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Laws & Customs: Tishah B’Av


 TRAGEDIES in ashes. One may drink water, tea,

coffee and other non-alcoholic
One who davens without a Minyan still
recites Eicha and Kinos.
Five tragedies occurred on this day: beverages, but should drink less than he
usually would. V’Atah Kadosh is recited, followed by
• The sin of the Meraglim. the full Kaddish – excluding the line
• First Beis Hamikdash destroyed. The Seudah Hamafeskes is eaten when beginning Tiskabel – and Aleinu.
sitting on a low chair. One may still wear
• Second Beis Hamikdash destroyed. leather shoes. A Chiyuv recites the third Perek of
Mishnayos Moied Kotton prior to the
• The fall of Beitar.
Shir Hamaalos is recited before last Kaddish.
• The site of the Beis Hamikdash and Bentching, but a Mezuman is not made.
the surrounding area was ploughed. Ideally, three adult men should avoid It is not our custom to sleep on the floor
eating this meal together in the first or to place a stone under the pillow.
A Bris or Pidyon Haben (including the
Before bentching, one should verbally
stipulate that he might still eat or drink
Seudah) should be conducted before again before the fast begins. [If one On Tishah B’Av, one may learn only
midday. neglected to do so, it is still permissible those parts of Torah which discuss the
to eat and drink.] laws of mourning, the destruction of the
One shouldn’t engage in enjoyable Beis Hamikdash, or the tragedies which
activity. After bentching, one may resume sitting befell the Jewish people throughout
on a regular chair until Tishah B’Av history. One should learn these in a
Starting from midday (12:26pm), one begins. cursory manner, and not delve into it
learns only those parts of Torah which
(Drush v’Pilpul). Similarly, one should
may be learned on Tishah B’Av (see After Plag Hamincha, if one accepted to
not consult a Rav regarding Halachic
section “Learning on Tishah B’Av”). begin the fast – whether verbally or in
matters irrelevant to Tishah B’Av.
Chitas and Rambam should be his mind, one may no longer eat, and all
completed before midday. [If one is the prohibitions of Tishah B’Av are The Rebbe Rashab would learn the
running late, Chitas may be finished any applicable – the exception being that Sugya of the Churban in Masechta
time before sunset, whereas Rambam leather shoes may still be worn. Gittin (55b-58a), as well as Midrash
should be postponed until after Tishah Eicha Rabba. [Some other appropriate
B’Av.] things to learn: The books of Eicha and
A Siyum is made as per the rest of the  TISHAH B’AV EVENING Iyov, the dire prophecies of Yirmiyahu,
the third Perek of Moied Kotton, the end
Nine Days. If after midday, it should be Tishah B’Av begins at 5:30pm. of Masechta Taanis in Yerushalmi, and a
performed on a topic which may be
The Paroches is removed from the Aron review of the Halachos of the day. The
learned on Tishah B’Av (such as the
HaKodesh (or moved to the side). Rebbe once suggested that the
conclusion of Moied Kotton).
Tzemach Tzedek’s Reshimos on Eicha be
One should eat and drink sufficiently The lights in Shule are dimmed to a bare learned.]
well in preparation for the fast, but not minimum. Nonetheless, the Chazzan
lights the usual amount of candles; five As during the rest of the Nine Days, one
in a festive manner, nor in excessive
for a Chiyuv, and two for a non-Chiyuv. should endeavour to hear a Siyum. This
amounts. This meal (along with
should be done on a topic which may be
Bentching) should occur before Mincha.
After Shmoneh Esrei, the Chazzan learned on Tishah B’Av (such as the
recites Kaddish Tiskabel. conclusion of Moied Kotton.)
 MINCHA / SEUDAH HAMAFSEKES Eicha is recited along with the Chazzan. Needless to say, the obligation to learn
Mincha is davened earlier, to leave One should not recite it standing, but Torah at every opportunity applies fully
sufficient time for the Seudah rather should sit on a low chair. The on Tishah B’Av. [Many Achronim
Hamafsekes. [A Chiyuv recites the usual Chazzan recites it unhurriedly, pausing bemoaned the lax attitude some people
Mishnayos prior to the last Kaddish.] between each Posuk, and raising his sadly adopt towards learning on Tishah
voice slightly at the beginning of each B’Av.]
Tachanun is omitted from this point Perek.
onward until after Tishah B’Av. One should give increased Tzedakah,
The last Possuk (i.e. the second especially before Mincha. It is proper to
The Seudah Hamafsekes consists of “Hashivenu”) is recited aloud with the give the value of the forgone meals –
bread and cold hard-boiled eggs dipped Chazzan, followed by a few short Kinos. especially if one is exempt from fasting.
