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Seven Admin

User Manual

Version 6.8

15. July 2019.

Table of content

Logging and general options ................... 4 3.6. Payout restrictions .......................... 32

1.1. Log in to SEVEN Admin ..................... 4 Users ....................................................... 33
1.2. Choosing the date/time interval ....... 4 4.1. Admins ............................................. 33
1.3. General options on tabs with data.... 5 4.1.1. Add admin ................................. 34
1.4. About 7Admin/Changelog................. 7 4.1.2. Edit admin ................................. 36
User options .............................................. 9 4.2. Admin Groups .................................. 38
2.1. Profile settings ................................... 9 4.2.1. Add or edit Admin Group ......... 39
2.1.1. General ......................................... 9 4.3. Automatic admin groups ................ 40
2.1.2. Change password ..................... 10 4.4. Operators ......................................... 40
2.1.3. Access key management ......... 11 4.4.1. Add operator ............................. 41
2.1.4. UI Settings ................................. 12 4.4.2. Edit operator ............................. 42
2.2. Company settings ............................ 12 4.5. Operator groups............................... 43
2.3. Log out option .................................. 13 4.5.1. Add or edit operator group ...... 43
2.4. Seven Market .................................... 14 4.6. Automatic operator groups ............ 45
2.5. Products ........................................... 14 Players .................................................... 46
Locations ................................................ 15 5.1. Players .............................................. 46
3.1. Betshops ........................................... 15 5.1.1. Edit player ................................. 47
3.1.1. Add new betshop ...................... 17 Wallet ...................................................... 55
3.1.2. Edit betshop .............................. 18 6.1. Plugins.............................................. 55
3.2. Betshop groups tab ......................... 24 6.1.1. Skrill ........................................... 55
3.2.1. Add new betshop group ........... 25 6.1.2. Voucher ..................................... 56
3.2.2. Edit betshop group.................... 25 6.1.3. Bank Wire Transfer ................... 58
3.3. Terminals .......................................... 27 6.1.4. PaySafeCard ............................. 61
3.4. Ticket security .................................. 28 6.1.5. Direct Deposit ........................... 62
3.4.1. Whitelisted barcodes ................ 28 6.1.6. Retail location withdrawal ....... 63
3.4.2. Blacklisted barcodes ................ 28 6.1.7. NestPay ..................................... 67
3.4.3. Blacklisted operators ................ 29 6.1.8. Device Cash Deposit ................ 69
3.5. Limits ................................................ 29 6.1.9. Balance adjustments ............... 70
3.5.1. Limit rules .................................. 29 6.1.10. WebPay .................................. 71
3.5.2. Notified administrators ............ 31 6.1.11. iPay ........................................ 73
3.5.3. Restricted betshops.................. 31 6.2. Cash Register Log ........................... 74
6.2.1. Add log ....................................... 75 8.2. Application settings ........................ 81
6.3. Withdrawal requests ........................ 75 8.3. Access Control Settings ................. 84
Promotions ............................................. 77 Tools ....................................................... 86
7.1. Loyalty ............................................... 77 9.1. Tags .................................................. 86
7.1.1. Point generator ......................... 78 9.2. Maintenance .................................... 86
7.1.2. Reward ....................................... 78 9.3. Notifications .................................... 89
Settings ................................................... 79 9.4. Chat Support .................................... 90
8.1. Platform settings ............................. 79 Document history .......................................... 92
Logging and general options

1.1. Log in to SEVEN Admin

To log-in in SEVEN Admin page you first need to receive a mail with the link to the page and your
username and password data.
Please click the link in the mail and your browser should open the SEVEN Admin log-in screen as
seen on the Image 1; on it enter your e-mail address and password and press Sign in button or in
case that you use Google account just press the Sign in with Google option. If you want that your
computer remembers your logging data, check the Remember me box. In case that you forgot your
password, click on the Forgot ID or password? option.

Image 1 Email and password input fields, Remember me checkbox, Forgot ID or password, Sign in and Sign in with
Google button

1.2. Choosing the date/time interval

On all tabs where data is shown in some type of time interval you can change it with the Date button
filter (see Image 2). After you press the icon you can choose time and date for starting and ending
time and press Save button to apply it.
Except this option you can choose predefined time range on the Choose predefined range dropdown
menu: there are Previous day, Current date, Current week, Previous week, Current month and
Previous month time range. Clear button will clear currently set date.

Seven Admin 4
Image 2 Date icon, Start date and End date input fields, Choose predefined range dropdown menu and Save button

1.3. General options on tabs with data

On some tabs in Admin you will see a list of data. Underneath the data on left side you will have a
dropdown menu named Rows per page (see Image 3); with this menu you can choose if you want
to show 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 or all rows per page. In case that there is more than one page, list of
pages will be shown next to Rows per page menu underneath the data (see Image 3). Also, on the
right side underneath the data will be displayed total numbers of results.

Image 3 Rows per page dropdown menu, Total results data and list of pages

In case that you want to change displayed columns, please click on the three lines icon above the
data in right corner (see Image 4). If you want to reset column order to default values, please press
the Reset saved column settings icon (see Image 4).

Seven Admin 5
Image 4 Icons to choose columns and Reset saved column settings icon

To search data please input your search request in the Search field (see Image 5). If you want to
export data in xls or xlsx format, press Export button and Export pop-up will be shown; here you
can select do you want to export all columns or just selected ones and format in which you’ll
export this file.
On tabs: Product report, Betshop report, Player report and Betshop group report, when you click to
export data, details part of grid is also exportable. You will export selected data and all details from
selected data. On some pages, there is option to automatically refresh data after certain time; to do
this press the Set grid auto reload icon (see Image 5) and choose from one of the next options:
none, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds or 5 minutes.

Image 5 Search field, Export button and Set grid auto reload button

If you want to filter the data, list of available filters will be shown above the data (see Image 6).
To reset all filters to default values please press the Reset filters button.

Seven Admin 6
Image 6 Available filters and Reset filters button

1.4. About 7Admin/Changelog

On the main menu, under Menu options there is an About sign (see Image 7). On that page, you can
see general information about the 7Admin (see Image 8).

Image 7 About button, Change log button and About 7Admin sign

Image 8 About 7Admin

Seven Admin 7
On the other tab, Changelog, you may see all releases (see Image 9). New ones will be highlighted
(bold). When you click on the new release, inside it will be list of features with short description (see
Image 10).
When a new release is posted in 7Admin, notification will be shown in the header of the 7Admin to
inform you about changes on Seven platform.

Image 9 Changelog

Image 10 Features and description

Seven Admin 8
User options

To open the Users dropdown menu, please go to the upper right corner of the screen where is
located your name and click on it; the dropdown menu will show up under your name(see Image

Image 11 User picture and name, user dropdown menu with options

NOTE: Option to select company will show only to administrators that have two or more companies
added to their account.

2.1. Profile settings

2.1.1. General

To edit your user profile settings, please click the Profile button on the user dropdown menu (see
Image 12). You can change your profile image by clicking the Gravatar link in the upper part of the
There are four tabs in profile settings section. On the general tab, you can modify your Name,
Surname, Email, Phone, Language, Time zone, Date formats, Time format, Birth date and color
theme; for Language, Time zone, Date format and Time format you have drop down menu and to
choose your birthdate click on Calendar icon on Birth date field; after editing your profile data, please
click the Save button.

Seven Admin 9
Image 12 Profile button, Gravatar option, General tab, input fields, change colour theme and Save button

2.1.2. Change password

To set a new password please click the Change password tab (see Image 13). On this tab, you need
to enter your old password and in fields New password/Repeat new password please enter the
same new password and press the Save button.

Image 13 Change password tab, input fields and Save button

Seven Admin 10
2.1.3. Access key management

Authentication is the process of proving your identity to the system. Identity is an important factor
in 7Platform access control decisions. Request are allowed or denied in part based on the identity
of the requester.
Access Key authentication is method to support users programmatically access resources. To do
that, you need to create Access Key and apply it to the API (read “Identity and Access Management
technical documentation” and “SEVEN REST API technical documentation”).
To create access key, click on the Create button (see Image 14). After successful key creation,
notification will be displayed with secret key, message about key and button for copying secret key.
You need this information for your request.
IMPORTANT: to ensure the security of your account, the secret access key is accessible only at the
time you create it.

Image 14 Create Access Key

When Access Key already exists, there will be Access key ID, Regenerate button, Delete button and
Activate checkbox toggle (see Image 15).
If you have created Access Key, you have possibility to regenerate it. After successful key
regeneration, notification will be displayed with secret key, message about key and button for
copying secret key.
NOTE: if a secret key is lost, you must delete the access key and create a new key.
By default, when you create an access key, its status is Active, which means that you can use Access
Key for API calls.
You can Delete an access key at any time. When you delete an access key, it’s gone forever and
cannot be retrieved. You can always create new keys.

Seven Admin 11
Image 15 Created Access Key

2.1.4. UI Settings

On tab UI Settings user can set where to display notifications. User can choose between:
Top; Top right; Right; Bottom right; Bottom; Bottom left (see Image 16)

Image 16 UI settings

2.2. Company settings

To edit your company settings, please click the Company settings button on the user dropdown
menu (see Image 17).
You can’t change company information like company name, company UUID, but you can change
country, address, city, email. On regional settings, you can’t change time zone and currency. After
editing data please click the Save button.

Seven Admin 12
Image 17 Company settings tab, Company information input fields, Regional settings input fields and Save button

2.3. Log out option

To log out from your user profile, please click the Logout button on the user dropdown menu (see
Image 18).

Image 18 Logout button

Seven Admin 13
2.4. Seven Market

You can access the Seven Market screen by clicking on the Seven Market sign in the main menu
(see Image 19). Here you can see all available and upcoming products; to know more about them
click the Read more button for the product you want. If the product is available, you can install it by
clicking the Install button; otherwise, if the product is already installed, sign Installed will show on it.

