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An epic is a long narrative poem, on a great and serious subject related in a lofty

style and centered on a heroic figure. Its actions depend on the fate of tribe or nation or the

human race.

There are two types of epics; one is primary epic and another is secondary epic.

Primary epic is oral but not written. It comes from generation to generation. For example-

The Iliad by Homer is a primary epic.

An epic is usually started with invocation to Muses or goddess. Invocation means

getting inspiration, help, courage and guidance to the muse, goddess of poetry, at the

beginning of a hard task like an epic so that the author can complete it successfully.

In The Iliad, Homer also seeks inspiration to the goddess of poetry before starting it.

The first line of The Iliad as everyone remembers is: "The wrath, sing goddess, of Peleus's

son Achilles."

A primary epic is originally composed to be sung or recited to music. The first line

of The Iliad shows the intention of oral nature.

Statement of Purpose or theme is another feature of an epic. Theme means the

central idea of a literary work most often suggested indirectly; for example, the main theme

of The Iliad by Homer is the glory of war, military values over family life; the short time of

human life.

Achilles inspires the solders by uttering that, leaving out from the battle field

without joining in the fight is the sign of coward and sacrificing the lives as the heroes is

better and it also brings honor and dignity.

In an epic there must has an epic hero who is a distinguished person who is

totally different from the common people. In The Iliad, Achilles exhibits godlike qualities

that are more than human. Hector is another hero who is almost parallel to Achilles.
Both in primary and secondary epic, single combat is a common plot device. In The Iliad,

Achilles and Hector also face each other in a mortal combat. They use mortal weapons like

shields, spears etc. are also epic elements.

Epic simile is another important feature of an epic. Epic similie means an open

comparison between two different or dissimilar things or objects of which one is fairly

elaborated. Such as – In The Iliad Hector has been compared to a boar and a lion.

“He was like a wild-boar or a lion when he turns this way.”

In an epic, and particularly in a primary epic, some supernatural elements are

found. The Iliad is a story in which the gods and goddess play a vital role. In many fights the

gods and goddess take part physically and mentally in favor of the solders of different

countries. In the Trojan War the god of Sea Poseidon supports the Greek armies on the other

hand god Apollo supports the Trojan armies.

Long description of things and events is another important feature of an epic. The

prince of Trozan Paris abducted Helen, who was the most beautiful lady in ancient Greek.

Then many dangerous fights had happened between Greek and Trojan only for Helen for the

longest time. From this simple point Homer has composed the epic within 15000 lines.

An epic is usually presented in a lofty style. The instruments or equipment,

presenting of the battles, vision, characters, description, art, theme etc. that Homer has used

to continue the epic are totally grand which make the epic fruitful.

In conclusion we can say that The Iliad possesses characteristics of an epic. It is

composed in a grand style. It includes an epic hero, super natural machinery, war, great issues

like honor and dignity, the great significance of national interest etc. So we can call The Iliad

an epic or a primary epic.

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