. Of the When plants with disc-shaped fruit (AABB) are cross
Of the squash,9/16
offspring, 3/16areareA–B–
yellowand (aaB–),
are while
thus 1/16 The
white. are When
3/16 plants with disc-shaped fruit (AABB) are crossed wi
remaining squash, 3/16 are yellow (aaB–), while 1/16 are plants with the
bearing longgenotypes
fruit (aabb), A–bbthe Fare
1 generation all ha
also (aabb).
white. Of Thus,
the the modified
remaining phenotypic
squash, 3/16 ratio
are of 12:3:1
yellow plants
(aaB–), whilewith1/16
fruit (aabb),
green the F1Thus,
(aabb). generation all have di
green (aabb). Thus, the modified phenotypic ratio of 12:3:1 fruit. However, in the F2 progeny, fruit with a novel s
the modified phenotypic ratio of 12:3:1 occurs. fruit. However, in the F progeny, fruit with a novel shape—
occurs. sphere—appear, as 2well as fruit exhibiting the parent
Our third example (Case 3 of Figure 4–8), first discov- sphere—appear, as well as fruit exhibiting the parental ph
Our third example (Case 3 of Figure 4–8), first discov- notypes. A variety of fruit shapes are shown in Figur
ered by William Bateson and Reginald Punnett (of Punnett notypes. A variety of fruit shapes are shown in Figure 4–9
ered by William Bateson and Reginald Punnett (of Punnett The F2 generation, with a modified 9:6:1 ratio, is
demonstratedinina across cross between two true- The F2 generation, with a modified 9:6:1 ratio, is gene
square between two true- ated as follows:
3. Duplicate
breeding strains
recessive epistasis
white-flowered sweetpeas.
peas. or Complementary
ated as follows:Gene Action
the results
the resultsofofthis
this crossyield
yield allpurple
purpleF Fplants,
1 plants, andthethe in a cross betweenFtwo F1: AaBb* AaBb * AaBb
Our third examplecross (Case 3 ofallFigure 5–8)
1 and
is demonstrated 1: AaBb
F plants
F22 plants occur in a ratio of 9/16 purple to 7/16 white. The disc disc
strains ofoccur in a ratio of sweet
white-flowered 9/16 purple
peas. to 7/16 white. The
Unexpectedly, the results of this cross yielddisc all purple disc F
proposed explanationsuggests
suggeststhat thatthethepresence
presence of of
at at least
least T T
plants, and
onedominant the
dominantallele F plants
2 ofofeach
allele occur
eachofoftwo in a
twogene ratio
gene of
pairs 9/16 purple
is essential to 7/16 white. The proposed explanation
one pairs is essential in in
suggests F2 of
Ratio Genotype isPhenotype inFinal Phenotypic
Ratio Ra
order for flowers to be purple. Thus, this cross represents a aof each
order forthat the
flowers presence
to be of
purple. at least
Thus, one
this dominant
cross allele
represents F2 Ratio two gene
Genotype pairs essential
Phenotype Final Phenotypic
order offor
case of
case flowers to gene
complementary be
genepurple. Thus,
interaction. AllAllthis
other cross represents
genotype 9/16 9/16
a caseA–ofB– B– disc disc
A–complementary gene9/16 disc
9/16 disc
interaction. All
combinations other
yieldwhite genotype
whiteflowers combinations
because thethe yield
homozygous 3/16
homozygous white flowers
3/16 A– bbbecause the
A– bb sphere homozygous
6/166/16 sphere
condition either
ofeither recessive
eitherrecessive allele
allele masks
masks the
thethe expression
expression of ofof the
3/16 aa B– allele
aa B– at sphere
the sphere
other locus.
the dominantallele
locus. 1/161/16
long long
1/16 1/16 aa bbaa bb longlong
The The
cross is shown
cross isisshown
shownas as
: AAbb* *aaBB
PP1:1AAbb aaBB In this example
In this of gene
example interaction,
of gene bothboth
interaction, gene gene
pairs pair
white white
white white ence fruitfruit
ence shape equally.
shape A dominant
equally. A dominant alleleallele
at either locusloe
at either
TT sures a sphere-shaped fruit. In the absence of
sures a sphere-shaped fruit. In the absence of dominan dominant allel
: All AaBb(purple)
AaBb (purple) thethe
is long. However,
is long. However,if both dominant
if both dominant allelesalleles
(A and (A
present, the fruit displays a flattened, disc shape.
present, the fruit displays a flattened, disc shape.
FF2 Ratio Genotype Phenotype
Phenotype Final Phenotypic Ratio
2 Ratio Genotype Final Phenotypic Ratio
9/16 A–
B– purple
3/16 A– bb
A– bb white
white 9/16 purple
9/16 purple Sphere
3/16 aaaaB–
B– white
white 7/16 white
7/16 white
1/16 aa bb white Long
1/16 aa bb white Long

We can now envision how two gene pairs might yield

We can now envision how two gene pairs might yield
We results:
can now envision how two gene pairs might yield such results:
such results:
Gene A Gene B
Gene A Gene B
Precursor T Intermediate T Final
substance h T Intermediate
product hT Final
(colorless) h
A– product
(colorless) h
B– product
(purple) Disc
(colorless) A– (colorless) B– (purple) D

At least one dominant allele from each pair of genes

At At least
least onetoone
is necessary dominant
dominantboth allele
allele each
each of genes
to the
of genes is necessary to ensure both biochemical
FIGURE 4–9 Summer squash exhibiting various fruit-shape
is necessary
conversions to ensure
final product,toyielding both biochemical
the finalpurple flowers.
product, conversions
In the
yielding purple to
preceding the phenotypes,
flowers. In F I G U R E
the precedingincluding
4 – 9 Summer
cross, squash
disc, this
long, exhibiting various fruit-
and sphere.
will occur
final product, yielding purple flowers. In the preceding phenotypes,
in 9/16 of the F2 offspring. All other plants (7/16) have flowers that remain white. including disc, long, and sphere.

