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Name: ______________________________________ Class: ______________________________

Gold Advanced Unit 2 test

Section 1: Vocabulary

1 Read the text. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form
a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

Many substances in foods today can be (1) __________ . For example, people ADDICT
who drink large amounts of coffee can find it very difficult to reduce their intake.
They will say the beverage is a necessary (2) __________ for them in order to get REQUIRE
them moving in the mornings but, (3) __________ , if they didn’t consume coffee ASTONISH
at all, then they would probably feel great every morning. On the other hand, some
people are (4) __________ of the negative aspects of coffee and believe that drinking DISMISS
coffee every day can actually be good for your health, (5) __________ reducing the EFFECT
risk of some serious diseases such as diabetes and liver cancer. Caffeine is not the only
component of coffee and it is thought that the antioxidants found in coffee can, in
fact, be (6) __________ to your health. As with most things, providing we do not BENEFIT
overindulge in anything, it cannot harm us. The discussion about whether drinking
coffee is good or bad for you provides a (7) __________ debate in the public arena. LIVE

2 Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
Joshua was nervous about delivering his (1) _____ on the art of conversation to his peers at university.
Before going on stage, he had to try and (2) _____ small talk with his professors, something at which
he wasn’t very adept. Most of his peers were deep in (3) _____ with each other and seemed to be
ignoring him. Above the general hum of conversation, he could hear the (4) _____ squeak of Jamila as
she announced that they were ready for him. As the nerves took hold of him, he was certain that
everyone would notice his (5) _____ voice when he started speaking. However, he managed to get
control of his nerves and, once he started, it went very well. His talk (6) _____ a lot of debate about
whether the English language was in danger of disappearing altogether as text speak and abbreviated
slang seemed to be taking over. His suggestion that academic essays would be a thing of the past
attracted great approval from his peers. The future of the language is certainly a (7) _____ for debate.

1 A debate B discussion C gossip D speech

2 A do B make C have D keep
3 A conversation B talk C chat D gossip
4 A monotonous B high-pitched C husky D mellow
5 A soothing B flat C wobbly D harsh
6 A stimulated B excited C made D motivated
7 A theme B matter C problem D thing

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Section 2: Grammar

3 Complete the text. Use only one word for each gap. If no word is required, write – .

Gemma is very happy because she has just got (1) __________ new job. She believes that she got
(2) __________ job, for (3) __________ she had an interview last week, because of how she sounds
when she speaks. This is rather strange because normally she doesn’t speak particularly well and
can sound very aggressive. However, Gemma, (4) __________ special talent is mimicking
(5) __________ people, can change (6) __________ way she speaks according to whoever she’s
with. Her normally loud, rather nasal voice, (7) __________ can be very annoying to listen to, can
become soft and clear, taking on any accent she hears. Her friends find this hilarious and sometimes
quite embarrassing, especially when the person to (8) __________ she is speaking takes offence.
However, when it comes to (9) __________ job interviews or situations (10) __________ she needs
to present herself in a particular way, it seems to be (11) __________ great advantage.

/ 11
TOTAL: /25

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