Seven Shop USER Manual v4.0 PDF

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Seven Shop

User Manual

Version 4.0

29. July 2019.

Table of content

1. SEVEN Shop general ................................ 3 5.2. Direct Transfer ................................. 24

1.1. SEVEN Shop Log-in ............................ 3 6. Players .................................................... 25
1.2. Main menu .......................................... 4 6.1. Registration ...................................... 25
1.3. Seven Shop standard surrounding ... 6 6.2. Reset password ............................... 25
1.4. Using calculator ................................. 7 7. Cash Register ......................................... 26
2. Ticket options ........................................... 9 7.1. Start and end shift ........................... 28
2.1. Check ticket options .......................... 9 7.2. Make transfer................................... 30
2.2. Unresolved ticket tab ....................... 15 8. Add bets on betslip using web code .... 31
3. Settings ................................................... 17 9. Working time .......................................... 33
3.1. Printing.............................................. 17 10. Addendum for Poland companies
3.2. Ticket ................................................ 18 (PESEL number)............................................. 33
4. Reports .................................................... 19 11. Addendum for Romanian companies
5. Deposits .................................................. 23 (CNP number) ................................................ 36
5.1. Vouchers........................................... 23 Document history .......................................... 38
1. SEVEN Shop General

1.1. SEVEN Shop Log-in

After you start your PC, with SEVEN Shop program packages installed on it, you will see a log-in
screen. Please, input your username and password which you received from your administrator and
confirm it by clicking on the arrow icon or pressing Enter button (see Image 1). If you want your
username to be memorized in the Username field, please check the option 'Remember my

Image 1 Login fields and "Remember my username" button

If you are planning to use Multi-Profile Shop, you will first have to set it up. Multi-Profile Shop can
be used to have multiple shops from the same company on one PC, or multiple shops from
different companies.
Once you finish the setup of the first shop, you will notice the “Add account” button on the login
screen, once you press it, another instance of the Seven Shop will open and you will need to set it
up same as you did with the first shop, beginning from the installation code.
Once you are done, you will have two shops available and you can open each of the shop from the
dropdown menu in the upper right corner of your Seven Shop interface (see Image 2).

NOTE: Multi-Profiles is activated upon a request.

Seven Shop 3
NOTE: You can have as many profiles as you like and all of them can be active at a time.

1.2. Main menu

After you are successfully logged-in to Seven Shop a main menu will appear, where you can choose
the needed tab by clicking on it or by using the shortcut shown in the upper right corner of each icon
(see Image 2).

Image 2 Start Screen

Seven Shop 4
Table 1 Start screen shortcuts
Tab name Shortcut Description
Games tabs Tabs for different games
Settings ALT + S Seven Shop settings
Reports ALT + R Betshop reports
Deposits ALT + D Deposit options
Withdrawals ALT + W Withdrawal process
Players ALT + P Register players and reset passwords
Cash Register ALT + C Start and see shifts from device

If you want to display the main menu again, press the ESC button on your keyboard or use the icon
in the top left corner of the screen (see Image 3).

Image 3 Main menu icon

With the already mentioned keyboard shortcuts you can move in-between different tabs.

Seven Shop 5
1.3. Seven Shop standard surrounding

During your work in Seven Shop, header and footer of the screen are always the same bars no matter
which tab you have on. In the header, besides main menu icon, you may see product icons and the
User Menu icon. User Menu icon, located in the top right corner of the screen, gives you the
possibility to log out from the current user (see Image 4).

Image 4 Options for modules and user dropdown menu button

In case you have more than one product in your Shop, all products will be shown in the header (see
Image 4).On the screen footer (see Image 5) there is the internet status icon in the lower left corner;
if the icon colour is green your PC is connected to the Internet. In case that the icon colour is red,
please contact your technical support. Next to this icon there is a version of the Seven Shop written
alongside with the name of the Betshop and name of the company.