These three examples illustrate in a simple way how the products of two genes interact to
influence the development of a common phenotype. In other instances, more than two genes and
their products are involved in controlling phenotypic expression.

products of two genes interact to influence the development
of a common phenotype. In other instances, more than two
otypic Ratio genes and their products are involved in controlling pheno-
typic expression. INTRODUCTION TO GENETICS | B1102
w Novel Phenotypes
n 4.cases
Other Dominant-recessive
of gene interaction yieldepistasis (9:6:1)
novel, or new, or Double Interaction
types in the F generation, in addition to producing modi-
Other cases of gene interaction yield novel, or new, phenotypes in the F2 generation, in addition
fied dihybrid ratios. Case 4 in Figure 4–8 depicts the inheri-
e thus white.
to producing
tance modified
of fruit shape in thedihybrid ratios. Cucurbita
summer squash Case 4 inpepo.
Figure 5–8 depicts the inheritance of fruit shape
white. Of the
in theplants
When summer with squash Cucurbita
disc-shaped pepo.
fruit (AABB) areWhen
with with disc-shaped fruit (AABB) are crossed
while 1/16 are
with with long fruitlong
with (aabb), the(aabb),
fruit F1 generation
the Fall1 have disc
generation all have disc fruit. However, in the F2
ratio of 12:3:1
fruit. However, in the F2 progeny, fruit with a novel shape—
progeny, fruit with a novel shape— sphere—appear, as well as fruit exhibiting the parental
sphere—appear, as well as fruit exhibiting the parental phe-
), first discov- phenotypes. A variety of fruit shapes are shown in Figure 5–9.
notypes. A variety of fruit shapes are shown in Figure 4–9.
tt (of Punnett
The F2 generation, with a modified 9:6:1 ratio, is gener-
een two true- The F2 generation, with a modified 9:6:1 ratio, is generated as follows:
ated as follows:
ants, and the F1: AaBb * AaBb
16 white. The disc disc
nce of at least T
is essential in
s represents a F2 Ratio Genotype Phenotype Final Phenotypic Ratio

her genotype 9/16 A– B– disc

9/16 disc
homozygous 3/16 A– bb sphere
6/16 sphere
expression of 3/16 aa B– sphere
1/16 long
1/16 aa bb long

FIGURE 5-9 Summer squash exhibiting

In this example of gene interaction, both gene pairs influ-
various fruit-shape phenotypes, including disc,
ence fruit shape equally. A dominant allele at either locus en-
long, and sphere.
sures a sphere-shaped fruit. In the absence of dominant alleles,
the this
In fruit example
is long. However,
of gene if both dominant both
interaction, allelesgene
(A andpairs
B) influence fruit shape equally. A dominant
are present, the fruit displays a flattened, disc shape.
otypic Ratio allele at either locus ensures a sphere-shaped fruit. In the absence of dominant alleles, the fruit is
long. However, if both dominant alleles (A and B) are present, the fruit displays a flattened, disc
ple shape.

s might yield 5. Dominant and recessive epistasis (13:3) or Dominant Suppression

In the Primula plant, the malvidin pigment creates blue-colored flowers. Synthesis of malvidin is
B controlled by gene K; however, the production of this pigment can be suppressed by gene D,
Final which is found at a completely different locus. In this case, the D allele is dominant to the K
allele, so plants with the genotypes K_D_ or kkD_ will not produce malvidin because of the
(purple) Disc
presence of the D allele.
pair of genes
ersions to the FIGURE 4–9 Summer squash exhibiting various fruit-shape
he preceding phenotypes, including disc, long, and sphere.


All of the shading boxes contain genotypes that indicate the presence of malvidin: K_dd. In
contrast, the white boxes represent genotypes that feature at least one D allele, and the presence
of the D allele suppresses the production of malvidin. Meanwhile, kkdd box represents a
genotype with no malvidin suppression (dd), but also no malvidin production (kk). The
phenotypic ratio is therefore 13:3. This type of epistasis is sometimes called dominant
suppression, because the deviation from 9:3:3:1 is caused by a single allele that produces a
dominant phenotype, and the action of this allele is to suppress the expression of another gene.

6. Duplicate dominant epistasis (15:1) or Duplicate Gene Interaction

Genes don’t always have to act in opposition to each other for an epistatic interaction.
Sometimes, two genes that each has the same role in protein production can substitute for each
other. The mechanism by which wheat kernel color is determined is an example of duplicate
gene action. In wheat, kernel color is dependent upon a biochemical reaction that converts a
precursor substance into a pigment, and this reaction can be performed with the product of either
gene A or gene B. Thus, having either the A allele or the B allele produces color in the kernel, but
a lack of both alleles (A and B) will produce a white kernel that is devoid of color.

The table above depicts the results of a dihybrid cross between two plants with AaBb genotype.

In this cross, whenever a dominant allele is present at either locus, the biochemical conversion
occurs, and a colored kernel results. Thus, only the double homozygous recessive genotype
produces a phenotype with no color; the resulting phenotypic ratio of color to non-color is 15:1.
Note that among the offspring of this cross, the phenotype is nearly uniform.

