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Digital Game ●
Bring the class together and ask Are there any correct
sentences? (item 2) Elicit the present perfect (hasn’t seen)
A 1:27 and the present perfect continuous (have been telling her)
in that sentence.
Suggested 5–10 Your actual
teaching time: minutes teaching time: ●
Then have volunteers write the remaining corrected

Pre-listening: Have students skim the list of musical
artists. If they recognize any of them, invite them to say
something about them. D
Suggested 5 Your actual

First listening: Have students listen to the conversation
teaching time: minutes teaching time:
and check the speaker for each item that does NOT like
the music. ●
To warm up, call on volunteers to read the statements.

Second listening: Have students listen to each After each one, ask Which word or phrase will What replace
conversation again and write down what the person does in the sentence? (1. Life without the arts, 2. a band whose
not like about the group or artist. music is really commercial, 3. The beat, 4. music that has
fun lyrics and a great melody, 5. anything that’s playing

Have students compare answers with a partner. on Broadway) Have students underline these words and
Challenge: [+5 minutes] Invite students to listen a third phrases.
time and write what the other person (unchecked in the ●
Have students rewrite the statements as cleft sentences.
exercise) LIKES about the group or artist. (1. The woman If necessary, model the first item. Write What wouldn’t be
thinks One Direction are good performers. 2. The man likes
much fun life without the arts. Ask What form of
anything Vanessa-Mae plays—pop or classical. 3. The man
be do we need? (is) Remind students that the form of the
tells his friend he wishes he could sing like Josh Groban—he
verb be has to agree with the complement, as well as be
admires his voice. 4. The woman thinks Lady Gaga has a
in the correct tense. Circulate and assist as needed.
good beat. 5. The man thinks his music is as beautiful now
as it was forty years ago.)

Tell students to compare answers with a partner. Discuss
any issues as a class.
B Challenge: On the board, write:
Suggested 5 Your actual What wouldn’t be fun . . .
teaching time: minutes teaching time:
What I don’t like . . .

To warm up, have students read the words in the box and What made everyone feel like dancing . . .
write + above the positive qualities. (energetic, gifted, What I like to listen to . . .
passionate). They should write – above the negative
qualities. (eccentric, egotistical, moody) What you should go see . . .

Tell students to complete the exercise individually. Have students complete these statements in pairs using
Then have them compare answers with a partner. Refer their own ideas. Tell them to use the correct singular or
students to the vocabulary on page 20 to go over any plural form of be, depending on what the complement is.
definitions they don’t remember. Option: TEST-TAKING SKILLS BOOSTER (p. 152)

Suggested 5 Your actual ●
teaching time: minutes teaching time: ●
Online Student Resources (
Write already, yet, before, ever on the board. To review,

ask Are these words associated with finished or ongoing – Classroom Audio Program
actions? (finished) Do we use them in the present perfect – Extra Practice Activities
or the present perfect continuous? (present perfect) Have – Summit GO App
students scan the exercise items for these words. – Web Projects
(1. already, 2. yet, 3. before, 5. yet) Hint to students to ●
make corrections accordingly. – Assessment
– Additional Printable Resources

In items 4 and 6 focus students’ attention on the second
Audioscripts and Answer Keys
sentence. Ask after each one Is the action still ongoing? (yes)
“Can-Do” Self-Assessment Charts

Have students complete the exercise and compare Conversation and Discussion Activator
answers with a partner. Video Scripts
Oral Progress Assessment Charts
Reading Speed Calculator
– Summit TV Video Program
Activity Worksheets
Teaching Notes
Video Scripts


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