Exploring Brand Person Relationships3 PDF

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Age 59
Education High School Education
Occupation Barmaid
Marital Status Married
Family Empty-Nesters (Strong Ties with
married Children)
Cultural Orientation Italian married to a Canadian
After a limited expression of ethnic
identity finds tilted towards her
Italian Roots.
Connects with any thing that is Italian

Life Stage Ready for retired life but want to
continue working for some extra
money(agreed cause) but really like to
be in company of people especially
Italian people(Hidden cause)
Generation Cohort Ready to retire, retired people, Not
many inspirations, Desire to go back
to the roots

• Her Childhood was a constant struggle for sustaining in life and

• She developed excellent house keeping skills to prove her worth

• Now when she looks for Brands she also seeks that characteristics

• Any thing that survived for long period got to be good(Just as I

survived as I was good and hard working )

• INTEGRITY & HONESTY is the of utmost importance

rest every thing is secondary

Goals To sustain in life and help others in
doing same
Concerns About the people who do not do
anything for themselves
About Herself Survival through Excellence
She wants to do whatever she does in
best possible way (Bed Sheets, Pasta
Sauce, Henry Being the Best)
Sources of Pleasure Helping others,
Recognition from others
“Oh, Auntie Jean, I love you”
“What a beautiful house I have”

Pain She feels deeply for the people who do
not do any thing for themselves.
David, People at Bar
Tension In childhood she went through tense
moments of loosing the house. That
tension has remained with her for her
life. “I just Like a nice house”
Issues Is a Italian by heart, but went through
“limited expression of her ethnic
identity” for her family.
Now she wants to be more Italian.
Visit Italy. Italy is becoming
synonymous with “Home”
Likes to speak with Italians at work

Motivation To sustain through excellence. Over
the years need to be self sufficient and
in control has set in.
Family Utmost importance, Many of her
choices are influences by Family.
Loyalty to family more than the self
Friends and Community Any change needs to be initiated and
strongly backed by friends(or Family)
Sense of belonging to the community.
However not very great influencer in
the decisions

JEAN – Socio Demographic profile

• Belongs to a group of 55- 65 year olds who
• have worked hard for all their lives
• Are about to retire or have just retired
• Children are grown up and have moved on
• Financially secured but not affluent
• Want to be in their homes till their death
• Very few inspirations to travel
• A treasure of old memories and extremely low appetite and desire
to try out any thing new
• Have a feeling of “having lived a fulfilling life”
• Slowly community taking over the space traditionally occupied by
family (extended included)

JEAN’S Brand selection process

• Word of mouth, Friends Recommend
• Eg. Jenn Air, DeMoulas salad dressing
• Past experience of Functional performance
• Eg. General Electric iron, Electrolux
• Quality and service
• Eg. Honey-of-a-Ham store, Gloria, ShimmerLights Shampoo
• Emotional attachment
• Eg. Progresso bread crumbs and vinegar because it is Italian

JEAN’s Brand Story

Jean’s Brands
Rever Ware Stainless Steel Bounty paper towels Pastene Tomatoes
(Kitchen Ready)
Hunts Special Sauce Jenn-Air Comet sink cleaner
Philip Berio Olive Oil Fridgeidaire refrigerator General Electric irons
Progresso bread crumbs & Electrolux vacuum Aussie Miracle
vinegar cleaner shampoo
Contadian Tomato Paste Tide detergent Estee Launder(Mom)
Johnnie’s Foodmaster ‡Gloria(Service)
De Mulas salad Bugles Snacks, Team Kohler Sink (Friends
Dressing(Friends by chance) Cereals(Doughters), Jell-o and family)
pudding,Nestle’s Quick
Honey-of-a-Ham (Quality- Skippy Peanut Buter (Tried Shimmer Lights(MY
Italian craze for food) others but always came Shampoo!!!!!!)

JEAN’s Brand Story

Products or categories form Shimmer Lights(MY
her “inner sanctum” of Shampoo!!!!!!)
brands Self Gratification Best for
Common things among the Brands which are there for a
brands long time. Brands that have
Size of brand set Very large, Carefully
augmented over the years
Characteristics of the I want to have the best I
relationships she has with have worked for them and I
the various brands in the deserve them
portfolio of brands she uses

JEAN’s Brand Motives

Brand Type of Reason for Buying Continue
relationship after 5 year?
Rever Ware Functional Sauce doesn’t burn Yes
Stainless Steel
Pastene Tomatoes Functional Best taste for sauce Maybe
Hunts Special Functional For addition of taste May be
Philip Berio Olive Emotional(Italian She feels that the taste is yes
Oil Origin) better
Progresso bread Emotional They are Italian yes
crumbs & vinegar
Johnnie’s Emotional They taste good Yes
Foodmaste meat
Contadian Tomato Functional For addition of taste No
Bounty paper Functional She likes using them May be

