Development of Edible Bioactive Coating Based On Modified Chitosan For Increasing PDF

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Food Research International 44 (2011) 198–203

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Food Research International

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / f o o d r e s

Development of edible bioactive coating based on modified chitosan for increasing

the shelf life of strawberries
K.D. Vu a, R.G. Hollingsworth b, E. Leroux a, S. Salmieri a, M. Lacroix a,⁎
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique – Institut Armand-Frappier, Research Laboratories in Sciences Applied to Food, 531, Bd des Prairies, Laval, Québec, H7V 1B7, Canada
US Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center, USDA-ARS, PO Box 4459, Hilo, Hawaii

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: For increasing the shelf life of strawberries during storage, bioactive coatings were applied using modified
Received 23 August 2010 polysaccharides of chitosan. First, antimicrobial tests were performed with selected essential oils to evaluate
Accepted 22 October 2010 their antimicrobial capacities against moulds and total flora isolated from strawberries. Red thyme (RT) and
oregano extract (OR) were found as strong bioactive agents against moulds and total flora isolated from
strawberries, whereas limonene (LIM) and peppermint (PM) had lower antimicrobial properties. These
Bioactive coating
essential oils were also used as bioactive compounds which were sprayed onto strawberries and evaluated for
Essential oils their potential to increase shelf life during storage at 4 °C. RT, PM and LIM were found to be more efficient
Limonene preservative agents for strawberries during 14 days of storage. Finally, chitosan was functionalized by
Strawberries acylation with palmitoyl chloride to increase its hydrophobicity, to ensure a controlled release and improve its
Shelf life stability and adhesion to the fruit product. LIM and PM were incorporated into the modified chitosan to create
bioactive edible coatings and these were tested for their ability to extend the shelf life of fresh strawberries
during storage. Formulations based on modified chitosan containing LIM and Tween®80 were shown to
perform better than other formulations.
© 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Wang, Li & Liu, 2007). Therefore, finding suitable methods for
preserving the quality of strawberries during storage is important.
Strawberries are especially perishable fruits, being susceptible to The use of edible coatings represents one of the important
mechanical injury, desiccation, decay and physiological disorders methods being used for preserving quality. Edible coatings have
during storage. Tournas and Katsoudas (2005) have examined mould been traditionally used to improve food appearance and maintain
and yeast growth in strawberries in order to isolate and identify the quality because they are considered environmentally friendly
predominant species infecting fruits following surface disinfection (Khwaldia, Perez, Banon, Desobry & Hardy, 2004). Coating films can
and incubation at room temperature over 14 days. Botrytis cinerea and act as barriers to moisture and oxygen during processing, handling
Rhizopus stolonifer were the two major storage pathogens observed in and storage (Xu et al., 2007). Moreover, they can retard food
strawberries. Their high level of contamination, as compared to other deterioration by inhibiting the growth of microorganisms, due to
type of fruits, was mainly due to a lower pH, an optimal water activity their natural intrinsic activity or to the incorporation of antimicrobial
for fungal growth, high levels of sugars and other nutrients, and a soft compounds (Cha & Chinnan, 2004). Normally, edible films are made of
skin that can be easily ruptured, favoring microorganism proliferation. proteins or polysaccharides that can also help to maintain moisture,
B. cinerea (grey mould rot) is a ubiquitous pathogen which causes thereby improving shelf life. However, the hydrophilic nature of these
severe damage in many fruits, vegetables and ornamental crops both compounds limits their ability to provide desired edible film
pre- and post-harvest. The pathogen infects leaves, stems, flowers and functions. Current approaches to extend functional and mechanical
fruits (Bouchra, Achouri, Idrissi Hassani & Hmamouchi, 2003) and is a properties of these films include (i) incorporation of hydrophobic
major obstacle to long-distance transport and storage (Xu et al., compounds such as lipids to improve their resistance to water
2007). R. stolonifer is the causal agent of Rhizopus rot disease of various (McHugh & Krochta, 1994), (ii) optimization of the interaction
fruits and vegetables. This fungus primarily infects ripe fruit only after between polymers (protein-protein interactions, charge–charge
harvest unless the fruit in the field has major injuries (Zhang, Zheng, electrostatic complexes between proteins or polysaccharides) and
(iii) cross-linking or functionalization through physical, chemical, or
enzymatic treatments (Pierro et al., 2006).
Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that bioactive compounds
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1 450 687 5010; fax: + 1 450 686 5501. such as essential oils (EOs) can be added to such coatings in order to
E-mail address: (M. Lacroix). lengthen shelf life, to prevent microorganism growth and to preserve