5.7 Expression of a Single Gene May Have Multiple Effects

While the previous sections have focused on the effects of two or more genes on a single
characteristic, the converse situation, where expression of a single gene has multiple phenotypic
effects, is also quite common. This phenomenon, which often becomes apparent when
phenotypes are examined carefully, is referred to as pleiotropy.

In contrast, one gene governing one character is called monotropic.


Many excellent examples can be drawn from human disorders.

The first disorder is Marfan syndrome, a human malady resulting from an autosomal dominant
mutation in the gene encoding the connective tissue protein fibrillin. Because this protein is
widespread in many tissues in the body, one would expect multiple effects of such a defect. In
fact, fibrillin is important to the structural integrity of the lens of the eye, to the lining of vessels
such as the aorta, and to bones, among other tissues. As a result, the phenotype associated with
Marfan syndrome includes lens dislocation, increased risk of aortic aneurysm, and lengthened
long bones in limbs.

A second example involves another human autosomal dominant disorder, porphyria variegata.
Afflicted individuals cannot adequately metabolize the porphyrin component of hemoglobin
when this respiratory pigment is broken down as red blood cells are replaced. The accumulation
of excess porphyrins is immediately evident in the urine, which takes on a deep red color. The
severe features of the disorder are due to the toxicity of the buildup of porphyrins in the body,
particularly in the brain. Complete phenotypic characterization includes abdominal pain,
muscular weakness, fever, a racing pulse, insomnia, headaches, vision problems (that can lead to
blindness), and ultimately convulsions.

5.8 Polygenic Inheritance

Numerous traits, known as polygenic traits, result from the influence of multiple genes (two or
more independent genes). The contributing genes generally, assort independently to produce a
large number of genotypes and multiple phenotypes. The inheritance of polygenic traits is
identified as polygenic inheritance. The multiple-gene hypothesis consisting of the following
major points can be applied to those genes.

1. Phenotypic traits showing continuous variation can be quantified by measuring, weighing,

counting, and so on.

2. Two or more gene loci, often scattered throughout the genome, account for the hereditary
influence on the phenotype in an additive way. Because many genes may be involved,
inheritance of this type is called polygenic. This case is the opposite of pleiotropy where one
gene affects many phenotypes).

3. Each gene locus may be occupied by either an additive allele, which contributes a constant
amount to the phenotype, or a non-additive allele, which does not contribute quantitatively to the

4. The contribution to the phenotype of each additive allele, though often small, is approximately



5. Together, the additive alleles contributing to a single quantitative character produce substantial
phenotypic variation.

For example, skin color is thought to be controlled by at least three genes A, B and C. Their
alleles are designated as A and a, B and b, and C and c. The capital letters represent incompletely
dominant alleles producing dark skin. The more capital letters, the darker the skin, because the
alleles affect skin pigmentation in an additive effect.

A person with the AABBCC alleles is very dark skinned, a person with aabbcc alleles is very
light skinned, and a person with AaBbCc (or any combo) has an intermediate skin color.
However, different “units” produce different shades (AAbbCc, aaBbcC, etc...); heterozygous
condition at one or more alleles results in a range of pigmentations (Figure 5–10).

FIGURE 5-10 Normal distribution of

skin color. A bell-shaped curve is
obtained from a cross between
heterozygous individuals for the
three genes; in addition,
environmental factors influence skin
color, therefore giving rise to this
shape instead of an escalator.


Another example is human stature (height). The combined size of all of the body parts from head
to foot determines the height of an individual. The sizes of all of these body parts are, in turn,
determined by numerous genes.

If we consider two homogenous populations aabbcc (140cm) and AABBCC (200cm) crossed
together. All F1 individuals are AaBbCb (170cm), and F2 gives: 1/64=140cm; 15/64=160cm;
1/64=200cm; 6/64=150cm; 20/64=150cm; 6/64=190cm (Figure 5–11).

FIGURE 5-11 Number of alleles (A, B, and C) in the genotype

Each majoring allele (A, B, C) increases the height of 10cm. Each minoring allele (a, b, c)
decreases the stature of 10cm. A, B, and C genes are polygenes having the same force, they are
called homodynamic genes.



In the biological world, a wide range of reproductive modes and life cycles are observed. Some
organisms are entirely asexual, displaying no evidence of sexual reproduction. Some
organisms alternate between short periods of sexual reproduction and prolonged periods of
asexual reproduction. In most diploid eukaryotes, however, sexual reproduction is the only
natural mechanism for producing new members of the species. Orderly transmission of genetic
material from parents to offspring, and the resultant phenotypic variability, relies on the
processes of segregation and independent assortment that occur during meiosis. Thus, meiosis
ensures genetic constancy within members of the same species.

In many animal species, including humans, the differentiation of the sexes is more evident as
phenotypic dimorphism of males and females. The ancient symbol for Mars (♂) and for Venus
(♀), have also come to symbolize maleness and femaleness, respectively.

6.1 Sex determination

After gametes fuse with each other during fertilization, the resulting zygote and embryo
develop into a female or a male. Several mechanisms exist and explain the process of sex
determination in a wide range of species.

The term sex determination encompasses the genetic and biological processes that produce the
male and female characteristics of a species. The sex of most organisms is identified on two
levels: chromosomal sex, the presence of sex chromosomes associated with male and female sex
in a species; and phenotypic sex, the internal and external morphology found in each sex.
Chromosomal sex is determined at the moment of fertilization and is controlled by the sex
chromosome contributed by the heterogametic parent. In contrast, phenotypic sex is a matter of
appropriate gene expression and the development of sex characteristics during gestation or

Diversity in sex determination

Protenor mode

It is the XX-XO system that operates in many insects, arthropods and nematodes.


