Research Paper Dipta Chowdhury.. 1811951030

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Individual Presentation VS Group Presentation

Eng105 Research Paper

Individual presentation VS Group Presentation

Submitted to
Mr. Shafayat Nazam Rasul
North South University

Submitted By
Dipta Chowdhury
ID: 1811951630
Sec: 15

Individual Presentation VS Group Presentation

Table of Contents

Introduction and Background.....................................................................................................................4
Research Question......................................................................................................................................7
Research Methodology...............................................................................................................................9
Data Presentation and analysis................................................................................................................11
Summary of Research Findings.................................................................................................................18

Individual Presentation VS Group Presentation


Presentation which is most important and obvious for the students.

Presentation refers to formal introduction or speeches about someone or

something. Students can introduce their topic in front of everyone by presentation

and it is typically a demonstration, introduction, inspire and idea about their topic.

There has two types of presentation, individual and group. And I know that

different people love different types of presentation. My hypothesis is that most

people would like individual presentation as they can make their presentation in

their own choice, can make decision whatever they can. This is only for the people

who love to do their job by own. And those who prefer group presentation I expect

that they follow the leader path, because without a group leader everything will be

messed up. In the group report most important thing is bonding, if they don’t have

any bonding and don’t communicate with each other, group report is not for them.

I also expect that group members can make a good bonding among themselves

when they make presentation and represent it in front of everyone.

Individual Presentation VS Group Presentation

Introduction and Background

Presentation refers to a manner or style in which something is given, offered,

or displayed. It is typically a demonstration, introduction, lecture, or speech meant

to inform, persuade, inspire, motivate, or to build good will or to present a new

idea of something. Two types of presentation comes to our mind when we talk

about presentation these are individual presentation and group presentation. As we

know that different people loves different kinds of things, everyone choice will not

be the same. So, students who love presentation I prefer that students who love to

work by own and who don’t like to dependent to others love individual

presentation. Students who love to work with group they prefer group report.

For present the presentation first we have to prepare for the presentation. We

need to well prepare for the presentation unless our presentation will be

disorganized and choppy which make everything messed up. Than there has so

many reasons that we can learn why we should prepare for the presentation.

(Andrews, 2018)

 To Identify audience

Individual Presentation VS Group Presentation

We need to design our presentation according to our audience to attract their

attention. If we attract our audience by our presentation everyone will be impressed

and they will show interest about our topic. We have to communicate with each

and every one when we are presenting our presentation and obviously we have to

provide enough information to them.

 To remember all the content

We have to remember all the content when we are presenting our presentation.

Some people have a written speech on hand but we have to try to avoid this. We

need to speak with our audience instead of reading of them. We have to contact

with the audience by eye contact and gesture.

 To be Confident in delivery

We have to take that our delivery should be smooth and confident. If we do enough

practice we can deliver our presentation easily and confidently. If we do mistake

when we are presenting it in front of everyone we have to avoid that mistake and

try to carry on.

 To Avoid mistake

Mistake can happen with everyone like noob and expert one. The best way to avoid

mistakes is practice again and again before the deadline.

Individual Presentation VS Group Presentation

 To be sure our content is interesting

We have to make our content most interesting if we want everyone attention and

impress everyone. We have to take care about it because the content might

interesting and unique to you but it might sound poor and disjoined to others.

There has so many differences between group and individual presentation. In

the individual presentation individual can present their presentation. They have to

make their own presentation and have to deliver to alone. They can make their

presentation by their own effort, thoughts and their individual hard work. And in

the group presentation everyone gets everyone help, group member help their

mates and they have a group leader who can decide what is wrong and right.

(Wkzanders, 2005)

The focus of my research will be on the students of SBE department of North

South University, what they prefer for presentation, how they manager and what

type of problems they face for both individual and group presentation. I would like

to know what the difference between this two types of presentation is. I hope to

find answers to such questions through my research question. For group

presentation, group work are very important. If we work together we can do hard

work in simple way because of the multiple brain and hands. In this source we can

Individual Presentation VS Group Presentation

find that how group work is different from individual work and what is the benefits

of working together. (Benefits of group work)

Research Question

For my report most important thing is what the difference between

individual and group presentation is. As I mention before there has a difference

among people, like different people have different kinds of choice. So if we don’t

know the difference it is impossible for us to make choice.