0963-9969/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K.D. Vu et al. / Food Research International 44 (2011) 198–203 199

nutritional values of foods (Salmieri & Lacroix, 2006; Vargas, Albors, bag containing 225 ml of sterile peptoned water and homogenized for
Chiralt & González-Martínez, 2009). EOs have been found to exhibit 2 min using a Lab blender 400 stomacher (Laboratory Equipment,
antimicrobial and antifungal properties, making them as natural London, UK). The obtained mixture was serially diluted, then plated
alternatives to combat foodborne pathogens and normal food decay on acidified Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA, pH 3.5) and incubated at
caused by bacterial and mould growth (Lacroix, 2007). The immobili- 25 °C for 72 h. Mould colonies were isolated and inoculated in a flask
zation of the active compounds in polymer can maintain high containing 36 ml of sterilized Potato Dextrose Broth (PDB), then, the
concentrations of the active compounds on the surface of foods in flask was incubated at 25 °C for 48 h. At the end of incubation, sterile
order to achieve a longer storage time (Ouattara, Sabato & Lacroix, 2001). glycerol was added into the flask to obtain a final glycerol
Chitosan is a cationic polysaccharide obtained from partial deace- concentration of 20% (w/v) and aliquots of 1 ml of the mixture were
tylation of chitin, the main constituent of the crustacean skeleton divided into cryovials and frozen at -80 °C for future utilization.
(Rinaudo & Domard, 1989). This polymer is non-toxic, biodegradable Isolation of total flora: in sterile conditions, 25 g of fresh
and biocompatible (Shapiro & Cohen, 1997), and is also easily modified strawberries (no sign of disease and visual decay) was placed in a
by physical or chemical methods (Le Tien, Lacroix, Ispas-Szabo & bag containing 225 ml of sterile peptoned water and homogenized for
Mateescu, 2003). It is widely used in encapsulation applications due to 6 min using a stomacher. A volume of 1 ml of homogenized mixture
its ability to form gels in the presence of certain divalent cations such as was inoculated in a flask containing 36 ml of sterilized Tryptic Soy
calcium, barium and strontium by ionotropic gelation (Braccini & Perez, Broth (TSB) and incubated at 37 °C for 24 h. At the end of incubation,
2001; Ramadas, Paul, Dileep, Anitha & Sharma, 2000). A new sterile glycerol was added into the flask to achieve a final glycerol
formulation based on acylation with fatty acid derivatives was concentration of 20% (w/v) and aliquots of 1 ml of the mixture were
elaborated on chitosan to enhance the hydrophobic properties of the divided into cryovials and frozen at − 80 °C for future utilization.
polymers (Han, Guenier, Salmieri & Lacroix, 2008). Consequently, the Before each experiment, stock cultures were propagated through 2
encapsulated substances in chitosan-based beads could be protected consecutive growth cycles: (i) in PDB for total moulds at 25 °C for 72 h
against moisture and the controlled release mechanism was improved and (ii) in TSB for total flora at 37 °C for 24 h. The fermented broths
(Han et al., 2008; Le Tien et al., 2003). were centrifuged at 1500×g for 10 min at 4 °C. The obtained pellets
Thus, the objective of this study was to develop an active edible were washed twice with sterile saline water (0.85%, w/v) and then
coating formulation in order to increase the shelf life of fresh food diluted to have working cultures with approximately 108 CFU/ml.
products. Strawberries were used as a model for the application of edible
coatings. First, an inhibitory in vitro test (antimicrobial assay) was
2.2.2. Antimicrobial assay
performed with selected antifungal natural compounds in order to
LIM, OR, RT, PM, and LG were used to evaluate their inhibition
evaluate their antimicrobial capacities against moulds and total flora
potential against the growth of total flora and total moulds by paper
isolated from strawberries. Second, antimicrobial compounds were