In the butterfly, female somatic cells contain 14 chromosomes, including two X chromosomes.
During oogenesis, an even reduction occurs, producing gametes with seven chromosomes,
including one X chromosome (6 autosomes + X). Male somatic cells, on the other hand, contain
only 13 chromosomes, including one X chromosome. During spermatogenesis, gametes are
produced containing either six chromosomes, without an X (6 autosomes + 0), or seven
chromosomes, one of which is an X (6 autosomes + X). Fertilization by X-bearing sperm results
in female offspring and fertilization by X-deficient sperm results in male offspring. In this case,
the male is called the heterogametic sex where two types of sperm are produced: one that
carries autosomes and the X chromosome, and another that carries only autosomes. In contrast,
the female is the homogametic sex because all eggs carry autosomes and a single X
chromosome (Figure 6–1).

FIGURE 6-1 : The Protenor mode of sex determination where the heterogametic sex. (the male in this example) is X0
and produces gametes with or without the X chromosome.

The presence or absence of the X chromosome in male gametes provides an efficient mechanism
for sex determination in this species and also produces a 1:1 sex ratio in the resulting offspring.
This mechanism depends on the random distribution of the X chromosome into one-half of the
male gametes during segregation.

Lygaeus mode

It is the XX-XY system that operates in humans, bugs and drosophila. In this mode of sex
determination, the male is heterogametic (X and Y chromosomes are heteromorphic). Two
types of sperm are produced: one that carries only the X chromosome and another that carries the
Y. In contrast, the female is the homogametic sex because all eggs carry a single X

In the milkweed bug, both sexes have 14 chromosomes. Twelve of these are autosomes (A). In
addition, the females have two X chromosomes, while the males have only a single X and a
smaller heterochromosome labeled the Y chromosome. Females in this species produce only
gametes of the (6 autosomes + X) constitution, but males produce two types of gametes in equal
proportions, (6 autosomes + X) and (6 autosomes + Y). Therefore, following random


fertilization, equal numbers of male and female progeny will be produced with distinct
chromosome complements (Figure 6–2).

FIGURE 6-2 : The Lygaeus mode of sex determination, where the heterogametic sex (again, the male in this
example) is XY and produces gametes with either an X or a Y chromosome. In both cases, the chromosome
composition of the offspring determines its sex

In humans, the 46 chromosomes consist of 1 pair of sex chromosomes and 22 pairs of

autosomes: 44 autosomes + XY in male and 44 autosomes + XX in female. Each of the four
sperm produced during gametogenesis contains 23 chromosomes: two sperm contain an X
chromosome, and the other two have a Y chromosome. The sex of the offspring is determined by
whether the sperm that fertilizes the egg carries an X or a Y chromosome.

Of the normal 23 pairs of human chromosomes, one pair was shown to vary in configuration in
males and females. These two chromosomes were designated the X and Y sex chromosomes.
The human female has two X chromosomes, and the human male has one X and one Y
chromosome. Y chromosome determines maleness in humans.

Abraxas mode

The male is not always the heterogametic sex. In some organisms, the female produces
unlike gametes, exhibiting either the Protenor XX/XO or Lygaeus XX/XY mode of sex
determination. Examples include certain butterflies, reptiles and most birds. To immediately
distinguish situations in which the female is the heterogametic sex, some geneticists use the
notation ZZ/ZW. The letters Z and W are used to distinguish these types of sex chromosomes
from those found in the XX/XY system, where ZZ is the homogametic male and ZW is the
heterogametic female, instead of the XX/XY notation (Figure 6–3).

FIGURE 6-3 : Abraxas mode in Chicken


Chromosome Y and male development

The human Y chromosome, unlike the X, was long thought to be mostly blank genetically. It is
now known that this is not true, even though the Y chromosome houses genetic information
necessary for maleness. Data from the Human Genome Project indicate that the Y chromosome
contains far fewer genes than does the X. It has at least 75 genes compared to 900–1400 genes
on the X:

- Some of these genes have homologous counterparts on the X chromosome, are present on
both ends of the Y chromosome and called pseudoautosomal regions (PARs) that
synapse and recombine with the X chromosome during meiosis. These genes behave like
autosomal genes.

- The remainder of the Y chromosome, about 95 percent of it, does not synapse or
recombine with the X chromosome. As a result, it was originally referred to as the non-
recombining region of the Y (NRY) or the male-specific region of the Y (MSY). The
genes located on the differential segment of Y are called holandric. They are transmitted
from father to son, for example, the character ―hairy ears‖. The genes of differential
segments are represented by one allele each (Figure 6–4 a,b).

The genes found on the Non-PAR region of the X chromosome (NPX) are not present on the Y
chromosome and completely linked to the sex. They include the genes encoding for hemophilia,
daltonism, …

FIGURE 6-4a : The regions of the human Y chromosome.


FIGURE 6-4b : The pseudoautosomal and pairing regions of the X and Y chromosomes.

NOTE: In the Abraxas mode, the non-homologous part of W chromosome carries the genes
specific to females, they are called hologynic genes. These genes pass only to successive
generations of females (from mother to daughter).

6.2 X-linkage determine genes on X chromosome

In many animals and some plant species, one of the sexes contains a pair of unlike chromosomes
that are involved in sex determination. In many cases, these are designated as X and Y. For
example, in both Drosophila and humans, males contain an X and a Y chromosome, whereas
females contain two X chromosomes.

While we now recognize a number of male-specific genes on the human Y chromosome, it lacks
copies of most genes present on the X chromosome. As a result, genes present on the X
chromosome exhibit patterns of inheritance that are very different from those seen with
autosomal genes. The term X-linkage is used to describe these situations.