Image 19 Installed button, Read more button and Seven Market option

2.5. Products

On Products menu (see Image 20) you have the option to edit settings and see operations for all
installed products. You will have a different icon for each game you have. You can edit the products
or review the tickets by clicking on them.

Image 20 Products

Seven Admin 14

On the Locations menu, you can manage your betshop, betshop groups, terminals, ticket security,
limits and payout restrictions. (see Image 21)

Image 21 Locations

3.1. Betshops

On Betshop tab (see Image 22) you can manage your betshops by clicking on Edit icon and you can
add new betshops by clicking on the Add button in the bottom right corner (see Image 22).

Image 22 Locations menu, Betshop tab, Add betshop button and Edit betshop icon

Seven Admin 15
On the Betshops tab, you may see following columns:

Name of the tab Description

ID ID number of betshop
Is betshop online or not. On mouse hover, you may see number of online
Online devices in betshop (devices/total number of devices). Icon may be blue –
online, orange – partially online and grey – offline.
UUID UUID identifier
Display ID Display ID
Address Address of the betshop
Type Type of the betshop
Name Name of the betshop
City Betshop city location
Group Group name
Group ID ID number of group
Created at Date and time when betshop was created
Enabled Is betshop enabled or disabled
Test Is betshop test type
Has Installed Device Has besthop installed device or not
Last online Date and time when Betshop was online last time
Latitude Geographic latitude
Longitude Geographic longitude

You can filter your data with following filters:

Name of the filter Description

Groups Filter data by group it belongs
Status Filter data by status of betshop (enabled or disabled)
Type Filter data by type of betshop (shop, casino, independent)
City Filter the betshop city location
Has installed device Filter data by installed devices (yes/no)
Online Filter data by online status of betshops (online/offline)

Installation, configuration and uninstall options on the betshop tab will be described in separate
document that will be sent to you.

Seven Admin 16
3.1.1. Add new betshop

To add new betshop, please click Add Betshop icon with the + sign positioned in the lower right
corner of the screen (see Image 23).
On the General screen, please input Betshop name, type of betshop, Display ID of betshop, city,
address, and zip code where betshop is located, location, group and choose will it be enabled and
is it Testing betshop; after you input all your data, please click Create button (see Image 23).

Image 23 Input fields and Continue button

To add geo location of the retail, click on the location icon on the Location field (see Image 23). You
will see a map like on Image 24. You can pick location by dragging marker to the desired location
and clicking Select button.
Coordinates of the location that you picked, will be shown on the Location field. If you need, you can
remove it by clicking on the X sign and add a new one.

Seven Admin 17
Image 24 Select betshop location

3.1.2. Edit betshop

To edit betshop, click on the edit button next to the betshop you want to edit. On the general
screen, you can edit data like Betshop name, Type, Display ID, City, Address, Zip code, Location
(see 3.1.1 Add new betshop), Testing option, Group and is this betshop enabled/disabled; after
that press Save button (see Image 25).

Image 25 General tab, options to edit and Save button

Seven Admin 18
On the Betshop working time, you may set start and end working time per every day (see Image 26).
When the Betshop is out the working time, all action as pay in, payout, deposits, withdrawals are
IMPORTANT: when you set or change working time, to propagate changes, you should restart

Image 26 Working time

On the Products tab, you can click on the product to set rules for that product (see Image 27).

Image 27 Products

Seven Admin 19
For example, on Image 28 you can see rules for Lucky six. You can set max and min bet amount;
max bet number; min combination bet amount; ticket retirement for all channels: Web, Retail,
Terminal, Mobile.

Image 28 Product rules settings

On the Configure devices tab you can add and edit already added devices by clicking on them or
choosing the gear icon (see Image 29). You may see info as “Online since” and “Offline since”, that
is, if device is online, there is displayed time since it is online, or offline if it is offline (Image 29).
Underneath the Device name is status of Device and Device type info.
You may filter devices by Device status filter (Installed – show installed devices, Uninstalled – show
uninstalled devices, Ready to install – show devices which are ready to install) and Device type filter
(Shop, Terminal, Visualization, Undefined – devices that are not already defined). Multi selection is
For default, Installed and Ready to install options will be enabled, and Uninstalled option will be
disabled on the Device status filter. On the Device type filter, by default are selected all three types
of devices. Newly created devices have Ready to install status.

Seven Admin 20
Image 29 Setting icon, Device status filters, Create device button

If you need to add new device, click on the Create device button (Plus sign, see Image 29).
To add new device, you need to enter Device name and choose type of the device: Shop, Terminal
or Visualization (see Image 30).
You can’t change type later.
Click Confirm button when you are done.

Image 30 New device

On the Edit/Configure device, you have Displays, Peripherals and System tabs.
On the Displays tab will be visible all available displays for device which you have previously choose.
Click Add screen app field on wanted display and you will see drop down menu. Choose app which
you want to show on your display.
Depending on what you choose, it will be shown Add application pop – up and you will need to enter
some options.

Seven Admin 21
In this interface you can also detect screens that you have added to this device if the display was
not detected automatically (see Image 31).

Image 31 Choose display app and detect screens

For every display, you have possibility to add a comment and add the attachment (see
Image 32). For now, editing and deleting is not supported.

Image 32 Comments

Seven Admin 22
Here you can set which application is displayed on the screen or edit them on Displays tab, you can
see current attached peripherals, see their data, and enable/disable them or use System tab to see
System information’s, remote access this betshop, you can reboot it or turn it off (see Image 33).

Image 33 System info screen

On the Cash register and wallets, you can see all data regarding cash register and wallets on the
current betshop (see Image 34).
With the Add button you can add new operator wallet. If you want to change name of the wallet,
press the Edit button, enter new name and press Confirm.

Image 34 Cash register and wallets tab, Add new operator wallet button and Edit button

Seven Admin 23
On the Limit rules tab, you can manage with limits for the certain betshop. Same option is for certain
betshop and for general limits for all betshops (for more information see section Limits and Limit
NOTE: limits per certain betshop will always have priority above general limits, regardless are they
higher or lower from general limits.
On the Notified administrators tab, you can add administrators who will receive warning messages
when some limit is reached (for more information see section Limits and Notified administrators).

3.2. Betshop groups tab

On Betshop Groups tab (see Image 35) you can manage your betshop groups, edit them and add
new ones.

Image 35 Betshop groups tab, Edit button and Add Betshop Group button

You can filter data with Status filter (are betshop groups enabled or disabled).
On this tab, you can see following columns:

Table 1 Betshop Group

Name of the tab Description

ID Identification number of the betshop group
Name Name of the betshop group
Enabled Is betshop enabled or disabled
Created at Date and time when the betshop group was created

Seven Admin 24
3.2.1. Add new betshop group

To add new betshop group, please click Add Betshop Group icon with the + sign positioned in the
lower right corner of the screen (see Image 36).
On the Betshop Group screen please enter the Group Name and add Betshops to this group; then
press the Save button (see Image 36).

Image 36 Input fields and Save button

3.2.2. Edit betshop group

To edit betshop group, please click Edit button next to the betshop group that you want to edit (see
Image 35).
On the edit screen, you can change Betshop group name, add or remove betshops from this group
and enable or disable it; after that please press the Save button (see Image 37). Also, on the
Products tab you can edit product start/end time and rules per betshop (for more information see
Image 28).

Seven Admin 25
Image 37 Input fields and Save button

Seven Admin 26
3.3. Terminals

On Terminals tab (see Image 38) you can manage terminals and see their details.

Image 38 Terminals tab and details icon

On this tab, you can see following columns:

Table 2 Terminals

Name of the column Description

ID Identification number of the terminal
Betshop ID Betshop identification number
Terminal name Name of the terminal
Betshop group Betshop group to which this terminal belongs
Type Type of the terminal (Self Service or Anonymous)
Betshop Betshop from which this terminal is
Enabled Is betshop enabled or disabled

You can filter data with following filters:

Table 3 Filters

Name of the column Description

Betshop Group Filter data by betshop group it belongs to
Betshop Filter databy betshop it belongs
Type Filter data by type of terminal
Status Filter data by status of terminal (enabled or disabled)

Seven Admin 27
3.4. Ticket security

On Ticket security tab, you may find Whitelisted barcodes, Blacklisted barcode and Blacklisted

3.4.1. Whitelisted barcodes

If a certain barcode is added to whitelisted barcodes, ticket with that barcode can be paid out or
cancelled without original ticket security PIN. You need to enter any PIN (4-digit). You can view
existing, remove already added and add new whitelisted barcodes (see Image 39).

Image 39 Whitelisted barcodes and Add whitelisted barcodes button

3.4.2. Blacklisted barcodes

If operator enters wrong ticket security PIN for one ticket, that ticket will be blacklisted. Number of
attempts is determined in Ticket PIN options in Max number of barcode retries field (for more
information see Platform settings section).
If a certain barcode is blacklisted, payout or cancel actions are not possible for these tickets. On
this tab, you can view blacklisted barcodes, and remove them from this list. Once barcode is
removed from the blacklist, tickets can be paid out or cancelled (see Image 40).

Image 40 Backlisted barcodes

Seven Admin 28
3.4.3. Blacklisted operators

If operator enters wrong ticket security PIN, not necessary for same ticket, that operator will be
blacklisted. Number of attempts is determined in Ticket PIN options in Max number of operator
retries field (for more information see Platform settings).
If a certain operator is blacklisted, he can’t do any payout or cancel actions on a ticket. On this tab,
you can view blacklisted operators, and remove them from this list. Once removed from the list, they
can do payout and cancel ticket actions (see Image 41).

Image 41 Blaclisted operators

3.5. Limits

On this tab, you can set general limits for all betshops and products.

