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Business Communication

Name:Maisha Maliha
Student ID:170061001
Course no:BTM 4203
Semester:2 nd sem

Submitted to:
Naznin Akther

Assistant Professor,

BTM department,

Islamic University of
1. What are the different points should be kept in the mind while drafting notice and

Ans: The statement that contains the particulars of holding a meeting is known as notice. It is
one kind of request to the members for attending the meeting. The date, time, place and
agenda are informed through the notice. It may be oral or written.

Here agenda is usually sent along with the notice. Agenda is a statement of business or
assignment to be discussed in the meeting on which minutes and decisions are taken
hereafter. It should be specific and clear to all authorized person.

Some different points should be kept in the mind while drafting notice and agenda which are
given below:

1.Should be accurate, clear, concise and decisive.

2. Uses correct, unambiguous, appropriate and polite language.

3. Has short words and sentences.

4. Uses an attractive layout

5.Carries separate paragraph for each separate idea and numbering of paragraph for better
understanding of the reader.

6.Be reader-friendly – appealing, convincing and understandable.

7.Uses paper that is large enough for the message but not too large for the notice board.

8. Is typed in a manner that it could be read easily from a distance.

For writing agenda:

1. Make a list of those, who will attend the meeting.

2. Make a list of items/subjects to be discussed in the meeting.
3. Note the purpose of including a topic in the agenda. The motive may be seeking
information, brainstorming, discussion, making a decision etc.
4. Don’t include inappropriate points/items.
5. Note which people are related to which topic.
6. Make a possible list of objectives for the meeting and review the agenda according to
those objectives.
7. Chose only one are two objectives unless absolutely essential.
8. Make a final list of people and topics according to objectives.
9. Arrange the topics in logical order.
10. Estimate time for each topic.
11. Arrange the items according to urgency and importance.
2. What procedure have you taken for conveying a meeting? Discuss.

Ans: Meetings are convened to conduct the business of a working group or unit in a
collaborative setting. Those who attend a meeting as participants or members of a committee
receive information and participate in the process of making collective decisions.

Meeting procedure:

 Drafting the Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The Minutes from the previous meeting are drafted.

 Writing the Agenda

The agenda is drawn up for the next meeting. It includes the time, place and content
of the meeting. The agenda provides the frame work for the meeting.

 Minutes and agenda are circulated

The agenda and the draft minutes of the previous meeting are circulated to members,
normally a week prior to the set meeting date.

 The Meeting is opened

At the appointed place and the appointed time, the chairperson (usually the president) opens
the meeting by stating the name of the committee and declaring the meeting open.

 Apologies

The chairperson names those members who have indicated that they are unable to attend.

 The Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The chairperson reminds members that they have received a copy of the draft minutes of the
previous meeting and moves that they be accepted or adopted. Debate may then ensue about
certain parts of the minutes. If changes are to be made, these changes should be noted by the
meeting secretary and the resolution carried by the meeting with the alterations.

 Business Arising from the Minutes

If there are any particular issues arising from the minutes of the previous meeting, they are
debated and a vote is taken on the appropriate action to be taken.
 Correspondence

If any correspondence has been sent to the meeting (usually through the chairperson or the
meeting secretary), they are tabled and debated, if the meeting wishes to do so.

 Reports

If there are any reports written for the meeting, they are tabled and debated, if the meeting
wishes to do so.

 General Business

Items listed in the agenda under this heading are debated. The debate usually begins with the
chairperson calling on someone to move a motion. Often a seconder is required before the
debate can begin. Amendments can be made to the original (substantive) motion and, when
the chairperson feels that the debate has lasted long enough, they will call for the motion to
be put to a vote. The chairperson then calls on someone to move a motion relating to the next
part of that area of discussion or relating to the next item on the agenda.