disk method (Bona da Silva, Guterres, Weisheimer & Schapoval,
evaluated as emulsion-based coatings for their specific antifungal
2008). Tryptic soy Agar (TSA) and acidified PDA plates were
properties on fresh strawberries. Finally, functionalized polymer of
thoroughly inoculated with the working cultures of total flora and
chitosan was synthesized. Then, the antimicrobial coatings using
total moulds. A paper disk was placed in the middle of the plate except
functionalized chitosan, containing limonene and peppermint in
for the control plates which received no treatment. A volume of 5 μl of
presence of an emulsifier was developed to increase the shelf life of
antifungal agent (0.02%, w/v) was then added to the paper disk and
incubated at 37 °C for 24 in case of TSA plates and at 25 °C for 48 h in
case of acidified PDA plates. The test was conducted in triplicate for
2. Materials and methods
each sample. The test ended when the control plates were fully
covered by bacteria or moulds and the inhibition radius of paper disk
2.1. Materials
was measured and expressed as mm of inhibition.
Fresh strawberries were bought from a local supermarket (IGA,
Laval, Quebec, Canada) and were inspected for no sign of disease and 2.3. Evaluation of antimicrobial compounds on the shelf life of strawberries
visual decay.
Limonene (LIM) was from Sigma-Aldrich Ltd. (Oakville, Ontario, A shelf life study was conducted to verify the effect of selected
Canada). Oregano (OR; Oreganum compactum) essential oil was from antifungal compounds (LIM, LG, PM, RT and OR) on the growth of
Robert & Fils (Montreal, QC, Canada). Red thyme (RT; Thymus moulds (R. Stolonifer and B. cinerea) on strawberries during storage at
vulgaris), peppermint (PM; Mentha piperita) and lemongrass (LG; 4 °C. Prior to use, the essential oils were passed through a 0.2 μm filter
Cymbopogon citrates) essential oils were from BSA (Montreal, QC, to ensure sterility. Concentrations of 0.2% essential oil with 0.4%
Canada). Tween®80 were used to prepare coating emulsions in aqueous phase
Chitosan (Kitomer™, Mw 1600 kDa, 85–89% deacetylation degree) under vigorous stirring using an IKA® T25 digital Ultra-Turrax
was obtained from Marinard Biotech Inc. (Rivière-aux-Renards, QC, disperser (IKA® Works Inc.) for 10 min at room temperature to
Canada). Palmitoyl chloride was from Fluka Biochemika (Buchs, obtain a final concentration of 0.02% antifungal compounds.
Switzerland). The other reagents were purchased from Laboratoire The strawberries were separated into 6 groups with 20 strawberries
MAT (Beauport, QC, Canada) and used without further purification. per group: (i) control (uncoated); (ii) coated with LIM; (iii) coated with
LG; (iv) coated with OR; (v) coated with PM; and (vi) coated with RT.
2.2. Evaluation of growth inhibition of antimicrobial compounds on total These groups were placed on sterile aluminum foil-covered trays. The
flora and moulds by antimicrobial assay coatings suspensions were sprayed onto fresh strawberries in sterile
conditions (under a biological containment hood) at room temperature.
An antimicrobial assay was performed on selected antifungal Each side of each strawberry was sprayed twice (fully cover by coating
agents to evaluate their effect on the growth of total flora and moulds suspensions). After spraying, strawberries were allowed to dry for
isolated from strawberries. 15 min on sterile aluminum sheets. Then, the strawberries were covered
using a second sterile aluminum sheet and were stored at 4 °C. Visual
2.2.1. Isolation of total flora and moulds decay of strawberries was evaluated for 14 days (day 0 corresponded to
Isolation of total moulds: in sterile conditions, 25 g of fresh the day of the treatment) and the mould contamination percentage
strawberries (no sign of disease and visual decay) was placed in a (defined as the percentage of strawberries that showed the presence of
200 K.D. Vu et al. / Food Research International 44 (2011) 198–203

