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Name: ______________________________________ Class: ______________________________

Gold Advanced Unit 1 test

Section 1: Vocabulary
1 Complete the text with the words in the box. There are four words you do not need to use.

barked buzz clap coughed groaned roar shuddered stuttered trembled wail whine

The young girl’s hands (1) ____________ violently as she walked out onto the school stage. She
(2) ____________ at the thought of so many people watching her and waiting for her to start. She
had never stood in front of the whole school before and she was terrified that she would forget the
words of she had memorised. She took a deep breath and tried to speak but she (3) ____________
on the first word, unable to move past the first letter. She froze. Outside, she could hear the
(4) ____________ of police sirens approaching and the (5) ____________ of distant traffic. Some
of the girls at the back of the room started to laugh and the (6) ____________ of conversation
started to fill her ears. She turned to run off the stage, but found her legs wouldn’t move. Then a
(7) ____________ of thunder shook the building and the girl walked to the front of the stage and
started to recite the poem she had written about sounds.


2 Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
Unknown to the travellers, they had just arrived at a traditional village which was built using the
same materials which had been used for millennia. The walls were made of mud, covered with a
strange sticky (1) _____ , which attracted insects and stopped them entering the huts. The
immediate (2) _____ around the village was used for growing a variety of crops and beyond that
was open grazing land where the sheep and goats spent their days. The villagers stood in a line,
(3) _____ menacingly holding spears pointed at the outsiders. Nervously, the leader of the travellers
(4) _____ that they were lost and needed somewhere to sleep. Then, suddenly, all the villagers
(5) _____ such terrifying screams that the travellers turned round and ran away as fast as they
could. The villagers were (6) _____ by this behaviour – after all, they had just given the visitors
their most friendly welcome.

1 A element B component C substance D factor

2 A premises B area C region D district
3 A somewhat B reasonably C adequately D little
4 A encountered B expressed C groaned D announced
5 A claimed B revealed C spoke D uttered
6 A daunted B exposed C baffled D endowed

GOLD ADVANCED PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2014 Pearson Education Ltd 1

Section 2: Grammar
3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three
and six words, including the word given.

1 We joined this sports club two years ago.

We _________________________________ for two years.
2 I had only just arrived when they started firing questions at me.
_________________________________ when they started firing questions at me.
3 When I came here, they were renovating their house and they’re still doing it.
They _________________________________ I came here.
4 He has never told anyone about his childhood.
At _________________________________ anyone about his childhood.
5 I blamed my colleague for the mistake but immediately realised it was my fault.
No _________________________________ for the mistake than I realised it was my fault.
6 I arrived late at work and I forgot an important file.
Not _________________________________ at work but I also forgot an important file.
7 She started work here five years ago next Sunday.
By next Sunday she _________________________________ for five years.

4 Complete the conversation with the correct present form of the verbs in brackets.

A: Where (1) ________________ (you/think) of going for your next holiday?

B: I (2) ________________ (feel) I need to really get away, so I (3) ________________ (go)
to Australia.
A: Wow, that’s exciting. How long (4) ________________ (you/plan) to stay there?
B: About six weeks.
A: What about your job?
B: I (5) ________________ (feel) really miserable at work lately, so I’m going to resign before I
go away.
TOTAL: / 25

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