 Any Other Business

When all the items on the agenda have been debated, the chairperson calls for those who wish
to discuss or debate issues that have not been included in the original list of items under the
heading 'General Business'. If issues of significance are raised at this time, they must be held
over to the next meeting so that everyone has a fair chance to consider them. Such issues
form the basis of the list of items under the heading 'General Business' in the next agenda.

 The Meeting is Closed

When discussion and debate on the minor issues allowed under the heading 'Any Other
Business' is complete, the chairperson usually thanks everyone and states the expected time
and place of the next meeting.
3. Draft a notice and agenda of the 5th Annual meeting of the Board of Directors of a car
manufacturing company.

Ans: Nitol Motors Ltd



October 14,2018


Notice is hereby given that the 5th Annual meeting of the Board of Directors will be held
at the registered office of the company at 3.30 p.m. on Monday October 15, 2018.

Asif Iqbal



1. Confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting.

2. Matters arising from the minutes

3. Financial irregularities of company accountants.

4. Confirmation of the appointment of Auditor.

5. Date of next meeting.

4. How do you define minutes? Write an explanatory note on content of minutes of


Ans: Minutes is a chronological written statement of resolutions taken in meeting. It is taken

on the elaborate discussion of the agenda. It is a list of motions and resolutions adopted after
detailed discussion of persons attended in the meeting, preserved it for decision making and
policy implementation.

Contents of minutes

 The main points of discussion

 The conclusion reached
 The recommendations made and
 The tasks assigned to individual members and groups.
It is to be mentioned that the minutes requires to be approved by the participating members of
the meeting. The minutes must be concluded by the signatures of the Chairman, secretary,
and other authorized person of the meeting.

5. Draft the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of Beximco
pharmaceuticals limited.

Ans: Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited


Of the Shareholders held on Monday October 15, 2018 at 3.00 p.m. at the Registered Office,
H.No 19, R/A, Rd No. 7, Dhaka 1205.


Mr. A

Mr. B

Mr.C (Directors)

Mr. D


Mr. Rajib Hazra, Secretary

Mr. Khan, Solicitor

No. of Minutes Subject of Minutes Details of Minutes

1. Chairpersons of Meeting Mr. Shafiul Alam was

unanimously elected Chairperson

of the Meeting.

2. Chairperson of the Company Resolved: That Mr. Shafiul Alam be

and he is hereby appointed Chairperson

of the Board and of the Company.

No. of Minutes Subject of Minutes Details of Minutes

3. Quorum Resolved: That three directors shall

constitute a quorum at the Board


4. Appointment of Secretary Resolved: That Mr. Humayun Kabir, be

and is hereby appointed secretary of the

Company at a salary of Tk 25000 per

month to be terminable on three

months’ notice either side

5. Prospectus

6. Seal

7. Next meeting The next meeting of the Board was fixed

to be held on at Monday October 15, 2018

3.00 p.m.

Dated: Mr. Shafiul Alam, Mr. Rajib Hazra,

20.10.2018 Chairperson Secretary

6. Draft the minutes of a Board meeting at which the following items were taken up:
(i) Appointment of Mr. ABC as the Deputy Manager.
(ii) Announcement of new branch opening.

Ans: Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited


Of the Shareholders held on Monday October 15, 2018 at 3.00 p.m. at the Registered Office,
H.No 19, R/A, Rd No. 7, Dhaka 1205.


Mr. A

Mr. B

Mr.C (Directors)

Mr. D


Mr. Rajib Hazra, Secretary

Mr. Khan, Solicitor

No. of Minutes Subject of Minutes Details of Minutes

1. Chairperson of the Company Resolved: That Mr. ABC be and he is

hereby appointed Deputy Manager

of the Board and of the Company.