3.5.1. Limit rules

On the Limit rules tab, you can see a list of the limits – on the first place is general betshop limit,
then Direct deposit limit and after that there are all limits for products.
You can set up 4 general limits (see Image 42) for all betshops in your company: Payment limit
(amount that needs to be paid in to block that betshop/game in betshop), Time duration (time in
minutes how much payment is monitored for limit), Warning amount % (percentage of payment limit
when warning message will be sent), and Restriction expires (time in minutes on how many
minutes this betshop/game will be limited in case administrator doesn’t take action; in case that is
left 0, administrator action is necessary for activation).
Option Block on reaching limit:

• If the option is turned off, limit will activate once betshop reaches equal or more than
set limit, but last payin still will be taken
• If the option is turned on, limit will activate once betshop reaches equal or more than
set limit, but last payin will not be allowed
NOTE: cancelled tickets will be deducted from amount, but rejected tickets will be calculated in.

Seven Admin 29
Image 42 Limit rules

You can remove limit for betshop or for a certain product if you click on the Remove limit button
(see Image 42). Also, if you changed limit rules, to save your changes, click on the Save button (see
Image 42).
Example 1:
If payment general betshop limit is set on 1.000€, Time duration to 60 minutes, Warning amount to
80% and Restriction expires in 30 minutes, if in last hour 800€ or more was paid in, administrator
will receive warning e-mail. In case that in last hour 1.000€ or more was paid in, that betshop will be
blocked, e-mail will be sent to the administrator and until administrator unblocks it or 30 minutes
doesn’t pass from time when betshop was blocked.
Example 2:
If payment limit on Lucky Six is set to 500€, Time duration 100 minutes, Warning amount to 90%
and Restriction expired to 0, if in last 100 minutes one betshop has 450€ or more, warning email will
be sent to administrators. In case that in last 100 minutes’ players have paid in 500€ or more, Lucky
Six game will be blocked, administrators will receive e-mail and until they unblock this limit, player’s
in that betshop can’t play Lucky Six.

Seven Admin 30
3.5.2. Notified administrators

On this tab, you can add administrators that will receive a warning email (see Image 43). When
Warning amount is reached, selected Administrators will receive an email with the name of the
betshop and percentage that was set for that betshop.
When Payment limit is reached, selected Administrators will receive email with name of the betshop,
amount that was reached and automatically link to Admin on limited betshops (see Restricted

Image 43 Notified administrators

3.5.3. Restricted betshops

On the Restricted betshops tab (see Image 44), you can see the list of the all betshops that are
limited, type of the limit (betshop limit or name of the game that is limited), time when limit is
reached, time when restriction will expire (in case that is enabled, else there will not be a data) and
option to Unblock betshop (click on the ‘X’ in Edit column).

Image 44 Restricted betshop

Seven Admin 31
3.6. Payout restrictions

Under every product and voucher, you have three options:

• Payout in all locations – voucher or winning tickets from certain product can be paid out at
any betshop from this company (see Image 45).
• Payout in pay-in locations – voucher or winning tickets from certain product can be paid
out only at betshop where ticket was paid in (see Image 45).
• Payout in location group - voucher or winning tickets from certain product can be paid out
at a certain group of betshops (see Image 45).

Image 45 Payout restrictions

Seven Admin 32

On the Users tab, you can manage Admins, Admin Groups, Operators and Operator Groups (see
Image 46).

Image 46 Users

4.1. Admins

On Admin tab (see Image 47) you can manage your admin users and add new ones.
On the Automatic admin group tab, you may add the group you want the admin user has in the very
beginning and then you may add to him some additional permissions or join him to other group/s.

Image 47 Users menu, Admins tab and Invite admin button

Seven Admin 33
You can see following columns:
Table 4 Admin users

Name of the column Description

ID Administrator’s ID number
First name First name of the administrator
Last name Last name of the administrator
Username Administrator’s username
Email Administrator’s e-mail adress
Enabled Is Administrator enabled or disabled

You can filter data with Groups that this Administrator belongs or by Enable filter (is Administrator
enabled or disabled).

4.1.1. Add admin

To add a new admin, please click 'Invite' icon with the + sign positioned in the lower right corner of
the screen (see Image 47).
On the Invite administrator pop-up please enter the name, surname and user email. All fields are
necessary. To proceed, please click the ‘Invite’ button (see Image 48).

Image 48 Invite admin pop-up

Seven Admin 34
If you want to invite more than one admin at once, fill the information for first admin and when you
are done, click on “Add another invite” to add a second admin. After that, data about first added
admin is under input fields, and input fields will be empty. Now you can input information for new
admin who you want to add (see Image 49).

Image 49 Invite more than one admin at once

You can edit information about an admin and delete created admins while they are in list under the
input fields, and only before you click ‘Invite’ button (see Image 50). To delete an admin, click
‘Delete’ icon with ‘X’ sign and to edit click ‘Edit’ icon near ‘Delete’ icon. After editing information, it
is necessary click ‘Finish invite edit’ to continue with the next step.

Image 50 Edit and delete information before "Invite"

Seven Admin 35
4.1.2. Edit admin

To edit admin settings, go to Admins tab, select the wanted admin and click on the Edit button (see
Image 51).

Image 51 Edit admin icon

On the General tab, you have general information about an admin: Name, Surname, Username, Email,
Phone, Group and Enabled checkbox (see Image 52).

Image 52 General information about admin

On the Permissions tab, you can see all permissions that are assigned to an admin (see Image 53).
You can see Total permissions (group permissions) and Direct permissions. Status can be: green
(user has all permissions), blue (user has some permissions) and red (user haven’t got any
permission). To give all permissions to a user, you must mark all the checkboxes.
For administrators, there are some additional information on the card, total state of permissions
with tooltip that shows number of direct and group permissions. It is possible to search permissions
by their names.

Seven Admin 36
Image 53 Permissions which are assigned to admin

To select just some of the permissions, click on the Edit button and select only some of them (see
Image 54).

Image 54 Edit permissions

On IP Whitelisting tab is IP whitelist which allows companies to make a requirement for admins to
be logged in from certain IP addresses. There are admin level IP whitelists and company level
whitelist. Here is explanation about admin level IP whitelist (for company level whitelist see more
information in Access Control Settings). To set up one or more IP address which from you want that
admin only can access, click ‘+’ sign which is located on IP Address field. Also, you can set up IP
range by click on ‘+’ sign on IP address field (see Image 55). Click Save button when you are done.

Seven Admin 37
Image 55 Add IP Address and IP range on IP Whitelisting for certain admin

4.2. Admin Groups

On Admin Groups tab (see Image 56) you can manage your admin groups and add new ones.
If you add a new administrator to the company, and if you add him in a certain group, that
administrator will have permissions of that group.

Image 56 Admin Groups tab, edit option and Add admin group button

On this tab, you can see following columns:

Table 5 Admin Groups

Name of the column Description

ID Admin Group ID number
Name Name of the Admin Group
Enabled Is the Admin Group enabled
Edit Edit permissions for Admin Group

Seven Admin 38
4.2.1. Add or edit Admin Group

To add a new admin group, please click Add Admin Groups icon with the ‘+’ sign positioned in the
lower right corner of the screen (see Image 56). On the General tab please input the group title,
description, members and choose will it be active or not; after this click the ‘Next’ button (see Image

Image 57 General input options and Next button

On the Permissions tab, you can see all permissions which are assigned to admin group (see Image
58). You can see Total permissions (group permissions) and Direct permissions. Status can be:
green (group has all permissions), blue (group has some permissions) and red (group haven’t got
any permission).
In order to grant the user all permissions from that group, you can check the checkbox above the
desired group of permissions. There is some additional information on card, total state of
permissions with tooltip that shows number of direct and group permissions.

Image 58 Permissions for new group and Save button

Seven Admin 39
You can edit all this information for an already added Admin Groups by pressing the edit button (see
Image 56). You can change the group name, description, active status and add or delete members.
When you are done, press Save button (see Image 59). On the permission tab, you can change
permissions for selected admin group.

Image 59 Edit admin groups

4.3. Automatic admin groups

When new administrator is created, by default, groups from this field will be automatically added to
the administrator and he will have permissions of selected group/s in the very beginning (see Image

Image 60 Automatic admin groups

4.4. Operators

On Operators tab (see Image 61) you can manage your operators and add new ones.

Image 61 Operators tab, Edit options and Add operator button

Seven Admin 40
On this tab, you can see following columns:
Table 6 Operators

Name of the column Description

ID Operator’s ID number
First name Operator’s first name
Last name Operator’s last name
Username Operator’s username
Email Operator’s email address
Birth date Operator’s birth date
Mobile Number Operator’s mobile number
Enabled Is operator enabled or disabled

You can filter data with Enabled filter (is Operator enabled or disabled).

4.4.1. Add operator

To add a new operator, please click Add Operator icon with the + sign positioned in the lower right
corner of the screen (see Image 61).Please fill the username, password, operator name, surname,
birth date, email and phone number fields; then click the ‘Create’ button (as seen on the Image 62).
There is also a “Show password” option to see the password you are writing down (see Image 62).

Image 62 Input fields, Show password option and Create button

On the next step you can make the new operator a member of a certain group of operators.
He/she will have permissions of the selected group/s (see Image 63). Also, you may leave the
field empty and go to the next step, Permissions, and select operator permissions.

Seven Admin 41
Image 63 Operator groups

On the Permissions tab, you can see all permissions that are assigned to an operator (see Image
64). You can see Total permissions (group permissions) and Direct permissions. Status can be:
green (group have all permissions), blue (group have some permissions) and red (group have not
any permission). In order to grant the user all permissions from that group, you can check the
checkbox above the desired group of permissions.
There is some additional information on the card, total state of permissions with tooltip that shows
number of direct and group permissions.