one or more white colonies (R. stolonifer) or dark brown multi-celled Table 1
colonies (B. cinerea)) was calculated during storage. Antimicrobial activity against total flora and moulds isolated from strawberries.

Flora Essential oils

2.4. Evaluation of polymer bioactive coatings on the shelf life of strawberries Limonene Lemongrass Oregano Peppermint Red thyme
(LIM) (LG) (OR) (PM) (RT)
2.4.1. Synthesis of modified chitosan Diameter of inhibition zone (mm)a
Polymer modification (N-acylation of chitosan) was prepared
Total 0.0e 20.5 ± 1.2d 32.3 ± 1.5c 19.5 ± 1.4d 43.3 ± 2.4b
according to a method developed in our laboratory. An amount of 5 g flora
of chitosan was dissolved in 600 ml of aqueous acetic acid (0.12 M, pH Moulds 15.5 ± 0.7e 46.3 ± 2.1c 56.0 ± 2.0b 22.3 ± 2.0d 57.5 ± 2.2b
4), respectively, at room temperature. The mixture was stirred a
The presented values are mean ± standard deviation. In each row, mean followed by
overnight to ensure a complete solubility. Thereafter, the pH of solutions the different lower case letter between different essential oils are significantly different
was adjusted to 7.5 by slow addition of 0.1 M NaOH and the volumes (p ≤ 0.05).
were adjusted to about 800 ml. The acylation reactions were carried out
by adding palmitoyl chloride (d = 0.907 g/ml) to polymer solution in a
ratio of 1:2 (w/w), maintaining the pH at 7.5 with NaOH 0.5 M, and respectively).However, LIM exhibited no antimicrobial activity to
temperature at 55 °C. After 1 h, the reaction mixture was neutralized total flora (Table 1).
(pH 6.8–7.0) and precipitated with acetone. The precipitate, collected by In fact, it has been demonstrated that RT, OR, LG, and PM possess
filtration, was washed at 50 °C with an excess of methanol and decanted. antimicrobial activity against different microbial targets; however, this
The washing was repeated twice to eliminate free fatty acids. Finally, the is the first published report on their potential as antimicrobials against
modified product was dried with pure acetone to obtain the total flora isolated from strawberries. For example, Skandamis, Tsigarida
corresponding functionalized polymer powder (N-acylated chitosan) and Nychas (2000) found that OR at a concentration of 0.03% (w/v)
(Han et al., 2008). causes growth inhibition against Salmonella typhimurium in liquid
culture and in a gel matrix system (gelatine gel). Importantly, it was
found that OR in liquid culture is more efficient than gel matrix
2.4.2. Shelf life study of strawberries coatings using modified chitosan-based
(Skandamis et al., 2000). Mahboubi and Haghi (2008) analyzed the
components of the essential oil extract from Mentha pulegium L. (a near
A shelf life study of strawberries by bioactive coatings was
species of peppermint M. piperita L.) and they found the presence of
conducted where limonene (LIM) and peppermint (PM) were
piperitone (38.0%), piperitenone (33.0%), terpineol (4.7%), and pule-
compared as antimicrobial agents. First, the polymer powder of MC
gone (2.3%) as the major components. The results showed a significant
was autoclaved at 121 °C for 40 min to ensure sterility, then; the
activity against microorganisms, especially Gram-positive bacteria, with
aqueous suspension was prepared by solubilizing 2% of polymer into
inhibition zones and minimal inhibitory concentration values in the
3% acetic acid solution under vigorous stirring for 2 h at room
range of 8–21 mm and 0.25–4 μl/ml, respectively; Their study found
temperature. The bioactive coating suspensions were prepared by
that the least susceptible microorganisms were Gram-negative bacteria
dispersing 0.2% (w/v) bioactive compounds (LIM or PM) in the
especially Escherichia coli. Moreover, instead of using PM essential oil,