JEAN’s Brand Motives

After 5
Jenn-Air Perceived Value She has heard about it No
Fridgeidaire Self-expressive Extremely good experience Yes
refrigerator with product
Electrolux Self- expressive She believes that it is the Yes
vacuum cleaner best
Comet sink cleaner Functional Tried because her old brand, No
Bon Ami
degraded in quality
Aussie Miracle Functional Does not make her hair flat May Be
Tide Detergent Functional It dissolves in the water No
General Electric Self- expressive Gifted by someone Yes

Age 39
Education Collage Dropout
Occupation Office manager at Southern University
Marital Status Divorced
Family 2 Girls aged 8 &12
Cultural Orientation American

Life Stage At the door steps of forty. Really does
not know what to do next.
Generation Cohort Divorced Single Mother of 2 at forty.
Really Confused

• Has constant fear that she might turn like her mother; never to
remarry again

• Wants to give her children a big push something she never got

• She has lost confidence in herself and looks for a reliable, strong,
dependable BRAND(some things she did not find in her husband)

• Being a single mother of 2, money is always short so looks for the

bargains even in day to day brands, however the brand should be
strong: there is no place for weak brands in her life: They are just
not dependable!(like her ex)

• Great (perceived)Value at the best Price


Goals Wholly centered around children,
Give them better options than what
she got. Find a new husband
Concerns She might go her mothers way, never
to get married again
About Herself She thinks she was done well enough
to be here but just missed on the
marriage part. Even though she does
not say that she does think that her ex
was not really dependable. Has strong
belief and desire to succeed in life
Sources of Pleasure Her Kids, Her athletic looks and her
feeling younger than actual age(Still
drinking coke)

Pain Not having a man in her life, Not
being able to get ahead with her career
Tension Her kids need her, She needs a
Husband and wants a better career:
Time is running out (Almost 40)
Issues Financially ok but does not have much
left for self
Hectic schedule leaves very little time
for herself
Even nearing 40 there is much yet to
be done

Motivation To bring up kids in better way, To
lead a better life in future
Family Just two daughters
Friends and Community Not many too busy with kids and self

Karen– Socio Demographic profile

• A 39 year old single mother of 2 daughters
• Not really brand conscience but unconsciously very much
brand dependent
• Enough Income to keep the family in quite a well manner
• Office job that is quite flexible if needed
• A feeling that best of the life’s achievements are yet to come
• A drive and energy to keep looking for those achievements
• An extreme desire to get the ex out of life and move ahead but
stalled by the realities of life
• Not many friends as free time available is really limited
• Family ties extremely minimal may be only during the festivals
• In General category items brand really does not mater
• But when it comes to high involvement items Brand plays very
importance role

Karen’s Brand selection process

• Convenience and affordability
• availability
• discounts
• Recommendation (mother, ex-husband)
• Cognitive miser
• Products to maintain her youth and vigor
• Eg. Reebok Shoes, Mary Kay Cosmetics

Karen’s – Brand Story

Detergent: Success Rice
Tide, Cheer, Surf ‡
Comet Gateway
Joy Ban
‡Miracle Whip Mary Kay
Dove Gatorade
Reebok Coke

Karen’s – Brand Story

Products or categories form Mary Kay, Gatorade
her “inner sanctum” of brands
Common things among the No very brand conscious, Most of the
brands well known brands are good
Size of brand set Relatively smaller

Characteristics of the Longer relationship,

relationships she has with This brand works for me
the various brands in the ‡
portfolio of brands she uses

Karen’s – Brand Story

Brand Type of Reason for Buying 5 yrs
relationship Later
Detergent: Functional Not able to distinguish between brands. NO
Tide, Cheer, Surf Depend on- Sale, location, display
Success Rice Functional Feels it is one-of-a-kind NO
Comet Functional Dislikes Ajax because of low performance NO
Gateway Functional Preferred over Apple May Be
Joy Emotional Mother used to buy No
Ban Emotional Get away from Jim NO
Miracle Whip Emotional Get away from Jim NO
Mary Kay Emotional Believes it keeps her younger, This is YES
Dove Functional Feels Good YES
Gatorade Emotional Likes the taste, I need all the energy I can No
Reebok Emotional Emotional attachment May Be

Vicki’s Brand selection process

• Some thing which is differentiated from rest
• eg. Ivory, Victoria’s Secret, Opium
• Suggestions from friends
• Self Identity
• This fragrance suits me and projects me good
• Past beliefs
• Eg. B&M Baked Beans and Friendly’s Ice Cream

Age 23
Education Studying Post Graduation
Occupation Student
Marital Status Unmarried
Family Lives of her own, but still strongly
connected with the family
Cultural Orientation American

Life Stage On verge of First Job
Generation Cohort Just finished collage, First Job

• Is not sure if continue education for some more time or get a job

• Wants to try out many things; do not want to loose out on anything

• What she really needs is a boy friend who could be future husband

• Parents are important for providing means and support moral but
mostly expressed through materials

• Variety Seeking Behaviour


Goals Not clear on Career front, Getting
married is important
Concerns Does not have a boy friend
About Herself I am good the way I am, I do not wear
mask and I stand by my views
Sources of Pleasure Material belongings, Friends and

Pain No Boy Friend! What am I going to do
after collage
Tension I might remain single for long. What
to do with the career. I do not want a
job in which I am not happy
Issues No real issues but perceived ones like
how should I project myself, What if I
wear this than that?

