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Computer Programming in Java

This book introduces the Java programming language and explains how to create Java applications and
applets. It also discusses various Java programming concepts, such as Object Oriented Programming
(OOP), arrays as data structure, inheritance, multithreaded programming, and HTML programming.


ISBN: 978-81-7722-829-8
Pages: 588
Authors: Junaid Khateeb,
Price Dr. G.T. Thampi
Rs. 349/-

The Book Covers

Java Fundamentals: Introducing Object Oriented Programming | Evolution of Java | Comparing Java with Other Programming Languages | Features of Java | Exploring New Features of J2SE 5.0 | Introducing the
Java Environment | Developing a Simple Java Program | Working with Java Tokens
Working with Java Members and Flow Control Statements: Explaining Data Types | Declaring Variables | Declaring Classes | Declaring Methods | Explaining Constructors |
Creating Objects | Explaining Access Specifiers | Explaining Type Casting and Type Conversion | Implementing Flow Control Statements
Working with Arrays, Vectors, Strings, and Wrapper Classes: Introduction to Computers | Using Arrays in Java | Using Vectors in Java | Using the Wrapper Classes in Java |
Using Strings in Java
Exception Handling and I/O Operations: Handling Exceptions | Handling I/O Operations
Implementing Inheritance in Java: Understanding Inheritance | Using Forms of Inheritance | Identifying Inheritance and Member Accessibility | Referencing Subclass Objects | Using the super Keyword
| Invocation of Constructors in Inheritance | Using the final Keyword | Declaring abstract Classes | Working with Interfaces in Java | Exploring Class Hierarchy in Java
Multithreading and Packages in Java: Overview of Threads | Defining a Thread | Instantiating a Thread | Starting a Thread | Thread States and Transitions | Code Synchronization | Thread
Interaction | Working with Packages in Java | Defining Java API Packages
Working with Applets: Overview of Applets | Life Cycle of an Applet | Comparing Applets and Applications | Creating Applets | Working with the Graphics Class | Working with the Color Class | Working with the Font
Class | Handling Events
Window-based Applications in Java: Introducing AWT | Using AWT Frames | Handling Events in Frames | Using AWT Components | Using Layout Managers | Working with Menus and Menu Bar |
Working with Dialog Boxes | Working with Images

Junaid Khateeb has been teaching and training Engineering (degree and diploma), B.Sc. I.T., and MCA students since 2003. Having pursued his masters in Computer Engineering from Mumbai University, he has been an extremely popular name amongst the
engineering students. Known for his unique, powerful, and simplistic style of teaching, he has been instrumental in making thousands of students love their computer studies and come out with flying colors in their university examination. Though CP-I and CP-II (in
First year engineering) are his strong bastions, his wide range of knowledge can be gauged from the fact that he has been able to train the students in many more subjects, such as data structures, analysis of algorithm, database management systems, software
engineering, multimedia systems, distributed computing, and artificial intelligence.
Gopakumaran Thampi T. is the Principal of Thadomal Sahani College, Mumbai. He has initiated a research work on the subject of "Developing Tools & Methodologies" to impart training for Computer Programming and Computer Aided Engineering
Procedures in particular and developing a temperament for information technologies in general. He has immense experience in academic project guided with Computer Aided Procedures and continuing education program conducted for teachers. He also has
administrative experience as the Hostel Rector.
The proficient team at Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. and Dreamtech Press has seized the market of management books bringing excellent content in management education to the fore. The team is committed to excellence—excellence in quality of content,
excellence in the dedication of its authors and editors, excellence in the attention to detail, and excellence in understanding the needs of its readers.

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