In the middle of the footer you may see notification icon. There you may see new notification from
your administrator. If there are no notifications, this icon will be grey and if clicked on it, there will
be only text “No new notifications” and option “See old notification”. If there are new notifications,
icon will change colour to highlight and next to it there will be number of unread notifications (up to
9 notifications, above it will be 9+). Notifications can contain PDF file or image, and you have option
to print it.
Next to it, you have a chat and marked number of the new messages. Open chat and join to the
conversation with administrator/s. Also, you can start conversation with administrators. Go to the
chat icon and click on the “Ask for assistance”. Enter message to start conversation. All online
administrators with necessary permissions will receive notification. If multiple administrators
receive notification and choose to assist to you, all of you will join to the same chat room.
You cannot abandon chat started by administrator.

Seven Shop 6
Image 5 Screen footer

In the bottom, right corner, current date and time are listed alongside with the status icon of POS
Table 2 Printer status
Icon colour Status
Green Printer is ready for usage

Yellow Printer is out of paper

Red POS printer is not recognized or connected to the PC

1.4. Using calculator

When 7Shop is started, player session will start automatically, and operators may/need to reset it
with ‘-’ (minus) key for every new player. All the time, in the betslip header, will be status from
session, money status and number of played tickets (see Image 6).

Seven Shop 7
Image 6 Calculator preview

To open calculator, operator needs to click “ALT + X” on the keyboard or click on the marked space.
Then, operator will see all information from that player session.

On the pop up, focus is automatically placed on Money In field where operator can enter how much
money did he received from the player.

Underneath are three fields:

• Payment – total payment amount from all tickets played in that session
• Payout – total amount of tickets paid out in that session
• To return – money that needs to be returned at end of the session to player, is equal to Return
= Money given + Payout – Payment
In case that ticket is cancelled, payment amount will be removed from Payment section.
Voucher amounts are calculated to calculator session, too. On the left side are info same as for
tickets, voucher amount and time.
On the left side is list of tickets in that session.

Seven Shop 8
Image 7 Calculator

2. Ticket options

2.1. Check ticket options

You can check your ticket status by scanning its bar code or entering his ID number in the Check
ticket input field. Check ticket tab is opened by clicking on the SHIFT button, after which you will see
screen as shown on the Image 8.
Close popup with ‘X’ button or press ESC button on the keyboard.

Seven Shop 9
Image 8 Check ticket screen

In case the checked ticket is still Open and its Round hasn’t started yet, you can cancel that ticket
by pressing number 3 on your keyboard, re-bet by pressing number 2, leave the message by pressing
number 1 or print copy of the ticket by pressing number 6 (see Image 9).

Image 9 Option offered while checking won ticket

Seven Shop 10
If the checked ticket is Lost, re-bet by pressing number 2, leave the message by pressing number 1
or print copy of the ticket by pressing number 6 (see Image 10).

Image 10 Options offered while checking lost ticket

In case that the checked ticket is won, you can pay it out by pressing number 4, re-bet by pressing
number 2, leave the message by pressing number 1 or print copy of the ticket by pressing number
6 (see Image 11).
NOTE: in case of winning ticket, player can use Rebet option from another location. Option needs to
be enabled in 7CMS application. And option to automatic payout won tickets in 7Admin needs to be
enabled, too.

Seven Shop 11
Image 11 Options offered when checked ticket is won

It is possible to activate Confirm payout option; this way, when you want to pay out ticket, you need
to enter some additional data on payout (see Image 12). You need to enter players address, city,
first name, last name and tax identifier. When you are done, click Submit button.

Image 12 Input some personal data on payout

Seven Shop 12
In case that ticket is already paid out re-bet by pressing number 2, leave the message by pressing
number 1, Reprint payout confirmation by pressing number 5 or print copy of the ticket by pressing
number 6 (see Image 13).