Image 64 Operator permissions

4.4.2. Edit operator

On the Permissions tab, you can see all permissions that are assigned to an operator (see Image
You can see Total permissions (group permissions) and Direct permissions. Status can be: green
(user have all permissions), blue (user have some permissions) and red (user have not any
permission). You can select all checkbox to grant all permissions to the user.
For administrators, there are some additional information on the card, total state of permissions
with tooltip that shows number of direct and group permissions. It is possible to search permissions
by their names.

Seven Admin 42
4.5. Operator groups

On Operator Groups tab (see Image 65) you can manage your operator groups and add new ones.
If you add a new operator to the company, and if you add him in some group, that operator will have
permissions of that group.

Image 65 Operator Groups

You may see following columns:

Table 7 Operator groups

Column name Description

ID Group identificatory
Name Name of the group
Enabled Is the group enabled
Edit Edit group

4.5.1. Add or edit operator group

To add new operator group, please click Add button with the ‘+’ sign positioned in the lower right
corner of the screen (see Image 65). On the General tab please fill the group name, description,
members and choose will it be active or not; after this click the ‘Next’ button (see Image 66).

Seven Admin 43
Image 66 Add new operator group

On the Permissions tab, you can see all permissions which are assigned to operator group (see
Image 67).You may see Total permissions (group permissions) and Direct permissions. Status can
be: green (group have all permissions), blue (group have some permissions) and red (group have
not any permission). You can select all checkbox to grant all permissions to the group.
There is some additional information on card, total state of permissions with tooltip that shows
number of direct and group permissions.

Image 67 Group permissions

You can also edit all this information for already added Operator Groups by pressing the edit button
(see Image 65). You can change the group name, description, active status and add or delete
members. When you are done, press Save button (see Image 68). On the permissions tab, you can
change permissions for selected operator group.

Seven Admin 44
Image 68 Edit Operator group

4.6. Automatic operator groups

When new operator is created, by default, groups from this field will be automatically added to the
operator and he will have permissions of selected group/s in the very beginning (see Image 69).

Image 69 Automatic operator groups

Seven Admin 45

On the Players tab, you can see all registered players and verify them.

5.1. Players

On the Players tab, you can see all registered players and edit them (see Image 70).

Image 70 Players menu, Players tab and Edit option

On this tab, you can see following columns:

Table 8 Players

Name of the column Description

UUID UUID number of the player
Reference number Reference number of the player
First name Player’s first name
Last name Player’s last name
Username Player’s username
Email Email address from the player
Nickname Nickname of the player
Activity status Player’s activity status
Currency Currency that player uses
Birth date Player’s birth date
Language Language that player uses

Seven Admin 46
Mobile Number Player’s mobile number
Phone number Player’s phone number
City City from which player is
Country Country from which player is
Timezone Player’s time zone
Address Player’s address
Fully verified Is player fully verified
Fully verified at If verified, date and time when player has verified
Registration IP User’s IP address
Date of registration Date and time when player is registered
Associated Retail Location Retail Location which player is associated
Registration Origin Web or retail
Real money player Real money player
Date of conversion Time of first real money deposit
Last deposit date Time of last real money deposit

You can filter data with following filters:

Table 9 Filters

Name of the column Description

Filter players by existing tags (NOTE: filter is refreshing with new
values in every 8h)
Language Filter by language that user use
City Filter by city from which users are
Status Filter by status of player (verified or not verified)
Country Filter players by country
Activity status Filter player per activity status (active, blocked, closed, suspended)

5.1.1. Edit player

On the edit player option (see Image 70) there are General, Regional Settings, Verification settings
and Transactions tab. On General tab, you can see following data (see Image 71):

Seven Admin 47
Table 10 General

Name of the column Description

Player status Is player verified or not
ID ID number of the player
Reference number of the player (shown on the header of the
Reference number
player account)
Registration date Date and time when player was registered
Username Player’s username
Nickname Player’s nickname
Email Player’s email username
Mobile number Player’s mobile number
First name Player’s first name
Surname Player’s surname
Tax identifier Tax identifier number from player’s country
Birth date Player’s birth date
Gender Player’s gender
Address Player’s address
Postal number Player’s postal number
City City from which player is
Country Country from which player is
Last login Date and time when player was last time logged in
Verified at Date and time when player was verified
Activity alert Alert on player’s activity
Odds display How will odds be displayed
Odds options Available odds options
Max. inactivity time Maximal time when player was inactive

Underneath the player information you can force password reset (player will receive mail to edit his
password), block player, suspend player for a certain period, exclude player from selected products
on certain period, remove before added exclusions or close player account for a certain period.
If you want to close player account, you need to choose one of the following periods: 7days, 1 month,
3 months, 6 months, 1 year and Permanent; and add a comment (reason because of you want to
close player account).On the right side, you may add comments and attach the file for selected

Seven Admin 48
Image 71 Player general options and Save changes button

On Associated retail location, you can select origin type: web or retail (see Image 72).

Image 72 Associated retail location

Seven Admin 49
On Verification settings tab (see Image 73) you can see player's sent documents and decline or
verify the player. In case that the player is already verified, you will be able to see only the
document he sent like on the Image 73.

Image 73 Verification settings tab, user's uploaded image, Decline player and Verify player buttons

On the Transactions tab (see Image 74) you can see all player's transfers, his total amount for
selected period (sum of all transfers in selected period), real balance (players current real balance),
bonus balance (player’s current bonus balance), bonus balance status (is bonus balance
locked/non-usable, inactive or operational/active) and add deposit.

Image 74 Transactions, total amounts and Add deposit

Seven Admin 50
You can see following columns:

Table 11 Transactions

Name of the column Description

Created at Date and time when transaction was done
Updated at Last time when transaction was updated
Ticket / Voucher ID In case of ticket/voucher transaction, it will show his ID
Type of transaction: Credit – transaction that credits user real
account e.g. ticket payout
Debit – transaction that debits user real
Transaction Type
account e.g. ticket pay in
Transfer – transaction that transfers funds
between user real and bonus balances
Event Described in table bellow
Source Source of the transfer
Status of the transactions (processing, completed, cancelled or
Amount Transaction amount
Real balance impact Represents transaction impact on user main balance
Bonus balance impact Represents transaction impact on user bonus balance

You can filter data with following filters:

Table 12 Filters

Name of the filter Description

Date Filter by time/date range
Transaction type Filter by type of transaction
Event Filter by events
Transaction status Filter by status of transaction
Source Filter by source of transaction

Possible transfer events:

Table 13 Transfer events

Name of the column Description

Real money win Transaction that credits user real account e.g. ticket payout
Real money win cancelled Win is reverted

Seven Admin 51
Real money bet Transaction that debits user real account e.g. ticket pay in
Real money bet cancelled Bet is reverted
Deposit Money was deposited on account balance
Withdrawal Money was withdrawn from account balance
Bonus money win Transaction that credits user bonus account e.g. ticket payout
Bonus money bet Transaction that debits user bonus account e.g. ticket pay in
Bonus deposit Bonus money was deposited on bonus balance
Bonus to Real balance Transaction after bonus is accomplished, it transfers user funds
transfer from bonus to real balance
Transaction after bonus is closed, it removes user funds from
Bonus cancellation
bonus balance
Credit transaction after bonus is closed, if original funds were
Bonus money confiscated used from bonus balance, that money will NOT be credited to
user since bonus is closed
Credit transaction after bonus is accomplished, if original funds
Bonus money conversion to
were used from bonus balance, that money will credited to user
real money
real balance
If ticket is cancelled and bonus funds were used, they are
Bonus bet cancellation
returned to user bonus balance

If a player made a Bank Wire Transfer, you need to add the money to his account through this tab
using the Add transfer button in the lower right side of the screen (see Image 74). Click on it and
you will see the screen like on Image 75. You have two options: Bank wire deposit and Manual
player balance adjustments. For Bank wire deposit, you need to enter Amount, Reference ID, Bank
and Comment (see Image 75). When you are done, click on the Add button (see Image 75).

Image 75 Add transfer (Bank wire deposit)

Seven Admin 52
If you select Manual player balance adjustments, you need to select the transfer type (deposit or
withdrawal), amount, reference ID and comment (see Image 76).
EXAMPLE: administrator deposited 5,000 instead of 500. In that case, you need to choose
withdrawal transaction type and enter 4,500 in amount field. In other case, if administrator
deposited 500 instead of 5000, you need select deposit transaction type and enter 4,500 in amount
In Comment field, it is recommended to enter reason because of you select one of the transaction
types. When you are done, click on the Add button (see Image 76).

Image 76 Add transfer (Manual player balance adjustments)

NOTE: Player will not receive automatic mail after this action. You need to contact player in case
of this action
On the Product limits tab (see Image 77), you can set the product limits per player on the daily,
weekly and monthly basis. All the limits that were already created will be available on the list for
preview as on Image 77.
Here you can see what is the value of Limit amount (when the player reaches this limit, he will not
be able to play tickets on this product until the limit expires), Current amount, Interval (daily – if the
daily limit is enabled, player can play tickets of the selected product up to inserted limit amount per
one day; weekly - if the weekly limit is enabled, player can play tickets of the selected product up to
inserted limit amount per one week, monthly - if the monthly limit is enabled, player can play tickets
of the selected product up to inserted limit amount per one month), product on which the limit is set
and status of the limit (Enabled, Disabled), Product (product on which limit refers) and limit status
(enabled, disabled).

Seven Admin 53
Image 77 Product limit

To add a new product limit, click on the Add button (see Image 78). Enter the Limit amount,
choose Product and Interval. Enable limit and click on the Save button.

Image 78 Add product limit

You may join some of the created tags to the player in different purposes (see Image 79). More
about Tags read in section Tags.

Image 79 Tags

Seven Admin 54

On the Wallet menu, you can manage your plugins, see cash register logs and withdrawal requests.

6.1. Plugins

On the plugins tab (see Image 80) you can enter deposits and withdrawals for all plugins by clicking
on their image. You can also enter settings by clicking on the gear icon.