In the following discussion, we will focus on inheritance patterns resulting from genes
present on the X but absent from the Y chromosome. This situation results in a modification of
Mendelian ratios.

X-linkage in drosophila
One of the first cases of X-linkage was documented in 1910 by Thomas H. Morgan during his
studies of the white eye mutation in Drosophila (Figure 6–5). The normal wild- type red eye
color is dominant to white eye color.

Morgan’s work established that the inheritance pattern of the white-eye trait was clearly related


to the sex of the parent carrying the mutant allele. Unlike the outcome of the typical Mendelian
monohybrid cross where F1 and F2 data were similar regardless of which P1 parent exhibited the
recessive mutant trait, reciprocal crosses between white-eyed and red-eyed flies did not yield
identical results. Morgan’s analysis led to the conclusion that the white locus is present on the X
chromosome rather than on one of the autosomes. Both the gene and the trait are said to be X-

Results of reciprocal crosses between white-eyed and red-eyed flies are shown in Figure 6–5.
The obvious differences in phenotypic ratios in both the F1 and F2 generations are dependent on
whether or not the P1 white-eyed parent was male or female.

FIGURE 6-5 : The F1 and F2 results of T. H. Morgan’s reciprocal crosses involving the X-
linked white mutation in Drosophila melanogaster. The actual data are shown in

Morgan’s interpretation of X-linked inheritance, shown in (Figure 6–6) provides a suitable

theoretical explanation for his results.


FIGURE 6-6 : The chromosomal explanation of the results of the X-linked crosses

6.3 Sex-limited and sex-influenced inheritance

In contrast to X-linked inheritance, patterns of gene expression may be affected by the sex of
an individual even when the genes are not on the X chromosome. In numerous examples in
different organisms, the sex of the individual plays a determining role in the expression of a
phenotype. In some cases, the expression of a specific phenotype is absolutely limited to one sex;
in others, the sex of an individual influences the expression of a phenotype that is not limited to
one sex or the other. This distinction differentiates sex-limited inheritance from sex-influenced

In both types of inheritance, autosomal genes are responsible for the existence of contrasting
phenotypes, but the expression of these genes is dependent on the hormone constitution of the
individual. Thus, the heterozygous genotype may exhibit one phenotype in males and the
contrasting one in females.


Sex-limited inheritance
In domestic fowl, for example, tail and neck plumage is often distinctly different in males and
females (Figure 6–7), demonstrating sex-limited inheritance. Cock feathering is longer, more
curved, and pointed, whereas hen feathering is shorter and less curved. Inheritance of these
feather phenotypes is controlled by a single pair of autosomal alleles whose expression is
modified by the individual’s sex hormones. As shown in the following chart, hen feathering is
due to a dominant allele, H, but regardless of the homozygous presence of the recessive h allele,
all females remain hen-feathered. Only in males does the hh genotype result in cock feathering.

In certain breeds of fowl, the hen feathering or cock feathering allele has become fixed in the
population. In the Leghorn breed, all individuals are of the hh genotype; as a result, males always
differ from females in their plumage. Seabright bantams are all HH, showing no sexual
distinction in feathering phenotypes.

FIGURE 6-7 : Hen feathering (left) and cock feathering (right) in domestic fowl. The hen’s feathers are shorter and
less curved.

Other examples of sex-limited inheritance involve the autosomal genes responsible for milk yield
in dairy cattle Regardless of the overall genotype that influences the quantity of milk production,
those genes are obviously expressed only in females.

Sex-influenced inheritance
Cases of sex-influenced inheritance include pattern baldness in humans, horn formation in
certain breeds of sheep (e.g., Dorsett Horn sheep), and certain coat patterns in cattle. In such
cases, autosomal genes are responsible for the contrasting phenotypes, and while the trait may be
displayed by both males and females, the expression of these genes is dependent on the hormone
constitution of the individual. Thus, the heterozygous genotype exhibits one phenotype in one
sex and the contrasting one in the other (recessive in one sex and dominant in the other) .

For example, pattern baldness in humans, (Figure 6–8) is inherited in the following way:


In the absence of complete dominance in both sexes the two alleles can be designated by upper
case letters. Let B be the allele for baldness and B’ the allele for non-bald trait. Females can
display pattern baldness, but this phenotype is much more prevalent in males (heterozygous
males are bald). When females do inherit the BB genotype, the phenotype is less pronounced
than in males and is expressed later in life.

FIGURE 6-8 : Pattern baldness, a sex-influenced autosomal trait in humans.

6.4 Hemizygosity
Since the Y chromosome lacks homology with almost all genes on the X chromosome, the
alleles present on the X chromosome of the males will be directly expressed in the phenotype.
Males cannot be either homozygous or heterozygous for X-linked genes; instead, their
condition— possession of only one copy of a gene in an otherwise diploid cell—is referred to as
hemizygosity. The individual is said to be hemizygous. One result of X-linkage is the crisscross
pattern of inheritance, in which phenotypic traits controlled by recessive X-linked genes are
passed from homozygous mothers to all sons.


6.5 X-linked disorders

X-linked recessive disorders

Color blindness

The most common types of human color blindness are caused by defects of the red and green
pigments. Mutations that produce defective color vision are generally recessive and, because the
genes coding for the red and green pigments are located on the X chromosome, red–green color
blindness is inherited as an X-linked recessive characteristic. We will use the symbol Xb to
represent an allele for red-green color blindness and the symbol XB to represent an allele for
normal color vision. Females possess two X chromosomes; so, there are three possible genotypes
among females: XBXB (homozygous) and XBXb (heterozygous or carrier), which produce normal
vision, and XbXb (homozygous), which produces color blindness. Males have only a single X
chromosome and two possible genotypes: XBY which produces normal vision, and XbY which
produces color blindness. Males are said to be hemizygous for the trait.