 LAWS OF TISHAH B’AV one may do these in order to
prevent a financial loss or to retain
reminder not to wash one’s hands as
On Tishah B’Av, it is prohibited to: his job. Even then, one should defer
One wipes his eyes with the towel
any publicly performed work until
• Wear festive clothing or festive after midday, if this is possible.
moistened by the hands. Someone who
jewellery. washes the flakes out of his eyes every
• Instruct a non-Jew to work publicly morning may do so on Tishah B’Av as
• Wear footwear containing any on his behalf (such as construction). well.
leather. One may wear non-leather However, one may instruct a non-
footwear, including crocs. [If After getting dressed, Neggel Vasser is
Jew to do any other work, even if it
absolutely necessary for work performed again – with a Brocho – only
will be performed in one’s own
purposes, a Rav should be up to the knuckles.
consulted.] The Brocho of Sheoso Li Kol Tzorki is
One should not idle away one’s time, go omitted until the following morning.
• Go to Mikvah, bathe or wash any on trips or trips, read novels or articles,
part of the body – even in cold or partake in any other pleasurable Tallis and Tefillin are not worn until
water. Similarly, one may not wipe pastimes or activities. after midday. Similarly, a Brocho is not
himself with a cloth sufficiently recited on the Tallis Kotton, nor are they
damp to moisten what it touches. One should not smoke at all. At the very held and kissed during Boruch Sheomar
[One may rinse if necessary for least, one should do so in private only, and Shma.
medical or therapeutic purposes, or and keep it to a minimum. [Of course,
for pain-relief. One may also rinse smoking is discouraged in general.] The Chazzan lights candles as usual; five
any soiled areas, but only as for a Chiyuv, and two for a non-Chiyuv.
necessary. Similarly, one may wash One should be especially careful not to
become angered. During Shacharis, only the Chazzan
his hands up to the knuckles after
recites Aneinu. A non-fasting individual
exiting the restroom or touching an
shouldn’t serve as Chazan. [See 17
area of the body that is normally
covered. One may also rinse one’s  WHO MUST FAST? Tammuz Guide regarding a Chazzan
who forgot to recite Aneinu, or who is
hands as usual before and during The ill/elderly, a woman who gave birth not fasting.]
food preparation. All the above may within the past month, or a pregnant or
be done with soap when applicable. nursing woman who feels (or The Chazzan does not recite Birchas
One may also wash dishes, but it is anticipates) excessive difficulty, should Kohanim.
best to do so whilst wearing gloves.] consult a Rav.
Tachnun, Selichos and Avinu Malkeinu
• Apply makeup, ointment, lotions, A Rav should be consulted regarding are not recited.
perfumes or creams – unless medicines.
necessary for medical or therapeutic One who is not fasting (or who
purposes, or for pain-relief. If one inadvertently ate during the fast, anticipates that he won’t be able to
one must immediately resume fasting. finish the fast) must still hear Krias
• Brush one’s teeth or rinse one’s Hatorah, but is not called up for an
mouth. One may not taste food to determine Aliya. [If he is the only Kohen or Levi, he
whether it requires salt/spices, even for should absent himself.] If he is called up,
• Sit on a normal-height chair until a Seudas Mitzvah. he may accept the Aliya. He should not
Tishah B’Av midday (12:26pm) – serve as the Chazzan or the Ba’al Koreh
unless one is frail or infirm, Anyone below Bar/Bas Mitzvah need
either, unless there is no one else to do
pregnant, while nursing, or when not fast. From the age of nine upwards,
sitting in a vehicle. the custom is to train children to fast at
night, and for several hours during the Kaddish is recited between the last
• Intimacy – Harchakos must be kept day, as per the child’s abilities. Aliyah and Haftorah. During Gelilah and
even during the day. Haftorah, the Magbiha holds the Sefer
An individual exempt from fasting
Torah while sitting on a regular-height
• Greet another. If one was greeted, should eat in private only, and avoid
chair. The Sefer Torah is returned to the
he may return the greeting in a delicacies or excessive intake. Similarly,
Aron HaKodesh immediately after
subdued manner, or explain that it is children old enough to understand the
Tishah B’Av. concept of a fast day should avoid
delicacies. [Bread is best avoided, so as Afterwards, Kinos is recited. One should
• Give gifts (unless it is Tzedakah). to sidestep a number of disputes not recite it standing, but should rather
regarding how to wash and Bentch.] sit on a low chair.
• Study, go to work, engage in
business activity, or perform a job or One should refrain from casual
task that requires concentration, as
these will distract him from
 TISHAH B’AV MORNING conversation or other unnecessary
interruptions during the recital of Kinos.
mourning. [Technically, these are Neggel Vasser is washed only up to the
permitted after midday, but it is best knuckles. [Tip: Prepare the Neggel After Kinos, the following are recited:
to refrain even then.] Nevertheless, Vasser in a slightly different way as a Ashrei, Uva L’tziyon (with the omission
of the Possuk that begins Va’ani Zos Before Mincha, one puts on Tallis and The Chazzan recites Aneinu between
Brisi), and Aleinu. Everything else Tefillin and recites the entire Shma. This Goel Yisroel and R’faeinu, Nacheim in
(including Tehillim) is postponed until is followed by the selections omitted Boinei Yerushalayim, and also recites
Mincha time. from the conclusion of Shacharis. [I.e. Birchas Kohanim toward the end of
Shir Shel Yom, Ein Kelokeinu, Tehillim.] Shmoneh Esrei. [See 17 Tammuz Guide
After Uva L’tziyon, the Chazzan These should be recited with a Minyan, regarding a Chazzan who forgot to
omits the line beginning Tiskabel from and Kaddish is said at the appropriate recite Aneinu, or who is not fasting.]