Image 80 Wallet menu, Plugins tab, image that leads to deposits and withdrawals, settings icon

6.1.1. Skrill

If you click on the Skrill image on the Plugins tab, you will see all Skrill deposits and withdrawals for
selected date range (see Image 81).

Image 81 Skrill Deposit and Skrill Withdrawals tabs

Seven Admin 55
If you click on the gear icon underneath Skrill icon, you will open Skrill configuration (see Image 82).
Here you can edit your merchant data, enable or disable deposit, enable or disable withdrawals, edit
minimal and maximal deposit/withdrawal. After you set your data, please press the Save button.

Image 82 Input fields and Save button

6.1.2. Voucher

If you click on the Voucher image on the Plugins tab, you will see all filtered vouchers (see Image

Image 83 Voucher list

Seven Admin 56
You may see following columns:
Table 14 Voucher

Name of the filter Description

Code Voucher’s code
Created at Date and time when voucher was created
Created in betshop Betshop where voucher was created
Issuer Type of the issuer
IssuerName Name of the issuer
Used in betshop Betshop in which voucher was used
User User who used this voucher
Username Username of the user who used voucher
PayedoutAt Date and time when voucher was paid out
Expired At Date and time when voucher expired
Value Value of the voucher
Status Status of the voucher (open, used, cancelled, expired)
Created in betshop
Betshop display id where voucher was created
Used in Betshop
Betshop display id where voucher was used
Device name Name of the device

You can filter data with following filters:

Table 15 Filters

Name of the column Description

Created at Date and time when voucher was created
Sealed at Date and time when voucher was sealed
Issuer Filter by issuer who created this voucher
User Filter by user who used voucher
Created in betshop Filter by betshop where voucher was created
Used in betshop Filter by betshop where voucher was used
Status Filter by status of the voucher (open, used, cancelled, expired)

Seven Admin 57
If you click on the gear icon underneath Voucher icon, you will open Voucher configuration (see
Image 84). Here you can edit are vouchers enabled or disabled, validity period, minimum/maximum
value and 5 predefined values; after this please press Save to complete configuration.

Image 84 Voucher options and Save button

6.1.3. Bank Wire Transfer

If you click on the Bank Wire Transfer image on the Plugins tab, you will see all filtered Bank Wire
deposits and withdrawals (see Image 85).
If the player makes a deposit through this method, you need to find that player on the Players
module, go on the Transactions > Add transfer and fill the data: Transfer type – Bank Wire deposit,
Bank, Amount, Reference ID and comment. Then the amount will be added to the players account.

Image 85 Bank Wire deposits and Bank Wire withdrawals

Seven Admin 58
On the Bank Wire deposit tab, you may see following columns:
Table 16 Bank Wire deposit

Name of the column Description

Transaction Id Identification number of the transaction
Reference Id Reference ID
Username Username of the player
Processor username Name of the user who processed transaction
Bank name Name of the bank
Amount Amount of the transaction
Currency Transaction currency
Status Status of the transaction (pending, processed, cancelled)
Created at Date and time when transfer was created
Updated at Date and time when transfer was updated

On the Bank Wire withdrawals, you may see following columns:

Table 17 Bank Wire withdrawals

Name of the column Description

Transaction Id Identification number of transaction
Reference ID Reference ID
Player’s bank account Bank account of the player
Player’s IBAN IBAN number
Player’s SWIFT SWIFT number
Username Username of the player
Processor username Name of the user who processed transaction
Amount Amount of the transaction
Currency Transaction currency
Status Status of transaction (pending, processed, cancelled)
Bank name Name of the bank
Created at Date and time when transfer was created
Updated at Date and time when transfer was updated
First name First name of the player
Last name Last name of the player
Address Address of the player
City Player’s city

Seven Admin 59
You can filter data with following filters:
Table 18 Filters

Name of the filter Description

Date Filter by date and time range
Status Filter by status of the transfer

If you click on the gear icon underneath Bank Wire Transfer icon, you will open Bank Wire
configuration. Here you may see two tabs: Bank Wire Configuration and Banks.
On the Bank Wire Configuration are the following parameters:

• Deposit enabled – is deposit enabled

• Withdrawal enabled – is withdrawal enabled
• Domestic withdrawal enabled – can domestic withdrawal be made. If withdrawal is enabled,
one of foreign or domestic withdrawals must be enabled
• Foreign withdrawal enabled – can foreign withdrawal be made. If withdrawal is enabled, one
of foreign or domestic withdrawals must be enabled
• Min. deposit – minimal deposit value
• Max. deposit – maximal deposit value
• Min. withdrawal – minimal withdrawal value
• Max. withdrawal – maximal withdrawal value

On the Banks tab are the following parameters:

• Account name – company account name

• Bank name – must be unique within company
• Bank Address – bank address
• Bank Address 2 – bank address
• Bank Address 3 – bank address
• IBAN – The IBAN up to 34 characters
• SWIFT – The SWIFT code – 8 or 11 characters
• Account no. – company account number
• Domestic deposit enabled – can domestic deposit be made
• Foreign deposit enabled – can foreign deposit be made

Also, you can remove existing bank or add new one.

To save configuration, click on the Save button.

Seven Admin 60
6.1.4. PaySafeCard

PaySafeCard is deposit only method. Player can go to the shop, buy this card, enters data from
that card (enters 16 digits PIN to confirm transaction) and receive money on his account. On the
transaction table, you may see the following columns:

Table 19 PaySafeCard

Column name Description

Player username Username of the player who made a transaction
Amount Transaction amount
Currency Currency of the transaction
Status Status of the transaction
Transaction Id Transaction unique number
Paysafecard Id PaySafeCard unique number
Created at Date and time when transaction is created
Error code In case of the transaction error, in this column will be error code
In case of the transaction error, in this column will be
Error message
corresponding message

You may filter table by the following filters: Created at (date and time when transaction is created)
and Status (created, initiated, authorized, success, redirected, processed, failed).
If you click on the gear icon underneath PaySafeCard icon, you will see PaySafecard configuration,
and parameters are the following:

• Deposit enabled – is deposit enabled

• Min. deposit – minimal deposit value
• Max. deposit – maximal deposit value
• Redirect URL – url to Seven web redirection after deposit
• API Key – API key provided by PaySafeCard

Seven Admin 61
6.1.5. Direct Deposit

Direct deposit enables the player to deposit money directly from the betshop to his account. Here
you will see all filtered direct deposits (see Image 86).

Image 86Direct deposits

On this tab, you can see following columns:

Table 20 Direct deposit

Name of the column Description

Transaction Id Identification number of transaction
Betshop group Name of the betshop group
Issuer Name Name of the operator who made transfer
Recipient name Name of the player who received transaction
Currency Transaction currency
Created at Date and time when transaction was created
Amount Amount of the transaction
Betshop display ID Display ID of the betshop
Betshop Name of the betshop

You can filter data with the following filters:

Table 21 Filters

Name of the filter Description

Date Filter by date and time range
Amount Filter data by amount
Betshop Filter data by betshop name

Seven Admin 62
If you click on the gear icon underneath Direct Deposit icon, you will open Bank Wire configuration
(see Image 87). Here you can set minimal/maximal deposit and enable/disable direct deposit; after
you have edited the data, press the Save button.

Image 87 Options to edit and Save button

6.1.6. Retail location withdrawal

Retail location withdrawal enables the player to withdraw money directly from the betshop he
chooses. Here you will see all filtered retail location withdrawals (see Image 88).

Image 88 Retail withdrawals

You can see following columns:

Table 22 Retail location withdrawals

Name of the column Description

Username Email of the player who sent withdrawal request
Status Status of transaction (pending, processed, cancelled)
Betshop display ID ID of Betshop
Betshop group Name of the betshop group
Betshop Name of the betshop

Seven Admin 63
Processor username Name of the player who sent withdrawal request
Currency Transaction currency
Reference ID Reference id number that is used to withdraw money
Amount Amount of the transaction
Created at Date and time when transfer was created
Updated at Date and time when transfer was processed
Valid From Date and time from when the code is generated
Valid until Date and time until the code is possible to use

You can filter data with the following filters:

Table 23 Retail withdrawal filters

Name of the column Description

Date range. Choose Start and End date and time or select one of
the predefined option
Type of withdrawal: pending, collectable, processed, cancelled,
denied, auto expired
Betshop Betshop where withdrawal was made
Amount Amount of the withdrawal

If you click on the gear icon underneath Retail location withdrawal icon, you will open configuration
(see Image 89). Depending on payout amount, you may pay out money on the “standard” and
“premium” locations.
If you click on the Settings icon of the Retail location withdrawal, you will see configuration screen.