Image 13 Reprint payout confirmation option

If you have enabled option for Ticket PIN in your 7Admin settings, Ticket PIN will be shown on your
printed ticket, but there is no need to input Ticket PIN in Ticket PIN pop-up (see Image 14). Ticket
PIN is added to bar code and when you scan the bar code Ticket PIN will automatically be entered.
If you are checking your ticket without bar code scanner, then you will need to enter Ticket PIN in
Ticket PIN pop-up (see Image 14).

Seven Shop 13
Image 14 Ticket PIN pop-up

In case that you want re-bet or reprint some of the latest played tickets, select it from the Latest
ticket grid and click on the right mouse click. Now you can choose if you want re-bet or reprint ticket
(see Image 15). Some games don’t have the option to re-bet ticket.

Image 15 Re-bet and reprint ticket

Seven Shop 14
2.2. Unresolved ticket tab

This option must be enabled from CMS, if enabled it will appear inside each Shop. Unresolved
ticket tab tracks list of tickets that were requested to be paid in but response from server was not
received. This could be due:
• client lost connection to server
• server outage
• bad internet connection or no connection at all in one moment

When ticket response was not received after ~1-minute, status of ticket will have yellow colour
and ticket will appear under Unresolved tickets tab (see Image 16).

Image 16 Unresolved tickets

After ticket response is received ticket can change status in to Failed if that ticket never reached
our server (see Image 17), or if unresolved ticket is detected there will be notification with two
options where operator can select to go back and do nothing by pressing “1”, and to select to
resolve ticket by pressing “2” (see Image 18). If operator chooses to go back same notification will
appear after three minutes, if operator chooses to resolve ticket, in that case ticket will be
accepted and printed out.

Seven Shop 15
Image 17 Ticket status failed

Image 18 Unresolved ticket detected

Operator can print report of unresolved tickets. Report will show:

• list of unresolved tickets and each ticket will have next data (see Image 19):
1. Product -> product ID
2. Id -> ticket ID

Seven Shop 16
3. Uuid -> ticket request UUID
4. Status -> ticket local status

5. History of ticket status changes with timestamp

6. Payment -> ticket payment amount

Image 19 Unresolved tickets report

3. Settings

3.1. Printing

Printing tab allows you to test your POS printer and show/hide logo that is loaded on it (see Image
20). In case that you have two or more configurations for company, you will see a drop-down menu
from which you can select print template (see Image 20).

Seven Shop 17
Image 20 Settings

3.2. Ticket

On the Last ticket field, on the active product, you may see last played tickets from the current
product. Now, you have an option to show last tickets on the Last tickets part from all products. If
you want to change that option, go to the Settings, select Tickets tab and from drop-down menu
choose wanted option.
Example: you are playing tickets on the Lucky Six. On the Last tickets part, you may see last tickets
that are played only on the Lucky Six game. If you switch option to the option: Show all tickets, even
you are on the Lucky Six tab, in the Last tickets part will be all last tickets from each game.
When you are done, click on the Save button, which is positioned in the lower right side of the screen.

Seven Shop 18
Image 21 Tickets

4. Reports
On the Reports tab, you have the option to see Global report (see Image 22), reports per game and
per payment type.
You may use filters for date and cash registers in betshop. Default is selected current day and all
cash registers.
You may select single day or date range. If you want to select date range, click on the start date,
then click on the end date and your range will be selected. If you click again on the any date, only
that date will be selected.
You may select one, few or all devices (see Image 22).

Seven Shop 19
Image 22 Reports

You may also select predefined date range in dropdown menu (see Image 23).

Image 23 Date range

You can change tab by click on arrows for left and right or simple click on name of the game.

