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Finally, have students look at the list of verbs. On the ●

For each item, tell students to identify the noun or
board, write Ben allowed me to drive his car. Call on pronoun amongst the words in parentheses (2. Ken;
volunteers to provide additional statements and write 3. you; 4. Kathy; 5. my assistant) and make sure it is
them on the board. followed by an infinitive.
Option: [+5 minutes] Distribute the printed audioscript ●
Give students a few minutes to complete the exercise.
for Exercise C, Listen to Classify, or project it on the board Then have students compare answers with a partner.
from the ActiveTeach. Ask students to find examples of Point out that item 2 can have multiple answers—the verb
the target grammar—verbs with objects and infinitives. ask can appear as have asked, will ask, am asking, or am
(conversation 1: . . . and she’s already persuaded us to do this going to ask.
complicated project and But is she going to expect everyone Option: [+5 minutes] In pairs, students role-play the
to work as much as she does? conversation 2: He always asks short dialogues.
me to work faster; conversation 3: He seems to want people
to think he’s smarter than they are) PRONUNCIATION
Option: BOOSTER (Teaching notes p. T141)
Inductive Grammar Activity
Pronunciation Pair Work


Suggested 5 Your actual
teaching time: minutes teaching time: NOW YOU CAN Discuss someone’s behavior

Focus on the first item. Ask Who is the performer of the
action? (the CEO) What did he do? (invited spouses of A NOTEPADDING
co-workers to attend the reception) Ask a volunteer to Suggested 5 Your actual
read the model answer. teaching time: minutes teaching time:

Have students work in pairs to complete the exercise. ●
Tell students they are going to talk about two people’s
Circulate and assist as needed. If necessary, ask Who is the personalities and behavior. Call on a volunteer to read
performer of the action? What action occurred? the Recycle This Language box. Then ask students

Call on a student to write the answer to item 3 on the to look at the verbs in the chart at the top of the page.
board: Finally, focus on the model description on the left. Point
out the verb + pronoun + infinitive form (She encourages
The rules required employees to return from lunch
everyone to get along.). Tell students they will write
at 2:00.
similar descriptions on the notepad provided.

For items 4 and 5, guide students to make necessary ●
Tell students that if they can’t think of people they know,
changes to the pronouns when they change from passive
they can make them up. Time permitting, encourage
to active. Write these sentences on the board:
students to write additional sentences. Circulate and
Our manager encouraged us to tweet our questions assist as needed.
to the speaker.
The invitation advised them to be at the restaurant B DISCUSSION ACTIVATOR
before 8:00 P.M. Suggested 5 Your actual
teaching time: minutes teaching time:
Extra Grammar Exercises
Discussion Activator Video
Suggested 5 Your actual ●
Divide the class into pairs and have students use their
teaching time: minutes teaching time:
descriptions from Exercise A, Notepadding, to talk

Tell students they will make up their own answers in this about the people. Encourage partners to ask each other
exercise. Point out that they can write a pronoun or noun questions and provide details and examples. Tell students
before the infinitive. Focus on the example sentence. Elicit that they should say as much as possible.
another answer using a noun instead of the pronoun us. ●
For more support, play the Discussion Activator Video
For example, The change in the meeting schedule caused before students do this activity themselves. Ask students
Mike to cancel his vacation. to summarize the discussion in their own words. Ask

Have students complete the exercise individually. Then have if the students in the video spoke in detail, saying as
pairs compare answers. Circulate and assist as needed. much as they could. Note: You can print the script or you
can view it on the video player on the ActiveTeach. It is
G PAIR WORK recommended that students watch the video first without
viewing the script.
Suggested 5 Your actual
teaching time: minutes teaching time:

Focus on the example sentence. On the board, write
Mark expects us to bring the food. Point out the
pronoun followed by an infinitive.


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