Motivation Family and friends
Family Highly supportive both financially
and emotionally
Friends and Community Highly dependent on friends, Can not
let them go as time passes, Needs
them for emotional support and

Vicki– Socio Demographic profile

• A 23 year old single student studying for post graduation
• Extremely brand conscious
• Wants to express herself through brands
• Brands keep on changing along with the internal struggle to
identify with true inner self
• Need for continuous endorsement some times in the form of
the endorsement of the brands
• With the brands which I use I make a statement about myself
• I am what my brands are
• I am very faithful and serious person only top end brands with
youth and integrity will do

Vicki’s – Brand Story

Ivory- Soap, Shampoo, ‡ rest- Toothpaste
Conditioner ‡
Soft n dry Intimate Musk
Opium JordacheLove
Victoria’s Secret Giorgio
Maidenform, Playtex, Bali Aveda Elixir
Aromatics Mint Rosemary Shampoo
B&M baked beans Friendly’s
Tetley Lysol
Dow Metadent- Toothpaste

Vicki’s – Brand Story

Products or categories form May be IVORY, She is just getting to know
her “inner sanctum” of brands brands and they are just “my brands” nothing
Common things among the Normal flow from well doing family brands like
brands Ivory to more personality oriented brands like
Opium, Victoria’s Secret
Size of brand set “Variety Seeker” Just getting introduced to
Characteristics of the Brands complete me! Most of the brands she is so
relationships she has with found of now will be given up
the various brands in the
portfolio of brands she uses

Vicki’s – Brand Story

Brand Type of Reason for Buying 5 yrs
relationship Later
Ivory- Soap, Self Wants everyone to No
Shampoo, Expressive associate her with Ivory
Crest- Toothpaste Functional Suits best for her needs May Be
Soft n dry Emotional Peer Recognition May Be
Opium Self People notice her No
Intimate Musk Self She wants to be smelt like it No
Jordache Love Musk Emotional Bought during Christmas Musk
Victoria’s Emotional For different types of use and at No
Secret, Maidenform, different time of the day
Playtex, Bali
Aveda Elixir Emotional Depends on her mood May be

Vicki’s – Brand Story

Brand Type of Reason for Buying 5 yrs
relationship Later
Aromatics Mint Self Expressive Given by her friend No

Rosemary Self Expressive Given by her fried No

B&M baked Emotional She loves to have them No
Friendly’s Emotional For the pleasure of taste No

Tetley Emotional Does not know about anything May Be

better at that time( used by mom)
Lysol Emotional Because her mom uses it No
Dow Functional Dow is the new and Improved Yes
Metadent- Functional Its new science No

Socio Demographic Profile

Jean Karen Vicky
Personality Complaint, Detached, Aggressive, Self
Helpful Overworked centered
I am Survivor and Mother and a Who am I
achiever Woman with a
life ahead
Why Buy? What she What she needs To explore
Why Brands? To ensure To ensure I want to see what is
quality quality the best
Family Nuclear Single Parent Single
Family Life Empty Nest Extended Full
Cycle Nest 2
Maslow’s Social Safety and Esteem Needs
Hierarchy Security
Relationship and Brand

Relationship Form Definition Examples

Arranged marriages Non-voluntary union When married Karen

imposed by preference adopted her husband’s
third party. Intended for favorite brands.
long term, exclusive
commitment long term,
although at low levels of
affective attachment.

Casual friends or buddies Friendship low in affect Karen switches between

and intimacy, different five brands of
characterized by sporadic detergents buying
or infrequent whatever is on sale.
Relationship Form Definition Examples

Marriages of convenience Long term committed After a move of residence

relationship precipitated Viki can’t buy her favorite
by environmental brands of baked beans
influences vs deliberate which makes her
choice reluctantly switches to
competing brand.

Committed partnerships Long term, voluntarily This is the relationship

imposed, socially form Jean has with the
supported union high in most of the brands she
love, intimacy, trusts and uses for cooking and
commitments to stay cleaning.
Relationship Form Definition Examples

Best Friendships Voluntary union based on In karen’s phase of finding

a principle of reciprocity, her feet after divorce,
characterized by true self, morning running means a
honesty and intimacy. lot to her and a symbol of
her new self. In this
connection “Reebok” is
the best friend to her.

Rebounds/avoidance Union precipitated by At work Karen could

driven relationship desire to move away from choose between Gateway
prior to available partner and an Apple computer.
as opposed to attraction to She choose the prior as she
chosen partner. dislikes Apple computer.
Relationship Form Definition Examples

Compartmentalized Highly specialized, Vicki uses different types

friendship situational confined, of perfume brands to
enduring friendship display different sides of
characterized by lower herself at different
involvement. situations.

Kinships Non-voluntary union Vicki and Karen have

with lineage ties inherited some brand
preferences from their

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