Seven Shop 20
Global reports (see Image 22) contain the following data:

Table 3 Global reports

Name Description
Betshop Betshop name
Date/Time Filter report per certain date
Cash registers Filter report per certain cash registers (one/few of them/all)
Tickets Paid In Number of paid in tickets (cancelled tickets are not included)
Tickets Cancelled Number of cancelled tickets
Tickets Cancelled Amount Amount of the cancelled tickets
Tickets Paid Out Number of paid out tickets
Paid out bonus tickets Number of paid out bonus tickets
Winning Tickets Number of winning tickets
Expired tickets Count of expired tickets
Expired winnings Total amount from all tickets that have gone to expired status
Winning Tickets Amount Total winning amount, regardless is this money paid out or not
Payment tax amount Total payment tax amount
Payout tax amount Total payout tax amount
Cancelled tax amount Total tax amount of cancelled tickets
Expired tax Total amount of tax from all tickets that have gone to expired status
Bonus payout tax Tax amount on the winning bonus ticket
Payment Player’s total cost because of a game play (cancelled tickets are not
Stake Total stake amount
Payout The amount of the money on the winning ticket that belongs to the
Bonus payout Ticket bonus amount that belongs to the player
Total products cash flow Total product cash flow
(Payment – Payout –
Bonus payout)
Total-non-product cash Vouchers Payment + Direct transfer – Vouchers payout –
flow Withdrawals
Total global cash flow Total products cash flow + Total non-product cash flow + Total

Reports for a certain game contains:

Table 4 Reports for a certain game
Name Description
Date/Time Filter report per certain date
Cash registers Filter report per certain cash registers (one/few of them/all)
Tickets Paid In Number of paid in tickets (cancelled tickets are not included)
Tickets Cancelled Number of cancelled tickets

Seven Shop 21
Name Description
Tickets Cancelled Amount Amount of cancelled tickets
Tickets Paid Out Number of paid out tickets
Paid out bonus tickets Number of paid out bonus tickets
Winning Tickets Number of winning tickets
Expired tickets Count of expired tickets
Expired winnings Total amount from all tickets that have gone to expired status
Winning Tickets Amount Total winning amount, regardless is this money paid out or not
Payment tax amount Total payment tax amount per product
Payout tax amount Total payout tax amount per product
Cancelled tax amount Total tax amount of cancelled tickets product
Expired tax Total amount of tax from all tickets that have gone to expired status
Bonus payout tax Tax amount on the winning bonus ticket
Payment Player’s total cost because of a game play (cancelled tickets are not
Stake Total stake amount per game
Payout The amount of the money on the winning ticket that belongs to the
Bonus payout Ticket bonus amount that belongs to the player
Total products cash flow Total product cash flow
(Payment – Payout –
Bonus payout)

Report per Vouchers contain following information:

Table 5 Report per Vouchers
Name Description
Betshop Name of the betshop
Date/Time Filter report per certain date
Cash registers Filter report per certain cash registers (one/few of them/all)
Number of Transactions Number of voucher transactions
Payment Total payment amount
Payout Total payout amount
Total Voucher cash flow Payout – Payment

Report per Direct Transfer contain following information:

Table 6 Report per Direct Transfer
Name Description
Betshop Name of the betshop
Date/Time Filter report per certain date
Cash registers Filter report per certain cash registers (one/few of them/all)
Number of Transactions Number of voucher transactions
Payment Total payment amount

Seven Shop 22
Report per Withdrawals contain following information:
Table 7 Report per Withdrawals
Name Description
Betshop Name of the betshop
Date/Time Filter report per certain date
Cash registers Filter report per certain cash registers (one/few of them/all)
Number of Transactions Number of voucher transactions
Payout Total payout amount

If you want to refresh report, click on the Refresh button (see Image 24) or click ‘R’ on the keyboard.
If you want to print report, click on the Print button (see Image 24) or click ‘P’ on the keyboard.

Image 24 Buttons for refresh and print Report

5. Deposits

5.1. Vouchers

To print out voucher so customers can use it on the terminal please enter the Vouchers tab, on the
input field enter voucher amount and press the Create voucher button; after these steps, the voucher
with the wanted amount will be printed out on your POS printer (see Image 25).