Hemophilia is another example of an X-linked recessive trait in humans. This disease results
from the absence of a clotting factor necessary for blood to clot. Here, a mutation (h) in a gene
on the X chromosome causes the mutant phenotype. Its inheritance is analogous to that of color

X-linked dominant disorders

Sometimes the mutation on the X chromosome is dominant (N). In this case only one allele
causes the mutant phenotype to be expressed: X Y (hemizygous), X X (homozygous), or
N n
X X (heterozygous). Vitamin D-resistant rickets (or hypophosphatemia) is an example of an
X-linked dominant trait in humans. People with this trait have features that superficially
resemble those produced by rickets: bone deformities and mild growth deficiencies.


7.1 Recombination between linked genes (Genetics,
W.D. Stansfield 2nd edition)
We have seen previously that genes that located on different chromosomes are independently
distributed in different gametes (law of independent assortment of alleles by Mendel) (Figure
7–1). When two genes or more genes located on the same chromosome they are called linked.
They can be linked to an autosome or to a sex chromosome. They tend to segregate together
during the formation of gametes. Therefore, the results of dihybrid test crosses are different when
genes are linked then when they are on different chromosomes.

Genes that assort independent during meiosis give equal proportions 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 i n a test-

Parents AaBb x aabb

Gametes AB Ab aB ab ab

F1 1/4 AaBb : 1/4 Aabb ; 1/4 aaBb ; 1/4 aabb

FIGURE 7-1 Genes A and B are independent genes.


7.2. Morgan’s experiment on Drosophila (1910)

The geneticist T.H.Morgan demonstrated gene linkage from the following type of genetic
cross. Wild-type drosophila were crossed with drosophila double-homozygotes for two mutations.

P: +/+ +/+ x gl/gl e/e

In F1 : 100% wild-type ;
The F1 progeny being double heterozygote +/gl +/e with a wild-type phenotype [+ +]

The two point test-cross : +/gl +/e x gl/gl e/e produced:

92% parental types : [+ +] and [gl e]

8% recombinant types : [+ e] and [gl +]

These results deviate from the classic expected results of a dihybrid test-cross for two
independent genes and infer that genes must be linked.

7.3. Allele configurations

How linked genes are represented in a genetic cross differs from their representation in the
case of independent assortment.

For two independent loci A and B, heterozygotes are represented by: AaBb

For linked loci A and B, heterozygotes are represented by different ways:

, or

For a pair of linked alleles Aa and Bb, there are two different configurations:

- Coupling (cis): AB/ab (parental) and Ab/aB recombinants.

- Repulsion (trans): Ab/aB (parental) and AB/ab recombinants.

7.4. The case of two linked loci A and B

In linkage cases, the proportions 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 i n a d i h y b r i d t e s t - c r o s s a r e
m o d i f i e d . The modifications of the proportions 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 in the descendance of a
dihybrid can be used to prove gene linkage. In each case of gene linkage, the modifications of
phenotypic proportions are indicated.

Linked genes do not assort independently. There are three cases:


- Complete linkage

- Partial linkage

- Linked distant genes

Complete linkage
When they tend to segregate together in the same parental combination, they do not undergo
a meiotic recombination during gamete formation. This happens when genes are very close,
so that the distance does not allow for a cross-over event(s) to occur (Figure 7–2).

In the case of a complete linkage, the outcome of phenotypes of a dihybrid test-cross is 1:1

Parents AB/ab x ab/ab

Gametes AB ab ab

F1 1/2 AB/ab and 1/2 ab/ab

All parental progeny

FIGURE 7-2 Genes A and B are completely linked (absolute or total linkage).

Partial linkage

Except for the case of complete linkage, linked genes do not segregate in the same
combinations all the time. When linked genes are quite distant, non-sister chromatids of
homologous chromosomes can exchange long segments with variable sizes in the prophase of
the first meiotic division.


For the case of the two loci A and B, in the descendance, two of the four possible gametes
will conserve the parental allele configurations; AB/ab and ab/ab and the two other types
of gametes will have new recombinant configurations; Ab/ab and aB/ab. The new
recombinant configurations are the result of cross -over. The gametes produced have
different frequencies, with the parental types having always the highest frequencies
than the recombinant types (Figure 7–3). .

Parents AB/ab x ab/ab

Gametes AB ab aB Ab ab

Parental Recombinants

F1 AB/ab : ab/ab and Ab/ab ; aB/ab ;

In the case of a partial linkage, the outcome of phenotypes of a dihybrid test-cross is:
Parental phenotypes (>50%) >>> Recombinant phenotypes (<50%)

FIGURE 7-3 Genes A and B are in partial linkage.

Distant linked genes

In this case of linkage, the proportions 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 i n a d i h y b r i d t e s t - c r o s s

are not modified.

For the case of the two loci A and B, in the descendance, two of the four possible gametes
will conserve the parental allele configurations; AB and ab and the two other types of
gametes will have new recombinant configurations; Ab and aB. All gametes are
produced in equal proportions.


