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A nyelvvizsga, ami érted van!


The writing part of the examination is assessed against the following four criteria:

 Task fulfilment: A measure of the degree to which/the precision with which the candidate
has achieved/addressed the task and whether or not the candidate has done what was
 Accuracy and range of grammar: A measure of the range, appropriacy and accuracy of
 Accuracy and range of vocabulary: A measure of the range, accuracy and appropriacy of
vocabulary as well as spelling accuracy.
 Structure: A measure of how coherently ideas are linked together in the text and how
accurate the punctuation is.

For each criterion for both parts marks from 0 to 4 can be given. The maximum mark for
both parts is 16. The marks for the two parts are added up to get the final score.

Candidates are awarded a final result based on the following scores:

Result Score
First Class Pass 90% - 100%

Pass 50% - 89%

Narrow Fail 45% - 49%

Fail 0 - 44%

Writing part sample for LanguageCert B2 Exam Preparation Guide published by Akadémiai Kiadó
A nyelvvizsga, ami érted van!


Read the letter below and write a letter in reply to customer services to:

 give your opinion of their service

 say why you need the books
 suggest an alternative arrangement.
Write between 100 and 150 words.

Dear Customer

Re: Book Order

We regret that there has been a delay with your order. This means that we will dispatch your
order four weeks later than our original estimate. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Please contact us if we can be of any further assistance.

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to you about the delay.

I am really disappointed because of your service. I thought that it would be a good idea to
order a book from your website but now I regret it. I know that many people order books but
five weeks I think is unbelievable.

I really need this book because it is a compulsory reading in my school. So now I have to go to
a bookshop and buy a new one if I do not want to write the test which is about the book in
school without reading this book.

I would be grateful if you could delete my order and give my money back.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Keith Lordon

Task fulfilment Accuracy and range of Accuracy and range of Structure

Grammar Vocabulary
3 3 3 3
Satisfies the Accurate use of B2 grammar Good range and Structure appropriate
demands of the with some non-systematic appropriate use of to text type.
tasks, genre and errors vocabulary
tone appropriate

Writing part sample for LanguageCert B2 Exam Preparation Guide published by Akadémiai Kiadó
A nyelvvizsga, ami érted van!


Write an article to the school magazine about the foreign language exchange you’re involved in,
describing the family you’re living with and the local customs you’ve found most interesting.

Write between 150 and 200 words.

Learning about a new language

In the twenty-first century, knowing foreign languages is very important for the youth.

A good and interesting way of learning a new language is the foreign language exchange
program. You will be given the opportunity to travel to another country and learn the language
from first hand. I’m currently in a program myself. The family I’m living with at the moment,
is very kind and caring. I feel like home here, the food is amazing and they always take me on
programs outside of school. For example, watching a movie in the cinema, or eating out. The
life here is different from home. People go on the streets more, they meet often with each
other, in my opinion these people are friendlier than the ones at home. The most intriguing
part, are their customs and culture. As I mentioned it earlier they go out often and then play
music, sing and dance. They usually have a good time.

I recommend taking this opportunity for everyone, it’s a great way to learn the language, and
meet new people.

Task fulfilment Accuracy and range of Accuracy and range of Structure

Grammar Vocabulary
3 3 3 3
Satisfies the demands of Accurate use of B2 Good range and Structure appropriate to
the tasks, genre and grammar with some appropriate use of text type.
tone appropriate non-systematic errors vocabulary

Writing part sample for LanguageCert B2 Exam Preparation Guide published by Akadémiai Kiadó

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