Kaddish. places.
A Chiyuv recites the usual Mishnayos
A Chiyuv recites the third Perek of prior to the last Kaddish.
Ideally, Krias Hatorah should not begin
Mishnayos Moied Kotton prior to the
prior to Mincha Gedolah (12:53pm).
last Kaddish. Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin are put on after
Shmoneh Esrei may certainly not begin
Mincha, and one recites the usual
One should recite the book of Eicha before then.
after Kinos (and the conclusion of
The passage of Vayechal is read,
davening). One should ensure that he puts on
provided that at least three congregants
Tefillin before sunset (5:31pm). If one
Where possible, one should time his are fasting.
davens with a Minyan which will
morning with the aim of concluding conclude only after sunset, he should
Kinos (and Eicha) shortly before midday, One who is not fasting (or who
anticipates that he won’t be able to change into Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin
as opposed to long beforehand. before Mincha.
finish the fast) must still hear Krias
A Bris should be postponed until after Hatorah of Vayechal, but is not called
up for an Aliya. [If he is the only Kohen
Kinos. The baby’s parents and Baalei
Habris may wear Shabbos clothing for or Levi, he should absent himself.] If he
the duration of the Bris, but not leather is called up, and refusing the Aliya will The fast concludes at 6:00pm.
shoes. The Sandek sits on a regular- cause him embarrassment and
height chair whilst the Bris is minimize the honour of the Torah, he One washes Netilas Yadayim (covering
performed. The Brocho is recited on may accept the Aliya. He should not the entire hand with water) without a
wine, but is drunk by a child who serve as the Chazzan or the Ba’al Koreh, Brocho, and rinses one’s mouth as soon
understands the concept of Brochos unless there is no one else to do so. as possible after Maariv, and certainly
(the younger, the better). The Seudah before Kiddush Levanah or breaking the
takes place at night, after the fast. When the congregation recites the fast.
verses aloud, the Ba’al Koreh waits for
It is not our custom to specifically visit a silence before resuming. The one If the moon is visible, Kiddush Levanah
cemetery on Tishah B’Av. receiving the Aliya begins reciting these is recited. Ideally, one should first
verses with the congregation but change into leather shoes, rinse one’s
concludes with the Ba’al Koreh. face to freshen up, and taste something,
unless this will negate his participation
 TISHAH B’AV AFTERNOON After Haftorah, the Chazzan begins in a Minyan.
In the afternoon, the intensity of Kaddish when the Torah is returned to
mourning lessens and some restrictions The Beis Hamikdash was set ablaze on
the Aron HaKodesh, similar to Mincha
are relaxed. the afternoon of the 9th of Av, and
on Shabbos.
burned through the 10th. Therefore, the
It is customary to wait until midday If an individual forgot to recite Nacheim custom is to extend all restrictions of
before preparing for the post-fast meal. in the correct place, he may recite it in the Nine Days (including consuming
However, one may begin preparations Sh’ma Koleinu after Aneinu; in Retzei meat or wine, or wearing freshly
for a Seudas Mitzvah before midday. before V’sechezena; or in Modim before laundered clothing) until midday
V’al Kulam. [In any of these cases, he (12:26pm) of the 10th of Av.
After midday, it is permitted to sit on Nevertheless, since it is Erev Shabbos,
recites the conclusion of the Brocho as
chairs of regular height, unless one will the following Shabbos preparations
usual, and does not add the words
still be finishing Kinos. may be done from the morning:
Menachem Tziyon Uvoneh
Chitas is learned after midday, but Yerushalayim.] If one didn’t remember Haircuts, bathing, laundry.
Rambam is postponed until evening. until he concluded Shmoneh Esrei, he
does not repeat it.
If an individual forgot to recite Aneinu in
 MINCHA Sh’ma Koleinu, he may recite it in the
One should continue to participate in a
Siyum and learn Hilchos Beis Habechira
The Paroches is restored to its usual passage of Elokai N’tzor, before the every day until (and including) the 15th
place on the Aron HaKodesh after second Yih’yu L’ratzon. If one didn’t of Av.
midday, before Mincha. remember even then, he does not
repeat Shmoneh Esrei. Tachnun is not recited on the 15th of Av,
Mincha is longer than usual; care should nor during the Mincha beforehand. It is
be taken to conclude before sunset An individual who is not fasting omits forbidden to fast on the 15th of Av, even
(5:31pm). Aneinu but still recites Nacheim. a Chosson and Kallah.

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