2. Announcements The official opening of our new branch

will take place on Sunday October 21,


Dated: Mr. Shafiul Alam, Mr. Rajib Hazra,

20.10.2018 Chairperson Secretary

7. Draft the minutes of the second meeting of the Board of Directors of a telecom

Ans: Banglalink Digital Communications Ltd


Of the Shareholders held on Monday October 15, 2018 at 3.00 p.m. at the Registered Office,
Tigers' Den, House#SW(H)04, Bir Uttam Mir Shawkat Sharak, Gulshan-1, Dhaka,


Mr. A

Mr. B

Mr.C (Directors)

Mr. D


Mr. Rajib Hazra, Secretary

Mr. Khan, Solicitor

No. of Minutes Subject of Minutes Details of Minutes

1. Chairpersons of Meeting Mr. Shafiul Alam was

unanimously elected Chairperson

of the Meeting.

2. Chairperson of the Company Resolved: That Mr. Shafiul Alam be

and he is hereby appointed Chairperson

of the Board and of the Company.

3. Quorum Resolved: That three directors shall

constitute a quorum at the Board

No. of Minutes Subject of Minutes Details of Minutes

4. Appointment of Secretary Resolved: That Mr. Humayun Kabir, be

and is hereby appointed secretary of the

Company at a salary of Tk 25000 per

month to be terminable on three

months’ notice either side

5. Prospectus

6. Seal

7. Next meeting The next meeting of the Board was fixed

to be held on at Monday October 15, 2018

3.00 p.m.

Dated: Mr. Shafiul Alam, Mr. Rajib Hazra,

20.10.2018 Chairperson Secretary

8. Why media management is important for a company?

Ans: Social media management is important for many reasons. First of all, social
networking is just that – social. That means that whether you are good or bad at social
networking, the word will get around. It is absolutely imperative that you make your
best effort in social media because when you fail to respond to problems or grievances
on social networking sites, you are risking the sharing and alienation of more than just
the person that originally had the grievance.

It is also important that you use social media to take part in conversations about your
own brand, and find out information about the industry in general, and your
competitors. Even if you aren’t actually pursuing an active social media plan yet, you
are able to get information and keep tabs on what people are saying and that is
important for trends, problems and basic information.

It allows you to know what people are saying about your company, both the good and
the bad, as well as what is being said about your competitors as well. You also get
information on current trends as they are happening.
By making your company a part of the conversation and keeping updated on what is
happening, you not only build your expertise and credibility, you also help build your
company’s positive image. You also can do damage control quickly, when it happens
by responding to complaints. In addition, social media can help you expose potential
customers to your more active marketing programs.

If you use social networking correctly, it can help you in many different ways, not the
least of them is generating leads and attracting new customers. But maintaining social
networking sites, posting relevant content on all of them and being part of the
conversation takes a great deal of time and energy if you do it manually. For example,
you must create content across multiple platforms. Even if you are only using Twitter,
Facebook and a company blog, you still are spending several hours per week.

You also need to be checking Twitter and Facebook for conversations that mention
your company as well as checking Google Alerts to find out if your company is being
discussed on the web. You also must monitor and interact with the community on sites
like LinkedIn, and then there are the pictures for visual social media sites like
Instagram and Pinterest.

The bottom line is that you simply can’t do without social media management if you
want to get the most from your social networking.

9. How do business organizations take advantages from issuing press release? What are
the characteristics of good press release?
10. Your company has won a customer satisfaction award. Prepare a suitable press
11. Your company has signed an agreement with a Japanese company for the production
i-pod. Prepare a suitable press release to announce this tie-up.
12. Your company organized a cancer awareness camp with the help of well qualified and
senior doctors. Prepare a suitable press release on the occasion.
13. You have received a complaint from a valued customer from Chitrakoot, pointing out
that furniture he had ordered for a special occasion has arrived in a damaged
condition. Though the fault is of the transport company, you have decided to replace
the damaged furniture immediately. Draft a suitable reply to the customer.
14. As the Sales manager of Perfect Carpet, Raniganj, write a letter to Messrs. Pannalal &
Co., Udaiganj, regretting your inability to accept their order of 10 carpets at the price
quoted byyou for order of 100 carpets and upwards. State your terms for accepting the
present order.

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