Seven Shop 23
Image 25 Vouchers

5.2. Direct Transfer

To deposit amount directly on the player’s account, go to the Direct Transfer tab, input E-mail or
reference number of the player (player can see the reference number on the header of the player
profile) and Amount; after that press Submit button (see Image 26).

Image 26 Direct Transfer, E-mail and Amount input fields, Submit button

Seven Shop 24
Player data will be shown; check it from player’s ID card and press Proceed button.

6. Players
On the Players tab, you can register new players or Reset their password.

6.1. Registration

To register a new player, go to Registration tab and here enter player’s data (first name, last name,
e-mail address, tax identifier, birth date, address, country, city and time zone); you can add or drop
files (JPEG, JPG, PNG); after that press Submit to register this player (see Image 27).

Image 27 Registration tab, input fields and Submit button

After this step, player will receive mail with button to automatically activates his account; after this
step, player only needs to enter his password 2 times and he will be registered on web with verified

6.2. Reset password

To reset player’s password please enter his e-mail address and hit submit (see Image 28). After
this step user data will be displayed on the screen; check this data from the user’s ID card before

Seven Shop 25
Image 28 Reset password tab, e-mail input field and Submit button

7. Cash Register
On Cash Register tab (see Image 29) you can start new shift (if manual shift is activated), see older
shift from the same device and add transactions.
On the Shift history, you can see start and end date for each shift (for active shift just start date).

Image 29 Cash Register

Seven Shop 26
On this tab, you can see following data:
Table 8 Cash Register
Name Description
Betshop Name of the betshop
Device Name of the device
Operator Name of operator who started the shift
Report created Date and time when report was created
Starting Cash Balance Amount in wallet at start of the shift
Transfers All transfers inside this shift. In case of money in, transfer is
positive number, and in case of money out, transfer is negative
Payment Player’s total cost as a result of a game play
Payout Total payout from all products
Payin Total payin from all products
Total products cash flow Total cash flow from all products (Payout – Payin)
Balance Starting amount + Total transfers + Total product cash flow

If you want to print certain shift (see Image 30), including active one, you can do that by selecting
the wanted shift from the Shift history menu on the left side and then pressing the Print button in
lower right corner or using a shortcut (press “P” on the keyboard).

Image 30 Shift history menu and Print button

Seven Shop 27
7.1. Start and end shift

To start a new shift, go to Cash Register and screen like on Image 31.
Just press the Activate shift button.

Image 31 Activate shift button

In the Starting Cash Balance filed is your starting amount (see Image 32). Then, click on the Activate
shift button.

Image 32 Starting cash Balance

Seven Shop 28
To conclude the active shift, click on the End shift button (see Image 29).
Then, from the pop-up window select one of two options (see Image 33):
• Leave all money in cash register – all money stays in the cash register, and the new shift will
start with this amount in the cash register
• Transfer money before shift end – you need to choose money amount to leave in the cash
register. Operator needs to confirm action, and on the next shift Starting Cash Balance will
be equal to amount that operator leaved in the cash register.

Image 33 End shift

Transfer money in/Out example:

In the first field “How much money will you leave in cash register?” enter the amount you want to
leave and with which new shift will start.
Below is the information about Available Cash Balance (possible amount to take out from cash
register) and Transfer out amount/Transfer in amount.
Operator can enter amount higher (Take In) or lower (Take Out) than Available Cash Balance.
If the entered amount is above current shift amount, that is Transfer In as difference between these
two options.
If the entered amount is under current amount, that is Transfer Out as difference between these two
Click Submit to close the shift (see Image 34).

Seven Shop 29
Image 34 End shift and leave some money in cash register

7.2. Make transfer

To make a new transfer during the active shift, go to active shift and then press the Make transfer
button (see Image 35).

Image 35 Make transfer button

Seven Shop 30
On the pop-up screen select do you want to take money in or out, enter amount, write down comment
for easier recognition of transfer and press Submit button (see Image 36).