presence of 0.4% Tween®80 under vigorous stirring for 10 min at
other authors have used different extracts (by different solvents) of the
room temperature to obtain a final concentration of bioactive
leaves of M. piperita L. (peppermint) and they also observed that these
compounds at 0.02 %, w/v. For visual appearance improvements of
extracts have strong antibacterial activity against a range of pathogenic
coatings, polymer suspension MC were adjusted to pH 3.5 (pH of
bacteria using in vitro agar well diffusion method (Bupesh et al., 2007).
strawberries) by 10% acetic acid solution before spraying.
Among different leaf extracts of M. piperita, ethyl acetate extracts
The strawberries were separated into 3 groups with 20 strawberries
showed greater inhibition than leaf extracts by chloroform, petroleum
per group: (i) control (uncoated) and (ii) coated with MC+ LIM; (iii)
ether and water, when tested against Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas
coated with MC + PM. Coating of strawberries by spraying suspensions
aerogenosa than Streptococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aureus and Serratia
on strawberries was conducted using the same method mentioned
marcesens (Bupesh et al., 2007).
above. During storage at 4 °C, visual decay of strawberries was evaluated
In case of LG, this essential oil has been confirmed to have stronger
and the mould contamination percentage was calculated.
antibacterial activity against respiratory tract pathogens such as
Haemophilus influenzae, Steptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyop-
2.6. Statistical analysis genes and Staphylococcus aureus as compared to limonene (Inouye,
Takizawa & Yamaguchi, 2001). In this research, the authors found that
For each measurement, three replicates were tested. For each a high concentration of LIM is required (from 200 to 800 mg/L air) to
replicate, 20 strawberries were used. Analysis of variance and have antibacterial activity against the target bacteria (Inouye et al.,
Duncan's multiple-range tests were used to perform statistical 2001).
analysis on all results, using SPSS Base 10.0 software (Stat-Packets It should also be mentioned that our results which confirmed that
statistical analysis software, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). Differences RT is more effective than PM in terms of antimicrobial activity
between means were considered to be significant when p ≤ 0.05. (Table 1) are in accordance with the research of Janssen, Chin, Scheffer
and Baerheim Svendsen (1986). For example, the authors tested 53
3. Results and discussion EOs against 5 microorganisms and they found that thyme oil was
better than peppermint oil in terms of growth inhibition against
3.1. Antimicrobial activity of selected essential oils against total flora and bacteria and yeast such as E. coli (19.3 N 9.7 mm); P. aeruginosai
moulds isolated from strawberries (8.7 N 0 mm); C. albicans (40.7 N 10 mm); B. subtilis (33.2 N 14.7 mm)
and S. aureus (33.7 N 19.0 mm) (Janssen et al., 1986).
3.1.1. Antimicrobial activity against total flora
The inhibition diameter (mm) of selected EOs in response to total 3.1.2. Antifungal activity against total moulds
flora isolated from strawberries is presented in Table 1. RT and OR can The diameter of inhibition zone (mm) of selected EOs in response
be classified as strong antimicrobial with respective inhibition to total moulds isolated from strawberries is presented in Table 1. RT,
diameters of 43.3 and 32.3 mm whereas LG and PM can be considered OR and LG can be classified as strong antifungal agents with inhibition
as medium antimicrobials (20.5 and 19.5 mm in inhibition diameter, diameters of 57.5, 56.0 and 46.3 mm, respectively. In comparison, PM
K.D. Vu et al. / Food Research International 44 (2011) 198–203 201

