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E IDENTIFY SUPPORTING DETAILS Challenge: [+5 minutes] For homework, invite students

Suggested 5 Your actual

to look up Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony online and listen to
teaching time: minutes teaching time: all of it or parts of it. Tell them to re-read paragraph 6 about
the composer’s last performance, where he performed this

To warm up, ask a volunteer to read the various piece completely deaf. Say Imagine you are sitting in the
personality traits in the exercise. After each one, ask the audience. Write a few sentences describing your reaction. Tell
class Is it a positive or negative quality? (1–4, positive; 5–8, students they can use Vocabulary from Exercise A if they like.
Extra Challenge Reading Activity

Tell students they will scan the article about Beethoven
for the words and circle them. Review that when they
scan they don’t have to read the whole article again, just
NOW YOU CAN Describe a creative personality
look for the specific words. ( gifted, paragraph 1; energetic,
paragraph 6; imaginative, paragraph 1; passionate, title, A FRAME YOUR IDEAS
and then paragraph 5 has passionately in love; eccentric, Suggested 5 Your actual
paragraph 4; difficult, paragraph 2; moody, paragraph 3; teaching time: minutes teaching time:
egotistical, paragraph 2) Have students compare answers ●
Have students work individually to rate their personalities
with a partner.
on the chart.

Focus on the word passionate and point out that the word ●
Bring the class together and ask a volunteer to read the
is used in the title as a reference to Beethoven’s liking for
model out loud.
and dedication to music; it is also used in paragraph 5
to talk about being passionately in love, which means to

Then, in pairs or groups, have students compare their
have strong feelings for someone. ratings and make statements about themselves.

Let students work in pairs to write the examples. Then go
over the answers as a class. B DISCUSSION
Suggested 5–10 Your actual
Answers for Exercise E teaching time: minutes teaching time:
Answers will vary, but may include the following: ●
Have students look at the pictures. Ask Which of these
1. He composed his first piece of music by age 12. people are you familiar with? Which of the arts does each of
2. He continued to write many pieces of music. these people represent? (music, visual arts, acting)
3. He wrote many unique compositions. ●
Call on volunteers to read the descriptions out loud. In
4. He asked several women to marry him. pairs, have students continue describing these three
5. He rarely bathed. artists. If students don’t know enough about these people
6. He dumped a plate of food on a waiter’s head. to provide details, they should research them on the
7. He would walk through the streets talking to himself. Internet. Or they can choose other creative people.
8. If anyone talked during a concert, he would stop ●
Encourage students to refer to the Vocabulary in Exercise A.
playing and leave.
Tell them to discuss both positive and negative qualities.


Bring the class together and have pairs share who they
spoke about and the people’s qualities. At the end, ask Do
Suggested 5 Your actual
teaching time: minutes teaching time: you think any of these people are considered a genius like

Invite students to first discuss the questions in pairs. Then
combine pairs into groups of four and have them discuss. OPTIONAL WRITING [+20–30 minutes]

Bring the class together and focus on item 1. Ask Based ●
Have students choose a creative person and work
on the article, do you think it’s possible for a person to individually to write a biography of this person. Refer
have a successful relationship with a creative personality? students to the model about Beethoven. Remind students
Tell students to use examples from the text to support how the vivid examples showed Beethoven’s positive and
their opinions. (Possible answer: Maybe not; Beethoven negative qualities (e.g., how he muttered and stamped his
completely neglected himself, and he probably wouldn’t feet).
have been able to give the necessary attention to another ●
Students can complete the writing assignment at home.
person. His only focus was music.)
Option: [+5 minutes] Students can look up details about
Challenge: [+5 minutes] Call on a student to read the a famous person’s positive and negative qualities. Remind
last line of paragraph 6. On the board, write he could see students that whatever research they do, they must write
the roaring applause. In pairs, have students describe it in their own words and write down the reference of the
what roaring applause looks like. Tell them to write their website where they found the information.
ideas down. Bring the class together and have pairs share.
Option: [+5 minutes] The descriptions students write
can then be peer-reviewed in class. Instruct students to
read a classmate’s assignment. On the board, write Are
there examples that demonstrate the person’s positive
and/or negative qualities?


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