Image 89 Options to edit and Save button

Seven Admin 64
Table 24 Configuration parameters

Name of the option Description

Enabled Weather the withdrawal possible or not
Minimum withdrawal Minimum withdrawal amount that player can apply
Maximum withdrawal amount that player can apply in any
betshop. The player needs to give withdrawal code generated
during withdrawal request.
Maximum withdrawal
For amounts lower than this limit, is not necessary administrator
confirmation before the withdrawal action.
The amount of this limit must be lower than Daily limit.
Maximum withdrawal amount that player can apply in certain
premium betshops, usually a customer center where there are
always enough funds to pay. These payments do not enter in
Premium location withdrawal Daily limit.
limit On the web channel, premium locations are shown for amounts
equal or higher than this limit. Non-premium locations are shown
for amounts equal or lower than Premium locations withdrawal
Option to select retail shops that belong to premium locations
Premium locations and can withdraw money amounts between Maximal withdrawal
amount and Premium location withdrawal limit.
Player will not be able to choose betshops added to this list when
Blacklisted locations
he wants to use this method.
Represents the period in days for which is valid payment at
standard betshops.
After this period expires, the player cannot pay the requested
Standard location validity (in
amount and the money will automatically be returned to the
player on the account.
The minimum value that can be set for this setting is "1" (one
It represents a period from when it is possible to pay the
requested amount.
The minimum value that can be set here is "0" and this means
that required payment is valid from today. I.e. if set "1", it means
Standard location offset (in
that payment is possible from tomorrow.
The period in which it is possible to make a payment on standard
locations is related to the settings "Standard location withdrawal
possible from (time)" and "Standard location withdrawal possible
until (time)".
Time (hours : minutes : seconds).
Standard location withdrawal It represents the start time from when it is possible to make a
possible from (time) payout in the betshop and is related to the "Standard location
offset (in days)" and refers to the set day in that setting.
Time (hours : minutes : seconds)
Standard location withdrawal Represents the time until it's possible to make the payment
possible until (time) requested in the betshop and this setting is related to the
"Standard location validity (in days)" setting

Seven Admin 65
Represents the period in days for which valid payment is made at
Premium betshops. After this period expires, the player cannot
Premium location validity (in
pay the requested amount and the money will automatically be
returned to the player on the account. The minimum value that
can be set for this setting is "1" (one day).
It represents a period from when it is possible to pay the
requested amount.
The minimum value that can be set here is "0" and this means
that required payment is valid from today. I.e. if set "1", it means
Premium location offset (in
that payment is possible from tomorrow.
The period in which a payment can be made on a Premium
location is related to the "Premium location withdrawal possible
from (time)" and "Premium location withdrawal possible until
Time (hours : minutes : seconds)
Premium location withdrawal It represents the start time from when it is possible to make a
possible from (time) payout in the betshop and is related to the "Premium location
offset (in days)" and applies to the set day in that setting.
Time (hours : minutes : seconds)
Premium location withdrawal It represents the time limit until it is possible to make the
possible until (time) requested payment at the betshop and this setting is related to
the "Premium location validity (in days)" setting
Amount to which payment can be made without additional
confirmation. For amounts above the set limit, the player will
receive a mail with a message that his payment is in the approval
These transactions need to be approved in 7Admin. Once the
administrator approves/deletes the request, the player will
receive a notification email if the payment is approved.
Payout confirmation limit When an administrator approves a transaction, the time it sets
overrides the payment term settings that is set in this
configuration. When the payout period expired, the transaction is
no longer valid and the money will be returned to the player
This limit may be higher or lower than "Premium location
withdrawal limit", but it is important to be less than the "Maximum
withdrawal" and "Daily limit"
The daily limit value per player for standard payouts that work
without the need for administrator approval. The limit value must
be greater than the maximum withdrawal on standard locations.
The Daily Limit includes all amounts (and above the "Payout
confirmation limit" and "Premium location withdrawal limit").
Daily limit
Example: If the daily limit is $ 1500, and the player wants to pay
$ 600 in the Premium location, the Daily Limit amount will be $
900. If the player has met the Daily limit, he may still make
payments whose amounts exceed the "Payout confirmation
Serves for a different display of the betshop name
Web betshop list display
Address, Address – City, Betshop name – Address, Betshop
name – Address – City, Display ID, Display ID - Address

Seven Admin 66
The option is turned off by default. Administrator can set does
he need to have fully verified players or not when they ask for
retail withdrawal
• No player verification needed – verification status is not
validated upon withdrawal
Player verification level • Player email must be verified – player must have identity
verified prior to withdrawal
• Player identity must be verified – player must have
identity verified prior to withdrawal
• Player must be fully verified – player must be fully
verified prior to withdrawal
Enabled or disabled. Enabled means that player can withdrawal
funds only in betshop where is registered.
Home Retail Location
On the player settings, in the 7Admin, it is possible to change
location of the retail and set origin to the web, so player will not
see any location if this option is enabled.

*In one day, the player may cancel the payment request 11 times and after that 24 hours will be
blocked and will not be able to claim payments on this method. Once the player pays the funds,
7Shop will print a confirmation.

6.1.7. NestPay

NestPay enables the player to deposit money with his credit cart using the NestPay plugin. Here you
will see all filtered NestPay transactions (see Image 90).

Image 90 NestPay transactions

Seven Admin 67
On the list, you may see following columns:
Table 25 NestPay deposit

Name of the column Description

Transaction Id ID number of transaction
NestPay trans ID ID number of NestPay transaction
Reference ID Reference ID number in database
User User who made transaction
Transaction status Is transaction completed or not
Amount Amount of transaction
Error message Error message
Xid Unique internet transaction ID
AuthCode Host preauthorization code
ProcReturnCode Transaction status code
Currency Currency used in transaction
Requested at Date and time when transaction happened

You can filter data with Date, Status and Amount filter.

If you click on the gear icon underneath NestPay icon, you will open configuration (see Image 91).
Here you can enable/disable this option and edit following columns:
Table 26 Configuration

Name of the column Description

Client ID ID number from client
Store key Universal store key
NestPay API user Username to log-in on NestPay API
NestPay API password Password to log-in on NestPay API
Deposit enabled Is deposit using this method enabled or disabled
Min. deposit Minimal deposit amount
Max. deposit Maximal deposit amount

Seven Admin 68
After you have edited the options, press the Save button.

Image 91 NestPay configuration screen

6.1.8. Device Cash Deposit

Device Cash Deposit enables the player to deposit money using the bill/coin acceptors on terminals.
Here you will see all filtered Device Cash Deposit transactions (see Image 92).

Image 92 Device Cash Deposit transactions

On the list, you can see following columns:

Table 27 Device Cash Deposit

Name of the column Description

Created at Date and time when transaction was created
Amount Transaction amount
Type Bill or coin transaction

Seven Admin 69
Status Status of transaction
Player username Mail from player that made transaction
Player first name First name from player that made transaction
Player last name Last name from player that made transaction
Device name Name of device on which transaction was made
Retail location name Name of retail in which transaction was made
Retail location Display ID Display ID of retail in which transaction was made
Retail location Group
Retail’s group name in which transaction was made

You can filter data with date, acceptor and transaction status filters.
If you click on the gear icon underneath Device Cash Deposit icon, you will open configuration where
you can activate or deactivate this plugin.

6.1.9. Balance adjustments

On this tab, you can see all data from Player balance adjustments transactions (see Image 93).

Image 93 Balance adjustments

You may see following columns:

Table 28 Balance adjustments

Name of the column Description

Created at Date and time when transaction is created
Amount Amount of transaction
Type Type of the transaction
Player username Username of the player
Processor username Email of the player
Reference ID Reference ID

You can filter data by date (choose start and end date or select one of the predefined time range:
current date, previous day, current week, previous week, current month and previous month) and
by deposit type (deposit, withdrawal).

Seven Admin 70
6.1.10. WebPay

WebPay enables the player to deposit money with his credit cart using the WebPay plugin. Here you
will see all filtered WebPay transactions (see Image 94).

Image 94 WebPay transactions

On the table, you may see following columns:

Table 29 WebPay

Name of the column Description

Player username Username of the player who made transaction
Amount Amount of the transaction
Currency Currency used in transaction
Created at Date and time when transaction was created
Status Transaction status (pending, processed, failed)
Transaction reference Transaction reference ID
Payment reference Unique transaction ID received from WebPay
Response code Response code
Response description Description of the response (refers on the Response code)

You may filter data by date filter and Status filter (pending transactions, processed transactions and
failed transactions).
If you click on the gear icon underneath the WebPay icon, you will open WebPay configuration (see
Image 95).

Seven Admin 71
Image 95 WebPay configuration

WebPay configuration parameters are following:

Table 30 Configuration

Name Description
WebPay product ID Product identifier for PAYDirect
Pay item ID PAYDirect Payment Item ID
Mackey Unique value given by Interswitch
Deposit enabled Is deposit enabled
Min. deposit Minimum deposit value
Max. deposit Maximum deposit value
Redirect URL Url for frontend redirection after WebPay deposit response

Seven Admin 72
6.1.11. iPay

iPay is a deposit only method through some sort of vouchers. Player needs to go to the shop, buy
this voucher and enter data from the voucher on the iPay web surface. This voucher can be used
partially, so, for example, player can buy 100 $ and add them all to his account or he can use this
same voucher 5 times to add 20 $.

In the table, you may see following columns:

Table 31 iPay

Name of the column Description

Player username Username of the player who made a transaction
Amount Transaction money amount
Currency Currency of the transaction
Status Status of the transaction
Transaction Id ID number of the transaction
iPay transaction id ID number of the iPay
Created at Date and time when transaction is created
Error code In case of the transaction error, in this column will be error code

You may filter data by date filter (Created at) and Status filter (pending, processed, failed).

If you click on the gear icon underneath the iPay icon, you will open iPay configuration
iPay configuration parameters are following:

• Deposit enabled – is deposit enabled

• Min. deposit – minimum deposit value
• Max. deposit – maximum deposit value
• API username – API username
• API password – API password
• PEM certificate file name – file name of pem encoded cert file
• Certificate file name – file name of the cert file
• SSL key file name – file name of the SSL key file

Seven Admin 73
6.2. Cash Register Log

On Cash Register Log tab (see Image 96) you can see all logs from cash register and add new logs.

Image 96 Cash Register Log tab and Add log button

You may see following columns:

Table 32 Cash register log columns

Name of the column Description

ID ID number of the log
Log time Date and time where log was created
Betshop ID ID number of betshop where log was created
Betshop Name of the betshop where log was created
Cash register ID ID number of the cash register
User User who created the log
Amount (BAM) Amount of the log
Type Type of the log (Take In or Take Out)
Comment Comment on log

You may filter data with the following filters:

Table 33 Filters

Name of the column Description

Date Filter data by date and time range
Betshop Filter data by betshop where log was created
Filter data by ID number of cash register where log was
Cash Register ID
User Filter data by user who created logs

Seven Admin 74
Type Filter data by type of logs

6.2.1. Add log

To add new log, please press the Add log button with + sign in lower right part of the screen (see
Image 96). On the Add new log pop-up screen please select betshop, cash register, type of action,
amount and add a comment; after that please press the Add button (see Image 97).