and LIM presented a medium inhibition diameter against moulds with

only 22.3 and 15.5 mm of inhibition, respectively. There have been
many studies on the antifungal activity of EOs and the results of
different studies are difficult to compare due to: (i) different methods
of antifungal assay (disk diffusion technique, semisolid agar antifun-
gal susceptibility technique); (2) different concentrations of EOs used
in assays and (iii) different types of fungi tested and (iv) the type and
consistency of the medium which may affect the degree and rate of
diffusion of the essential oil from the disk. However, the results
obtained in our research are in general agreement with the results of
other researchers in terms of antifungal activity of RT, OR, LG, PM and
LIM (Bouchra et al., 2003; Curtis, Shetty, Cassagnol & Peleg, 1996; Kim,
Marshall & Wei, 1995; Reddy, Angers, Gosselin & Arul, 1998). For
example, RT has already been used successfully to inhibit both B.
cinerea and R. stolonifer in strawberry fruits (Reddy et al., 1998).
Reddy et al. (1998) showed that thyme essential oil (EO) from T.
vulgaris at a concentration of 200 ppm exhibited strong antifungal
activity against B. cinerea and R. stolonifer, with respective inhibition
values of 90% and 66% by measuring the percentage of radial growth Fig. 1. Evolution of the decay level (%) in antimicrobial coated strawberries during
storage at 4 °C.
inhibition of moulds in PDA medium. The major constituents of thyme
oil are p-cymene (20.8%), thymol (18.1%), linalool (13.3%) and
carvacrol (8.9%) and it has already been suggested that p-cymene
and linalool may synergize the antimicrobial effect of thymol and
carvacrol (Curtis et al., 1996; Kim et al., 1995). In case of oregano as compared to the control and other treatments. The higher decay level
essential oil (OR), it has been confirmed as effective against B. cinerea, observed for OR and LG treated strawberries suggests that these
exhibiting 100% inhibition activity at 100 ppm (Bouchra et al., 2003). essential oils had detrimental effects on the quality of strawberries after
Using a disk diffusion assay, Bona da Silva et al. (2008) found that 6 and 8 days of storage, respectively (Fig. 1). It is also supposed that the
applying 8 μl of LG per disk (6 mm in diameter) resulted in a components that constitute LG and OR essential oils are more volatile
significant inhibition zone against different species of Candida such as than that of other essential oils (LIM, PM and RT) which may cause LG
C. glabrata (N 30 mm), C. krusei (19.6 mm), C. parapsilosis (28.6 mm), and QR to lose their antifungal activity against B. cinerea and R. stolonifer.
C. tropicalis (29.5 mm) and 4 strains of C. albicans (N 35 mm). Also, LIM Moreover, it is interesting to note that regardless of the applied
used at a concentration of 75 ppm resulted in an antifungal activity of treatments the rate of decay increased significantly from day 12 in all
75% against Fusarium verticillioides MRC 826 (a plant pathogen) groups (Fig. 1).
compared to the control, using the semisolid agar antifungal RT demonstrated high antifungal activity both in the antimicrobial
susceptibility technique (Dambolena et al., 2008). It is interesting assay and in the shelf life test. However, in the case of the other
that LIM at a concentration of 500 ppm can totally inhibit the growth essential oils, the results of shelf life study are different to some extent
of Aspergillus flavus, a carcinogenic fungus producing aflatoxin (Singh as compared to those of the antimicrobial assay. For example, PM and
et al., 2010). In the case of PM, it was demonstrated that PM at a dose LIM were found to be relatively ineffective as antifungal or
of 30 μl/400 ml air space can inhibit totally the growth of R. stolonifer, antimicrobial agents against total flora and moulds isolated from
Mucor sp. and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Edris & Farrag, 2003). strawberries in the antimicrobial assay; however, they were slightly
Table 1 also shows that LIM, LG, OR, PM and RT are more active effective when applied as coating materials of strawberries in the shelf
against moulds than total flora. The results are in accordance with life study.
other researchers who also demonstrated that some EOs are more Furthermore, it should be mentioned that a sensory evaluation
active against fungi than Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria was done on EO sprayed strawberries on the same day of treatment
(Chao, Young & Oberg, 2000; Janssen et al., 1986). using Hedonic test with 20 panelists who tested the odor and taste
parameters. The answers were based on a 9-point hedonic scale, 9
3.2. Evaluation of antimicrobial compounds on the shelf life of strawberries being “like very much” and 1 “dislike very much” (Larmond, 1979). It
was found that only LIM and PM coated strawberries have acceptable
Based on the above results of antimicrobial activity of EOs against taste (6.3 and 7.2 points, respectively) and odor (6.0 and 6.5 points,
moulds, it is necessary to know if these compounds can increase the respectively) while RT coated strawberries obtained low points in
shelf live of storage strawberries by prevention of mould growth or taste (2.5 points) and odor (3.0 points). Therefore, we decided to
not. Thus, these EOs were used as bioactive compounds for coating choose only LIM and PM for further research in which these EOs will
strawberries in a shelf life study. The effect of antifungal compound be incorporated into modified chitosan as coating materials of
applications on the percentage of decay in strawberries during strawberries for increasing the shelf life of strawberries during
14 days of storage at 4 °C is presented in Fig. 1. storage.
From day 1 to day 6, the decay levels (%) of strawberries treated with
LIM, OR, PM and RT were significantly less than that of control sample
(20%) (p ≤ 0.05); however, at day 8 the decay level of strawberries 3.3. Evaluation of bioactive coatings on the shelf life of strawberries
treated with LG (65%) was higher than that of control (25%) (p ≤ 0.05)
(Fig. 1). At day 12, the decay levels (%) of strawberries treated with LIM After the modified chitosan (MC) was first synthesized, the
(40%), PM (30%) and RT (30%) were still significantly less than that of functionalization of the MC was characterized by FTIR structural analysis
control (50%) (p ≤ 0.05); however, the decay levels of strawberries (data not shown). It demonstrated that MC exhibited the changes in
treated with LG (80%) and OR (60%) were higher than that of control band intensities that were correlated to a chemical modification in the
(50%) (p ≤ 0.05) (Fig. 1). It can be concluded that LIM, PM and RT were presence of palmitoyl chains linked to the polymers by acylation. The
efficient for preserving the quality of strawberries for 12 days. RT can be results are also in accordance with our previous publication (Han et al.,
considered the most efficient antifungal since it had a lower decay level 2008).
202 K.D. Vu et al. / Food Research International 44 (2011) 198–203