Then I want to know that students who prefer group presentation what types

of difficulties they face. There has so many problems they can face during making

presentation. I want to know about how they overcome from these problems.

(Challenges of group work)

Then I want to know that students who prefer individual presentation why

they prefer individual presentation. How they overcome with the problems of

individual presentation. Why they prefer individual instead of group presentation.

And here comes the most important question students who prefer individual

presentation from when they can get help. As we know that in the group

presentation groupmates and leader can help each and every one by new ideas and

Individual Presentation VS Group Presentation

thoughts. But in case of individual they have to do their own, as they don’t have

any group mates how they manage new ideas and everything.


Presentation is something which is needed in every stage of life, mostly in

student life. From my research, I expect to find the people who loved presentation.

Since presentation is necessary for BBA student, I expect that I would find all my

answer. It is expected that most people would like individual presentation as they

can make their presentation in their own choice, can make decision whatever they


And those who prefer group presentation I expect that they follow the leader

path, because without a group leader everything will be messed up. I also expect

that group members can make a good bonding among themselves when they make

presentation and represent it in front of everyone.

Individual Presentation VS Group Presentation

Research Methodology

For my primary research, I will conduct a survey of representative sampling

of the general students at North South University and interview people who did

presentation in their university life and find out what they think about group

presentation and individual presentation. I surveyed from 15 people about my

research paper.

Firstly, I contact with my friends who were my group mate in many courses.

I asked them about our courses when we did our courses. Some of them prefer

group presentation and some of them prefer individual presentation. I asked many

of them about our courses. I asked them how they manage everything when they

did their own. And my friends who did group presentation I asked several question

about group presentation. And they helped me very well. Then I surveyed from

some senior students who are mostly in 10/11th semester as they are very

experienced about presentation.

Then I asked from one of my faculty that how student face difficulties when

student present and make their presentation. How students overcome from their

problems when they make presentation individually and by group. And how can he

Individual Presentation VS Group Presentation

solve their problems. And most important what types of problems students face for

making the presentation.

As for my secondary research, I plan use to resources of the library and will

also consult a number of books and autobiographies of people who did

presentation. I also hope to do some reading on the subject through academic

journals, blogs, articles, and more. Which helps me not so much but I got idea from

these about group and individual presentation.

Individual Presentation VS Group Presentation

Data Presentation and analysis

From my survey I found many things which is very important and helpful

for my research paper. I survey from different age of students. Because for my

topic I need students who is experienced also who is in the 5/6 th semester. Also I

surveyed from the different department students. As we know that students from

BBA are mostly related to the presentation so I surveyed mostly from them and

from the students from Architecture and Pharmacy department students. When I

asked them how often they give presentation, most of them replied they often give

presentation of GED courses.

Figure 1: Age

Individual Presentation VS Group Presentation

I found that those people who did my survey, most of them are from age 20-22

which is 84%. 11% people are from age 17-19. and lastly only 5% people are from

age 23-25. As we did the survey in the university level that’s why % of age 20-22

is higher.


47% Others
42% Architecture

Figure 2: Department

In my Survey question I mention 3 types of department, they are SBE, Pharmacy

and Architecture. And also I added an option which name is others. Student from

different department such as ECE, Environment can select this option. 48% student

are from SBE and I am not surprised at all because we know that presentation is

necessary for the School of Business and Economics department student. And they

help me so much by their information. Then 42% student are from others. And

Individual Presentation VS Group Presentation

finally 10% student are from both Pharmacy and Architecture department. Beside

SBE students they also help me by giving the information.

I asked everyone about the presentation how they loved presentation, how often

they give presentation and most important what types of presentation they prefer.

And also asked why they prefer.


68% Group

Figure 3: What type of presentation they prefer

As my personal choice is Individual presentation I thought that many student

would like the individual presentation. But surprisingly most of the students prefer

group presentation instead of individual presentation. I was very excited when I

saw most of the student select group presentation. I asked most of them why they

prefer that. Most of them replied the same thing, it is easy to do the work by group,

less effort needed for the group presentation. And they can also make decision

quickly because they have several minds for making plan. They also mentioned

Individual Presentation VS Group Presentation

that new ideas also came to their mind and different student give different types of

ideas which is helpful for their presentation.