Image 97 Input fields and Add button

6.3. Withdrawal requests

On the Withdrawal requests tab, you can see all withdrawal requests and approve/decline these
requests by clicking on these options next to the request (see Image 98).

Seven Admin 75
Image 98 Withdrawal Requests tab and Approve/Decline options

You may see following columns:

Table 34 Withdrawal request

Name of the column Description

Transaction Id ID number of transaction
User Name of the user who requests withdrawal
Wallet Plugin Wallet plugin from which request comes
Amount Amount of the withdrawal request
Currency Currency of withdrawal request
Requested at Date and time when request was send
Details Bank account
Action Action to approve or decline

Seven Admin 76

7.1. Loyalty

Loyalty is designed to provide creation of reward programs for players. Loyalty as a concept is
based on point generation and rewards. It has mission of transforming any of user action into
something for which he can ultimately receive rewards of some kind. Note that for now, there is just
one-point generator and one reward. To check the Loyalty tab interface, see Image 99

Image 99 Loyalty

Loyalty grid has following columns:

Table 35 Loyalty

Name of the column Description

Competition ID Identification number of the competition
Competition name Name of the competition
Start date Date and time when competition starts
Round checkpoint Competition must start on full hour (11:00, 13:00, …, 23:00)
Status Status of the competition (active, finished)
Current round Number of the current competition round

If you click the marked icon on the Image 99, you may see details about selected competition. On
this screen (see Image 100), round participants will be listed and you can see their username, uuid,
points and ranking (participant with the largest number of points will be first and so on).
You can filter list of the participants by round number. In the right side (header) you can see round
number, competition start and end date, and information about competition status.

Image 100 Loyalty details

Seven Admin 77
7.1.1. Point generator

Point generator defines set of rules that will cause point generation. Single platform account can
have only one instance of point generator active at one point in time, per point generator type.
Currently supported point generator type is Transaction money.
Points are generated based on successful debit transactions made by each player. Point generation
is configured per transaction source (i.e. Live betting, Lucky Six or some other product…).
Point generation is configured by Min value of single debit transaction (i.e. 3€). Debit transaction
below that value will not be calculated as points.
Point index value must be defined as it will be used as point multiplier for all transactions.
Each debit transaction greater than Min value will have points calculated as Points = Transaction
amount * Point index.
Each Point generator is defined with fixed mandatory settings, with addition of generator specific
Example: value of the debit transaction is 1€, Point index value is 10. Player will receive 10 points.

Needed information:

• Valid from Date time in “yyyy-mm-dd h:i:s” format

• Valid until Date time in “yyyy-mm-dd h:i:s” format (if not set, point generator will last forever)

NOTE: In some of the next days, it will be created surface and you will be able to set rules for Loyalty.
Until that, we will set these rules for you according to the deal.

7.1.2. Reward

Single Platform account can have multiple Reward programs activated but only one reward program
of same type can be active at one point in time.
Currently supported reward program type is Money Point Race.
This Reward type uses transaction money as point generator base for ranking calculation and must
start on full hour (00:00, 15:00, …, 23:00).
Example: if player has 100 points, he will receive 5€ on his account.
Competition is based on the round. Each round has duration in defined days after which competition
ranking is calculated. There is no concept of tie-break resolution upon round results calculation, so
player with the same numbers of points will be ranked in different positions.

Seven Admin 78

On the Settings tab, you can edit platform and application options.

8.1. Platform settings

On the Platform settings tab (see Image 101) you can edit display format (date and numbers
format), remote access password, available languages, mailer settings, device settings (set time of
the automatic restart of the SevenOS device and Raspberry Pi device), fiscal settings and login
settings; after setting up platform please press the Save button.
IMPORTANT: if you still use automatic shifts, there will be a Cash register section. From the “Shift
handling type” drop down list it will be preselected option Automatic.

Image 101 Settings menu, Platform settings tab, General settings

Seven Admin 79
On Ticket PIN tab, you can set security options for ticket. First, you need to enable Ticket Pin Enabled
checkbox if you want to use this option. Now you can enter Max number of operator or anonymous
player retries. This field refers to operator or anonymous player on a terminal device. It means how
many attempts does a certain person have to input incorrect ticket security PIN’s before he/she is
blacklisted. It’s not necessary to be the same ticket.
Max number of barcode retries field refers to certain ticket. This is number of times a certain ticket
PIN is denied before it is blacklisted. Operator retry grace period is time (in minutes) without denied
ticket PIN attempts after which the denied attempt counter for a certain operator is reset to 0 (Image
102). You can enter wanted number yourself or set it up by clicking on darts which is visible when
mouse position is on the field.

Image 102 Setting up Ticket PIN

Working Tab Allows you to set the working time of your shops for each day of the week. Working
time panel lets you click on each day’s time frame and adjust it manually by setting start and end
of working time in the menu bellow (see Image 103). One more way of adjusting working time is to
drag the starting and ending point of the time frame to the time you want to set (see Image 104).
NOTE: Working time of each day can cross into the next day.

Image 103 Setting working time manually

Seven Admin 80
Image 104 Setting working time by Dragging

8.2. Application settings

On the Application settings, you can edit settings for shop, terminal, web and mobile.
On the Shop option, you can enable or disable option for automatic payout won tickets.
Also, you may turn on/off Payout confirmation. If the option is turned on, and if the operator scans
and pay out won ticket, payout confirmation will be printed on the POS printer. If the option is turned
off, and if the operator scans and pay out won ticket, operator will receive a notice, but payout
confirmation will not be printed.
Cancel confirmation option refers on the printed confirmation of the cancelled ticket. If the option
is enabled, when ticket is cancelled, ticket confirmation will be printed out. If the option is disabled,
when ticket is cancelled, ticket confirmation will not be printed out. On the screen only will be
message about ticket confirmation and cancelled amount.
You can set a Ticket payin confirmation limit. With this, pop-up will be shown on the ticket payin
action when payin amount is equal or greater than this limit amount. Operator will have an option to
continue with ticket payin action or cancel action. After that please press the Save button (see Image

Seven Admin 81
Image 105 Application settings tab, Shop options and Save button

On the Terminal settings, you can edit General Terminal Settings, Info point, Denomination field and
choose available Languages (see Image 106). On General Terminal Settings, you can determine who
can bet (anonymous and registered players), enable to show mouse cursor and scroll buttons,
enable voucher activation confirmation, determine inactivity time for terminal and backoffice, set
tickets history default range, disable ticket payout on anonymous account, enable card
authorization code and admin approval for player’s card and set max authorization code attempts
for player’s card.

Image 106 Terminal tab, options to edit and Save button

Seven Admin 82
On the Web setting tab, you can select available languages (see Image 107); after that press Save

Image 107 Web tab, options and Save button

On the Mobile tab, you can select available languages; after that press Save button.

Seven Admin 83
Image 108 Mobile tab, language options and Save button

8.3. Access Control Settings

On High stake actions tab (see Image 109) you can manage high stake actions for Product actions,
Betshops actions, User actions, Settings and Access control.

Image 109 High stake actions

On Company IP Whitelisting tab, you can set IP whitelist for all company admin users. So, any
company admin can log in to company only from certain IP address.

Seven Admin 84
To set up one or more IP address which from you want that all company admins can access, click
sign ‘+’ which is located on IP Address field.
Also, you can set up IP range by click on ‘+’ sign on IP address field (see Image 110).

Image 110 Add IP Address and IP range for all company admins

E-mail domain blacklisting allows you to blacklist e-mail domains, to make sure players from these
domains cannot register. There are two ways of blacklisting:

1. Restricting predefined suspicious domains by activating "Enable default restrictions", activating

this will list all the predefined suspicious domains on the right side. Additional addresses can be
added manually when the option is activated (see Image 111).

2. Adding domains to restriction list manually. All the addresses you add will be listed below the
add domain field (see Image 112).

Image 111 Blacklist domains manually Image 112 Enable default restrictions

Seven Admin 85

9.1. Tags

7Admin supports Tag service on players, so you may use this option in different purposes. For
example, create tag “VIP”, join tag to certain players, and later you may filter players per this tag and
push notifications to players with tag “VIP”.
Player can have none, one or more tags on himself. First, you need to create tag in Tags tab, inside
Tools module (see Image 113). On the Add tag popup, enter the Tag name and click Confirm. With
this, tag is created, and you may join it to the player on Player > Edit player > Tags. On the Player list,
you can filter players per Tags filter.

Image 113 Add new tag

9.2. Maintenance

On the Maintenance tab (see Image 114), you may set maintenance messages. You may set the
messages for the game/product/channel that are down or if the game/product/channel
maintenance is in progress. With these messages, you will notify player that the product/game is
temporary unavailable.
You may set general messages for all games or set the message per product/game. Players will be
able to use other games easily.
To add new message, click on the Add button, which is in the lower right side of the screen (see
Image 114).

Seven Admin 86
Image 114 Maintenance

On the popup (see Image 115), you need to enter Title of the message (i.e. “Product
maintenance”), Description of the message (i.e. “This site is currently undergoing maintenance.
Some functions will be temporary disabled. We should be back shortly.”), and check
channel/product on which you need to set message (see Image 115).
When you are done, click on the Save button in the lower right side of the popup (see Image 115).

Image 115 Add maintenance message

If you want to edit already added messages, click on the Edit button (first marked column on the
Image 116). You will get popup same as on the Image 115. You may change Title of message,
Description and channel/game on which you want to set message. To set period when message
will be visible on the page, click on the calendar button, near the Edit button (see Image 116).