3.3.1. Shelf life study with modified chitosan-based coating

The effect of a MC-based bioactive coating containing LIM and PM on
the decay percentage of strawberries during 14 days of storage at 4 °C is
presented in Fig. 2. The coatings were developed using 0.4% Tween®80
as an emulsifier to improve the stability of the coating suspension.
Coatings were sprayed without neutralization (pH~3.5–4.0) to ensure
that MC would remain dissolved during drying. Generally the percentage
of strawberries showing decay was lower in the MC+LIM-based
coatings at most time points during the experiment in comparison
with MC or MC+PM-based coatings and uncoated strawberries. On Day
8 for example, 45% of fruits had some level of decay in the MC+LIM
treatment while the percentage was 65, 75 and 90% of decay for
MC-based coating, MC+PM-based coating and uncoated strawberries,
respectively. The MC+LIM-based coating can be considered as a more
effective coating since its related percentage of decay was lower than the
control and other coatings on days 8, 10 and 12. Moreover, it is
interesting to note that the coating did not cause phytotoxicity and did
not affect the appearance of strawberries, probably due to the presence
of an emulsifier and to pH conditions (pH~3.5–4.0) that improved the
solubilization of modified chitosan. Furthermore, pictures of three
Fig. 3. Appearance of strawberries coated with modified chitosan-based formulation
representative fruits from each treatment (uncoated strawberries at containing limonene and emulsifier.
day 10 of storage and coated strawberries by MC+LIM formulation at
day 16 and day 21 of storage) were taken. The pictured fruits are
presented in Fig. 3. It can be easily observed that uncoated strawberries
are dehydrated and are largely contaminated by moulds at day 10
Administration as a GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) compound
whereas coated strawberries kept a good hydrated, red-colored
when used as a food additive or flavoring (USEPA, 1994). LIM is also
appearance even at day 21, which implies a promising attribute for
known to have fungicidal properties, including activity against Botrytis,
Aspergilus niger, and Candida albicans (Ernestina et al., 2003; Jirovetz et al.,
It is not known why in PM incorporated into MC for coating
2003; Sharma & Tripathi, 2008; Wilson et al., 1997). Therefore, it is
strawberries, there was no effect on increasing the shelf life of
reasonable that MC+LIM-based coatings have significant impact on
strawberries as compared to control. It is possible that there might be
increasing the shelf life of storage strawberries.
a reaction that occurred between MC and PM during the preparation
of coating suspension which caused the loss of antifungal activity of
PM. Future research on this problem needs to be done to find out the 4. Conclusion
suitable reasons.
In fact, chitosan-based coatings are known to possess a protective Different selected essential oils were evaluated for their antimi-
effect against mould growth on fresh fruits and vegetables. According crobial capacities against moulds and total flora isolated from
to Mazur and Waksmundzka (2001), the application of chitosan strawberries. RT and OR were found as strong bioactive agents against
aqueous solutions on strawberries had a protective effect and reduces moulds and total flora isolated from strawberries, whereas LIM and
the decay of strawberry fruits by 15%. However, the study on coating PM had lower antimicrobial properties. RT, PM and LIM were found to
of strawberries by MC + LIM for increasing the shelf life of storage be the most efficient preservative agents in strawberries during
strawberries is not yet mentioned elsewhere. storage. Formulations based on modified chitosan containing LIM in
Furthermore, it should be mentioned that LIM has been widely used in the presence of Tween®80 provided a better preservation than other
a variety of foods and beverages and is classified by the U.S. Food and Drug formulations. Therefore, the functionalized chitosan-based edible
coating could become a promising method to carry specific antifungal
agents without detrimental effects on strawberries or other fruits. In
this context, future research will focus on developing a new coating
formulation which consists of MC, lipid (fatty acids, acetylated
monoglycerides, etc.), plasticizers (polyols) and reinforcement agents
(nanocellulose) to improve the functional properties of coatings
applied on strawberries and increase the shelf life of strawberries
during storage.


The authors are grateful to Ministère du Développement Économique,

de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation, Programme de Soutien à la Recherche,
Soutien à des Initiatives Internationales de Recherche et d'Innovation for
the financial support. Asmaâ Imzilne is thanked for her excellent technical

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