Students who prefer individual presentation I was happy for them because

their thoughts are similar to me. They told me they prefer individual presentation

because they thought that they can achieve their number by their own effort. And

they can prepare and design their presentation by their own choice. And also they

don’t have to wait for someone for their part, they do their part by own. They also

mention that it is too tough for individual to make a huge presentation slide but if

we can manager we can present a better presentation. And some of them mention

that they don’t feel comfortable to make a group with unknown people that’s why

they prefer individual presentation.

If we saw the graph we can see that surprisingly 68% students prefer group

presentation and rest of them like 32% students prefer individual presentation

which is surprising for me.


Individual Presentation VS Group Presentation

Figure 4: Do you hesitate giving Individual Presentation?

I asked the students who prefer individual presentation that what are the

problems they faced and also asked them what type hesitation they face. Most of

them replied that they feel hesitate and the number is 58%. And 42% student don’t

feel hesitate by giving individual presentation. I asked them why they feel hesitate

they replied that sometimes they are not able to find enough information from

internet or books and also they don’t know the exact answer what they present in

front of everyone. And also mention that they feel pressure in the end of the

semester. Because they have so many report and presentation to submit, that’s why

it will be pressure for them when they have to do it in one week and they cannot

take good preparation for the presentation and they feel hesitate. But they love

individual presentation as they mentioned before because they love to do their

work alone and independently. Students who said no they told me they always try

to make their presentation before the week of due. Because they take a good

preparation for the presentation.

Individual Presentation VS Group Presentation


Leader's Decision
Personal Decision
Group Decision

Figure 5: What do you prefer when you are making decision?

For the group presentation making decision is very important for the

students. All the members have to make a decision which is good for everyone.

But sometimes it will be very difficult because we all are not the same. We have

different kinds of nature, different peoples like different kinds of things. Suppose

we the group member go to the restaurant and we have to decide one item for

lunch if you want discount. Who will take decision that time? Because some like

pizza and some like burger. We can decide easily if we have a leader in front of us.

Leader will choose this one which is best for everyone. The other way is group

decision, group will decide what is beneficial for us? What is worthy for us? This

is how group work works.

NSU students who loves presentation 84% of them prefer group decision

and I asked them why they like it. Many of them told me that they prefer group

Individual Presentation VS Group Presentation

decision because they make group with the friends and they don’t want to hurt

their friends and many of them replied that group decision is better because

everyone give 100% of their effort and they want to do that things which is good

for everyone. 5 of them prefer group leader decision, they told me group leader is

made by them and they know that he is capable for this position that’s why they

chosen him. And also mention that if we are not able to come to a solution, group

leader has to decide and everyone has to listen to him.

11% of them prefer personal decision, they mention very important things

which is also true. They told me sometimes we personally take a good step and we

feel ashamed to express it in front of everyone but we are not the same. We express

it in front of everyone and if group members like the idea we can go for this.

Everyone decision is important for any group work or presentation. But we have to

go for the best one, best one which is beneficial for us.

Individual Presentation VS Group Presentation

Summary of Research Findings

From my research I find the things what I want to find. I find that how

important presentation for the students. I found how students face problems when

they made their presentation. And also how students came up with the solutions

when they faced problems. Why students prefer individual presentation and group

presentation, how they communicate with each other, in case of individual

presentation how they collect the information. Did they get enough help from the


Also how they feel individual and group presentation is good for them. They

can also measure how they get benefit from where etc.

Individual Presentation VS Group Presentation


From my survey I found many of the people like group presentation. They

answered on of my important question is why are the problems they face in the

individual presentation, they mention that they are feel hesitate and they feel

pressure when they make or present individual presentation that’s why many of

them support group presentation. And those who love individual presentation many

of them mention that they love to do their work alone. And also they mention that

they don’t prefer group presentation because they feel that all the group member

are not prepared all the time and don’t co-operate.

Individual Presentation VS Group Presentation


Andrews. A. (2018, April). Why do we need to prepare for a presentation? Retrieved from

What are the challenges of group work and how can I address them? Retrieved from

Wkzanders. (2005, November 25). Individual and group presentation [Web log post]. Retrieved

Zivkovic. S. (2014, August). The Importance of Oral Presentations for University Students.
[Abstract]. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 5(19). doi:10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n19p468


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