Parents AB/ab x ab/ab

Gametes AB ab aB Ab ab

Parental Recombinants

F1 AB/ab : ab/ab and Ab/ab ; aB/ab ;

Linked genes in cis or in trans configurations

If the parental phenotypes are in cis configuration, the outcome of a test-cross will give:
Parental phenotypes (cis configuration) >>> Recombinant phenotypes (trans configuration)

If the parental phenotypes are in trans configuration, the outcome of a test-cross will give:
Parental phenotypes (trans configuration) >>> Recombinant phenotypes (cis configuration)

How can we determine whether the allele configuration of the dihybrid parent is in cis or
trans configuration?

Whether alleles are in cis coupling or in trans repulsion, the results of F1 show:

- Different proportion of non-recombinant and recombinant phenotypes, with the

parental non recombinant phenotypes exceed always the recombinant phenotypes.

Linked genes in cis configuration

The non-recombinant phenotypes have similar have similar higher proportions and same
phenotypes, identical to the parental phenotypes (green thorax, brown puparium and purple
thorax, black puparium). The recombinants with the similar lower frequencies have new
combinations from the parental phenotypes (green thorax, black puparium and purple thorax,
brown puparium) in the test-cross.


FIGURE 7-4 Alleles in coupling configuration.

Linked genes in trans configuration

The non-recombinant phenotypes have similar higher proportions and new combinations
from the parental phenotypes, (green thorax, black puparium and purple thorax, brown
puparium). The recombinants with the similar lower frequencies have new combinations
from the identical to the parental phenotypes (green thorax, brown puparium and purple
thorax, black puparium) in the test-cross.


FIGURE 7-6 Alleles in repulsion configuration.

7-5. Frequency of recombination and gene distance

Consider the two linked loci A and B. Suppose that one cross over event occur in the
segment of chromatid between A and B.

The number of recombinant gametes infers indicates the number of chromatids that are
exchanged, and the frequency of recombination (fR) depends on the distance AB. If this
distance is large, then the probability for one crossing-over to occur is high; if this
distance is small, then the probability for one crossing-over to occur is low. The frequency
of recombination estimates the measurement of the distance between A and B. The unit of


the distance measurement is centimorgan (cM). If the frequency of recombination equals

1 %, then the distance is estimated as 1 centimorgan (cM).

The estimation of the distance between linked genes allows the determination of a genetic
map, since the distance was deduced from the frequencies of recombinant phenotypes,
being issued from a genetic test-cross.

The principle of the genetic map is the following: the frequency of recombination of
linked genes is proportional to their distance. Genes are grouped linearily in linkage groups.
In a group of linked genes, genes distance can be estimated and thus their relative order can
be deduced.

Distance between two linked loci A and B

Consider the test-cross: AB/ab x ab/ab

The gametes of the parent AB/ab are: AB, Ab, aB and ab.

The phenotypes of descendants: [AB] and [ab] are parental, [Ab] and [aB] are recombinants.
The frequency of recombination is equal to the summation of the number of the recombinants
divided by the total number of descendants.

Distance = fR x 100 centimorgans

If we go back to the example above shown by Morgan, the fR is then 8/100 x 100= 8% then the
distance between the two loci A and B is approximately 8 cM.

Distance between three linked loci A, B and C

Consider the test-cross: ABC/abc x abc/abc

Phenotypes in F1 are:

- [ABC] and [abc] parental (Most frequent).

- [Abc] and [aBC] recombinant phenotypes. They result from a single crossing-over
between A and B.
- [ABc] and [abC] recombinant phenotypes. They result from a single crossing-over
between B and C.


- [aBc] and [AbC] recombinant phenotypes. They result from a double crossing-over
between A and C. This double crossing-over results from two simultaneous sinle crossing-
over events between A and B then between B and C

Phenotypic proportions are the highest for the parental phenotypes and the lowest for the
double crossing-over recombinants.

Nb of [Abc] + Nb of [aBC] + Nb of [aBc] + Nb of [AbC]

fR AB =

Total nb of phenotypes

Distance AB = fR AB x 100

Nb of [ABc] + Nb of [abC] + Nb of [aBc] + Nb of [AbC]

fR BC =

Total nb of phenotypes

Distance BC = fR BC x 100

The distance between A and C = distance AB + distance BC

[Abc] + [aBC] + [ABc] + [aBC] + 2 x ([aBc] + [AbC])

fR AC =

Total nb of phenotypes

7-6 Additivity of gene distances

Consider the three linked genes, A, B and C. To determine the gene map for these genes
(which means the distance and the real order on the chromosomal segment). The following
test crosses will be made:

1- AB/ab x ab/ab or ABc/abc x abc/abc (To determine the fR between A and B loci, and thus
estimate the distance)

2- BC/bc x bc/bc or aBC/abc x abc/abc (To determine the fR between B and C loci, and thus
estimate the distance)

As an example, if the first test-cross gives a Rf =10%, and the second gives a Rf=8% and
the third gives a Rf=18%, we deduce that B is located between A and C. And thus the
distances are additive:



10 % 8%

The frequency of recombination is the summation of frequencies of recombination firstly

between A and B, secondly between B and C. However, gene distances are not always
additive. Often, the distance AC is lower that the summation of distances AB and BC. For
two gene distant for more than 10 centimorgans, 2 crossing-over or more can occur over the
totality of this interval. If one double crossing-over occurs between A and C with genes A
and C retain their parental combination. The frequency of recombination will be lower than
the real frequency of recombination. As a result, the distance AC will be underestimated.



We now explore how to determine the mode of inheritance of phenotypes in humans, where
experimental matings are not made and relatively few offspring are available for study.

