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Uninstalling the Roaming Client

How do you go about uninstalling the roaming client? Turns out, when you
installed the client, the uninstaller is included in the package. If you go to your
operating systems search function, and look up uninstall roaming client, you’ll see
the uninstaller program pop up.

A confirmation window will come up asking if you want to remove it. You can go
ahead and say yes and type in any administrative password necessary to perform
the task. This will take about 30 seconds or so, for the roaming client to be
removed from your computer.

Once this is done, you will receive a confirmation from the wizard, go ahead and
click okay.

Let’s go back and take a look at our roaming computers in the dashboard. You’ll
see that the roaming computer should now say uninstalled and that it is no longer
connected or synced.

To get rid of this entry, you’ll have to expand this menu, and click delete to remove
this entry from the dashboard forever.

These two steps will remove the client from the endpoint computer, as well as
remove the entry from your roaming computers dashboard.

Please note that if you only remove the entry from the dashboard, the client,
although still present on the end point computer, will no longer be able to sync to
the Umbrella organization and therefore will not be protected. In this case, you’ll
actually need to uninstall the roaming client from the end point computer and
redeploy the roaming client again.

Uninstalling the roaming client off of a windows computer is slightly different in

that, the roaming client is just like any other program on windows and you can
remove it via add/ or remove programs.
If that does not work, there are also a couple of command lines approaches to
completely remove the roaming client off of your device. Have a look at the lesson
summary for a link on how to do so.

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