Image 36 Take in/Take out buttons, Enter amount/comment input fields and Submit button

8. Add bets on betslip using web code

You can pay in player’s ticket also with web code. Web code will be in XX – XXXX format, lengths is
not important. Press Shift to open Check Ticket tab and enter code in Ticket ID field (see Image 37)
or use barcode scanner.

Seven Shop 31
Image 37 Check generated web code
NOTE: This option is currently only available for Pre-Match and Live Betting games.

When you enter the ID, you will be directly transferred to game screen (see Image 38). From here,
you can add another bet or simply pay in ticket with Enter options.

Image 38 Check web code for Live Betting

Seven Shop 32
9. Working time
When platform (regardless is it 7Shop or 7Terminal) is outside working time, all actions in betshop
will be blocked and there will be notification like: “This device is outside working time. Betting
actions are disabled.”
With this, you will not be able to payin, payout, cancel ticket in that time. Also, all cash deposit,
withdrawal actions (direct deposit/retail withdrawal) and voucher actions will be blocked.
Example: in case the player plays Lucky Six ticket in a few minutes before end of the working time
but round ended after working time of the platform, and the ticket is won, you can’t payout ticket
immediately. You may payout ticket to the player only when platform is again inside working time.
Other actions, like shifts, reports, voucher report and settings will be still available.

10. Addendum for Poland companies (PESEL number)

For every ticket which winning amount is equal or higher than 2 280 PLN (tickets above 2 280 PLN
are taxable), it will be shown the list of records inside 7Admin and 7Shop application, and PESEL
number is required on ticket payout.
When operator tries to payout ticket, there will be the standard pop up window (see Image 39).

Image 39 Payout ticket

In case that the winning amount is equal or higher than 2 280 PLN, on the screen will appear the
new pop-up window where operator needs to enter player’s PESEL number – player identification
number (see Image 40). If the PESEL number is correct, operator needs to enter more personal
information as you can see on the next page.

Seven Shop 33
NOTE: In case of foreign player, operator should click on the “Foreign player” button and enter full
residence address, date of birth and nationality.

Image 40 Player verification

After the correct PESEL number is inputted, operator needs to enter following information (see
Image 41):
• PESEL number (will be shown already)
• Name of the player
• Surname of the player
• Type of document (passport, ID card or other)
• Document number

Only if all data is correctly entered, ticket will be paid out.

NOTE: if user with the same PESEL number was entered before, all these fields will be filled with
data entered first time.

Seven Shop 34
Image 41 Player information

To see records from these transaction in 7Shop application, click “CTRL” and you will see the screen
as on the image bellow.
There you may see detailed information about all transactions above 2 280 PLN in selected date
• PESEL number – player’s PESEL number
• Name – name of the player
• Surname – surname of the player
• Address – address of the player
• Document type – selected document type for the player
• Document number
• Created – date and time when transaction is created
• Tax amount
• Ticket number (barcode)

Image 42 Shop report

Seven Shop 35
These transactions will be recorded in the 7Admin application, too (see Image 38).
For every transaction you may see:
• PESEL number
• Name of the player
• Surname of the player
• Ticket barcode
• Taxable amount of the ticket
• Status of the ticket
• Location identificatory
• Company identificatory

Image 43 7Admin report

11. Addendum for Romanian companies (CNP number)

In case that payment is 15 000 € or more, operator need to enter standard payment information for
payments above 50 RON (First name, Last name and CNP number) but also additional information
from players.
In this case, following data are required (see Image 44):
• First name
• Last name
• CNP number
• Country
• City
• Street name
• Street number
• Document type – ID card or passport (for foreign players)
• Document ID number (for foreign players)
• Observations (optional)

Seven Shop 36
Image 44 High payout winning activated

In 7Admin will be shown standard data in CNP list, but also all data in another tab named “High
payout winnings”. There is date picker with default current date.