8.1 Pedigree conventions

The Figure 8–1 illustrates some of the conventions geneticists follow in constructing pedigrees.
Circles represent females and squares designate males. If the sex of an individual is unknown, a
diamond is used. Parents are generally connected to each other by a single horizontal line, and
vertical lines lead to their offspring. If the parents are related—that is, consanguineous—such as
first cousins, they are connected by a double line. Offspring are called sibs (short for siblings)
and are connected by a horizontal
sibship line. Sibs are placed in birth
order from left to right and are
labeled with Arabic numerals.
Parents also receive an Arabic
number designation. Each generation
is indicated by a Roman numeral.
When a pedigree traces only a single
trait, the circles, squares, and
diamonds are shaded if the
phenotype being considered is
expressed and unshaded if not. In
some pedigrees, those individuals
that fail to express a recessive trait
but are known with certainty to be
heterozygous carriers have a shaded
dot within their unshaded circle or
square. If an individual is deceased
and the phenotype is unknown, a
diagonal line is placed over the circle
or square.
Twins are indicated by diagonal
lines stemming from a vertical
line connected to the sibship line.
For identical, or monozygotic,
twins, the diagonal lines are
linked by a horizontal line. FIGURE 8-1 Conventions commonly encountered in human
Fraternal, or dizygotic, twins
lack this connecting line.


8.2 Pedigree analysis

1. Autosomal inheritance
Pattern of inheritance of autosomal recessive trait
In Figure 8–2, two pedigrees are shown.

The first is a representative pedigree for a trait that demonstrates autosomal recessive
inheritance, such as albinism, where synthesis of the pigment melanin in obstructed. The male
parent of the first generation (I-1) is affected. Characteristic of a situation in which a parent has a
rare recessive trait, the trait ―disappears‖ in the offspring of the next generation. Assuming
recessiveness, we might predict that the unaffected female parent (I-2) is a homozygous normal
individual because none of the offspring show the disorder. If she had been heterozygous then
one-half of the offspring would be expected to exhibit albinism, but none do.

Parents II-3 and II-4 are both heterozygous, and approximately one-fourth of their offspring
should be affected.

Finally, we can note that in autosomal traits, both males and females are usually affected with
equal proportions.

FIGURE 8-2 (a) A representative pedigree for an autosomal recessive trait followed through three generations.
(b) A representative pedigree for an autosomal dominant trait followed through three generations.


Pattern of inheritance of an Autosomal dominant trait

The second pedigree illustrates the pattern of inheritance of a trait such as Huntington disease,
which is caused by an autosomal dominant allele. The key to identify a pedigree that reflects a
dominant trait is that all affected offspring will have a parent that also expresses the trait. It is
also possible, by chance, that none of the offspring will inherit the dominant allele. If so, the trait
will cease to exist in future
generations. Like in autosomal TABLE 8-1
recessive traits, both males and
females are equally affected.
Therefore, in most cases, the
affected individuals are
heterozygous for the dominant
allele. As a result,
approximately one-half of the
offspring inherit it.
Furthermore, if a mutation is
dominant, then a single copy is
sufficient to produce a mutant
phenotype and the
homozygotes are likely to be
even more severely affected,
perhaps fail to survive.
Table 8–1 lists numerous human traits and classifies them according to their recessive or
dominant expression.

2. Sex-linked inheritance
X-chromosomal inheritance
A monogenic disease is X-linked if the gene
associated with the disease is located on the sex
chromosome X. An X-chromosomal trait usually
occurs more frequently in males because they are
hemizygous for all genes located on their X
chromosome. A female heterozygous for an X-
chromosomal mutation has a risk of 50% for an
affected son. She also will transmit the X
chromosome carrying the mutation to 50% of her
daughters, but as heterozygotes they will not be
affected. Since a male has only one X
chromosome, his daughter(s) will always inherit
this chromosome with its mutation(s). A son will
inherit one of his mother’s two X chromosomes,
FIGURE 8-3 A representative pedigree for an
but none from his father. Typical X-chromosomal X-chromosomal recessive trait.


inheritance (Figure 8–3) is easy to recognize. Affected males may occur in consecutive
generations, but always through a female lineage. The transmission of an X-chromosomal trait
from father to son is not possible since the son inherits his father’s Y. Females with an affected
son and an affected brother or with two affected sons must be heterozygous. They are called
obligate heterozygotes. Those who might be, but possibly are not, heterozygotes are facultative
heterozygotes (III-5, IV-2).

NOTE: X-linked monogenic disease can be dominant or recessive. For females, it is dominant
if the presence of one mutated allele is sufficient for the disease to manifest itself, and
recessive when two mutant alleles should be present to expose the disease. Hemizygous
males for the mutant allele (dominant or recessive) generate the disease.

Y-Chromosomal inheritance
When a trait encoded by a mutant gene is located on the
differential segment of the Y chromosome, the trait is
said to be Y-linked and its inheritance is called
holandric inheritance. The trait is only transmitted from
father to son, as shown in the Figure 8–4. An example
of a Y-linked trait is the hairy ears trait. FIGURE 8-3 A representative
pedigree for a Y-chromosomal trait.

3. Pseudoautosomal inheritance or XY-Chromosomal inheritance

The pattern of inheritance observed for alleles in the X–Y identical regions is referred to as
pseudoautosomal inheritance, because it resembles the pattern seen for alleles located on
autosomes. The genes are located on both the X and Y chromosomes in the pseudoautosomal
regions (PAR1 and PAR2) and are called incompletely sex-linked. For example, Léri-Weill
dyschondrosteosis has a pseudoautosomal dominant pattern of inheritance; this disease is
characterized by short stature due to shortening of the long bones in the legs and by abnormality
of the wrist bones (SHOX gene located in PAR1 is implicated in this syndrome).


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