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Jardin Josias Karlo C

Bene Class

Reflection Paper

I have learned a lot even though honestly we did not see each other that much because of the ample of

events that happened this semester and a lot of cut offs because of our majors as well. I learned that in

all of my Benedictine and theology classes is that finding your inner peace and at least before going to

the corporate world you need to have a set of background in the Benedictine history and all as you

yourself are enrolled in a catholic school.

I had a lot of lessons in my life learned by this especially in doing community work in my Benedictine

classes which got a lot of our time last year. It was the emersion also in my Benedictine class the very

first one there were so many nostalgic moments that happened and also I am happy that there was a

Benedictine class again this semester as it gave me the memories of my first stay in san beda . Now In a

few months I will leave this building I will never forget all that teaching of our saint bede.

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