Seven Admin 87
Image 116 Edit message

To set maintenance period, on the Schedule popup (see Image 117) you need to select Start date
and time and End date and time. Below is the list of already added schedules.
NOTE: it is not necessary to set schedule period. But, without the schedule period, message will be
visible on the page at the same time when is created. And, it will be on the page until administrator
disable it (third column on the Image 116) from the Maintenance messages. If the message has the
start date and no end date, message will start on the start time and will be visible on the site until
administrator disables it. Also, if the message has no start date and has an end date, will be visible
immediately when is created and it will be shown until end date and time.

Image 117 Schedule

Seven Admin 88
As first, click on the Start date and select date. After you click on the date, it will be open popup to
choose time. Choose time and do the same for the End date and time. When you are done, click on
the Add button (see Image 117) and message schedule is created.

Image 118 Choose date

9.3. Notifications

Inside this section there will be list of all notifications that are already sent to Shops and option to
send new one. It is useful when you want to send a message to all betshops, group of betshop or
just one betshop. Operators will receive notification about new message. This is great way to alert
betshops for new update, send to them if there will be a maintenance, or to send them new Offer
for Prematch. If you want to send new notification, click on the Add button in the right lower side
of the screen (see Image 119).

Image 119 Notifications

Seven Admin 89
You need to input following:

• Title – title of the notification

• Content – message that you want to send to the operators
• Notification receivers – choose receivers (all betshops, betshop group or just one betshop)
• Attachments – you may attach the file to the message (pdf, images)
Click Save button and message will be sent to the receivers.

Inside 7Shop will be new icon for notifications before the operator name.

Image 120 Add notification

9.4. Chat Support

Inside Support module, you have a list off all online operators available for chat (see Image 121).
You need to click on the Start chat button (it is possible to start more conversation at same time).
In the upper right side, near the username is chat icon with the number of new notifications. Click
on it to see who is asked for assistance and chat with operators.

Image 121 Available operators

Seven Admin 90
Administrators in 7Admin will now receive a sound notification when contacted by an operator.
Note that if you use Safari you will have to allow auto play in your preferences (see Image 122
Safari Auto play setting).

Image 122 Safari Auto play setting

Inside chat with operators, you have an option to add another online administrator – click on the
Add user button (see Image 123 Chat). In the right bottom side of the chat window is the number
of the participants. When click on it, there will be names of the participants and icons, so you can
recognize administrators and operator. Chat started by an administrator cannot be abandoned by
operators. When the administrator who started the chat leaves it, room is automatically closed.
7Shop operator can open chat window with only one option: “Ask for assistance”. He need to enter
message to start a conversation. All online administrators with necessary permission will receive a
notification about this – they can choose to engage in conversation with this operator. If multiple
administrators receive this notification and they choose to assist the operator, they all will join the
same chat room.

Image 123 Chat

Seven Admin 91
Document history

Version Date Description

V1.0 18.08.2015. First version
V1.1 11.09.2015. Player management section added
Wallet section updated
V1.2 16.10.2015. Reports section updated
Tickets section updated
V1.3 12.11.2015. Admin password section added
Date interval section added
Papaya section added
V2.0 09.03.2016. New design updated on all images
Added General options on tabs with data section
Updated user menu with color options and new header positions
Added About 7Admin section
Products section removed to separated documents
Bank Wire Transfer plugin section added
Withdrawal requests tab section added
Oryx report tab section added
Settings section added
V2.1 05.04.2016. Added Player report section
Added Terminal Cash Balance section
V2.15 05.05.2016. Added Direct Deposit plugin section
Added Retail Location Withdrawal section
V2.2 17.05.2016. Edit betshop group section updated
Application settings tab updated
V2.3 31.05.2016. Updated Edit betshop section
Updated Edit player section
Updated Retail location withdrawal section
V2.4 14.06.2016. Updated player general options section
Updated player transactions and bank wire deposits section
V2.5 28.06.2016. General options on tab section updated with Total results
Edit betshop section updated with Last online feature
Oryx report changed to Casino report, section updated
V2.6 12.07.2016. Edit betshop section updated with rename wallet option
NestPay plugin section added
V2.65 23.08.2016. Settings section updated
V2.7 06.09.2016. Export section updated
Device Cash Deposit plugin section added
V2.8 05.10.2016. Added Ticket security section
Updated Add admin section
Added Edit admin section
Updated Platform settings tab section
Added Access Control Settings section
V2.9 08.11.2016. Updated General options on tabs with data section with
exportable columns
Updated Edit Player tab section with transaction type
Updated Application settings tab with new Landscape option for
V3.0 18.11.2016. Updated section 8.1.4 Bank Wire Transfer plugin

Seven Admin 92
V3.1 02.12.2016. Updated Whitelisted barcodes tab section
Updated section 8.1.4 Bank Wire Transfer plugin - expanded
configuration with domestic/foreign deposit fields
V3.2 17.01.2017. Deleted Reports section (Reports are in separated document)
Updated section Edit betshop
Added 5.5 Limits section
Updated section Application settings tab – added option for
Ticket payin confirmation limit
V3.3 31.01.2017. Updated section 5.1.1. Add new betshop – added option to add
geo location of the retail
V3.4 14.02.2017. Updated section Choosing the date/time interval – button Cancel
replaced with Clear button
Updated section Edit player - added option to Permanently close
player account
V3.5 10.04.2017. Updated section 8.1.6. Retail location withdrawal plugin - added
Betshop filter
V3.6 25.04.2017. Added section 10. Tools
V3.7 09.05.2017. Updated section 2.1. Profile settings – added new section 2.1.3.
Access key management
Updated section 5.1.2. Edit betshop – added Status filter on the
Configure device tab
Updated Wallet menu section – added new Quickteller section
Updated section 9.2. Application settings tab – added option to
enable/disable payout confirmation
V3.8 23.05.2017. Updated section Whitelisted barcodes
Updated section WebPay
V3.9 06.06.2017. Updated section Retail location withdrawal
Updated section Maintenance
V4.0 19.06.2017. Updated Bank Wire transfer plugin, added column Updated at
Created new section Promotions
Updated section Application settings tab, added Cancel
Confirmation option
V4.1 04.07.2017. Updated section Platform settings
V4.2 18.07.2017. Updated section 8.1.4. Bank Wire Transfer plugin
Added section 8.1.5. PaySafeCard
Renamed section Quickteller into WebPay
Added section 8.1.11. iPay
V4.3 01.08.2017. Added section Restrictions
V4.4 16.08.2017. Updated section Betshops tab with partially online betshop status
Added new section Support
V4.5 29.08.2017. Added new section Notifications
V4.6 11.09.2017. Updated section 8.1.7. Retail location withdrawal
Updated section 10.1. Platform settings
Updates section 11.3. Chat Support
V4.7 26.09.2017. Updated section 5.1.2. Edit betshop – added betshop working
time, device type information on the Configure device
Updated section 8.1.2. Voucher
V4.8 10.10.2017. Updated section General options on tabs with data
Updated section Edit player – added player comments
V4.9 24.10.2017. Updated section Edit betshop – added filter Device type to the
Configure devices
Added new section 6.3.2. Edit operator - new flow of adding

Seven Admin 93
V5.0 07.11.2017. Updated Edit player section
Updated Retail location withdrawal section
V5.1 22.11.2017. Updated Edit player section - added player’s reference number
V5.2 04.12.2017. Updated section Betshops
Updated Edit admin section
Updated Players section
V5.3 19.12.2017. Updated section 6. Users – added new chapters 6.3. Automatic
admin groups; 6.5. Operator groups; 6.6. Automatic operator
V5.4 09.01.2018. Updated section Company settings – removed Language option
V5.5 23.01.2018. Updated section Edit betshop – added device info “Online/Offline
V5.6 19.02.2018. Updated section Players with Tag option
Added section Tags
V5.7 05.03.2018. Updated section Edit Admin and Edit operator with Search option
Updated section Bank Wire Transfer – added Player’s city info
V5.8 19.03.2018. Updated section Company settings – added company UUID info
Updated section Limit rules
V5.9 14.05.2018. Updated Players section – added Nickname column
Updated Voucher section – added Expired At column
V6.0 01.06.2018. Updated Edit Player section – added Mobile number on player’s
V6.1 26.06.2018. Updated Edit Betshop section – added detect screens option
Updated Platform settings section – added ticket pin option for
anonymous players
V6.2 10.07.2018. Updated section About 7Admin/Changelog
V6.3 24.07.2018. Updated section Edit betshop – added display comments
V6.4 02.10.2018. Updated Chat support section – added Sound notifications for
operator chat
V6.5 30.10.2018. Updated payment restrictions – added Payout in location group
V6.6 19.02.2019. Updated screenshots and modified text.
V6.7 03.06.2019. Added new working time settings
V6.8 15.07.2019. Added Email domain blacklist (page 85)

Seven Admin 94
NSoft društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću Mostar | KD BiH 2010: 62.01 Računarsko programiranje A: Blajburških žrtava b.b., 88 000 Mostar, BiH | T: +387 36 317 710 | F: +387 36 320 037 | E: | W:
MBS: 58-01-0017-10, Općinski sud u Mostaru | JIB/ID broj: 4227663410007 | PDV broj: 227663410007
Intesa Sanpaolo Banka BiH | A: Obala Kulina bana 9a, 71 000, Sarajevo | Žiro račun: 1544602005531049 | IBAN: BA391544602005531049 | SWIFT: UPBKBA22
Addiko Bank d.d. | A: Trg Solidarnosti 12, 71 000 Sarajevo | Žiro račun: 306000269436121 | IBAN: BA393060002694366351 | SWIFT: HAABBA22
Raiffeisen BANK d.d. BiH | A: Zmaja od Bosne b.b., 71 000, Sarajevo | Žiro račun: 161020005970000 | IBAN: BA39611200000699224 | SWIFT: RZBABA2S
UniCredit Bank d.d. | A: Kardinala Stepinca b.b. 88 000, Mostar | Žiro račun: 3381302212493668| IBAN: BA393381304847098640 | SWIFT: UNCRBA22XXX

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