Seven Shop 37
Document history

Version Date Description

V1.0 22.03.2016. First version
V1.1 11.04.2016. Direct Transfer section added
V1.2 31.05.2016. Updated Settings section
V1.3 12.07.2016. Updated Registration section
V1.4 23.08.2016. Added Cash Register section
Added Check ticket and cancel ticket section
V1.5 07.10.2016.
Added Add bets on Betslip using web code section
Added Using calculator section
V1.6 18.11.2016.
Updated Reports tab section
Updated Cash register section – added end date for shifts;
V1.7 02.12.2016. added shortcut for print report, added confirm window for
activate shift
Updated Seven Shop standard surrounding section – added
V1.8 15.12.2016.
company name on the footer
Updated section Check ticket, cancel ticket and reprint ticket –
V1.9 27.01.2017.
added option to print copy of the ticket
Updated section Settings - added option to select print
V2.0 27.02.2017.
Updated section Settings – section is divided into sections;
V2.1 25.04.2017.
Printing and Ticket
V2.2 23.05.2017. Updated section Reports
V2.3 19.06.2017. Updated section Reports
V2.4 04.07.2017. Update section Reports tab
Updated section Check ticket, cancel ticket and reprint ticket –
V2.5 19.07.2017.
Ticket PIN changes
V2.6 01.08.2017. Updated section Reports
V2.7 16.08.2017. Updated section Seven Shop standard surrounding
Updated section Seven Shop standard surrounding
V2.8 28.08.2017. Updated section Reports
Added new section Working time
Updated Direct Transfer section
V2.9 07.11.2017.
Added new section 10. Addendum for Poland companies
Updated Reports section – removed Shift spill
V3.0 05.12.2017. Updated Cash register section – Starting amount renamed to
Starting Cash Balance
Updated section 3.1. Printing
V3.1 09.01.2018. Updated section 7.1. Start and end shift
Updated section 9. Working time
V3.2 05.03.2018. Updated Reports section – added “Expired” data
V3.3 19.03.2018. Updated section Using calculator; Updated Start and End shift
V3.4 03.04.2018. Updated section Reports – added Stake info

Seven Shop 38
Renamed section Check ticket, cancel ticket and reprint ticket
to Check ticket options
V3.5 03.05.2018.
Updated section Check ticket options – Rebet option enabled
from another location
V3.6 14.05.2018. Updated section Check ticket options
V3.7 30.05.2018. Added new section High payout winnings
V3.8 10.07.2018. Updated section Using calculator
V3.9 02.04.2019. Added unresolved ticket list (page 13-15)
V4.0 29.07.2019. Added multi profile shops (pages 3-4)

Seven Shop 39
NSoft društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću Mostar | KD BiH 2010: 62.01 Računarsko programiranje A: Blajburških žrtava b.b., 88 000 Mostar, BiH | T: +387 36 317 710 | F: +387 36 320 037 | E: | W:
MBS: 58-01-0017-10, Općinski sud u Mostaru | JIB/ID broj: 4227663410007 | PDV broj: 227663410007
Intesa Sanpaolo Banka BiH | A: Obala Kulina bana 9a, 71 000, Sarajevo | Žiro račun: 1544602005531049 | IBAN: BA391544602005531049 | SWIFT: UPBKBA22
Addiko Bank d.d. | A: Trg Solidarnosti 12, 71 000 Sarajevo | Žiro račun: 306000269436121 | IBAN: BA393060002694366351 | SWIFT: HAABBA22
Raiffeisen BANK d.d. BiH | A: Zmaja od Bosne b.b., 71 000, Sarajevo | Žiro račun: 161020005970000 | IBAN: BA39611200000699224 | SWIFT: RZBABA2S
UniCredit Bank d.d. | A: Kardinala Stepinca b.b. 88 000, Mostar | Žiro račun: 3381302212493668| IBAN: BA393381304847098640 | SWIFT: UNCRBA22XXX

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